Weiping "DJ" Chen

Scala Enthusiast, Typelevel Stack. With experience in Big Data processing, AWS, Clojure, Hadoop, Java, Spring.

Some of my open source projects

Spark-DS/logic-schema. Spark-DS/logic-schema is a Scala library to create data specification and validation, help developing applications based on Apache Spark.

Spark-DS/logic-schema-demo. A demo consumer of Spark-DS/logic-schema. Try in these steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/Spark-DS/logic-schema-demo.git
  2. cd logic-schema-demo
  3. sbt test

A Restful API by Spring Boot. A demo for how to create an Restful API backed by Postgres running as a Docker image.

A single page app for projecting Bible. This HTML5 single page app allow operator to easily find / bookmark / project Bible verses on external screen, in English and Chinese. Here is the Help page.

English Chinese translation of computer science terms.