編號 | 原文 | 臺灣用語 | 大陸用語 | 其他用語 |
1 | S completion | S完備化 | S完備化 | | |
2 | s/370 channel address | s/370通道位址 | | | |
3 | S-100 bus | S-100匯流排 | | | |
4 | saddle node | 鞍節點 | | | |
5 | saddle point | 鞍點 | | | |
6 | saddle point game | 鞍點競賽 | | | |
7 | saddle point method | 鞍點法 | | | |
8 | SADT | 結構化分析與設計技術 | 結構化分析與設計技朮 | | |
9 | safe | 安全的;可靠的 | | | |
10 | safe address register | 安全位址暫存器 | | | |
11 | safe area | 保障區;安全區 | | | |
12 | safe expression | 安全表式 | | | |
13 | safe formula | 安全公式;可靠公式 | | | |
14 | safe length | 保險長度;安全長度 | | | |
15 | safe net | 安全網 | 安全網 | | |
16 | safe prediction | 安全預測 | | | |
17 | safe relational calculus expression | 安全關連式演算陳式 | | | |
18 | safe shutdown | 安全關機 | 安全停機 | | |
19 | safe state | 安全狀態 | | | |
20 | safeguard | 保衛 | 保衛 | | |
21 | safeness | 安全性 | 安全性 | | |
22 | safety certification authority | 安全認證授權 | 安全認証授權 | | |
23 | safety circuit | 安全電路 | | | |
24 | safety code | 安全碼 | | | |
25 | safety communication | 安全通訊 | | | |
26 | safety cut-out | 安全斷路 | | | |
27 | safety engineering | 安全工程 | | | |
28 | safety factor | 安全因數 | | | |
29 | safety interlock | 安全互鎖 | | | |
30 | safety lead time | 安全前置時間 | | | |
31 | safety message | 安全訊息 | | | |
32 | safety paper | 安全紙 | | | |
33 | safety pole | 安全極 | | | |
34 | safety problem | 安全問題 | | | |
35 | safety ring | 安全環 | 安全環 | | |
36 | safety service | 安全服務 | | | |
37 | safety signal | 安全信號 | | | |
38 | safety standards | 安全標準 | | | |
39 | safety stock | 安全庫存 | | | |
40 | safety switch | 保險開關;安全開關 | | | |
41 | safety test | 安全測試;安全試驗 | | | |
42 | safety traffic | 安全流量 | | | |
43 | safety verification | 安全驗證 | | | |
44 | SAGE air traffic integration | SAGE空中交通整合 | | | |
45 | Salami technique | 薩拉米技術 | | | |
46 | salami techniques | 義大利香腸技術 | | | |
47 | salary accounting | 薪金記帳 | | | |
48 | sale amount | 銷售數量 | | | |
49 | sale representative | 銷售代表 | | | |
50 | sales aid | 銷售輔助 | | | |
51 | sales analysis flag | 售分析旗標 | | | |
52 | sales and business reservations done electronically | (美國)航空公司訂座系統 | | | |
53 | sales code | 銷售碼 | | | |
54 | sales cost | 銷售成本 | | | |
55 | sales history | 銷售歷史 | | | |
56 | sales income | 銷售收入 | | | |
57 | sales mode | 銷售模式 | | | |
58 | sales percentage | 銷售百分比 | | | |
59 | sales profit amount | 銷售利潤金額 | | | |
60 | sales profit percent | 銷售利潤百分比 | | | |
61 | sales quantity | 銷售數量 | | | |
62 | sales shipment transaction | 銷售出貨異動 | | | |
63 | sales transaction | 銷售異動 | | | |
64 | salesman number | 業務員號碼 | | | |
65 | Salton's magical automatic retrieval of texts system | SMART | | | |
66 | samarium gallium garnet | 釤鎵榴石 | | | |
67 | same area | 同區域 | | | |
68 | same area clause | 相同區子句;同域子句 | | | |
69 | same body chain | 同體鍊 | | | |
70 | same body relation | 同體關係 | | | |
71 | same clause | 相同子句 | | | |
72 | same domain LU-LU session | 同域邏輯單元對邏輯單元對話 | | | |
73 | same phase | 同相 | | | |
74 | same priority | 同一優先級;相同優先級 | | | |
75 | same record area | 同記錄域;同一記錄區 | | | |
76 | same record area clause | 同記錄區子句 | | | |
77 | same size | 同尺寸(大小) | | | |
78 | same sort area | 同分類區 | | | |
79 | same sort/merge area clause | 同一分類╱合併區子句 | | | |
80 | same way | 同方向 | | | |
81 | sample | 樣本 | 樣本 | | |
82 | sample and hold | 取樣與保持 | | | |
83 | sample and hold circuit | 抽樣保持電路;取樣保持電路 | | | |
84 | sample and hold device | 抽樣保持裝置;取樣保持裝置;取樣保值裝器 | | | |
85 | sample autocorrelation function | 樣本自相關函數 | | | |
86 | sample average | 樣本平均值(數) | | | |
87 | sample central moment | 樣本中央矩 | | | |
88 | sample change compaction | 樣本變化緊密 | | | |
89 | sample command file | 抽樣命令檔案 | | | |
90 | sample configuration | 樣本組態 | | | |
91 | sample controller | 抽樣控制器;取樣控制器 | | | |
92 | sample correlation coefficient | 樣本相關係數 | | | |
93 | sample covariance | 樣本協方差 | 樣本協方差 | | |
94 | sample definition | 樣本定義 | | | |
95 | sample delay | 抽樣延遲;取樣延遲 | | | |
96 | sample dispersion | 樣本分散 | 樣本離差 | | |
97 | sample distribution | 樣本分佈 | 樣本分布 | | |
98 | sample evaluation method | 抽樣評估法;抽樣鑒定法 | | | |
99 | sample flipflop | 抽樣正反器 | | | |
100 | sample generator | 樣本產生器;抽樣發生器 | | | |
101 | sample input | 抽樣輸入 | | | |
102 | sample interactive task | 抽樣交談式任務 | | | |
103 | sample interval | 樣本區間 | 樣本區間 | | |
104 | sample interval | 抽樣(時間)間隔 | | | |
105 | sample job stream | 樣本工件流 | | | |
106 | sample length | 樣本長度 | | | |
107 | sample line | 抽樣線 | | | |
108 | sample mean | 樣本均值 | 樣本均值 | | |
109 | sample mean estimator | 樣本平均估計器 | | | |
110 | sample mean square contingency | 樣本均方應急 | | | |
111 | sample mechanism | 抽樣機構 | | | |
112 | sample median | 樣本中數 | | | |
113 | sample mode | 抽樣模式 | 采樣方式 | | |
114 | sample moment | 樣本矩 | 樣本矩 | | |
115 | sample number | 樣本數 | | | |
116 | sample operating system | 樣本操作系統 | | | |
117 | sample output | 樣本輸出;抽樣輸出 | | | |
118 | sample panel | 樣本面板 | | | |
119 | sample percentile | 樣本百分位數 | | | |
120 | sample point | 抽樣點 | | | |
121 | sample program | 抽樣程式 | | | |
122 | sample program listing sequence | 抽樣程式列表序列 | | | |
123 | sample protocol | 抽樣協定 | | | |
124 | sample quartiles | 樣本四分位數 | | | |
125 | sample query procedure | 抽樣查詢程序 | | | |
126 | sample range | 樣本範圍 | | | |
127 | sample rate | 樣本率;取樣率 | | | |
128 | sample relay | 取樣繼電器;抽樣繼電器 | | | |
129 | sample scope | 取樣示波器 | | | |
130 | sample session | 抽樣對話 | | | |
131 | sample session editing | 抽樣對話編輯 | | | |
132 | sample set | 樣本集 | 樣本集 | | |
133 | sample size | 樣本大小 | | | |
134 | sample space | 檥本空間 | 樣本空間 | | |
135 | sample standard deviation | 樣本標準偏差 | | | |
136 | sample techniques | 抽樣技術;取樣技術 | | | |
137 | sample time | 抽樣時間;取樣時間 | | | |
138 | sample time aperture | 抽樣時間截口 | | | |
139 | sample tree | 抽樣樹;取樣樹 | | | |
140 | sample variance | 樣本變異數 | | | |
141 | sample wafer | 樣本片 | | | |
142 | sampled | 抽樣;取樣 | | | |
143 | sampled analog computer | 抽樣類比計算機 | | | |
144 | sampled analog data | 抽樣類比資料 | | | |
145 | sampled data | 抽樣資料 | | | |
146 | sampled data computer | 抽樣資料計算機 | | | |
147 | sampled data control | 抽樣資料控制(器) | | | |
148 | sampled data control system | 抽樣資料控制系統 | | | |
149 | sampled data measurement | 抽樣資料測量 | | | |
150 | sampled data mode | 抽樣資料模式 | | | |
151 | sampled data nonlinearity matrix | 抽樣資料非線性矩陣 | | | |
152 | sampled data signal | 抽樣資料信號 | | | |
153 | sampled data simulator | 抽樣資料模擬器 | | | |
154 | sampled data system | 抽樣資料系統 | | | |
155 | sampled image quality measure | 抽樣影像品質測量 | | | |
156 | sampled ramp signal | 抽樣斜坡信號 | | | |
157 | sampled signal | 抽樣信號 | | | |
158 | sample-hold | 抽樣保持 | | | |
159 | sample-hold circuit | 抽樣保持電路;取樣維持電路 | | | |
160 | sample-hold switch | 抽樣保持開關 | | | |
161 | sampler | 抽樣器;取樣器 | 采樣器 | | |
162 | samples per second | 每秒抽樣數 | | | |
163 | sampling | 取樣;抽樣 | 采樣 | | |
164 | sampling algorithm | 取樣演算法;抽樣演算法 | | | |
165 | sampling analog memory system | 抽樣類比記憶體系統 | | | |
166 | sampling cell | 抽樣單元 | | | |
167 | sampling control | 抽樣控制 | 采樣控制 | | |
168 | sampling controller | 抽樣控制器 | | | |
169 | sampling distribution | 抽樣分佈 | 采樣分布 | | |
170 | sampling error | 抽樣誤差 | 采樣誤差 | | |
171 | sampling frequency | 抽樣頻率 | 采樣頻率 | | |
172 | sampling function | 抽樣函數 | | | |
173 | sampling gate | 抽樣閘 | | | |
174 | sampling grid size | 抽樣柵大小 | | | |
175 | sampling inspection | 抽樣檢驗 | | | |
176 | sampling inspection by attribute | 屬性抽樣檢驗 | | | |
177 | sampling inspection by variable | 變數抽樣檢驗 | | | |
178 | sampling interval | 抽樣間隔 | | | |
179 | sampling life test | 抽樣壽命試驗 | | | |
180 | sampling mechanism | 抽樣機構 | | | |
181 | sampling network | 抽樣網路 | | | |
182 | sampling noise | 抽樣雜訊 | 采樣噪聲 | | |
183 | sampling normal distribution | 抽樣常態分配 | | | |
184 | sampling oscilloscope | 抽樣示波器 | | | |
185 | sampling parametric computation | 抽樣參數計算 | | | |
186 | sampling period | 抽樣週期 | 采樣周期 | | |
187 | sampling plan | 抽樣計畫 | | | |
188 | sampling plug-in | 抽樣plugin | 采樣插件 | | |
189 | sampling process | 抽樣過程 | | | |
190 | sampling property | 抽樣性質 | | | |
191 | sampling pulse | 抽樣脈衝 | | | |
192 | sampling pulse width | 抽樣脈衝寬度 | | | |
193 | sampling rate | 抽樣率 | 采樣速率 | | |
194 | sampling read out | 抽樣讀出 | | | |
195 | sampling scope | 抽樣範疇 | | | |
196 | sampling signal | 抽樣信號 | | | |
197 | sampling survey method | 抽樣調查法 | | | |
198 | sampling switch | 抽樣開關 | | | |
199 | sampling system | 抽樣系統 | 采樣系統 | | |
200 | sampling theorem | 抽樣定理 | | | |
201 | sampling theory | 抽樣理論 | | | |
202 | sampling time | 抽樣時間 | | | |
203 | sampling tool | 抽樣工具 | | | |
204 | sampling unit | 抽樣單元 | | | |
205 | sampling window | 抽樣視窗 | | | |
206 | sand blast | 噴砂;砂磨 | | | |
207 | sandwich | 三明治結構;夾心結構 | | | |
208 | sandwich digit | 夾心數位 | | | |
209 | sandwich tape | 夾心帶 | | | |
210 | sandwich testing | 夾心測試 | | | |
211 | sandwich type element | 夾心型元件 | | | |
212 | sanitizing | 消毒 | 消密 | | |
213 | SAP | 服務存取點 | 服務訪問點, *服務接入點 | | |
214 | sapphire | 藍寶石;青玉色 | | | |
215 | sapphire substrate | 藍寶石基體 | | | |
216 | SAR | 分段與重組合 | 分段和重裝 | | |
217 | SAS | 軟體架構風格 | 軟件體系結構風格 | | |
218 | SASE | 特定應用服務元件 | 特定應用服務要素 | | |
219 | satellite | 衛星 | | | |
220 | satellite access | 衛星存取 | | | |
221 | satellite address | 衛星位址 | | | |
222 | satellite and missile observation system | 衛星及飛彈觀察系統 | | | |
223 | satellite antenna | 衛星天線 | | | |
224 | satellite attitude | 衛星姿態 | | | |
225 | satellite automation system | 衛星自動化系統 | | | |
226 | satellite automonitor system | 衛星自動監視器系統 | | | |
227 | satellite beacon | 衛星信標 | | | |
228 | satellite bus line | 衛星匯流排線 | | | |
229 | satellite business | 衛星商業 | | | |
230 | satellite business system | 衛星商用系統 | | | |
231 | satellite channel | 衛星通道 | | | |
232 | satellite channel mode | 衛星通道模式 | | | |
233 | satellite communication | 衛星通訊 | | | |
234 | satellite communication center | 衛星通訊中心 | | | |
235 | satellite communication concentrator | 衛星通信集線器 | | | |
236 | satellite communication control facility | 衛星通信控制設施 | | | |
237 | satellite communication controller | 衛星通訊控制器 | | | |
238 | satellite communication network | 衛星通信網路 | | | |
239 | satellite communication system | 衛星通信系統 | | | |
240 | satellite communication terminal | 衛星通信終端 | | | |
241 | satellite communication test | 衛星通信測試 | | | |
242 | satellite community reception | 衛星社區接收 | | | |
243 | satellite computer terminal | 衛星計算機終端 | | | |
244 | satellite computer | 衛星計算機;輔助計算機 | | | |
245 | satellite control center | 衛星控制中心 | | | |
246 | satellite control facility | 衛星控制設施 | | | |
247 | satellite control function | 衛星控制功能 | | | |
248 | satellite control network | 衛星控制網路 | | | |
249 | satellite data | 衛星數據;衛星資料 | | | |
250 | satellite data area | 衛星資料區 | | | |
251 | satellite data collection system | 衛星資料收集系統 | | | |
252 | satellite data communication | 衛星資料通信 | | | |
253 | satellite data exchange | 衛星資料交換 | | | |
254 | satellite data modulator | 衛星資料調變器 | | | |
255 | satellite data processing system | 衛星資料處理系統 | | | |
256 | satellite data recorder | 衛星資料記錄器 | | | |
257 | satellite data system | 衛星資料系統 | | | |
258 | satellite delay | 衛星延遲 | | | |
259 | satellite delay compensation unit | 衛星延遲補償單元 | | | |
260 | satellite digital analog display | 衛星數位類比顯示 | | | |
261 | satellite downlink | 衛星下發鏈路;衛星下行鏈路 | | | |
262 | satellite droplet | 衛星滴 | | | |
263 | satellite earth station | 衛星地面站 | | | |
264 | satellite earth terminal | 衛星地面終端機 | | | |
265 | satellite environment | 衛星環境 | | | |
266 | satellite equatorial orbit | 赤道軌道衛星 | | | |
267 | satellite graphic job processor | 衛星圖形工件處理器 | | | |
268 | satellite ground station | 衛星地面站 | | | |
269 | satellite I/O module | 衛星輸入輸出模組 | | | |
270 | satellite identification | 衛星識別 | | | |
271 | satellite image | 衛星影像 | | | |
272 | satellite information | 衛星資訊 | | | |
273 | satellite information center | 衛星資訊中心 | | | |
274 | satellite information message protocol | 衛星資訊訊息協定 | | | |
275 | satellite information processor | 衛星資訊處理機 | | | |
276 | satellite inspection | 衛星檢驗 | | | |
277 | satellite inspection network | 衛星檢驗網路 | | | |
278 | satellite inspection technique | 衛星檢驗技術 | | | |
279 | satellite interface message processor | 衛星介面訊息處理機 | | | |
280 | satellite laboratory | 衛星實驗室 | | | |
281 | satellite library information network | 衛星圖書館資訊網路 | | | |
282 | satellite line | 衛星通訊線路 | | | |
283 | satellite link | 衛星鏈路 | | | |
284 | satellite maintenance technique | 衛星維護技術 | | | |
285 | satellite minicomputer | 衛星迷你電腦 | | | |
286 | satellite module | 徫星模組 | | | |
287 | satellite motion simulator | 衛星運動模擬器 | | | |
288 | satellite multiple access | 衛星多重存取 | | | |
289 | satellite navigation computer | 衛星導航計算機 | | | |
290 | satellite network | 衛星網路 | | | |
291 | satellite observation | 衛星觀測 | | | |
292 | satellite optical link | 衛星光鏈接 | | | |
293 | satellite packet transmission | 衛星封包傳輸 | | | |
294 | satellite pair | 伴偶 | | | |
295 | satellite paper tape transfer | 衛星紙帶傳送 | | | |
296 | satellite point | 衛星點 | | | |
297 | satellite problem | 衛星問題 | | | |
298 | satellite processor access method | 衛星處理機存取方法 | | | |
299 | satellite processor | 衛星處理機 | | | |
300 | satellite recovery | 衛星恢復 | | | |
301 | satellite relay | 衛星中繼 | | | |
302 | satellite rendezvous | 衛星會合 | | | |
303 | satellite rendezvous system | 衛星會合系統 | | | |
304 | satellite service | 衛星服務 | | | |
305 | satellite simulator | 衛星模擬器 | | | |
306 | satellite space station | 衛星太空站 | | | |
307 | satellite station | 衛星站 | | | |
308 | satellite switched time division multiple access | 衛星交換分時多重存取多 | | | |
309 | satellite switching | 衛星交換 | | | |
310 | satellite system | 衛星系統;輔助系統 | | | |
311 | satellite system monitor station | 衛星系統監視站 | | | |
312 | satellite test center | 衛星測試中心 | | | |
313 | satellite to satellite communication | 衛星對衛星通信 | | | |
314 | satellite to satellite data transfer | 衛星對衛星資料傳送 | | | |
315 | satellite to satellite link | 衛星對衛星鏈接 | | | |
316 | satellite tracking program | 衛星追蹤程式 | | | |
317 | satellite transmission | 衛星傳輸 | | | |
318 | SATF policy | SATF政策 | | | |
319 | satisfaction proof | 滿足式證明 | | | |
320 | satisfiability | 滿足性 | | | |
321 | satisfiability problem | 滿足性問題 | 可滿足性問題 | | |
322 | satisfiable | 可滿足的 | | | |
323 | satisfiable combination | 可滿足組合 | | | |
324 | satisfy | 滿足 | | | |
325 | satstream | 衛星流 | | | |
326 | S-attribute grammar | S屬性文法 | | | |
327 | saturate | 使飽和 | | | |
328 | saturated | 飽和的 | | | |
329 | saturated arc | 飽和弧 | | | |
330 | saturated circuit | 飽和電路 | | | |
331 | saturated current demand logic | 飽和電流需求邏輯電路 | | | |
332 | saturated cut | 飽和切割 | | | |
333 | saturated diode | 飽和二極體 | | | |
334 | saturated drift transistor diode logic | 飽和漂移型電晶體二極體邏輯 | | | |
335 | saturated drift transistor register logic | 飽和漂移型電晶體暫存器邏輯 | | | |
336 | saturated edge | 飽和邊 | | | |
337 | saturated integrator | 飽和積分器 | | | |
338 | saturated inverter logic | 飽和反向器邏輯 | | | |
339 | saturated logic circuit | 飽和邏輯電路 | | | |
340 | saturated logic | 飽和邏輯 | | | |
341 | saturated path | 飽和路徑 | | | |
342 | saturating drift transistor register logic | 飽和漂移電晶體暫存器邏輯 | | | |
343 | saturating integrator | 飽和積分器 | | | |
344 | saturation | 飽和 | | | |
345 | saturation area | 飽和區 | | | |
346 | saturation arithmetic | 飽和算術 | | | |
347 | saturation breakpoint voltage | 飽和斷點電壓 | | | |
348 | saturation characteristic | 飽和特性 | | | |
349 | saturation current | 飽和電流 | | | |
350 | saturation delay | 飽和延遲 | | | |
351 | saturation delay Schottky diode | 飽和延遲肖特基二極體 | | | |
352 | saturation flux | 飽和通量 | | | |
353 | saturation flux density | 飽和通量密度 | | | |
354 | saturation jamming | 飽和干擾 | | | |
355 | saturation magnetic recording | 飽和磁記錄 | 飽和磁記錄 | | |
356 | saturation magnetization | 飽和磁化 | | | |
357 | saturation noise | 飽和雜訊 | | | |
358 | saturation point | 飽和點 | | | |
359 | saturation recording current | 飽和記錄電流 | | | |
360 | saturation region | 飽和區域 | | | |
361 | saturation resistance | 飽和電阻 | | | |
362 | saturation routing | 飽和選路 | | | |
363 | saturation signaling | 飽和發信 | | | |
364 | saturation signaling system | 飽和發信系統 | | | |
365 | saturation state | 飽和狀態 | | | |
366 | saturation testing | 飽和測試 | | | |
367 | saturation threshold | 飽和定限 | | | |
368 | saturation voltage | 飽和電壓 | | | |
369 | saturation zone | 飽和區域 | | | |
370 | save | 保存;存;節省;保留 | 保存 | | |
371 | save address latch | 保留位址閂 | | | |
372 | save area | 保存區 | 保存區 | | |
373 | save area table | 保存區表 | | | |
374 | save file | 保存檔案;副本檔案 | | | |
375 | save file procedure | 保存檔案程序 | | | |
376 | save file system resource | 保存檔案系統資源 | | | |
377 | save format | 保存格式 | | | |
378 | save graphic environment | 保存圖形環境 | | | |
379 | save image structure | 保存影像結構 | | | |
380 | save instruction | 保存指令 | | | |
381 | save memory | 保存記憶體 | | | |
382 | save option | 保存選項 | | | |
383 | save register | 保存暫存器 | | | |
384 | save routine | 保存常式 | | | |
385 | save statement | 保存敘述 | | | |
386 | save system rights | 保存系統權力 | | | |
387 | save tape | 保存帶 | | | |
388 | save tape structure | 保存帶結構 | | | |
389 | save value | 保存值 | | | |
390 | save/restore message queue | 保存恢復訊息佇列 | | | |
391 | saved area | 保留區 | | | |
392 | saved area description entry | 保留區描述項 | | | |
393 | saved screen | 保留的螢幕 | | | |
394 | saved system | 保留系統 | | | |
395 | saving time | 保存時間 | | | |
396 | sawtooth | 鋸齒波 | | | |
397 | sawtooth generator | 鋸齒波產生器 | | | |
398 | sawtooth pulse | 鋸齒波脈衝 | | | |
399 | sawtooth time base | 鋸齒波時基 | | | |
400 | sawtooth voltage generator | 鋸齒波電壓產生器 | | | |
401 | sawtooth wave | 鋸齒波 | | | |
402 | sawtooth waveform | 鋸齒波形 | | | |
403 | SBC | 單字元組校正 | 單字節校正 | | |
404 | SBR | 統計位元率 | 統計比特率 | | |
405 | SCADAS | 監控與資料獲取系統 | 監控與數據采集系統 | | |
406 | scalability | 可擴縮性 | 可擴縮性, *易擴縮性 | | |
407 | scalable coherent interface | 可擴縮一致性介面 | 可擴縮一致性接口 | | |
408 | scalable video | 可調整視訊 | 可調整視頻 | | |
409 | scalar | 純量;純量的 | 標量 | | |
410 | scalar access control | 量存取控制 | | | |
411 | scalar analysis | 純量分析 | | | |
412 | scalar array operation | 純量陣列運算 | | | |
413 | scalar assignment | 量指定 | | | |
414 | scalar C compiler | 純量C語言編譯器 | | | |
415 | scalar computation | 純量計算 | | | |
416 | scalar computer | 純量計算機 | 標量計算機 | | |
417 | scalar constant | 純量常數 | | | |
418 | scalar data | 純量資料 | | | |
419 | scalar data flow analysis | 純量資料流分析 | 標量數據流分析 | | |
420 | scalar enumerated type | 純量枚舉類型 | | | |
421 | scalar execution unit | 量執行單元 | | | |
422 | scalar expansion | 純量擴展 | | | |
423 | scalar expression | 純量表示式 | | | |
424 | scalar filter | 純量濾波器 | | | |
425 | scalar forward substitution | 純量正向替代 | | | |
426 | scalar instruction | 純量指令 | | | |
427 | scalar item | 純量項 | | | |
428 | scalar matrix | 純量矩陣 | | | |
429 | scalar multiplication | 純量乘法 | | | |
430 | scalar operation | 純量運算 | | | |
431 | scalar pipeline | 純量管線 | 標量流水線 | | |
432 | scalar predictor | 純量預測子 | | | |
433 | scalar processing | 純量處理 | | | |
434 | scalar processing unit | 純量處理單元 | | | |
435 | scalar processor | 純量處理機 | 標量處理器 | | |
436 | scalar product | 純量乘積 | | | |
437 | scalar quantity | 純量數量 | | | |
438 | scalar reference | 純量引用 | | | |
439 | scalar register | 純量暫存器 | | | |
440 | scalar result | 純量結果 | | | |
441 | scalar return register | 純量返回暫存器 | | | |
442 | scalar stream | 純量流 | | | |
443 | scalar type | 純量類型 | | | |
444 | scalar type identifier | 純量型識別符 | | | |
445 | scalar variable | 純量變數 | | | |
446 | scale | 標度;尺度;音階;比例尺;規模 | | | |
447 | scale change | 標度改變 | | | |
448 | scale coefficient | 比例尺係數 | | | |
449 | scale control | 比例尺控制 | | | |
450 | scale coordinate system | 縮放坐標系統 | | | |
451 | scale decimal arithmetic | 帶比例的十進算術 | | | |
452 | scale definition | 標度定義 | | | |
453 | scale down | 按比例縮小 | | | |
454 | scale factor check | 比例因數檢查 | | | |
455 | scale factor designator | 比例因數指定符 | | | |
456 | scale factor register | 比例因數暫存器 | | | |
457 | scale factor | 比例因數;標度因數 | | | |
458 | scale increment | 標度增量 | | | |
459 | scale label | 標度標號 | | | |
460 | scale line | 標度線 | | | |
461 | scale mark | 標度標示 | | | |
462 | scale merit | 規模優質 | | | |
463 | scale model | 比例模型 | | | |
464 | scale model investigation | 比例模型調查 | | | |
465 | scale modifier | 標度修飾符 | | | |
466 | scale multiplier | 標度乘法器 | | | |
467 | scale number | 標度數目 | | | |
468 | scale operation | 標度運算 | | | |
469 | scale plate | 標度板 | | | |
470 | scale process technology | 標度處理技術 | | | |
471 | scale space | 標度空間 | 尺度空間 | | |
472 | scale up | 按比例增加;按比例放大 | | | |
473 | scale value | 標度值;刻度值 | | | |
474 | scale-of-ten | 十進制 | | | |
475 | scale-of-ten circuit | 十進制電路 | | | |
476 | scale-of-two | 二進制 | | | |
477 | scaler | 定標器 | | | |
478 | scaler circuit | 定標器電路 | | | |
479 | scaler quantity | 定標器量 | | | |
480 | scaler-printer | 列印機的定標器 | | | |
481 | scaling | 定標;換算 | 放縮 | | |
482 | scaling | 定比;定標(電腦圖形的) | | | |
483 | scaling attribute | 定標屬性 | | | |
484 | scaling circuit | 定標電路 | | | |
485 | scaling down | 按比例縮小 | | | |
486 | scaling factor | 比例因數;定標因數;標度因數 | | | |
487 | scaling instruction | 定標指令 | | | |
488 | scaling method | 定標方法 | | | |
489 | scaling point | 定標點 | | | |
490 | scaling position | 定標位置 | | | |
491 | scaling transformation | 比例變換 | 比例變換, *定比變換 | | |
492 | scallop | 扇形畸度;扇形扭曲 | | | |
493 | scan | 掃瞄 | 掃描 | | |
494 | scan abort | 掃瞄異常中止 | | | |
495 | scan abort subsystem | 掃瞄異常中止子系統 | | | |
496 | scan address | 掃瞄位址 | | | |
497 | scan address generator | 掃瞄位址產生器 | | | |
498 | scan algorithm | 掃瞄演算法 | | | |
499 | scan area | 掃瞄區 | | | |
500 | scan backwards | 反向掃瞄 | | | |
501 | scan band | 掃瞄帶 | | | |
502 | scan code | 掃瞄碼 | | | |
503 | scan command | 掃瞄命令 | | | |
504 | scan command word | 掃瞄命令字 | | | |
505 | scan control register | 掃瞄控制暫存器 | | | |
506 | scan control unit | 掃瞄控制單元 | | | |
507 | scan conversion | 掃瞄轉換 | 掃描轉換 | | |
508 | scan conversion algorithm | 掃瞄轉換演算法 | | | |
509 | scan conversion program | 掃瞄轉換程式 | | | |
510 | scan converter | 掃瞄轉換器 | | | |
511 | scan counter | 掃瞄計數器 | | | |
512 | scan design | 掃瞄設計 | 掃描設計 | | |
513 | scan for operand | 掃瞄運算元 | | | |
514 | scan forward | 正向掃瞄 | | | |
515 | scan fraction | 掃瞄分數 | | | |
516 | scan frequency | 掃瞄頻率 | | | |
517 | scan gate number | 掃瞄閘號碼 | | | |
518 | scan head | 掃瞄頭 | | | |
519 | scan length | 掃瞄長度 | | | |
520 | scan limit | 掃瞄限量 | | | |
521 | scan line | 掃瞄線 | | | |
522 | scan line algorithm | 掃瞄線演算法 | 掃描線算法 | | |
523 | scan out | 掃瞄輸出 | | | |
524 | scan pattern | 掃瞄型樣 | | | |
525 | scan period | 掃瞄週期 | | | |
526 | scan plane | 掃描平面 | 掃描平面 | | |
527 | scan rate | 掃瞄率 | | | |
528 | scan rate modulation deception | 掃瞄率調變欺詐 | | | |
529 | scan reset | 掃瞄重置 | | | |
530 | scan resolution | 掃瞄分解 | | | |
531 | scan speed | 掃瞄速率 | | | |
532 | scan task | 掃瞄任務 | | | |
533 | scan-in | 掃瞄輸入 | 掃描輸入 | | |
534 | scan-in bus | 掃瞄輸入匯流排 | | | |
535 | scanistor | 掃瞄器 | | | |
536 | scanned character | 掃瞄字元 | | | |
537 | scanned document | 被掃瞄文件 | | | |
538 | scanned laser infrared microscope | 掃瞄雷射紅外線顯微鏡 | | | |
539 | scanned storage tube | 掃瞄儲存管 | | | |
540 | scanned symbol | 被掃瞄符號 | | | |
541 | scanner | 掃瞄器;掃瞄程序 | 掃描儀 | | |
542 | scanner board | 掃瞄器板 | | | |
543 | scanner controller | 掃瞄器控制器 | | | |
544 | scanner definition | 掃瞄器定義 | | | |
545 | scanner definition facility | 掃瞄器定義設施 | | | |
546 | scanner encoder | 掃瞄器編碼器 | | | |
547 | scanner generator | 掃瞄器產生器 | | | |
548 | scanner input language | 掃瞄器輸入語言 | | | |
549 | scanner interrupt | 掃瞄器中斷 | | | |
550 | scanner keyed input language | 掃瞄器鍵控輸入語言 | | | |
551 | scanner program | 掃瞄器程式 | | | |
552 | scanner selection | 掃瞄器選擇 | | | |
553 | scanner selector | 掃瞄器選擇器 | 掃描選擇器 | | |
554 | scanning | 掃瞄 | 掃描 | | |
555 | scanning accuracy | 掃瞄準確度 | | | |
556 | scanning algorithm | 掃瞄演算法 | | | |
557 | scanning area | 掃瞄區 | | | |
558 | scanning beam | 掃瞄束 | | | |
559 | scanning circuit | 掃瞄電路 | | | |
560 | scanning control | 掃瞄控制 | | | |
561 | scanning control register | 掃瞄控制暫存器 | | | |
562 | scanning densitometer | 掃瞄密度計 | | | |
563 | scanning density | 掃瞄密度 | | | |
564 | scanning device | 掃瞄裝置 | | | |
565 | scanning digitizer | 掃瞄數化器 | | | |
566 | scanning direction | 掃瞄方向 | | | |
567 | scanning drum | 掃瞄磁鼓 | | | |
568 | scanning electron microscope | 掃瞄電子顯微鏡 | | | |
569 | scanning encoding | 掃瞄編碼 | | | |
570 | scanning field | 掃瞄欄 | | | |
571 | scanning index | 掃瞄索引 | | | |
572 | scanning interval | 掃瞄區間 | | | |
573 | scanning limit | 掃瞄極限 | | | |
574 | scanning line | 掃瞄線 | | | |
575 | scanning line frequency | 掃瞄線頻率 | | | |
576 | scanning line length | 掃瞄線長度 | | | |
577 | scanning line period | 行掃瞄線週期 | | | |
578 | scanning line rate | 掃瞄線率 | | | |
579 | scanning line usable length | 掃瞄行可用長度 | | | |
580 | scanning machine | 掃瞄機 | | | |
581 | scanning mechanism | 掃瞄機構 | | | |
582 | scanning method | 掃瞄法 | | | |
583 | scanning motion | 掃瞄移動 | | | |
584 | scanning pattern | 掃描型樣 | 掃描模式 | | |
585 | scanning period | 掃瞄週期 | | | |
586 | scanning pitch | 掃瞄間距 | | | |
587 | scanning pointer | 掃瞄指標 | | | |
588 | scanning position | 掃瞄位置 | | | |
589 | scanning rate | 掃瞄速率 | | | |
590 | scanning routine | 掃瞄常式 | | | |
591 | scanning search | 掃瞄搜尋 | | | |
592 | scanning selector | 掃瞄選擇器 | | | |
593 | scanning sequence | 掃瞄順序 | | | |
594 | scanning shift | 掃瞄移位 | | | |
595 | scanning speed | 掃瞄速率 | | | |
596 | scanning spot | 掃瞄點 | | | |
597 | scanning spot beam | 掃瞄點束 | | | |
598 | scanning spot X-dimension | X維掃瞄點 | | | |
599 | scanning spot Y-dimension | Y維掃瞄點 | | | |
600 | scanning television camera | 掃瞄電視攝影機 | | | |
601 | scanning trace | 掃瞄追蹤 | | | |
602 | scanning traverse | 掃瞄橫過 | | | |
603 | scanning unit | 掃瞄裝置 | | | |
604 | scannogram | 掃瞄術 | | | |
605 | scan-out | 掃描輸出 | 掃描輸出 | | |
606 | scan-round | 循環掃瞄 | | | |
607 | scatter | 散射;分散 | | | |
608 | scatter chart | 散佈圖 | | | |
609 | scatter diagram | 散佈圖 | | | |
610 | scatter format | 散佈格式 | 分散格式 | | |
611 | scatter gap | 散佈間隙 | | | |
612 | scatter graph | 發散圖;散射圖 | | | |
613 | scatter load | 散佈載入 | | | |
614 | scatter loading | 散佈載入 | 分散裝入 | | |
615 | scatter plot | 散佈圖 | | | |
616 | scatter proofs | 散射校樣 | | | |
617 | scatter propagation | 散射傳播 | | | |
618 | scatter read | 散佈讀 | | | |
619 | scatter read operation | 散佈讀入操作 | | | |
620 | scatter read/write | 散佈讀寫 | | | |
621 | scatter reading | 散佈閱讀 | | | |
622 | scatter register transfer | 散佈暫存器轉移 | | | |
623 | scatter storage | 散佈儲存 | | | |
624 | scatter storage technique | 散佈儲存技術 | | | |
625 | scatter table | 散佈表 | | | |
626 | scatter transfer | 散佈轉移 | | | |
627 | scatter write | 散佈寫入 | | | |
628 | scatter write operation | 散佈寫入作業 | | | |
629 | scatter/gather | 分散或集中 | | | |
630 | scatter/gather operation | 分散或集中操作 | | | |
631 | scattered data point | 散佈資料點 | | | |
632 | scattered data points | 散佈資料點 | 散亂數據點 | | |
633 | scattered seeds | 散射晶種 | | | |
634 | scattered wind | 散佈卷 | | | |
635 | scatterer | 散射體;散射物質 | | | |
636 | scattering | 散佈;散射 | | | |
637 | scattering center | 散射中心 | | | |
638 | scattering coefficient | 散射係數 | | | |
639 | scattering cross-section | 散射截面 | | | |
640 | scattering loss | 散射損失 | | | |
641 | scatter-read/gather-write | 分散讀集中寫 | | | |
642 | scavenge | 清掃 | 提取 | | |
643 | scavenger | 清掃器;淨化劑 | | | |
644 | scavenging | 清掃 | | | |
645 | SCB | 對話控制段 | 對話控制塊 | | |
646 | scenario | 情節;情景;腳本 | | | |
647 | scenario agent | 情節代理 | 情景主體 | | |
648 | scenario based design | 情節為基的設計 | | | |
649 | scenario method | 腳本法 | | | |
650 | scenario prototype | 腳本原型;方案原案 | | | |
651 | scenario testing | 情節測試 | | | |
652 | scene | 場面;場景 | 景物 | | |
653 | scene analysis | 景物分析 | | | |
654 | scene border | 景物邊界 | | | |
655 | scene description | 景物描述 | | | |
656 | scene domain | 場域 | | | |
657 | scene of action communication | 行動實況通信 | | | |
658 | scene of air-sea-rescue frequency | 海空救援頻率 | | | |
659 | scene recognition | 景物識別 | | | |
660 | scene segmentation | 景物分段 | | | |
661 | scene understanding | 景物理解 | | | |
662 | scenic analysis | 景物分析 | 景物分析 | | |
663 | SCF | 同步和收斂功能 | 同步和會聚功能 | | |
664 | schedulability | 可排程性 | 可調度性, *易調度性 | | |
665 | schedule | 排程;時程 | | | |
666 | schedule file | 排程檔案 | | | |
667 | schedule job | 排程工件 | 調度作業 | | |
668 | schedule maintenance | 定期維護 | 定期維護 | | |
669 | schedule of transaction | 異動排程 | | | |
670 | schedule status preprocessor | 排程狀態預處理機 | | | |
671 | schedule stop date | 時程停止日期 | | | |
672 | schedule table | 排程表 | 調度表 | | |
673 | schedule time | 排程時間 | | | |
674 | scheduled | 排定;預定 | | | |
675 | scheduled circuits | 預定線路;預定電路 | | | |
676 | scheduled completion date | 排定完成日期 | | | |
677 | scheduled down time | 預定停機時間 | | | |
678 | scheduled engineering time | 預定工程時間 | | | |
679 | scheduled fault detection | 預定故障檢測 | 預定故障檢測 | | |
680 | scheduled maintenance | 預定維修 | 預定維修 | | |
681 | scheduled maintenance time | 例行維護時間;預定維護時間;定期維護時間 | 預訂維修時間 | | |
682 | scheduled maintenance | 排定維護;定期維護 | | | |
683 | scheduled operation | 預定操作;例行操作 | | | |
684 | scheduled output | 預定輸出;例行輸出 | | | |
685 | scheduled overtime | 排定加班 | | | |
686 | scheduled receipt | 排定接收 | | | |
687 | scheduled start date | 預定開始日期 | | | |
688 | scheduled start time | 預定開始時間;例行啟動時間 | | | |
689 | scheduled time | 排定時間 | | | |
690 | scheduler | 排程器 | 調度程序 | | |
691 | scheduler module | 排程器模組 | 調度模塊 | | |
692 | scheduler program | 排程器程式 | | | |
693 | scheduler proposed-queue | 排程器申請佇列 | | | |
694 | scheduler subsystem | 排程器子系統 | | | |
695 | scheduler waiting queue | 排程器等待佇列 | 調度程序等待隊列 | | |
696 | scheduler work area | 排程器工作區 | 調度程序工作區 | | |
697 | scheduler work area data set | 排程器工作區資料集 | | | |
698 | scheduling | 排程 | 調度 | | |
699 | scheduling algorithm | 排程演算法 | 調度算法 | | |
700 | scheduling calculation | 排程計算 | | | |
701 | scheduling discipline | 排程規則 | | | |
702 | scheduling information pool | 排程資訊集用場 | 調度信息池 | | |
703 | scheduling intent | 排程意向 | | | |
704 | scheduling management display | 排程管理顯示(器) | | | |
705 | scheduling mode | 排程模式 | 調度方式 | | |
706 | scheduling model | 排程模型 | | | |
707 | scheduling monitor computer | 排程監視器電腦 | 調度監控計算機 | | |
708 | scheduling of multiprocessor | 多處理器排程 | 多處理器調度 | | |
709 | scheduling of resources | 資源排程 | | | |
710 | scheduling of task | 任務時程 | | | |
711 | scheduling operation | 排程操作 | | | |
712 | scheduling phase | 排程階段 | | | |
713 | scheduling policy | 排程政策 | 調度策略 | | |
714 | scheduling priority | 排程優先級(數) | | | |
715 | scheduling problem | 排程問題 | 調度問題 | | |
716 | scheduling process | 排程過程 | | | |
717 | scheduling processor | 排程處理機 | | | |
718 | scheduling protocol | 排程協定 | | | |
719 | scheduling queue | 排程佇列 | 調度隊列 | | |
720 | scheduling resource | 排程資源 | 調度資源 | | |
721 | scheduling rule | 排程規則 | 調度規則 | | |
722 | scheduling start date | 排程開始日期 | | | |
723 | scheduling strategy | 排程策略 | 調度策略 | | |
724 | scheduling subroutine | 排程次常式 | | | |
725 | scheduling support | 排程支援 | | | |
726 | scheduling system | 排程系統 | | | |
727 | scheduling theory | 排程理論 | | | |
728 | scheduling tool | 排程工具 | | | |
729 | scheduling vector | 排程向量 | | | |
730 | schema | 簡圖;概要;綱目 | 模式 | | |
731 | schema category | 綱目種類 | | | |
732 | schema chart | 綱目圖 | | | |
733 | schema concept | 綱目概念 | 模式概念 | | |
734 | schema control system | 綱目控制系統 | | | |
735 | schema data description | 綱目資料描述 | | | |
736 | schema data description language | 綱目資料描述語言 | | | |
737 | schema data item | 綱目資料項 | | | |
738 | schema DDL | 綱目資料定義語言 | | | |
739 | schema DDL skeleton | 綱目DDL骨架 | | | |
740 | schema declaration | 綱目宣告 | | | |
741 | schema description language | 綱目描述語言 | | | |
742 | schema entry | 綱目項 | | | |
743 | schema file | 綱目檔案 | | | |
744 | schema frame | 綱目框 | | | |
745 | schema instance | 綱目實例 | | | |
746 | schema integration architecture | 綱目整合架構 | | | |
747 | schema level description | 綱目層次描述 | | | |
748 | schema name | 綱目名稱 | | | |
749 | schema processing | 綱目處理 | | | |
750 | schema reformatting | 綱目重訂格式 | | | |
751 | schema restructuring | 綱目重構 | | | |
752 | schema section | 綱目節 | | | |
753 | schema translation | 綱目翻譯 | | | |
754 | schematic | 示意圖;簡圖 | 原理圖 | | |
755 | schematic circuit | 簡圖電路 | | | |
756 | schematic diagram | 原理圖;簡圖 | | | |
757 | scheme | 計策;方案 | | | |
758 | scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet | 漢語拼音方案 | 漢語拼音[方案] | | |
759 | scheme of the input of the coded Chinese characters | 編碼中文字(鍵盤)輸入方案 | | | |
760 | Schimtt limiter | 施密特限制器 | | | |
761 | Schimtt system | 施密特系統 | | | |
762 | Schimtt toggle circuit | 施密特雙態觸變電路 | | | |
763 | Schimtt trigger circuit | 施密特觸發電路 | | | |
764 | Schneider front end | 施奈德前端 | | | |
765 | Schottky | 肖特基法;肖等基技術 | | | |
766 | Schottky Barrier collector transistor | 肖特基巴利屏障集極電晶體 | | | |
767 | Schottky Barrier diode clamped transistor transistor logic circuit | 肖特基巴利二極體嵌位電晶體邏輯電路 | | | |
768 | Schottky bipolar decoder | 肖特基雙極解碼器 | | | |
769 | Schottky bipolar memory | 肖特基雙極記憶體 | | | |
770 | Schottky bipolar microcomputer | 肖特基雙極微電腦 | | | |
771 | Schottky cell array technology | 肖特基格陣列技術 | | | |
772 | Schottky circuit | 肖特基電路 | | | |
773 | Schottky clamped transistor | 肖特基嵌位電晶體 | | | |
774 | Schottky device IC | 肖特基裝置積體電路 | | | |
775 | Schottky diode | 肖特基二極體 | | | |
776 | Schottky diode field effect transistor logic | 肖特基二極體場效應電晶體邏輯(電路) | | | |
777 | Schottky diode termination | 肖特基二極體終止 | 肖特基二極管端接 | | |
778 | Schottky emitter type transistor | 肖特基射極型電晶體 | | | |
779 | Schottky guard ring transistor | 肖特基保護環電晶體 | | | |
780 | Schottky noise | 肖特基雜訊 | | | |
781 | Schottky process IC | 肖特基處理積體電路 | | | |
782 | Schottky transistor | 肖特基電晶體 | | | |
783 | Schottky transistor logic circuit | 肖特基電晶體邏輯電路 | | | |
784 | Schottky transistor logic | 肖特基電晶體邏輯 | | | |
785 | Schottky transistor-transistor logic | 肖特基電晶體-電晶體邏輯 | | | |
786 | Schottky trigger charge coupled device | 肖特基觸發器電荷耦合裝置 | | | |
787 | Schottky trigger height | 肖特基觸發高度 | | | |
788 | Schottky TTL | 肖特基電晶體電晶體邏輯 | | | |
789 | SCI | 可擴縮一致性介面 | 可擴縮一致性接口 | | |
790 | Science and Mathematics Analysis Center | 科學與數學分析中心(美國) | | | |
791 | Science and Technology Information Center | 科學技術資訊中心 | | | |
792 | Science Council of JAPAN | 日本科學委員會 | | | |
793 | Science Education Information Analysis Center | 科學教育資訊分析中心(美國) | | | |
794 | science information facility | 科學資訊設施 | | | |
795 | science information service | 科學資訊服務 | | | |
796 | science satellite | 科學衛星 | | | |
797 | scientific | 科學 | | | |
798 | scientific accelerator module | 科學加速器模組 | | | |
799 | Scientific and Engineering Data Processing Center | 科學與工程資料處理中心(美) | | | |
800 | scientific and technical information facility | 科學及技術資訊設施 | | | |
801 | scientific assist firmware | 科學輔助韌體 | | | |
802 | scientific calculation | 科學計算 | | | |
803 | scientific communication network | 科學通訊網路 | | | |
804 | scientific community | 科學團體 | | | |
805 | scientific computation | 科學計算 | | | |
806 | scientific computer | 科學計算機 | | | |
807 | scientific computing | 科學計算 | | | |
808 | scientific computing facility | 科學計算設施 | | | |
809 | scientific control | 科學控制 | | | |
810 | scientific data automation system | 科學資料自動化系統 | | | |
811 | scientific data center | 科學資料中心 | | | |
812 | scientific data processing | 科學資料處理 | | | |
813 | scientific data system | 科學資料系統 | | | |
814 | scientific database | 科學資料庫 | 科學數據庫 | | |
815 | scientific disk operating system | 科學的磁碟作業系統 | | | |
816 | scientific distributed processing | 科學分散式處理 | | | |
817 | scientific effort | 科學工作量 | | | |
818 | scientific experiment | 科學實驗 | | | |
819 | scientific information | 科學資訊 | | | |
820 | Scientific Information Center | 科學資訊中心 | | | |
821 | scientific information system | 科學資訊系統 | | | |
822 | scientific instruction processor | 科學用指令處理機 | | | |
823 | scientific instruction set | 科學用指令集 | | | |
824 | Scientific Instrument Manufacturers association | 科學儀器廠家協會 | | | |
825 | scientific language | 科學語言 | | | |
826 | scientific management | 科學管理 | | | |
827 | Scientific Manpower Commission | 科學人力委員會 | | | |
828 | scientific measurement unit | 科學測量裝置 | | | |
829 | scientific medical RF equipment | 科學醫療用射頻設備 | | | |
830 | scientific method | 科學方法 | | | |
831 | scientific micro system | 科學微系統 | | | |
832 | scientific notation | 科學記法 | | | |
833 | scientific pay off | 科學成果 | | | |
834 | scientific philosophy | 科學哲理 | | | |
835 | scientific problem | 科學問題 | | | |
836 | scientific processing | 科學處理 | | | |
837 | scientific program | 科學程式 | | | |
838 | scientific programmable calculator | 科學用可程式化計算器(機) | | | |
839 | scientific programming language | 科學程式設計語言 | | | |
840 | scientific research satellite | 科學研究衛星 | | | |
841 | scientific research society of America | 美國科學研究協會 | | | |
842 | scientific sampling | 科學抽樣;科學取樣 | | | |
843 | scientific software | 科學軟體 | | | |
844 | scientific subroutine | 科學次常式 | | | |
845 | scientific subroutine library | 科學次常式程式館 | | | |
846 | scientific subroutine package library | 科學次常式套裝軟體程式館 | | | |
847 | scientific subroutine package | 科學次常式包 | | | |
848 | scientific system | 科學用系統 | | | |
849 | scientific system support group | 科學系統支援群 | | | |
850 | scientific terminal system | 科學用終端系統 | | | |
851 | scientific/engineering routine | 科學╱工程常式 | | | |
852 | scintillation | 起伏;目標急速移動 | | | |
853 | scissor | 剪裁 | | | |
854 | scissoring | 剪取 | | | |
855 | S-complete net | S完整網路 | | | |
856 | scope | 範疇顯示器;示波器 | 作用域 | | |
857 | scope attribute | 範疇屬性 | | | |
858 | scope delimiter | 範疇定界符 | | | |
859 | scope link | 範疇鏈接 | | | |
860 | scope note | 範圍註解 | | | |
861 | scope of an operator | 運算子範疇 | | | |
862 | scope of automatic | 自動範疇 | | | |
863 | scope of declaration | 宣告範疇 | | | |
864 | scope of external name | 外部名範疇 | | | |
865 | scope of identifier | 標識符範疇 | | | |
866 | scope of name | 名字範疇 | | | |
867 | scope of program identifier | 程式標識符範疇 | | | |
868 | scope of quantifier | 量詞範疇 | | | |
869 | scope of recovery | 恢復範疇 | | | |
870 | scope of symbolic name | 符號名範疇 | | | |
871 | scope of the project | 專案範圍 | | | |
872 | scope of variable | 變數範疇 | | | |
873 | scope problem | 範疇問題 | | | |
874 | scope restriction | 範疇限制 | | | |
875 | scope rule | 範疇規則 | | | |
876 | scopic | 視覺的;廣泛的 | | | |
877 | scopometry | 視測濃度測定法 | | | |
878 | score | 分數;得分 | | | |
879 | scored card | 計分卡 | | | |
880 | SCR | 持續單元速率 | 可持續信元速率 | | |
881 | scramble | 拌碼 | | | |
882 | scramble network | 攪拌網路 | | | |
883 | scramble non-return-to-zero change on one | 加擾逢1不歸零制 | | | |
884 | scramble pattern | 攪拌圖型 | | | |
885 | scramble rule | 攪拌規則 | | | |
886 | scramble time | 攪拌時間 | | | |
887 | scrambled | 攪拌;拌碼 | | | |
888 | scrambled order | 攪拌次序 | | | |
889 | scrambled speech | 攪拌話音 | | | |
890 | scrambler | 拌碼器 | | | |
891 | scrambler circuit | 拌碼器電路 | | | |
892 | scrambling | 攪拌;拌碼 | | | |
893 | scrambling and unscrambling network | 加密與解密網路 | | | |
894 | scrap | 報廢 | | | |
895 | scrap cost | 報廢成本 | | | |
896 | scrap factor | 報廢因子 | | | |
897 | scrap from stock | 庫存品報廢 | | | |
898 | scrap transaction | 報廢異動 | | | |
899 | scratch | 刮;刮痕;暫用 | | | |
900 | scratch addressing | 暫用定址 | | | |
901 | scratch data cartridge | 暫用資料匣 | | | |
902 | scratch diskette | 暫用磁片 | | | |
903 | scratch file | 暫用檔案 | | | |
904 | scratch memory | 暫用記憶體;記憶體 | | | |
905 | scratch memory location | 暫用記憶體位置 | | | |
906 | scratch pack | 暫用碟組 | | | |
907 | scratch pad addressing | 高速暫存記憶體定址 | | | |
908 | scratch pad area | 暫存記憶體區 | | | |
909 | scratch pad memory | 暫存記憶體 | | | |
910 | scratch pad memory address register | 暫用記憶體位址暫存器 | | | |
911 | scratch pad register | 暫用暫存器;便箋式暫存器 | | | |
912 | scratch pad register addressing | 暫存暫存器定址 | | | |
913 | scratch pad storage | 暫用儲存;高速暫存記憶體儲存器 | | | |
914 | scratch pad test channel | 便箋測試通道 | | | |
915 | scratch pad | 便箋;草稿紙;高速暫存記憶體;便箋用儲存器 | | | |
916 | scratch storage | 暫用儲存器 | | | |
917 | scratch tape | 暫用帶 | | | |
918 | scratch tape sorting | 暫用帶分類 | | | |
919 | scratch volume | 暫用卷 | | | |
920 | scratch workspace | 暫用工作區 | | | |
921 | scratching | 刮 | | | |
922 | scratching area | 刮除區域 | | | |
923 | scratchpad memory | 暫用記憶體 | 便箋式存儲器, *暫存器 | | |
924 | screen | 螢幕;屏幕;篩選 | 屏幕 | | |
925 | screen address | 螢幕位址 | | | |
926 | screen adjustment | 螢幕調整 | | | |
927 | screen area | 螢幕區域 | | | |
928 | screen attribute | 螢幕屬性 | | | |
929 | screen attribute byte | 螢幕屬性位元組 | | | |
930 | screen based | 基於螢幕的 | | | |
931 | screen buffer | 螢幕緩衝區 | | | |
932 | screen capacity | 螢幕容量 | | | |
933 | screen context printing | 螢幕上下文列印 | | | |
934 | screen coordinate | 螢幕坐標 | 屏幕坐標 | | |
935 | screen coordinate system | 螢幕坐標系統 | | | |
936 | screen copy | 螢幕複製 | | | |
937 | screen cursor | 螢幕游標 | | | |
938 | screen data | 螢幕資料 | | | |
939 | screen design aid | 螢幕設計輔助 | | | |
940 | screen design facility | 螢幕設計設施 | | | |
941 | screen development utility | 螢幕發展公用程式 | | | |
942 | screen dump | 螢幕傾印 | | | |
943 | screen editor | 螢幕編輯器 | 全屏編輯程序 | | |
944 | screen enhancement character | 螢幕增強字元 | | | |
945 | screen facility | 螢幕設施 | | | |
946 | screen file | 螢幕檔案 | | | |
947 | screen form construction | 螢幕表格構造 | | | |
948 | screen form file | 螢幕表格檔案 | | | |
949 | screen format | 螢幕格式 | | | |
950 | screen formatter | 螢幕格式器 | | | |
951 | screen generator | 螢幕產生器 | | | |
952 | screen grid input | 螢幕柵極輸入 | | | |
953 | screen grid | 螢幕柵極 | | | |
954 | screen handler | 螢幕處置器 | | | |
955 | screen help | 螢幕求助 | | | |
956 | screen image | 螢幕影像 | | | |
957 | screen input/output | 螢幕輸入輸出 | | | |
958 | screen load | 螢幕載入 | | | |
959 | screen management system | 螢幕管理系統 | | | |
960 | screen mapping | 螢幕映像 | | | |
961 | screen mode | 螢幕模式 | | | |
962 | screen oriented programs | 螢幕導向程式 | | | |
963 | screen oriented structural editor | 螢幕導向結構編輯器 | | | |
964 | screen overlay | 螢幕重疊 | | | |
965 | screen printed conductor | 絲網印製導體;絹印導體 | | | |
966 | screen read | 螢幕讀入 | | | |
967 | screen scaling adjustment factor | 螢幕尺寸調整因數 | | | |
968 | screen selection | 螢幕選擇 | | | |
969 | screen sharing | 螢幕共享 | 屏幕共享 | | |
970 | screen size | 螢幕大小 | | | |
971 | screen status area | 螢幕狀態區 | | | |
972 | screen subdivision method | 螢幕分割法 | | | |
973 | screen write batch program | 寫入螢幕批次程式 | | | |
974 | screen write program | 寫入螢幕程式 | | | |
975 | screen write transaction program construction | 寫入螢幕異動程式構造 | | | |
976 | screened resistor evaporated transistor logic | 隔離電阻蒸發電晶體邏輯 | | | |
977 | screened-and-fired components | 網印燒成組件 | | | |
978 | screenful | 滿螢幕 | | | |
979 | screening | 篩選;屏蔽 | | | |
980 | screening range equation | 篩選範圍方程式 | | | |
981 | screening rule | 篩選規則 | | | |
982 | screening test | 篩選測試 | | | |
983 | screw plug | 螺釘插頭 | | | |
984 | scribe | 劃線;劃片 | | | |
985 | scribing plotting display | 劃線繪圖顯示器 | | | |
986 | script | 手跡;劇本;原本;腳本 | 文字 | | |
987 | script graphics tablet | 手跡圖形輸入板 | | | |
988 | script handwriting | 手寫體 | | | |
989 | script knowledge representation | 劇本知識表示 | 腳本知識表示 | | |
990 | scripted CAI | 劇本式電腦輔助教學 | | | |
991 | scroll | 捲;翻捲;捲動 | | | |
992 | scroll bar | 捲棒 | 滾動條 | | |
993 | scroll factor | 翻捲因子 | | | |
994 | scroll key | 翻捲鍵 | | | |
995 | scroll mode | 翻捲模式 | | | |
996 | scroll ribbon | 捲動色帶 | | | |
997 | scroll text buffer | 上捲正文緩衝器 | | | |
998 | scroll timing | 上捲定時 | | | |
999 | scrolled manner | 上捲方式 | | | |
1000 | scroller control character | 翻捲器控制字元 | | | |
1001 | scroller logic | 翻捲器邏輯 | | | |
1002 | scroller program | 翻捲器程式 | | | |
1003 | scroller text display | 上捲正文顯示 | | | |
1004 | scrolling | 捲動;卷軸 | 滾動 | | |
1005 | scrubbing | 洗滌;清洗 | | | |
1006 | SCS control code | SCS控制碼 | | | |
1007 | SCS data | SCS資料 | | | |
1008 | SCS data stream | SCS資料流 | | | |
1009 | SCS data stream general format | SCS資料流一般格式 | | | |
1010 | SCS inbound data stream format | SCS入站資料流格式 | | | |
1011 | SCS outbound data stream format | SCS離埠資料流格式 | | | |
1012 | SCSI | 小電腦系統介面 | 小計算機系統接口, *SCSI接口 | | |
1013 | sculptured surface | 雕塑曲面 | 雕塑曲面 | | |
1014 | SDL | SDL語言 | SDL語言 | | |
1015 | SDLC/BSC communication adapter card | SDLC/BSC通信配接卡 | | | |
1016 | SDR | 單資料速率 | 單數據速率 | | |
1017 | SDU | 服務資料單元 | 服務數據單元 | | |
1018 | SE | 軟體工程 | 軟件工程 | | |
1019 | sea rescue frequency | 海洋救援(通信)頻率 | | | |
1020 | sea return | 海面轉回 | | | |
1021 | sea surveillance system | 海域監視系統 | | | |
1022 | Seakeeping Data Analysis Center | 海洋管理資料分析中心 | | | |
1023 | seal | 密封;封條 | 密封 | | |
1024 | seal test | 密封測試 | | | |
1025 | seal washer | 密封墊圈 | | | |
1026 | sealant | 密封劑;密封層 | 密封膠 | | |
1027 | sealed cap | 密封蓋;密封帽 | | | |
1028 | sealed circuits | 密封電路 | | | |
1029 | sealed connector | 密封連接器 | 密封連接器 | | |
1030 | sealed data module | 密封資料模組 | | | |
1031 | sealed transistor | 密封電晶體 | | | |
1032 | sealer | 保護層;密封器 | 密封器 | | |
1033 | sealing current | 密封電流 | | | |
1034 | sealing lip | 封密唇;帶唇邊的密封件 | | | |
1035 | search | 搜尋;搜索 | 搜索 | | |
1036 | search algorithm | 搜尋演算法 | 搜索算法 | | |
1037 | search and kill method | 搜尋與取消法 | | | |
1038 | search and lock jammer | 搜索鎖定干擾器 | | | |
1039 | search and replace | 搜尋與取代 | 搜索和替換 | | |
1040 | search and rescue beacon | 搜救信標 | | | |
1041 | search and rescue beacon frequency | 搜救信標頻率 | | | |
1042 | search and rescue communication | 搜救通信 | | | |
1043 | search and rescue frequency | 搜救頻率 | | | |
1044 | search argument | 搜尋引數 | | | |
1045 | search capability | 搜尋能力 | | | |
1046 | search chain | 搜尋鍊 | | | |
1047 | search circuit | 搜尋電路 | | | |
1048 | search clue | 查找線索;搜索線索 | | | |
1049 | search complete | 搜尋完成 | | | |
1050 | search compressed index block | 搜尋壓縮索引塊 | | | |
1051 | search count | 搜尋數目 | | | |
1052 | search cycle | 搜尋週期 | 搜索周期 | | |
1053 | search direction | 搜尋方向 | | | |
1054 | search engine | 搜尋引擎 | 搜索機 | | |
1055 | search field | 搜尋欄 | | | |
1056 | search finding | 搜尋求解 | 搜索求解 | | |
1057 | search function | 搜尋函數 | | | |
1058 | search game AND/OR tree | 搜尋競賽與或樹 | | | |
1059 | search game tree | 搜尋競賽樹 | 搜索博弈樹 | | |
1060 | search graph | 搜尋圖 | 搜索圖 | | |
1061 | search index | 搜尋索引 | | | |
1062 | search instruction | 搜尋指令 | | | |
1063 | search jammer | 搜尋干擾器 | | | |
1064 | search key | 搜尋鍵 | 搜索關鍵字 | | |
1065 | search language | 搜尋語言 | | | |
1066 | search length | 搜尋長度 | | | |
1067 | search library | 搜尋程式館 | | | |
1068 | search light sonar | 探照燈聲納 | | | |
1069 | search lighting | 探照燈搜尋 | | | |
1070 | search list | 搜尋串列 | 搜索表 | | |
1071 | search mask | 搜尋遮罩 | | | |
1072 | search memory | 搜尋記憶體 | | | |
1073 | search method | 搜尋法 | | | |
1074 | search mode logic | 搜尋模邏輯 | | | |
1075 | search operation | 搜尋作業 | | | |
1076 | search option | 搜尋選項 | | | |
1077 | search path | 搜尋路徑 | | | |
1078 | search path algorithm | 搜尋路徑演算法 | | | |
1079 | search procedure | 搜尋程序 | | | |
1080 | search process | 搜尋過程 | | | |
1081 | search processor | 搜尋處理器 | | | |
1082 | search program | 搜尋程式 | | | |
1083 | search radar | 搜尋雷達 | | | |
1084 | search read function | 尋讀函數(功能) | | | |
1085 | search receiver | 搜尋接收器 | | | |
1086 | search result register | 搜尋結果暫存器 | | | |
1087 | search rule | 搜尋規則 | 搜索規則 | | |
1088 | search space | 搜尋空間 | 搜索空間 | | |
1089 | search statement | 搜尋敘述 | | | |
1090 | search strategy | 搜尋策略 | 搜索策略 | | |
1091 | search term | 搜尋項 | | | |
1092 | search test | 搜尋測試 | | | |
1093 | search text command | 搜尋正文命令 | | | |
1094 | search theory | 搜尋理論 | | | |
1095 | search time | 搜尋時間 | 搜索時間 | | |
1096 | search tree | 搜尋樹 | 搜索樹 | | |
1097 | search word | 搜尋字 | | | |
1098 | searchable information | 可搜尋資訊 | | | |
1099 | searcher | 搜尋器 | | | |
1100 | searching | 搜尋 | | | |
1101 | searching algorithm | 搜尋演算法 | | | |
1102 | searching storage | 搜尋儲存 | | | |
1103 | searching technique | 搜尋技術 | | | |
1104 | seasonal | 季節性的 | | | |
1105 | seasonal curve | 季節性曲線 | | | |
1106 | seasonal differencing | 季節性差異 | | | |
1107 | seasonal group profile code | 季節性群設定檔碼 | | | |
1108 | seasonal profile | 季節性設定檔 | | | |
1109 | seasonality coefficient | 季節性係數 | | | |
1110 | seat reservation system | 座位預訂系統 | | | |
1111 | secant | 正割;割線 | | | |
1112 | secant method | 正割法 | | | |
1113 | second | 秒;第二 | | | |
1114 | second addition time | 第二次加法時間 | | | |
1115 | second anode | 第二陽極 | | | |
1116 | second approximation | 二次近似 | | | |
1117 | second attribute | 第二屬性 | | | |
1118 | second channel | 第二通道 | | | |
1119 | second channel interference | 第二通道干擾 | | | |
1120 | second check character flip-flop | 二次核對字元正反器 | | | |
1121 | second choice route | 第二選擇路線 | | | |
1122 | second class conductor | 第二類導體(指電解) | | | |
1123 | second detector | 第二檢測器 | | | |
1124 | second generation | 第二代 | | | |
1125 | second generation computer | 第二代計算機 | 第二代計算機 | | |
1126 | second generation language | 第二代語言 | 第二代語言 | | |
1127 | second grid | 第二柵極 | | | |
1128 | second half machine cycle | 後半機器週期 | | | |
1129 | second largest entry | 第二最大項 | | | |
1130 | second level access | 第二階存取 | | | |
1131 | second level access address | 第二級存取位址 | | | |
1132 | second level address | 第二層位址 | | | |
1133 | second level addressing | 第二層定址 | | | |
1134 | second level cache | 第二層快取 | 二級高速緩存 | | |
1135 | second level definition | 第二層定義 | | | |
1136 | second level directory | 第二層目錄 | | | |
1137 | second level inner macro call | 第二層內部巨集呼叫 | | | |
1138 | second level interrupt | 第二層中斷 | | | |
1139 | second level interrupt handler | 第二階中斷處置器 | | | |
1140 | second level message | 二級訊息 | | | |
1141 | second level message display | 二級訊息顯示 | | | |
1142 | second level message member | 二級訊息成員 | | | |
1143 | second level protocol | 第二層協定 | | | |
1144 | second level stack | 第二層堆疊 | | | |
1145 | second level statement | 第二層敘述 | | | |
1146 | second level storage | 第二級儲存 | | | |
1147 | second level structure | 第二層結構 | | | |
1148 | second logic | 第二邏輯 | | | |
1149 | second mean value theorem | 第二中值定理 | | | |
1150 | second memory | 第二記憶體 | | | |
1151 | second metallization | 第二次金屬化 | | | |
1152 | second normal form | 第二正規格式 | 第二范式 | | |
1153 | second operand | 第二運算元 | | | |
1154 | second order difference | 第二階差分 | | | |
1155 | second order differential equation | 二階微分方程式 | | | |
1156 | second order digit | 第二階數位 | | | |
1157 | second order equation | 二階方程式 | | | |
1158 | second order logic | 第二階邏輯 | 二階邏輯 | | |
1159 | second order modeling | 第二階模型化 | | | |
1160 | second order polynomial | 二階多項式 | | | |
1161 | second order predicate calculus | 第二階述詞演算 | | | |
1162 | second order stochastic process | 二階隨機過程 | | | |
1163 | second order subroutine | 第二階次常式 | | | |
1164 | second order system | 二階系統 | | | |
1165 | second partial product | 第二部分乘積 | | | |
1166 | second predicate calculus | 第二階述詞演算 | | | |
1167 | second probability distribution | 次要機率分佈 | | | |
1168 | second read rate | 第二閱讀率 | | | |
1169 | second source | 第二資源 | | | |
1170 | second sourcing | 第二供資源 | | | |
1171 | second system control facility | 二級系統控制設施 | | | |
1172 | second task | 第二任務 | | | |
1173 | second variable | 第二變數 | | | |
1174 | secondary | 二次;次要;輔助 | | | |
1175 | secondary access | 二次存取 | | | |
1176 | secondary activation word | 輔助啟動字 | | | |
1177 | secondary address | 輔助位址 | | | |
1178 | secondary address vector table | 二次位址向量表 | | | |
1179 | secondary allocation | 次要分配 | | | |
1180 | secondary application block | 次要應用塊 | | | |
1181 | secondary application program | 次要應用程式 | | | |
1182 | secondary assignment | 次要指派 | | | |
1183 | secondary attribute | 次要屬性 | | | |
1184 | secondary axis | 次要軸 | | | |
1185 | secondary breakdown | 二次擊穿 | | | |
1186 | secondary buffer | 輔助緩衝器 | | | |
1187 | secondary calculation code | 次要計算碼 | | | |
1188 | secondary center | 輔助中心 | | | |
1189 | secondary channel | 輔助通道 | | | |
1190 | secondary circuit | 二次電路 | | | |
1191 | secondary cluster | 次要叢集 | | | |
1192 | secondary clustering | 次要叢集 | | | |
1193 | secondary coil | 輔助線圈 | | | |
1194 | secondary colour | 次要色 | | | |
1195 | secondary computer | 輔助計算機 | | | |
1196 | secondary console | 輔助控制台 | 副控台 | | |
1197 | secondary constant | 二次常數 | | | |
1198 | secondary constraint | 次要約束 | | | |
1199 | secondary control point | 次要控制點 | | | |
1200 | secondary control unit | 次要控制裝置 | | | |
1201 | secondary copy | 輔助副本 | 輔[助]副本 | | |
1202 | secondary data | 次要資料 | | | |
1203 | secondary data set group | 輔助資料集組 | | | |
1204 | secondary destination | 次要目的 | | | |
1205 | secondary device | 輔助裝置 | | | |
1206 | secondary display sequence | 二次顯示序列 | | | |
1207 | secondary dump | 輔助傾印 | | | |
1208 | secondary dump system | 輔助傾印系統 | | | |
1209 | secondary emission | 二次放射 | | | |
1210 | secondary emission ratio | 二次放射比 | | | |
1211 | secondary entry point | 次要入口點 | | | |
1212 | secondary error | 二次誤差 | | | |
1213 | secondary exception vector | 二次異常向量 | | | |
1214 | secondary failure | 二次故障 | | | |
1215 | secondary file | 輔助檔案 | | | |
1216 | secondary frequency | 次要頻率 | | | |
1217 | secondary function | 次要功能 | | | |
1218 | secondary group | 輔助群 | | | |
1219 | secondary half session | 次要半對話期 | | | |
1220 | secondary index | 次要索引 | 輔助索引 | | |
1221 | secondary index field | 次要索引欄 | | | |
1222 | secondary index organization | 二次索引組織 | | | |
1223 | secondary input port | 次要輸入埠 | | | |
1224 | secondary key | 次要鍵;次關鍵字 | 二級密鑰, *次密鑰 | | |
1225 | secondary key encrypting key | 次要鍵加密鍵 | | | |
1226 | secondary key field | 次要鍵欄 | | | |
1227 | secondary key retrieval | 次要鍵檢索 | | | |
1228 | secondary lattice group | 二次晶格群 | | | |
1229 | secondary line | 次要線路 | | | |
1230 | secondary link station | 次要鏈接站 | | | |
1231 | secondary literation | 第二選代;二次選代 | | | |
1232 | secondary logical unit | 次要邏輯單元 | | | |
1233 | secondary memory | 次要儲存器;輔助記憶體 | | | |
1234 | secondary menu | 次要選項單 | | | |
1235 | secondary multiplexing | 二次多工 | | | |
1236 | secondary network support | 次要網路支援 | | | |
1237 | secondary node | 次要節點 | | | |
1238 | secondary operate pipeline | 次要操作管線 | | | |
1239 | secondary operator control station | 次要操作員控制站 | | | |
1240 | secondary optimization problem | 次要最佳化問題 | | | |
1241 | secondary paging device | 次要分頁裝置 | | | |
1242 | secondary partition | 輔助分區 | | | |
1243 | secondary phase error | 第二階段錯誤 | | | |
1244 | secondary processing sequence | 輔助處理順序 | | | |
1245 | secondary program | 次要程式 | | | |
1246 | secondary proof | 輔助證明 | | | |
1247 | secondary PSV | 次要PSV | | | |
1248 | secondary rack | 次要架 | | | |
1249 | secondary radiation source | 二次輻射源 | | | |
1250 | secondary record format | 輔助記錄格式 | | | |
1251 | secondary reference tape | 輔助參考磁帶 | | | |
1252 | secondary register set | 輔助暫存器集;次級暫存器集 | | | |
1253 | secondary request | 輔助請求;次要請求 | | | |
1254 | secondary route | 次要路線 | | | |
1255 | secondary routing code | 次要選路碼 | | | |
1256 | secondary row | 輔助列 | | | |
1257 | secondary sample | 二次抽樣 | | | |
1258 | secondary segment | 輔助段 | 輔助段 | | |
1259 | secondary service | 輔助服務 | | | |
1260 | secondary ship shore station | 輔助船岸海岸站 | | | |
1261 | secondary space allocation | 二次空間分配 | 輔助空間分配 | | |
1262 | secondary space clearing | 二次空間清除 | | | |
1263 | secondary standard reference surface | 次要標準參考面 | | | |
1264 | secondary station | 輔助站;次要站 | 次站 | | |
1265 | secondary station algorithm | 輔助站演算法 | | | |
1266 | secondary status | 次要狀態 | | | |
1267 | secondary storage | 輔助儲存器 | | | |
1268 | secondary store | 輔助儲存(器) | | | |
1269 | secondary subroutine | 輔助次常式 | | | |
1270 | secondary support system | 次要支援系統 | | | |
1271 | secondary switching center | 輔助交換中心 | | | |
1272 | secondary system control facility | 輔助系統控制設施 | | | |
1273 | secondary task | 輔助任務 | 輔助任務 | | |
1274 | secondary terminal address | 次要終位址 | | | |
1275 | secondary user | 次要用戶 | | | |
1276 | secondary vector | 二次向量 | | | |
1277 | secondary winding | 次要捲 | | | |
1278 | second-person VR | 第二者虛擬實境 | 第二者虛擬現實 | | |
1279 | secret | 秘密 | 機密級 | | |
1280 | secret algorithm | 秘密演算法 | | | |
1281 | secret code | 秘密碼 | | | |
1282 | secret communication | 秘密通信 | | | |
1283 | secret document | 秘密文件 | | | |
1284 | secret key | 秘密密鑰 | 秘密密鑰 | | |
1285 | section | 節;區段 | | | |
1286 | section and point code | 區點碼 | | | |
1287 | section bit | 區段位元 | | | |
1288 | section buffer | 節緩衝器 | | | |
1289 | section by section | 逐節的 | | | |
1290 | section carry look ahead | 區段進位預看 | | | |
1291 | section code | 節碼 | | | |
1292 | section control | 節控制 | | | |
1293 | section debugging | 節除錯 | | | |
1294 | section directory | 節目錄 | | | |
1295 | section end | 節結束;節尾 | | | |
1296 | section format | 節格式 | | | |
1297 | section header | 節標頭 | | | |
1298 | section name | 節名 | | | |
1299 | section number | 節號碼 | | | |
1300 | section output | 節輸出 | | | |
1301 | section paper | 方格紙 | | | |
1302 | section start | 節開始 | | | |
1303 | section table | 節表 | | | |
1304 | section text | 節段正文 | | | |
1305 | sectional assembly | 區段組合 | | | |
1306 | sectional center | 區段中心 | | | |
1307 | sectional view | 區段視野 | | | |
1308 | sectionalization test | 分段測試 | | | |
1309 | sectionalized | 分節;分段 | | | |
1310 | sectioning | 分區 | | | |
1311 | sectioning loop | 分區迴路 | | | |
1312 | sectioning search | 分區搜尋 | | | |
1313 | sector | 扇區 | 扇區, *扇段 | | |
1314 | sector address | 扇區位址 | | | |
1315 | sector address register | 扇區位址暫存器 | | | |
1316 | sector address system | 扇區位址系統 | | | |
1317 | sector alignment | 扇區對準 | 扇區對准 | | |
1318 | sector associative buffer storage | 扇區相聯緩衝儲存器 | | | |
1319 | sector buffer | 扇區緩衝 | | | |
1320 | sector chaining | 扇區鍊接 | | | |
1321 | sector chart | 扇區圖 | | | |
1322 | sector control center | 扇區控制中心 | | | |
1323 | sector counter | 扇區計數器 | | | |
1324 | sector disc | 扇區磁碟 | | | |
1325 | sector display | 扇區顯示器 | | | |
1326 | sector hole | 扇區孔 | | | |
1327 | sector interleave factor | 扇區交插因子 | | | |
1328 | sector interleaving | 扇區交插 | | | |
1329 | sector label | 扇區標號 | | | |
1330 | sector mapping | 扇區對映 | 段映射 | | |
1331 | sector mark | 扇區標示 | | | |
1332 | sector number | 扇區號碼 | | | |
1333 | sector one shot | 扇區單發脈衝 | | | |
1334 | sector pulse | 扇區脈衝 | | | |
1335 | sector queuing | 扇區排隊 | | | |
1336 | sector register | 扇區暫存器 | | | |
1337 | sector ring | 扇區環 | | | |
1338 | sector scan | 扇區掃瞄 | | | |
1339 | sector sequence | 扇區順序 | | | |
1340 | sector serve system | 扇區伺服系統 | | | |
1341 | sector servo | 扇區伺服 | 扇區伺服 | | |
1342 | sector transducer | 扇區轉換器(程序) | | | |
1343 | sectored file | 扇區檔案;分區檔案 | | | |
1344 | sectored file controller | 扇區檔案控制器;分區檔案控制器 | | | |
1345 | sectorial harmonic function | 扇區調和函數 | | | |
1346 | sectorial spherical harmonics | 扇區球面調和函數 | | | |
1347 | sectoring | 分區 | | | |
1348 | secular equation | 特徵方程式 | | | |
1349 | secure | 保全 | | | |
1350 | secure archival storage system | 保全歸檔儲存系統 | | | |
1351 | secure automatic communication network | 保全自動通信網路 | | | |
1352 | secure automatic data information exchange | 保全自動資料資訊交換 | | | |
1353 | secure communication | 保全通信 | | | |
1354 | secure communication processor | 保全通信處理機 | | | |
1355 | secure computer network | 保全電腦網路 | | | |
1356 | secure configuration management | 安全組態管理 | | | |
1357 | secure electronic transaction | 安全電子交易 | 安全電子交易 | | |
1358 | secure environment | 保全環境 | | | |
1359 | secure failure set | 保全故障集 | | | |
1360 | secure function evaluation | 安全功能評估 | 安全功能評估 | | |
1361 | secure gateway | 安全閘道 | 安全網關 | | |
1362 | secure identification | 安全識別 | 安全識別 | | |
1363 | secure industries communication system | 保全工業通信系統 | | | |
1364 | secure kernel | 安全內核 | 安全內核 | | |
1365 | secure line | 保全線路 | | | |
1366 | secure operating system | 安全作業系統 | 安全操作系統 | | |
1367 | secure protocol | 保全協定 | | | |
1368 | secure query function | 保全查詢功能 | | | |
1369 | secure router | 安全路由器 | 安全路由器 | | |
1370 | secure schedule program | 保全排程程式 | | | |
1371 | secure socket layer | 安全連接層 | 安全套接層 | | |
1372 | secure system | 安全系統 | | | |
1373 | secure traffic | 安全流量 | | | |
1374 | secure transmission | 保全傳輸 | | | |
1375 | secure voice | 保全語音 | | | |
1376 | secure voice communication system | 保全語音通信系統 | | | |
1377 | secure voice cord board | 保全語音電線板 | | | |
1378 | securities industry automation corp. | 保全產業自動化公司 | | | |
1379 | security | 保全;安全 | 安全[性] | | |
1380 | security arrangement | 保全安排 | | | |
1381 | security audit | 安全稽核 | 安全審計 | | |
1382 | security axiom | 安全公理 | | | |
1383 | security class | 安全類 | 安全類 | | |
1384 | security classification | 保全等級 | | | |
1385 | security classified | 保全分級 | | | |
1386 | security clearance | 安全許可 | 安全許可 | | |
1387 | security code | 保全碼 | | | |
1388 | security coefficient | 安全係數 | | | |
1389 | security command language processor | 保密命令語言處理機 | | | |
1390 | Security Communication Center | 保全通信中心 | | | |
1391 | security console | 安全控制台 | | | |
1392 | security console log | 安全控制台日誌 | | | |
1393 | security constraint | 保全約束 | | | |
1394 | security control | 保全控制 | 安全控制 | | |
1395 | security control processor | 保全控制處理機 | | | |
1396 | security count | 保全計數 | | | |
1397 | security custodian | 保全管理員 | | | |
1398 | security data set | 保全資料集 | | | |
1399 | security design | 保全設計 | | | |
1400 | security device | 保全裝置 | | | |
1401 | security domain | 安全域 | 安全域 | | |
1402 | security dump | 安全傾印 | | | |
1403 | security equipment | 保全設備 | | | |
1404 | security event | 安全事件 | 安全事件 | | |
1405 | security facility | 保全設施 | | | |
1406 | security fault | 保全故障 | | | |
1407 | security fence | 保全籬 | | | |
1408 | security file | 保全檔案 | | | |
1409 | security filter | 保全過濾器 | 安全過濾器 | | |
1410 | security filter processor | 保密篩選處理機 | | | |
1411 | security flaw | 保全缺陷 | | | |
1412 | security flow analysis | 保全流程分析 | | | |
1413 | security guard | 保全防護 | | | |
1414 | security information | 保全資訊 | | | |
1415 | security inspection | 安全檢驗 | 安全檢查 | | |
1416 | security isolation | 保全隔離 | | | |
1417 | security kernel | 保全核心 | | | |
1418 | security kernel approach | 保全核心方式 | | | |
1419 | security kernel interface | 保全核心介面 | | | |
1420 | security kernel validation | 保全核心確認 | | | |
1421 | security keylock | 保全鍵鎖 | | | |
1422 | security label | 安全標號 | 安全標號 | | |
1423 | security level | 保全等級 | 安全等級 | | |
1424 | security maintenance | 保全維護 | | | |
1425 | security management | 保全管理 | | | |
1426 | security management system | 保全管理系統 | | | |
1427 | security material | 保全材料 | | | |
1428 | security measure | 安全措施 | 安全措施 | | |
1429 | security mechanism | 保全機構 | | | |
1430 | security model | 安全模型 | 安全模型 | | |
1431 | security monitor | 保全監視器 | | | |
1432 | security monitor microprocessor | 安全性監視器微處理機 | | | |
1433 | security number | 保全號碼 | | | |
1434 | security of user file | 使用者檔案的安全 | | | |
1435 | security officer | 保全官員 | | | |
1436 | security officer user profile | 保全官員用戶設定檔 | | | |
1437 | security operating mode | 安全操作模式 | 安全運行模式 | | |
1438 | security operations computer | 保全操作計算機 | | | |
1439 | security policy | 保全政策 | 安全策略 | | |
1440 | security procedure | 保全程序 | | | |
1441 | security profile | 保全設定檔 | | | |
1442 | security protection | 安全保護 | | | |
1443 | security protection feature | 安全保護特性(功能部件) | | | |
1444 | security requirement | 保全需求 | | | |
1445 | security restore | 保全復原 | | | |
1446 | security system | 保全系統 | | | |
1447 | security test and evaluation | 安全測試與砰估 | | | |
1448 | security type | 保全類型 | | | |
1449 | security window | 保全視窗 | | | |
1450 | SEE | 單事件效應 | 單事件效應 | | |
1451 | see through | 清晰度 | | | |
1452 | see through plate | 彩色板 | | | |
1453 | seed | 種 | | | |
1454 | seed bubble | 種泡 | | | |
1455 | seed fill algorithm | 種子填充演算法 | 種子填充算法 | | |
1456 | seed selection | 選種 | | | |
1457 | seed temperature | 種溫度 | | | |
1458 | seeding | 種晶技術;播種 | 撒播 | | |
1459 | seek | 尋覓;尋找 | 尋道, *查找 | | |
1460 | seek area | 尋覓區域 | | | |
1461 | seek arm | 尋覓臂 | | | |
1462 | seek characteristic | 尋覓特性 | | | |
1463 | seek command | 尋覓命令 | | | |
1464 | seek error | 尋覓錯誤 | | | |
1465 | seek instruction | 尋覓指令 | | | |
1466 | seek key | 尋覓鍵 | | | |
1467 | seek ordering | 尋覓定序 | | | |
1468 | seek retry | 尋覓再試 | | | |
1469 | seek system call | 尋覓系統呼叫 | | | |
1470 | seek time | 尋覓時間 | 尋道時間, *查找時間 | | |
1471 | seeker | 尋覓器 | | | |
1472 | seeking | 尋覓 | | | |
1473 | seepage | 過濾;滲漏 | | | |
1474 | seepage flow | 滲流 | | | |
1475 | see-saw amplifier | 蹺板放大器 | | | |
1476 | see-saw buffer | 蹺板緩衝 | | | |
1477 | see-saw circuit | 蹺板電路 | | | |
1478 | see-saw repeater | 交互轉換中繼器 | | | |
1479 | segment | 段;片;片段 | 圖段 | | |
1480 | segment | 截段(電腦圖形的) | | | |
1481 | segment address | 段位址 | 段地址 | | |
1482 | segment address register | 段位址暫存器 | | | |
1483 | segment addressing | 段定址 | | | |
1484 | segment analysis | 段分析 | | | |
1485 | segment and assembly | 分段與組合 | | | |
1486 | segment attribute | 段屬性 | | | |
1487 | segment attribute modification | 段屬性修改 | | | |
1488 | segment base | 段基底 | | | |
1489 | segment base register | 段基底暫存器 | | | |
1490 | segment body | 段本體 | | | |
1491 | segment buffer | 段緩衝器 | | | |
1492 | segment call | 段呼叫 | | | |
1493 | segment class | 段分類 | | | |
1494 | segment classification | 段分類 | | | |
1495 | segment control bit | 段控制位元 | | | |
1496 | segment control code | 段控制碼 | | | |
1497 | segment control word | 段控制字 | | | |
1498 | segment data | 段資料 | | | |
1499 | segment data buffer | 段資料緩衝器 | | | |
1500 | segment decoder | 段解碼器 | | | |
1501 | segment definition card | 段定義卡 | | | |
1502 | segment descriptor | 段描述符 | | | |
1503 | segment descriptor block | 段描述符塊 | | | |
1504 | segment descriptor identification | 段描述符識別 | | | |
1505 | segment descriptor stack | 段描述符堆疊 | | | |
1506 | segment descriptor word | 段描述符字 | | | |
1507 | segment designation | 段指定 | | | |
1508 | segment dictionary | 段字典 | | | |
1509 | segment disable circuit | 段去能電路 | | | |
1510 | segment driver | 段驅動器 | | | |
1511 | segment encode | 段編碼 | | | |
1512 | segment entry save register | 段入口保存暫存器 | | | |
1513 | segment fault | 段錯失 | | | |
1514 | segment field | 段欄 | | | |
1515 | segment file | 段檔案 | | | |
1516 | segment frequency algorithm | 段頻率算法 | | | |
1517 | segment hard core module | 段硬核心模組 | | | |
1518 | segment identification field | 段識別欄 | | | |
1519 | segment identification register | 段識別暫存器 | | | |
1520 | segment independence | 段獨立性 | | | |
1521 | segment invalid bit | 段無效位元 | | | |
1522 | segment length | 段長 | | | |
1523 | segment level sharing | 段級分享 | | | |
1524 | segment limit | 段界 | | | |
1525 | segment limit clause | 段界子句 | | | |
1526 | segment limit origin | 段限原點 | | | |
1527 | segment management | 段管理 | | | |
1528 | segment manager | 段管理器 | | | |
1529 | segment mapping table | 段映像表 | | | |
1530 | segment mark | 段標示 | | | |
1531 | segment mode | 段模式 | | | |
1532 | segment name | 段名稱 | | | |
1533 | segment number | 段號 | 段號 | | |
1534 | segment occurrence | 段出現次數 | | | |
1535 | segment overlay | 段覆蓋 | 段覆蓋 | | |
1536 | segment phrase | 段片語 | | | |
1537 | segment pointer | 段指標 | | | |
1538 | segment prefix | 段前置 | | | |
1539 | segment program | 程式段;分段程式 | | | |
1540 | segment protect | 段保護 | | | |
1541 | segment reference string | 段引用串 | | | |
1542 | segment register | 段暫存器 | | | |
1543 | segment relative address | 段相對位址 | | | |
1544 | segment relative addressing | 段相對定址 | | | |
1545 | segment search argument | 段搜尋引數 | | | |
1546 | segment sharing | 段分享 | | | |
1547 | segment size | 段大小 | 段長度 | | |
1548 | segment stack number | 段堆疊號碼 | | | |
1549 | segment structure | 段結構 | | | |
1550 | segment switch | 段開關 | | | |
1551 | segment table | 段表 | | | |
1552 | segment table address | 段表位址 | 段表地址 | | |
1553 | segment table base register | 段表基底暫存器 | | | |
1554 | segment table entry | 段表項(IBM公司) | | | |
1555 | segment table length | 段表長度 | | | |
1556 | segment table look aside buffer | 段表後備緩衝器 | | | |
1557 | segment table lookup | 段表查閱 | | | |
1558 | segment table origin | 段表原點 | | | |
1559 | segment table register | 段表暫存器 | | | |
1560 | segment tag | 段標籤 | | | |
1561 | segment tag bit | 段標籤位元 | | | |
1562 | segment time unit | 段時間單位 | | | |
1563 | segment translation | 段變換 | | | |
1564 | segment translation exception | 段變換異常 | | | |
1565 | segment type | 段類型;段型 | | | |
1566 | segment type code | 段類型碼 | | | |
1567 | segment variable | 分段變數;段變數 | | | |
1568 | segment vectoring attribute | 段定向屬性 | | | |
1569 | segmentation | 分段 | 分段 | | |
1570 | segmentation and paging memory management | 分段分頁記憶管理 | | | |
1571 | segmentation and reassemble | 分段與重組合 | 分段和重裝 | | |
1572 | segmentation and reassembly | 分段與重組合 | | | |
1573 | segmentation and relocation | 分段與再定位 | | | |
1574 | segmentation control | 分段控制 | | | |
1575 | segmentation facility | 分段設施 | | | |
1576 | segmentation hardware | 分段式硬體 | | | |
1577 | segmentation module | 分段模組 | | | |
1578 | segmentation of word | 斷詞 | | | |
1579 | segmentation overlay | 分段覆蓋;分段重疊 | | | |
1580 | segmentation paging mode | 分段分頁模式 | | | |
1581 | segmentation problem | 分段問題 | | | |
1582 | segmentation register | 分段暫存器 | | | |
1583 | segmentation register table | 分段暫存器表 | | | |
1584 | segmentation strategy | 分段策略 | | | |
1585 | segmentation system | 分段系統 | | | |
1586 | segmented | 分段 | | | |
1587 | segmented dictionary | 分段詞典 | | | |
1588 | segmented dictionary encoding | 分段詞典編碼 | | | |
1589 | segmented dictionary pointer | 分段詞典指標 | | | |
1590 | segmented dictionary stack | 分段詞典堆疊 | | | |
1591 | segmented environment | 分段環境 | | | |
1592 | segmented memory system | 分段記憶體系統 | 段式存儲系統 | | |
1593 | segmented microprogrammable computer | 分段可微程式計算機 | | | |
1594 | segmented mode | 分段模式 | | | |
1595 | segmented page system | 分段頁面系統 | | | |
1596 | segmented program | 分段程式 | | | |
1597 | segmented text file | 分段正文檔案 | | | |
1598 | segmented virtual display file | 分段虛擬顯示檔案 | | | |
1599 | segmented word | 分段字 | | | |
1600 | segmenting | 分段 | | | |
1601 | segmenting bound | 分段界限 | | | |
1602 | segmenting image | 分段影像 | | | |
1603 | segmenting of BIUs | BIUs分段 | | | |
1604 | segmenting size | 分段大小;分段長度 | | | |
1605 | segmenting unit | 分段單元 | | | |
1606 | segregating unit | 分離裝置 | | | |
1607 | segregation | 分離;隔離 | | | |
1608 | segregation coefficient | 隔離係數 | | | |
1609 | segregation constant | 隔離常數 | | | |
1610 | seismic tomography | 地震斷層掃瞄 | 地震層析成像 | | |
1611 | Seismologic Society of America | 美國地震學會 | | | |
1612 | seize | 占用 | | | |
1613 | seizing signal | 占用信號;占線信號 | | | |
1614 | seizure | 占用 | | | |
1615 | seizure conditional | 占用條件 | | | |
1616 | seizure signal | 占用信號 | | | |
1617 | SEL | 單事件鎖定 | 單事件鎖定 | | |
1618 | select | 選擇 | 選取 | | |
1619 | select ADC register | 選擇ADC暫存器 | | | |
1620 | select address output signal | 選擇位址輸出信號 | | | |
1621 | select address | 選擇位址 | | | |
1622 | select bit | 選擇位元 | | | |
1623 | select circuit | 選擇電路 | | | |
1624 | select clause | 選擇子句 | | | |
1625 | select color | 選擇色彩 | | | |
1626 | select command | 選擇命令 | | | |
1627 | select error | 選擇錯誤 | | | |
1628 | select error exception | 選擇錯誤異常 | | | |
1629 | select frequency | 選擇頻率 | | | |
1630 | select function | 選擇功能 | | | |
1631 | select in | 選擇輸入 | | | |
1632 | select input | 選擇輸入 | | | |
1633 | select line | 選擇線;選擇行 | | | |
1634 | select number | 選擇號碼 | | | |
1635 | select order | 選擇命令;選擇指令 | | | |
1636 | select out | 選擇輸出 | | | |
1637 | select register | 選擇暫存器 | | | |
1638 | select routine | 選擇常式 | | | |
1639 | select standby | 選擇待用設備;選擇備件 | | | |
1640 | select statement | 選擇敘述 | | | |
1641 | select type command | 選擇型命令 | | | |
1642 | select unit | 選擇單位;選擇裝置 | | | |
1643 | select verify | 選擇驗證 | | | |
1644 | select/omit level specification | 選擇╱省略位準規格 | | | |
1645 | selectability | 選擇能力 | | | |
1646 | selectable | 可選 | | | |
1647 | selectable diagnostic output device | 可選診斷輸出裝置 | | | |
1648 | selectable length word | 可選字長;可選長度字 | | | |
1649 | selectable unit | 可選單位 | | | |
1650 | selected | 選出;被選 | | | |
1651 | selected address | 被選擇位址;被選位址 | | | |
1652 | selected area | 被選區 | | | |
1653 | selected bit | 被選位元 | | | |
1654 | selected cell | 被選單元 | | | |
1655 | selected class | 被選類別 | | | |
1656 | selected core | 被選磁心 | | | |
1657 | selected function group | 被選函數群 | | | |
1658 | selected item | 選擇項目 | | | |
1659 | selected job queue | 被選工件隊列 | | | |
1660 | selected length field | 選出長度欄 | | | |
1661 | selected master file tape | 被選主檔案帶 | | | |
1662 | selected parameter | 被選參數 | | | |
1663 | selected research in microfiche | 縮微膠片專題檢索服務 | | | |
1664 | selected test optimization program | 選出測試最佳化程式 | | | |
1665 | select-execute loop control | 選擇-執行迴路控制 | | | |
1666 | selecting | 選擇 | 選擇 | | |
1667 | selecting data | 選擇資料 | | | |
1668 | selecting operation | 選擇操作 | | | |
1669 | selecting priority | 選擇優先權 | | | |
1670 | selecting sequency | 選擇序數 | | | |
1671 | selection | 選擇 | | | |
1672 | selection acknowledge | 選擇應答 | | | |
1673 | selection addressing | 選擇定址 | | | |
1674 | selection algorithm | 選擇算法 | | | |
1675 | selection bar | 選擇條 | | | |
1676 | selection calling system | 選擇呼叫系統 | | | |
1677 | selection character | 選擇字元 | | | |
1678 | selection check | 選擇核對 | | | |
1679 | selection check device | 選擇檢查裝置 | | | |
1680 | selection component | 選擇成分 | | | |
1681 | selection control | 選擇控制 | | | |
1682 | selection core matrix | 選擇磁心矩陣 | | | |
1683 | selection criteria | 選擇準則 | | | |
1684 | selection dump | 選擇傾印 | | | |
1685 | selection field | 選擇欄 | | | |
1686 | selection function | 選擇函數;選擇功能 | | | |
1687 | selection information | 選擇資訊 | | | |
1688 | selection lever | 選擇桿 | | | |
1689 | selection list | 選擇串列 | | | |
1690 | selection menu | 選擇菜單 | | | |
1691 | selection network | 選擇網路 | 選擇網絡 | | |
1692 | selection operation | 選擇操作 | | | |
1693 | selection operator | 選擇運算子 | | | |
1694 | selection panel | 選擇面板 | | | |
1695 | selection path | 選擇路徑 | | | |
1696 | selection plugboard | 選擇插板 | | | |
1697 | selection position | 選擇位置 | | | |
1698 | selection priority | 選擇優先級 | | | |
1699 | selection problem | 選擇問題 | | | |
1700 | selection procedure | 選擇程序 | | | |
1701 | selection program | 選擇程式 | | | |
1702 | selection ratio | 選擇比 | | | |
1703 | selection replacement approach | 選擇替代方法 | | | |
1704 | selection replacement technique | 選擇替換技術;選擇替換法 | | | |
1705 | selection scheme | 選擇方案 | | | |
1706 | selection sequence | 選擇順序 | | | |
1707 | selection sequential access | 選擇順序存取 | | | |
1708 | selection set | 選擇集合 | | | |
1709 | selection signal | 選擇信號 | | | |
1710 | selection signal code | 選擇信號(代)碼 | | | |
1711 | selection sort | 選擇分類;選擇排序 | | | |
1712 | selection time | 選擇時間 | | | |
1713 | selection tree | 選擇樹 | | | |
1714 | selection wire | 選擇線 | | | |
1715 | selection with interchange | 交換選擇法 | | | |
1716 | selective | 選擇 | | | |
1717 | selective absorption | 選擇吸收 | | | |
1718 | selective abstract | 選擇摘要 | | | |
1719 | selective addressing | 選擇定址 | | | |
1720 | selective area recovery | 選擇區恢復 | | | |
1721 | selective assembly | 選擇組合 | | | |
1722 | selective attention | 選擇注意 | 選擇注意 | | |
1723 | selective automonitoring tracking routine | 選擇自動監視追蹤常式 | | | |
1724 | selective bottom up | 選擇由下而上 | | | |
1725 | selective call number | 選擇呼叫號碼 | | | |
1726 | selective calling | 選擇呼叫 | | | |
1727 | selective calling system | 選擇呼叫系統 | | | |
1728 | selective cavity oscillator | 選擇空腔振盪器 | | | |
1729 | selective channel | 選擇通道 | | | |
1730 | selective channel input bus | 選擇通道輸入匯流排 | | | |
1731 | selective channel output bus | 選擇通道輸出匯流排 | | | |
1732 | selective circuit | 選擇電路 | | | |
1733 | selective clock stretching | 選擇時鐘伸展 | | | |
1734 | selective combiner | 選擇組合器(程序) | | | |
1735 | selective complement accumulator | 選擇補數累積器 | | | |
1736 | selective construct | 選擇構造 | | | |
1737 | selective costing | 選擇成本法 | | | |
1738 | selective cryptographic session | 選擇密碼對話 | | | |
1739 | selective data management system | 選擇性資料管理系統 | | | |
1740 | selective data processing | 選擇性資料處理 | | | |
1741 | selective diffusion | 選擇擴散 | | | |
1742 | selective digit emitter | 選擇數位發射器 | | | |
1743 | selective display | 選擇顯示 | | | |
1744 | selective dissemination | 選擇配送 | | | |
1745 | selective dissemination of information | 資訊選擇傳播 | | | |
1746 | selective diversity combining | 選擇分集合併 | | | |
1747 | selective dump | 選擇傾印 | | | |
1748 | selective erase | 選擇抹除 | | | |
1749 | selective etching | 選擇蝕刻 | | | |
1750 | selective fading | 選擇衰落 | | | |
1751 | selective FIDO trace | 選擇FIDO追蹤 | | | |
1752 | selective generalization rule | 選擇性概括規則 | | | |
1753 | selective index | 選擇索引 | | | |
1754 | selective inductive learning | 選擇性歸納學習 | | | |
1755 | selective information | 選擇資訊 | | | |
1756 | selective information retrieval | 選擇資訊檢索 | | | |
1757 | selective inheritance | 選擇繼承 | | | |
1758 | selective interference | 選擇干擾 | | | |
1759 | selective length field | 選擇長度場 | | | |
1760 | selective line editing | 選擇行編輯 | | | |
1761 | selective listing | 選擇列表 | | | |
1762 | selective mark insertion | 選擇標示插入 | | | |
1763 | selective network | 選擇性網路 | | | |
1764 | selective oxidation process | 選擇氧化處理 | | | |
1765 | selective plating | 選擇電鍍 | | | |
1766 | selective preemption | 選擇占先 | | | |
1767 | selective printing | 選擇(性)列印 | | | |
1768 | selective prompting | 選擇性提示 | | | |
1769 | selective reject | 拒選 | | | |
1770 | selective reject command | 選擇拒絕命令 | | | |
1771 | selective repeat | 選擇性重複 | | | |
1772 | selective repeat procedure | 選擇性重複程序 | | | |
1773 | selective retransmission | 選擇性再傳輸 | | | |
1774 | selective retransmission ARQ | 選擇性ARQ再傳輸 | | | |
1775 | selective ringing | 選擇(性)振鈴 | | | |
1776 | selective sequence calculator | 選擇順序計算器 | | | |
1777 | selective sequence electronic calculator | 選擇順序電子計算器 | | | |
1778 | selective sequential | 順序選擇;按序選擇 | | | |
1779 | selective serial update | 順序選擇更新 | | | |
1780 | selective statement | 選擇敘述 | | | |
1781 | selective tape listing | 選擇磁帶列表 | | | |
1782 | selective tape print | 選擇磁帶列印 | | | |
1783 | selective top down | 選擇自上而下 | | | |
1784 | selective top to bottom algorithm | 選擇自上而下算法 | | | |
1785 | selective trace | 選擇追蹤 | | | |
1786 | selective tracing | 選擇追蹤 | | | |
1787 | selective tracing routine | 選擇追蹤常式 | | | |
1788 | selective track | 選擇磁軌 | | | |
1789 | selective transmission | 選擇傳輸 | | | |
1790 | selective transmittance | 選擇透射率 | | | |
1791 | selective type | 選擇類型 | | | |
1792 | selective updating | 選擇更新 | | | |
1793 | selective wait | 選擇等待 | | | |
1794 | selective waveguide | 選擇波導(管) | | | |
1795 | selectivity | 選擇性 | | | |
1796 | selectivity clear accumulator | 選擇性清除累加器 | | | |
1797 | selector bus | 選擇器匯流排 | | | |
1798 | selector channel | 選擇器通道 | 選擇通道 | | |
1799 | selector channel emulation unit | 選擇器通道仿真單元 | | | |
1800 | selector channel executive | 選擇器通道執行 | | | |
1801 | selector input/output processor | 選擇器輸入╱輸出處理機 | | | |
1802 | selector light pen | 選擇用光筆 | | | |
1803 | selector mode | 選擇器模式 | | | |
1804 | selector pen | 選擇器筆 | | | |
1805 | selector pen attention | 選擇器筆注意 | | | |
1806 | selector plus routine | 正選擇器常式 | | | |
1807 | selector register | 選擇器暫存器 | | | |
1808 | selector unit channel | 選擇器裝置通道 | | | |
1809 | selector | 選擇器 | | | |
1810 | selectron | 選擇管 | | | |
1811 | selectron storage | 選擇管儲存器 | | | |
1812 | selenium | 硒 | | | |
1813 | selenium diode matrix alloy logic | 硒二極體矩陣合金邏輯 | | | |
1814 | selenium rectifier | 硒整流器 | | | |
1815 | selenlum diode matrix alloy logic | 硒合金二極管矩陣邏輯 | | | |
1816 | self-act | 自動 | | | |
1817 | self-acting | 自作用 | 自作用 | | |
1818 | self-adapting | 自適 | 自適應 | | |
1819 | self-adapting computer | 自適電腦 | | | |
1820 | self-adapting memory | 自適記憶體 | | | |
1821 | self-adapting program | 自適程式 | | | |
1822 | self-adapting report generator | 自適報表產生器 | | | |
1823 | self-adapting system | 自適系統 | | | |
1824 | self-adaptive interface | 自適介面 | | | |
1825 | self-adjoint | 自毗連 | | | |
1826 | self-adjointness | 自毗連性 | | | |
1827 | self-adjusting | 自調 | | | |
1828 | self-adjusting automaton | 自調自動機 | | | |
1829 | self-adjusting communication | 自調通信 | | | |
1830 | self-aligning | 自對準 | | | |
1831 | self-aligning gate | 自對準閘 | | | |
1832 | self-aligning gate transistor | 自對準閘電晶體 | | | |
1833 | self-aligning system | 自對準系統 | | | |
1834 | self-anti dual function | 自反雙重函數 | | | |
1835 | self-application | 自應用 | | | |
1836 | self-assembler | 自組合程式 | | | |
1837 | self-assessment procedure | 自評價程序 | | | |
1838 | self-authentication | 自鑒定 | | | |
1839 | self-awareness | 自我意識 | | | |
1840 | self-balanced | 自平衡 | | | |
1841 | self-banking | 自助銀行業務 | | | |
1842 | self-bias | 自偏壓;自偏移 | | | |
1843 | self-block | 自阻 | | | |
1844 | self-booting | 自啟動 | 自啟動 | | |
1845 | self-calibration | 自校準 | 自定標 | | |
1846 | self-check | 自檢;自檢查 | | | |
1847 | self-check code | 自檢碼 | | | |
1848 | self-check digit | 自檢數位 | | | |
1849 | self-check field | 自檢欄 | | | |
1850 | self-check program | 自檢查程式 | | | |
1851 | self-checker | 自檢器 | | | |
1852 | self-checking | 自檢 | 自檢驗 | | |
1853 | self-checking circuit | 自檢電路 | 自檢電路 | | |
1854 | self-checking cleaner | 自檢清潔器 | | | |
1855 | self-checking code | 自檢碼 | | | |
1856 | self-checking number | 自檢號碼 | | | |
1857 | self-checking number device | 自檢號碼裝置 | | | |
1858 | self-checking number system | 自檢號碼系統 | | | |
1859 | self-checking numeral | 自檢數字 | | | |
1860 | self-checking program | 自檢程式 | | | |
1861 | self-checking synchronous sequential computer | 自檢同步順序計算機 | | | |
1862 | self-checking system | 自檢系統 | | | |
1863 | self-checking technique | 自檢技術 | | | |
1864 | self-clocking | 自計時 | 自同步[時鐘] | | |
1865 | self-clocking ability | 自計時能力 | | | |
1866 | self-clustering | 自叢集 | | | |
1867 | self-compatibility | 自相容性 | | | |
1868 | self-compensating | 自補償 | | | |
1869 | self-compiling compiler | 自編譯編譯程式 | | | |
1870 | self-compiling language | 自編語言 | | | |
1871 | self-complement | 自補 | | | |
1872 | self-complement digraph | 自補有向圖 | | | |
1873 | self-complementary graph | 自補圖 | | | |
1874 | self-complementing code | 自補碼 | | | |
1875 | self-complementing counter | 自補計數器 | | | |
1876 | self-complementing graph | 自補圖 | | | |
1877 | self-configurating operating system | 自組態作業系統 | | | |
1878 | self-conjugate | 自共軛 | | | |
1879 | self-consistent | 自相容;自相一致 | | | |
1880 | self-contained control | 自足式控制 | | | |
1881 | self-contained data language | 自足資料語言 | | | |
1882 | self-contained database | 自足資料庫 | | | |
1883 | self-contained DBMS | 自含型資料庫管理系統 | | | |
1884 | self-contained digraph | 自含有向圖 | | | |
1885 | self-contained facility | 自含設施 | | | |
1886 | self-contained generated data | 自含產生資料 | | | |
1887 | self-contained hardware unit | 自含硬體裝置 | | | |
1888 | self-contained language system | 自含語言系統 | | | |
1889 | self-contained loop | 自含迴路 | | | |
1890 | self-contained program loader | 自含程式載入器 | | | |
1891 | self-contained system | 自含系統 | | | |
1892 | self-contained | 自足式;自含式 | | | |
1893 | self-control access | 自控存取 | | | |
1894 | self-converse digraph | 自逆有向圖 | | | |
1895 | self-cooling | 自冷卻 | | | |
1896 | self-correcting | 自校正 | | | |
1897 | self-correcting code | 自校正碼 | | | |
1898 | self-correcting link | 自校正鏈接 | | | |
1899 | self-correcting technique | 自校正技術 | | | |
1900 | self-correlation | 自相關 | | | |
1901 | self-debugger | 自除錯器 | | | |
1902 | self-decode | 自解碼 | | | |
1903 | self-decode delimiter | 自解碼定界符 | | | |
1904 | self-decoding readout | 自解碼讀出 | | | |
1905 | self-defined parameter | 自定義參數 | | | |
1906 | self-defining | 自定義 | | | |
1907 | self-defining character | 自定義字元 | | | |
1908 | self-defining data | 自定義資料 | | | |
1909 | self-defining data name | 自定義資料名 | | | |
1910 | self-defining delimiter | 自定義定界符 | | | |
1911 | self-defining term | 自定義項 | | | |
1912 | self-defining value | 自定義值 | | | |
1913 | self-delimiting | 自定界 | | | |
1914 | self-delineating block | 自劃界塊 | 自划界塊 | | |
1915 | self-demagnetization | 自消磁 | | | |
1916 | self-demagnetizing factor | 自消磁因子 | | | |
1917 | self-demagnetizing field | 自消磁場 | | | |
1918 | self-demarcating code | 自定界碼;自分界碼 | | | |
1919 | self-demarking code | 自定界碼 | | | |
1920 | self-describing | 自描述 | | | |
1921 | self-describing entry | 自描述登錄 | | | |
1922 | self-description | 自描述 | 自描述 | | |
1923 | self-descriptiveness | 自描述性 | 自描述性 | | |
1924 | self-diagnosable | 可自診斷 | | | |
1925 | self-diagnosable modular system | 可自診斷模組系統 | | | |
1926 | self-diagnosable system | 可自診斷系統 | | | |
1927 | self-diagnosis function | 自診斷功能 | 自診斷功能 | | |
1928 | self-diagnostic | 自診斷 | | | |
1929 | self-diagnostic alarm panel | 自診斷警報面板 | | | |
1930 | self-diagnostic function | 自診斷功能 | | | |
1931 | self-diagnostic program | 自診斷程式 | | | |
1932 | self-diagnostic test | 自診斷測試 | | | |
1933 | self-diagnostic testing routine | 自診斷測試常式 | | | |
1934 | self-documenting program | 自編文件程式 | | | |
1935 | self-dual | 自對偶 | | | |
1936 | self-dual function | 自對偶函數 | | | |
1937 | self-dual graph | 自對偶圖 | | | |
1938 | self-dual matrix | 自對偶矩陣 | | | |
1939 | self-dual system | 自對偶系統 | | | |
1940 | self-duality | 自對偶性 | | | |
1941 | self-editor | 自編輯器 | | | |
1942 | self-embedding | 自嵌入 | 自嵌[入] | | |
1943 | self-embedding grammar | 自嵌入文法 | | | |
1944 | self-embedding inference | 自嵌入推理 | | | |
1945 | self-embedding property | 自嵌入性質 | | | |
1946 | self-enclosed | 自閉合 | | | |
1947 | self-erasure | 自抹除 | | | |
1948 | self-evident code | 自明碼 | | | |
1949 | self-excitation | 自激 | | | |
1950 | self-excitation oscillation | 自激振盪 | | | |
1951 | self-explanatory | 自說明性 | | | |
1952 | self-extensible language | 可自擴充語言 | | | |
1953 | self-extensible software package | 可自擴充套裝軟體 | | | |
1954 | self-focusing optical fiber | 自聚焦光纖 | | | |
1955 | self-generating dictionary | 自產生字典 | | | |
1956 | self-healing | 自行復原 | | | |
1957 | self-healing thermionic tube | 自行復原熱離子管 | | | |
1958 | self-heterodyne | 自差;自外差 | | | |
1959 | self-imaging | 自成像 | | | |
1960 | self-improvement | 自改進;自我改善 | | | |
1961 | self-indexed file | 自索引檔案 | | | |
1962 | self-indexing file | 自索引檔案 | | | |
1963 | self-inductance | 自感 | | | |
1964 | self-induction | 自感應 | | | |
1965 | self-information | 自資訊 | | | |
1966 | self-initializing | 自行初始化 | | | |
1967 | self-initializing program | 自行初始化程式 | | | |
1968 | self-initializing test | 自行初始化測試 | | | |
1969 | self-initializing test sequence | 自行初始化測試序列 | | | |
1970 | self-installability | 自安裝性 | | | |
1971 | self-instructed carry | 自動進位 | | | |
1972 | self-interference | 自干擾 | | | |
1973 | self-interpreting program generator | 自解譯程式產生器 | | | |
1974 | self-intersection | 自相交 | 自相交 | | |
1975 | self-interval timer | 自間隔計時器 | | | |
1976 | self-isolation resistor | 自隔離電阻器 | | | |
1977 | self-join | 自聯合 | 自聯結, *自連接 | | |
1978 | self-knowledge | 自身知識 | 自省知識 | | |
1979 | self-learning | 自學 | 自學習 | | |
1980 | self-learning computer | 自學電腦 | | | |
1981 | self-learning system | 自學系統 | | | |
1982 | self-left recursion | 自我左遞迴 | | | |
1983 | self-loading cartridge | 自載入匣 | | | |
1984 | self-loading program | 自載入程式 | | | |
1985 | self-lock mechanism | 自鎖機制 | | | |
1986 | self-locking property | 自鎖性質 | | | |
1987 | self-locking | 自鎖 | | | |
1988 | selfloop | 自迴路 | 自圈 | | |
1989 | self-loop | 自迴路 | | | |
1990 | self-magnetic environment | 自感磁環境 | | | |
1991 | self-magnetic flux | 自感磁通量 | | | |
1992 | self-model | 自模型 | 自模型 | | |
1993 | self-modification program | 自修改程式 | | | |
1994 | self-modifying | 自修改 | | | |
1995 | self-modifying channel program | 自修改通道程式 | | | |
1996 | self-modifying function | 自修改函數 | | | |
1997 | self-modifying instruction | 自修改指令 | | | |
1998 | self-modifying operation | 自修改操作 | | | |
1999 | self-modifying program | 自修改程式 | | | |
2000 | self-monitoring | 自監視 | | | |
2001 | self-monitoring system | 自監視系統 | | | |
2002 | self-operated controller | 自操作控制器 | | | |
2003 | self-optimizing communication | 自行最佳化通信 | | | |
2004 | self-optimizing control | 自行最佳化控制 | 自尋優控制 | | |
2005 | self-organization | 自我組織 | | | |
2006 | self-organization mapping | 自組織映射 | 自組織映射 | | |
2007 | self-organization theory | 自組織理論 | | | |
2008 | self-organized learning | 自我組織學習 | | | |
2009 | self-organizing | 自組織 | | | |
2010 | self-organizing binary logical network | 自組織二進制邏輯網路 | | | |
2011 | self-organizing computer | 自組織電腦 | | | |
2012 | self-organizing control | 自組織控制 | | | |
2013 | self-organizing controller | 自組織控制器 | | | |
2014 | self-organizing equipment | 自組織設備 | | | |
2015 | self-organizing list | 自組織列表 | | | |
2016 | self-organizing machine | 自組織機 | | | |
2017 | self-organizing neural network | 自組織類神經網絡 | 自組織神經網絡 | | |
2018 | self-organizing program | 自組織程式 | | | |
2019 | self-organizing routing method | 自組織選路方法 | | | |
2020 | self-organizing symbol table | 自組織符號表 | | | |
2021 | self-organizing system | 自組織系統 | 自組織系統 | | |
2022 | self-oscillating regime | 自振狀態 | | | |
2023 | self-paced instructional tool | 自調進度教學工具 | | | |
2024 | self-phasing code | 自定相碼 | | | |
2025 | self-planning | 自規劃 | 自規划 | | |
2026 | self-programmed electronic equation delineator | 自程控電子方程式描繪器 | | | |
2027 | self-programming | 自程式設計 | | | |
2028 | self-programming computer | 自編程式電腦 | | | |
2029 | self-programming software | 自編程式軟體 | | | |
2030 | self-programming system | 自編程式系統 | | | |
2031 | self-protecting | 自保護 | | | |
2032 | self-protection | 自保護 | | | |
2033 | self-protection jamming | 自保護干擾 | | | |
2034 | self-pulse modulation | 自脈衝調變 | | | |
2035 | self-purging redundancy | 自清除冗餘 | | | |
2036 | self-reading | 自讀 | | | |
2037 | self-recovery | 自恢復 | | | |
2038 | self-reference | 自引用;自參考 | 自引用 | | |
2039 | self-referential structure | 自參考結構 | | | |
2040 | self-reflective program | 自反射程式 | | | |
2041 | self-refreshed dynamic memory | 自再新動態記憶體 | | | |
2042 | self-registered operating system | 自登記作業系統 | | | |
2043 | self-registered technology | 自登記技術 | | | |
2044 | self-registration | 自對準;自登記 | | | |
2045 | self-regulating | 自調節 | 自調整 | | |
2046 | self-regulating error-correct coder-decoder | 自調節改錯編碼解碼器 | | | |
2047 | self-regulation | 自調整 | | | |
2048 | self-relative | 自相對 | | | |
2049 | self-relative address | 自相對位址;自行相對位址 | | | |
2050 | self-relative addressing | 自相對定址;自行相對定位 | | | |
2051 | self-relative computer | 自相對電腦 | | | |
2052 | self-relative subroutine | 自相對次常式 | | | |
2053 | self-relocating program | 自再定位程式 | | | |
2054 | self-relocation | 自再定位 | 自重定位 | | |
2055 | self-repair | 自修復 | 自修理 | | |
2056 | self-repair system | 自修復系統 | | | |
2057 | self-repairability | 自修復性 | | | |
2058 | self-repairing | 自修復 | | | |
2059 | self-repairing circuit | 自修復電路 | | | |
2060 | self-repairing computer | 自修復電腦 | | | |
2061 | self-repairing fault tolerant system | 自修復容錯系統 | | | |
2062 | self-reproducing | 自再生 | | | |
2063 | self-reproducing automaton | 自再生自動機 | | | |
2064 | self-reproducing function | 自再生功能 | | | |
2065 | self-reset | 自重置 | | | |
2066 | self-reseting loop | 自重置迴路 | | | |
2067 | self-restoring loop | 自復原迴路 | | | |
2068 | self-retrieval | 自檢索 | | | |
2069 | self-routing | 自選路 | | | |
2070 | self-scanned array | 自掃瞄陣列 | | | |
2071 | self-scanned linear array | 自掃瞄線性陣列 | | | |
2072 | self-scanned photosensing array | 自掃瞄感光陣列 | | | |
2073 | self-scanning array | 自掃瞄陣列 | | | |
2074 | self-scheduled algorithm | 自排程演算法 | 自調度算法 | | |
2075 | self-scheduling | 自排程 | 自調度 | | |
2076 | self-selecting U-scan | 自選擇U掃瞄 | | | |
2077 | self-service financial terminal | 自助型財務終端 | | | |
2078 | self-similar network traffic | 自相似網路流量 | 自相似網絡業務 | | |
2079 | self-similar solution | 自相似解 | | | |
2080 | self-standing system | 自常駐系統 | | | |
2081 | self-study course | 自學課程 | | | |
2082 | self-supervisor | 自監督器 | | | |
2083 | self-support system | 自支援系統 | | | |
2084 | self-sustained oscillation | 自持續振盪 | | | |
2085 | self-synchronizing code | 自同步碼 | | | |
2086 | self-synchronizing | 自同步 | | | |
2087 | self-synchronous cipher | 自同步密碼 | 自同步密碼 | | |
2088 | self-test | 自測;自我測試 | | | |
2089 | self-test factor | 自測因數 | | | |
2090 | self-testable failure set | 可自測故障集 | | | |
2091 | self-testing | 自測 | 自測試 | | |
2092 | self-testing cartridge | 自測匣 | | | |
2093 | self-testing circuit | 自測電路 | | | |
2094 | self-testing factor | 自測因數 | | | |
2095 | self-testing modem | 自測試數據機 | | | |
2096 | self-threading cartridge | 自動穿帶匣 | | | |
2097 | self-threading tape | 自穿線帶 | | | |
2098 | self-timing | 自定時 | | | |
2099 | self-training environment | 自訓練環境 | | | |
2100 | self-translator | 自翻譯器 | | | |
2101 | self-triggered program | 自啟動程式 | | | |
2102 | self-tuning | 自調諧 | | | |
2103 | self-tuning control | 自調諧控制 | 自校正控制 | | |
2104 | self-tuning regulator | 自調諧調整器 | | | |
2105 | self-validating code | 自驗証碼 | | | |
2106 | self-ventilation | 自通風 | | | |
2107 | self-virtualizing | 自虛擬 | | | |
2108 | self-virtualizing machine | 自虛擬機 | | | |
2109 | selling price | 銷售價格 | | | |
2110 | selling warehouse | 銷售倉庫 | | | |
2111 | selsyn | 自同步;自同步機 | | | |
2112 | selsyn control | 自同步機控制 | | | |
2113 | selsyn data system | 自同步資料系統 | | | |
2114 | selsyn device | 自同步裝置 | | | |
2115 | selsyn motor | 自同步馬達 | | | |
2116 | selsyn system | 自同步系統 | | | |
2117 | semanteme | 語意元素 | | | |
2118 | semantic | 語意 | 語義 | | |
2119 | semantic action | 語意作用 | | | |
2120 | semantic ambiguity | 語意歧義 | | | |
2121 | semantic analysis | 語意分析 | 語義分析 | | |
2122 | semantic analyzer | 語意分析程式 | | | |
2123 | semantic analyzing machine | 語義分析機 | | | |
2124 | semantic attribute | 語意屬性 | 語義屬性 | | |
2125 | semantic binary relationship model | 語意二元關係模型 | | | |
2126 | semantic check | 語意檢查 | | | |
2127 | semantic clash | 語意撞擊 | | | |
2128 | semantic code | 語意碼 | | | |
2129 | semantic compatibility | 語意相容性 | | | |
2130 | semantic component | 語意成分 | | | |
2131 | semantic correctness | 語意正確度 | | | |
2132 | semantic correlation | 語意相關 | | | |
2133 | semantic data independence | 語意資料獨立性 | | | |
2134 | semantic data mode | 語意資料模式 | | | |
2135 | semantic data model | 語意資料模型 | 語義數據模型 | | |
2136 | semantic database integrity | 語意資料庫完整性 | | | |
2137 | semantic database technology | 語意資料庫技術 | | | |
2138 | semantic definition | 語意定義 | | | |
2139 | semantic dependency | 語義相關性 | 語義相關性 | | |
2140 | semantic description | 語意描述 | | | |
2141 | semantic design method | 語意設計方法 | | | |
2142 | semantic dictionary | 語意詞典 | 語義詞典 | | |
2143 | semantic disintegrity | 語意不完整性 | | | |
2144 | semantic distance | 語意距離 | 語義距離 | | |
2145 | semantic domain | 語意域 | | | |
2146 | semantic equivalence | 語意等價 | | | |
2147 | semantic error | 語意錯誤 | | | |
2148 | semantic error checking | 語意錯誤檢查 | | | |
2149 | semantic error handing | 語意錯誤處置 | | | |
2150 | semantic error source | 語意錯誤源 | | | |
2151 | semantic evaluation | 語意評估 | | | |
2152 | semantic expressiveness | 語意表示 | | | |
2153 | semantic field | 語意場 | 語義場 | | |
2154 | semantic function | 語意函數 | | | |
2155 | semantic generation | 語意產生 | | | |
2156 | semantic grammar | 語意文法 | | | |
2157 | semantic information | 語意資訊 | 語義信息 | | |
2158 | semantic information function | 語意資訊函數 | | | |
2159 | semantic information processing | 語意資訊處理 | | | |
2160 | semantic information retrieval | 語意資訊檢索 | | | |
2161 | semantic information retriever | 語意資訊檢索器 | | | |
2162 | semantic integrity | 語意完整性 | | | |
2163 | semantic integrity constraint | 語意完整性約束 | | | |
2164 | semantic interpretation | 語意解譯 | | | |
2165 | semantic interpretation function | 語意解譯函數 | | | |
2166 | semantic knowledge | 語意知識 | | | |
2167 | semantic language | 語意語言 | | | |
2168 | semantic line finder | 語意行尋檢器 | | | |
2169 | semantic logic notation | 語意邏輯記法 | | | |
2170 | semantic logic structure | 語意邏輯結構 | | | |
2171 | semantic marker | 標誌語意 | | | |
2172 | semantic matching | 語意匹配 | | | |
2173 | semantic matrix | 語意矩陣 | | | |
2174 | semantic meaning | 語意意義 | | | |
2175 | semantic memory | 語意記憶體 | 語義記憶 | | |
2176 | semantic memory model | 語意記憶體模型 | | | |
2177 | semantic memory net | 語意記憶體網 | | | |
2178 | semantic meta language | 語意元語言 | | | |
2179 | semantic model | 語意模型 | | | |
2180 | semantic net | 語意網 | | | |
2181 | semantic network | 語意網路 | 語義網絡 | | |
2182 | semantic notation | 語意記法 | | | |
2183 | semantic paradox | 語意悖論 | | | |
2184 | semantic pattern matching | 語意型樣匹配 | | | |
2185 | semantic preference | 語意優選 | | | |
2186 | semantic primitive | 語意基元 | | | |
2187 | semantic procedure | 語意程序 | | | |
2188 | semantic processing | 語意處理 | | | |
2189 | semantic query optimization | 語意查詢最佳化 | | | |
2190 | semantic relation data model | 語意關係資料模型 | | | |
2191 | semantic representation language | 語意表示語言 | | | |
2192 | semantic resolution | 語意分解 | | | |
2193 | semantic routine | 語意常式 | | | |
2194 | semantic routine call | 語意常式呼叫 | | | |
2195 | semantic routine notation | 語意常式記法 | | | |
2196 | semantic routine number | 語意常式號碼 | | | |
2197 | semantic sequence | 語意順序 | | | |
2198 | semantic space construction | 語意空間構造 | | | |
2199 | semantic specification | 語意規格 | | | |
2200 | semantic stack | 語意堆疊 | | | |
2201 | semantic stack configuration | 語意堆疊組態 | | | |
2202 | semantic stack element | 語意堆疊元素 | | | |
2203 | semantic symbol | 語意符號 | | | |
2204 | semantic tableaux algorithm | 語意表格演算法 | | | |
2205 | semantic test | 語意檢查 | 語義檢查 | | |
2206 | semantic theory | 語意理論 | 語義理論 | | |
2207 | semantic tree | 語意樹 | 語義樹 | | |
2208 | semantic unification | 語意統一 | 語義合一 | | |
2209 | semantic valuation function | 語意評價函數 | | | |
2210 | semantic word | 語意字 | | | |
2211 | semantics | 語意;語意學 | 語義學 | | |
2212 | semantics oriented language | 語意導向語言 | | | |
2213 | semantics translator | 語意翻譯器 | | | |
2214 | semantics-based query optimization | 語意為主的查詢最佳化 | 基于語義的查詢優化 | | |
2215 | semaphore | 旗號 | 信號量 | | |
2216 | semaphore primitive | 旗號基元 | | | |
2217 | semaphore queue management | 旗號隊列管理 | | | |
2218 | semaphore signaling | 旗號發信 | | | |
2219 | semaphore symbol | 旗號符號 | | | |
2220 | semaphore word | 旗號字 | | | |
2221 | semeiology | 記號學;徵候學 | | | |
2222 | semi | 半 | | | |
2223 | semi-addition | 半加法 | | | |
2224 | semi-automatic | 半自動 | | | |
2225 | semi-automatic artwork generator system | 半自動原圖產生器系統 | | | |
2226 | semi-automatic checkout equipment | 半自動檢測設備 | | | |
2227 | semi-automatic circuit | 半自動電路 | | | |
2228 | semi-automatic coding | 半自動編碼 | | | |
2229 | semi-automatic continuous tape relay switching | 半自動連續帶繼電器交換 | | | |
2230 | semi-automatic control | 半自動控制 | | | |
2231 | semi-automatic controller | 半自動控制器 | | | |
2232 | semi-automatic ground environment system | 半自動防空系統 | | | |
2233 | semi-automatic ground environment | 半自動地面(防空)環境 | | | |
2234 | semi-automatic inserting machine | 半自動插入機器 | | | |
2235 | semi-automatic low data rate input | 半自動低資料率輸入 | | | |
2236 | semi-automatic message switching | 半自動訊息交換 | | | |
2237 | semi-automatic message switching center | 半自動訊息交換中心 | | | |
2238 | semi-automatic operation | 半自動作業 | | | |
2239 | semi-automatic processor | 半自動處理機 | | | |
2240 | semi-automatic program | 半自動程式 | | | |
2241 | semi-automatic program checkout equipment | 半自動程式檢測設備 | | | |
2242 | semi-automatic programming | 半自動程式設計 | | | |
2243 | semi-automatic relay system | 半自動繼電器系統 | | | |
2244 | semi-automatic selection | 半自動選擇 | | | |
2245 | semi-automatic service | 半自動服務 | | | |
2246 | semi-automatic test equipment | 半自動測試設備 | | | |
2247 | semi-automatic working | 半自動工作 | | | |
2248 | semi-automation | 半自動化 | | | |
2249 | semi-autonomous multiprocessor | 半自律多處理機 | | | |
2250 | semi-changeable ROM | 半可變唯讀記憶體 | | | |
2251 | semi-circle | 半圓 | | | |
2252 | semi-closed shop | 半閉合場 | | | |
2253 | semi-colloid | 半膠體 | | | |
2254 | semicolon | 分號 | | | |
2255 | semicolon count | 分號計數 | | | |
2256 | semi-compiled | 半編譯的 | | | |
2257 | semicompiler | 半編譯程式 | | | |
2258 | semicomputability | 半可算性 | | | |
2259 | semicomputable | 半可算 | | | |
2260 | semicomputable predicate | 半可計算述詞 | | | |
2261 | semicomputable set | 半可算集 | | | |
2262 | semicomputer | 準計算機 | | | |
2263 | semiconductive | 半導電 | | | |
2264 | semiconductive glass | 半導電玻璃 | | | |
2265 | semiconductor active memory | 半導體現用記憶體 | | | |
2266 | semiconductor advanced memory | 半導體高級記憶體 | | | |
2267 | semiconductor amplifier | 半導體放大器 | | | |
2268 | semiconductor bipolar processor | 半導體雙極處理機 | | | |
2269 | semiconductor channel | 半導體通道 | | | |
2270 | semiconductor chip | 半導體晶片 | | | |
2271 | semiconductor chip bonding | 半導體晶片焊接 | | | |
2272 | semiconductor component | 半導體組件 | | | |
2273 | semiconductor crystal | 半導體晶體 | | | |
2274 | semiconductor device | 半導體裝置 | | | |
2275 | semiconductor diffusion | 半導體擴散 | | | |
2276 | semiconductor diode | 半導體二極體 | | | |
2277 | semiconductor disc memory | 半導體磁碟記憶體 | | | |
2278 | semiconductor donor | 半導體施體 | | | |
2279 | semiconductor dopant | 半導體摻雜劑 | | | |
2280 | semiconductor doping | 半導體摻雜 | | | |
2281 | semiconductor dual in-line package | 半導體雙直插組件 | | | |
2282 | Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute | 半導體設備與材料學會 | | | |
2283 | semiconductor function block | 半導體功能段 | | | |
2284 | semiconductor hole | 半導體孔 | | | |
2285 | Semiconductor Industry association | 半導體工業協會 | | | |
2286 | semiconductor integrated circuit | 半導體積體電路 | | | |
2287 | semiconductor junction | 半導體連接 | | | |
2288 | semiconductor laser | 半導體雷射 | | | |
2289 | semiconductor material | 半導體材料 | | | |
2290 | semiconductor memory | 半導體記憶;半導體記憶體 | 半導體存儲器 | | |
2291 | semiconductor memory component | 半導體記憶組件(部)件 | | | |
2292 | semiconductor memory design | 半導體記憶設計 | | | |
2293 | semiconductor memory integrated device | 半導體記憶積體裝置 | | | |
2294 | semiconductor memory module | 半導體記憶模組 | | | |
2295 | semiconductor memory technology | 半導體記憶技術 | | | |
2296 | semiconductor memory test system | 半導體記憶測試系統 | | | |
2297 | semiconductor memory type | 半導體記憶體類型 | | | |
2298 | semiconductor network | 半導體網路 | | | |
2299 | semiconductor parameter | 半導體參數 | | | |
2300 | semiconductor RAM | 半導體RAM | | | |
2301 | semiconductor storage | 半導體儲存 | | | |
2302 | semiconductor storage module | 半導體儲存模組 | | | |
2303 | semiconductor storage unit | 半導體儲存器裝置 | | | |
2304 | semiconductor store | 半導體儲存 | | | |
2305 | semiconductor technology | 半導體技術 | | | |
2306 | semiconductor trap | 半導體陷阱 | | | |
2307 | semiconductor triode | 半導體三極體 | | | |
2308 | semiconductor type | 半導體類型 | | | |
2309 | semiconductor | 半導體 | | | |
2310 | semi-continuous channel | 半連續通道 | | | |
2311 | semicontinuous function | 半連續函數 | | | |
2312 | semicustom chip | 半定製晶片 | | | |
2313 | semicut set | 半割集 | | | |
2314 | semicycle | 半圓;半圈 | | | |
2315 | semi-decidability | 半可決策性 | | | |
2316 | semi-decidable | 半可決策性的 | | | |
2317 | semidefinite integral form | 半定積分形式 | | | |
2318 | semidefinite matrix | 半定矩陣 | | | |
2319 | semidefinite operator | 半定運算子 | | | |
2320 | semidefinite quadratic form | 半定二次形式 | | | |
2321 | semi-discrete approximation | 半離散近似 | | | |
2322 | semi-distributed hardware system | 半分散式硬體系統 | | | |
2323 | semi-dry process | 半乾處理 | | | |
2324 | semiduplex | 半雙工 | | | |
2325 | semi-duplex operation | 半雙工作業 | | | |
2326 | semi-electronic switch | 半電子開關 | | | |
2327 | semi-electronic switching system | 半電子交換系統 | | | |
2328 | semi-empirical | 半經驗 | | | |
2329 | semi-empirical calculation | 半經驗計算 | | | |
2330 | semi-empirical equation | 半經驗方程式 | | | |
2331 | semi-empirical relationship | 半經驗關係 | | | |
2332 | semi-explicit | 半顯式 | | | |
2333 | semifast Fourier transform | 半快速傅立葉變換 | | | |
2334 | semifixed length record | 半固定長度記錄 | | | |
2335 | semifixed length record memory | 半固定長度記錄記憶體 | | | |
2336 | semiflexible board | 半柔性印刷線路板 | | | |
2337 | semigraphical method | 半圖解法 | | | |
2338 | semigroup | 半群 | | | |
2339 | semigroup method | 半群法 | | | |
2340 | semigroup property | 半群性質 | | | |
2341 | semi-heavy loading | 半重負載 | | | |
2342 | semi-increment | 半增量 | | | |
2343 | semi-infinite storage tape | 半無限儲存帶 | | | |
2344 | semi-infinite tape | 半無限帶 | | | |
2345 | semi-insulating | 半絕緣 | | | |
2346 | semi-integrated type | 半積體型 | | | |
2347 | semi-interquartile range | 半內四分距 | | | |
2348 | semi-irreducible graph | 半不可約圖 | | | |
2349 | semi-iterative method | 半疊代方法 | | | |
2350 | semi-iterative process | 半疊代處理 | | | |
2351 | semijoin | 半聯結 | 半聯結 | | |
2352 | semilattice | 半晶格 | | | |
2353 | semilinear | 半線性 | | | |
2354 | semilinear set | 半線性集 | 半線性集 | | |
2355 | semilocal convergence | 半局部收斂 | | | |
2356 | semilog | 半對數 | | | |
2357 | semi-log paper | 半對數坐標紙 | | | |
2358 | semi-logarithmic coordinate paper | 半對數坐標紙 | | | |
2359 | semi-magnetic controller | 半磁控制器 | | | |
2360 | semi-Markov chain | 半馬可夫鍊 | | | |
2361 | semimetal | 半金屬(元素) | | | |
2362 | semi-micro xerography | 半微型靜電印刷術 | | | |
2363 | semi-natural language | 半自然語言 | | | |
2364 | seminorm | 半模;半範數 | | | |
2365 | seminumerical algorithm | 半數值算法 | | | |
2366 | seminumerical analysis | 半數值分析 | | | |
2367 | semi-open shop | 半開場 | | | |
2368 | semiorbit | 半軌道 | | | |
2369 | semiotics | 徵候學 | | | |
2370 | semiparabolic | 半拋物線 | | | |
2371 | semipath | 半路徑 | | | |
2372 | semiperiod | 半週期 | | | |
2373 | semipermanent connection | 半永久性連接 | | | |
2374 | semipermanent data | 半永久資料 | | | |
2375 | semipermanent electronic storage | 半永久電子儲存器 | | | |
2376 | semipermanent store | 半永久儲存 | | | |
2377 | semi-physical simulation | 半物理模擬 | 半實物仿真 | | |
2378 | semi-predicate function | 半述詞函數 | | | |
2379 | semi-private circuit | 半私用電路 | | | |
2380 | semirandom access memory | 半隨機存取記憶體 | | | |
2381 | semirandom access storage | 半隨機存取儲存器 | | | |
2382 | semi-rational formula | 半理論公式;半有理式 | | | |
2383 | semi-real-time | 半實時 | | | |
2384 | semi-real-time processing | 半即時處理 | | | |
2385 | semirigid cable | 半剛性電纜 | | | |
2386 | semiselective ringing | 半選擇振鈴 | | | |
2387 | semisinusoidal | 半正弦的 | | | |
2388 | semisolid | 半固體;半固態 | | | |
2389 | semistatic memory | 半靜態記憶體 | | | |
2390 | semistructured decision | 半結構化決策 | | | |
2391 | semi-threshold logic | 半定限邏輯 | | | |
2392 | semi-Thue production | 半圖厄生產 | | | |
2393 | semi-Thue system | 半圖厄系統 | 半圖厄系統 | | |
2394 | semitriangular basis | 半三角基底 | | | |
2395 | semitriangular form | 半三角形式 | | | |
2396 | semi-vocoder | 半聲碼器 | | | |
2397 | semiwalk | 半行走 | | | |
2398 | semiweak key | 半弱鍵 | | | |
2399 | senary | 六進制;六進 | | | |
2400 | send | 發送 | | | |
2401 | send ahead | 提前發送 | | | |
2402 | send answer | 送答 | | | |
2403 | send back system | 回送系統 | | | |
2404 | send buffer address | 發送緩衝位址 | | | |
2405 | send common | 發送公用 | | | |
2406 | send console | 發送控制台 | | | |
2407 | send control predefined procedure | 發送控制預定義程序 | | | |
2408 | send data condition | 發送資料條件 | | | |
2409 | send data | 發送資料 | | | |
2410 | send data/receive data request | 發送╱接收資料請求 | | | |
2411 | send filter | 發送濾波器 | | | |
2412 | send in error | 誤發 | | | |
2413 | send message | 發送訊息 | | | |
2414 | send only service | 唯送服務 | | | |
2415 | send only | 唯送 | | | |
2416 | send processor | 發送處理機 | | | |
2417 | send request circuit | 求送電路;請求發送電路 | | | |
2418 | send sequence number | 發送順序號碼 | | | |
2419 | send signal | 發送信號 | | | |
2420 | send state | 發送狀態 | | | |
2421 | send state variable | 發送狀態變數 | | | |
2422 | send statement | 發送敘述 | | | |
2423 | send terminal | 發送終端 | | | |
2424 | send/receive | 發送╱接送 | | | |
2425 | send/receive keyboard | 發送╱接收鍵盤 | | | |
2426 | send/receive protocol | 發送╱接收協定 | | | |
2427 | send/receive teletypewriter | 發送╱接收電傳打字機 | | | |
2428 | sender | 發送器 | | | |
2429 | sender attachment delay | 發送器附屬裝置延遲 | | | |
2430 | sender queue | 發送者佇列 | | | |
2431 | sending | 發送 | | | |
2432 | sending acknowledgement | 發送應答 | | | |
2433 | sending area | 發送區 | | | |
2434 | sending buffer | 發送緩衝 | | | |
2435 | sending end crossfire | 發送端交射電流 | | | |
2436 | sending entity | 發送實體 | | | |
2437 | sending field | 發送欄 | | | |
2438 | sending item | 發送項 | | | |
2439 | sending job | 發送工件 | | | |
2440 | sending node | 發送節點 | | | |
2441 | sending pacing | 發送定步 | | | |
2442 | sending point | 發送點 | | | |
2443 | sending processor | 發送處理機 | | | |
2444 | sending signal | 發送信號 | | | |
2445 | sending station | 發送站 | | | |
2446 | sending transport entity | 發送傳送實體 | | | |
2447 | sending voltage | 發送電壓 | 入射電壓 | | |
2448 | senior | 資深 | | | |
2449 | senior analyst | 資深分析員 | | | |
2450 | senior management | 資深管理 | | | |
2451 | senior programmer | 資深程式設計師 | | | |
2452 | senior ship radio officer | 資深船無線電官員 | | | |
2453 | senior system analyst | 資深系統分析員 | | | |
2454 | senior system designer | 資深系統設計師 | | | |
2455 | seniority | 前輩;高位數 | | | |
2456 | sense amplifier | 感測放大器 | 讀放大器 | | |
2457 | sense amplifier circuit | 感測放大器電路 | | | |
2458 | sense amplifier gate | 感測放大器閘 | | | |
2459 | sense amplifier | 感測放大器 | | | |
2460 | sense bit | 感測位元 | | | |
2461 | sense byte | 感測位元組 | | | |
2462 | sense circuit | 讀出電路 | 讀出電路 | | |
2463 | sense code | 感測碼 | | | |
2464 | sense command | 感測命令 | | | |
2465 | sense console | 感測控制台 | | | |
2466 | sense control block | 感測控制塊 | | | |
2467 | sense data | 感測資料 | | | |
2468 | sense device status word | 感測裝置狀態字 | | | |
2469 | sense digit line | 感測數位線 | | | |
2470 | sense field | 感測欄 | | | |
2471 | sense information | 感測資訊 | | | |
2472 | sense latch | 感測閂 | | | |
2473 | sense light | 感測燈 | | | |
2474 | sense line | 感測線 | 讀出線 | | |
2475 | sense order | 感測命令 | | | |
2476 | sense printer | 感測列印機 | | | |
2477 | sense recovery time | 感測恢復時間 | | | |
2478 | sense register | 感測暫存器 | | | |
2479 | sense response | 感測回應 | | | |
2480 | sense signal | 感測信號 | | | |
2481 | sense status byte | 感測狀態位元組 | | | |
2482 | sense switch | 感測開關 | | | |
2483 | sense winding | 感測線捲 | | | |
2484 | sense wire | 感測線 | | | |
2485 | sense | 感測;感知 | | | |
2486 | sensibility | 靈敏度;靈敏性 | | | |
2487 | sensible | 可感測 | | | |
2488 | sensible field | 可感測欄 | | | |
2489 | sensible information processing | 可感測資訊處理 | | | |
2490 | sensing | 感測 | | | |
2491 | sensing coil | 感測線圈 | | | |
2492 | sensing element | 感測元件 | | | |
2493 | sensing head | 感測頭 | | | |
2494 | sensing hole | 感測孔 | | | |
2495 | sensing line | 感測線 | | | |
2496 | sensing marker | 感測標誌 | | | |
2497 | sensing mechanism | 感測機構 | | | |
2498 | sensing pin | 感測針 | | | |
2499 | sensing station | 感測站 | | | |
2500 | sensing tape | 感測帶 | | | |
2501 | sensing technique | 感測技術 | | | |
2502 | sensing winding | 感測捲 | | | |
2503 | sensitive | 敏感 | | | |
2504 | sensitive data | 敏感資料 | 敏感數據 | | |
2505 | sensitive detector demodulator | 敏感檢測解調器 | | | |
2506 | sensitive fault | 敏怠故障;有感故障;有感錯失 | 敏感故障 | | |
2507 | sensitive film | 感光軟片 | | | |
2508 | sensitive information | 敏感資訊 | | | |
2509 | sensitive printer | 敏感列印機 | | | |
2510 | sensitive relay | 敏感繼電器 | | | |
2511 | sensitive segment | 敏感段 | | | |
2512 | sensitivity | 靈敏度;敏感度 | 敏感性 | | |
2513 | sensitivity analysis | 靈敏度分析 | | | |
2514 | sensitivity category | 敏感度類別 | 涉密范疇 | | |
2515 | sensitivity coefficient | 靈敏度係數 | | | |
2516 | sensitivity control | 靈敏度控制 | | | |
2517 | sensitivity curve | 靈敏度曲線 | | | |
2518 | sensitivity function | 靈敏度函數 | | | |
2519 | sensitivity level | 靈敏度水準 | | | |
2520 | sensitivity pattern | 敏感型樣 | 敏感圖案 | | |
2521 | sensitivity ratio | 敏感度比;靈敏度比率 | | | |
2522 | sensitivity theory | 靈敏度理論 | | | |
2523 | sensitivity time control | 敏感時間控制器 | | | |
2524 | sensitization | 敏化 | 敏化 | | |
2525 | sensitized | 敏化 | | | |
2526 | sensitized block | 敏化塊 | | | |
2527 | sensitized cube | 敏化立方 | | | |
2528 | sensitized function value | 敏化函數值 | | | |
2529 | sensitized functional block | 敏化功能塊 | | | |
2530 | sensitized material | 敏化材料 | | | |
2531 | sensitizer | 敏化劑;致敏物質 | | | |
2532 | sensitizing | 敏化 | | | |
2533 | sensitometer | 感光計;曝光表 | | | |
2534 | sensitometric strip | 感光片 | | | |
2535 | sensor | 感測器 | 敏感元件 | | |
2536 | sensor access manager | 感測器存取管理器 | | | |
2537 | sensor amplifier | 感測器放大器 | | | |
2538 | sensor based computer | 感測器為基計算機 | | | |
2539 | sensor based control adapter | 感測器基底控制配接器 | | | |
2540 | sensor based system | 感測器為基系統 | | | |
2541 | sensor card | 感測器卡 | | | |
2542 | sensor device | 感測器裝置 | | | |
2543 | sensor element | 感測器元件 | | | |
2544 | sensor interface | 感測器介面 | 敏感元件接口 | | |
2545 | sensor matrix | 感測器矩陣 | | | |
2546 | sensor panel | 感測器面板 | | | |
2547 | sensor scan | 感測器掃瞄 | | | |
2548 | sensor simulator unit | 感測器模擬器單位 | | | |
2549 | sensor switch | 感測器開關 | | | |
2550 | sensory | 感測 | | | |
2551 | sensory control | 感測控制 | | | |
2552 | sensory controlled robot | 感測控制機器人 | | | |
2553 | sensory hierarchy | 感測階層 | | | |
2554 | sensory map | 感測圖 | | | |
2555 | sensory recognition | 感測辨識 | | | |
2556 | sensory representative | 感測代表 | | | |
2557 | sensory system | 感測系統 | | | |
2558 | sentence | 句 | 句子 | | |
2559 | sentence articulation | 句子清晰度 | | | |
2560 | sentence by sentence syntactic analysis | 逐句語法分析 | | | |
2561 | sentence delimiter | 句子定界符 | | | |
2562 | sentence disambiguation | 句子歧義消除 | 句子歧義消除 | | |
2563 | sentence error probability | 句子錯誤機率 | | | |
2564 | sentence fragment | 句子片段 | 句子片段 | | |
2565 | sentence generation | 句子產生 | | | |
2566 | sentence generator | 句子產生器 | | | |
2567 | sentence intelligibility | 句子可懂度 | | | |
2568 | sentence key | 句鍵 | | | |
2569 | sentence length | 句子長度 | | | |
2570 | sentence length count | 句子長度計數 | | | |
2571 | sentence logic | 句邏輯 | | | |
2572 | sentence pattern | 句型 | 句型 | | |
2573 | sentence position | 句子位置 | | | |
2574 | sentence structure | 句子結構 | | | |
2575 | sentence symbol | 句子符號 | | | |
2576 | sentence synthesizing program | 句子合成程式 | | | |
2577 | sentential calculus | 句演算 | | | |
2578 | sentential form | 句型 | 句型 | | |
2579 | sentential shape | 句形狀 | | | |
2580 | sentinel | 哨符 | | | |
2581 | sentinel card | 哨符卡 | | | |
2582 | separability condition | 分離條件 | | | |
2583 | separability test | 分離測試 | | | |
2584 | separable | 可分離 | | | |
2585 | separable characteristic | 可分離特性 | | | |
2586 | separable code | 可分離碼 | | | |
2587 | separable function | 可分離函數 | | | |
2588 | separable graph | 可分離圖 | | | |
2589 | separable kernel | 可分離核心 | | | |
2590 | separable library | 可分離程式館 | | | |
2591 | separable programming | 可分離程式設計 | | | |
2592 | separable sequence | 可分離序列 | | | |
2593 | separable transition diagram | 可分離變遷圖 | | | |
2594 | separate assembly | 分離組合 | | | |
2595 | separate bus | 分離匯流排 | | | |
2596 | separate carry adder | 分離進位加法器 | | | |
2597 | separate channel | 分離通道 | | | |
2598 | separate channel signaling | 分離通道發信 | | | |
2599 | separate code | 分離碼 | | | |
2600 | separate compilation | 分離編譯 | 分別編譯 | | |
2601 | separate compilation strategy | 分離編譯策略 | | | |
2602 | separate cylinder | 分離柱 | | | |
2603 | separate data | 分離資料 | | | |
2604 | separate file | 分離檔案 | | | |
2605 | separate file area | 分離檔案區 | | | |
2606 | separate library | 分離程式館 | | | |
2607 | separate overflow area | 分離溢出區 | | | |
2608 | separate partition option | 分離分區任選 | | | |
2609 | separate processor mode | 分離處理機模 | | | |
2610 | separate program divisions | 分離程式部分 | | | |
2611 | separate subprogram definition | 分離次程式定義 | | | |
2612 | separate system | 分離系統 | | | |
2613 | separate | 分離 | | | |
2614 | separated clock | 分離時鐘 | | | |
2615 | separated code | 分離碼 | | | |
2616 | separated data | 分離資料 | | | |
2617 | separated face | 分離面 | | | |
2618 | separated graphics | 分離圖形 | | | |
2619 | separated region | 分離區域 | | | |
2620 | separately addressed printer | 分離定址列印機 | | | |
2621 | separately compiled language | 分離編譯語言 | | | |
2622 | separately instructed carry | 外控進位 | | | |
2623 | separating character | 分離字元 | | | |
2624 | separating control character | 分離控制字元 | | | |
2625 | separating delimiter | 分離定界符 | | | |
2626 | separating hyperplane | 分離超平面 | | | |
2627 | separating keyword | 分離關鍵字 | | | |
2628 | separating plane | 分離平面 | | | |
2629 | separating system | 分離系統 | | | |
2630 | separation | 分隔;間距;分離 | | | |
2631 | separation code | 分離碼 | | | |
2632 | separation control character | 分離控制字元 | | | |
2633 | separation corona | 分離電暈 | | | |
2634 | separation distance | 分離距離 | | | |
2635 | separation keyword | 分離關鍵字 | | | |
2636 | separation loss | 分離損耗 | | | |
2637 | separation mark | 分離標示 | | | |
2638 | separation of duties | 職責分散 | 職責分開 | | |
2639 | separation of responsibility | 責任分散服務等級協定 | | | |
2640 | separation polynomial | 分離多項式 | | | |
2641 | separation theorem | 分離定理 | | | |
2642 | separative sign | 分離記號;分隔記號 | | | |
2643 | separator | 分離符;分離器 | | | |
2644 | separator character | 分隔符字元 | | | |
2645 | separator page | 分隔符頁 | | | |
2646 | separator sheet | 分隔符表單 | | | |
2647 | septenary | 七進制;七進 | | | |
2648 | septenary notation | 七進記法 | | | |
2649 | septenary number | 七進數 | | | |
2650 | septendecimal | 七十進制 | | | |
2651 | septet | 七元(位)組 | | | |
2652 | septum | 隔片 | | | |
2653 | SEQ and ACK fields | 序號與應答欄 | | | |
2654 | sequence | 順序 | 排順序 | | |
2655 | sequence access | 順序存取 | 順序存取 | | |
2656 | sequence alternator | 序列交替符 | | | |
2657 | sequence break | 序列間斷 | | | |
2658 | sequence breakpoint | 序列斷點 | | | |
2659 | sequence by merge | 合併順序 | | | |
2660 | sequence by merging | 合併排序 | | | |
2661 | sequence call | 順序呼叫 | 順序調用 | | |
2662 | sequence chart | 順序圖 | | | |
2663 | sequence check | 順序檢查 | | | |
2664 | sequence checking | 順序檢查 | | | |
2665 | sequence checking routine | 順序檢查常式 | | | |
2666 | sequence circuit | 順序電路 | | | |
2667 | sequence code | 順序碼 | | | |
2668 | sequence computer | 順序計算機 | | | |
2669 | sequence concatenation | 序列連接 | | | |
2670 | SEQUENCE construct | SEQUENCE建構 | | | |
2671 | sequence control | 順序控制 | | | |
2672 | sequence control area | 順序控制區 | | | |
2673 | sequence control chart | 順序控制圖 | | | |
2674 | sequence control counter | 順序控制計數器 | | | |
2675 | sequence control program | 順序控制程式 | | | |
2676 | sequence control register | 順序控制暫存器 | | | |
2677 | sequence control statement | 順序控制敘述 | | | |
2678 | sequence control system | 順序控制系統 | | | |
2679 | sequence control tape | 順序控制帶 | | | |
2680 | sequence control unit | 順序控制單元 | | | |
2681 | sequence controlled computer | 順序控制計算機 | | | |
2682 | sequence controller | 順序控制器 | | | |
2683 | sequence counter | 順序計數器 | | | |
2684 | sequence criterion | 順序準則 | | | |
2685 | sequence drum | 順序磁鼓 | | | |
2686 | sequence error | 順序錯誤 | | | |
2687 | sequence error interrupt | 順序錯誤中斷 | | | |
2688 | sequence field | 順序欄 | | | |
2689 | sequence file | 順序檔案 | | | |
2690 | sequence frame | 順序框 | | | |
2691 | sequence generator | 順序產生器 | | | |
2692 | sequence identification field | 順序識別欄 | | | |
2693 | sequence in time | 時序 | | | |
2694 | sequence independence | 順序獨立 | | | |
2695 | sequence information data | 順序資訊資料 | | | |
2696 | sequence integrity | 順序完整性 | | | |
2697 | sequence length | 序列長度 | | | |
2698 | sequence list | 順序列表 | | | |
2699 | sequence modulation | 順序調變 | | | |
2700 | sequence monitor | 順序監視器 | | | |
2701 | sequence number | 順序號碼 | 序列號, *順序號 | | |
2702 | sequence number error | 序號錯誤 | | | |
2703 | sequence number field | 序號欄 | | | |
2704 | sequence number handling | 序號處置 | | | |
2705 | sequence number indicator | 序號指示器 | | | |
2706 | sequence number read out | 序號讀出 | | | |
2707 | sequence number search | 序號搜尋 | | | |
2708 | sequence of combination | 組合順序 | | | |
2709 | sequence operated lock | 按序操作鎖定 | | | |
2710 | sequence packing | 順序包裝 | | | |
2711 | sequence power on | 順序電力開啟 | 順序加電 | | |
2712 | sequence processor | 順序處理機 | | | |
2713 | sequence program | 順序程式 | | | |
2714 | sequence program control | 順序程式控制 | | | |
2715 | sequence random number | 順序隨機數 | | | |
2716 | sequence register | 順序暫存器 | | | |
2717 | sequence search | 順序搜尋 | 順序搜索 | | |
2718 | sequence separator | 順序分隔符 | | | |
2719 | sequence set | 序列集 | | | |
2720 | sequence set operation | 序列集合操作 | | | |
2721 | sequence signal | 序列信號 | | | |
2722 | sequence sorting | 順序分類 | | | |
2723 | sequence specification | 順序規格 | | | |
2724 | sequence switch | 順序交換 | | | |
2725 | sequence symbol | 順序符號 | | | |
2726 | sequence tape | 順序帶 | | | |
2727 | sequence timer | 順序計時器 | | | |
2728 | sequence token | 順序符記 | | | |
2729 | sequence type job parameter | 順序型工件參數 | | | |
2730 | sequenced acknowledge | 依序確認 | | | |
2731 | sequenced chain | 依序鍊 | | | |
2732 | sequenced display | 依序顯示 | | | |
2733 | sequenced frames | 依序框 | | | |
2734 | sequenced packet exchange | 依序小包交換 | | | |
2735 | sequencer procedure | 定序器程序 | | | |
2736 | sequencer program | 定序器程式 | | | |
2737 | sequencer register | 定序器暫存器 | | | |
2738 | sequencer | 定序器 | | | |
2739 | sequencing | 定序 | | | |
2740 | sequencing by merging | 合併定序 | | | |
2741 | sequencing control | 定序控制 | | | |
2742 | sequencing criteria | 定序準則 | | | |
2743 | sequencing indicator | 定序指示器 | | | |
2744 | sequencing key | 定序鍵 | | | |
2745 | sequencing macro control card | 定序巨集控制卡 | | | |
2746 | sequencing number | 定序號碼 | | | |
2747 | sequencing time | 定序時間 | | | |
2748 | sequencing token | 定序符記 | | | |
2749 | sequencing unit | 定序單位 | | | |
2750 | sequency | 序數 | | | |
2751 | sequent | 順序;循序 | 矢列式 | | |
2752 | sequential | 順序 | 排順序 | | |
2753 | sequential access | 順序存取 | 順序存取 | | |
2754 | sequential access command | 順序存取命令 | | | |
2755 | sequential access device | 順序存取裝置 | | | |
2756 | sequential access disk | 順序存取磁碟 | | | |
2757 | sequential access memory | 順序存取記憶體 | | | |
2758 | sequential access method | 順序存取方法 | | | |
2759 | sequential access mode | 順序存取模 | | | |
2760 | sequential access module | 順序存取模組 | | | |
2761 | sequential access path | 順序存取路徑 | | | |
2762 | sequential access storage | 順序存取儲存 | | | |
2763 | sequential access structure | 順序存取結構 | | | |
2764 | sequential accessing | 順序存取 | 順序存取 | | |
2765 | sequential addressing | 順序定址 | | | |
2766 | sequential advanced control | 順序先進控制 | | | |
2767 | sequential alarm module | 順序警報模組 | | | |
2768 | sequential algorithm | 順序演算法 | | | |
2769 | sequential allocation | 順序配置 | | | |
2770 | sequential analogue/digital computer | 順序類比數位計算機 | | | |
2771 | sequential analysis | 順序分析 | | | |
2772 | sequential attribute | 順序屬性 | | | |
2773 | sequential batch processing | 順序批次處理 | 順序批處理 | | |
2774 | sequential batch system | 順序批次系統 | | | |
2775 | sequential binary partition | 順序二進制分區 | | | |
2776 | sequential bit stream | 順序位元流 | | | |
2777 | sequential blocked file | 順序成塊檔案 | | | |
2778 | sequential by key | 依鍵順序 | | | |
2779 | sequential by key processing | 按鍵字順序處理 | | | |
2780 | sequential call | 順序呼叫 | | | |
2781 | sequential carry | 順序進位 | | | |
2782 | sequential chained item | 順序鍊接項 | | | |
2783 | sequential cipher | 順序密碼 | 序列密碼 | | |
2784 | sequential circuit | 順序電路 | | | |
2785 | sequential classification algorithm | 順序分類算法 | | | |
2786 | sequential code reduction | 順序碼歸約 | | | |
2787 | sequential coding | 順序編碼 | | | |
2788 | sequential cohesion | 順序內聚 | | | |
2789 | sequential collating | 順序對照 | | | |
2790 | sequential complexity | 順序複雜性 | | | |
2791 | sequential composition | 順序合成 | | | |
2792 | sequential computer | 順序計算機 | 串行計算機 | | |
2793 | sequential connection | 順序連接 | | | |
2794 | sequential consistency model | 順序一致性模型 | 順序一致性模型 | | |
2795 | sequential control | 順序控制 | 順序控制 | | |
2796 | sequential control counter | 順序控制計數器 | | | |
2797 | sequential control flow | 順序控制流 | | | |
2798 | sequential control logic | 順序控制邏輯 | | | |
2799 | sequential control mechanism | 順序控制機構 | | | |
2800 | sequential control structure | 順序控制結構 | | | |
2801 | sequential control | 順序控制 | | | |
2802 | sequential conversation | 順序對話 | | | |
2803 | sequential data bit | 順序資料位元 | | | |
2804 | sequential data change | 順序資料變更 | | | |
2805 | sequential data set | 順序資料集 | | | |
2806 | sequential data structure | 順序資料結構 | | | |
2807 | sequential database | 順序資料庫 | | | |
2808 | sequential decision problem | 順序決策問題 | | | |
2809 | sequential decision process | 順序決策過程 | | | |
2810 | sequential decision tree | 順序決策樹 | | | |
2811 | sequential decisions | 順序決策 | | | |
2812 | sequential decoding | 順序解碼 | | | |
2813 | sequential definition | 順序定義 | | | |
2814 | sequential dependent segment | 順序相依段 | | | |
2815 | sequential detection | 順序檢測 | 按序檢測 | | |
2816 | sequential diagnosibility | 順序診斷能力 | | | |
2817 | sequential diagnosis | 順序診斷 | | | |
2818 | sequential digital network | 順序數位網路 | | | |
2819 | sequential disk file | 順序磁碟檔案 | | | |
2820 | sequential distribution | 順序分配 | | | |
2821 | sequential encoder-decoder | 順序編碼譯碼器 | | | |
2822 | sequential encoding | 順序編碼 | | | |
2823 | sequential error correcting parser | 順序改錯剖析器 | | | |
2824 | sequential estimation | 順序估計 | | | |
2825 | sequential event recorder | 順序事件記錄器 | | | |
2826 | sequential experiment design | 順序實驗設計 | | | |
2827 | sequential fault diagnosis | 順序故障診斷 | | | |
2828 | sequential file | 順序檔案;順序檔 | 順序文件 | | |
2829 | sequential file input statement | 順序檔案輸入敘述 | | | |
2830 | sequential file mode | 順序檔案模 | | | |
2831 | sequential file organization | 順序檔案組織 | | | |
2832 | sequential file rollback | 順序檔案轉返 | | | |
2833 | sequential file sort | 順序檔排序 | | | |
2834 | sequential file structure | 順序檔案結構 | | | |
2835 | sequential filtering | 順序濾波 | | | |
2836 | sequential formula translation | 順序公式翻譯語言 | | | |
2837 | sequential function | 順序函數 | | | |
2838 | sequential fuzzy language | 順序模糊語言 | | | |
2839 | sequential grammar | 順序文法 | | | |
2840 | sequential hazard | 順序冒險 | | | |
2841 | sequential hierarchy | 順序階層 | | | |
2842 | sequential hierarchy segment | 順序階層段 | | | |
2843 | sequential I/O | 順序輸入輸出 | | | |
2844 | sequential index | 順序索引 | 順序索引 | | |
2845 | sequential index access command | 順序索引存取命令 | | | |
2846 | sequential index file | 順序索引檔案 | | | |
2847 | sequential inference machine | 順序推理機 | 順序推理機 | | |
2848 | sequential input/output | 順序輸入輸出 | | | |
2849 | sequential interface | 順序介面 | | | |
2850 | sequential interval timer | 順序間隔計時器 | | | |
2851 | sequential jamming | 順序干擾 | | | |
2852 | sequential language | 順序語言 | | | |
2853 | sequential learning automaton | 順序學習自動機 | | | |
2854 | sequential linear list | 順序線性表 | | | |
2855 | sequential lobing | 順序波瓣法 | | | |
2856 | sequential locality | 順序局部性 | 順序局部性 | | |
2857 | sequential logic | 順序邏輯 | | | |
2858 | sequential logic circuit | 順序邏輯電路 | | | |
2859 | sequential logic control | 順序邏輯控制 | | | |
2860 | sequential logic element | 順序邏輯元件 | | | |
2861 | sequential logic equation | 順序邏輯方程式 | | | |
2862 | sequential logic network | 順序邏輯網路 | | | |
2863 | sequential logic system | 順序邏輯系統 | | | |
2864 | sequential logic tester | 順序邏輯測試器 | | | |
2865 | sequential machine | 順序機 | | | |
2866 | sequential mapping | 順序映像 | | | |
2867 | sequential marked graph | 順序標示圖 | | | |
2868 | sequential mass storage file | 順序大量儲存檔案 | | | |
2869 | sequential memory | 順序記憶體 | | | |
2870 | sequential memory location | 順序記憶體位置 | | | |
2871 | sequential memory mode | 順序記憶體模式 | | | |
2872 | sequential method | 順序法 | | | |
2873 | sequential microprogramming | 順序微程式設計 | | | |
2874 | sequential mode | 順序模式 | | | |
2875 | sequential network | 順序網路 | | | |
2876 | sequential notation | 順序記法 | | | |
2877 | sequential number | 順序數 | | | |
2878 | sequential occurrence | 順序出現 | 順序發生 | | |
2879 | sequential operation | 順序操作 | 順序操作 | | |
2880 | sequential operator | 順序運算子 | | | |
2881 | sequential option | 順序選項 | | | |
2882 | sequential order | 順序次序 | | | |
2883 | sequential organization | 順序組織 | | | |
2884 | sequential organization file | 順序組織檔案 | | | |
2885 | sequential parsing scheme | 順序剖析方案 | | | |
2886 | sequential partitioned system | 順序分區系統 | | | |
2887 | sequential pattern | 順序型樣 | | | |
2888 | sequential pattern recognition | 順序型樣識別 | | | |
2889 | sequential placement | 順序布局 | | | |
2890 | sequential prime implicant form | 順序質數蘊含項形式 | | | |
2891 | sequential probability ratio | 順序機率比 | | | |
2892 | sequential process | 順序過程 | | | |
2893 | sequential processes | 順序過程 | 順序進程 | | |
2894 | sequential processing | 順序處理 | 順序處理 | | |
2895 | sequential processing machine | 順序處理機 | | | |
2896 | sequential processor | 順序處理機 | | | |
2897 | sequential program | 順序程式 | | | |
2898 | sequential program development paradigm | 順序程式開發範例 | | | |
2899 | sequential programming | 順序程式設計 | 順序程序設計 | | |
2900 | sequential propagation algorithm | 順序傳播算法 | | | |
2901 | sequential queue | 順序隊列 | | | |
2902 | sequential ratio probability test | 順序比例概率測試;順序比機率測試 | | | |
2903 | sequential read | 順序讀 | | | |
2904 | sequential record | 順序記錄 | | | |
2905 | sequential relationship | 順序關係 | | | |
2906 | sequential relationship matrix | 順序關係矩陣 | | | |
2907 | sequential retrieval | 順序檢索 | | | |
2908 | sequential sampling | 順序抽樣 | | | |
2909 | sequential sampling inspection | 順序抽樣檢驗 | | | |
2910 | sequential scanning | 順序掃瞄 | | | |
2911 | sequential scheduling | 順序排程 | 順序調度 | | |
2912 | sequential scheduling system | 順序排程系統 | 順序調度系統 | | |
2913 | sequential search | 順序搜尋 | 順序搜索 | | |
2914 | sequential selection | 順序選擇 | | | |
2915 | sequential sequence | 順序序列 | | | |
2916 | sequential signal element | 順序信號元件 | | | |
2917 | sequential similarity detection algorithm | 順序相似性檢測算法 | | | |
2918 | sequential simplex method | 順序單工法 | | | |
2919 | sequential stacked job control | 順序堆疊工件控制 | | | |
2920 | sequential stochastic programming | 順序隨機規劃 | | | |
2921 | sequential storage | 順序儲存器 | | | |
2922 | sequential structure | 順序結構 | | | |
2923 | sequential switch circuit | 順序開關電路 | | | |
2924 | sequential switching network | 順序開關網路 | | | |
2925 | sequential synchronous transmission | 順序同步傳輸 | | | |
2926 | sequential synthesis | 順序合成 | 時序綜合 | | |
2927 | sequential system | 順序系統 | | | |
2928 | sequential test | 順序測試 | | | |
2929 | sequential testing | 順序測試(法) | | | |
2930 | sequential t-fault-diagnosable | t-故障順序可診斷的 | | | |
2931 | sequential time delay | 順序延時 | | | |
2932 | sequential timer | 順序計時器 | | | |
2933 | sequential topology | 順序拓撲 | | | |
2934 | sequential transducer | 順序轉換器 | | | |
2935 | sequential transmission | 順序傳輸 | | | |
2936 | sequential TV equipment programmer | 順序TV設備程式員 | | | |
2937 | sequential unconstrained minimization technique | 順序無約束最小化技術 | | | |
2938 | sequential update | 順序更新 | | | |
2939 | sequential working | 順序工作 | | | |
2940 | sequential write | 順序寫 | | | |
2941 | sequentially ordered file | 順序有序檔案 | | | |
2942 | sequential-stacked job control | 順序堆疊作業控制 | 順序棧作業控制 | | |
2943 | serendipity learning | 瀏覽學習 | | | |
2944 | serial access | 串列存取 | 串行存取 | | |
2945 | serial access device | 串列存取裝置 | | | |
2946 | serial access file | 串列存取檔案 | | | |
2947 | serial access medium | 串列存取媒體 | | | |
2948 | serial access memory | 串列存取記憶體 | | | |
2949 | serial access storage | 串列存取儲存器 | | | |
2950 | serial access store | 串列存取儲存 | | | |
2951 | serial access system | 串列存取系統 | | | |
2952 | serial accumulator | 串列累加器 | | | |
2953 | serial action | 串列動作 | | | |
2954 | serial adder | 串列加法器 | 串行加法器 | | |
2955 | serial addition | 串列加法 | 串行加法 | | |
2956 | serial algorithm | 串列算法;串聯演算法 | | | |
2957 | serial analog memory | 串列類比記憶體 | | | |
2958 | serial arithmetic | 串列算術 | | | |
2959 | serial arithmetic operation | 串列算術運算 | | | |
2960 | serial arithmetic unit | 串列算術單元 | | | |
2961 | serial batch system | 串列批次系統 | | | |
2962 | serial binary adder | 串列二進制加法器 | | | |
2963 | serial binary computer | 串列二進制計算機 | | | |
2964 | serial binary information transmission | 串列二進制資訊傳輸 | | | |
2965 | serial binary | 串列二進制 | | | |
2966 | serial bit | 串列位元 | | | |
2967 | serial bit error detector | 串列位元錯誤檢測器 | | | |
2968 | serial bit transmission | 串列位元傳輸 | | | |
2969 | serial block | 串列塊(組) | | | |
2970 | serial bubble store | 串列磁泡儲存(器) | | | |
2971 | serial by bit | 按位元串列 | | | |
2972 | serial by bit processing | 按位元串列處理 | | | |
2973 | serial by byte | 按位元組串列 | | | |
2974 | serial by character | 按字元串列 | | | |
2975 | serial by character processing | 按字符串列處理 | | | |
2976 | serial card reader | 串列讀卡機 | | | |
2977 | serial carry | 串列進位 | | | |
2978 | serial CCD memory | 串列CCD記憶體 | | | |
2979 | serial character printer | 串列字元列印機 | | | |
2980 | serial chip memory | 串聯晶片記憶體 | | | |
2981 | serial clause | 串列子句 | | | |
2982 | serial clock receive | 串列時鐘(脈衝)接收 | | | |
2983 | serial communication | 串列通信 | | | |
2984 | serial communication interface | 串列通信介面 | | | |
2985 | serial communication link | 串列通信鏈路 | | | |
2986 | serial communication loop | 串列通信迴路 | | | |
2987 | serial comparator | 串列比較器 | | | |
2988 | serial computer | 串列計算機 | | | |
2989 | serial computing | 串列計算 | | | |
2990 | serial control interface | 串列控制介面 | | | |
2991 | serial control processor | 串列控制處理機 | | | |
2992 | serial copy management system | 串聯複製管理系統 | | | |
2993 | serial correlation | 串列相關 | | | |
2994 | serial cryptographic device | 串列密碼裝置 | | | |
2995 | serial data | 串列資料 | | | |
2996 | serial data controller | 串列資料控制器 | | | |
2997 | serial data exchange | 串列資料交換(機) | | | |
2998 | serial data form | 串列資料形式 | | | |
2999 | serial data handshaking | 串列資料交握(過程) | | | |
3000 | serial data input | 串列資料輸入 | | | |
3001 | serial data link | 串列資料鏈 | | | |
3002 | serial data mode | 串列資料模式 | | | |
3003 | serial data output | 串列資料輸出 | | | |
3004 | serial data representation | 串列資料表示法 | | | |
3005 | serial data set | 串列資料集 | | | |
3006 | serial data stream | 串列資料流 | | | |
3007 | serial data transfer | 串列資料傳送 | | | |
3008 | serial data transmission | 串列資料傳輸 | | | |
3009 | serial decomposition | 串列分解 | | | |
3010 | serial device | 串列裝置 | | | |
3011 | serial digital | 串列數位 | | | |
3012 | serial digital adder | 串列數位加法器 | | | |
3013 | serial digital computer | 串列數位計算機 | | | |
3014 | serial digital decoder | 串列數位解碼器 | | | |
3015 | serial entry | 串列登錄 | | | |
3016 | serial entry printer | 串列登錄列印機 | | | |
3017 | serial feedback A/D converter | 串列回饋式類比╱數位轉換器 | | | |
3018 | serial feeding | 串列饋送 | | | |
3019 | serial file | 串列檔案 | | | |
3020 | serial file operating system | 串列檔案操作系統 | | | |
3021 | serial file organization | 串列檔案組織 | | | |
3022 | serial flow | 串列流 | | | |
3023 | serial full adder | 串列全加器 | | | |
3024 | serial full subtracter | 串列全減器 | | | |
3025 | serial half adder | 串列半加器 | | | |
3026 | serial half subtracter | 串列半減器 | | | |
3027 | serial I/O card | 串列輸出入卡(片) | | | |
3028 | serial I/O channel | 串列輸入輸出通道 | | | |
3029 | serial I/O command | 串列輸出入命令 | | | |
3030 | serial I/O control signal | 串列輸人輸出控制信號 | | | |
3031 | serial I/O error condition | 串列輸出入錯誤條件 | | | |
3032 | serial I/O mode | 串列輸入輸出模式 | | | |
3033 | serial inference computer | 串列推理計算機 | | | |
3034 | serial input register | 串列輸入暫存器 | | | |
3035 | serial input | 串列輸入 | | | |
3036 | serial input/output board | 串列輸入輸出板 | | | |
3037 | serial input/output channel | 串列輸入輸出通道 | | | |
3038 | serial input/output controller | 串列輸入輸出控制器 | | | |
3039 | serial input/output interface | 串列輸入輸出介面 | | | |
3040 | serial input/output | 串列輸入輸出 | | | |
3041 | serial input/parallel output | 串列輸入平行輸出 | | | |
3042 | serial input/serial output | 串列輸入串列輸出 | | | |
3043 | serial insertion | 串列插入 | | | |
3044 | serial intelligent cable | 串列智慧電纜 | | | |
3045 | serial interface board | 串列介面板 | | | |
3046 | serial interface | 串列介面 | | | |
3047 | serial left list layout | 串列左列表布局 | | | |
3048 | serial line internet protocol | 串列線網際網路協定 | 串行線路網際協議 | | |
3049 | serial line IP | 串列線網際網路協定 | | | |
3050 | serial line unit | 串列線裝置 | | | |
3051 | serial logic | 串列邏輯(電路) | | | |
3052 | serial loop | 串列迴路 | | | |
3053 | serial machine | 串列(計算)機 | | | |
3054 | serial machine simulation program | 串列(計算)機模擬程式 | | | |
3055 | serial memory | 串列記憶體 | | | |
3056 | serial memory address computer | 串列記憶體位址計算機 | | | |
3057 | serial mode | 串列模式 | | | |
3058 | serial mouse | 串聯滑鼠 | 串行鼠標[器] | | |
3059 | serial multiplier | 串列乘法器 | | | |
3060 | serial number | 序列號 | | | |
3061 | serial number code | 序列號碼 | | | |
3062 | serial number coding of Chinese character | 中文字序列號編碼 | | | |
3063 | serial number control | 序列號碼控制 | | | |
3064 | serial number cycle | 序列號碼循環 | | | |
3065 | serial numbering | 序列編號 | | | |
3066 | serial on-line | 線上串聯 | | | |
3067 | serial operation | 串列操作 | | | |
3068 | serial operation word | 串列操作字 | | | |
3069 | serial out | 串列輸出 | | | |
3070 | serial output data | 串列輸出資料 | | | |
3071 | serial output register | 串列輸出暫存器 | | | |
3072 | serial output | 串列輸出 | | | |
3073 | serial overhead | 串列間接費用 | | | |
3074 | serial parallel interface | 串列平行介面 | | | |
3075 | serial peripheral interface | 串列週邊介面 | | | |
3076 | serial poll disable | 禁止串列輪詢 | | | |
3077 | serial poll enable | 允許串列查詢 | | | |
3078 | serial port | 串聯埠;串行端口;串行出入口 | 串行端口 | | |
3079 | serial port adapter | 串聯埠配接器 | | | |
3080 | serial print | 串列列印 | | | |
3081 | serial printer | 串列列印機 | 串行打印機 | | |
3082 | serial process hierarchical control | 串列處理階層式控制 | | | |
3083 | serial processing | 串列處理;順序處理 | | | |
3084 | serial processing system | 串列處理系統 | | | |
3085 | serial processor | 串列處理機 | | | |
3086 | serial programming | 串列程式設計 | | | |
3087 | serial punch | 串列打孔 | | | |
3088 | serial read | 串列讀(取) | | | |
3089 | serial reader punch | 串列讀取機打孔 | | | |
3090 | serial receive control signal | 串列接收控制信號 | | | |
3091 | serial receive synchronization control | 串列接收同步控制 | | | |
3092 | serial register | 串列暫存器 | | | |
3093 | serial reusable | 串列可再用 | | | |
3094 | serial reusable routine | 串列可再用常式 | | | |
3095 | serial run test | 串列運行測試 | | | |
3096 | serial scanning model | 順序掃瞄模型;串聯掃瞄模型 | | | |
3097 | serial scheduling | 序列排程 | 串行調度 | | |
3098 | serial search | 順序搜尋 | 順序搜索 | | |
3099 | serial section | 串聯區段 | | | |
3100 | serial shadow register | 串聯影子暫存器 | | | |
3101 | serial shared resource | 串列分享資源 | | | |
3102 | serial shift register | 串列移位暫存器 | | | |
3103 | serial signaling rate | 串列發信號率 | | | |
3104 | serial sort | 串列分類 | 串行排序 | | |
3105 | serial statement | 串列敘述 | | | |
3106 | serial storage | 串列儲存器;串聯儲存 | | | |
3107 | serial stream of bit | 串列位元流 | | | |
3108 | serial synchronous hunt mode | 串列同步尋覓模式 | | | |
3109 | serial system | 串列系統 | | | |
3110 | serial task | 順序任務;串列任務 | 串行任務 | | |
3111 | serial terminal | 串列終端 | | | |
3112 | serial test | 串列測試 | | | |
3113 | serial time-sharing system | 串列分時系統 | | | |
3114 | serial to parallel conversion | 串聯至並聯轉換 | | | |
3115 | serial to parallel converter | 串聯至並聯轉換器 | | | |
3116 | serial transfer | 串列傳送 | | | |
3117 | serial transmission | 串列傳輸 | 串行傳輸 | | |
3118 | serial transmit control signal | 串列傳輸控制信號 | | | |
3119 | serial type adder | 串列型加法器 | | | |
3120 | serial user buffer | 串列用戶緩衝器 | | | |
3121 | serial word operation | 串列字操作 | | | |
3122 | serial work flow | 串列工作流程 | | | |
3123 | serial | 串聯;序列;串列 | | | |
3124 | serial-in parallel-out multiplier | 串列輸入並行輸出乘法器 | | | |
3125 | serializability | 可串聯性 | 可串行性 | | |
3126 | serializability theory | 可串聯性理論 | | | |
3127 | serializable | 可串聯化 | | | |
3128 | serializable class | 可串聯化類別 | | | |
3129 | serialization | 串列化;編序 | | | |
3130 | serialize | 串聯化 | | | |
3131 | serialized job processor | 串聯化工件處理機 | | | |
3132 | serialized scheduling | 串聯化排程 | | | |
3133 | serializer | 串聯器 | 串化器, *并串行轉換器 | | |
3134 | serializer/deserializer | 串聯器╱解串器 | | | |
3135 | serially | 連續 | | | |
3136 | serially reusable | 連續可再用 | | | |
3137 | serially reusable attribute | 連續可再用屬性 | | | |
3138 | serially reusable load module | 連續可再用載入模組 | | | |
3139 | serially reusable program | 連續可再用程式 | | | |
3140 | serially reusable resource | 連續可再用資源 | | | |
3141 | serially reusable routine | 連續可再用常式 | | | |
3142 | serial-parallel | 串並聯 | | | |
3143 | serial-parallel A/D converter | 串並聯類比╱數位轉換器 | | | |
3144 | serial-parallel contact network | 串並聯接觸網路 | | | |
3145 | serial-parallel control | 串並聯控制 | | | |
3146 | serial-parallel conversion | 串並聯轉換 | 串并[行]轉換 | | |
3147 | serial-parallel converter | 串並聯轉換器 | 串并轉換器 | | |
3148 | serial-parallel converter module | 串並聯轉換器模組 | | | |
3149 | serial-parallel multiplication | 串並聯乘法 | | | |
3150 | serial-parallel network | 串並聯網路 | | | |
3151 | serial-parallel register | 串並聯暫存器 | | | |
3152 | serial-parallel-serial | 串聯-並聯-串聯 | | | |
3153 | series | 級數;序列;串聯;系列 | | | |
3154 | series architecture | 系列體架構 | | | |
3155 | series assignment algorithm | 串列賦值算法 | | | |
3156 | series bit-slices | 系列位片 | | | |
3157 | series circuit | 串聯電路 | | | |
3158 | series combination | 串聯組合 | | | |
3159 | series compensation filter | 串聯補償濾波器 | | | |
3160 | series computer operator | 系列計算機操作員 | | | |
3161 | series connection | 串聯連接 | | | |
3162 | series connective | 序列連接 | | | |
3163 | series damped | 串聯阻尼 | 串聯阻尼 | | |
3164 | series damped line | 串聯阻尼傳輸線 | 串聯阻尼[傳輸]線 | | |
3165 | series damping resistor | 串聯阻尼電阻器 | 串聯阻尼電阻[器] | | |
3166 | series gating technique | 串聯閘控技術 | | | |
3167 | series inductance | 串聯電感 | | | |
3168 | series interface | 串聯介面 | | | |
3169 | series interface board | 串聯介面板 | | | |
3170 | series loss | 串聯損耗 | | | |
3171 | series machine | 串聯機器 | | | |
3172 | series match | 串聯匹配 | 串聯匹配 | | |
3173 | series microprocessor | 系列微處理機 | | | |
3174 | series mode rejection | 串聯模式排斥 | | | |
3175 | series modulation | 串聯調變 | | | |
3176 | series multiple arrangement | 串聯多重安排 | | | |
3177 | series multiple connection | 串聯多重連接 | | | |
3178 | series parallel control | 級數平行控制 | | | |
3179 | series records | 串聯記錄 | | | |
3180 | series resistor | 串聯電阻器 | | | |
3181 | series system | 串聯制(系統) | | | |
3182 | series terminated line | 串聯端接線 | 串聯端接線 | | |
3183 | series termination | 串聯終止 | 串聯端接 | | |
3184 | series to parallel converter | 串聯至平行轉換器 | | | |
3185 | series transmission | 串聯傳輸 | | | |
3186 | series X recommendation | X系列推薦(推荐標準) | | | |
3187 | series-parallel connection | 串並聯連接 | | | |
3188 | series-parallel contact network | 串並聯接觸網路 | | | |
3189 | series-parallel counter | 串並聯(混合)計數器 | | | |
3190 | series-parallel network | 串並聯網路 | | | |
3191 | series-parallel | 串並聯 | | | |
3192 | serif | 對線(特指加在字母上做裝飾的細線) | | | |
3193 | serious error condition | 嚴重錯誤情形 | | | |
3194 | serpentine domain | 螺旋形領域 | | | |
3195 | serve | 伺服 | | | |
3196 | server | 伺服器 | 服務器 | | |
3197 | server console | 伺服器控制台 | | | |
3198 | server key | 伺服器鍵 | | | |
3199 | service | 服務 | 服務 | | |
3200 | service ability | 服務能力;維修能力 | | | |
3201 | service ability testing | 服務(維修)能力測試 | | | |
3202 | service acceptor | 服務接受器 | 服務接受者 | | |
3203 | service access point | 服務存取點 | 服務訪問點, *服務接入點 | | |
3204 | service access point address | 服務存取點位址 | | | |
3205 | service access point identifier | 服務存取點識別符 | | | |
3206 | service adapter | 服務配接器 | | | |
3207 | service aid | 服務工具 | | | |
3208 | service area | 服務區;有效作用區 | | | |
3209 | service area concept | 服務區概念 | | | |
3210 | service assistance switchboard | 服務輔助交換機 | | | |
3211 | service band | 服務頻帶 | | | |
3212 | service bit | 服務位元 | | | |
3213 | service bit rate | 服務位元率 | 服務比特率 | | |
3214 | service bnreau co. | 服務局公司 | | | |
3215 | service book | 維修手冊 | | | |
3216 | service bureau | 服務局;維修處 | | | |
3217 | service center | 服務中心 | | | |
3218 | service channel | 服務通道 | | | |
3219 | service charge | 服務費 | | | |
3220 | service checking routine | 維修檢查常式 | | | |
3221 | service circuit | 服務電路 | | | |
3222 | service class | 服務級別;服務等級 | | | |
3223 | service clearance | 服務間距;維修空間 | | | |
3224 | service code | 服務碼 | | | |
3225 | service command | 服務命令 | | | |
3226 | service computer signaling channel | 服務電腦發信號通道 | | | |
3227 | service condition | 服務條件 | | | |
3228 | service connection | 服務連接 | | | |
3229 | service console | 服務控制台 | | | |
3230 | service conversation | 服務對話 | | | |
3231 | service cycle | 服務週期 | | | |
3232 | service data | 服務資料;維護(使用)資料; | | | |
3233 | service data unit | 服務資料單元 | 服務數據單元 | | |
3234 | service data unit integrity | 服務資料單元完整性 | | | |
3235 | service definition | 服務定義 | | | |
3236 | service dependability | 服務可靠性 | | | |
3237 | service discipline | 服務規則 | | | |
3238 | service document | 服務文件 | | | |
3239 | service efficiency | 服務效率 | | | |
3240 | service element | 服務元件 | | | |
3241 | service engineer | 維護工程師 | | | |
3242 | service engineering | 維護工程 | | | |
3243 | service error | 服務錯誤 | | | |
3244 | service exchange | 服務交換 | | | |
3245 | service facility | 服務設施 | | | |
3246 | service frequency | 維修頻率 | | | |
3247 | service grade | 服務等級 | | | |
3248 | service guide | 服務導引 | | | |
3249 | service hour | 服務時間 | | | |
3250 | service indication | 服務指示 | | | |
3251 | service information | 服務資訊 | | | |
3252 | service information analysis | 服務資訊分析 | | | |
3253 | service initiator | 服務發起者 | 服務發起者 | | |
3254 | service inspection | 服務檢驗 | | | |
3255 | service instruction | 服務指令 | | | |
3256 | service interface command | 服務介面命令 | | | |
3257 | service interrupt | 服務中斷 | | | |
3258 | service interrupt reporting | 服務中斷報告 | | | |
3259 | service level | 服務等級 | | | |
3260 | service level update | 服務等級更新 | | | |
3261 | service library | 服務程式館 | | | |
3262 | service life | 使用期限;使用壽命 | | | |
3263 | service life evaluation | 使用壽命評估 | | | |
3264 | service log | 服務日誌 | | | |
3265 | service macro | 服務巨集 | | | |
3266 | service macro instruction | 服務巨集指令 | | | |
3267 | service manager | 服務經理;業務經理 | | | |
3268 | service manual | 工作手冊;維護手冊 | | | |
3269 | service message | 服務訊息 | | | |
3270 | service meter | 用戶儀表 | | | |
3271 | service meter key | 用戶儀表鍵 | | | |
3272 | service mode | 服務模式 | | | |
3273 | service mode switch | 服務模式開關 | | | |
3274 | service modem | 服務數據機 | | | |
3275 | service modem cable | 服務數據機纜 | | | |
3276 | service monitor | 服務監控程式 | 服務監控程序 | | |
3277 | service operation monitor | 服務作業監視器 | | | |
3278 | service order program | 服務次序程式 | | | |
3279 | service order table | 服務次序表 | | | |
3280 | service out | 服務信號輸出 | | | |
3281 | service package | 服務套裝軟體 | | | |
3282 | service panel adapter | 維修面板配接器;維護面板配接器 | | | |
3283 | service panel | 維修面板;維護面板 | | | |
3284 | service part | 維修零件 | | | |
3285 | service part forecast | 維修零件預測 | | | |
3286 | service period | 維修週期(期間) | | | |
3287 | service point | 服務(檢修)點 | | | |
3288 | service primitive | 服務基元 | 服務原語 | | |
3289 | service probability | 服務機率 | | | |
3290 | service processor | 服務處理機 | | | |
3291 | service program | 服務程式 | 服務程序 | | |
3292 | service protection | 服務保護 | | | |
3293 | service provider | 服務提供者 | | | |
3294 | service quality | 服務品質 | | | |
3295 | service quality parameter | 服務品質參數 | | | |
3296 | service queue | 服務隊列 | 服務隊列 | | |
3297 | service rate | 服務率 | | | |
3298 | service reference model | 服務參考模型 | | | |
3299 | service representative | 服務業務代表 | | | |
3300 | service representative privilege class | 服務代表特權階級 | | | |
3301 | service request | 服務請求 | | | |
3302 | service request block | 服務請求塊 | 服務請求塊 | | |
3303 | service request interrupt | 服務請求中斷 | 服務請求中斷 | | |
3304 | service request line | 服務請求線 | | | |
3305 | service request monitor | 服務維修請求監視器 | | | |
3306 | service request output | 服務請求輸出 | | | |
3307 | service restoral | 業務恢復 | | | |
3308 | service routine | 服務常式 | 服務例程 | | |
3309 | service seeking | 服務尋覓 | | | |
3310 | service seeking pause | 服務尋覓暫停 | | | |
3311 | service sequence | 維修順序;服務順序 | | | |
3312 | service signal | 服務信號 | | | |
3313 | service specific coordination function | 業務特定協調功能 | 業務特定協調功能 | | |
3314 | service speed | 服務速率 | | | |
3315 | service standard | 服務標準 | | | |
3316 | service state | 服務狀態 | | | |
3317 | service subprogram | 服務次程式 | | | |
3318 | service technic | 維修技術 | | | |
3319 | service test | 維修測試 | | | |
3320 | service test pause | 維修測試暫停 | | | |
3321 | service time | 維修時間 | | | |
3322 | service time distribution | 服務時間分配;維修時間分配 | | | |
3323 | service time interval | 服務時間間隔;維修週期 | | | |
3324 | service transaction program | 服務異動程式;業務異動程式 | | | |
3325 | service type | 服務型態 | | | |
3326 | service unit | 服務單元 | | | |
3327 | service update process | 服務更新處理;業務更新處理 | | | |
3328 | service user | 服務使用者 | | | |
3329 | service virtual machine | 服務虛擬機 | | | |
3330 | service | 服務 | | | |
3331 | service/operator panel | 服務與操作面板 | | | |
3332 | serviceability | 可服務性 | 可服務性 | | |
3333 | serviceability ratio | 可服務性比率 | | | |
3334 | serviceable | 可服務 | | | |
3335 | serviceable time | 可服務時間 | 可服務時間 | | |
3336 | servicer | 服務程式 | | | |
3337 | services display | 服務顯示(器) | | | |
3338 | servicing | 服務;維護;修理 | | | |
3339 | servicing time | 服務時間;維護時間;修理時間 | | | |
3340 | servlet | 小服務程式 | 小服務程序 | | |
3341 | servo | 伺服裝置;伺服機構 | | | |
3342 | servo A/D converter | 伺服類比╱數位轉換器 | | | |
3343 | servo action | 伺服作用 | | | |
3344 | servo actuated control | 伺服有效控制 | | | |
3345 | servo analog computer | 伺服類比計算機 | | | |
3346 | servo card | 伺服卡 | | | |
3347 | servo channel | 伺服通道 | | | |
3348 | servo component | 伺服組件 | | | |
3349 | servo computer | 伺服計算機 | | | |
3350 | servo control | 伺服控制 | | | |
3351 | servo control amplifier | 伺服控制放大器 | | | |
3352 | servo control equipment | 伺服控制設備 | | | |
3353 | servo control level | 伺服控制等級 | | | |
3354 | servo control mechanism | 伺服控制機構 | | | |
3355 | servo control system | 伺服控制系統 | | | |
3356 | servo controlled robot | 伺服控制機器人 | | | |
3357 | servo controlled search | 伺服控制搜尋 | | | |
3358 | servo device | 伺服系統驅動(裝置) | | | |
3359 | servo disk | 伺服磁碟 | | | |
3360 | servo driven positioner | 伺服驅動定位器 | | | |
3361 | servo dyne | 伺服傳動(裝置) | | | |
3362 | servo field | 伺服欄 | | | |
3363 | servo function generator | 伺服函數產生器 | | | |
3364 | servo gear | 伺服齒輪 | | | |
3365 | servo head | 伺服頭 | 伺服[磁]頭 | | |
3366 | servo integrator | 伺服積分器 | | | |
3367 | servo link | 伺服鏈接 | | | |
3368 | servo logic | 伺服邏輯 | | | |
3369 | servo manipulator | 伺服調處器 | | | |
3370 | servo mark | 伺服標示 | | | |
3371 | servo mechanism | 伺服機構 | | | |
3372 | servo modulator | 伺服調制器 | | | |
3373 | servo motor | 伺服馬達 | 伺服電機 | | |
3374 | servo motor controller | 伺服馬達控制器 | | | |
3375 | servo multiplier | 伺服乘法器 | | | |
3376 | servo noise | 伺服雜訊(干擾) | | | |
3377 | servo offset | 伺服偏置 | | | |
3378 | servo plotter | 伺服繪圖器 | | | |
3379 | servo positional | 伺服定位 | | | |
3380 | servo positional rate | 伺服定位速率 | | | |
3381 | servo positioning | 伺服定位 | | | |
3382 | servo problem | 伺服問題 | | | |
3383 | servo repeater | 伺服中繼器 | | | |
3384 | servo resolver | 伺服(式)分解器 | | | |
3385 | servo scribe | 伺服描寫 | | | |
3386 | servo sector | 伺服扇區 | | | |
3387 | servo stability | 伺服機構的穩定性 | | | |
3388 | servo surface | 伺服面 | | | |
3389 | servo surface encoding | 伺服表面編碼 | | | |
3390 | servo swap | 伺服調換 | | | |
3391 | servo system | 伺服系統 | | | |
3392 | servo system control | 伺服系統控制 | | | |
3393 | servo system integral control | 伺服系統積分控制 | | | |
3394 | servo theory | 伺服理論 | | | |
3395 | servo track | 伺服(磁)道(軌道) | | | |
3396 | servo track writer | 伺服式軌道寫入器 | 伺服道錄寫器 | | |
3397 | servo type function generator | 伺服式函數產生器 | | | |
3398 | servo type operational element | 伺服式運算元件 | | | |
3399 | servo unit | 伺服單元 | | | |
3400 | session | 對話;場次;通信期;交談 | | | |
3401 | session activation | 對話啟動 | | | |
3402 | session activation request | 對話啟動請求 | | | |
3403 | session address space | 對話位址空間 | | | |
3404 | session authorization check | 對話授權檢查 | | | |
3405 | session awareness block | 對話意識段 | | | |
3406 | session command | 對話命令 | | | |
3407 | session command and responses | 對話命令與回應 | | | |
3408 | session connection service | 對話連接服務 | | | |
3409 | session connection synchronization | 對話連接同步 | | | |
3410 | session control block | 對話控制段 | 對話控制塊 | | |
3411 | session control protocol | 對話控制協定 | | | |
3412 | session control record | 對話控制記錄 | | | |
3413 | session control | 對話控制 | | | |
3414 | session count | 對話計數 | | | |
3415 | session cryptographic key | 對話密碼鍵 | | | |
3416 | session cryptographic seed | 對話密碼種值(初值) | | | |
3417 | session date | 對話日期 | | | |
3418 | session deactivation | 對話撤消 | | | |
3419 | session deactivation request | 對話撤消請求 | | | |
3420 | session description | 對話描述 | | | |
3421 | session dialogue | 場次對話 | | | |
3422 | session end | 對話端 | | | |
3423 | session entity | 對話實體 | | | |
3424 | session establishment macro instruction | 對話建立巨集指令 | | | |
3425 | session facility | 對話設施 | | | |
3426 | session field | 對話欄 | | | |
3427 | session group | 對話群 | | | |
3428 | session handler | 對話處置器 | | | |
3429 | session information block | 對話資訊段 | | | |
3430 | session initiation | 對話啟動 | | | |
3431 | session initiation command | 對話啟動命令 | | | |
3432 | session initiation request | 對話啟動請求 | | | |
3433 | session key | 對話鍵 | 會話密鑰 | | |
3434 | session layer | 對話層 | 會話層 | | |
3435 | session level | 對話層次 | | | |
3436 | session level field | 對話層欄 | | | |
3437 | session level pacing | 對話層定步 | | | |
3438 | session library | 對話程式館 | | | |
3439 | session limit | 對話極限 | | | |
3440 | session local protocol | 對話局部協定 | | | |
3441 | session log | 對話日誌 | | | |
3442 | session management service | 對話管理服務 | | | |
3443 | session manager | 對話管理器 | | | |
3444 | session memory pool | 對話記憶集用區 | | | |
3445 | session network services | 對話網路服務 | | | |
3446 | session pacing | 對話定步 | | | |
3447 | session parameters | 對話參數 | | | |
3448 | session partner | 對話伙伴 | | | |
3449 | session presentation services | 對話表達服務 | | | |
3450 | session profile | 交談規範 | | | |
3451 | session protocol | 交談協定 | | | |
3452 | session protocol data units | 交談協定資料裝置 | | | |
3453 | session request | 對話請求 | | | |
3454 | session seed | 對話種值 | | | |
3455 | session sequence identifier | 對話順序識別符 | | | |
3456 | session sequence number | 對話順序號碼 | | | |
3457 | session service data unit | 對話服務資料裝置 | | | |
3458 | session services | 對話服務 | | | |
3459 | session start | 對話啟動 | | | |
3460 | session started command | 對話開始命令 | | | |
3461 | session started message | 對話開始訊息 | | | |
3462 | session start-up file | 對話起動檔案 | | | |
3463 | session start-up procedure | 對話起動程序 | | | |
3464 | session structure | 對話結構 | | | |
3465 | session synchronization | 對話同步 | | | |
3466 | session termination | 對話終止 | | | |
3467 | session termination request | 對話終止請求 | | | |
3468 | set | 集(合);組;集合 | 系 | | |
3469 | set algebra | 集合代數 | | | |
3470 | set associative buffer storage | 集合相聯緩衝儲存器 | | | |
3471 | set associative cache | 集合相聯快取記憶體 | | | |
3472 | set associative organization | 集合相聯組織 | | | |
3473 | set asynchronous | 設定異步 | | | |
3474 | set asynchronous balance mode | 設定異步平衡模式 | | | |
3475 | set asynchronous balance mode extend | 設定異步平衡模式延伸型 | | | |
3476 | set asynchronous balanced mode | 設定異步平衡模式 | | | |
3477 | set asynchronous response mode | 設定異步回應模式 | | | |
3478 | set attribute | 集屬性 | | | |
3479 | set attribute order | 設定屬性命令 | | | |
3480 | set bit | 設定位元 | | | |
3481 | set breakpoint | 設定斷點 | | | |
3482 | set buffer address | 設定緩衝區位址 | | | |
3483 | set buffer address register | 設定緩衝區位址暫存器 | | | |
3484 | set buffer address subcommand | 設定緩衝區位址次命令 | | | |
3485 | set clause | 集子句 | | | |
3486 | set clock | 設定時鐘 | | | |
3487 | set color | 設定色彩 | | | |
3488 | set covering | 集覆蓋 | | | |
3489 | set description entry | 集描述項 | | | |
3490 | set difference | 集合差;差集 | | | |
3491 | set element | 集合元素 | | | |
3492 | set element type | 集合元素類型 | | | |
3493 | set entry | 集合項 | | | |
3494 | set equation transfer system | 集合方程式轉移系統 | | | |
3495 | set expression | 集合表式 | | | |
3496 | set fast execution | 設定快速執行 | | | |
3497 | set fill mask | 設定填充遮罩 | | | |
3498 | set function | 集函數 | | | |
3499 | set gate | 設定閘 | | | |
3500 | set graphic input device | 設定圖形輸入裝置 | | | |
3501 | set horizontal format | 設定水平格式 | | | |
3502 | set identification | 集合識別 | | | |
3503 | set index instruction | 設定索引指令 | | | |
3504 | set inhibit | 設定禁止 | | | |
3505 | set intersection | 集合相交 | | | |
3506 | set language | 集合語言 | 集合語言 | | |
3507 | set line density | 設定行密度 | | | |
3508 | set location mode | 設定位置模式 | | | |
3509 | set location stack | 設定位置堆疊 | | | |
3510 | set member | 集合成員 | | | |
3511 | set membership | 集合隸屬 | | | |
3512 | set merging | 集合合併 | | | |
3513 | set mode | 設定模式 | | | |
3514 | set name | 集合名稱 | | | |
3515 | set normal response mode | 設定正常回應模式 | | | |
3516 | set occurrence | 集值;集合出現值 | 系值 | | |
3517 | set occurrence selection | 集合出現選擇 | | | |
3518 | set of automorphisms | 自同構集 | | | |
3519 | set of complex features | 複合體特徵集 | 復雜特征集 | | |
3520 | set of homomorphisms | 同態集 | | | |
3521 | set of instruction | 指令(集) | | | |
3522 | set of integer | 整數集 | | | |
3523 | set of isomorphisms | 同構集 | | | |
3524 | set of language | 語言集 | | | |
3525 | set of reachable markings | 可達標示集 | 可達標識集 | | |
3526 | set of support strategy | 支援集策略 | | | |
3527 | set of WFF | WFF集;合式公式集 | | | |
3528 | set operation | 集合運算;集合操作 | | | |
3529 | set operator | 集合運算子 | | | |
3530 | set option | 集合選項 | | | |
3531 | set order | 集合次序 | 系序 | | |
3532 | set ordering criteria | 集合定序準則 | | | |
3533 | set oriented language | 集合導向語言 | | | |
3534 | set oriented retrieval module | 集合導向檢索模組 | | | |
3535 | set owner | 集合持有者 | | | |
3536 | set pair | 集合對 | | | |
3537 | set point | 設定點 | | | |
3538 | set point command | 設定點命令 | | | |
3539 | set point computer control system | 設定點計算機控制系統 | | | |
3540 | set point control | 設定點控制 | | | |
3541 | set pointer | 設定指標 | | | |
3542 | set print | 集列印 | | | |
3543 | set processing | 集處理 | | | |
3544 | set program interrupt | 設定程式中斷 | | | |
3545 | set program mask | 設定程式遮罩 | | | |
3546 | set program status word | 設定程式狀態字 | | | |
3547 | set pulse | 設定脈波;置定脈衝 | 置位脈沖 | | |
3548 | set representation | 集合表示法 | | | |
3549 | set screw | 設定螺釘 | | | |
3550 | set section | 集合節 | | | |
3551 | set selection criteria | 集合選擇準則 | | | |
3552 | set size | 集合大小;設定尺寸 | | | |
3553 | set statement | 集敘述 | | | |
3554 | set storage key | 設定儲存鍵 | | | |
3555 | set strobe time | 設定選通時間 | | | |
3556 | set structure | 集合結構 | | | |
3557 | set subentry | 集合子項 | | | |
3558 | set symbol | 集合符號 | | | |
3559 | set system algebra | 集合系統代數 | | | |
3560 | set system mask | 設定系統遮罩 | | | |
3561 | set systems | 集合系統;集系 | | | |
3562 | set theoretical definition | 集合理論定義 | | | |
3563 | set theoretical language | 集合理論語言 | | | |
3564 | set theory | 集合理論 | | | |
3565 | set theory language | 集合理論語言 | | | |
3566 | set time counter | 設定時間計數器 | | | |
3567 | set top box | 轉頻器;數控器 | | | |
3568 | set trigger | 設定觸發器 | | | |
3569 | set type | 集合型式 | | | |
3570 | set type current indicator | 集合類型現行指示符 | | | |
3571 | set type entry | 集合類型項 | | | |
3572 | set union | 集合聯集 | | | |
3573 | set vertical format | 設定垂直格式 | | | |
3574 | set width | 集合寬度 | | | |
3575 | setable | 可置位的;可定位的 | | | |
3576 | set-and-test-sequence-number indicators | 設定與測試順序號指示符(器) | | | |
3577 | set-associative cache | 集合相聯快取記憶體 | 組相聯高速緩存 | | |
3578 | set-associative mapping | 集合相聯對映 | 組相聯映射 | | |
3579 | set-clear | 設定-清除 | | | |
3580 | set-down time | 定妥時間 | | | |
3581 | set-miss | 設定失誤 | | | |
3582 | set-off | 斷開 | | | |
3583 | set-point control | 設定點控制 | 設定點控制 | | |
3584 | set-read operation | 設定-讀取作業 | | | |
3585 | set-request | 設定-請求 | | | |
3586 | set-reset I/O parameter | 設定╱重設輸入輸出參數 | | | |
3587 | set-reset pulse | 設定重設定脈波 | | | |
3588 | set-reset test | 設定重設測試 | | | |
3589 | set-reset trigger | 設定重設定觸發器 | | | |
3590 | set-reset word | 設定重設定字 | | | |
3591 | sets of data | 資料集 | | | |
3592 | sets-of-items construction | 項集合構造 | | | |
3593 | setting | 設定 | | | |
3594 | setting breakpoint condition | 設定斷點條件 | | | |
3595 | setting position | 設定位置 | | | |
3596 | setting pulse | 設定脈波 | | | |
3597 | setting time | 設定時間 | | | |
3598 | setting value | 設定值 | | | |
3599 | settle | 安頓 | | | |
3600 | settle time | 定時 | | | |
3601 | settlements | 結算;安頓 | | | |
3602 | settling time | 安頓時間;平安時間 | 穩定時間 | | |
3603 | set-top box | 轉頻器;數控器 | 機頂盒 | | |
3604 | set-top converter | 機頂轉換器 | | | |
3605 | setup | 設置;建立;整備 | 設置, *建立 | | |
3606 | setup cost | 設置成本 | | | |
3607 | setup crew size | 設置組員大小 | | | |
3608 | setup diagram | 設置圖 | | | |
3609 | setup error | 設置錯誤 | | | |
3610 | setup job | 設置工件 | | | |
3611 | setup labor | 設置人工 | | | |
3612 | setup labor hours | 設置人工時數 | | | |
3613 | setup machine | 設置機器 | | | |
3614 | setup parameter | 設置參數 | | | |
3615 | setup procedure | 設置程序 | | | |
3616 | setup register | 設置暫存器 | | | |
3617 | setup service | 設置服務 | | | |
3618 | setup string | 設置字串 | | | |
3619 | setup tests | 設置測試 | | | |
3620 | setup time | 設置時間 | 建立時間 | | |
3621 | set-write operation | 設定-寫出作業 | | | |
3622 | SEU | 單事件翻轉 | 單事件翻轉 | | |
3623 | seven and nine track compatibility | 七軌與九軌相容性 | | | |
3624 | seven-bit alphameric code | 七位元文數碼 | | | |
3625 | seven-bit byte | 七位元拜 | | | |
3626 | seven-channel paper tape | 七通道紙帶 | | | |
3627 | seven-segment | 七段 | | | |
3628 | seven-segment display | 七段顯示 | | | |
3629 | seven-stroke coded magnetic character | 七劃編碼磁性字元 | | | |
3630 | seven-track compatibility | 七軌相容性 | | | |
3631 | seven-track tape | 七軌磁帶 | | | |
3632 | sever | 嚴苛;嚴重 | | | |
3633 | several-for-one | 多對一 | | | |
3634 | severe environment computer | 嚴苛環境計算機 | 抗惡劣環境計算機 | | |
3635 | severe environment controller system | 嚴苛環境控制器系統 | | | |
3636 | severe environment memory system | 嚴苛環境記憶體系統 | | | |
3637 | severe error | 嚴重錯誤 | | | |
3638 | severity | 嚴重性 | 嚴重性 | | |
3639 | severity code | 嚴重性碼 | | | |
3640 | sexadecimal | 六十進制的 | | | |
3641 | sexadecimal digit | 六十進數位 | | | |
3642 | sexadecimal external number base | 六十進外部數基 | | | |
3643 | sexadecimal hexadecimal notation | 六十進記法 | | | |
3644 | sexadecimal notation | 六十進記法(表示法) | | | |
3645 | sexadecimal number | 六十進數 | | | |
3646 | sexadecimal number system | 六十進數系(制) | | | |
3647 | sexadecimal numeral | 六十進數字 | | | |
3648 | sexagesimal | 六十進制的 | | | |
3649 | sextet | 六位字節 | | | |
3650 | sexto | 六開紙(本) | | | |
3651 | SGML | 標準一般化排版語言 | 標准通用置標語言 | | |
3652 | SGMP | 簡單閘道監控協定 | 簡單網關監視協議 | | |
3653 | shade | 明暗;陰影 | | | |
3654 | shade graphing | 陰影圖示 | | | |
3655 | shade page table | 陰影頁表 | | | |
3656 | shaded | 陰影 | | | |
3657 | shaded area | 陰影區域 | | | |
3658 | shaded curve surface | 陰影曲面 | | | |
3659 | shaded font | 立體字 | 立體字 | | |
3660 | shaded letter | 陰影字母 | | | |
3661 | shaded picture | 陰影圖畫 | | | |
3662 | shading | 遮掩;阻蔽 | 明暗處理 | | |
3663 | shadow | 影子;陰影 | 陰影 | | |
3664 | shadow area | 影子區域 | | | |
3665 | shadow graphing | 影子圖示 | | | |
3666 | shadow mask | (彩色顯像管)陰影遮罩 | | | |
3667 | shadow mask color CRT | 阻罩式彩色顯像管 | | | |
3668 | shadow mask CRT | 阻罩式顯像管 | | | |
3669 | shadow memory | 影子記憶體 | | | |
3670 | shadow page table | 影子頁表 | | | |
3671 | shadow price | 影子價格 | | | |
3672 | shadow RAM | 映射記憶體 | | | |
3673 | shadow resource | 影子資源 | | | |
3674 | shadow ROM | 影子唯讀儲存器 | | | |
3675 | shadow table | 影子表 | | | |
3676 | shaft | 軸 | | | |
3677 | shaft encode | 軸角編碼 | | | |
3678 | shaft encode automatic tuning | 軸角編碼自動調諧 | | | |
3679 | shaft encoder | 軸角編碼器 | | | |
3680 | shaft position digitizer | 軸角位置數化器 | | | |
3681 | shake down period | 試用時期 | | | |
3682 | shaker sort | 篩動排序 | | | |
3683 | shaker sort program | 篩動排序程式 | | | |
3684 | shallow | 淺 | | | |
3685 | shallow binding | 淺連結 | | | |
3686 | shallow diffusion | 淺擴散 | | | |
3687 | shallow model system | 淺模型系統 | | | |
3688 | shallow reasoning | 淺推理 | | | |
3689 | shallow search procedure | 淺搜尋程序 | | | |
3690 | shallow system | 淺系統 | | | |
3691 | shallow system organization | 淺系統組織 | | | |
3692 | Shannon | 向農(人名、單位) | | | |
3693 | Shannon black box | 向農黑盒 | | | |
3694 | Shannon equation | 向農公式 | | | |
3695 | Shannon expansion theorem | 向農展開定理 | | | |
3696 | Shannon formula | 向農公式 | | | |
3697 | Shannon ideal code | 向農理想碼 | | | |
3698 | Shannon page table | 向農頁表 | | | |
3699 | Shannon-Fano code | 向農-范諾碼 | | | |
3700 | Shannon's coding theorem | 向農編碼理論 | | | |
3701 | Shannon's fundamental theorem | 向農基本定理 | | | |
3702 | Shannon's law | 向農定律 | | | |
3703 | Shannon's sampling theorem | 向農抽樣定理 | 香農采樣定理 | | |
3704 | Shannon's theorem | 向農定理 | | | |
3705 | shape | 形狀 | | | |
3706 | shape analysis | 形狀分析 | | | |
3707 | shape anisotropy | 形狀各向導性 | | | |
3708 | shape code | 形狀(代)碼 | | | |
3709 | shape decomposition | 形狀分解 | | | |
3710 | shape description | 形狀描述 | 形狀描述 | | |
3711 | shape factor | 形狀因子 | | | |
3712 | shape function | 形狀函數 | | | |
3713 | shape grammar | 形狀文法 | | | |
3714 | shape information | 形狀資訊 | | | |
3715 | shape number | 形狀號碼 | | | |
3716 | shape reasoning | 形狀推理 | 形狀推理 | | |
3717 | shape recognition | 形狀識別 | | | |
3718 | shape segmentation | 形狀分段 | 形狀分割 | | |
3719 | shaped card potentiometer | 形卡電位計 | | | |
3720 | shaped character printer | 成型字元列印機 | | | |
3721 | shaped pulse | 成型脈衝;經整形的脈衝 | | | |
3722 | shaped reflector Cassegrain | 成型反射器卡塞格與系統 | | | |
3723 | shaper | (脈衝)整形器 | | | |
3724 | shaping | 成形 | | | |
3725 | shaping circuit | 成形電路 | | | |
3726 | shaping network | 成形網路 | | | |
3727 | shaping pulse | 成形脈波 | | | |
3728 | shaping signal | 成形信號 | | | |
3729 | share | 共享;共用 | 共享 | | |
3730 | share assembly program | 共享組合程式 | | | |
3731 | share bus | 共享匯流排 | | | |
3732 | share count | 共享計數 | | | |
3733 | share interval FORTRAN translator | 共享區間FORTRAN翻譯器 | | | |
3734 | share library | 共享程式館 | | | |
3735 | share library user report | 共享程式館使用者報告 | | | |
3736 | share limit | 共享限量(限制) | | | |
3737 | share load | 共享負載 | | | |
3738 | share operating system | 共享作業系統 | | | |
3739 | share request | 共享請求 | | | |
3740 | share supervisor | 共享監督器 | | | |
3741 | shareable | 可共享;可共用;可分享 | | | |
3742 | shareable device | 可共享裝置 | | | |
3743 | shareable global area | 可共享總體區域 | | | |
3744 | shareable image | 可共享影像 | | | |
3745 | shareable routine | 可共享常式 | | | |
3746 | shareable run-time program | 可分享運行時間程式 | | | |
3747 | shared | 共享;共用;分享 | | | |
3748 | shared access path | 共享存取路徑 | | | |
3749 | shared access routine | 共享存取例行常式 | | | |
3750 | shared batch area | 共享批次區 | | | |
3751 | shared bus | 共享匯流排 | | | |
3752 | shared bus system | 共享匯流排系統 | | | |
3753 | shared cache | 共享高速快取 | 共享高速緩存 | | |
3754 | shared cell | 共享單元 | | | |
3755 | shared central memory | 共享中央記憶體 | | | |
3756 | shared class | 共享分類(級別) | | | |
3757 | shared communication facility | 共享通信設施 | | | |
3758 | shared communication resource | 共享通信資源 | | | |
3759 | shared contingency computer center | 共享應急計算機中心 | | | |
3760 | shared control | 共享控制 | | | |
3761 | shared control unit | 共享控制裝置 | | | |
3762 | shared DASD option | 共享直接存取儲存裝置選項 | | | |
3763 | shared data | 共享資料 | | | |
3764 | shared data bank | 共享資料庫 | | | |
3765 | shared data bases | 共享資料庫 | | | |
3766 | shared data set integrity | 共享資料集完整性 | | | |
3767 | shared data set | 共享資料集 | | | |
3768 | shared data system | 共享資料系統 | | | |
3769 | shared data transmission network | 共享資料傳輸網路 | | | |
3770 | shared database | 共享資料庫 | | | |
3771 | shared device | 共享裝置 | | | |
3772 | shared direct memory access controller | 共享直接記憶體存取控制器 | | | |
3773 | shared direct memory access | 共享直接記憶體存取 | | | |
3774 | shared disk | 共享磁碟 | | | |
3775 | shared disk multiprocessor system | 共享磁碟的多處理機系統 | 共享磁盤的多處理器系統 | | |
3776 | shared disk system | 共享磁碟系統 | | | |
3777 | shared electron bond | 共價鍵 | | | |
3778 | shared enqueue | 共享進入佇列 | | | |
3779 | shared environment | 共享環境 | | | |
3780 | shared everything multiprocessor system | 全共享的多處理機系統 | 全共享的多處理器系統 | | |
3781 | shared executive system | 共享執行系統 | 共享執行系統 | | |
3782 | shared file | 共享檔案 | 共享文件 | | |
3783 | shared file system | 共享檔案系統 | | | |
3784 | shared firmware | 共享韌體 | | | |
3785 | shared font store | 共享字型儲存 | | | |
3786 | shared hospital accounting system | 共享醫院帳務系統 | | | |
3787 | shared hospital information system | 分享醫院資訊系統 | | | |
3788 | shared I/O | 共享輸入輸出(設備) | | | |
3789 | shared index database | 共享索引資料庫 | | | |
3790 | shared information system | 共享資訊系統 | | | |
3791 | shared instruction | 共享指令 | | | |
3792 | shared knowledge | 共享知識 | | | |
3793 | shared library | 共享程式館 | | | |
3794 | shared line | 共享線 | | | |
3795 | shared line adapter | 共用線路配轉接器 | | | |
3796 | shared linkage segment | 共享鏈接段 | | | |
3797 | shared lock | 共享鎖 | 共享鎖 | | |
3798 | shared locked included file | 共用加鎖參考檔 | | | |
3799 | shared locked variable | 共享加鎖變數 | | | |
3800 | shared logic | 共享邏輯 | | | |
3801 | shared logic system | 共享邏輯系統 | | | |
3802 | shared logic word processing equipment | 共享邏輯文字處理設備 | | | |
3803 | shared main memory | 共享主記憶體 | | | |
3804 | shared main storage multiprocessing | 共享主儲存多處理 | | | |
3805 | shared mass storage | 共享大量儲存器 | | | |
3806 | shared memory | 共享記憶體;共享記憶 | 共享存儲器 | | |
3807 | shared memory multiprocessor system | 共享記憶體的多處理機系統 | 共享內存的多處理器系統 | | |
3808 | shared memory table | 共享記憶表 | | | |
3809 | shared memory table address | 共享記憶表位址 | | | |
3810 | shared memory technique | 共享記憶體技術 | | | |
3811 | shared module page queue | 共享模組頁面佇列 | | | |
3812 | shared multiport memory | 共享多埠記憶體 | | | |
3813 | shared name | 共享名 | | | |
3814 | shared network resource | 共享網路資源 | | | |
3815 | shared node | 共享節點 | | | |
3816 | shared nothing multiprocessor system | 無共享的多處理機系統 | 無共享的多處理器系統 | | |
3817 | shared operating system | 共享作業系統 | 共享操作系統 | | |
3818 | shared ordered variable | 共享有序變數 | | | |
3819 | shared page table | 共享頁表 | 共享頁表 | | |
3820 | shared partition | 共享分區 | | | |
3821 | shared path | 共享路徑 | | | |
3822 | shared peripheral | 共享週邊 | | | |
3823 | shared peripheral interface | 共享週邊介面 | | | |
3824 | shared procedure | 共享程序 | | | |
3825 | shared processor | 共享處理機 | | | |
3826 | shared read-only system residence disk | 共享唯讀系統常駐磁碟 | | | |
3827 | shared record format | 共享記錄格式 | | | |
3828 | shared resource | 共享資源 | | | |
3829 | shared resource mode | 共享資源模式 | | | |
3830 | shared resource multiprocessing | 共享資源多處理 | | | |
3831 | shared resource system | 共享資源系統 | | | |
3832 | shared resource text processing | 共享資源正文處理 | | | |
3833 | shared resources processing | 共享資源處理 | | | |
3834 | shared routine | 共享常式 | | | |
3835 | shared row assignment | 共享列指定 | | | |
3836 | shared run unit library | 共享運行單元程式館 | | | |
3837 | shared run-time library | 共享運行時間程式館 | | | |
3838 | shared segment | 共享段 | 共享段 | | |
3839 | shared software | 共享軟體 | | | |
3840 | shared software routine | 共享軟體常式 | | | |
3841 | shared spooling | 共享排存 | | | |
3842 | shared storage | 共享儲存器 | | | |
3843 | shared storage management | 共享儲存管理 | | | |
3844 | shared storage technique | 共享儲存器技術 | | | |
3845 | shared structure | 共享結構 | | | |
3846 | shared subchannel | 共享次通道 | | | |
3847 | shared subroutine | 共享次常式 | | | |
3848 | shared system | 共享系統 | | | |
3849 | shared tape allocation manager | 共享磁帶分配管理器 | | | |
3850 | shared task address space | 共享任務位址空間 | | | |
3851 | shared time control action | 分時控制動作 | | | |
3852 | shared track | 共享磁軌 | | | |
3853 | shared update | 共享更新 | | | |
3854 | shared variable | 共享變數 | 共享變量 | | |
3855 | shared variable set | 共享變數集(組) | | | |
3856 | shared variable update procedure | 共享變數更新程序 | | | |
3857 | shared virtual area | 共享虛擬區域 | 共享虛擬區 | | |
3858 | shared virtual memory | 共享虛擬記憶體 | 共享虛擬存儲器 | | |
3859 | shared whiteboard | 共享白板 | 共享白板 | | |
3860 | shared working space | 共享工作空間 | | | |
3861 | shared write library | 共寫程式館 | | | |
3862 | shared-for-read lock state | 共讀鎖定狀態 | | | |
3863 | shared-for-update lock state | 共享更新鎖定狀態 | | | |
3864 | shared-no-update lock state | 共享非更新鎖定狀態 | | | |
3865 | sharer | 共享者 | | | |
3866 | shareware | 共用軟體 | 共享軟件 | | |
3867 | sharing | 共享;共用 | | | |
3868 | sharing data set | 共享資料集 | | | |
3869 | sharing logical link | 共享邏輯鏈路 | | | |
3870 | sharing multiprocessing | 共享多處理 | | | |
3871 | sharing policy | 共享政策 | | | |
3872 | sharing processor time | 共享處理機時間 | | | |
3873 | sharing resource | 共享資源 | | | |
3874 | sharp | 清晰 | 清晰 | | |
3875 | sharp clear printing | 清晰清除列印 | | | |
3876 | sharp cut off | 銳截止 | | | |
3877 | sharp cut off tube | 銳截止管 | | | |
3878 | sharp edge | 銳邊 | | | |
3879 | sharp image | 清晰影像 | | | |
3880 | sharp product | 清晰產品 | | | |
3881 | sharp pulse | 銳脈衝 | | | |
3882 | sharp step | 陡階 | | | |
3883 | sharp turning | 微調 | | | |
3884 | sharpening | 銳化 | 銳化 | | |
3885 | sharpening technique by differentiation | 微分式銳化技術 | | | |
3886 | sharping technique | 銳化技術(工藝) | | | |
3887 | sharpness | 清晰度;銳度 | | | |
3888 | shear | 剪切 | | | |
3889 | shear distribution | 剪切分配 | | | |
3890 | shear stiffness | 剪切剛度 | | | |
3891 | shear strength | 剪切強度 | | | |
3892 | shear transformation | 剪切變換 | 剪切變換 | | |
3893 | shearing | 切變 | | | |
3894 | sheath | 外皮;外層覆蓋物 | | | |
3895 | sheet | 表單;薄片 | | | |
3896 | sheet conductance | 表單電導 | | | |
3897 | sheet detector | 表單檢測器 | | | |
3898 | sheet dielectric | 表單電介質 | | | |
3899 | sheet feed | 饋紙 | | | |
3900 | sheet feeder | 表單饋送器 | | | |
3901 | sheet film | 薄片式軟片 | | | |
3902 | sheet glass | 玻璃片 | | | |
3903 | sheet microfilm | 薄片式微縮膠卷 | | | |
3904 | sheet mode | 表單模式 | | | |
3905 | sheet paper | 表單紙 | | | |
3906 | sheet resistance | 表單電阻 | | | |
3907 | sheet to roll duplicator | 捲紙式複製機 | | | |
3908 | sheet to sheet duplicator | 單張式複製機 | | | |
3909 | Sheffer stroke | 薛佛衝程 | | | |
3910 | Sheffer stroke gate | 薛佛衝程閘 | | | |
3911 | Sheffer stroke operation | 薛佛衝程操作(運算) | | | |
3912 | shelf | 架子;層;格 | | | |
3913 | shelf label | 架標號 | | | |
3914 | shelf life | 儲架壽命 | | | |
3915 | shelf lists | 架表 | | | |
3916 | shelf storage | 架上(備用)儲存器 | | | |
3917 | shell | 殼;外殼 | 外殼 | | |
3918 | shell command | 外殼命令 | 外殼命令 | | |
3919 | shell command language | 外殼命令語言 | | | |
3920 | shell document | 外殼文件(獻) | | | |
3921 | shell language | 外殼語言 | 外殼語言 | | |
3922 | shell mechanism | 外殼機構(結構) | | | |
3923 | shell process | 外殼過程 | 外殼進程 | | |
3924 | shell program | 外殼程式 | | | |
3925 | shell prompt | 外殼提示(符) | 外殼提示符 | | |
3926 | shell script | 外殼手跡 | 外殼腳本 | | |
3927 | shell site | 外殼站點 | 殼站點 | | |
3928 | shell sort | 外殼排序 | 謝爾排序 | | |
3929 | Shell sort | 希爾排序 | 謝爾排序 | | |
3930 | Shell sorting | 希爾排序 | | | |
3931 | shell theory | 外殼理論 | | | |
3932 | shelves | 貨架式暫存器 | | | |
3933 | shield | 屏蔽;罩;防護 | | | |
3934 | shield line | 屏蔽線 | | | |
3935 | shield twisted pair | 屏蔽雙絞線 | 屏蔽雙絞線 | | |
3936 | shield wire | 屏蔽線 | | | |
3937 | shielded cable | 屏蔽電纜 | | | |
3938 | shielded enclosure | 屏蔽外殼 | | | |
3939 | shielded line | 屏蔽線 | | | |
3940 | shielded pair | 屏蔽對 | | | |
3941 | shielded transmission line | 屏蔽傳輸線 | | | |
3942 | shielding | 屏蔽;掩蓋 | | | |
3943 | shielding box | 屏蔽箱 | | | |
3944 | shielding case | 屏蔽外殼 | | | |
3945 | shielding wire | 屏蔽線 | | | |
3946 | shift | 移位 | | | |
3947 | shift action | 移位動作 | | | |
3948 | shift amount register | 移位數量暫存器 | | | |
3949 | shift and subtract 1 control | 移位並減1控制 | | | |
3950 | shift arithmetically | 算術移位 | | | |
3951 | shift capacity | 班次產能 | | | |
3952 | shift chain | 移位鍊 | | | |
3953 | shift character | 移位字元 | | | |
3954 | shift charge | 值班費用 | | | |
3955 | shift code | 移位碼 | | | |
3956 | shift control | 移位控制(器) | | | |
3957 | shift control counter | 移位控制計數器 | | | |
3958 | shift count register | 移位計數暫存器 | | | |
3959 | shift counter | 移位計數器 | | | |
3960 | shift divisor | 移位除數 | | | |
3961 | shift down | 下移;向下移位 | | | |
3962 | shift down modem | 下移數據機 | | | |
3963 | shift end | 移位結束 | | | |
3964 | shift folding | 移位折疊 | | | |
3965 | shift forward | 正向移位 | | | |
3966 | shift frequency shift keying | 移位頻移按鍵 | | | |
3967 | shift function | 移位功能 | | | |
3968 | shift guide | 移位導引 | | | |
3969 | shift identify | 移位識別 | | | |
3970 | shift identify machine | 移位識別機 | | | |
3971 | shift identify method | 移位識別法 | | | |
3972 | shift in | 移入;轉入 | | | |
3973 | shift in character | 移入字元 | | | |
3974 | shift in control character | 移入控制字元 | | | |
3975 | shift in control code | 移入控制碼 | | | |
3976 | shift instruction | 移位指令 | 移位指令 | | |
3977 | shift key | 移位鍵 | | | |
3978 | shift keying | 移位按鍵 | | | |
3979 | shift left | 左移 | 左移 | | |
3980 | shift left long | 向左長移位 | | | |
3981 | shift left out/shift right in | 左移出右移入 | | | |
3982 | shift length | 移位長度;班次時間 | | | |
3983 | shift letters | 移位字母 | | | |
3984 | shift lock | 移位鎖定 | | | |
3985 | shift lock key | 移位鎖定鍵 | | | |
3986 | shift lock keyboard | 移位鎖定鍵盤 | | | |
3987 | shift matrix | 移位矩陣 | | | |
3988 | shift microoperation | 移位微作業 | | | |
3989 | shift motion | 移位動作 | | | |
3990 | shift network | 移位網路 | 移位網 | | |
3991 | shift operation | 移位操作 | | | |
3992 | shift operator | 移位運算子 | | | |
3993 | shift order | 移位命令 | | | |
3994 | shift out | 移出 | | | |
3995 | shift out character | 移出字元 | | | |
3996 | shift out control character | 移出控制字元 | | | |
3997 | shift position | 移位位置 | | | |
3998 | shift pulse | 移位脈衝 | | | |
3999 | shift register | 移位暫存器 | 移位寄存器 | | |
4000 | shift register code | 移位暫存器碼 | | | |
4001 | shift register drive | 移位暫存器驅動器 | | | |
4002 | shift register generator | 移位暫存器產生器 | | | |
4003 | shift register latch | 移位暫存器閂 | | | |
4004 | shift register memory | 移位暫存器記憶體 | | | |
4005 | shift register sequence | 移位暫存器序列 | | | |
4006 | shift register storage circuit | 移位暫存器儲存電路 | | | |
4007 | shift reverse | 反移;反向移位 | | | |
4008 | shift right | 右移 | 右移 | | |
4009 | shift right double | 雙倍右移 | | | |
4010 | shift signal | 移位信號 | | | |
4011 | shift stack | 移位堆疊 | | | |
4012 | shift status field | 移位狀態欄 | | | |
4013 | shift system | 移位系統 | | | |
4014 | shift theorem | 移位定理 | | | |
4015 | shift unit | 移位裝置 | | | |
4016 | shift up | 上移;向上位移 | | | |
4017 | shift ward | 移位字 | | | |
4018 | shift winding | 移位捲線 | | | |
4019 | shifted diagonal | 移位對角線 | | | |
4020 | shifted diagonal test | 移位對角線測試 | | | |
4021 | shifted divisor | 移位除數 | | | |
4022 | shifter | 移位器 | 移位器 | | |
4023 | shift-in | 移入 | 移入 | | |
4024 | shifting | 移位;移位操作 | | | |
4025 | shifting counter | 移位計數器 | | | |
4026 | shifting function | 移位功能 | | | |
4027 | shifting operator | 移位運算子 | | | |
4028 | shifting principle | 移位原理 | | | |
4029 | shifting process | 移位過程 | | | |
4030 | shifting register | 移位暫存器 | 移位寄存器 | | |
4031 | shifting sort | 移位排序 | 上推排序 | | |
4032 | shifting theorem | 移位定理 | | | |
4033 | shifting-out character | 移出字元 | | | |
4034 | shift-out | 移出 | 移出 | | |
4035 | shiftout modular redundancy | 移出模組冗餘(位) | | | |
4036 | shift-out redundancy | 篩除冗餘 | | | |
4037 | shift-phase parallel microprocessor system | 相移並聯微處理機系統 | | | |
4038 | shift-reduce conflict | 移位縮減衝突 | | | |
4039 | shift-reduce machine | 移位縮減機 | | | |
4040 | shift-reduce method | 移位縮減法 | | | |
4041 | shift-reduce parser | 移位縮減剖析器 | | | |
4042 | shim | 墊片;填隙片 | | | |
4043 | ship | 船 | | | |
4044 | ship alarm signal | 船舶警報信號 | | | |
4045 | ship broadcast coastal radio station | 船舶廣播海岸無線電站(台) | | | |
4046 | ship broadcast schedule | 船舶廣播排程 | | | |
4047 | ship broadcast service | 船舶廣播服務 | | | |
4048 | ship broadcast-area radio station | 船舶無線電區域廣播站 | | | |
4049 | ship call sign | 船舶呼叫信號 | | | |
4050 | ship communications | 船舶通信(系統(設備)) | | | |
4051 | ship deck log | 船艙日誌(記錄) | | | |
4052 | ship fitting communication standard plan | 船適用通信的標準規劃 | | | |
4053 | ship international call sign | 船舶國際呼叫信號 | | | |
4054 | ship movement service | 船舶移動保安服務 | | | |
4055 | ship net | 船(通信)網 | | | |
4056 | ship radar silence | 船雷達靜寂 | | | |
4057 | ship radio log | 船無線電日誌(運行記錄) | | | |
4058 | ship radio officer | 船無線電職員 | | | |
4059 | ship radio silence | 船無線電靜寂 | | | |
4060 | ship radio transmission security | 船無線電傳輸保全 | | | |
4061 | ship radiotelephone numeral | 船無線電話數字 | | | |
4062 | ship signaling | 船舶訊號 | | | |
4063 | ship station | 船站 | | | |
4064 | ship to air net | 船對航空器(通信)網 | | | |
4065 | ship to ship net | 船對船(通信)網 | | | |
4066 | ship to shore net | 船對岸網路 | | | |
4067 | ship to shore radiotelephone procedure | 船對岸無線電話程序 | | | |
4068 | ship to shore schedule | 船對岸排程 | | | |
4069 | ship via code | 出貨經由碼 | | | |
4070 | ship-air net | 船-航空器(通信)網 | | | |
4071 | shipboard uniform automated data processing system | 船載統一自動資料處理系統 | | | |
4072 | shipment | 出貨 | | | |
4073 | shipped complete | 出貨完成 | | | |
4074 | shipping brackets | 出貨支架 | | | |
4075 | shipping carton | 出貨外箱 | | | |
4076 | shipping clamp | 出貨固定鉤 | | | |
4077 | shipping instruction | 出貨指令 | | | |
4078 | shipping label | 出貨標籤 | | | |
4079 | shipping list | 出貨列表 | | | |
4080 | shipping operations information system | 出貨作業資訊系統 | | | |
4081 | shipping position interpolation computer | 內插法船位測定計算機 | | | |
4082 | shipping weight | 出貨重量 | | | |
4083 | shipping/landing zone | 裝卸區 | | | |
4084 | ship-shore communication net | 船岸通信網 | | | |
4085 | ship-shore communications | 船岸通信 | | | |
4086 | ship-shore net | 船岸(無線電通信)網 | | | |
4087 | ship-shore radio teletypewriter | 船岸無線電電傳打字機 | | | |
4088 | ship-shore station | 船岸站 | | | |
4089 | ship-to | 運往 | | | |
4090 | ship-to address records | 運往位址記錄 | | | |
4091 | ship-to location | 運往地點 | | | |
4092 | ship-to master file | 運往主檔 | | | |
4093 | ship-to number | 運往號碼 | | | |
4094 | ship-to override | 運往置換 | | | |
4095 | ship-to override code | 運往置換碼 | | | |
4096 | shock | 沖擊;震動 | | | |
4097 | shock absorber | 減震器;震動吸收器 | 減震器 | | |
4098 | shock discontinuities | 衝擊間斷 | | | |
4099 | shock excitation | 衝擊激勵 | | | |
4100 | shock fitting | 衝擊配適 | | | |
4101 | shock front | 衝擊前面;激波陣面 | | | |
4102 | shock interaction | 衝擊交互作用;激波相交 | | | |
4103 | shock isolator | 隔震器;震動隔離器 | 隔震器 | | |
4104 | shock mount | 震動裝置 | | | |
4105 | shock proof | 震動證明 | | | |
4106 | shock smearing | 衝擊塗抹 | | | |
4107 | shock strength | 衝擊強度 | | | |
4108 | shock test | 振動測試;衝擊測試 | | | |
4109 | shock wave | 衝擊波;激波 | | | |
4110 | shoe | 滑軌 | | | |
4111 | shooting method | 射擊法 | | | |
4112 | shop | 現場 | | | |
4113 | shop activity | 現場活動 | | | |
4114 | shop activity control totals | 現場活動控制總計 | | | |
4115 | shop activity data entry | 現場活動資料登錄 | | | |
4116 | shop activity edit | 現場活動編輯 | | | |
4117 | shop activity extract | 工場活動擷取 | | | |
4118 | shop activity forms | 現場活動表格 | | | |
4119 | shop activity transaction type | 現場活動異動類型 | | | |
4120 | shop activity-operation charge form | 現場活動-作業計費表格 | | | |
4121 | shop automation | 工場自動化 | | | |
4122 | shop calendar | 現場日曆 | | | |
4123 | shop documentation | 現場文件製作 | | | |
4124 | shop feedback | 現場回饋 | | | |
4125 | shop floor control | 現場控制 | | | |
4126 | shop floor reporting | 現場報告 | | | |
4127 | shop order | 工場命令 | | | |
4128 | shop order handling costs | 工場命令處置成本 | | | |
4129 | shop packet | 現場文件 | | | |
4130 | shop packet creation | 現場文件製作 | | | |
4131 | shop packet creation options | 現場文件製作選項 | | | |
4132 | shop packet summary list | 現場文件彙總清冊 | | | |
4133 | shop packet worksheet | 現場文件工作單 | | | |
4134 | shore communications | 海岸通信(系統) | | | |
4135 | Shore hardness | 肖爾硬度 | | | |
4136 | shore net | 海岸(通信)網 | | | |
4137 | shore radio teletypewriter | 海岸無線電電傳打字機 | | | |
4138 | shore radiotelephone procedure | 海岸無線電話程序 | | | |
4139 | shore station | 海岸站 | | | |
4140 | short | 短路;短的 | | | |
4141 | short access storage | 快速存取儲存器 | | | |
4142 | short address | 短位址 | | | |
4143 | short block | 短塊 | | | |
4144 | short branch | 短分支 | | | |
4145 | short card | 短卡;短卡片 | | | |
4146 | short card processing | 短卡片處理 | | | |
4147 | short channel | 短通道 | | | |
4148 | short circuit control form | 短電路控制表格 | | | |
4149 | short circuit impedance | 短電路阻抗 | | | |
4150 | short circuit line | 短電路線 | | | |
4151 | short circuit output capacitance | 短電路輸出電容 | | | |
4152 | short circuit parameter | 短路參數 | | | |
4153 | short circuit path | 短路路徑 | | | |
4154 | short circuit transmission line | 短路傳輸線 | | | |
4155 | short circuit | 短路 | | | |
4156 | short circuited transmission line | 短路傳輸線 | | | |
4157 | short circuited winding | 短路捲線 | | | |
4158 | short code | 短代碼 | | | |
4159 | short code dialing | 短碼撥號 | | | |
4160 | short cut | 捷徑 | | | |
4161 | short cut calculation | 捷徑計算 | | | |
4162 | short cut method | 捷徑法 | | | |
4163 | short cut multiplication | 捷徑乘法 | | | |
4164 | short cycle | 短週期 | | | |
4165 | short data message | 短資料訊息 | | | |
4166 | short dialing | 短撥號 | | | |
4167 | short distance transmission | 短距離傳輸 | | | |
4168 | short dot | 短路點 | | | |
4169 | short duration failure | 短期失效 | | | |
4170 | short duration repair | 短期修復 | | | |
4171 | short element | 短元件 | | | |
4172 | short floating point number | 短浮點數 | | | |
4173 | short floating point number format | 短浮點數格式 | | | |
4174 | short form | 短格式 | | | |
4175 | short format | 短(資料)格式 | | | |
4176 | short frame data | 短框資料 | | | |
4177 | short haul carrier | 短程載波 | | | |
4178 | short haul communication | 短距離通信 | | | |
4179 | short instruction | 短指令 | | | |
4180 | short instruction format | 短指令格式 | | | |
4181 | short life | 短壽命;短使用期限 | | | |
4182 | short line | 短線 | 短線 | | |
4183 | short message | 短訊息 | | | |
4184 | short noise | 短雜訊 | | | |
4185 | short noise burst | 短雜訊猝發 | | | |
4186 | short number | 短數 | | | |
4187 | short operation | 短操作 | | | |
4188 | short out | 短路 | | | |
4189 | short period fading | 短週期衰落 | | | |
4190 | short range | 短距離;近程 | | | |
4191 | short range aid to navigation | 近程導航 | | | |
4192 | short range forecast | 短距離預測 | | | |
4193 | short range laser sonar | 近程雷射聲納 | | | |
4194 | short range modem | 短距離數據機 | | | |
4195 | short range navigation | 近程導航 | | | |
4196 | short range network | 近程網路 | | | |
4197 | short range radio navigation | 近程無線電導航 | | | |
4198 | short response time | 短回應時間 | | | |
4199 | short run equilibrium state | 短運行平衡狀態 | | | |
4200 | short shunt | 短分路;短分流器 | | | |
4201 | short sign on | 簡化登入;短登入 | | | |
4202 | short stack | 短堆疊 | | | |
4203 | short term | 短期 | | | |
4204 | short term buffering | 短期緩衝 | | | |
4205 | short term constant | 短期常數 | | | |
4206 | short term Fourier analysis | 短期傅立葉分析 | | | |
4207 | short term ionospheric forecast | 短期電離層預測 | | | |
4208 | short term memory | 短期記憶體 | | | |
4209 | short term operation | 短期作業 | | | |
4210 | short term planning | 短期規劃 | | | |
4211 | short term schedule | 短期排程 | | | |
4212 | short term scheduling | 短期排程 | | | |
4213 | short term security | 短期保全 | | | |
4214 | short term stability | 短期穩定性 | | | |
4215 | short term storage | 短期儲存器 | | | |
4216 | short term test | 短期測試 | | | |
4217 | short term weather prediction | 短期氣象預測 | | | |
4218 | short time diffusion | 短時間擴散 | | | |
4219 | short time memory | 短時間記憶體 | | | |
4220 | short time memory device | 短時間記憶體裝置 | | | |
4221 | short time statistics | 短時間統計 | | | |
4222 | short time storage | 短時間儲存 | | | |
4223 | short title | 短標題 | | | |
4224 | short transaction traffic | 短異動流量 | | | |
4225 | short trouble | 短路障礙 | | | |
4226 | short type | 短類型 | | | |
4227 | short wave broadcasting | 短波廣播 | | | |
4228 | short wave radio | 短波無線電 | | | |
4229 | short wave | 短波 | | | |
4230 | short wavelength magnetic recording | 短波長磁記錄 | | | |
4231 | short word | 短字 | | | |
4232 | shortage report | 短缺報表 | | | |
4233 | shortage shipment | 短缺出貨 | | | |
4234 | shortcutting | 簡化 | | | |
4235 | shorted diode fault | 二極體短路故障 | | | |
4236 | shorted fault | 短路故障 | 短路故障 | | |
4237 | shorten symbol | 縮短符號;短縮符號 | | | |
4238 | shortened block codes | 縮短塊碼 | | | |
4239 | shortest access time first | 最短存取時間優先 | | | |
4240 | shortest job first | 最短工件優先 | 最短作業優先法 | | |
4241 | shortest latency time first | 最短潛時優先 | | | |
4242 | shortest path | 最短路徑 | 最短路徑 | | |
4243 | shortest path algorithm | 最短路徑算法 | | | |
4244 | shortest path problem | 最短路徑問題 | | | |
4245 | shortest path routing | 最短路徑選路 | | | |
4246 | shortest processing time first policy | 最短處理時間優先政策 | | | |
4247 | shortest processing time first | 最短處理時間優先 | | | |
4248 | shortest processing time | 最短(的)處理時間 | | | |
4249 | shortest queue routing | 最短佇列選路 | | | |
4250 | shortest route | 最短路線 | | | |
4251 | shortest route problem | 最短路線問題 | | | |
4252 | shortest seek time first | 最短尋覓時間優先 | | | |
4253 | shortest spanning subtree | 最短跨距子樹 | | | |
4254 | shortest word | 最短字 | | | |
4255 | shorthand | 速記;簡寫 | | | |
4256 | shorthand coding system | 速記編碼系統 | | | |
4257 | shorthand notation | 速記記法;速記表示法 | | | |
4258 | shorthand preprocessor | 速記預處理機 | | | |
4259 | short-hold mode | 短暫保持模 | | | |
4260 | short-hold modem | 短暫保持(式)數據機 | | | |
4261 | short-term scheduling | 短期排程 | 短期調度 | | |
4262 | shotgun microphone | 槍式麥克風 | | | |
4263 | shoulder point | 肩點 | | | |
4264 | show selection | 展示選擇 | | | |
4265 | show through | 透視 | | | |
4266 | shrinkable tubing | 可收縮管材 | | | |
4267 | shrinkage | 收縮 | | | |
4268 | shrinkage factor | 收縮因數 | | | |
4269 | shrinking and thinning | 收縮和細化 | | | |
4270 | shuffle | 混洗 | 混洗 | | |
4271 | shuffle exchange network | 混洗交換網路 | | | |
4272 | shuffle interconnection | 混洗互連 | | | |
4273 | shuffle-exchange | 混洗交換 | 混洗交換 | | |
4274 | shuffle-exchange network | 混洗交換網路 | 混洗交換網絡 | | |
4275 | shun off sequence | 切斷序列 | | | |
4276 | shunt | 分路;分流;並聯 | | | |
4277 | shunt circuit | 分路;並聯電路 | | | |
4278 | shunt compensation | 分路補償 | | | |
4279 | shunt feed | 分路饋電 | | | |
4280 | shunt feedback | 分路回饋 | | | |
4281 | shunt feedback Schottky clamped logic | 並聯回饋肖特基嵌位邏輯 | | | |
4282 | shunt loss | 分路損耗 | | | |
4283 | shunt resistance | 分路電阻 | | | |
4284 | shunted condenser | 分路電容器 | | | |
4285 | shunt-series compensation | 串並聯補償 | | | |
4286 | shut down | 關機 | 關機 | | |
4287 | shut off | 切斷 | | | |
4288 | shut off sequence | 切斷序列 | | | |
4289 | shutdown | 關機 | | | |
4290 | shutdown circuit | 停機電路 | | | |
4291 | shutdown time | 關機時間 | | | |
4292 | shutter | 快門 | | | |
4293 | shuttle | 梭;穿梭 | | | |
4294 | shuttle attached manipulator system | 太空梭附加操縱系統 | | | |
4295 | shuttle pulse test | 穿梭脈衝測試 | | | |
4296 | shuttlecock | 梭頭球形鉛字 | | | |
4297 | sibilance | 齒音 | | | |
4298 | sibling segment types | 同輩份片段類型 | | | |
4299 | sibling segments | 同輩份片段 | | | |
4300 | side | (旁)邊;面;側面 | | | |
4301 | side by side | 並排 | | | |
4302 | side by side dual control system | 並列雙控制系統 | | | |
4303 | side by side listing | 並排列表 | | | |
4304 | side circuit | 旁側電路 | | | |
4305 | side circuit loading coil | 旁側電路負載線圈;實電路負載線圈 | | | |
4306 | side circuit repeat coil | 實電路重複線圈 | | | |
4307 | side circuit repeating coil | 旁側電路中繼線圈 | | | |
4308 | side condition | 旁側條件 | 伴隨條件 | | |
4309 | side crosstalk | 旁側串音(干擾) | | | |
4310 | side effect | 副作用;旁效應 | 副作用 | | |
4311 | side erase | 旁側抹除;側面去(消)磁 | | | |
4312 | side etch | 旁側蝕刻 | | | |
4313 | side flow | 側流 | | | |
4314 | side frequency | 邊頻;旁頻 | | | |
4315 | side information | 旁側資訊 | | | |
4316 | side lay | 側裝 | | | |
4317 | side lay adjuster | 側面定位調節器 | | | |
4318 | side lobe | 旁瓣 | | | |
4319 | side lobe blanking | 旁瓣遮沒 | | | |
4320 | side lobe cancellation | 旁瓣取消 | | | |
4321 | side lobe jamming | 旁瓣干擾(干擾) | | | |
4322 | side lobe level | 旁瓣位準 | | | |
4323 | side looking airborne radar | 旁視航空雷達 | | | |
4324 | side plate | 側板 | | | |
4325 | side select | (碟)面選擇 | | | |
4326 | side select signal | (碟)面選擇信號 | | | |
4327 | side shielded | 旁側屏蔽(的) | | | |
4328 | side stable relay | 側穩定繼電器 | | | |
4329 | side tone | 旁調;側音 | | | |
4330 | side view | 側視 | | | |
4331 | side wall | 側牆 | | | |
4332 | sideband | 邊(頻)帶 | | | |
4333 | sideband carrier | 邊帶載波 | | | |
4334 | sideband noise power ratio | 邊帶雜訊功率比 | | | |
4335 | sideband reference level | 邊帶參考位準 | | | |
4336 | sideband suppressed carrier | 邊帶抑制載波 | | | |
4337 | sideband suppressed carrier transmission | 邊帶抑制載波傳輸 | | | |
4338 | sideband transmission | 邊帶傳輸 | | | |
4339 | sideband voice | 邊帶語音 | | | |
4340 | sideless | 無端;無邊;無側 | | | |
4341 | side-play amount | 偏移量 | | | |
4342 | sidereal day | ?甯P日 | | | |
4343 | sideways | 側向 | | | |
4344 | sideways diffusion | 側向擴散 | | | |
4345 | sideways sum | 側向和(一數的各位數之和) | | | |
4346 | Siecor cable | 西柯爾光纜 | | | |
4347 | Siepinski curve | 塞平斯基曲線 | | | |
4348 | Siepinski curve program | 塞平斯基曲線程式 | | | |
4349 | sieve | 篩子 | | | |
4350 | sieve method | 篩(選)法 | | | |
4351 | sieve problem | 篩問題 | | | |
4352 | sieving | 篩分;篩選 | | | |
4353 | sift program | 篩選程式 | | | |
4354 | sifting sort | 篩選分類 | | | |
4355 | sight | 視線;視野 | | | |
4356 | sight check | 視線檢查 | | | |
4357 | sight hole | 視線孔 | | | |
4358 | sight link | 視線鏈路 | | | |
4359 | sight propagation | 視線傳播 | | | |
4360 | sighted robot | 有視覺機器人 | | | |
4361 | sighted sensor | 有視覺感測器 | | | |
4362 | sighting | 觀察(測) | | | |
4363 | SIGMA center information storage and retrieval system | SIGMA中心信息儲存與檢索系統 | | | |
4364 | sigma information retrieval system | 西格瑪資訊檢索系統 | | | |
4365 | SIGMA information retrieval system | 西格瑪資訊檢索系統 | | | |
4366 | sigma memory | 總和記憶體;sigma記憶 | | | |
4367 | sigma modulation | 西格瑪調變 | | | |
4368 | Sigma network | 西格瑪網路 | | | |
4369 | sigma storage | 西格瑪儲存 | | | |
4370 | sign | 記號;正負號 | | | |
4371 | sign and currency symbol character | 正負號及貨幣符號字元 | | | |
4372 | sign and magnitude code | 正負及大小碼 | | | |
4373 | sign binary digit | 正負號二進制數位 | | | |
4374 | sign bit | 正負號位元 | | | |
4375 | sign change | 正負號改變 | | | |
4376 | sign change function | 正負號改變功能 | | | |
4377 | sign changer | 記號變換器 | | | |
4378 | sign changing amplifier | 記號變化放大器;變號放大器 | | | |
4379 | sign character | 正負號字元;符號字元 | | | |
4380 | sign check | 正負號檢查 | | | |
4381 | sign check indicator | 正負號檢查指示器;正負號核對指示器 | | | |
4382 | sign clause | 正負號子句 | | | |
4383 | sign code | 正負號碼 | | | |
4384 | sign comparator | 正負號比較器 | | | |
4385 | sign condition | 正負號條件 | | | |
4386 | sign control | 正負號控制 | | | |
4387 | sign control flipflop | 正負號控制正反器 | | | |
4388 | sign digit | 正負號數位 | | | |
4389 | sign flipflop | 正負號正反器 | | | |
4390 | sign magnitude representation | 符號數值表示法 | | | |
4391 | sign off | 簽出 | | | |
4392 | sign on | 登入 | 登錄 | | |
4393 | sign position | 正負號位置;符號位置 | | | |
4394 | sign reverser | 正負變換器 | | | |
4395 | sign reversing amplifier | 反號放大器 | | | |
4396 | signal | 信號;訊號 | 信號 | | |
4397 | signal averaging | 信號平均 | | | |
4398 | signal cable | 信號電纜 | | | |
4399 | signal cable connector | 信號電纜連接器 | | | |
4400 | signal cable path | 信號電纜路徑 | | | |
4401 | signal conditioner | 信號調節器 | | | |
4402 | signal conditioning | 信號調節 | | | |
4403 | signal degradation | 信號退化 | 信號退化 | | |
4404 | signal distance | 信號距離 | | | |
4405 | signal elements | 信號元件 | | | |
4406 | signal ground | 信號地線;信號接地 | | | |
4407 | signal intelligence | 信號情報 | 信號情報 | | |
4408 | signal level | 信號位準 | | | |
4409 | signal line | 信號線 | 信號線 | | |
4410 | signal normalization | 信號正常化 | | | |
4411 | signal plane | 信號平面 | | | |
4412 | signal plate | 信號板 | | | |
4413 | signal pretreatment | 信號預處理 | 信號預處理 | | |
4414 | signal processing | 信號處理 | 信號處理 | | |
4415 | signal processors | 信號處理機 | | | |
4416 | signal rate | 信號速率 | | | |
4417 | signal reconstruction | 信號重建 | 信號重構 | | |
4418 | signal regeneration | 信號再生 | | | |
4419 | signal request | 信號請求 | | | |
4420 | signal reshaping | 信號再成形 | | | |
4421 | signal set | 信號集 | | | |
4422 | signal shaping | 信號成形 | | | |
4423 | signal software | 信號軟體 | | | |
4424 | signal standardization | 信號標準化 | | | |
4425 | signal swing | 信號擺動 | 信號擺幅 | | |
4426 | signal theory | 信號理論 | | | |
4427 | signal to distortion performance | 信號對失真效能 | | | |
4428 | signal to noise ratio | 信號雜訊比 | | | |
4429 | signal transformation | 信號變換 | | | |
4430 | signal transmission | 信號傳輸 | 信號傳輸 | | |
4431 | signal understanding | 信號理解 | | | |
4432 | signal voltage drop | 信號電壓降 | 信號電壓降 | | |
4433 | signaling | 發信號 | 信令 | | |
4434 | signaling constellation | 信號分佈;信號星象圖 | | | |
4435 | signaling link | 發信號鏈 | | | |
4436 | signaling network | 發信號網路 | | | |
4437 | signaling rate | 發信率 | | | |
4438 | signaling system number 7 | 7號發信系統 | | | |
4439 | signaling terminal | 發信終端機 | 信令終端 | | |
4440 | signaling transfer points | 發信號轉移點 | | | |
4441 | signaling virtual channel | 發信虛擬通道 | 信令虛通道 | | |
4442 | signal-noise ratio | 訊號雜訊比 | | | |
4443 | signal-to-quantization noise ratio | 信號至量化雜訊比 | | | |
4444 | signature algorithm | 簽名演算法 | 簽名算法 | | |
4445 | signature analysis | 簽章分析 | 特征分析 | | |
4446 | signature file | 簽名檔案 | 簽名文件 | | |
4447 | signature scheme | 簽名方案 | 簽名模式 | | |
4448 | signature verification | 簽名驗證 | 簽名驗証 | | |
4449 | signature verifier | 簽署驗證器 | | | |
4450 | signed digit number system | 帶正負號數位數字系統 | | | |
4451 | signed field | 帶正負號欄 | | | |
4452 | signed integer | 帶正負號整數 | | | |
4453 | signed magnitude number | 帶正負號大小數 | | | |
4454 | signed numbers | 帶正負號數 | | | |
4455 | significance | 有效值;顯著性;有效度 | | | |
4456 | significance point | 有效點 | | | |
4457 | significant bit | 有效位元 | 有效位 | | |
4458 | significant character | 有效字元 | 有效字符 | | |
4459 | significant condition | 有效條件 | | | |
4460 | significant digit | 有效數位;有效位元 | 有效數字 | | |
4461 | significant digit arithmetic | 有效位元算術 | | | |
4462 | significant digit code | 有效數位碼 | | | |
4463 | significant figure | 有效數位 | | | |
4464 | significant instant | 有效瞬時 | | | |
4465 | significant interval | 有效區間 | | | |
4466 | significant word | 有效字 | 有效字 | | |
4467 | silence | 靜寂;無聲 | | | |
4468 | silhouette curve | 輪廓線 | 輪廓線 | | |
4469 | silicon | 矽 | | | |
4470 | silicon chip | 矽晶片 | | | |
4471 | silicon compilation | 矽編譯 | | | |
4472 | silicon compiler | 矽編譯器 | 硅編譯器 | | |
4473 | silicon compliers | 矽編譯器 | | | |
4474 | silicon diode | 矽二極體 | | | |
4475 | Silicon on sapphire | 矽藍寶石 | | | |
4476 | silk screen method | 絲網印制法 | | | |
4477 | sillicon hollywood | 矽塢 | | | |
4478 | SIMD | 單一程式流多重資料流 | 單指令[流]多數據流 | | |
4479 | similarity | 相似性 | 相似性 | | |
4480 | similarity search | 相似性搜尋 | 相似[性] 查找, *相似[性]搜索 | | |
4481 | similarity arc | 相似性弧 | 相似性弧 | | |
4482 | similarity measure | 相似性量測 | 相似性測度 | | |
4483 | similarity measurement | 相似性量測 | 相似性度量 | | |
4484 | similarity space | 相似空間 | | | |
4485 | SIMM | 單直插記憶體模組 | 單列直插式內存組件 | | |
4486 | simple algebraic languages | 簡單代數語言 | | | |
4487 | simple algebraic languages for engineers | 工程師用簡易代數語言 | | | |
4488 | simple buffering | 簡單緩衝 | | | |
4489 | simple class | 簡單級 | | | |
4490 | simple decision | 簡單決策 | | | |
4491 | simple formatted file | 簡單格式化檔案 | | | |
4492 | simple formatted record | 簡單格式化記錄 | | | |
4493 | simple gateway monitoring protocol | 簡單閘道監控協定 | 簡單網關監視協議 | | |
4494 | simple harmonic wave | 簡諧波 | | | |
4495 | simple index | 簡單索引 | | | |
4496 | simple loop of bubble | 磁泡簡單迴路 | | | |
4497 | simple mail transfer protocol | 簡單郵件轉移協定 | 簡單郵件傳送協議 | | |
4498 | simple mapping | 簡單對映 | | | |
4499 | simple mixed strategy precedence grammar | 簡單混合策略在先文法 | | | |
4500 | simple name | 簡單名 | | | |
4501 | simple net | 簡單網 | 簡單網 | | |
4502 | simple network management protocol | 簡單網路管理協定 | 簡單網[絡]管[理]協議 | | |
4503 | simple path | 簡單路徑 | | | |
4504 | simple polygon | 簡單多邊形 | 簡單多邊形 | | |
4505 | simple precedence grammar | 簡單在先文法 | | | |
4506 | simple security property | 簡單安全特性 | 簡單安全特性 | | |
4507 | simple subroutine | 簡單次常式 | | | |
4508 | simple type | 簡單型 | | | |
4509 | simple variable | 簡單變數 | | | |
4510 | simple word | 簡單字 | 單純詞 | | |
4511 | simple word search | 單詞搜尋 | | | |
4512 | simplest unifier | 最簡一致置換 | | | |
4513 | simplex | 單工 | 單純形 | | |
4514 | simplex algorithm | 單工演算法 | | | |
4515 | simplex channel | 單工通道 | | | |
4516 | simplex circuit | 單工電路 | | | |
4517 | simplex communication | 單工通信 | | | |
4518 | simplex link | 單工鏈 | | | |
4519 | simplex method | 單工法 | | | |
4520 | simplex mode | 單工模 | | | |
4521 | simplex tableaux | 單工描像 | | | |
4522 | simplex transmission | 單工傳輸 | 單工傳輸 | | |
4523 | simplification | 簡化 | | | |
4524 | simplification assumption | 簡化假設 | | | |
4525 | simplified Chinese character | 簡體字 | 簡化字 | | |
4526 | simplified Hanzi | 簡體字 | 簡化字 | | |
4527 | simplified-character | 簡體字 | | | |
4528 | simply interactive PC | 簡式互動個人電腦 | | | |
4529 | simply linked list | 簡單鏈接串列 | 簡單鏈表 | | |
4530 | Simula | Simula語言 | Simula語言 | | |
4531 | simulate | 模擬 | 模擬 | | |
4532 | simulated annealing | 模擬退火 | 模擬退火 | | |
4533 | simulated time | 模擬時間 | | | |
4534 | simulation | 模擬 | 模擬 | | |
4535 | simulation checkout and training system | 模擬檢驗及訓練系統 | | | |
4536 | simulation clock | 模擬時鐘 | | | |
4537 | simulation computer | 模擬計算機 | 仿真計算機 | | |
4538 | simulation control program | 模擬控制程式 | | | |
4539 | simulation equipment | 模擬設備 | | | |
4540 | simulation experiment | 模擬實驗 | | | |
4541 | simulation input generation program | 模擬輸入產生程式 | | | |
4542 | simulation language | 模擬語言 | 模擬語言 | | |
4543 | simulation language 67 | 模擬語言67;SIMULA 67模擬語言 | | | |
4544 | simulation of manned system | 人工系統的模擬 | | | |
4545 | simulation package | 模擬包 | | | |
4546 | simulation process | 模擬過程 | | | |
4547 | simulation programming language | 模擬程式設計語言 | | | |
4548 | simulation programming task | 模擬程式設計任務 | | | |
4549 | simulation project | 模擬專案 | | | |
4550 | simulation qualitative reasoning | 模擬定性推理 | 仿真定性推理 | | |
4551 | simulation software | 模擬軟體 | | | |
4552 | simulation system | 模擬系統 | 模擬系統 | | |
4553 | simulation timing | 模擬計時 | | | |
4554 | simulation verification method | 模擬驗證方法 | 模擬驗証方法 | | |
4555 | simulator | 模擬器 | 模擬器, *模擬程序 | | |
4556 | simulator program | 模擬器程式 | | | |
4557 | simultaneity | 同時性 | 同時性 | | |
4558 | simultaneous | 同時 | | | |
4559 | simultaneous access | 同時存取 | | | |
4560 | simultaneous assignment | 同時賦值 | | | |
4561 | simultaneous computer | 同時計算機 | | | |
4562 | simultaneous confidence band | 同時可信帶 | | | |
4563 | simultaneous confidence interval | 同時可信區間 | | | |
4564 | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式式 | | | |
4565 | simultaneous event | 同時事件 | | | |
4566 | simultaneous input/output | 同時輸入輸出 | | | |
4567 | simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique | 同時疊代重建技術 | 聯合迭代重建法 | | |
4568 | simultaneous operation | 同時操作 | | | |
4569 | simultaneous operation computer | 同時操作計算機 | | | |
4570 | simultaneous peripheral operation | 同時週邊作業 | | | |
4571 | simultaneous peripheral operation on-line | 線上週邊同時作業 | | | |
4572 | simultaneous peripheral operations on line | 線上週邊同時作業 | 假脫機[操作], *SPOOL操作 | | |
4573 | simultaneous processing | 同時處理 | | | |
4574 | simultaneous processing operating system | 同時處理作業系統 | | | |
4575 | simultaneous replacing | 同時替換 | | | |
4576 | simultaneous transmission | 同時傳輸 | | | |
4577 | sine | 正弦 | | | |
4578 | sine junction gate | 正弦接面閘 | | | |
4579 | sine wave | 正弦波 | | | |
4580 | single address | 單址 | | | |
4581 | single address code | 單址碼 | | | |
4582 | single address computer | 單址計算機 | | | |
4583 | single address instruction | 單址指令 | | | |
4584 | single address machine | 單位址機器 | | | |
4585 | single address message | 單址訊息 | | | |
4586 | single addressing space | 單一定址空間 | 單一編址空間 | | |
4587 | single agent approach | 單一代理方式 | | | |
4588 | single association control function | 單一結合控制功能 | | | |
4589 | single association object | 單一結合目標 | | | |
4590 | single attribute multiple value query structure | 單屬性多值查詢結構 | | | |
4591 | single board computer | 單板計算機 | | | |
4592 | single bus architecture | 單匯流排架構 | | | |
4593 | single button cursor | 單鈕游標 | | | |
4594 | single byte | 單字節 | | | |
4595 | single byte correction | 單字元組校正 | 單字節校正 | | |
4596 | single cable broadband LAN | 單電纜寬頻區域網路 | 單纜寬帶局域網 | | |
4597 | single capstan | 單絞盤 | | | |
4598 | single capstan tape drive | 單絞盤帶驅動機 | | | |
4599 | single chip processor | 單晶片處理器 | | | |
4600 | single circuit | 單電路 | | | |
4601 | single column menu | 單行選項單 | | | |
4602 | single column pence coding | 單行十二進制編碼 | | | |
4603 | single column punch | 單行打孔 | | | |
4604 | single concept learning | 單概念學習 | | | |
4605 | single crystal | 單晶體 | | | |
4606 | single current method | 單流法 | | | |
4607 | single cylinder seek time | 單磁柱尋覓時間 | | | |
4608 | single data rate | 單資料速率 | 單數據速率 | | |
4609 | single density | 單密度 | | | |
4610 | single density disk | 單密度磁碟 | | | |
4611 | single density encoding | 單密度編碼 | | | |
4612 | single density format | 單密度格式 | | | |
4613 | single domain particle | 單域粒子 | | | |
4614 | single end termination | 單端終端 | 單端端接 | | |
4615 | single ended mode | 單端模式 | 單端方式 | | |
4616 | single entry point | 單入口點 | 單入口點 | | |
4617 | single error | 單一誤差 | 單個錯誤 | | |
4618 | single error correcting | 單錯誤校正 | | | |
4619 | single error correcting/double error detecting code | 單錯誤校正╱雙錯誤檢測碼 | | | |
4620 | single error correction-double error detection | 單錯誤校正╱雙錯誤檢測碼 | 單校雙檢 | | |
4621 | single event effect | 單事件效應 | 單事件效應 | | |
4622 | single event latchup | 單事件鎖定 | 單事件鎖定 | | |
4623 | single event upset | 單事件翻轉 | 單事件翻轉 | | |
4624 | single exponential smoothing | 單指數平滑 | | | |
4625 | single factor experiment | 單因子實驗 | | | |
4626 | single factor search | 單因子搜尋 | | | |
4627 | single fault | 單故障 | 單故障 | | |
4628 | single form | 單一表格 | | | |
4629 | single frame operation | 單框作業 | | | |
4630 | single frequency tone | 單頻音調 | | | |
4631 | single harmonic distortion | 單諧波失真 | | | |
4632 | single indirect block | 單一間接程式塊 | | | |
4633 | single in-line memory module | 單直插記憶體模組 | 單列直插式內存組件 | | |
4634 | single in-line package | 單直插封裝 | 單列直插封裝 | | |
4635 | single instruction | 單指令 | | | |
4636 | single instruction multiple data stream system | 單指令多資料流系統 | | | |
4637 | single instruction single data stream system | 單指令單資料流系統 | | | |
4638 | single instruction/single data | 單指令╱單資料 | | | |
4639 | single key file | 單鍵檔案 | | | |
4640 | single layer perpendicular media | 單層垂直 | | | |
4641 | single level | 單階 | | | |
4642 | single level address | 單層位址 | | | |
4643 | single level bill | 單階清單 | | | |
4644 | single level cost sheet | 單階成本表單 | | | |
4645 | single level encoding microinstruction | 單階編碼微指令 | | | |
4646 | single level memory | 單階記憶體 | | | |
4647 | single level pegging | 單層計次 | | | |
4648 | single level where-used | 單階用途 | | | |
4649 | single line | 單線;單列 | | | |
4650 | single line interrupt | 單線岔斷 | | | |
4651 | single line repeater | 單線轉發器 | | | |
4652 | single linked deque | 單鏈接雙端佇列 | | | |
4653 | single linked list | 單一鏈接串列 | | | |
4654 | single loop control | 單迴路控制 | 單回路控制 | | |
4655 | single loop digital controller | 單迴路數位控制器 | 單回路數字控制器 | | |
4656 | single loop regulation | 單迴路調整 | 單回路調節 | | |
4657 | single mode fiber | 單模光纖 | | | |
4658 | single office exchange | 單局交換 | | | |
4659 | single operation | 單一作業 | | | |
4660 | single output switch function | 單輸出開關函數 | | | |
4661 | single path structure | 單徑結構 | | | |
4662 | single plane storage | 單平面儲存器 | | | |
4663 | single point control of motion | 運動單點控制 | | | |
4664 | single point of control | 單點控制 | 單點控制 | | |
4665 | single point of failure | 單點故障 | 單點故障 | | |
4666 | single precision | 單精度;單精確度 | | | |
4667 | single print form | 單列印表格 | | | |
4668 | single program multiple data model | 單一程式多重資料模型 | | | |
4669 | single program stream multiple data stream | 單一程式流多重資料流 | 單程序流多數據流 | | |
4670 | single punch | 單打孔 | | | |
4671 | single quote | 單引號 | | | |
4672 | single sheet feeding | 單張饋送 | | | |
4673 | single shot multivibrator | 單發複振器 | | | |
4674 | single shot operation | 單發作業 | | | |
4675 | single sideband | 單邊帶 | | | |
4676 | single sideband modulation | 單邊帶調變 | | | |
4677 | single sideband transmission | 單邊帶傳輸 | | | |
4678 | single sided | 單面 | | | |
4679 | single sided disk | 單面磁碟 | | | |
4680 | single sided diskette | 單面磁片 | | | |
4681 | single sided double-density diskette | 單面雙密度磁片 | | | |
4682 | single sided minidiskette | 單面迷你磁片 | | | |
4683 | single sided single-density | 單面單密度 | | | |
4684 | single stage interconnection network | 單階段互連網路 | | | |
4685 | single station | 單一工作站 | | | |
4686 | single station type | 單一工作站類型 | | | |
4687 | single step | 單步 | | | |
4688 | single step method | 單步法 | | | |
4689 | single step operation | 單步作業 | | | |
4690 | single step trace | 單步追蹤 | | | |
4691 | single summing function | 單求和函數 | | | |
4692 | single system image | 單系統影像 | 單系統映像 | | |
4693 | single thread | 單引線 | 單線程 | | |
4694 | single turn film head | 單匝薄膜磁頭 | | | |
4695 | single value operand | 單值運算元 | | | |
4696 | single value query structure | 單值查詢結構 | | | |
4697 | single vertical key | 單垂直鍵 | | | |
4698 | single wire line | 單線路 | | | |
4699 | single write multiread | 多讀;單寫 | | | |
4700 | single-address computer | 單址計算機 | 單地址計算機 | | |
4701 | single-board computer | 單板計算機 | 單板計算機 | | |
4702 | single-cable broadband LAN | 單電纜寬頻區域網路 | 單纜寬帶局域網 | | |
4703 | single-channel simplex | 單路單工 | | | |
4704 | single-chip computer | 單晶片計算機 | 單片計算機, *單片機 | | |
4705 | single-instruction [stream] multiple-data stream | 單一程式流多重資料流 | 單指令[流]多數據流 | | |
4706 | single-instruction [stream] single-data stream | 單指令流單資料流 | 單指令[流]單數據流 | | |
4707 | single-level device | 單級裝置 | 單級設備 | | |
4708 | single-user computer | 單用戶計算機 | 單用戶計算機 | | |
4709 | single-user operating system | 單用戶作業系統 | 單用戶操作系統 | | |
4710 | singular reference | 奇異參考 | | | |
4711 | singular set | 奇異集 | 奇異系 | | |
4712 | singular value decomposition of image matrix | 影像矩陣奇異值分解 | | | |
4713 | singular value decomposition | 單一值分解 | | | |
4714 | sink | 槽;接收點 | 匯點 | | |
4715 | sinogram | 正弦圖 | | | |
4716 | sinusoid | 正弦曲線 | | | |
4717 | S-invariant | S不變量 | S不變量[式] | | |
4718 | SIP | 單直插封裝 | 單列直插封裝 | | |
4719 | SISD | 單指令流單資料流 | 單指令[流]單數據流 | | |
4720 | sister | 姊;妹 | | | |
4721 | site | 站點 | 站點, *網站 | | |
4722 | site autonomy | 站點自律性 | 場地自治 | | |
4723 | site failure | 現場故障 | 場地故障 | | |
4724 | site license | 現場執照 | | | |
4725 | site name | 站點名 | 站點名, *網站名 | | |
4726 | site protection | 站點保護 | 站點保護 | | |
4727 | situated automaton | 情境自動機 | 情景自動機 | | |
4728 | situation calculus | 情境演演算 | 情景演算 | | |
4729 | situation display | 情況顯示 | | | |
4730 | situation specific model | 特定情況模型 | | | |
4731 | situation-action system | 情境行動系統 | 情景行動系統 | | |
4732 | situational database | 情況資料庫 | | | |
4733 | size | 大小;尺寸 | | | |
4734 | size error | 尺寸錯誤 | | | |
4735 | size error condition | 尺寸錯誤條件 | | | |
4736 | SJF | 最短工件優先 | 最短作業優先法 | | |
4737 | skeletal code | 常規架碼 | | | |
4738 | skeletal coding | 骨架編碼 | | | |
4739 | skeleton | 骨架 | | | |
4740 | skeleton code | 骨架代碼 | 骨架代碼 | | |
4741 | skeleton generation | 骨架產生 | 輪廓生成 | | |
4742 | skeleton line | 骨架線 | | | |
4743 | skeletonization | 骨架化 | 骨架化 | | |
4744 | skew | 偏斜 | 扭斜 | | |
4745 | skew character | 偏斜字元 | | | |
4746 | skew field | 偏斜場 | | | |
4747 | skew process | 偏斜過程 | 撓進程 | | |
4748 | skew register transfer | 偏斜暫存器轉移 | | | |
4749 | skewed distribution | 偏斜分佈 | | | |
4750 | skewed storage | 偏斜儲存 | | | |
4751 | skewness | 偏斜度 | | | |
4752 | skill acquisition | 技巧獲取 | | | |
4753 | skin effect | 肌膚效應 | 集膚效應 | | |
4754 | skip | 跨越 | 跳過 | | |
4755 | skip chain | 跨越鍊 | | | |
4756 | skip code | 跨越碼 | | | |
4757 | skip instruction | 跨越指令 | | | |
4758 | skip key | 跨越鍵 | | | |
4759 | skip linear process | 跨越線性過程 | | | |
4760 | Skolem function | 史扣龍函數 | | | |
4761 | Skolem standard form | 史扣龍標準格式 | | | |
4762 | slack | 鬆弛 | | | |
4763 | slack path | 鬆弛路徑 | | | |
4764 | slack time | 鬆弛時間 | | | |
4765 | slash | 斜線 | | | |
4766 | slave | 從;從屬 | | | |
4767 | slave application | 從屬應用 | | | |
4768 | slave computer | 從屬計算機 | | | |
4769 | slave gateway | 從屬閘道 | | | |
4770 | slave station | 從屬站;屬站 | 從站 | | |
4771 | slave system | 從屬系統 | | | |
4772 | slave tube | 從屬管 | | | |
4773 | sleep | 休眠 | 休眠 | | |
4774 | sleep mode | 休眠模式 | 休眠方式 | | |
4775 | sleep queue | 休眠佇列 | 休眠隊列 | | |
4776 | sleep state | 休眠狀態 | 休眠狀態 | | |
4777 | slew rate | 跳越率 | | | |
4778 | slice | 片;截割 | 片 | | |
4779 | slice control field | 片控制欄 | | | |
4780 | slice number | 片號碼 | | | |
4781 | slice value | 片值 | | | |
4782 | slicer | 截剪器 | | | |
4783 | slide | 滑 | | | |
4784 | slide knob | 滑鈕 | | | |
4785 | slide locking tab | 滑軌鎖定片 | | | |
4786 | slide rule | 滑尺 | | | |
4787 | slide-in chassis | 滑入框架 | | | |
4788 | slider | 浮動塊 | 浮動塊 | | |
4789 | sliding mode control | 浮動模式控制 | | | |
4790 | sliding phase | 滑動階段 | | | |
4791 | sliding twin-cross-bar | 滑動雙縱橫式交換機 | | | |
4792 | sliding window protocol | 滑動視窗協定 | | | |
4793 | sliding window technique | 滑窗技術 | | | |
4794 | SLIP | 串列線網際網路協定 | 串行線路網際協議 | | |
4795 | slope-keypoint compaction | 斜率要點壓緊法 | | | |
4796 | slot | 擴充槽 | 插槽 | | |
4797 | slot group | 擴充槽群 | 槽群 | | |
4798 | slot name | 槽名稱 | | | |
4799 | slot number | 擴充槽編號 | 槽號 | | |
4800 | slot sorting | 擴充槽排序 | 槽排序 | | |
4801 | slot time | 槽時間 | 時隙間隔, *時槽間隔 | | |
4802 | slot value | 槽值 | | | |
4803 | slotted ring | 槽環 | | | |
4804 | slotted ring network | 分槽環網路 | 分槽環網 | | |
4805 | slotted-ring network | 分槽環網路 | 分槽環網 | | |
4806 | slow mail | 慢速郵遞 | 慢速郵遞 | | |
4807 | slow memory | 慢速記憶體 | | | |
4808 | slow motion | 慢動作 | | | |
4809 | slow storage | 慢儲存 | | | |
4810 | SLR method | SLR法 | | | |
4811 | small computer system interface | 小電腦系統介面 | 小計算機系統接口, *SCSI接口 | | |
4812 | small keyboard | 小鍵盤 | | | |
4813 | small office home office | 個人及居家辦公室 | | | |
4814 | small outline package | 小尺寸封裝 | 小引出線封裝 | | |
4815 | small scale cluster | 小規模叢集 | | | |
4816 | small scale integrated circuit | 小型積體電路 | | | |
4817 | small scale integration | 小型積體;小規模積體 | | | |
4818 | SmallTalk | SmallTalk物件導向語言 | Smalltalk語言 | | |
4819 | smart card | 精明卡 | | | |
4820 | smart cart | 精明卡 | 智能卡 | | |
4821 | smart dot-matrix printer | 機靈點陣列印機 | | | |
4822 | smart line | 智慧線 | 智能線 | | |
4823 | smart machine | 聰明機器 | | | |
4824 | SMD | 表面安裝裝置 | 表面安裝器件 | | |
4825 | SMD interface | 儲存模組驅動介面 | 存儲模塊驅動器接口, *SMD接口 | | |
4826 | SMIL | 同步多媒體整合語言 | 同步多媒體集成語言 | | |
4827 | smiley | 情感符號 | 情感符號 | | |
4828 | smooth contact | 平滑接觸 | | | |
4829 | smooth line | 平滑線 | | | |
4830 | smoothing | 平滑 | 平滑 | | |
4831 | smoothing code | 平滑碼 | | | |
4832 | smoothing constant | 平滑常數 | | | |
4833 | SMP | 對稱式多處理器 | 對稱[式]多處理器 | | |
4834 | SMP | 對稱式多處理機 | 對稱[式]多處理機 | | |
4835 | SMT | 表面安裝技術 | 表面安裝技朮 | | |
4836 | SMTP | 簡單郵件轉移協定 | 簡單郵件傳送協議 | | |
4837 | smudge resistance | 抗污染力 | | | |
4838 | SN | 順序號碼 | 序列號, *順序號 | | |
4839 | snail mail | 蝸牛郵件 | 慢速郵遞 | | |
4840 | snake-like row-major indexing | 蛇形列主次序索引 | 蛇形行主編號 | | |
4841 | snap | 快動 | 子網訪問協議 | | |
4842 | snap action switch | 快動開關 | | | |
4843 | snapshot | 快照 | 快照 | | |
4844 | snapshot dump | 快照傾印;迅速傾印 | | | |
4845 | snapshot program | 迅速程式 | | | |
4846 | snapshot trace program | 迅速追蹤程式 | | | |
4847 | sneak current | 潛洩電流 | | | |
4848 | sneak path | 潛洩路徑 | | | |
4849 | sneak write | 潛洩寫入 | | | |
4850 | SNMP | 簡單網路管理協定 | 簡單網[絡]管[理]協議 | | |
4851 | SNOBOL | SNOBOL語言 | SNOBOL語言 | | |
4852 | snoop | 監聽 | 監聽 | | |
4853 | snooper | 竊取程式 | 竊取程序 | | |
4854 | s-number | s數 | | | |
4855 | social science | 社會科學 | | | |
4856 | society for automation in business education | 商業教育自動化學會 | | | |
4857 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | 工業與應用數學學會 | | | |
4858 | society for information management | 資訊管理學會 | | | |
4859 | society of American value engineers | 美國價值工程師學會 | | | |
4860 | socket | 插座 | 插座 | | |
4861 | socket connector | 插座連接器 | | | |
4862 | socket contact | 插座接觸 | | | |
4863 | soft adder | 軟加法器 | | | |
4864 | soft bound | 軟界限 | | | |
4865 | soft computing | 軟計算 | 軟計算 | | |
4866 | soft copy | 軟複製;軟拷貝 | 軟拷貝 | | |
4867 | soft copy output | 軟複製輸出 | | | |
4868 | soft decision decoding | 軟決策解碼 | | | |
4869 | soft error | 軟性誤差 | 軟差錯 | | |
4870 | soft failure | 軟故障 | | | |
4871 | soft fault | 軟故障 | 軟故障 | | |
4872 | soft format | 軟格式 | | | |
4873 | soft hyphen | 軟連字符 | 軟連字符 | | |
4874 | soft interrupt | 軟中斷 | 軟中斷 | | |
4875 | soft interrupt mechanism | 軟中斷機制 | 軟中斷機制 | | |
4876 | soft interrupt processing mode | 軟中斷處理模式 | 軟中斷處理方式 | | |
4877 | soft interrupt signal | 軟中斷信號 | 軟中斷信號 | | |
4878 | soft key | 軟鍵 | | | |
4879 | soft keyboard | 軟鍵盤 | | | |
4880 | soft package | 軟包裝 | | | |
4881 | soft page break | 軟分頁 | 軟分頁 | | |
4882 | soft sector | 軟扇區 | | | |
4883 | soft sectored format | 軟扇區格式 | 軟扇區格式 | | |
4884 | soft sectoring | 軟分區 | 軟分扇區 | | |
4885 | soft stop | 軟停機 | 軟停機 | | |
4886 | soft-landing head | 軟降落磁頭 | | | |
4887 | software | 軟體 | 軟件 | | |
4888 | software acceptance | 軟體驗收 | 軟件驗收 | | |
4889 | software acquisition | 軟體獲取 | 軟件獲取 | | |
4890 | software agent | 軟體代理 | 軟件主體 | | |
4891 | software architectural style | 軟體架構風格 | 軟件體系結構風格 | | |
4892 | software architecture | 軟體架構 | 軟件體系結構 | | |
4893 | software asset manager | 軟體資產管理器 | 軟件資產管理程序 | | |
4894 | software associative memory | 軟體相聯記憶體 | | | |
4895 | software automation method | 軟體自動化方法 | 軟件自動化方法 | | |
4896 | software availability | 軟體可用性 | | | |
4897 | software bug | 軟體錯誤 | | | |
4898 | software bus | 軟體匯流排 | 軟件總線 | | |
4899 | software change | 軟體變更 | | | |
4900 | software change control | 軟體變更控制 | | | |
4901 | software change report | 軟體變更報表 | 軟件更改報告 | | |
4902 | software compatibility | 軟體相容性 | | | |
4903 | software complexity | 軟體複雜性 | | | |
4904 | software component | 軟體組件 | 軟件構件 | | |
4905 | software configuration | 軟體組態 | 軟件配置 | | |
4906 | software configuration management | 軟體組態管理 | 軟件配置管理 | | |
4907 | software configuration management plan | 軟體組態管理計畫 | | | |
4908 | software copyright | 軟體版權 | 軟件版權 | | |
4909 | software cost | 軟體成本 | | | |
4910 | software cost model | 軟體成本模型 | | | |
4911 | software costing | 軟體成本法 | | | |
4912 | software cryptography | 軟體加密 | | | |
4913 | software database | 軟體資料庫 | 軟件數據庫 | | |
4914 | software defect | 軟體缺陷 | 軟件缺陷 | | |
4915 | software design | 軟體設計 | | | |
4916 | software design bottom-up | 由下而上軟體設計 | | | |
4917 | software design engineering | 軟體設計工程 | | | |
4918 | software design goal | 軟體設計目標 | | | |
4919 | software design incremental | 遞增軟體設計 | | | |
4920 | software design interactive | 交談軟體設計 | | | |
4921 | software design procedure | 軟體設計程序 | | | |
4922 | software development cycle | 軟體開發週期 | 軟件開發周期 | | |
4923 | software development environment | 軟體開發環境 | 軟件開發環境 | | |
4924 | software development kit | 軟體開發套件 | | | |
4925 | software development library | 軟體開發庫 | 軟件開發庫 | | |
4926 | software development method | 軟體開發方法 | 軟件開發方法 | | |
4927 | software development model | 軟體開發模型 | 軟件開發模型 | | |
4928 | software development notebook | 軟體開發記錄簿 | 軟件開發手冊 | | |
4929 | software development plan | 軟體開發計畫 | 軟件開發計划 | | |
4930 | software development process | 軟體開發過程 | 軟件開發過程 | | |
4931 | software development system | 軟體開發系統 | | | |
4932 | software disaster | 軟體災變 | 軟件事故 | | |
4933 | software documentation | 軟體文件製作 | 軟件文檔 | | |
4934 | software driver | 軟體驅動器 | | | |
4935 | software efficiency | 軟體效率 | | | |
4936 | software engine | 軟體引擎 | | | |
4937 | software engineering | 軟體工程 | 軟件工程 | | |
4938 | software engineering economics | 軟體工程經濟學 | 軟件工程經濟學 | | |
4939 | software engineering environment | 軟體工程環境 | 軟件工程環境 | | |
4940 | software engineering environment development network | (資策會)SEED網路 | | | |
4941 | Software Engineering Institute | 軟體工程研究所(IBM) | | | |
4942 | software engineering method | 軟體工程方法 | | | |
4943 | software engineering methodology | 軟體工程方法論 | 軟件工程方法學 | | |
4944 | software engineering project | 軟體工程專案 | | | |
4945 | software engineering project management | 軟體工程專案管理 | | | |
4946 | software engineering support environment | 軟體工程支援環境 | | | |
4947 | software engineering technology | 軟體工程技術 | | | |
4948 | software environment | 軟體環境 | | | |
4949 | software error | 軟體錯誤 | 軟件錯誤 | | |
4950 | software evaluation | 軟體評估 | 軟件評測 | | |
4951 | software experience data | 軟體經驗資料 | 軟件經驗數據 | | |
4952 | software failure | 軟體故障 | 軟件失效 | | |
4953 | software fault | 軟體錯失 | 軟件故障 | | |
4954 | software fault tolerance | 軟體容錯 | | | |
4955 | software fault-tolerance strategy | 軟體容錯策略 | 軟件容錯策略 | | |
4956 | software flexibility | 軟體彈性 | | | |
4957 | software for display | 軟體顯示 | | | |
4958 | software growth | 軟體成長 | | | |
4959 | software hazard | 軟體危障 | 軟件風險 | | |
4960 | software house | 軟體公司 | | | |
4961 | software incremental development | 軟體遞增開發 | | | |
4962 | software interruption | 軟體中斷 | 軟件中斷 | | |
4963 | software keyboard | 軟體鍵盤 | | | |
4964 | software kit | 軟體套件 | | | |
4965 | software layered | 軟體分層 | | | |
4966 | software librarian | 軟體程式館管理器 | 軟件庫管理員 | | |
4967 | software library | 軟體程式館 | 軟件庫 | | |
4968 | software license | 軟體執照 | | | |
4969 | software life cycle | 軟體生命週期 | 軟件生存周期 | | |
4970 | software life cycle management | 軟體生命週期管理 | | | |
4971 | software maintainability | 軟體可維護性 | 軟件可維護性, *軟件易維護性 | | |
4972 | software maintainer | 軟體維護者 | 軟件維護員 | | |
4973 | software maintenance | 軟體維護 | 軟件維護 | | |
4974 | software maintenance development cost ratio | 軟體維護開發成本比 | | | |
4975 | software maintenance environment | 軟體維護環境 | 軟件維護環境 | | |
4976 | software management | 軟體管理 | | | |
4977 | software method | 軟體方法 | | | |
4978 | software methodology | 軟體方法論 | 軟件方法學 | | |
4979 | software metric | 軟體度量 | 軟件量度 | | |
4980 | software metrics | 軟體度量學 | 軟件度量學 | | |
4981 | software modeling | 軟體模型建立 | | | |
4982 | software modifiability | 軟體可修改性 | | | |
4983 | software modification | 軟體修改 | | | |
4984 | software monitor | 軟體監視程式 | 軟件監控程序 | | |
4985 | software operator | 軟體操作員 | 軟件操作員 | | |
4986 | software package | 套裝軟體 | 軟件包 | | |
4987 | software path | 軟體路徑 | | | |
4988 | software performance | 軟體效能 | 軟件性能 | | |
4989 | software piracy | 軟體盜版 | 軟件盜竊 | | |
4990 | software pirate | 軟體盜版者 | | | |
4991 | software plan work | 軟體計劃工作 | | | |
4992 | software platform | 軟體平台 | 軟件平台 | | |
4993 | software portability | 軟體可攜性 | 軟件可移植性, *軟件易移植性 | | |
4994 | software portability methodology | 軟體可攜性方法論 | | | |
4995 | software probe | 軟體探針 | | | |
4996 | software procedure | 軟體程序 | | | |
4997 | software process | 軟體處理 | 軟件過程 | | |
4998 | software product | 軟體產品 | 軟件產品 | | |
4999 | software product maintenance | 軟體產品維護 | 軟件產品維護 | | |
5000 | software productivity | 軟體生產力 | 軟件生產率 | | |
5001 | software profile | 軟體設定檔 | 軟件輪廓 | | |
5002 | software project estimation | 軟體專案估計 | | | |
5003 | software project management | 軟體專案管理 | | | |
5004 | software protection | 軟體保護 | 軟件保護 | | |
5005 | software psychology | 軟體心理學 | | | |
5006 | software purchaser | 軟體購買者 | 軟件采購員 | | |
5007 | software quality | 軟體品質 | 軟件質量 | | |
5008 | software quality assurance | 軟體品質保證 | 軟件質量保証 | | |
5009 | software quality criteria | 軟體品質評判準則 | 軟件質量評判准則 | | |
5010 | software quality metric | 軟體品質度量 | | | |
5011 | software readability | 軟體可讀性 | | | |
5012 | software redundancy | 軟體冗餘 | | | |
5013 | software redundancy check | 軟體冗餘檢驗 | 軟件冗余檢驗 | | |
5014 | software reengineering | 軟體再造工程 | 軟件再工程 | | |
5015 | software registrar | 軟體註冊者 | 軟件注冊員 | | |
5016 | software reliability | 軟體可靠度 | 軟件可靠性 | | |
5017 | software reliability degree | 軟體可靠度 | | | |
5018 | software reliability engineering | 軟體可靠度工程 | 軟件可靠性工程 | | |
5019 | software repository | 軟體儲存庫 | 軟件儲藏庫 | | |
5020 | software representation | 軟體表示 | | | |
5021 | software requirement | 軟體需求 | | | |
5022 | software requirement review | 軟體需求覆查 | | | |
5023 | software requirement specification | 軟體需求規格 | | | |
5024 | software requirements engineering | 軟體需求工程 | | | |
5025 | software resource | 軟體資源 | 軟件資源 | | |
5026 | software reuse | 軟體再用 | 軟件復用 | | |
5027 | software robustness | 軟體健壯性 | | | |
5028 | software safety | 軟體安全性 | 軟件安全性 | | |
5029 | software science | 軟體科學 | | | |
5030 | software security | 軟體安全 | 軟件安全 | | |
5031 | software sneak analysis | 軟體潛行分析 | 軟件潛行分析 | | |
5032 | software specification language | 軟體規格語言 | | | |
5033 | software standards and procedures | 軟體標準及程序 | | | |
5034 | software strategy | 軟體策略 | | | |
5035 | software structural parameter | 軟體結構參數 | | | |
5036 | software structure | 軟體結構 | 軟件結構 | | |
5037 | software support environment | 軟體支援 | | | |
5038 | software test | 軟體測試 | | | |
5039 | software testability | 軟體可測試性 | | | |
5040 | software testing | 軟體測試 | 軟件測試 | | |
5041 | software theft | 軟體盜竊 | | | |
5042 | software tool | 軟體工具 | 軟件工具 | | |
5043 | software tool box | 軟體工具箱 | | | |
5044 | software trap | 軟體陷阱 | 軟件陷阱 | | |
5045 | software understandability | 軟體可理解性 | | | |
5046 | software unit | 軟體單元 | 軟件單元 | | |
5047 | software usability | 軟體可用性 | | | |
5048 | software validation | 軟體確認 | | | |
5049 | software verifier | 軟體驗證器 | 軟件驗証程序 | | |
5050 | software work breakdown structure | 軟體工作細分結構 | | | |
5051 | software-intensive fault tolerance | 軟體密集容錯 | | | |
5052 | solder sucker | 吸錫器 | 吸錫器 | | |
5053 | solderability | 可焊性 | 可焊性 | | |
5054 | solderless breadboard | 無銲麵包板 | | | |
5055 | solid | 固體 | | | |
5056 | solid error | 固體錯誤 | 固定性錯誤 | | |
5057 | solid ink printer | 噴蠟式列印機 | | | |
5058 | solid line | 實線 | 實線 | | |
5059 | solid logic technology | 固體邏輯技術 | | | |
5060 | solid model | 實體模型 | 實體模型 | | |
5061 | solid modeling | 實體模型建立 | 實體造型 | | |
5062 | solid state | 固態;固體狀態 | | | |
5063 | solid state circuit | 固態電路 | | | |
5064 | solid state component | 固態組件 | | | |
5065 | solid state computer | 固態計算機 | | | |
5066 | solid state device | 固態裝置 | | | |
5067 | solid state disc | 固態磁碟 | 固態盤 | | |
5068 | solid state disk | 固態磁碟 | | | |
5069 | solid state display | 固態顯示 | | | |
5070 | solid state electronics | 固態電子學 | | | |
5071 | solid state random access device | 固態隨機存取裝置 | | | |
5072 | solid state relay | 固態繼電器 | | | |
5073 | solid state software | 固態軟體 | | | |
5074 | solid-state memory | 固態記憶體 | 固態存儲器 | | |
5075 | solution | 解;解答 | | | |
5076 | solution check | 解答檢查 | | | |
5077 | solution graph | 解圖 | 解圖 | | |
5078 | solution map | 解圖 | | | |
5079 | solution path | 解路徑 | | | |
5080 | solution tree | 解樹 | 解樹 | | |
5081 | sonagraph | 聲譜圖 | | | |
5082 | sonar | 聲納 | | | |
5083 | Song Ti | 宋體 | 宋體 | | |
5084 | sonic delay line | 音波延遲線;聲延遲線 | | | |
5085 | SOP | 小尺寸封裝 | 小引出線封裝 | | |
5086 | sort | 排序;分類 | 分類 | | |
5087 | sort block | 排序塊 | | | |
5088 | sort file | 排序檔案 | | | |
5089 | sort file description entry | 排序檔案描述項 | | | |
5090 | sort generator | 排序產生器 | | | |
5091 | sort key | 排序鑰 | | | |
5092 | sort property | 排序性質 | | | |
5093 | sort tree structure | 排序樹結構 | | | |
5094 | sorter | 排序器 | | | |
5095 | sorter-comparator | 分類比較器 | | | |
5096 | sorting | 排序;分類 | 排序 | | |
5097 | sorting network | 排序網絡 | 排序網絡 | | |
5098 | sorting parameter | 排序參數 | | | |
5099 | sorting program | 排序程式 | | | |
5100 | sort-merge package | 排序合併套裝軟體 | | | |
5101 | sound | 聲音 | 聲音 | | |
5102 | sound absorption | 隔音 | | | |
5103 | sound bearing medium | 傳聲媒介 | | | |
5104 | sound card | 音效卡 | 聲卡 | | |
5105 | sound effect | 音效 | 音效 | | |
5106 | sound powered telephone | 聲力電話 | | | |
5107 | sound pressure level | 聲壓等級 | | | |
5108 | sound recognition system | 聲音識別系統 | | | |
5109 | sound retrieval service | 聲音檢索服務 | 聲音檢索型業務 | | |
5110 | sounder | 發聲器 | | | |
5111 | Soundex code | 桑迪克碼 | | | |
5112 | source | 源;原始 | 源 | | |
5113 | source address | 源位址 | 源地址 | | |
5114 | source address instruction | 源位址指令 | | | |
5115 | source area | 源區 | | | |
5116 | source card deck | 源卡疊 | | | |
5117 | source case | 源案例 | | | |
5118 | source case base | 源案庫 | 源范例庫 | | |
5119 | source code | 原始碼 | 源[代]碼 | | |
5120 | source code control system | 原始碼控制系統 | | | |
5121 | source code virus | 原始碼病毒 | | | |
5122 | source coding | 信號源編碼(做資料壓縮用) | | | |
5123 | source computer | 源計算機 | | | |
5124 | source data | 原始資料 | | | |
5125 | source data automation | 原始資料自動化 | | | |
5126 | source data entry | 原始資料登錄 | | | |
5127 | source data information | 原始資料資訊 | | | |
5128 | source database | 原始資料庫 | | | |
5129 | source deck | 原始程式卡片疊 | | | |
5130 | source description | 來源描述 | | | |
5131 | source destination instruction | 起源目的指令 | | | |
5132 | source diskette | 原始磁片 | | | |
5133 | source document | 原始文件 | | | |
5134 | source encoding | 原始編碼 | | | |
5135 | source entry utility | 原始登錄公用程式 | | | |
5136 | source figure | 原始圖 | | | |
5137 | source file | 原始檔案 | | | |
5138 | source impedance | 原始阻抗 | [信號]源阻抗 | | |
5139 | source item | 原始項目 | | | |
5140 | source language | 原始語言;根源語言 | 源語言 | | |
5141 | source language analysis | 原始語言分析 | 源語言分析 | | |
5142 | source language dictionary | 原始語言詞典 | 源語言詞典 | | |
5143 | source language level | 原始語言等級 | | | |
5144 | source level debugger | 原始層次除錯器 | | | |
5145 | source machine | 原始機器 | | | |
5146 | source macrodefinition | 原始巨集定義 | | | |
5147 | source module | 原始模組 | | | |
5148 | source program | 原始程式;根源程式 | 源程序 | | |
5149 | source program library | 原始程式程式館 | | | |
5150 | source recording | 原始記錄 | | | |
5151 | source routine | 原始常式;根源常式 | | | |
5152 | source service access point | 原始服務存取點 | | | |
5153 | source statement | 原始敘述 | | | |
5154 | source system | 原始系統 | | | |
5155 | source to source transformation | 源到源變換 | 源到源轉換 | | |
5156 | source-route algorithm | 源路由算法 | 源路由算法 | | |
5157 | source-route bridging | 源路由橋接 | 源路由橋接 | | |
5158 | space | 空間;空格;太空;間隔 | 空間 | | |
5159 | space | 空白(字元) | | | |
5160 | space allocation | 空間分配 | | | |
5161 | space bar | 空格鍵 | | | |
5162 | space biased | 空間偏差 | | | |
5163 | space character | 空格字元 | 間隔字符 | | |
5164 | space complexity | 空間複雜度 | 空間復雜度 | | |
5165 | space control | 空間控制 | 空間控制 | | |
5166 | space diversity | 空間分集 | | | |
5167 | space division multiplexing | 空間分割多工 | | | |
5168 | space division switching | 空間分割交換 | | | |
5169 | space filling | 填空白 | | | |
5170 | space hierarchy | 空間階層 | 空間譜系 | | |
5171 | space key | 空格鍵 | | | |
5172 | space record | 間隔記錄 | | | |
5173 | space requirement | 空間需求 | 空間需要[量] | | |
5174 | space station | 太空站 | | | |
5175 | space suppression | 空格抑制 | | | |
5176 | space telemetering | 太空遙測 | | | |
5177 | space to mark transition | 空間至標示變遷 | | | |
5178 | space usage | 空間使用 | 占用空間 | | |
5179 | space versus time trade-off | 空間時間折衷 | | | |
5180 | space versus time trade-offs | 空間與時間取捨 | 時空權衡 | | |
5181 | space-bounded Turing machine | 空間有界杜林機 | 空間有界圖靈機 | | |
5182 | space-hold | 空位持留 | | | |
5183 | space-time diagram | 時空圖 | 時空圖 | | |
5184 | spacing | 間距;間隔 | | | |
5185 | spacing bias | 間距偏移 | | | |
5186 | spacing chart | 間隔圖 | | | |
5187 | span | 跨距;張拓 | 區間 | | |
5188 | span range | 跨距 | | | |
5189 | spanned record | 跨區記錄 | 越界記錄 | | |
5190 | spanning tree | 跨距樹 | 生成樹 | | |
5191 | spanning-tree problem | 生成樹問題 | 生成樹問題 | | |
5192 | spare part | 零件 | 備件 | | |
5193 | sparse array | 稀疏陣列 | | | |
5194 | sparse data | 稀疏資料 | 稀疏數據 | | |
5195 | sparse matrix | 稀疏矩陣 | | | |
5196 | sparse set | 稀疏集 | 稀疏集 | | |
5197 | sparse vector | 稀疏向量 | | | |
5198 | spatial data management | 空間資料管理 | | | |
5199 | spatial database | 空間資料庫 | 空間數據庫 | | |
5200 | spatial domain | 空間域 | | | |
5201 | spatial index | 空間索引 | 空間索引 | | |
5202 | spatial knowledge | 空間知識 | 空間知識 | | |
5203 | spatial layout | 空間布局 | 空間布局 | | |
5204 | spatial light modulators | 空間燈光調變器 | | | |
5205 | spatial locality | 空間局部化 | 空間局部性 | | |
5206 | spatial reasoning | 空間推理 | 空間推理 | | |
5207 | Spatial representation | 空間表示法 | | | |
5208 | spatial resolution | 空間解析度 | | | |
5209 | spatial retrieval | 空間檢索 | 空間檢索 | | |
5210 | spatial subdivision | 空間分割 | 空間分割 | | |
5211 | spatial topological relation | 空間拓蹼關係 | 空間拓扑關系 | | |
5212 | spatially invariant system | 空間不變系統 | | | |
5213 | speaker | 揚聲器;喇叭 | 揚聲器 | | |
5214 | speaker recognition | 說話人識別 | 說話人識別 | | |
5215 | speaker verification | 說話人確認 | 說話人確認 | | |
5216 | speaker-dependent speech recognition | 特定人語音辨識 | 特定人語音識別, *特定人言語識別 | | |
5217 | SPEC rating | SPEC等級 | | | |
5218 | special application service element | 特定應用服務元件 | 特定應用服務要素 | | |
5219 | special character | 特別字元;特殊字元 | 特殊字符 | | |
5220 | special effect generator | 特效產生器 | | | |
5221 | special format system | 特別格式系統 | | | |
5222 | special index analyzer | 特別索引分析器 | | | |
5223 | special interest group for computer graphics | 對計算機圖學特別興趣群 | | | |
5224 | special interest group for small computers | 對小型電腦特別興趣群 | | | |
5225 | special interest group | 特別興趣群 | | | |
5226 | special keyboard device | 特別鍵盤裝置 | | | |
5227 | special list processing | 特別串列處理 | | | |
5228 | special name | 專門名稱 | | | |
5229 | special net theory | 專門網路理論 | 特殊網論 | | |
5230 | special permit | 特許 | 特許 | | |
5231 | special purpose computer | 特別用途計算機 | | | |
5232 | special purpose terminal | 專門目的終端機 | | | |
5233 | special sign | 特別記號 | | | |
5234 | special symbol | 特別符號 | | | |
5235 | special term | 專用詞 | 專用詞 | | |
5236 | specialized analysis | 特定分析 | | | |
5237 | specialized data processing | 專門資料處理 | | | |
5238 | specialized processing | 特別處理 | | | |
5239 | special-purpose computer | 特別用途計算機 | 專用計算機 | | |
5240 | specific | 特定;具體;比 | | | |
5241 | specific address | 特定位址 | | | |
5242 | specific addressing | 特定定址 | | | |
5243 | specific application service element | 特定應用服務元件 | | | |
5244 | specific code | 特定碼 | | | |
5245 | specific coding | 特定編碼 | | | |
5246 | specific communication line | 特定通信線路 | | | |
5247 | specific DSS | 特定決策支援系統 | | | |
5248 | specific expert system | 特定專家系統 | | | |
5249 | specific management functional area | 特定管理功能區 | | | |
5250 | specific program | 特定程式 | | | |
5251 | specific routine | 特定常式 | | | |
5252 | specific subsystem | 特定子系統 | | | |
5253 | specification | 規格;說明書 | 規約, *規格說明 | | |
5254 | Specification and Description Language | SDL語言 | SDL語言 | | |
5255 | specification bill | 規格清單 | | | |
5256 | specification character | 規格字元 | | | |
5257 | specification granularity | 規格詳盡性 | | | |
5258 | specification language | 規格語言 | 規約語言 | | |
5259 | specification statement | 規格敘述 | | | |
5260 | specification system | 規格系統 | | | |
5261 | specification verification | 規格驗證 | 規約驗証 | | |
5262 | specify | 規定 | | | |
5263 | spectral analysis | 頻譜分析 | | | |
5264 | spectral reflectance | 光譜反射;頻譜反射 | | | |
5265 | spectral response | 頻譜回應;頻譜響應 | | | |
5266 | spectral testing | 頻譜測試 | | | |
5267 | spectral width | 頻譜寬度 | | | |
5268 | spectrum | 頻譜 | | | |
5269 | spectrum analysis | 頻譜分析 | 譜分析 | | |
5270 | spectrum computer | 頻譜電腦 | | | |
5271 | spectrum envelope of voice | 語音頻譜包絡 | | | |
5272 | specular reflection light | 鏡面反射光 | 鏡面反射光 | | |
5273 | speech | 話音;語音 | 言語 | | |
5274 | speech act theory | 言語行為理論 | 言語行為理論 | | |
5275 | speech data | 話音資料 | | | |
5276 | speech encoding | 語音編碼 | | | |
5277 | speech input | 話音輸入 | | | |
5278 | speech path controller | 語音路徑控制器 | | | |
5279 | speech path system | 語音路徑系統 | | | |
5280 | speech processing | 話音處理 | 語音處理 | | |
5281 | speech recognition | 話音辨識 | 語音識別 | | |
5282 | speech recognition system | 話音辨識系統 | | | |
5283 | speech recognizer | 語音辨識器 | | | |
5284 | speech sound | 語音 | 語音 | | |
5285 | speech synthesis | 話音合成 | 語音合成, *言語合成 | | |
5286 | speech synthesizer | 語音合成器 | | | |
5287 | speech understanding | 話音理解 | | | |
5288 | speed | 速率 | | | |
5289 | speed discrepancy | 速率差異 | | | |
5290 | speed doubler technology | 倍速科技 | | | |
5291 | speed matching | 速率匹配 | | | |
5292 | speed test cassette | 速率測試卡座 | | | |
5293 | speed-independent model | 速度無關模型 | | | |
5294 | speed-tolerant recording | 速度容差記錄 | | | |
5295 | speed-up | 加速 | | | |
5296 | speed-up ratio | 加速比 | 加速比 | | |
5297 | speed-up theorem | 加速定理 | 加速定理 | | |
5298 | spelling checker | 拼字檢查器 | 拼寫檢查程序 | | |
5299 | spelling correction | 拼字校正 | | | |
5300 | spelling rule | 拼字規則 | | | |
5301 | spelling variation | 拼字差異 | | | |
5302 | spherical coordinate system | 球坐標系統 | | | |
5303 | spherical printer | 球形列印機 | | | |
5304 | spherical resolver | 球面分解器;球坐標分解儀(同ballresolver) | | | |
5305 | spider text | 蛛式本文 | | | |
5306 | spike | 尖波 | 毛刺 | | |
5307 | spike file | 尖波檔案 | | | |
5308 | spill file | 溢出檔案 | | | |
5309 | spin-coated diskette | 自旋塗層磁片 | | | |
5310 | spindle | 轉軸 | 主軸 | | |
5311 | spindle hole | 轉軸孔 | | | |
5312 | spindle lock lever | 轉軸鎖定桿 | | | |
5313 | spindle motor | 轉軸馬達 | | | |
5314 | spindle speed control unit | 轉軸速度控制單元 | 主軸速度控制單元 | | |
5315 | spiral model | 螺旋模型 | 螺旋模型 | | |
5316 | spiral track | 螺旋磁軌 | 螺旋磁道 | | |
5317 | splicer | 接帶器 | | | |
5318 | splicing tape | 編接磁帶 | | | |
5319 | spline | 雲規;樣條 | 樣條 | | |
5320 | spline curve | 樣條曲線 | 樣條曲線 | | |
5321 | spline fitting | 樣條配適 | 樣條擬合 | | |
5322 | spline function | 樣條函數 | | | |
5323 | spline surface | 樣條曲面 | 樣條曲面 | | |
5324 | split | 分裂 | 拆分 | | |
5325 | split beginning operation | 分裂開始作業 | | | |
5326 | split catalog | 分裂目錄 | | | |
5327 | split contact | 分裂式觸點 | | | |
5328 | split detection | 分裂偵查;分裂檢測 | | | |
5329 | split display | 分裂顯示 | | | |
5330 | split instruction | 分裂指令 | | | |
5331 | split key | 分裂鍵 | | | |
5332 | split knowledge | 分割知識 | | | |
5333 | split order quantity | 分裂訂單數量 | | | |
5334 | split screen | 分割螢幕 | | | |
5335 | split site | 分割站 | | | |
5336 | split system | 分裂系統 | | | |
5337 | split-browse display | 分割-翻閱顯示 | | | |
5338 | splitter | 分叉器 | | | |
5339 | splitting | 分裂 | | | |
5340 | splitting orders | 分裂訂單 | | | |
5341 | splitting technique | 分裂技術 | | | |
5342 | split-word operation | 分字運算 | | | |
5343 | SPMD | 單一程式流多重資料流 | 單程序流多數據流 | | |
5344 | spoken language | 口語 | 口語 | | |
5345 | spoofing | 電子欺騙 | | | |
5346 | spool | 排存;捲軸 | 假脫機[操作], *SPOOL操作 | | |
5347 | spool file | 排存檔案 | 假脫機文件 | | |
5348 | spool file class | 排存檔案類型 | 假脫機文件級別 | | |
5349 | spool file tag | 排存檔案標籤閘 | 假脫機文件標志 | | |
5350 | spool intercept buffer | 排存截取緩衝區 | | | |
5351 | spool job | 排存作業 | 假脫機作業 | | |
5352 | spool management | 排存管理 | 假脫機管理 | | |
5353 | spool queue | 排存佇列 | 假脫機隊列 | | |
5354 | spooler | 排存器 | | | |
5355 | spooling | 排存;線上週邊同時作業;週邊同作 | | | |
5356 | spooling operator privilege class | 排存操作員特權階級 | 假脫機操作員特權級別 | | |
5357 | spooling system | 排存系統 | 假脫機系統 | | |
5358 | spot | 點 | | | |
5359 | spot beam | 點束 | | | |
5360 | spot carbon | 點碳 | | | |
5361 | spot light | 聚光 | 聚光 | | |
5362 | spot light source | 點光源 | 點光源 | | |
5363 | spot punch | 點打孔 | 補孔器 | | |
5364 | spread | 展開;分散 | | | |
5365 | spread sheet | 試算表 | | | |
5366 | spread spectrum | 展開頻譜 | | | |
5367 | spread spectrum communication | 展頻通信 | | | |
5368 | spread spectrum multiple access | 展頻多重存取 | | | |
5369 | spread spectrum technique | 展開頻譜技術 | | | |
5370 | spreading activation | 展開活動 | | | |
5371 | spreadsheet program | 試算表程式 | 電子表格程序 | | |
5372 | spring | 彈簧 | | | |
5373 | spring finger action | 彈性手指作用 | | | |
5374 | spring system simulation | 彈簧系統模擬 | | | |
5375 | sprite | 子畫面 | | | |
5376 | sprocket | 鏈齒 | | | |
5377 | sprocket feed | 鏈齒饋送 | 鏈輪輸紙 | | |
5378 | sprocket hole | 鏈齒孔 | 輸紙孔 | | |
5379 | sprocket pulse | 鏈齒脈波 | | | |
5380 | sprocket track | 鏈齒軌 | | | |
5381 | sputtered film disk | 濺射膜磁碟 | 濺射膜盤, *濺射薄膜磁盤 | | |
5382 | sputtering | 濺散 | | | |
5383 | sputtering media | 濺散媒體 | | | |
5384 | SQA | 系統佇列區 | 系統隊列區 | | |
5385 | SQL | 結構查詢語言 | 結構查詢語言, *SQL語言 | | |
5386 | SQL server | SQL伺服器 | | | |
5387 | SQL/Services | SQL服務 | | | |
5388 | SQL-like language | 類SQL語言 | 類SQL語言 | | |
5389 | square function | 平方函數;乘方功能 | | | |
5390 | square hysteresis loop | 平方磁滯迴路 | | | |
5391 | square loop | 方形迴路 | | | |
5392 | square root | 平方根 | | | |
5393 | square root function | 平方根函數;開平方功能 | | | |
5394 | square wave response | 方波響應 | | | |
5395 | squared error averaged over an image array | 影像陣列均方根誤差 | | | |
5396 | squareness ratio | 方性比 | | | |
5397 | squeeze deck | 擠壓疊 | | | |
5398 | squeeze out | 擠出;壓出 | | | |
5399 | squirrel cage blower | 離心風機 | | | |
5400 | SR flip flop | SR正反器 | | | |
5401 | SRAM | 靜態隨機存取記憶體 | 靜態隨機存儲器 | | |
5402 | SRB | 源路由橋接 | 源路由橋接 | | |
5403 | S-register | S暫存器 | | | |
5404 | SSCF | 業務特定協調功能 | 業務特定協調功能 | | |
5405 | SSI | 單系統影像 | 單系統映像 | | |
5406 | SSL | 安全連接層 | 安全套接層 | | |
5407 | SSRAM | 同步靜態隨機存取記憶體 | 同步靜態隨機存儲器 | | |
5408 | ST-506 disk interface | ST-506磁碟介面 | | | |
5409 | ST-506 Winchester drive | ST-506列印驅動機 | | | |
5410 | stability | 穩定度;穩定性 | 穩定性 | | |
5411 | stability analysis | 穩定度分析 | | | |
5412 | stability margin | 穩定容限 | 穩定裕度 | | |
5413 | stability of sorting | 排序穩定度 | | | |
5414 | stabilizing protocol | 穩定化協定 | 穩定化協議 | | |
5415 | stable solution | 穩定解 | | | |
5416 | stable sorting | 穩定排序 | | | |
5417 | stable sorting algorithm | 穩定的排序演算法 | 穩定的排序算法 | | |
5418 | stable state | 穩定狀態 | | | |
5419 | stable string language | 穩定串語言 | | | |
5420 | stack | 堆疊;疊列 | 棧 | | |
5421 | stack address | 堆疊位址 | 棧地址 | | |
5422 | stack addressing | 堆疊定址 | 棧尋址 | | |
5423 | stack algorithm | 堆疊演算法 | 棧算法 | | |
5424 | stack alphabet | 堆疊字母表 | 棧字母表 | | |
5425 | stack area | 堆疊區 | 棧區 | | |
5426 | stack automaton | 堆疊自動機 | 棧自動機 | | |
5427 | stack bottom | 堆疊底 | 棧底 | | |
5428 | stack bucket algorithm | 堆疊桶式演算法 | 棧桶式算法 | | |
5429 | stack capability | 堆疊容量 | 棧容量 | | |
5430 | stack cell | 堆疊單元 | 棧單元 | | |
5431 | stack combination | 堆疊組合 | 棧組合 | | |
5432 | stack computer | 堆疊計算機 | | | |
5433 | stack content | 堆疊內容 | 棧內容 | | |
5434 | stack control | 堆疊控制 | 棧控制 | | |
5435 | stack depth | 堆疊深度 | | | |
5436 | stack element | 堆疊元件 | 棧元素 | | |
5437 | stack facility | 堆疊設施 | 棧設施 | | |
5438 | stack indicator | 堆疊指示器 | 棧指示器 | | |
5439 | stack job processing | 堆疊工件處理 | 棧作業處理 | | |
5440 | stack level | 堆疊位準 | | | |
5441 | stack limit register | 堆疊極限暫存器 | | | |
5442 | stack machine | 堆疊機 | | | |
5443 | stack marker | 堆疊標誌 | 棧標記 | | |
5444 | stack mechanism | 堆疊機制 | 棧機制 | | |
5445 | stack overflow | 堆疊溢出 | 棧溢出 | | |
5446 | stack overflow interrupt | 堆疊溢出中斷 | 棧溢出中斷 | | |
5447 | stack pointer | 堆疊指標 | 棧指針 | | |
5448 | stack pop-up | 堆疊爆出 | 棧上托 | | |
5449 | stack pushdown | 堆疊下推 | 棧下推 | | |
5450 | stack push-down | 堆疊下推 | | | |
5451 | stack register | 堆疊暫存器 | | | |
5452 | stack space | 堆疊空間 | | | |
5453 | stack vector | 堆疊向量 | 棧向量 | | |
5454 | stacked job control | 堆疊工件控制 | | | |
5455 | stacked job processing | 堆疊工件處理 | | | |
5456 | stacked-gate avalanche injection type MOS memory | 疊閘突崩注入型金氧半導體記憶體 | | | |
5457 | stacker | 堆疊器 | | | |
5458 | stage | 階段;級 | | | |
5459 | stage control | 階段控制 | 級控 | | |
5460 | stages of system development | 系統開發階段 | | | |
5461 | staging | 分段;分級;集結 | | | |
5462 | staging area | 分級區 | | | |
5463 | staging cost | 分段成本 | | | |
5464 | stale data | 過期數據 | 過期數據 | | |
5465 | stamping | 戳記 | | | |
5466 | stand-alone | 單獨 | | | |
5467 | stand-alone computer | 獨立電腦 | | | |
5468 | stand-alone display | 單獨顯示器 | | | |
5469 | stand-alone machine | 獨立機器 | | | |
5470 | stand-alone processor | 單獨處理器 | | | |
5471 | stand-alone production system | 單獨生產系統 | | | |
5472 | stand-alone program | 單獨程式 | 獨立程序 | | |
5473 | stand-alone system | 單獨系統 | | | |
5474 | stand-alone unit | 單獨裝置 | | | |
5475 | stand-alone word-processing equipment | 獨立文字處理設備 | | | |
5476 | standard | 標準 | | | |
5477 | standard array | 標準陣列 | | | |
5478 | standard average output | 標準平均輸出 | | | |
5479 | standard card | 標準卡 | | | |
5480 | standard code | 標準碼 | | | |
5481 | standard constant | 標準常數 | | | |
5482 | standard cost | 標準成本 | | | |
5483 | standard cost replace transaction | 標準成本取代異動 | | | |
5484 | standard deviation | 標準偏差 | | | |
5485 | standard efficiency | 標準效率 | | | |
5486 | standard enforcer | 標準執行器 | 標准實施器 | | |
5487 | standard error | 標準誤差 | | | |
5488 | standard error adjusted | 標準已調整誤差 | | | |
5489 | standard file | 標準檔案 | 標准文件 | | |
5490 | standard form | 標準形式;標準化形式 | | | |
5491 | standard function | 標準函數 | | | |
5492 | standard general markup language | 標準一般化排版語言 | 標准通用置標語言 | | |
5493 | standard generalized markup language | 標準一般化排版語言 | | | |
5494 | standard I/O device | 標準輸入輸出裝置 | | | |
5495 | standard input file | 標準輸入檔 | 標准輸入文件 | | |
5496 | standard interface | 標準介面 | | | |
5497 | standard interrupt | 標準中斷 | 標准中斷 | | |
5498 | standard items recosted | 標準項目成本重估 | | | |
5499 | standard labor content | 標準人工內容 | | | |
5500 | standard labor rate code | 標準人工費率碼 | | | |
5501 | standard labor time | (每)單位標準人工時間 | | | |
5502 | standard language | 標準語言 | 標准語言 | | |
5503 | standard lot size | 標準批量大小 | | | |
5504 | standard machine rate | 標準機器費率 | | | |
5505 | standard machine time | 單位標準機器時間 | | | |
5506 | standard mode | 標準模態 | | | |
5507 | standard modular system | 標準模組系統 | | | |
5508 | standard object | 標準物件 | 標准對象 | | |
5509 | standard operating procedure | 標準操作程序 | | | |
5510 | standard operation move time | 標準作業移動時間 | | | |
5511 | standard order quantity | 標準訂單數量 | | | |
5512 | standard output Alpha factor | 標準輸出字母因子 | | | |
5513 | standard output file | 標準輸出檔 | 標准輸出文件 | | |
5514 | standard overhead code | 標準間接費用碼 | | | |
5515 | standard overhead content | 標準間接費用內容 | | | |
5516 | standard overhead rate code | 標準間接費率碼 | | | |
5517 | standard processing mode | 標準處理方式 | 標准處理方式 | | |
5518 | standard product form | 標準產品形式 | | | |
5519 | standard program | 標準程式 | | | |
5520 | standard program approach | 標準程式法 | 標准程序法 | | |
5521 | standard purchase content | 標準採購內容 | | | |
5522 | standard quantity | 標準數量 | | | |
5523 | standard queue time | 標準佇列時間 | | | |
5524 | standard reference surface | 標準參考面 | | | |
5525 | standard run labor hours | 標準運行人工時數 | | | |
5526 | standard run labor rate | 標準運行人工費率 | | | |
5527 | standard run machine hours | 標準運行機器時數 | | | |
5528 | standard setup cost | 標準設置成本 | | | |
5529 | standard setup labor hours | 標準設置人工時數 | | | |
5530 | standard setup labor rate | 標準設置人工費率 | | | |
5531 | standard setup labor time | 標準設置人工時間 | | | |
5532 | standard subroutine | 標準次常式 | | | |
5533 | standard sum form | 標準總和形式 | | | |
5534 | standard symbol list | 標準符號 | | | |
5535 | standard tape interconnect | 標準磁帶互連 | | | |
5536 | standard term | 標準項 | | | |
5537 | standard terminal program | 標準終端程式 | | | |
5538 | standard test tone power | 標準試音功率 | | | |
5539 | standard transformation | 標準變換 | | | |
5540 | standard type | 標準型式 | | | |
5541 | standard unit | 標準單位 | 標准單元 | | |
5542 | standard unit cost | 標準單位成本 | | | |
5543 | standard unit quantity | 標準單位數量 | | | |
5544 | standard work center | 標準工作中心 | | | |
5545 | standard work week | 標準工作週 | | | |
5546 | standardization | 標準化 | | | |
5547 | standardize | 標準化 | | | |
5548 | standardized form | 標準格式 | 正體 | | |
5549 | standardized options | 標準任選 | | | |
5550 | standards association of Australia | 澳大利亞標準協會 | | | |
5551 | standby | 待用;待命 | 備用 | | |
5552 | standby application | 待用應用 | | | |
5553 | standby block | 待用塊 | | | |
5554 | standby computer | 待用電腦 | | | |
5555 | standby equipment | 待用設備 | | | |
5556 | standby redundancy | 待用冗餘 | 備用冗余 | | |
5557 | standby register | 待用暫存器 | | | |
5558 | standby replacement redundancy | 待用替換冗餘 | 備用替代冗余 | | |
5559 | standby system | 待用系統 | 備用系統 | | |
5560 | standby time | 待用時間 | | | |
5561 | standby unattended time | 閒置時間 | 閑置時間 | | |
5562 | standing operating procedure | 常駐操作程序 | | | |
5563 | standing-on-nines carry | 跨九進位 | 逢九(跳躍)進位 | | |
5564 | star configuration | 星形組態 | | | |
5565 | star connection | 星形連接 | | | |
5566 | star coupler | 星形耦合器 | | | |
5567 | star network | 星形網路;星狀網路 | 星狀網 | | |
5568 | star topology | 星狀佈局 | | | |
5569 | star wired ring network | 星佈線環狀網路 | | | |
5570 | star wired ring topology | 星佈線環拓撲學 | | | |
5571 | star/ring network | 星狀╱環狀網路 | 星環網 | | |
5572 | STAR-100 | STAR-100電腦 | | | |
5573 | STARAN | STARAN電腦 | | | |
5574 | STARAN network | STARAN網路 | | | |
5575 | StarLAN | 星狀區域網路 | | | |
5576 | StarLAN 10 | 星狀區域網路10 | | | |
5577 | start | 開始;起動;起始;啟動 | 啟動 | | |
5578 | start activity | 起始活動 | | | |
5579 | start address | 起始位址 | | | |
5580 | start bit | 起始位元 | | | |
5581 | start box | 起動盒 | | | |
5582 | start button | 啟動鈕 | | | |
5583 | start column | 起始行 | | | |
5584 | start date | 起始日期 | | | |
5585 | start date range | 起始日期範圍 | | | |
5586 | start delay | 起動延遲 | | | |
5587 | start distance | 起動距離 | | | |
5588 | start element | 啟動元件 | | | |
5589 | start field | 起始欄位 | | | |
5590 | start field extended subcommand | 起始欄位延伸次命令 | | | |
5591 | start field subcommand | 起始欄位次命令 | | | |
5592 | start I/O | 啟動輸入輸出 | 啟動輸入輸出 | | |
5593 | start I/O instruction | 啟動輸入輸出指令 | 啟動輸入輸出指令 | | |
5594 | start input/output | 啟動輸入輸出 | | | |
5595 | start key | 啟動鍵 | | | |
5596 | start node | 開始節點 | | | |
5597 | start of heading character | 開頭起始字元 | | | |
5598 | start of message character | 訊息起始字元 | | | |
5599 | start of message | 訊息起始 | | | |
5600 | start of text character | 正文起始字元;本文起始字元 | | | |
5601 | start period | 起始週期 | | | |
5602 | start period number | 起始週期號碼 | | | |
5603 | start point | 起始點 | | | |
5604 | start question and answer | 起始問答 | | | |
5605 | start row | 起始列 | | | |
5606 | start signal | 啟動信號 | 起始信號 | | |
5607 | start symbol | 開始符號 | 開始符號 | | |
5608 | start time | 開始時間 | | | |
5609 | start year | 起始年 | | | |
5610 | start/stop distortion | 起止失真 | | | |
5611 | start/stop multivibrator | 起停複振器 | | | |
5612 | start/stop supervision | 起停監督 | | | |
5613 | start/stop system | 起停系統 | | | |
5614 | start/stop transmission | 起停傳輸 | | | |
5615 | start/stop zone | 起止區 | | | |
5616 | starting character position | 開始字元位置 | | | |
5617 | starting time | 起動時間 | | | |
5618 | starting-frame delimiter | 開始框架定界符 | 幀首定界符 | | |
5619 | start-stop transmission | 起停傳輸 | 起止式傳輸 | | |
5620 | startup code | 起動碼 | | | |
5621 | startup diagnostics | 起動診斷 | | | |
5622 | startup object file | 起動物件檔 | | | |
5623 | startup phase | 起動階段 | | | |
5624 | starvation | 飢餓 | | | |
5625 | starvation-free | 無飢餓性 | 無飢餓性 | | |
5626 | state | 狀態;態;地位 | 狀態 | | |
5627 | state assignment | 狀態指派 | | | |
5628 | state description schema | 狀態描述概要 | | | |
5629 | state descriptions | 狀態描述 | | | |
5630 | state diagram | 狀態圖 | | | |
5631 | state equation | 狀態方程式 | 狀態方程 | | |
5632 | state estimation | 狀態估計 | | | |
5633 | state explosion | 狀態爆炸 | 狀態爆炸 | | |
5634 | state graph | 狀態圖 | 狀態圖 | | |
5635 | state machine | 狀態機 | 狀態機 | | |
5636 | state matrix | 狀態矩陣 | | | |
5637 | state matrix method | 狀態矩陣法 | | | |
5638 | state number | 狀態號碼 | | | |
5639 | state of knowledge | 知識狀態 | | | |
5640 | state of the art | 目前最佳狀態 | | | |
5641 | state perturbation | 狀態擾動 | | | |
5642 | state prediction | 狀態預測 | | | |
5643 | state queue | 狀態佇列 | 狀態隊列 | | |
5644 | state space | 狀態空間 | 狀態空間 | | |
5645 | state space model | 狀態空間模型 | | | |
5646 | state space representation | 狀態空間表示 | 狀態空間表示 | | |
5647 | state space search | 狀態空間搜尋 | 狀態空間搜索 | | |
5648 | state stack | 狀態堆疊 | 狀態棧 | | |
5649 | state table | 狀態表 | | | |
5650 | state transition | 狀態變遷 | | | |
5651 | state transition algorithm | 狀態變遷算法 | | | |
5652 | state transition diagram | 狀態變遷圖 | | | |
5653 | state transition equation | 狀態變遷方程式 | | | |
5654 | state transition matrix | 狀態變遷矩陣 | | | |
5655 | state transition network | 狀態變遷網路 | | | |
5656 | state transition table | 狀態變遷表 | | | |
5657 | state variable | 狀態變數 | | | |
5658 | state variable terminal node | 狀態變數終端節點 | | | |
5659 | state vector | 狀態向量 | | | |
5660 | statement | 敘述;陳述 | 語句 | | |
5661 | statement code | 敘述碼 | | | |
5662 | statement editing | 敘述編輯 | | | |
5663 | statement instance | 敘述實例 | | | |
5664 | statement label | 敘述標號 | | | |
5665 | statement number | 敘述號碼 | | | |
5666 | statement number column | 敘述號碼行 | | | |
5667 | statement of work | 工作敘述 | | | |
5668 | statement path | 敘述路徑 | | | |
5669 | statement sequence number | 敘述順序號碼 | | | |
5670 | states identification | 狀態識別 | | | |
5671 | static | 靜態 | | | |
5672 | static analysis | 靜態分析 | 靜態分析 | | |
5673 | static analyzer | 靜態分析程式 | 靜態分析程序 | | |
5674 | static application | 靜態應用 | | | |
5675 | static array | 靜態陣列 | | | |
5676 | static average code length of Hanzi | 靜態漢字平均碼長 | 靜態漢字平均碼長 | | |
5677 | static average code length of words | 靜態字詞平均碼長 | 靜態字詞平均碼長 | | |
5678 | static binding | 靜態連結 | 靜態綁定 | | |
5679 | static buffer | 靜態緩衝 | 靜態緩沖區 | | |
5680 | static buffer allocation | 靜態緩衝區分配 | 靜態緩沖區分配 | | |
5681 | static buffering | 靜態緩衝 | 靜態緩沖 | | |
5682 | static check | 靜態檢查 | 靜態檢驗 | | |
5683 | static coefficient for code element allocation | 靜態鍵位分布係數 | 靜態鍵位分布系數 | | |
5684 | static coefficient for key distribution | 鍵分配之靜態係數 | | | |
5685 | static coherence check | 靜態相關性檢查 | 靜態相關性檢查 | | |
5686 | static coincident code rate for Hanzi | 靜態漢字重碼率 | 靜態漢字重碼率 | | |
5687 | static coincident code rate for words | 靜態字詞重碼率 | 靜態字詞重碼率 | | |
5688 | static conformance requirements | 靜態符合性需求 | | | |
5689 | static data area | 靜態資料區 | 靜態數據區 | | |
5690 | static data structure | 靜態資料結構 | | | |
5691 | static deflection | 靜態偏轉 | | | |
5692 | static dump | 靜態傾印 | | | |
5693 | static error | 靜態誤差 | | | |
5694 | static evaluation | 靜態評估 | | | |
5695 | static evaluation score | 靜態求分 | | | |
5696 | static evaluation value | 靜態求值 | | | |
5697 | static expression | 靜態表式 | | | |
5698 | static hazard | 靜態冒險 | 靜態冒險 | | |
5699 | static image | 靜態影像 | | | |
5700 | static index | 靜態索引 | | | |
5701 | static knowledge | 靜態知識 | 靜態知識 | | |
5702 | static link | 靜態鏈接 | | | |
5703 | static magnetic storage | 靜態磁性儲存;靜態磁儲存器 | | | |
5704 | static memory | 靜態記憶體 | 靜態存儲器 | | |
5705 | static memory allocation | 靜態記憶體分配 | 靜態存儲分配 | | |
5706 | static model | 靜態模型 | | | |
5707 | static multifunctional pipeline | 靜態多功能管線 | 靜態多功能流水線 | | |
5708 | static network | 靜態網路 | 靜態網絡 | | |
5709 | static pipeline | 靜態管線 | 靜態流水線 | | |
5710 | static pressure flying head | 靜態壓力浮動磁頭 | 靜壓[式]浮動磁頭 | | |
5711 | static print-out | 靜態印出 | | | |
5712 | static processor allocation | 靜態處理器分配 | 靜態處理器分配 | | |
5713 | static RAM | 靜態隨機存取記憶體 | 靜態隨機存儲器 | | |
5714 | static RAM | 靜態RAM | | | |
5715 | static random access memory | 靜態隨機存取記憶體 | | | |
5716 | static recursion | 靜態遞迴 | | | |
5717 | static redundancy | 靜態冗餘 | 靜態冗余 | | |
5718 | static refresh | 靜態更新 | 靜態刷新 | | |
5719 | static register | 靜態暫存器 | | | |
5720 | static relocation | 靜態再定位 | 靜態重定位 | | |
5721 | static routine | 靜態常式 | | | |
5722 | static scheduling | 靜態排程 | 靜態調度 | | |
5723 | static segment attribute | 靜態段屬性 | | | |
5724 | static semantic | 靜態語意 | | | |
5725 | static semantic analysis | 靜態語意分析 | | | |
5726 | static semantic rule | 靜態語意 | | | |
5727 | static skew | 靜態偏斜 | 靜態扭斜 | | |
5728 | static storage | 靜態儲存;靜態儲存器 | 靜態存儲器 | | |
5729 | static subroutine | 靜態次常式 | | | |
5730 | static test mode | 靜態測試模式;靜態測試模 | | | |
5731 | static testing | 靜態測試 | 靜態測試 | | |
5732 | staticize | 靜態化 | | | |
5733 | staticizer | 靜態(產生)器 | | | |
5734 | station | 站;所;車站 | | | |
5735 | station address | 站位址 | | | |
5736 | station arrangement | 站安排 | | | |
5737 | station battery | 站電池 | | | |
5738 | station index | 站索引 | | | |
5739 | station line | 站內線 | | | |
5740 | station message detail recording | 站訊息明細記錄 | | | |
5741 | station number | 站號碼 | | | |
5742 | station selection code | 站選擇碼 | | | |
5743 | stationary distribution | 固定分配 | | | |
5744 | stationary information source | 靜態資訊源 | | | |
5745 | stationary language | 平穩語言 | | | |
5746 | stationary message source | 靜態訊息源 | | | |
5747 | stationary stochastic process | 固定隨機過程 | | | |
5748 | statistic bit rate | 統計位元率 | 統計比特率 | | |
5749 | statistic inference | 統計推理 | 統計推理 | | |
5750 | statistic zero-knowledge | 統計零知識 | 統計零知識 | | |
5751 | statistical | 統計 | | | |
5752 | statistical analysis | 統計分析 | | | |
5753 | statistical and forecasting analysis | 統計及預測分析 | | | |
5754 | statistical arbitration | 統計仲裁 | 統計仲裁 | | |
5755 | statistical coding | 統計編碼 | 統計編碼 | | |
5756 | statistical database | 統計資料庫 | 統計數據庫 | | |
5757 | statistical decision method | 統計決策方法 | 統計決策方法 | | |
5758 | statistical decision theory | 統計決策理論 | 統計決策理論 | | |
5759 | statistical description | 統計描述 | | | |
5760 | statistical forecasting | 統計預測 | | | |
5761 | statistical hypothesis | 統計假設 | 統計假設 | | |
5762 | statistical independence | 統計獨立;統計獨立性 | | | |
5763 | statistical inference | 統計推論 | | | |
5764 | statistical linguistics | 統計語言學 | 統計語言學 | | |
5765 | statistical model | 統計模型 | 統計模型 | | |
5766 | statistical multiplexer | 統計多工器 | | | |
5767 | statistical pattern recognition | 統計型樣識別 | 統計模式識別 | | |
5768 | statistical process control | 統計處理控制 | | | |
5769 | statistical reception | 統計接收 | | | |
5770 | statistical sample | 統計樣本 | | | |
5771 | statistical techniques | 統計技術 | | | |
5772 | statistical test model | 統計測試模型 | 統計測試模型 | | |
5773 | statistical time-division multiplexing | 統計時分多工 | 統計時分復用 | | |
5774 | statistics | 統計;統計學 | | | |
5775 | statistics package for social science | 社會科學統計軟體 | | | |
5776 | statistics regression display | 統計迴歸顯示 | | | |
5777 | statistics regression polynomial panel | 統計迴歸多項式面板 | | | |
5778 | statistics regression variables display | 統計迴歸變數顯示 | | | |
5779 | statistics rule | 統計規則 | | | |
5780 | status | 狀態;地位 | | | |
5781 | status area | 狀態區 | | | |
5782 | status array | 狀態陣列 | | | |
5783 | status byte | 狀態位元組 | | | |
5784 | status code | 狀態碼 | | | |
5785 | status correlation tolerance | 狀態相關容許度 | | | |
5786 | status field | 狀態欄 | | | |
5787 | status flag | 狀態旗標 | | | |
5788 | status indicator | 狀態指示器 | | | |
5789 | status latch | 狀態閂 | | | |
5790 | status line | 狀態行 | | | |
5791 | status register | 狀態暫存器 | | | |
5792 | status variable | 狀態變數 | | | |
5793 | status word | 狀態字 | | | |
5794 | statute | 法令 | | | |
5795 | STB | 轉頻器;數控器 | 機頂盒 | | |
5796 | STDM | 統計時分多工 | 統計時分復用 | | |
5797 | steady state condition | 穩態情況 | | | |
5798 | steady state error | 穩態誤差 | 穩態誤差 | | |
5799 | steady state hazard | 穩態冒險 | 穩態冒險 | | |
5800 | steady state signal | 穩態信號 | 穩態信號 | | |
5801 | steam pressure control | 壓力控制 | | | |
5802 | Steelman language requirement | 史帝耳曼語言需求 | | | |
5803 | steepest ascent method | 最陡上昇法 | | | |
5804 | steepest ascent search | 最陡上昇搜尋 | | | |
5805 | steepest descent method | 最陡下降法 | | | |
5806 | Steiner tree | 史戴那樹 | | | |
5807 | stencil bit | 模板位元 | | | |
5808 | step | 步;步驟 | 步 | | |
5809 | step amplitude compensation | 步振幅補償 | | | |
5810 | step and repeat process | 分步重複處理 | | | |
5811 | step change | 步驟變更 | | | |
5812 | step control table | 步驟控制表 | | | |
5813 | step counter | 步驟計數器 | | | |
5814 | step down counter | 步降計數器 | | | |
5815 | step function | 階躍函數 | 階躍函數 | | |
5816 | step generator | 階躍產生器 | 階躍發生器 | | |
5817 | step in | 向內步進 | | | |
5818 | step input/output table | 步驟輸入輸出表 | | | |
5819 | step motor | 步進馬達 | 步進電機 | | |
5820 | step out | 向外步進 | | | |
5821 | step sequence | 步序列 | 步序列 | | |
5822 | step stress test | 步進應力測試;逐步應力測試 | | | |
5823 | step-by-step control | 步進控制 | 步進控制 | | |
5824 | step-by-step operation | 逐步作業 | | | |
5825 | step-by-step switch | 逐步開關 | | | |
5826 | step-by-step system | 逐步制 | | | |
5827 | stepped start/stop system | 分步起止系統 | | | |
5828 | stepper motor | 步進馬達 | | | |
5829 | stepper positioner | 步進機定位器 | | | |
5830 | stepping | 步進 | 步進 | | |
5831 | stepping motor | 步進馬達 | | | |
5832 | stepping register | 步進暫存器 | | | |
5833 | stepping stone state | 踏腳石狀態 | | | |
5834 | step-servo motor | 步進伺服馬達 | | | |
5835 | step-up counter | 步升計數器 | | | |
5836 | stepwise | 步進式 | | | |
5837 | stepwise decomposition | 按步分解 | | | |
5838 | stepwise refinement | 步進式精化法 | | | |
5839 | step-wise refinement | 步進式精化法 | 逐步求精 | | |
5840 | stepwise regression | 按步迴歸 | | | |
5841 | stereo | 立體聲 | 立體聲 | | |
5842 | stereo display | 立體顯示 | | | |
5843 | stereo imaging | 立體成像 | | | |
5844 | stereo lithography apparatus | 立體印刷設備 | 立體印刷設備 | | |
5845 | stereo matching | 立體匹配 | 立體匹配 | | |
5846 | stereo vision | 立體視覺 | 立體視覺 | | |
5847 | stereomapping | 立體對映 | 立體映射 | | |
5848 | stereopsis | 立體影像 | 立體影像 | | |
5849 | stereoscopic displaying | 立體顯示 | 立體顯示 | | |
5850 | Steven P Jobs | 史蒂芬P工作 | | | |
5851 | sticker affixer | 貼籤員 | | | |
5852 | sticking | 固著 | | | |
5853 | sticky bit | 粘著位 | 粘著位 | | |
5854 | still image | 靜止影像 | 靜止圖像 | | |
5855 | stimulus | 刺激 | | | |
5856 | stimulus-response table | 激勵-響應表 | | | |
5857 | STM | 同步傳送模式 | 同步傳送模式 | | |
5858 | stochastic | 隨機 | | | |
5859 | stochastic 0L system | 隨機0L系統 | | | |
5860 | stochastic activities | 隨機活動 | | | |
5861 | stochastic automaton | 隨機自動機 | | | |
5862 | stochastic control system | 隨機控制系統 | 隨機控制系統 | | |
5863 | stochastic convergence | 隨機收斂 | | | |
5864 | stochastic high-level Petri net | 隨機高階Petri net | 隨機高級佩特里網 | | |
5865 | stochastic model | 隨機模型 | | | |
5866 | stochastic Petri nets | 隨機Petri net | 隨機佩特里網 | | |
5867 | stochastic process | 隨機過程 | | | |
5868 | stochastic production | 隨機生成 | | | |
5869 | stochastic programming | 隨機規劃 | | | |
5870 | stochastic relationship | 隨機關係 | | | |
5871 | stochastic retrieval | 隨機檢索 | | | |
5872 | stochastic simulation runs | 隨機模擬運行 | | | |
5873 | stock issues | 庫存發料 | | | |
5874 | stock keeping unit | 庫存計量單位 | | | |
5875 | stock location | 庫存位置 | | | |
5876 | stock movement analysis report | 庫存移動分析報表 | | | |
5877 | stock on hand | 庫存量 | | | |
5878 | stock status | 庫存狀態 | | | |
5879 | stock status report | 庫存狀態報表 | | | |
5880 | stock status review | 庫存狀態查核 | | | |
5881 | stock-out | 無存貨 | | | |
5882 | stockroom | 庫房 | | | |
5883 | stop | 停止 | 停機 | | |
5884 | stop address | 停止位址 | | | |
5885 | stop bit | 停止位元 | | | |
5886 | stop box | 停止箱 | | | |
5887 | stop code | 停止碼 | | | |
5888 | stop distance | 停止距離 | | | |
5889 | stop element | 停止元素 | | | |
5890 | stop instruction | 停止指令 | | | |
5891 | stop key | 停止鍵 | | | |
5892 | stop list | 虛字表;非用詞表 | | | |
5893 | stop page | 停用頁 | 停用頁 | | |
5894 | stop signal | 停止信號 | 停止信號 | | |
5895 | stop time | 停止時間 | | | |
5896 | stop word | 停止字 | | | |
5897 | stop-and-wait ARQ | 停待式ARQ | | | |
5898 | stop-and-wait procedure | 停待式程序 | | | |
5899 | stopper | 阻塞器;停止器;制動器 | | | |
5900 | stopping rules | 停止規則 | | | |
5901 | storage | 儲存;儲存器 | 存儲器 | | |
5902 | storage access administration | 儲存器存取管理 | 存儲器存取管理 | | |
5903 | storage access conflict | 儲存器存取衝突 | 存儲器存取沖突 | | |
5904 | storage access scheme | 儲存器存取方案 | 存儲器存取模式 | | |
5905 | storage access width | 儲存器存取寬度 | | | |
5906 | storage address | 儲存器位址 | | | |
5907 | storage address display light | 儲存位址顯示燈 | | | |
5908 | storage allocation | 儲存配置;儲存體配置 | 存儲器分配 | | |
5909 | storage allocation routine | 儲存器配置常式 | 存儲器分配例程 | | |
5910 | storage allocations and segmentation of program | 儲存體配置與程式分割 | | | |
5911 | storage allocator | 儲存器配置 | 存儲器分配程序 | | |
5912 | storage and retrieval | 儲存與檢索 | | | |
5913 | storage anomalies | 儲存器異常 | | | |
5914 | storage area | 儲存區 | | | |
5915 | storage bank | 儲存庫 | | | |
5916 | storage block | 儲存塊 | | | |
5917 | storage buffer | 儲存緩衝器 | | | |
5918 | storage capacity | 儲存容量 | 存儲容量 | | |
5919 | storage cell | 儲存格 | 存儲單元 | | |
5920 | storage compacting | 儲存密化 | | | |
5921 | storage compaction | 儲存器壓縮 | 存儲器壓縮 | | |
5922 | storage configuration | 儲存器組態 | 存儲配置 | | |
5923 | storage cycle | 儲存週期 | | | |
5924 | storage cycle time | 儲存週期時間 | | | |
5925 | storage definition language | 儲存定義語言 | | | |
5926 | storage density | 儲存密度 | | | |
5927 | storage device | 儲存裝置 | | | |
5928 | storage disc | 儲存磁碟 | | | |
5929 | storage dump | 儲存傾印 | | | |
5930 | storage element | 儲存元件 | | | |
5931 | storage exchange | 儲存交換 | | | |
5932 | storage fill | 儲存填充 | | | |
5933 | storage fragmentation | 儲存段 | 存儲碎片 | | |
5934 | storage hierarchy | 儲存階層 | | | |
5935 | storage image | 儲存像;儲存影像 | | | |
5936 | storage indication | 儲存指示 | | | |
5937 | storage integrator | 儲存積分器 | | | |
5938 | storage interference | 儲存干擾 | 存儲干擾 | | |
5939 | storage key | 儲存鑰 | | | |
5940 | storage light | 儲存器燈 | | | |
5941 | storage limit register | 儲存極限暫存器 | | | |
5942 | storage list | 儲存表 | | | |
5943 | storage location | 儲存位置 | | | |
5944 | storage location | (儲存)位置 | 存儲單元 | | |
5945 | storage management | 儲存管理 | 存儲管理 | | |
5946 | storage management | 儲存管理(通用) | | | |
5947 | storage management service | 儲存器管理服務 | 存儲管理服務 | | |
5948 | storage management strategy | 儲存記憶體管理策略 | 存儲管理策略 | | |
5949 | storage map | 儲存映像 | | | |
5950 | storage media | 儲存媒體 | 存儲媒體 | | |
5951 | storage medium | 儲存媒體 | | | |
5952 | storage module drive interface | 儲存模組驅動介面 | 存儲模塊驅動器接口, *SMD接口 | | |
5953 | storage operation | 儲存作業 | | | |
5954 | storage organization | 儲存組織 | | | |
5955 | storage overlay | 儲存覆蓋 | 存儲覆蓋 | | |
5956 | storage overlay area | 儲存覆蓋區 | 存儲覆蓋區 | | |
5957 | storage parity | 儲存器奇偶 | | | |
5958 | storage partitioning | 儲存分區;儲存分割 | | | |
5959 | storage print program | 儲存列印程式 | | | |
5960 | storage protection | 儲存保護 | 存儲保護 | | |
5961 | storage reconfiguration | 儲存器重組態 | 存儲再配置 | | |
5962 | storage register | 儲存暫存器 | | | |
5963 | storage size | 儲存大小 | | | |
5964 | storage space | 儲存空間 | 存儲空間 | | |
5965 | storage stack | 儲存堆疊 | 存儲棧 | | |
5966 | storage switch | 儲存開關 | | | |
5967 | storage tube | 儲存管 | | | |
5968 | storage tube display | 儲存管顯示 | | | |
5969 | storage type CRT | 儲存型式CRT | | | |
5970 | storage unit | 儲存單位 | | | |
5971 | storage usage map | 儲存器使用映像 | | | |
5972 | storage-to-storage instruction | 儲存之間指令 | | | |
5973 | store | 儲存 | 存儲 | | |
5974 | store and forward | 存轉 | | | |
5975 | store and forward network | 儲存及正向網路 | | | |
5976 | store and forward switching | 存轉交換 | | | |
5977 | store and forward switching center | 存轉切換中心 | | | |
5978 | store management system | 儲存管理系統 | | | |
5979 | store-and-forward | 存轉 | 存儲轉發 | | |
5980 | store-and-forward network | 儲存及正向網路 | 存儲轉發網 | | |
5981 | stored data | 內儲資料 | | | |
5982 | stored data manager | 內儲資料管理器 | | | |
5983 | stored file | 內儲檔 | | | |
5984 | stored instruction | 內儲指令 | | | |
5985 | stored logic computer | 儲存邏輯計算機 | | | |
5986 | stored procedure | 存儲程序 | 存儲過程 | | |
5987 | stored program | 內儲程式 | | | |
5988 | stored program computer | 內儲程式計算機 | | | |
5989 | stored program concept | 內儲程式概念 | | | |
5990 | stored record | 內儲記錄 | | | |
5991 | stored record interface | 內儲記錄介面 | | | |
5992 | stored routine | 內儲常式;儲存常式 | | | |
5993 | stored-program computer | 內儲程式計算機 | 程序存儲計算機 | | |
5994 | storeroom | 貯藏室 | | | |
5995 | storing | 儲存 | 存儲 | | |
5996 | story analysis | 故事分析 | 故事分析 | | |
5997 | STP | 屏蔽雙絞線 | 屏蔽雙絞線 | | |
5998 | straddle erase head | 跨立式抹除頭 | | | |
5999 | straight binary | 直接二進制 | | | |
6000 | straight line | 直線 | | | |
6001 | straight line code | 直線碼 | | | |
6002 | straight line coding | 直線寫碼;直線編碼 | | | |
6003 | straight line program | 直線程式 | | | |
6004 | straight line sequencing | 直線定序 | | | |
6005 | strain relief clamp | 緊鬆鉤 | | | |
6006 | strategic air command control system | 戰略空軍指揮控制系統 | | | |
6007 | strategic data planning | 戰略資料規劃 | 戰略數據規划 | | |
6008 | strategic intelligence | 戰略情報 | 戰略情報 | | |
6009 | strategic knowledge | 策略知識 | | | |
6010 | strategic models | 策略模型 | | | |
6011 | strategic planning | 策略計劃 | 戰略規划 | | |
6012 | strategic planning system | 策略規劃系統 | | | |
6013 | strategy | 策略 | 策略 | | |
6014 | strategy of information requirements determination asking | 資訊需求策略 | | | |
6015 | strategy routine | 策略常式 | | | |
6016 | strategy rule | 策略規則 | | | |
6017 | stratified language | 層化語言 | | | |
6018 | stratified sampling | 分層抽樣 | | | |
6019 | stratum | 層 | | | |
6020 | stray capacitor | 雜散電容器 | | | |
6021 | stream | 流 | 流 | | |
6022 | stream cipher | 串加密 | 流[密]碼 | | |
6023 | stream ciphering | 串加密 | | | |
6024 | stream data transmission | 流資料傳輸 | | | |
6025 | stream file | 流水檔 | | | |
6026 | stream I/O | 資料流輸入輸出 | | | |
6027 | stream oriented input/output | 流導向輸入輸出 | | | |
6028 | stream type | 流型 | | | |
6029 | streamer | 數據流磁帶器 | 流式磁帶驅動器 | | |
6030 | streaming cartridge tape drive | 資料流匣式磁帶機 | | | |
6031 | streaming mode | 資料流模式 | 流方式 | | |
6032 | streaming tape drive | 流線磁帶驅動器 | 流式磁帶機 | | |
6033 | strength reduction | 強度縮減 | 強度削弱 | | |
6034 | stress anisotropy | 應力各向導性 | | | |
6035 | stretch | 伸展 | | | |
6036 | stride | 跨步 | | | |
6037 | strike control | 打擊控制 | | | |
6038 | string | 字列;字串;串 | 串 | | |
6039 | string array | 字串陣列 | | | |
6040 | string constant | 字串常數 | | | |
6041 | string expression | 字串表式 | | | |
6042 | string file | 字串檔案 | | | |
6043 | string function | 字串函數 | | | |
6044 | string grammar | 字串文法 | | | |
6045 | string length | 字串長度 | | | |
6046 | string manipulation | 字串調處 | | | |
6047 | string manipulation mnemonics | 字串調處助憶符 | | | |
6048 | string matching | 字串匹配 | [字符]串匹配 | | |
6049 | string oriented symbolic language | 字串定向符號語言 | | | |
6050 | string process system | 字串處理系統 | | | |
6051 | string processing | 字串處理 | | | |
6052 | string processing language | 字串處理語言 | | | |
6053 | string reduction machine | 字串歸約機 | 串歸約機 | | |
6054 | string resource | 字串資源 | 字符串資源 | | |
6055 | string switch | 串連開關 | | | |
6056 | string variable | 字串變數 | | | |
6057 | StriNg-Oriented symBOlic Language | SNOBOL語言 | SNOBOL語言 | | |
6058 | strip line | 條線 | 帶狀線 | | |
6059 | strip loop | 條環 | | | |
6060 | strip transmission line | 條傳輸 | | | |
6061 | stripe code | 條碼 | | | |
6062 | stripped minicomputer | 簡易迷你電腦 | | | |
6063 | stripping | 撤消 | 撤除 | | |
6064 | STRIPS form rule | STRIPS形式規則 | | | |
6065 | strobe | 選通;閃控 | | | |
6066 | strobe pulse | 閃控脈波 | | | |
6067 | strobe signal | 選通信號 | 選通信號 | | |
6068 | stroke | 筆畫;衝程 | 筆畫 | | |
6069 | stroke centerline | 筆畫中線 | | | |
6070 | stroke character generator | 筆畫字元產生器 | | | |
6071 | stroke code | 筆畫碼 | 筆畫碼 | | |
6072 | stroke coding | 筆畫編碼 | 筆畫編碼 | | |
6073 | stroke count | 筆數 | 筆數 | | |
6074 | stroke device | 筆畫裝置 | | | |
6075 | stroke display | 筆畫顯示 | 筆畫顯示 | | |
6076 | stroke edge | 筆畫邊緣 | | | |
6077 | stroke edge irregularity | 筆畫邊緣不規則性 | | | |
6078 | stroke form | 筆劃形 | | | |
6079 | stroke number | 筆劃數 | | | |
6080 | stroke order | 筆順 | 筆順 | | |
6081 | stroke width | 筆畫寬度 | | | |
6082 | strong connectivity problem | 強連接問題 | 強連通問題 | | |
6083 | strong consistency | 強一致性 | 強一致性 | | |
6084 | strong intersymbol dependence | 碼間強相關性 | | | |
6085 | strong type | 強類型 | 強類型 | | |
6086 | strong type concept | 強類型楖念 | | | |
6087 | strongly connected automaton | 強連接自動機 | | | |
6088 | strongly connected component | 強連接組件 | | | |
6089 | strongly connected components | 強連通組件 | 強連通分支 | | |
6090 | strongly connected graph | 強連接圖 | 強連通圖 | | |
6091 | strongly connected of digraph | 強連接有向圖 | | | |
6092 | strongly connected sequential machine | 強連接循序機 | | | |
6093 | strongly fault secure | 強故障安全 | | | |
6094 | strongly typed | 強型 | | | |
6095 | structural addressing | 結構定址 | | | |
6096 | structural analysis | 結構分析 | | | |
6097 | structural approach to pattern recognition | 結構化圖型識別 | | | |
6098 | structural boundedness | 結構有界性 | 結構有界性 | | |
6099 | structural constraint | 結構約束 | | | |
6100 | structural damage | 結構損壞 | | | |
6101 | structural engineering system solver | 結構工程系統解答器 | | | |
6102 | structural hazard | 結構危障 | 結構沖突 | | |
6103 | structural knowledge | 結構知識 | | | |
6104 | structural memory | 結構記憶體 | 結構存儲器 | | |
6105 | structural pattern | 結構型樣 | | | |
6106 | structural pattern recognition | 結構型樣識別 | 結構模式識別 | | |
6107 | structural processing | 結構處理 | | | |
6108 | structural safety evaluation | 結構安全評估 | | | |
6109 | structuralism linguistics | 結構主義語言學 | 結構主義語言學 | | |
6110 | structure | 結構 | 結構 | | |
6111 | structure and parity observing output function | 結構與奇偶觀察輸出函數 | | | |
6112 | structure assignment | 結構指定 | | | |
6113 | structure chart | 結構圖 | 結構圖 | | |
6114 | structure delete | 結構刪除 | | | |
6115 | structure design | 結構設計 | | | |
6116 | structure design specification | 設計規格 | | | |
6117 | structure diagram | 結構圖 | | | |
6118 | structure flow chart | 結構流程圖 | | | |
6119 | structure microprogramming | 結構微程式設計 | | | |
6120 | structure of management information | 管理資訊結構 | | | |
6121 | structure origin | 結構原點 | 結構理據 | | |
6122 | structure programming | 結構化程式設計 | | | |
6123 | structure query language | 結構查詢語言 | 結構查詢語言, *SQL語言 | | |
6124 | structure schema | 結構綱目 | | | |
6125 | structure specifying descriptor | 結構說明 | | | |
6126 | structured | 結構化 | | | |
6127 | structured analysis | 結構化分析 | 結構化分析 | | |
6128 | structured analysis and design technique | 結構化分析與設計技術 | 結構化分析與設計技朮 | | |
6129 | structured assembler | 結構化組譯器 | | | |
6130 | structured coding | 結構化編碼 | | | |
6131 | structured computer organization | 結構化計算機組織 | | | |
6132 | structured decision | 結構化決策 | | | |
6133 | structured descriptor | 結構化描述符 | | | |
6134 | structured design | 結構化程式設計 | 結構化設計 | | |
6135 | structured design phase | 結構化設計 | | | |
6136 | structured design tool | 結構化設計工具 | | | |
6137 | structured editing | 結構化編排 | | | |
6138 | structured editor | 結構化編輯器 | 結構化編輯程序, *結構化編輯器 | | |
6139 | structured English query language | 結構化英文查詢語言 | | | |
6140 | structured field | 結構化欄位 | | | |
6141 | structured flowchart | 結構化流程圖 | | | |
6142 | structured language | 結構化語言 | | | |
6143 | structured method | 結構化方法 | 結構化方法 | | |
6144 | structured microprogram | 結構化微程式 | | | |
6145 | structured multiprocessor system | 結構化多處理機系統 | 結構式多處理機系統 | | |
6146 | structured object | 結構化物件 | | | |
6147 | structured object representation | 結構化物件表示法 | | | |
6148 | structured operating system | 結構化作業系統 | 結構化操作系統 | | |
6149 | structured paging system | 結構化分頁系統 | 結構分頁系統 | | |
6150 | structured problem | 結構化問題 | | | |
6151 | structured program | 結構化程式 | 結構化程序 | | |
6152 | structured programming | 結構化程式設計 | 結構化程序設計 | | |
6153 | structured programming language | 結構化程式設計語言 | 結構化程序設計語言 | | |
6154 | structured protection | 結構化保護 | 結構化保護 | | |
6155 | structured query language | 結構化查詢語言 | | | |
6156 | structured specification | 結構化規格 | 結構化規約 | | |
6157 | structured system analysis | 結構系統分析 | | | |
6158 | structured system design | 結構化系統設計 | | | |
6159 | structured system implement | 結構系統實施 | | | |
6160 | structured type | 結構化類型 | | | |
6161 | structured walkthrough | 結構化走查 | | | |
6162 | structuredness | 結構性 | 結構性 | | |
6163 | structuring data design | 結構化資料設計 | | | |
6164 | stubcard | 殘卡 | | | |
6165 | stuck-at fault | 固定型故障 | 固定型故障 | | |
6166 | stuck-at-one fault | 固定1故障 | | | |
6167 | stuck-at-zero fault | 固定0故障 | | | |
6168 | stuck-open fault | 固定開路故障 | 固定開路故障 | | |
6169 | student model | 學生模型 | | | |
6170 | student-problem score table | 學生問題分數表 | | | |
6171 | study organization plan | 研析組織計畫 | | | |
6172 | stunt box | 阻變匣 | | | |
6173 | STW | 伺服式軌道寫入器 | 伺服道錄寫器 | | |
6174 | style | 式樣 | 式樣 | | |
6175 | style checker | 式樣檢查程序 | 式樣檢查程序 | | |
6176 | style sheet | 式樣單 | 式樣單 | | |
6177 | styli density | 記錄針密度 | | | |
6178 | stylus | 尖筆;劃針 | | | |
6179 | stylus printer | 尖筆列印機 | 針式打印機 | | |
6180 | sub sampling | 子抽樣 | 子采樣 | | |
6181 | sub-address | 次位址 | | | |
6182 | sub-address code | 子位址碼 | | | |
6183 | suballocation | 子分配 | 子分配 | | |
6184 | suballocation file | 子分配檔案 | 子分配文件 | | |
6185 | sub-alphabet | 子字符 | | | |
6186 | subassembly | 組件 | 裝配件 | | |
6187 | sub-assembly | 次總成 | | | |
6188 | subband coding | 次頻帶編碼 | 子帶編碼 | | |
6189 | sub-band coding | 次頻帶編碼 | | | |
6190 | subblock coding | 子塊編碼 | 子塊編碼 | | |
6191 | sub-carrier | 副載波 | | | |
6192 | sub-category | 子類 | | | |
6193 | sub-channel | 次通道 | | | |
6194 | subclass | 子類 | 子類 | | |
6195 | sub-class | 子類 | | | |
6196 | sub-command | 次命令 | | | |
6197 | sub-committee on programming terminology | 規劃術語子委員會 | | | |
6198 | sub-console | 副控台 | | | |
6199 | sub-contractor | 分包商 | 分包商 | | |
6200 | sub-cycle | 子循環 | | | |
6201 | sub-directory | 子目錄 | | | |
6202 | subdivision | 分割 | 分割 | | |
6203 | sub-document | 子文件 | | | |
6204 | sub-expression | 副表式 | | | |
6205 | sub-field | 子欄 | | | |
6206 | sub-field code | 子欄碼 | | | |
6207 | sub-file | 子檔 | | | |
6208 | sub-file page | 子檔頁 | | | |
6209 | subgoal | 子目標 | 子目標 | | |
6210 | sub-goal | 子目標 | | | |
6211 | subgraph | 子圖 | 子圖 | | |
6212 | sub-graph | 子圖 | | | |
6213 | sub-heading | 子標題 | | | |
6214 | sub-host | 次主機;衛星機 | | | |
6215 | subject domain | 主題域 | | | |
6216 | subject heading | 主題標頭 | | | |
6217 | subject of entry | 分錄主題 | | | |
6218 | subject probe | 主題探查 | 主題探查 | | |
6219 | subject program | 主題程式 | | | |
6220 | subject selector | 主題選擇器 | 論題選擇器 | | |
6221 | subjective fidelity criteria | 主觀保真度準則 | | | |
6222 | subject-object role reversal | 主客易位 | | | |
6223 | subjob | 子作業 | 子作業 | | |
6224 | subjunction gate | 次接合閘 | | | |
6225 | sub-key | 子鍵 | | | |
6226 | sublanguage | 子語言 | 子語言 | | |
6227 | sub-language | 子語言 | | | |
6228 | sub-layer | 子鍵 | | | |
6229 | subliminal channel | 閾下通道 | 閾下信道 | | |
6230 | sub-loop | 次迴路 | | | |
6231 | sub-matrix | 子矩陣 | | | |
6232 | sub-menu | 子選項單 | | | |
6233 | submission | 提交 | 提交 | | |
6234 | submission envelope | 提交包封 | | | |
6235 | submit | 提出 | | | |
6236 | submit state | 提交狀態 | 提交狀態 | | |
6237 | submonitor | 子監視器 | 子監控程序 | | |
6238 | subnet | 子網 | 子網 | | |
6239 | sub-net | 子網 | | | |
6240 | subnet mask | 子網遮罩 | 子網掩碼 | | |
6241 | subnet of place | 位置子網 | 位置子網 | | |
6242 | subnet of transition | 變遷子網 | 變遷子網 | | |
6243 | subnetwork access protocol | 子網存取協定 | 子網訪問協議 | | |
6244 | sub-network dependent convergence protocol | 子網路相依收斂協定 | | | |
6245 | sub-network independent convergence protocol | 子網路獨立收斂協定 | | | |
6246 | sub-optimization | 次最佳化 | | | |
6247 | subpool | 子池 | 子池 | | |
6248 | subpool queue | 子池佇列 | 子池隊列 | | |
6249 | sub-problem graph | 子問題圖 | | | |
6250 | sub-problem tree | 子問題樹 | | | |
6251 | subprocess | 子過程 | 子進程 | | |
6252 | sub-process | 子處理 | | | |
6253 | subprogram | 子程式 | 子程序 | | |
6254 | sub-program | 次程式 | | | |
6255 | subqueue | 子佇列 | 子隊列 | | |
6256 | sub-queue | 子?穻C | | | |
6257 | subrecursiveness | 次遞迴性 | 次遞歸性 | | |
6258 | subroutine | 次常式;副常式 | 子例程 | | |
6259 | subroutine analyzer | 次常式分析器 | | | |
6260 | subroutine call | 次常式呼叫 | | | |
6261 | subroutine library | 次常式程式館 | | | |
6262 | subroutine storage | 次常式儲存 | | | |
6263 | subroutine test | 次常式測試 | | | |
6264 | subroutines and multiple use programs | 副常式及多重用法程式 | | | |
6265 | subschema | 子綱目 | 子模式 | | |
6266 | sub-schema | 子綱目 | | | |
6267 | sub-schema description entry | 子綱目描述項 | | | |
6268 | sub-schema entry | 子綱目項 | | | |
6269 | sub-schema name | 子綱目名稱 | | | |
6270 | sub-schema section | 子綱目節 | | | |
6271 | subscriber | 用戶 | 署名用戶 | | |
6272 | subscriber code | 用戶碼 | | | |
6273 | subscriber line | 用戶線路 | 用戶線路 | | |
6274 | subscriber toll dialing | 用戶長途撥號 | | | |
6275 | subscriber's line | 用戶線 | | | |
6276 | subscriber's loop | 用戶迴路 | | | |
6277 | subscript | 下標;附標 | | | |
6278 | subscript normalization | 下標正規化 | | | |
6279 | subscripted data name | 下標資料名稱 | | | |
6280 | subscripted variable | 下標變數 | | | |
6281 | subscripting | 下標 | | | |
6282 | subsegment | 子段 | 子段 | | |
6283 | subsequence counter | 次序列計數器 | | | |
6284 | subsequent address message | 後續位址訊息 | | | |
6285 | subsequent release | 後續版次 | | | |
6286 | subset | 子集 | 子集 | | |
6287 | subset cover | 子集覆蓋 | 子集覆蓋 | | |
6288 | subset language | 子集語言 | | | |
6289 | substance | 實質 | | | |
6290 | substep | 子步 | 子步 | | |
6291 | sub-step | 子步 | | | |
6292 | substitute | 替代 | | | |
6293 | substitute character | 替代字元 | | | |
6294 | substitute mode | 替代模 | | | |
6295 | substitution | 替代 | 代入 | | |
6296 | substitution attack | 替代攻擊 | 替代攻擊 | | |
6297 | substitution cipher | 代換密碼 | 替代密碼 | | |
6298 | substitution instance | 替代實例 | | | |
6299 | substitution method | 替代法 | | | |
6300 | substrate | 基體 | 襯底 | | |
6301 | substrate feed logic | 基體饋給邏輯 | | | |
6302 | sub-string | 子串;子字串 | | | |
6303 | sub-string searching | 子字串搜尋 | | | |
6304 | subsumed clause | 被包含子句 | | | |
6305 | subsumption logic | 包含邏輯 | | | |
6306 | subsystem | 子系統 | 子系統 | | |
6307 | sub-system | 子系統 | | | |
6308 | sub-system selection switch | 子系統選擇開關 | | | |
6309 | sub-system structure | 子系統結構 | | | |
6310 | subtask | 子任務 | 子任務 | | |
6311 | sub-task | 子任務 | | | |
6312 | subtasking | 子任務處理 | 子任務處理 | | |
6313 | subtotal | 小計 | | | |
6314 | subtotal function | 小計功能 | | | |
6315 | subtotaling | 分合計 | | | |
6316 | subtracter | 減法器 | 減法器 | | |
6317 | subtraction | 減法 | | | |
6318 | subtractive color system | 相減式色彩系統 | | | |
6319 | subtractive process | 消去處理 | | | |
6320 | subtrahend | 減數 | | | |
6321 | sub-tree | 子樹 | | | |
6322 | sub-type | 子型 | | | |
6323 | sub-voice-grade channel | 次話音級通道 | | | |
6324 | successful search | 成功搜尋 | | | |
6325 | successive node | 後繼節點 | | | |
6326 | successive overrelaxation | 逐次超鬆弛 | | | |
6327 | successive refinement | 逐次精化 | | | |
6328 | successor | 後繼子;後續 | 后繼站 | | |
6329 | successor activity | 後續活動 | | | |
6330 | successor marking | 後續標示 | 后繼標識 | | |
6331 | successor node | 後續節點 | | | |
6332 | successor record | 後續記錄 | | | |
6333 | successor set | 後續集 | | | |
6334 | sudden failure | 突然故障 | | | |
6335 | suddenly failure | 突然失效 | 突然失效 | | |
6336 | sufficient reduction | 充分縮減 | | | |
6337 | suffix | 尾置;尾綴 | | | |
6338 | suite | 套件 | 套件 | | |
6339 | suite driver | 套件驅動器 | 套具驅動器 | | |
6340 | sum | 和;總數 | | | |
6341 | sum check | 總和核對 | | | |
6342 | sum check digit | 和核對數位 | | | |
6343 | sum counter | 和計數器 | | | |
6344 | summarized bill | 彙總清單 | | | |
6345 | summarizing | 彙總 | | | |
6346 | summary | 彙總 | | | |
6347 | summary card | 彙總結卡 | | | |
6348 | summary design | 彙總設計 | | | |
6349 | summary maintenance scheduler | 彙總維護排程器 | | | |
6350 | summary punch | 彙總打孔 | 總計穿孔機 | | |
6351 | summary punching unit | 彙總打孔單元 | | | |
6352 | summary report | 彙總報表 | | | |
6353 | summary review | 彙總查核 | | | |
6354 | summary rule | 彙總規則 | | | |
6355 | summary selection form | 彙總選擇表格 | | | |
6356 | summation check | 總和核對 | | | |
6357 | summation formula | 總和公式 | | | |
6358 | summer | 加法器 | | | |
6359 | summing amplifier | 求和放大器 | | | |
6360 | summing integrator | 求和積分器;和積分器 | | | |
6361 | summing point | 求和點 | | | |
6362 | sum-of-product form | 積之和形式 | | | |
6363 | S-unsatisfiability | S不滿足性 | | | |
6364 | super class | 超類 | 超類 | | |
6365 | super high frequency | 超高頻 | | | |
6366 | super large scale integration | SLSI極大型積體 | | | |
6367 | super microcomputer | 超級微電腦;超微電腦 | | | |
6368 | super microprocessor | 超級微處理器 | | | |
6369 | super minicomputer | 超級迷你電腦 | | | |
6370 | super neuro computer | 超神經電腦 | | | |
6371 | super operation | 超級操作 | 超級操作 | | |
6372 | super pipeline | 超管線 | | | |
6373 | super scalar | 超純量 | | | |
6374 | super stack | 超堆疊 | | | |
6375 | super VCD | 超級影音光碟 | 超級影碟 | | |
6376 | super VGA | 超級視頻圖形陣列 | 超級視頻圖形適配器 | | |
6377 | super video compact disc | 超級影音光碟 | 超級影碟 | | |
6378 | superbeta transistor | 超級貝他電晶體 | | | |
6379 | super-bubble | 超級磁泡 | | | |
6380 | supercompiler | 超級編譯程式 | 超級編譯程序, *超級編譯器 | | |
6381 | supercomputer | 超級電腦 | 巨型計算機, *超級計算機 | | |
6382 | supercomputing | 超級計算 | 超級計算 | | |
6383 | superconducting computer | 超導電腦 | | | |
6384 | superconducting delay line | 超導延遲線 | | | |
6385 | superconducting memory | 超導記憶體 | 超導存儲器 | | |
6386 | superconductive tunnel effect | 超導隧道效應 | | | |
6387 | superconductivity | 超導電性 | | | |
6388 | superimposed coding | 重疊寫碼 | | | |
6389 | supermicro | 超迷你電腦 | | | |
6390 | super-minicomputer | 超級小型計算機 | 超級小型計算機 | | |
6391 | superpipeline | 超級管線 | 超流水線 | | |
6392 | superpipelined architecture | 超級管線結構 | 超流水線結構 | | |
6393 | superposed | 重疊振鈴 | | | |
6394 | superposed circuit | 重疊電路 | | | |
6395 | superposed ringing | 重疊振鈴 | | | |
6396 | superposition | 疊置 | 疊加 | | |
6397 | superqueue | 超佇列 | | | |
6398 | superscalar | 超純量 | 超標量 | | |
6399 | superscalar architecture | 超純量架構 | 超標量結構 | | |
6400 | superscript | 上標 | | | |
6401 | supersector | 超扇區 | 超扇區 | | |
6402 | superserver | 超級伺服器 | 超級服務器 | | |
6403 | supersystem | 超級系統 | | | |
6404 | supertext | 超本文 | 超長文本, *超長正文 | | |
6405 | supervised classification | 監督分類 | | | |
6406 | supervised learning | 監督學習 | 監督學習 | | |
6407 | supervision algorithm | 監督演算法 | | | |
6408 | supervisor | 監督器;督導程式 | 管理程序 | | |
6409 | supervisor call | 監督器呼叫 | 管理程序調用 | | |
6410 | supervisor call instruction | 監督器呼叫 | | | |
6411 | supervisor call interrupt | 監督器呼叫中斷 | 管理程序調用中斷 | | |
6412 | supervisor configuration table | 監督器組態表 | | | |
6413 | supervisor console | 監督器控制台 | | | |
6414 | supervisor control | 監督器控制 | | | |
6415 | supervisor interrupt | 監督器中斷 | | | |
6416 | supervisor mode | 監督器模態 | | | |
6417 | supervisor state | 監督狀態 | | | |
6418 | supervisory | 監督 | | | |
6419 | supervisory computer | 監督計算機 | 管理計算機 | | |
6420 | supervisory computer control system | 計算機監控系統 | 計算機監控系統 | | |
6421 | supervisory computer control system | 監督計算機控制系統 | | | |
6422 | supervisory control | 監督控制 | 監督控制 | | |
6423 | supervisory control and data acquisition system | 監控與資料獲取系統 | 監控與數據采集系統 | | |
6424 | supervisory frame | 監督框 | | | |
6425 | supervisory instruction | 監督指令 | | | |
6426 | supervisory keyboard | 監督鍵盤 | | | |
6427 | supervisory program | 監督程式;督導程式 | 管理程序 | | |
6428 | supervisory program simulation | 監督程式模擬 | | | |
6429 | supervisory relay | 監督繼電器 | | | |
6430 | supervisory routine | 監督常式 | 管理例程 | | |
6431 | supervisory sequence | 監督順序 | | | |
6432 | supervisory service | 監督服務 | | | |
6433 | supervisory signal | 監督信號 | | | |
6434 | supervisory system | 監督系統 | | | |
6435 | superword | 超字 | | | |
6436 | supplementary character set | 輔助字元集 | | | |
6437 | supplementary insulation | 附加絕緣 | | | |
6438 | supplementary maintenance | 輔助維護 | 附加維修 | | |
6439 | supplementary maintenance time | 輔助維護時間 | | | |
6440 | supplementary plane | 輔助平面 | 輔助平面 | | |
6441 | supplementary service | 輔助服務 | | | |
6442 | supplementary set | 輔助集 | 輔助集 | | |
6443 | supplementary set graphic character set | 輔助集圖形字元集 | | | |
6444 | supplementary set of control character | 控制字元輔助集 | | | |
6445 | supplier | 供應者 | 供方 | | |
6446 | supplier name | 供應者名 | | | |
6447 | supply menu | 供應選項單 | | | |
6448 | supply process | 供應過程 | 供應過程 | | |
6449 | supply reel | 供應捲盤 | | | |
6450 | supply voltage | 供應電壓 | | | |
6451 | supply/demand factor | 供需因子 | | | |
6452 | support | 支援 | 支持 | | |
6453 | support arm | 支援臂 | | | |
6454 | support functions | 支援功能 | | | |
6455 | support knowledge | 支援知識 | | | |
6456 | support logic programming | 支援邏輯程式設計 | | | |
6457 | support pin | 支撐插腳 | | | |
6458 | support program | 支援程式 | 支持程序 | | |
6459 | support set | 支援集 | 支持集 | | |
6460 | support software | 支援軟體 | 支持軟件 | | |
6461 | support system | 支援系統 | 支持系統 | | |
6462 | support work sheet | 支援工作表單 | | | |
6463 | supporting process | 支援過程 | 支持過程 | | |
6464 | suppress | 抑制 | | | |
6465 | suppressed carrier transmission | 抑制載波傳輸 | | | |
6466 | suppression | 抑制 | | | |
6467 | surface | 表面 | 表面 | | |
6468 | surface | 曲面 | 曲面 | | |
6469 | surface acoustic wave delay line | 表面聲波延遲線 | | | |
6470 | surface approximation | 曲面逼近 | 曲面逼近 | | |
6471 | surface case | 表層格 | 表層格 | | |
6472 | surface chart | 層面圖 | | | |
6473 | surface chart shape | 層面圖形狀 | | | |
6474 | surface chart variable | 層面圖變數 | | | |
6475 | surface fitting | 曲面配適 | 曲面擬合 | | |
6476 | surface interpolation | 曲面內插 | 曲面插值 | | |
6477 | surface intersection | 曲面求交 | 曲面求交 | | |
6478 | surface joining | 曲面結合 | 曲面拼接 | | |
6479 | surface knowledge | 表面知識 | | | |
6480 | surface list | 曲面列表 | 面表 | | |
6481 | surface matching | 曲面匹配 | 曲面匹配 | | |
6482 | surface model | 曲面模型 | 曲面模型 | | |
6483 | surface modeling | 表面模型建立 | 曲面造型 | | |
6484 | surface mount device | 表面安裝裝置 | 表面安裝器件 | | |
6485 | surface mount solder | 表面安裝焊接 | 表面安裝焊接 | | |
6486 | surface mount technology | 表面安裝技術 | 表面安裝技朮 | | |
6487 | surface mounting component | 表面黏著組件 | | | |
6488 | surface mounting technology | 表面黏著技術 | | | |
6489 | surface of revolution | 旋轉曲面 | 旋轉曲面 | | |
6490 | surface reconstruction | 曲面重構 | 曲面重構 | | |
6491 | surface recording | 表面記錄 | | | |
6492 | surface response | 面回應 | | | |
6493 | surface scan | 表面掃瞄 | | | |
6494 | surface servo | 表面伺服裝置 | 面伺服 | | |
6495 | surface smoothing | 曲面平滑 | 曲面光順 | | |
6496 | surface structure | 表面結構 | | | |
6497 | surface subdivision | 曲面分割 | 曲面分割 | | |
6498 | surface texture | 表面紋理 | | | |
6499 | surge resistance | 突波電阻;抗突壓力 | | | |
6500 | surge with stand capability | 抗突壓力 | | | |
6501 | suspend | 懸置 | | | |
6502 | suspend process | 懸置過程 | 挂起進程 | | |
6503 | suspend state | 懸置狀態 | 挂起狀態, *暫停狀態 | | |
6504 | suspended primitive | 懸置基元 | 挂起原語 | | |
6505 | suspended process | 懸置處理 | | | |
6506 | suspended time editing | 懸時編輯 | | | |
6507 | suspense file | 懸置檔案 | | | |
6508 | suspension | 懸置 | 挂起 | | |
6509 | suspension time | 懸置時間 | 挂起時間 | | |
6510 | sustainable cell rate | 持續單元速率 | 可持續信元速率 | | |
6511 | SVC | 交換虛擬電路 | 交換虛電路 | | |
6512 | SVGA | 超級視頻圖形陣列 | 超級視頻圖形適配器 | | |
6513 | SVM | 共享虛擬記憶體 | 共享虛擬存儲器 | | |
6514 | SWA | 排程器工作區 | 調度程序工作區 | | |
6515 | swab | 棉花棒 | | | |
6516 | Swain-Fu distance | 史韋恩傅距離 | | | |
6517 | swap | 調換 | | | |
6518 | swap allocation unit | 調換分配單元 | 對換分配單元 | | |
6519 | swap data set | 調換資料 | | | |
6520 | swap data set control block | 調換資料集控制段 | | | |
6521 | swap gate | 調換閘 | | | |
6522 | swap in | 換進 | | | |
6523 | swap list | 調換串列 | | | |
6524 | swap mode | 調換模式 | 對換方式 | | |
6525 | swap out | 換出 | | | |
6526 | swap set | 調換集 | 對換集 | | |
6527 | swap table | 調換表 | 對換表 | | |
6528 | swap time | 調換時間 | 對換時間 | | |
6529 | swap-in | 換進 | 換進 | | |
6530 | swap-out | 換出 | 換出 | | |
6531 | swapper | 調換程式 | 對換程序 | | |
6532 | swapping | 調換 | 對換 | | |
6533 | swapping priority | 調換優先級 | 對換優先級 | | |
6534 | swarm intelligence | 群體智慧 | 群體智能 | | |
6535 | swathes | 條區 | | | |
6536 | sweep | 拂掠 | | | |
6537 | sweep polygon | 掃描多邊形 | 掃描多邊形 | | |
6538 | sweep surface | 掃描曲面 | 掃描曲面, *掃成曲面 | | |
6539 | sweep volume | 掃描體 | 掃描體 | | |
6540 | sweeping | 掃描 | 掃描 | | |
6541 | sweetening | 甜化 | | | |
6542 | swinging arm head positioning actuator | 擺臂式磁頭定位致動器 | | | |
6543 | switch | 開關;交換 | 開關 | | |
6544 | switch box | 開關箱 | 開關箱 | | |
6545 | switch control computer | 轉接控制電腦 | | | |
6546 | switch core | 開關磁心 | | | |
6547 | switch filter | 轉接過濾器 | | | |
6548 | switch hook | 開關鉤 | | | |
6549 | switch indicator | 交換指示器 | | | |
6550 | switch information vector table | 轉接資訊向量表 | | | |
6551 | switch insertion | 開關插入 | | | |
6552 | switch lattice | 開關晶格 | 開關網格 | | |
6553 | switch over | 切換 | | | |
6554 | switch point | 交換點 | | | |
6555 | switch register | 開關暫存器 | | | |
6556 | switch room | 交換室 | | | |
6557 | switch setting | 開關設定 | | | |
6558 | switch status condition | 交換狀態 | | | |
6559 | switch storage | 交換儲存;開關儲存 | | | |
6560 | switch train | 開關列 | | | |
6561 | switched communication network | 交換通訊網路 | | | |
6562 | switched connection | 開關連接 | | | |
6563 | switched current | 開關電流 | 開關電流 | | |
6564 | switched disconnect | 交換切斷 | | | |
6565 | switched line | 交換線路 | 交換線路 | | |
6566 | switched message network | 交換訊息網路 | | | |
6567 | switched multimegabit data service | 交換式高速數據服務 | | | |
6568 | switched network | 交換式網路 | | | |
6569 | switched path | 可交換路徑 | | | |
6570 | switched virtual circuit | 交換虛擬電路 | 交換虛電路 | | |
6571 | switched virtual network | 交換虛擬網路 | 交換虛擬網 | | |
6572 | switcher | 切換器 | | | |
6573 | switching | 交換 | | | |
6574 | switching algebra | 交換代數 | | | |
6575 | switching center | 交換中心 | | | |
6576 | switching circuit | 交換電路 | | | |
6577 | switching coefficient | 交換係數 | | | |
6578 | switching computer port | 交換電腦埠 | | | |
6579 | switching field distribution | 交換場分佈 | | | |
6580 | switching function | 交換函數 | | | |
6581 | switching noise | 開關雜訊 | 開關噪聲 | | |
6582 | switching space | 交換間隔 | | | |
6583 | switching system | 交換系統 | | | |
6584 | switching theory | 交換理論 | | | |
6585 | switching tie | 開關樞紐 | 開關樞紐 | | |
6586 | switching time | 交換時間 | 開關時間 | | |
6587 | switching tube | 束射轉換管 | | | |
6588 | switching variable | 轉接變數 | | | |
6589 | syllable | 字節 | | | |
6590 | syllogism | 三段論 | 三段論 | | |
6591 | symbionts | 共生體 | | | |
6592 | symbiotic service element | 共生服務元件 | | | |
6593 | symbol | 符號 | 符號 | | |
6594 | symbol [character] [alphabetic] [binary digit] string | 符號〔字符〕〔字母〕〔二進制數字〕串 | 符號〔字符〕〔字母〕〔二進制數字〕串 | | |
6595 | symbol interleaving | 符元交插 | | | |
6596 | symbol manipulating language | 符號調處語言 | | | |
6597 | symbol manipulation language | 符號調處語言 | 符號操縱語言 | | |
6598 | symbol mnemonic | 助憶符號 | | | |
6599 | symbol program | 符號程式 | | | |
6600 | symbol programmer | 符號程式器 | | | |
6601 | symbol rank | 符號秩 | | | |
6602 | symbol set | 符號集 | | | |
6603 | symbol string | 符號串;符號字串 | | | |
6604 | symbol synchronization | 符號同步 | | | |
6605 | symbol synchronization error | 符號同步錯誤 | | | |
6606 | symbol table | 符號表 | | | |
6607 | symbol table control | 符號表控制 | | | |
6608 | symbolic address | 符號位址 | | | |
6609 | symbolic addressing | 符號定位 | | | |
6610 | symbolic analysis | 符號分析 | 符號分析 | | |
6611 | symbolic assembler | 符號組譯器 | | | |
6612 | symbolic assembly | 符號組合 | | | |
6613 | symbolic assembly language | 符號組合語言 | | | |
6614 | symbolic assembly system | 符號組合系統 | | | |
6615 | symbolic automatic integrator | 符號自動積分器 | | | |
6616 | symbolic calculus | 符號演算 | 符號演算 | | |
6617 | symbolic code | 符號碼 | | | |
6618 | symbolic coding | 符號寫碼 | 符號編碼 | | |
6619 | symbolic control | 符號控制 | | | |
6620 | symbolic conversion program | 符號轉換程式 | | | |
6621 | symbolic debugger | 符號除錯器 | | | |
6622 | symbolic debugging | 符號除錯 | | | |
6623 | symbolic deck | 符號疊卡 | | | |
6624 | symbolic device | 符號裝置 | 符號設備 | | |
6625 | symbolic editor | 符號編輯器 | | | |
6626 | symbolic execution | 符號執行 | 符號執行 | | |
6627 | symbolic expression | 符號表式 | | | |
6628 | symbolic file | 符號檔案 | 符號文件 | | |
6629 | symbolic file directory | 符號檔案目錄 | | | |
6630 | symbolic instruction | 符號指令 | | | |
6631 | symbolic integration | 符號積分 | | | |
6632 | symbolic intelligence | 符號智慧 | 符號智能 | | |
6633 | symbolic language | 符號語言 | 符號語言 | | |
6634 | symbolic logic | 符號邏輯 | 符號邏輯 | | |
6635 | symbolic machine code | 符號機器碼 | | | |
6636 | symbolic microprogram | 符號微程式 | | | |
6637 | symbolic name | 符號名稱 | | | |
6638 | symbolic notation | 符號記法 | | | |
6639 | symbolic number | 符號碼 | | | |
6640 | symbolic pointer | 符號指標 | | | |
6641 | symbolic processing | 符號處理 | | | |
6642 | symbolic processor | 符號處理機 | | | |
6643 | symbolic programming | 符號規劃 | | | |
6644 | symbolic programming system | 符號規劃系統 | | | |
6645 | symbolic reasoning | 符號推理;符號推理 | | | |
6646 | symbolic reference | 符號參考 | | | |
6647 | symbolic representation | 符號表示法 | | | |
6648 | symbolic values | 符號值 | | | |
6649 | symbolic versus numeric programming | 符號與數值規劃 | | | |
6650 | symmetric | 對稱的 | | | |
6651 | symmetric binary B-tree | 對稱二元B-樹 | | | |
6652 | symmetric binary channel | 對稱二元通道;對稱二進通道 | | | |
6653 | symmetric check | 對稱核對 | | | |
6654 | symmetric computer | 對稱式計算機 | 對稱[式]計算機 | | |
6655 | symmetric cryptography | 對稱密碼 | 對稱密碼 | | |
6656 | symmetric cryptology | 對稱的密碼術 | | | |
6657 | symmetric cryptosystem | 對稱密碼系統 | 對稱密碼系統 | | |
6658 | symmetric difference gate | 對稱差分閘;對稱差閘 | | | |
6659 | symmetric function | 對稱函數 | | | |
6660 | symmetric linear programming | 對稱線性規劃 | | | |
6661 | symmetric matrix | 對稱矩陣 | | | |
6662 | symmetric multiprocessing | 對稱多處理 | | | |
6663 | symmetric multiprocessor | 對稱多處理機 | 對稱[式]多處理機 | | |
6664 | symmetric operating system | 對稱作業系統 | 對稱操作系統 | | |
6665 | symmetric self electro-optic effect devices | 對稱自光電效應裝置 | | | |
6666 | symmetric system | 對稱系統 | | | |
6667 | symmetrical architecture | 對稱架構 | | | |
6668 | symmetrical channel | 對稱通道 | | | |
6669 | symmetrical I/O unit | 對稱輸入輸出單元 | | | |
6670 | symmetrical list | 對稱串列 | 對稱(列)表 | | |
6671 | symmetry | 對稱性 | | | |
6672 | symptom | 徵兆 | 症兆 | | |
6673 | synapse | 神經結;突觸 | 突觸 | | |
6674 | sync character | 同步字符 | | | |
6675 | sync field | 同步欄位 | | | |
6676 | synch | 同步 | | | |
6677 | syn-character | 同步字元 | | | |
6678 | synchro | 同步儀 | | | |
6679 | synchro to digital converter | 同步至數位轉換器 | | | |
6680 | synchronic distance | 同步距離 | 同步距離 | | |
6681 | synchronies | 同步化 | | | |
6682 | synchronism | 同步性 | 同步[性] | | |
6683 | synchronization | 同步 | 同步 | | |
6684 | synchronization and convergence function | 同步和收斂功能 | 同步和會聚功能 | | |
6685 | synchronization flag | 同步旗標 | | | |
6686 | synchronization loss | 同步損耗 | | | |
6687 | synchronization point | 同步點 | | | |
6688 | synchronization primitive | 同步基元 | 同步原語 | | |
6689 | synchronization pulse | 同步脈波 | | | |
6690 | synchronized algorithm | 同步演算法 | 同步算法 | | |
6691 | synchronized multimedia integration language | 同步多媒體整合語言 | 同步多媒體集成語言 | | |
6692 | synchronized nonreturn-to-zero change on one | 同步逢1變化不歸零 | | | |
6693 | synchronized parallel algorithm | 同步平行演算法 | 同步并行算法 | | |
6694 | synchronized SRAM | 同步靜態隨機存取記憶體 | 同步靜態隨機存儲器 | | |
6695 | synchronizer | 同步器 | | | |
6696 | synchronizing buffer queue | 同步緩衝區佇列 | 同步緩沖區隊列 | | |
6697 | synchronizing sequence | 同步序列 | 同步序列 | | |
6698 | synchronizing signal | 同步信號 | | | |
6699 | synchronous | 同步計算機;同步 | 同步 | | |
6700 | synchronous bit oriented full duplex | 同步位元導向全雙工 | | | |
6701 | synchronous bus | 同步匯流排 | 同步總線 | | |
6702 | synchronous cipher | 同步加密器 | | | |
6703 | synchronous clock | 同步時鐘 | | | |
6704 | synchronous communication | 同步通信 | 同步通信 | | |
6705 | synchronous computer | 同步計算機 | | | |
6706 | synchronous control | 同步控制 | 同步控制 | | |
6707 | synchronous data link control | 同步資料鏈控制 | | | |
6708 | synchronous data network | 同步數據網路 | | | |
6709 | synchronous data transmission | 同步數據傳輸 | | | |
6710 | synchronous DRAM | 同步DRAM | | | |
6711 | synchronous idle character | 同步閒置字元 | | | |
6712 | synchronous machine | 同步機 | | | |
6713 | synchronous operation | 同步作業 | 同步操作 | | |
6714 | synchronous optical network | 同步光纖網路 | | | |
6715 | synchronous processing | 同步處理 | | | |
6716 | synchronous record operation | 同步記錄作業 | | | |
6717 | synchronous refresh | 同步更新 | 同步刷新 | | |
6718 | synchronous sequential circuit | 同步順序電路 | | | |
6719 | synchronous stream cipher | 同步資料流 | | | |
6720 | synchronous time division multiplexing | 同步時分多工 | | | |
6721 | synchronous time-division multiplexing | 同步時分多工 | 同步時分復用 | | |
6722 | synchronous timing | 同步計時語法 | | | |
6723 | synchronous transfer mode | 同步傳送模式 | 同步傳送模式 | | |
6724 | synchronous transfer mode | 同步傳送模 | | | |
6725 | synchronous transmission | 同步傳輸 | 同步傳輸 | | |
6726 | synchronous transmission mode | 同步傳輸模 | | | |
6727 | synchronous transmitter-receiver | 同步收發機 | | | |
6728 | synchronous working | 同步工作 | | | |
6729 | synchrony | 同步 | 同步[論] | | |
6730 | syndet | 連作 | | | |
6731 | syndetic | 連接 | | | |
6732 | syndrome | 徵候群 | | | |
6733 | syndrome testing | 徵候測試 | 征兆測試 | | |
6734 | synergic | 合作 | | | |
6735 | synergism | 綜效 | | | |
6736 | synergistic | 合作 | | | |
6737 | synergy | 綜效 | | | |
6738 | synonym | 同義字 | | | |
6739 | synonym table | 同義字表 | | | |
6740 | synonym-handling algorithm | 同義處置演算法 | | | |
6741 | syntactic ambiguity | 語法歧義 | 句法歧義 | | |
6742 | syntactic analysis | 語法分析 | | | |
6743 | syntactic approach to pattern recognition | 語法途徑圖型識別 | | | |
6744 | syntactic distance | 語法距離 | | | |
6745 | syntactic error | 語法錯誤 | | | |
6746 | syntactic item | 語法項目 | | | |
6747 | syntactic pattern recognition | 語法型樣辨識 | 句法模式識別 | | |
6748 | syntactic relation | 語法關係 | 句法關系 | | |
6749 | syntactic rule | 語法規則 | 句法規則 | | |
6750 | syntactic semantics | 語法語意學 | 句法語義學 | | |
6751 | syntactic structure | 語法結構 | 句法結構 | | |
6752 | syntactic tree | 句法樹 | 句法樹 | | |
6753 | syntactical | 語法的 | | | |
6754 | syntagmatic relation | 組合關係 | | | |
6755 | syntax | 語法 | 句法, *語構 | | |
6756 | syntax ambiguity | 語法歧義 | 句法歧義 | | |
6757 | syntax analysis | 語法分析 | 句法分析 | | |
6758 | syntax analyzer | 語法分析器 | | | |
6759 | syntax category | 語法種類 | 句法范疇 | | |
6760 | syntax chart | 語法圖 | | | |
6761 | syntax description | 語法描述 | | | |
6762 | syntax diagram | 語法圖 | | | |
6763 | syntax diagram form | 語法圖解形式 | | | |
6764 | syntax diagram notations | 語法圖記法 | | | |
6765 | syntax directed compiler | 語法有向編譯器 | | | |
6766 | syntax directed editor | 語法引導編輯器 | 語法制導編輯程序 | | |
6767 | syntax directed recognition algorithm | 語法有向辨識算法 | | | |
6768 | syntax directed translation schema | 語法有向翻譯概要 | | | |
6769 | syntax error | 語法錯誤 | | | |
6770 | syntax generation | 語法產生 | 句法生成 | | |
6771 | syntax language | 語法語言 | | | |
6772 | syntax oriented compiler | 語法導向編譯器 | | | |
6773 | syntax rule | 語法規則 | | | |
6774 | syntax theory | 語法理論 | 句法理論 | | |
6775 | syntax-based query optimization | 語法為本的查詢最佳化 | 基于語法的查詢優化 | | |
6776 | syntax-directed editor | 語法引導編輯器 | 句法制導編輯程序, *句法制導編輯器 | | |
6777 | synthesis | 合成 | | | |
6778 | synthesis method | 合成法 | | | |
6779 | synthesis problem | 合成問題 | | | |
6780 | synthesized attribute | 綜合屬性 | | | |
6781 | synthesized editing and updating | 綜合編輯與更新 | 綜合編輯修改 | | |
6782 | synthesizer | 合成器 | 合成器 | | |
6783 | synthetic address | 合成位址 | | | |
6784 | synthetic apriorism | 合成先驗論 | | | |
6785 | synthetic component | 合成組件 | 合成部件 | | |
6786 | synthetic decision support system | 合成決策支持系統 | 綜合決策支持系統 | | |
6787 | synthetic digital audio | 合成數位聲訊 | 合成數字音頻 | | |
6788 | synthetic environment | 合成環境 | 合成環境 | | |
6789 | synthetic keys | 合成鑰 | | | |
6790 | synthetic language | 合成語言 | | | |
6791 | synthetic program | 合成程式 | | | |
6792 | synthetic task | 合成任務 | | | |
6793 | synthetic video | 合成視訊 | 合成視頻 | | |
6794 | synthetic world | 合成世界 | 合成世界 | | |
6795 | system | 系統 | | | |
6796 | system activity | 系統活動 | 系統活動 | | |
6797 | system adapter | 系統配接器 | | | |
6798 | system administration | 系統管理 | 系統管理 | | |
6799 | system administrator | 系統管理者 | 系統管理員 | | |
6800 | system analysis | 系統分析 | 系統分析 | | |
6801 | system analyst | 系統分析員 | | | |
6802 | system application architecture | 系統應用架構 | | | |
6803 | system arbiter | 系統仲裁器 | | | |
6804 | system architecture | 系統架構 | 系統體系結構 | | |
6805 | system assembly | 系統組合 | 系統裝配 | | |
6806 | system assisted linkage | 系統輔助鏈接 | 系統輔助連接 | | |
6807 | system attack | 系統攻擊 | 系統攻擊 | | |
6808 | system availability | 系統可用性 | 系統可用性 | | |
6809 | system boundary | 系統邊界 | 系統邊界 | | |
6810 | system bus | 系統匯流排 | | | |
6811 | system call | 系統呼叫 | 系統調用 | | |
6812 | system check | 系統核對 | | | |
6813 | system command | 系統命令 | 系統命令 | | |
6814 | system command interpretation | 系統命令解譯 | | | |
6815 | system command interpreter | 系統命令解譯器 | 系統命令解釋程序 | | |
6816 | system communication | 系統通訊 | | | |
6817 | system compatibility | 系統相容性 | 系統兼容性 | | |
6818 | system composite level | 系統複合等級 | | | |
6819 | system configuration | 系統組態 | 系統配置 | | |
6820 | system configuration record | 系統組態記錄 | | | |
6821 | system configuration setup | 系統組態設置 | | | |
6822 | system configuration upgrade | 系統組態升級 | | | |
6823 | system conformance statement | 系統符合性敘述 | | | |
6824 | system conformance test report | 系統符合性測試報告 | | | |
6825 | system console | 系統主控制台 | | | |
6826 | system constants | 系統常數 | | | |
6827 | system consultant | 系統顧問 | | | |
6828 | system control | 系統控制 | 系統控制 | | |
6829 | system control block | 系統控制段 | | | |
6830 | system control file | 系統控制檔 | 系統控制文件 | | |
6831 | system control panel | 系統控制面板 | | | |
6832 | system control program | 系統控制程式 | 系統控制程序 | | |
6833 | system conversion | 系統轉換 | 系統轉軌 | | |
6834 | system CPU time | 系統中央處理器時間 | 系統中央處理器時間, *系統CPU時間 | | |
6835 | system deadlock | 系統死鎖 | 系統死鎖 | | |
6836 | system definition | 系統定義 | | | |
6837 | system degradation | 系統退化 | 系統退化 | | |
6838 | system department | 系統部 | | | |
6839 | system description | 系統描述 | | | |
6840 | system design | 系統設計 | 系統設計 | | |
6841 | system design specification | 系統設計規格 | 系統設計規格說明 | | |
6842 | system designer | 系統設計師 | | | |
6843 | system development | 系統發展 | | | |
6844 | system development journal | 系統開發日誌 | | | |
6845 | system development life cycle | 系統開發生命週期 | | | |
6846 | system development process | 系統開發過程 | | | |
6847 | system diagnosis | 系統診斷 | 系統診斷 | | |
6848 | system diagnostics | 系統診斷 | | | |
6849 | system directory | 系統目錄 | 系統目錄 | | |
6850 | system directory list | 系統目錄列表 | 系統目錄表 | | |
6851 | system disk | 系統磁碟 | 系統盤 | | |
6852 | system disk pack | 系統磁碟組 | 系統盤組 | | |
6853 | system diskette | 系統磁片 | | | |
6854 | system diskette facility | 系統磁片設施 | | | |
6855 | system dispatching | 系統調度 | 系統分派 | | |
6856 | system documentation | 系統文件製作 | 系統文檔 | | |
6857 | system dynamics model | 系統動力模型 | 系統動力模型 | | |
6858 | system engineer | 系統工程師 | | | |
6859 | system engineering group | 系統工程組 | | | |
6860 | system engineering tools | 系統工程工具 | | | |
6861 | system engineering | 系統工程 | | | |
6862 | system environment | 系統環境 | 系統環境 | | |
6863 | system environment simulation | 系統環境模擬 | | | |
6864 | system error | 系統錯誤 | 系統錯誤 | | |
6865 | system error | 系統誤差 | 系統誤差 | | |
6866 | system evaluation | 系統評估 | 系統評價 | | |
6867 | system executive | 系統執行 | 系統執行程序 | | |
6868 | system expansion | 系統擴充 | 系統擴充 | | |
6869 | system failure | 系統故障 | 系統故障 | | |
6870 | system fault tolerance | 系統容錯度 | | | |
6871 | system feasibility | 系統可行性 | 系統可行性 | | |
6872 | system file | 系統檔案 | 系統文件 | | |
6873 | system flow chart | 系統流程圖 | | | |
6874 | system flow diagram | 系統流程圖 | | | |
6875 | system flowcharting symbol | 系統流程符號 | | | |
6876 | system folder | 系統文件夾 | 系統文件夾 | | |
6877 | system follow-up | 系統跟催 | | | |
6878 | system function | 系統功能 | 系統功能 | | |
6879 | system generation | 系統產生 | 系統生成 | | |
6880 | system ground | 系統地 | 系統地 | | |
6881 | system high security | 系統高安全 | 系統高安全 | | |
6882 | system high-security mode | 系統高安全方式 | 系統高安全方式 | | |
6883 | system identification | 系統識別 | 系統辨識 | | |
6884 | system image | 系統影像 | | | |
6885 | system implementation | 系統實施 | 系統實施 | | |
6886 | system implementation and evaluation | 系統製作及評估 | | | |
6887 | system improvement time | 系統改進時間 | | | |
6888 | system information | 系統資訊 | | | |
6889 | system initialization | 系統初始化 | | | |
6890 | system input device | 系統輸入裝置 | | | |
6891 | system input unit | 系統輸入單位 | | | |
6892 | system installation | 系統安裝 | 系統安裝 | | |
6893 | system instruction | 系統指令 | | | |
6894 | system integration | 系統整合 | 系統集成 | | |
6895 | system integrator | 系統積分器;系統整合者 | | | |
6896 | system integrity | 系統完整性 | 系統完整性 | | |
6897 | system interconnection | 系統互連 | 系統互連 | | |
6898 | system interface design | 系統介面設計 | | | |
6899 | system interrupt | 系統中斷 | 系統中斷 | | |
6900 | system interrupt request | 系統中斷請求 | 系統中斷請求 | | |
6901 | system investigation | 系統調查 | 系統調查 | | |
6902 | system journal | 系統日誌 | 系統日志 | | |
6903 | system kernel | 系統核心 | 系統內核 | | |
6904 | system key | 系統鍵 | 系統密鑰 | | |
6905 | system level simulation | 系統位準模擬 | | | |
6906 | system level synthesis | 系統位準合成 | 系統級綜合 | | |
6907 | system library | 系統程式館 | 系統庫 | | |
6908 | system life cycle | 系統生命週期 | 系統生存周期 | | |
6909 | system load | 系統載入 | | | |
6910 | system loader | 系統載入器 | 系統裝入程序 | | |
6911 | system lock | 系統鎖 | 系統鎖 | | |
6912 | system macro instruction | 系統巨集指令 | | | |
6913 | system maintenance | 系統維護 | 系統維護 | | |
6914 | system maintenance journal | 系統維護日誌 | | | |
6915 | system maintenance processor | 系統維護處理機 | 系統維護處理機 | | |
6916 | system management | 系統管理 | 系統管理 | | |
6917 | system management facility | 系統管理設施 | 系統管理設施 | | |
6918 | system management file | 系統管理檔案 | 系統管理文件 | | |
6919 | system management monitor | 系統管理監控程式 | 系統管理監控程序 | | |
6920 | system manager | 系統經理 | | | |
6921 | system manual | 系統手冊 | | | |
6922 | system message | 系統訊息 | | | |
6923 | system mistake | 系統差錯 | | | |
6924 | system model | 系統模型 | | | |
6925 | system modeling | 系統模型化 | | | |
6926 | system name | 系統名稱 | | | |
6927 | system network architecture distribution services | 系統網路架構分配服務 | | | |
6928 | system network architecture layers | 系統網路架構層 | | | |
6929 | system network architecture | 系統網路架構 | | | |
6930 | system nucleus | 系統核心 | 系統核心 | | |
6931 | system number representation | 數目表示系統 | | | |
6932 | system objective | 系統目標 | 系統目標 | | |
6933 | system on a chip | 單晶片系統 | 單片系統 | | |
6934 | system operator | 系統操作員 | | | |
6935 | system optimization | 系統最佳化 | 系統優化 | | |
6936 | system organization | 系統組織 | | | |
6937 | system output unit | 系統輸出單位 | | | |
6938 | system overhead | 系統管理負擔 | 系統開銷 | | |
6939 | system owned set | 系統特有集合 | | | |
6940 | system page table | 系統頁表 | 系統頁表 | | |
6941 | system pair | 系統對 | 系統對 | | |
6942 | system penetration | 系統穿透 | 系統滲入 | | |
6943 | system performance | 系統效能 | 系統性能 | | |
6944 | system performance evaluation cooperative | 系統效能評估合作 | | | |
6945 | system performance monitor | 系統效能監視器 | 系統性能監視器 | | |
6946 | system performance objectives | 系統效能目標 | | | |
6947 | system planner | 系統計畫者 | | | |
6948 | system postulation | 系統公設 | | | |
6949 | system power off | 系統電源關閉 | | | |
6950 | system process | 系統處理 | 系統進程 | | |
6951 | system processor | 系統處理器 | | | |
6952 | system production time | 系統生產時間 | | | |
6953 | system productivity | 系統生產力 | | | |
6954 | system program | 系統程式 | | | |
6955 | system programmer | 系統程式員 | | | |
6956 | system programming | 系統程式設計 | | | |
6957 | system programming language | 系統程式設計語言 | 系統編程語言 | | |
6958 | system project | 系統專案 | | | |
6959 | system prompt | 系統提示符 | 系統提示符 | | |
6960 | system queue area | 系統佇列區 | 系統隊列區 | | |
6961 | System R | System R資料庫系統 | | | |
6962 | system recovery | 系統復原 | | | |
6963 | system reliability | 系統可靠度 | 系統可靠性 | | |
6964 | system requirements | 系統需求 | 系統需求 | | |
6965 | system reset | 系統重設 | | | |
6966 | system reset clear key | 系統重置清除鍵 | | | |
6967 | system residence | 系統常駐 | | | |
6968 | system residence area | 系統常駐區 | 系統駐留區 | | |
6969 | system resident volume | 系統常駐卷 | 系統駐留卷 | | |
6970 | system resource | 系統資源 | 系統資源 | | |
6971 | system resource management | 系統資源管理 | 系統資源管理 | | |
6972 | system resource manager | 系統資源管理器 | 系統資源管理程序 | | |
6973 | system restart | 系統再啟動 | 系統再啟動 | | |
6974 | system rollback | 系統轉返 | | | |
6975 | system saboteur | 蓄意破壞系統者 | 系統破壞者 | | |
6976 | system sample | 系統樣本 | | | |
6977 | system schedule checkpoint | 系統排程檢查點 | 系統調度檢查點 | | |
6978 | system scheduler | 系統排程器 | 系統調度程序 | | |
6979 | system scheduling | 系統排程 | 系統調度 | | |
6980 | system service | 系統服務 | 系統服務 | | |
6981 | system service tool | 系統服務工具 | | | |
6982 | system simulation | 系統模擬 | 系統模擬 | | |
6983 | system slowdown | 系統減速 | | | |
6984 | system software | 系統軟體 | 系統軟件 | | |
6985 | system specification | 系統規格 | | | |
6986 | system standard | 系統標準 | | | |
6987 | system start-up | 系統啟動 | 系統啟動 | | |
6988 | system status | 系統狀態 | 系統狀況 | | |
6989 | system study | 系統研究 | | | |
6990 | system support | 系統支援 | | | |
6991 | system support user | 系統支援用戶 | | | |
6992 | system survey | 系統調查 | 系統概述 | | |
6993 | system synthesis | 系統合成 | | | |
6994 | system tailoring | 系統裁剪 | | | |
6995 | system task | 系統任務 | 系統任務 | | |
6996 | system task set | 系統任務集 | 系統任務集 | | |
6997 | system test | 系統測試 | 系統測試 | | |
6998 | system test auditing | 系統測試稽核 | | | |
6999 | system test mode | 系統測試模式 | 系統測試方式 | | |
7000 | system test time | 系統測試時間 | | | |
7001 | system testing | 系統測試 | | | |
7002 | system unit | 系統單元 | | | |
7003 | system upgrade | 系統升級 | 系統升級 | | |
7004 | system utility device | 系統公用程式裝置 | | | |
7005 | system utility program | 系統公用程式 | 系統實用程序 | | |
7006 | system utilization logger | 系統利用登入器 | | | |
7007 | System V interface definition | 系統V介面定義 | | | |
7008 | System V | 系統V | | | |
7009 | system validation | 系統驗證 | 系統確認 | | |
7010 | system verification | 系統驗證 | 系統驗証 | | |
7011 | system verification diagram | 系統驗證圖 | | | |
7012 | system warehouse | 系統倉庫 | | | |
7013 | system with interaction | 交互作用系統 | | | |
7014 | system work stack | 系統工作堆疊 | 系統工作棧 | | |
7015 | System/360 | 系統360 | | | |
7016 | systematic code | 系統碼 | | | |
7017 | systematic programming | 系統化程式設計 | | | |
7018 | systemic grammar | 系統文法 | | | |
7019 | system-wide | 全系統 | | | |
7020 | systolic algorithm | 脈動演算法 | 脈動算法 | | |
7021 | systolic array | 脈動陣列 | | | |
7022 | systolic array architecture | 脈動陣列架構 | 脈動陣列結構 | | |
7023 | systolic arrays | 脈動陣列 | 脈動陣列 | | |