編號 | 原文 | 臺灣用語 | 大陸用語 | 其他用語 |
1 | t test | t測試 | | | |
2 | T/2 way merging | T/2路合併 | | | |
3 | T1 carrier | T1載子 | | | |
4 | tab | 欄標 | | | |
5 | tab ball grid array | 欄標球柵陣列 | | | |
6 | tab character | 欄標字元 | | | |
7 | tab file | 欄標檔案 | | | |
8 | tab position | 欄標位置 | | | |
9 | tabbing | 標誌 | | | |
10 | tabbing command | 標誌命令 | | | |
11 | table | 表 | 表格 | | |
12 | table access | 表存取 | | | |
13 | table accessing mechanism | 表存取機構 | | | |
14 | table address operand | 表位址運算元 | | | |
15 | table addressing | 表定址 | | | |
16 | table block | 數據表塊 | | | |
17 | table compression | 表壓縮 | | | |
18 | table constraint | 表約束 | 表約束 | | |
19 | table constructor | 表構造器 | | | |
20 | table data | 列表資料 | | | |
21 | table description | 表描述 | | | |
22 | table directory | 表目錄 | | | |
23 | table display | 表顯示 | | | |
24 | table driven | 表格驅動 | | | |
25 | table driven algorithm | 表驅動式演算法 | | | |
26 | table driven code generation | 表驅動代碼產生 | | | |
27 | table driven compiler | 表驅動式編譯程式 | | | |
28 | table driven interpreter | 表驅動解譯器 | | | |
29 | table driven parser program | 表驅動剖析器程式 | | | |
30 | table driven parsing | 表驅動剖析 | | | |
31 | table driven simulation | 表格驅動模擬 | | | |
32 | table driven software | 表格驅動軟體 | | | |
33 | table driven software implementation | 表格驅動軟體實施 | | | |
34 | table driven technique | 表格驅動技術 | | | |
35 | table element | 表元素 | | | |
36 | table entry | 表入口 | | | |
37 | table file | 表檔案 | | | |
38 | table format language | 表格式語言 | | | |
39 | table function | 表函數 | | | |
40 | table handling | 表處置 | | | |
41 | table handling module | 表處置模組 | | | |
42 | table index | 表索引 | | | |
43 | table indicator | 表指示器 | | | |
44 | table language | 表語言 | | | |
45 | table load record | 表載入記錄 | | | |
46 | table look-at | 查表 | | | |
47 | table lookup file | 表列查尋檔案 | | | |
48 | table lookup instruction | 查表指令 | | | |
49 | table lookup program | 查表程式 | | | |
50 | table lookup routine | 查表常式 | | | |
51 | table lookup technique | 查表技術 | | | |
52 | table lookup | 查表 | | | |
53 | table memory | 表格記憶體 | | | |
54 | table of combinations | 組合表 | | | |
55 | table of content | 目錄 | | | |
56 | table of information | 資訊表 | | | |
57 | table of joints | 接合表 | | | |
58 | table of pointer | 指標表 | | | |
59 | table of vector | 向量表 | | | |
60 | table of word-delimiter | 字定界符表 | | | |
61 | table organization | 表組織 | | | |
62 | table organization within a compiler | 編譯程式中符號表的組織 | | | |
63 | table preprocessing | 表預處理 | | | |
64 | table producing language | 表產生語 | | | |
65 | table reference character | 表引用字元 | | | |
66 | table register | 表格暫存器 | | | |
67 | table searching | 表搜尋 | | | |
68 | table segment | 表段 | | | |
69 | table segmenting | 表格分段 | | | |
70 | table simulator | 表模擬器 | | | |
71 | table size | 表大小 | | | |
72 | table skeleton | 表架 | | | |
73 | table sort | 表排序 | | | |
74 | table space | 表空間 | | | |
75 | table structure | 表結構 | | | |
76 | table technique | 圖表技術 | | | |
77 | table transform | 表變換 | | | |
78 | tableau | 描像 | | | |
79 | tableau format | 表格格式 | | | |
80 | table-driven simulation | 表格驅動模擬 | 表[格]驅動模擬 | | |
81 | table-driven technique | 表格驅動技術 | 表[格]驅動法 | | |
82 | tables and diagrams | 表與圖 | | | |
83 | tablet | 輸入板;標牌 | | | |
84 | tablet input | 圖形輸入板輸入 | | | |
85 | tablet menu | 輸入板選項單 | | | |
86 | table-top computer | 桌上計算機 | | | |
87 | table-top word processing equipment | 桌上文字處理設備 | | | |
88 | table-walking | 查表 | | | |
89 | tabloid | 文摘 | | | |
90 | taboo term | 禁忌詞 | | | |
91 | tabs on field | 啟用欄標欄位 | | | |
92 | tabular | 表狀 | | | |
93 | tabular data | 表狀資料 | | | |
94 | tabular data presentation | 表狀資料表達 | | | |
95 | tabular display | 表狀顯示 | | | |
96 | tabular form | 表狀形式 | | | |
97 | tabular form language | 表狀形式語言 | | | |
98 | tabular interpretive program | 表狀解譯程式 | | | |
99 | tabular knowledge | 表狀知識 | | | |
100 | tabular language | 表狀語言 | | | |
101 | tabular query formulation | 表狀查詢公式化 | | | |
102 | tabular representation | 表狀表示 | | | |
103 | tabular rule | 表狀規則 | | | |
104 | tabular system oriented language | 表狀系統導向語言 | | | |
105 | tabulate | 列表 | | | |
106 | tabulated data | 製表資料 | | | |
107 | tabulating | 製表 | | | |
108 | tabulating card | 製表卡 | | | |
109 | tabulating equipment | 製表設備 | | | |
110 | tabulating machine | 製表機 | | | |
111 | tabulating system | 製表系統 | | | |
112 | tabulation | 製表 | | | |
113 | tabulation character | 製表字元 | | | |
114 | tabulation equipment | 製表設備 | | | |
115 | tabulation function | 製表功能 | | | |
116 | tabulation markers | 製表標誌 | | | |
117 | tabulation method | 製表方法 | | | |
118 | tabulation sequential format | 製表順序格式 | | | |
119 | tabulation set | 製表裝置 | | | |
120 | tabulator | 製表器 | 制表機 | | |
121 | tabulator clear key | 製表器清除鍵 | | | |
122 | tabulator gang clear key | 製表器成組清除鍵 | | | |
123 | tabulator key | 製表器鍵 | | | |
124 | tabulator mechanism | 製表機構 | | | |
125 | tabulator set key | 製表器設定鍵 | | | |
126 | tabulator setting | 製表器設定 | | | |
127 | tabulator stop | 製表器停止 | | | |
128 | TAC | 終端存取控制器 | 終端訪問控制器, *終端接入控制器 | | |
129 | tachometer | 轉速計 | | | |
130 | tachometer housing | 轉速計罩框 | | | |
131 | tachometer roller | 轉速計滾輪 | | | |
132 | tactical computer | 戰術計算機 | | | |
133 | tactical intelligence | 戰術情報 | 戰朮情報 | | |
134 | tactical procedure oriented computer programming language | 戰術程序導向電腦程式設計語言 | | | |
135 | tactile | 觸覺 | | | |
136 | tactile controlled hand | 觸覺受控手 | | | |
137 | tactile feedback | 觸覺回饋 | | | |
138 | tactile keyboard | 觸覺鍵盤 | | | |
139 | tactile sense | 觸覺感測 | | | |
140 | tactile sensing | 觸覺感測 | | | |
141 | tactile sensor | 觸覺感測器 | | | |
142 | tag | 標籤;鍵 | 標志 | | |
143 | tag along sort | 按標籤排序 | | | |
144 | tag architecture | 標籤架構 | | | |
145 | tag array | 標籤陣列 | | | |
146 | tag bits | 標籤位元 | | | |
147 | tag bus byte | 標籤匯流排位元組 | | | |
148 | tag card | 標籤卡 | | | |
149 | tag card reader | 標籤卡閱讀機 | | | |
150 | tag check | 標籤檢查 | | | |
151 | tag converting device | 標籤轉換裝置 | | | |
152 | tag converting unit | 標籤轉換單位 | | | |
153 | tag field | 標籤欄 | | | |
154 | tag file | 標籤檔案 | | | |
155 | tag format | 標籤格式 | | | |
156 | tag list | 標籤列表 | | | |
157 | tag mark | 標籤標示 | | | |
158 | tag notation | 加標記法 | | | |
159 | tag number list | 標籤號碼列表 | | | |
160 | tag path | 標籤路徑 | | | |
161 | tag reader | 標籤閱讀機 | | | |
162 | tag reader puncher | 標籤閱讀機打孔機 | | | |
163 | tag sequence | 標籤順序 | | | |
164 | tag set | 標籤集 | | | |
165 | tag slot | 標籤槽 | | | |
166 | tag sort | 標籤排序 | | | |
167 | tag system | 標籤系統 | | | |
168 | tag type | 標籤類型 | | | |
169 | tag type identifier | 標籤類型識別符 | | | |
170 | tag value | 標籤值 | | | |
171 | tag value compilation | 標籤值編譯 | | | |
172 | tagged image file format | 帶標影像檔案格式 | | | |
173 | tagged memory | 帶標記憶體 | | | |
174 | tagged word | 帶標簽字 | | | |
175 | tagging reader | 加標閱讀機 | | | |
176 | taikonaut | 太空人 | 宇航員 | | |
177 | tail | 尾 | | | |
178 | tail link | 尾鏈接 | | | |
179 | tail pointer | 尾指標 | | | |
180 | tail recursion | 尾遞迴 | 尾遞歸 | | |
181 | tail recursion elimination | 尾遞迴刪除 | 尾遞歸刪除 | | |
182 | tail recursive | 尾遞迴 | | | |
183 | tail recursive evaluation | 尾遞迴評估 | | | |
184 | tail symbol | 尾部符號 | | | |
185 | tailer | 結尾段 | | | |
186 | tailgating | 借道 | | | |
187 | tailor | 裁剪 | | | |
188 | tailorable option | 可裁剪任選 | | | |
189 | tailored configuration | 裁剪組態 | | | |
190 | tailored version | 裁剪版本 | | | |
191 | tailoring | 裁剪 | 剪裁 | | |
192 | tailoring process | 裁剪過程 | 剪裁過程 | | |
193 | Tait's conjecture | 泰特推測 | | | |
194 | Taiwan academic network | 台灣學術網路 | | | |
195 | take in | 接收 | | | |
196 | takedown | 卸下 | | | |
197 | takedown connection | 拆線 | | | |
198 | takedown time | 卸下時間 | | | |
199 | takeoff | 去除 | | | |
200 | take-up hub | 接納集線器 | | | |
201 | take-up motor | 接納馬達 | | | |
202 | take-up reel | 接納捲盤 | | | |
203 | take-up spool | 接納排存 | | | |
204 | talk | 通話 | 交談[服務] | | |
205 | talk off | 取消對話 | | | |
206 | talkback | 對話 | | | |
207 | talker | 通話器 | | | |
208 | talker echo | 通話器回音 | | | |
209 | talker-independent system | 非特定說話者系統 | | | |
210 | talking book | 有聲書刊 | | | |
211 | talking connection | 通話連接 | | | |
212 | talking printer | 聲控列印機 | | | |
213 | talking robot | 有聲機器人 | | | |
214 | talking terminal | 通話終端機 | | | |
215 | talking typewriter | 通話打字機 | | | |
216 | tally | 結算 | | | |
217 | tally down | 向下計數 | | | |
218 | tally order | 結算訂單 | | | |
219 | tally register | 結算暫存器 | | | |
220 | tally set | 結算集 | 標簽集 | | |
221 | tally up | 向上計數 | | | |
222 | tallying | 計數 | | | |
223 | tamper proof | 干預防護 | | | |
224 | tandem | 串接;彙接 | | | |
225 | TANDEM 16 | TANDEM 16計算機 | | | |
226 | tandem connection | 串接連接 | | | |
227 | tandem data circuit | 串接數料電路;彙接數據電路 | | | |
228 | tandem exchange | 串接交換 | | | |
229 | tandem link | 串接鏈接 | | | |
230 | tandem office | 彙接交換所 | | | |
231 | tandem queue | 串接佇列 | | | |
232 | tandem routing | 串接選路 | | | |
233 | tandem selector | 串接選擇器 | | | |
234 | tandem switching | 串接交換 | | | |
235 | tandem switching exchange | 串接交換交換 | | | |
236 | tandem system | 串接系統 | | | |
237 | tandem trunk | 串接中繼線 | | | |
238 | tangent | 正切 | | | |
239 | tangent vector | 正切向量 | | | |
240 | tangential approximation method | 切線近似法 | | | |
241 | tangential derivative | 切線導數 | | | |
242 | tangible factor | 有形因數 | | | |
243 | tangible object | 有形目標 | | | |
244 | tangible state | 有形狀態 | 實存狀態 | | |
245 | tanglement | 糾纏 | | | |
246 | Tanimoto's expression | 塔尼莫托表示 | | | |
247 | tank | 儲槽 | | | |
248 | tank circuit | 儲槽電路 | | | |
249 | tantalum | 鉭 | | | |
250 | tantalum capacitor | 鉭電容器 | | | |
251 | tantamount | 等值 | | | |
252 | tap | 分接頭 | 分接頭 | | |
253 | tap circuit | 分接頭電路 | | | |
254 | tape | 磁帶 | 帶 | | |
255 | tape adapter | 帶配接器 | | | |
256 | tape adapter unit | 帶配接器單元 | | | |
257 | tape advance | 紙帶向前 | | | |
258 | tape alphabet | 帶字母表 | 帶字母表 | | |
259 | tape alternation | 帶交替 | | | |
260 | tape alternation subroutine | 換帶次常式 | | | |
261 | tape and buffer system | 磁帶與緩衝器系統 | | | |
262 | tape automatic checkout equipment | 磁帶自動檢測設備 | | | |
263 | tape automatic positioning | 磁帶自動定位 | | | |
264 | tape back spacing | 磁帶回退間距 | | | |
265 | tape backup unit | 磁帶備份單元 | | | |
266 | tape beginning marker | 磁帶起始標誌 | | | |
267 | tape bin | 磁帶箱 | | | |
268 | tape block | 磁帶信息塊 | | | |
269 | tape bootstrap loader | 帶自舉載入器 | | | |
270 | tape bootstrap routine | 帶自舉常式 | | | |
271 | tape bound | 磁帶界限 | | | |
272 | tape bounded Turing machine | 帶限制杜林機 | | | |
273 | tape buffer | 磁帶緩衝器 | | | |
274 | tape cable | 帶形電纜 | | | |
275 | tape card | 磁帶卡 | | | |
276 | tape card converter | 磁帶卡裶轉換器 | | | |
277 | tape cartridge | 磁帶匣 | | | |
278 | tape cartridge reader | 帶匣閱讀機 | | | |
279 | tape cassette | 卡式磁帶 | | | |
280 | tape cassette recorder | 匣式磁帶機 | | | |
281 | tape cell | 磁帶單元 | | | |
282 | tape certification | 磁帶認證 | | | |
283 | tape channel | 帶通道 | | | |
284 | tape character | 帶字元 | | | |
285 | tape character check | 帶字元檢查 | | | |
286 | tape checking | 帶檢查 | | | |
287 | tape cleaner | 帶清潔器 | | | |
288 | tape cluster | 帶叢集 | | | |
289 | tape code | 帶碼 | | | |
290 | tape coiling | 捲帶 | | | |
291 | tape comparator | 帶比較器 | | | |
292 | tape compiler | 帶編譯程式 | | | |
293 | tape compiling program | 帶編譯程式 | | | |
294 | tape compiling routine | 帶編譯常式 | | | |
295 | tape complexity | 帶複雜性 | | | |
296 | tape compression | 帶壓縮 | 帶壓縮 | | |
297 | tape conditioning | 帶調節 | | | |
298 | tape control unit | 帶控制單元 | | | |
299 | tape controlled carriage | 帶受控托架 | | | |
300 | tape controlled recording equipment | 帶受控記錄設備 | | | |
301 | tape conversion program | 紙帶轉換程式 | | | |
302 | tape copy | 磁帶複製 | | | |
303 | tape core | 磁帶心 | | | |
304 | tape counter | 帶計數器 | | | |
305 | tape data family | 帶資料族 | | | |
306 | tape data handling system | 帶資料處置系統 | | | |
307 | tape data processing system | 帶資料處理系統 | | | |
308 | tape data register | 帶資料暫存器 | | | |
309 | tape data selector | 紙帶資料選擇器 | | | |
310 | tape data validation | 帶資料驗證 | | | |
311 | tape deck | 帶具疊 | | | |
312 | tape delivery | 帶遞送 | | | |
313 | tape disc operating system | 磁帶磁碟作業系統 | | | |
314 | tape drive | 磁帶驅動 | (磁)帶驅動器 | | |
315 | tape drive controller | 帶驅動控制器 | | | |
316 | tape drive interrupt routine | 帶驅動中斷常式 | | | |
317 | tape drive mechanism | 帶驅動機構 | | | |
318 | tape driver interrupt | 磁帶驅動器中斷 | | | |
319 | tape dump | 帶傾印 | | | |
320 | tape duplicator | 帶複製機 | | | |
321 | tape editor | 帶編輯器 | | | |
322 | tape entry | 帶入口 | | | |
323 | tape erasure | 帶抹除 | | | |
324 | tape error | 帶錯誤 | | | |
325 | tape executive program | 帶執行程式 | | | |
326 | tape expression | 磁帶表式 | | | |
327 | tape facsimile | 帶式傳真機 | | | |
328 | tape feed | 饋帶機件 | | | |
329 | tape feed motor | 饋帶馬達 | | | |
330 | tape feed switch | 饋帶開關 | | | |
331 | tape field | 帶信息欄 | | | |
332 | tape file | 帶檔案 | | | |
333 | tape file copying | 帶檔案複製 | | | |
334 | tape file management | 磁帶檔案管理 | | | |
335 | tape file octal load | 磁帶檔案八進制載入 | | | |
336 | tape file supervisor | 帶檔案監督器 | | | |
337 | tape file-to-tape file transfer | 帶檔案到帶檔案轉移 | | | |
338 | tape format | 帶格式 | | | |
339 | tape format plotting system | 磁帶格式的繪圖系統 | | | |
340 | tape frame | 帶框 | | | |
341 | tape garble | 紙帶孔損 | | | |
342 | tape group | 帶組 | | | |
343 | tape guide | 磁帶導引桿 | | | |
344 | tape guide cam | 帶導引凸輪 | | | |
345 | tape guide roller | 帶導引滾輪 | | | |
346 | tape handler | 帶處置器 | | | |
347 | tape handling | 帶處置 | | | |
348 | tape handling option routines | 帶處置任選常式 | | | |
349 | tape handling optional routines | 磁帶處置任選常式 | | | |
350 | tape handling unit | 帶處置單元 | | | |
351 | tape head | 磁帶頭 | 帶頭 | | |
352 | tape hierarchy | 帶階層 | | | |
353 | tape housing | 磁帶罩 | | | |
354 | tape identification | 帶識別 | | | |
355 | tape identification card | 帶識別卡 | | | |
356 | tape identification unit | 帶識別單元 | | | |
357 | tape image | 磁帶影像 | | | |
358 | tape index | 帶索引 | | | |
359 | tape input | 帶輸入 | | | |
360 | tape input tape output | 磁帶輸入輸出 | | | |
361 | tape input/output control | 帶輸入輸出控制 | | | |
362 | tape input/output swapping | 帶輸入輸出調換 | | | |
363 | tape input/output system | 磁帶輸入輸出系統 | | | |
364 | tape inscriber | 帶記錄器 | | | |
365 | tape inverter | 倒帶機 | | | |
366 | tape label | 磁帶標號 | | | |
367 | tape layout | 帶布置 | | | |
368 | tape layout form | 帶布置形式 | | | |
369 | tape leader | 帶引導 | | | |
370 | tape leader tool | 帶引導工具 | | | |
371 | tape librarian | 帶程式館管理器 | | | |
372 | tape librarian system | 帶程式館管理器系統 | | | |
373 | tape library | 帶程式館;帶館;磁帶庫 | 磁帶庫 | | |
374 | tape library management system | 帶程式館管理系統 | | | |
375 | tape limited | 帶限制 | | | |
376 | tape load key | 帶載入鍵 | | | |
377 | tape load point | 磁帶載入點 | | | |
378 | tape loading | 帶載入 | | | |
379 | tape loop storage | 環帶儲存 | | | |
380 | tape lossing | 磁帶鬆馳 | | | |
381 | tape management catalog | 帶管理目錄 | | | |
382 | tape management system | 帶管理系統 | | | |
383 | tape mark | 帶標示;磁帶標示 | | | |
384 | tape marker | 磁帶標誌 | | | |
385 | tape master file | 磁帶主檔案 | | | |
386 | tape mechanism | 卷帶機構 | | | |
387 | tape memory | 帶記憶體 | | | |
388 | tape merge | 帶合併 | | | |
389 | tape module | 磁帶模組 | | | |
390 | tape operated printer | 帶操作列印機 | | | |
391 | tape operated typewriter | 帶操作打字機 | | | |
392 | tape operating system | 磁帶作業系統 | | | |
393 | tape oriented system | 帶導向系統;磁帶導向系統 | | | |
394 | tape overlap emulator | 帶重疊仿真器 | | | |
395 | tape pack | 帶碟組 | | | |
396 | tape parity | 磁帶奇偶性 | | | |
397 | tape path | 磁帶路徑 | | | |
398 | tape perforating | 紙帶打孔 | | | |
399 | tape perforator | 紙帶打孔機 | 紙帶穿孔機 | | |
400 | tape perforator interface | 帶打孔機介面 | | | |
401 | tape phase inverter | 磁帶反相器 | | | |
402 | tape plotting system | 磁帶繪圖系統 | | | |
403 | tape pool | 磁帶集用場 | | | |
404 | tape preparation unit | 帶準備單元 | | | |
405 | tape preventive maintenance | 帶預防維護 | | | |
406 | tape printer | 帶列印機 | | | |
407 | tape printing | 打孔帶列印 | | | |
408 | tape printing counter | 帶列印計數器 | | | |
409 | tape printing system | 帶式列印系統 | | | |
410 | tape print-out routine | 帶印出常式 | | | |
411 | tape processing | 磁帶處理 | | | |
412 | tape processing simultaneity | 帶處理的同時性 | | | |
413 | tape processing unit | 帶處理單元 | | | |
414 | tape program | 磁帶程式 | | | |
415 | tape programmer | 紙帶程式器 | | | |
416 | tape punch | 紙帶打孔機 | 紙帶穿孔[機] | | |
417 | tape punch control key | 紙帶打孔控制鍵 | | | |
418 | tape punch interface | 紙帶打孔機介面 | | | |
419 | tape punch output | 紙帶打孔輸出 | | | |
420 | tape punch reproduce check unit | 帶打孔再製檢查單元 | | | |
421 | tape punch subassembly | 紙帶打孔機組件 | | | |
422 | tape punch subassembly panel | 紙帶打孔機組件面板 | | | |
423 | tape punch typewriter | 紙帶打孔打字機 | | | |
424 | tape puncher | 紙帶打孔機 | 紙帶穿孔機 | | |
425 | tape puncher output | 紙帶打孔機輸出 | | | |
426 | tape punching mechanism | 紙帶打孔機構 | | | |
427 | tape read and write library | 磁帶讀寫館 | | | |
428 | tape read head | 讀帶磁頭 | | | |
429 | tape read register | 讀帶暫存器 | | | |
430 | tape reader | 帶閱讀機 | 紙帶讀入機 | | |
431 | tape reader control | 帶閱讀機控制 | | | |
432 | tape reader emulator module | 帶閱讀機仿真器模組 | | | |
433 | tape reader input | 帶閱讀機輸入 | | | |
434 | tape reader punch | 帶閱讀機打孔 | | | |
435 | tape reader/punch controller | 紙帶閱讀打孔控制器 | | | |
436 | tape reading | 帶讀出 | | | |
437 | tape record coordinator | 磁帶記錄協調器 | | | |
438 | tape recorder amplifier | 帶記錄器放大器 | | | |
439 | tape recorder | 帶記錄器 | | | |
440 | tape recording | 帶記錄 | | | |
441 | tape recording density | 磁帶記錄密度 | | | |
442 | tape reduction | 帶縮減 | 帶減少 | | |
443 | tape reduction theorem | 帶縮減定理 | | | |
444 | tape reel | 磁帶捲盤 | | | |
445 | tape register | 磁帶暫存器 | | | |
446 | tape relay | 帶中繼 | | | |
447 | tape repeating automatic data integration system | 帶重複自動資料整合系統 | | | |
448 | tape reproducer | 帶再製器 | 紙帶復制機 | | |
449 | tape request word | 帶請求字 | | | |
450 | tape rerun | 帶重作 | | | |
451 | tape reservoir | 帶儲藏庫 | | | |
452 | tape resident system | 帶常駐系統 | | | |
453 | tape resident | 磁帶常駐程式 | | | |
454 | tape rewind | 帶回捲 | | | |
455 | tape row | 帶列 | 帶行 | | |
456 | tape running accuracy | 帶運行準確度 | | | |
457 | tape running speed | 帶運行速率 | | | |
458 | tape running stability | 帶運行穩定性 | | | |
459 | tape sealer | 帶密封器 | | | |
460 | tape search | 帶搜尋 | | | |
461 | tape search unit | 帶搜尋單元 | | | |
462 | tape select switch | 帶選擇開關 | | | |
463 | tape selection | 磁帶選擇 | | | |
464 | tape sender | 帶發送器 | | | |
465 | tape serial number | 帶串列號碼 | | | |
466 | tape servo swap | 磁帶伺服調換 | | | |
467 | tape skew | 帶偏斜 | 帶扭斜 | | |
468 | tape skip | 帶跨越 | | | |
469 | tape skip restore | 帶跨越復原 | | | |
470 | tape skip restore character | 帶跨越復原字元 | | | |
471 | tape sort | 磁帶分類 | | | |
472 | tape sort and collate program | 帶分類及對照程式 | | | |
473 | tape sorting | 磁帶分類 | | | |
474 | tape sorting and collating program | 磁帶排序及對照程式 | | | |
475 | tape span | 磁帶跨距 | | | |
476 | tape speed | 帶速率 | | | |
477 | tape speed monitor | 帶速率監視器 | | | |
478 | tape speed variation | 帶速率變動 | | | |
479 | tape splicing | 帶編接 | | | |
480 | tape spool | 帶排存 | 帶軸 | | |
481 | tape squeal | 磁帶尖叫聲 | | | |
482 | tape stand-alone dump/restore | 磁帶獨立傾印╱復原 | | | |
483 | tape starting | 帶起動 | | | |
484 | tape station | 磁帶站 | | | |
485 | tape stopping | 帶停止 | | | |
486 | tape storage | 帶儲存 | | | |
487 | tape storage bin | 帶儲存箱 | | | |
488 | tape storage bin magnetic tape storage | 帶儲存箱磁帶儲存 | | | |
489 | tape string | 帶串 | | | |
490 | tape strip | 磁帶條 | | | |
491 | tape strip cartridge | 帶條匣 | | | |
492 | tape strip storage | 磁帶條儲存器 | | | |
493 | tape supply motor | 供帶馬達 | | | |
494 | tape swapping | 帶調換 | | | |
495 | tape switching | 磁帶交換 | | | |
496 | tape symbol | 帶符號 | 帶符號 | | |
497 | tape symbolic editor | 帶符號編輯器 | | | |
498 | tape synchronizer | 磁帶同步器 | | | |
499 | tape teleprinter | 帶電傳列印機 | | | |
500 | tape teletypewriter | 帶式電傳打字機 | | | |
501 | tape tension | 磁帶張力 | | | |
502 | tape test | 帶測試 | | | |
503 | tape test set | 帶測試裝置 | | | |
504 | tape thickness | 磁帶厚度 | | | |
505 | tape threading | 穿帶 | | | |
506 | tape timer | 帶計時器 | | | |
507 | tape trailer | 帶尾 | | | |
508 | tape transfer procedure | 帶轉移程序 | | | |
509 | tape transfer restart procedure | 帶轉移再啟動程序 | | | |
510 | tape transmitter distributor | 磁帶傳輸分配器 | | | |
511 | tape transport | 帶傳送;磁帶傳送機 | | | |
512 | tape transport mechanism | 帶傳送機構 | | | |
513 | tape transport speed | 帶傳送速率 | | | |
514 | tape travel | 帶行程 | | | |
515 | tape unit | 磁帶機 | 磁帶機 | | |
516 | tape unit bus in | 磁帶機匯流排輸入 | | | |
517 | tape unit bus out | 磁帶機匯流排輸出 | | | |
518 | tape unit check | 磁帶機校驗 | | | |
519 | tape unit perforator | 紙帶打孔機 | 紙帶穿孔機 | | |
520 | tape verifier | 帶驗證器 | | | |
521 | tape volume | 帶卷 | | | |
522 | tape wheel | 傳帶輪 | | | |
523 | tape width | 帶寬 | | | |
524 | tape winder | 捲帶器 | | | |
525 | tape wound core | 帶捲磁芯;捲帶心 | | | |
526 | tape wound magnetic core | 帶捲磁蕊 | | | |
527 | tapered n-best forward pruning | 錐形n最佳正向修剪 | | | |
528 | tapered quantization | 錐形量化 | | | |
529 | tapered search | 錐形搜尋 | | | |
530 | tape-skip key | 跳帶鍵 | | | |
531 | tape-switching center | 紙帶轉接中心 | | | |
532 | tape-to-card | 磁帶至卡 | | | |
533 | tape-to-card communication | 磁帶至卡通信 | | | |
534 | tape-to-card convert program | 磁帶至卡轉換程式 | | | |
535 | tape-to-card converter | 磁帶至卡轉換器 | | | |
536 | tape-to-card program | 磁帶至卡程式 | | | |
537 | tape-to-print converter | 磁帶至列印轉換器 | | | |
538 | tape-to-print program | 磁帶至列印程式 | | | |
539 | tape-to-print system | 磁帶至列印系統 | | | |
540 | tape-to-printer converter | 磁帶至列表機轉換器 | | | |
541 | tape-to-printer program | 磁帶至列印機程式 | | | |
542 | tape-to-tape converter | 磁帶至磁帶轉換器 | | | |
543 | tapped | 分接 | | | |
544 | tapped-potentiometer function generator | 分接頭電位計函數產生器 | | | |
545 | tapping cable | 分接電纜 | | | |
546 | tapping point | 分接點 | | | |
547 | target | 目標 | 目標 | | |
548 | target acquisition | 目標(信息)獲取 | | | |
549 | target architecture | 目標架構 | | | |
550 | target area | 目標區 | | | |
551 | target attribute | 目標屬性 | | | |
552 | target block | 目標程序塊 | | | |
553 | target character item | 目標字元項 | | | |
554 | target code | 目標碼 | 目標[代]碼 | | |
555 | target compiler | 目標編譯程式 | | | |
556 | target computer | 靶標計算機 | 目標計算機 | | |
557 | target configuration | 目標組態 | | | |
558 | target curve | 目標曲線 | | | |
559 | target data model | 目標資料模型 | | | |
560 | target data set | 目標資料集 | | | |
561 | target data structure | 目標資料結構 | | | |
562 | target designation | 目標指定 | | | |
563 | target directory | 目標目錄 | 目標目錄 | | |
564 | target diskette | 目標磁片 | | | |
565 | target domain | 目標定義域 | | | |
566 | target echo | 目標回音 | | | |
567 | target group | 目標群 | | | |
568 | target identification system | 目標識別系統 | | | |
569 | target identification | 目標識別 | | | |
570 | target image | 目標影像 | | | |
571 | target information system | 目標資訊系統 | | | |
572 | target input panel | 目標輸入控制盤 | | | |
573 | target instruction register | 目標指令暫存器 | | | |
574 | target intercept computer | 目標截取電腦 | | | |
575 | target language | 目標語言 | 目標語言 | | |
576 | target language dictionary | 目標語言詞典 | 目標語言詞典 | | |
577 | target language generation | 目標語言產生 | 目標語生成 | | |
578 | target language output | 目標語言輸出 | 目標語輸出 | | |
579 | target language | 靶語言;目標語言 | | | |
580 | target level | 靶標位準 | | | |
581 | target list | 靶標列表 | | | |
582 | target machine | 目標機 | 目標機 | | |
583 | target microprocessor | 目標微處理機 | | | |
584 | target of an assignment | 指定目標 | | | |
585 | target oriented | 目標導向的 | | | |
586 | target phase | 目標階段 | | | |
587 | target processor | 目標處理機 | | | |
588 | target program | 靶標程式;目標程式 | 目標程序 | | |
589 | target recognition | 目標識別 | | | |
590 | target routine | 靶標常式 | | | |
591 | target screen | 目標螢幕 | | | |
592 | target segment | 目標段 | | | |
593 | target specification | 目標規格 | | | |
594 | target statement | 目標敘述 | | | |
595 | target system | 目標系統 | 目標系統 | | |
596 | target token rotation time | 目標符記旋轉時間 | | | |
597 | target track | 目標軌道 | | | |
598 | target track correction | 目標軌校正 | | | |
599 | target variable | 目標變數 | | | |
600 | target view | 目標視野 | | | |
601 | target word | 目標字 | | | |
602 | target zone | 目標區域 | | | |
603 | tariff | 費率 | | | |
604 | tarnishing | 鏽污 | 鏽污 | | |
605 | t-ary tree | t元樹 | | | |
606 | TAS instruction | 測試與置位指令 | | | |
607 | TAS operation | 測試與置位操作 | | | |
608 | task | 任務 | 任務 | | |
609 | task abnormal exit routine | 任務異常出口常式 | | | |
610 | task abort receiver | 任務異常中止接收器 | | | |
611 | task activation | 任務活動 | | | |
612 | task address | 任務位址 | | | |
613 | task allocation | 任務分配 | 任務分配 | | |
614 | task allocation problem | 任務分配問題 | | | |
615 | task analysis | 任務分析 | | | |
616 | task appendage routine | 任務附件常式 | | | |
617 | task assignment | 任務指派 | | | |
618 | task asynchronous exit | 任務異步出口 | 任務異步出口 | | |
619 | task attribute | 任務屬性 | | | |
620 | task body | 任務本體 | | | |
621 | task builder | 任務建立器 | | | |
622 | task call | 任務呼叫 | | | |
623 | task code | 任務代碼 | | | |
624 | task code word | 任務代碼字 | 任務代碼字 | | |
625 | task communication | 任務通訊 | | | |
626 | task control | 任務控制 | | | |
627 | task control block | 任務控制塊 | 任務控制塊 | | |
628 | task control block | 任務控制塊 | | | |
629 | task control call | 任務控制呼叫 | | | |
630 | task control card | 任務控制卡 | | | |
631 | task control program | 任務控制程式 | | | |
632 | task coordinate | 任務協調 | 任務協調 | | |
633 | task creation | 任務建立 | | | |
634 | task data | 任務資料 | | | |
635 | task declaration | 任務宣告 | | | |
636 | task decomposition | 任務分解 | | | |
637 | task definition table | 任務定義表 | | | |
638 | task dependent option | 任務相關任選項 | | | |
639 | task description | 任務描述 | | | |
640 | task descriptor | 任務描述符 | 任務描述符 | | |
641 | task determination | 任務確定 | | | |
642 | task dictionary | 任務字典 | | | |
643 | task dictionary table | 任務字典表 | | | |
644 | task dispatcher | 任務調度器 | 任務分派程序 | | |
645 | task dump | 任務傾印 | | | |
646 | task error exit routine | 任務錯誤退出常式 | | | |
647 | task execution | 任務執行 | | | |
648 | task execution area | 任務執行區 | 任務執行區 | | |
649 | task execution language | 任務執行語言 | | | |
650 | task execution memory | 任務執行記憶體 | | | |
651 | task execution scheduler | 任務執行排程器 | | | |
652 | task extended area | 任務擴充區 | | | |
653 | task family | 任務族 | | | |
654 | task force | 任務編組 | | | |
655 | task form specification | 任務形式規格 | | | |
656 | task frame | 任務框 | | | |
657 | task graph | 任務圖 | 任務圖 | | |
658 | task group identification | 任務組識別 | | | |
659 | task group resource | 任務組資源 | | | |
660 | task group | 任務組 | | | |
661 | task group's error-out file | 任務組錯誤輸出檔案 | | | |
662 | task I/O table | 任務輸入輸出表 | 任務輸入輸出表 | | |
663 | task identifier | 任務識別符 | | | |
664 | task immigration | 任務遷移 | 任務遷移 | | |
665 | task information area | 任務資訊區 | | | |
666 | task initiation/termination | 任務啟始或終止 | | | |
667 | task input queue | 任務輸入佇列 | 任務輸入隊列 | | |
668 | task input queue | 任務輸入佇列 | | | |
669 | task interrupt control | 任務中斷控制 | | | |
670 | task interrupt routine | 任務中斷常式 | | | |
671 | task level controller | 任務等級控制器 | | | |
672 | task level language | 任務層次語言 | | | |
673 | task level queuing model | 任務級佇列模型 | | | |
674 | task library | 任務館 | | | |
675 | task list | 任務串列 | | | |
676 | task load module | 任務載入模組 | | | |
677 | task load module file | 任務載入模組檔案 | | | |
678 | task location | 任務位置 | | | |
679 | task logical address space | 任務邏輯位址空間 | | | |
680 | task macro | 任務巨集指令 | | | |
681 | task management | 任務管理 | 任務管理 | | |
682 | task management program | 任務管理程式 | | | |
683 | task management system | 任務管理系統 | | | |
684 | task manager | 任務管理器 | 任務管理程序 | | |
685 | task memorandum | 任務備忘錄 | | | |
686 | task memory pool | 任務記憶集用場 | | | |
687 | task memory requirement | 任務記憶體需求 | | | |
688 | task menu | 任務選項單 | | | |
689 | task message receiver routine | 任務信息接收常式 | | | |
690 | task mix | 作業混合 | | | |
691 | task model | 任務模型 | 任務模型 | | |
692 | task name | 任務名 | | | |
693 | task number | 任務號碼 | | | |
694 | task object | 任務目標 | | | |
695 | task option | 任務選項 | | | |
696 | task option word | 任務任選字 | | | |
697 | task option word inquiry system | 任務任選字詢問系統 | | | |
698 | task oriented image database | 任務導向影像資料庫 | | | |
699 | task output queue | 任務輸出佇列 | 任務輸出隊列 | | |
700 | task owner name | 任務持有者名 | | | |
701 | task planner | 任務計畫者 | | | |
702 | task pool | 任務池 | 任務池 | | |
703 | task priority | 任務優先級 | | | |
704 | task priority dispatching | 任務優先調度 | | | |
705 | task processing | 任務處理 | 任務處理 | | |
706 | task processing unit | 任務處理裝置 | | | |
707 | task processor scheduling | 任務處理機排程 | | | |
708 | task program | 任務程式 | | | |
709 | task pseudo interrupt receiver | 任務偽中斷接收器 | | | |
710 | task queue | 任務佇列 | 任務隊列 | | |
711 | task queue table | 任務佇列表 | | | |
712 | task quit | 任務退出 | | | |
713 | task ready queue | 任務就緒佇列 | | | |
714 | task reassignment | 任務重指定 | | | |
715 | task request block | 任務請求塊 | | | |
716 | task restart processing | 任務再啟動處理 | | | |
717 | task run | 任務運行 | | | |
718 | task run on-line | 任務連線運行 | | | |
719 | task scheduler | 任務排程器 | 任務調度程序 | | |
720 | task scheduler queue | 任務排程器佇列 | | | |
721 | task scheduling | 任務排程 | 任務調度 | | |
722 | task scheduling priority | 任務排程優先級 | 任務調度優先級 | | |
723 | task selection | 任務選擇 | | | |
724 | task service area | 任務服務區 | | | |
725 | task service area structure | 任務服務區結構 | | | |
726 | task set | 任務集 | 任務集 | | |
727 | task set control block | 任務集控制塊 | | | |
728 | task set installation | 任務集安裝 | | | |
729 | task set library | 任務集庫 | 任務集庫 | | |
730 | task set load module | 任務集載入模組 | 任務集裝入模塊 | | |
731 | task set reference table | 任務集引用表 | | | |
732 | task specification | 任務規格 | | | |
733 | task stack descriptor | 任務堆疊描述符 | 任務棧描述符 | | |
734 | task stack space | 任務堆疊空間 | | | |
735 | task start | 任務開始 | 任務啟動 | | |
736 | task state | 任務狀態 | | | |
737 | task state segment | 任務狀態段 | | | |
738 | task status | 任務狀態 | | | |
739 | task status index | 任務狀態索引 | | | |
740 | task storage | 任務儲存 | | | |
741 | task subsequent execution | 任務後繼執行 | | | |
742 | task supervisor | 任務監督器 | 任務管理程序 | | |
743 | task suspension | 任務懸置 | | | |
744 | task swapping | 任務調換 | 任務對換 | | |
745 | task switch | 任務交換 | | | |
746 | task switching | 銋務交換 | 任務交換 | | |
747 | task synchronization | 任務同步 | | | |
748 | task system work stack | 任務系統工作堆疊 | | | |
749 | task table | 任務表 | | | |
750 | task table control block | 任務表控制塊 | | | |
751 | task termination | 任務終止 | 任務終止 | | |
752 | task time | 任務時間 | | | |
753 | task timer | 任務計時器 | | | |
754 | task transfer | 任務傳送 | | | |
755 | task translator | 任務翻譯器 | | | |
756 | task type | 任務類型 | | | |
757 | task unit | 任務單位 | | | |
758 | task user status word | 任務用戶狀態字 | | | |
759 | task user work stack | 任務用戶工作堆疊 | | | |
760 | task value attribute | 任務值屬性 | | | |
761 | task variable | 任務變數 | | | |
762 | task virtual storage | 任務虛擬儲存器 | 任務虛擬存儲器 | | |
763 | task waiting | 任務等待 | | | |
764 | task work stack descriptor | 任務工作堆疊描述符 | | | |
765 | tasking | 任務分配 | | | |
766 | tasking facility | 任務分配設施 | | | |
767 | tasking protocol | 任務分配協定 | | | |
768 | tasking-error exception | 任務錯誤異常 | | | |
769 | task-sharing | 任務分擔 | 任務分擔 | | |
770 | task-to-task communication | 任務至任務通訊 | | | |
771 | taut tape attachment | 拉帶附件 | | | |
772 | tautology | 同義反複 | 重言式 | | |
773 | tautology rule | 同義反複規則 | 重言式規則 | | |
774 | tax administration system | 稅務管理系統 | | | |
775 | tax amount | 課稅金額 | | | |
776 | tax body name | 課稅物名稱 | | | |
777 | tax classes | 課稅分類 | | | |
778 | tax code | 課稅碼 | | | |
779 | tax due | 應付稅 | | | |
780 | tax rate application | 課稅率應用 | | | |
781 | tax rates | 稅率 | | | |
782 | tax status | 課稅狀態 | | | |
783 | taxable sales | 應課稅銷售 | | | |
784 | taxing body | 課稅物 | | | |
785 | taxing body file | 課稅物檔 | | | |
786 | taxing body record | 課稅物記錄 | | | |
787 | taxonomic description | 歸類描述 | | | |
788 | taxonomic hierarchies | 分類體系 | | | |
789 | taxonomic knowledge | 分類知識 | | | |
790 | taxonomic organization | 分類組織 | | | |
791 | taxonomic reasoning | 分類推理 | | | |
792 | taxonomic view | 分類觀點 | | | |
793 | taxonomy | 分類學 | | | |
794 | taxonomy production system | 分類生產系統 | | | |
795 | Taylor expansion | 泰勒展開式 | | | |
796 | TC | 傳輸連接 | 運輸[層]連接 | | |
797 | TCAM application program | 電信存取法應用程式 | | | |
798 | TCAM control task | 電信存取法運程通訊存取方法控制任務 | | | |
799 | TCAM destination address field | 電信存取法目的位址欄 | | | |
800 | TCAM host logical unit | 電信存取法主機邏輯單元 | | | |
801 | TCAM network address | 電信存取法網路位址 | | | |
802 | TCAM node | 電信存取法節點 | | | |
803 | TCAM origin address field | 電信存取法原點位址欄 | | | |
804 | TCAM system | 電信存取法系統 | | | |
805 | TCB | 引線控制塊 | 線程控制塊 | | |
806 | TCB | 任務控制塊 | 任務控制塊 | | |
807 | T-complete net | T型完整網路 | | | |
808 | T-completion | T完備化 | T完備化 | | |
809 | TCP | 傳輸控制協定 | 傳輸控制協議 | | |
810 | TCP/IP | 傳輸控制協定╱網際網路協定 | TCP/IP協議 | | |
811 | TCU | 幹線連接單元 | 干線連接單元 | | |
812 | TCU | 幹線耦合 | 干線耦合單元 | | |
813 | T-dimension | T維度 | | | |
814 | TDM | 時分多工 | 時分復用 | | |
815 | TDR | 時域反射計 | 時域反射儀 | | |
816 | teach information processing language | 教學資訊處理語言 | | | |
817 | teacher programming language | 教員用程式設計語言 | | | |
818 | teaching | 教學 | | | |
819 | teaching and playback robot | 教學再現型機器人 | | | |
820 | teaching logic translator | 教學邏輯翻譯器 | | | |
821 | teaching machine | 教學機 | | | |
822 | teaching process | 教學過程 | | | |
823 | teaching program | 教學程式 | | | |
824 | teaching system | 教學系統 | | | |
825 | teaching-and-course writing computer language | 教學與課程編寫計算機語言 | | | |
826 | team theory | 團隊理論 | | | |
827 | team working | 團隊工作 | | | |
828 | tearing | 撕裂 | | | |
829 | technical advisory board | 技術諮詢委員會 | | | |
830 | technical and office protocol | 技術及辦公室協定 | 技朮與辦公協議 | | |
831 | technical and operational control center | 技術與操作控制中心 | | | |
832 | technical article | 技術論文 | | | |
833 | technical description | 系統技術描述 | | | |
834 | technical feasibility | 技術可行性 | 技朮可行性 | | |
835 | technical newsletter | 技術通報 | | | |
836 | technical objective directive | 技術目標指引 | | | |
837 | technical objective document | 技術目標文件 | | | |
838 | technical operating procedure | 技術操作程序 | | | |
839 | technical operation center | 技術操作中心 | | | |
840 | technical operations manager | 技術操作管理器 | | | |
841 | technical order | 技術次 | | | |
842 | technical papers | 技術報告 | | | |
843 | technical process | 技術處理 | | | |
844 | technical process | (技術)處理 | 進程 | | |
845 | technical program | 技術程式 | | | |
846 | technical proposal | 技術建議 | | | |
847 | technical report | 技術報告 | | | |
848 | technical safeguard | 技術保全 | | | |
849 | technical term | 技術術語 | | | |
850 | technical term dictionary | 技術術語辭典 | | | |
851 | technical vulnerability | 技術弱點 | | | |
852 | technicolor | 工藝彩色 | | | |
853 | technique | 技術 | | | |
854 | technique flowcharts | 技術流程圖 | | | |
855 | technological attack | 技術攻擊 | | | |
856 | technological environment | 技術環境 | | | |
857 | technologics | 技術 | | | |
858 | technology | 工藝;技術 | | | |
859 | technology definition file | 技術定義檔案 | | | |
860 | technology processor | 技術處理機 | | | |
861 | technology transfer | 技術轉移 | | | |
862 | technology utilization | 技術利用 | | | |
863 | technology-economist | 技術經濟學家 | | | |
864 | technometrics | 技術計量學 | | | |
865 | tel-area | 電話區 | | | |
866 | telautogram | 傳真電報 | | | |
867 | telautograph | 傳真電報 | | | |
868 | telautomatics | 遙控裝置 | | | |
869 | teleaction information | 遙動資訊 | | | |
870 | teleanalysis | 遙測分析 | | | |
871 | telebanking | 遠程銀行事務 | | | |
872 | Telebit | Telebit系統;二進制遙測系統 | | | |
873 | telechirics | 遙控系統 | | | |
874 | telecine | 電映;電傳電影 | | | |
875 | telecom | 電信 | | | |
876 | telecommand | 遙控指令 | | | |
877 | telecommunication | 電信 | | | |
878 | telecommunication access | 電信存取 | | | |
879 | telecommunication access method | 電信存取法 | | | |
880 | telecommunication administration | 電信管理 | | | |
881 | telecommunication channel | 電信通道 | | | |
882 | telecommunication circuit | 電信電路 | | | |
883 | telecommunication code | 電信碼 | | | |
884 | telecommunication control unit | 電信控制裝置 | | | |
885 | telecommunication data link | 電信資料鏈接 | | | |
886 | telecommunication equipment | 電信設備 | | | |
887 | telecommunication facility | 電信設施 | | | |
888 | telecommunication line | 電信線路 | | | |
889 | telecommunication link | 電信鏈接 | | | |
890 | telecommunication maintenance center | 電信維護中心 | | | |
891 | telecommunication network | 電信網路 | | | |
892 | telecommunication organization | 電信組織 | | | |
893 | telecommunication route | 電信路線 | | | |
894 | telecommunication satellite | 電信衛星 | | | |
895 | telecommunication satellite space station | 電信衛星太空站 | | | |
896 | telecommunication service | 電信服務 | | | |
897 | telecommunication software architecture | 電信軟體架構 | | | |
898 | telecommunication switching system | 電信交換系統 | | | |
899 | telecommunication system | 電信系統 | | | |
900 | telecommunication time | 電信時間 | | | |
901 | telecommunication traffic | 電信交通 | | | |
902 | telecommunication working group | 電信工作組 | | | |
903 | telecommunications association | 電信協會 | | | |
904 | telecommunications data interface | 電信資料介面 | | | |
905 | telecommunications hybrids | 電信併合電路 | | | |
906 | telecommuting | 遠程交換 | 家庭辦公 | | |
907 | telecomputer | 通訊電腦 | | | |
908 | telecomputing | 遠程計算 | | | |
909 | teleconference | 電傳會議 | | | |
910 | teleconferencing | 電傳會議 | 遠程會議 | | |
911 | telecontrol | 電傳控制 | | | |
912 | telecopier | 電傳複印機;遠程複印機 | | | |
913 | teledata | 電傳資料 | | | |
914 | teledata system | 電傳資料系統 | | | |
915 | teleeducation | 電傳教學 | 遠程教育 | | |
916 | teleeducation system | 電傳教學系統 | | | |
917 | teleequipment | 電傳裝置 | | | |
918 | telefacsimile | 電話傳真 | | | |
919 | telefax | 傳真 | | | |
920 | telefax interface | 傳真介面 | | | |
921 | telefile | 遠程檔案 | | | |
922 | telefilm | 電視影片 | | | |
923 | telegram | 電報 | | | |
924 | telegram code | 電報碼 | 電報碼 | | |
925 | telegram code inputing | 電報碼輸入 | | | |
926 | telegraph | 電報 | | | |
927 | telegraph automatic relay equipment | 電報自動中繼設備 | | | |
928 | telegraph automatic routing equipment | 電報自動選路設備 | | | |
929 | telegraph automatic switching system | 電報自動交換系統 | | | |
930 | telegraph automatic system | 電報自動系統 | | | |
931 | telegraph channel | 電報通道 | | | |
932 | telegraph code | 電報碼 | | | |
933 | telegraph communication | 電報通訊 | | | |
934 | telegraph communication system | 電報通訊系統 | | | |
935 | telegraph exchange | 電報交換 | | | |
936 | telegraph grade channel | 電信級通道 | | | |
937 | telegraph grade circuit | 電報級電路 | | | |
938 | telegraph multiplexer | 電報多工複用器 | | | |
939 | telegraph reply | 電報答覆 | | | |
940 | telegraph signal | 電報信號 | | | |
941 | telegraph speed | 電報速率 | | | |
942 | telegraph switching system | 電報交換系統 | | | |
943 | telegraph transmission | 電報傳輸 | | | |
944 | telegraph word | 電報字 | | | |
945 | telegraphy | 電報學 | | | |
946 | teleinformatic services | 遠程資訊服務 | | | |
947 | teleinformatics | 遠程資訊學 | | | |
948 | telemail | 遠程郵遞 | | | |
949 | telemaintenance service | 遠程維護服務 | | | |
950 | telemanagement | 電傳管理 | | | |
951 | telematic information | 電傳資訊 | 遠程信息處理信息 | | |
952 | telematic service | 電傳服務 | | | |
953 | telemechanic system | 遙控機械系統 | | | |
954 | telemechanics | 遙控力學 | | | |
955 | telemechanique | 遠控技術 | | | |
956 | telemedicine | 電傳醫學 | | | |
957 | telemeter | 遙測 | | | |
958 | telemetering | 遙測術 | | | |
959 | telemetering device | 遙測裝置 | | | |
960 | telemetering system | 遙測系統 | | | |
961 | telemetric data analyzer | 遙測資料分析器 | | | |
962 | telemetric data converter | 遙測資料轉換器 | | | |
963 | telemetry | 遙測 | | | |
964 | telemetry automatic processing system | 遙測自動處理系統 | | | |
965 | telemetry code modulation | 遙測碼調變 | | | |
966 | telemetry command | 遙測命令 | | | |
967 | telemetry command system | 遙測命令系統 | | | |
968 | telemetry compression routine | 遙測壓縮常式 | | | |
969 | telemetry ground system | 遙測地面系統 | | | |
970 | telemetry modulation system | 遙測調變系統 | | | |
971 | telemetry processing | 遙測處理 | | | |
972 | telemetry system | 遙測系統 | | | |
973 | Telenet | 一種大型商用計算機網路 | | | |
974 | Telepak | 美國電話公司和西方聯盟公司提供的一種租用通道之商事名稱 | | | |
975 | telephone | 電話 | | | |
976 | telephone answering machine | 電話應答機 | | | |
977 | telephone answering service | 電話應答服務 | | | |
978 | telephone bill payment | 電話帳單付款 | | | |
979 | telephone call length | 電話呼叫長度 | | | |
980 | telephone call processing | 電話呼叫處理 | | | |
981 | telephone channel | 電話通道 | | | |
982 | telephone circuit | 電話電路 | | | |
983 | telephone code | 電話代碼 | | | |
984 | telephone communication unit | 電話通訊裝置 | | | |
985 | telephone company | 電話公司 | | | |
986 | telephone company data set | 電話公司資料集 | | | |
987 | telephone coupler | 電話耦合器 | | | |
988 | telephone data circuit | 數料電話電路 | | | |
989 | telephone data set | 電話資料集 | | | |
990 | telephone data-carrier system | 電話資料-載波系統 | | | |
991 | telephone dialer | 電話撥號器 | | | |
992 | telephone dialer circuit | 電話撥號器電路 | | | |
993 | telephone directory | 電話號碼簿 | | | |
994 | telephone exchange | 電話交換機 | | | |
995 | telephone frequency | 電話頻率 | | | |
996 | telephone line | 電話線 | | | |
997 | telephone line concentrator | 電話線路集線器 | | | |
998 | telephone line data set | 電話線資料集 | | | |
999 | telephone line patch | 電話線插線 | | | |
1000 | telephone link | 電話鏈路 | | | |
1001 | telephone local center | 電話區域中心 | | | |
1002 | telephone local exchange center | 電話局部交換中心 | | | |
1003 | telephone modem | 電話數據機 | | | |
1004 | telephone network | 電話網路 | | | |
1005 | telephone primary center | 電話主中心 | | | |
1006 | telephone recording attachment | 電話記錄附件 | | | |
1007 | telephone recording control | 電話記錄控制 | | | |
1008 | telephone repeater | 電話轉發器 | | | |
1009 | telephone secondary center | 電話副中心;電話輔助中心 | | | |
1010 | telephone set | 電話機 | | | |
1011 | telephone switching center | 電話交換中心 | | | |
1012 | telephone switching system | 電話交換系統 | | | |
1013 | telephone system | 電話系統 | | | |
1014 | telephone trunk | 電話幹線 | | | |
1015 | telephone type network | 電話型網路 | | | |
1016 | telephone zone center | 電話區域中心 | | | |
1017 | telephone-circuit data | 電話-電路數據 | | | |
1018 | telephony | 電話學 | | | |
1019 | telephoto | 電傳相片 | | | |
1020 | telephotography | 傳真電報術 | | | |
1021 | teleplotter | 電傳繪圖機 | | | |
1022 | teleport | 遠程埠 | | | |
1023 | teleprinter | 電傳列印機 | | | |
1024 | teleprinter channel | 電傳列印機通道 | | | |
1025 | teleprinter character | 電傳列印機字元 | | | |
1026 | teleprinter code | 電傳列印機碼 | | | |
1027 | teleprinter diagram | 電傳列印機圖 | | | |
1028 | teleprinter exchange | 電傳打字交換機 | | | |
1029 | teleprinter interface | 電傳列印機介面 | | | |
1030 | teleprinter keyboard | 電傳列印機鍵盤 | | | |
1031 | teleprinter keyboard selection | 電傳列印機鍵盤選擇 | | | |
1032 | teleprinter link | 電傳列印機鏈接 | | | |
1033 | teleprinter over multiplex | 多工電傳列印機 | | | |
1034 | teleprinter receiver | 電傳列印接收機 | | | |
1035 | teleprinter signal generator | 電傳列印機信號產生器 | | | |
1036 | teleprinter switching network | 電傳列印機交換網路 | | | |
1037 | teleprinter terminal | 電傳列印終端機 | | | |
1038 | teleprinter terminal unit | 電傳列印機終端裝置 | | | |
1039 | teleprocessing | 電傳裝置 | | | |
1040 | teleprocessing analysis and design program | 電傳處理分析與設計程式 | | | |
1041 | teleprocessing diagnostic | 電傳處理診斷 | | | |
1042 | teleprocessing diagnostic analyzer | 電傳處理診斷分析器 | | | |
1043 | teleprocessing diagnostic tester | 電傳處理診斷測試器 | | | |
1044 | teleprocessing exchange service | 電傳處理交換服務 | | | |
1045 | teleprocessing monitor | 電傳處理監視器 | | | |
1046 | teleprocessing monitor system | 電傳處理監視器系統 | | | |
1047 | teleprocessing network | 電傳處理網路 | | | |
1048 | teleprocessing network simulator | 電傳處理網路模擬器 | | | |
1049 | teleprocessing requirement analysis | 電傳處理需求分析 | | | |
1050 | teleprocessing requirement analysis and cost | 遠程處理需求分析與成本估價 | | | |
1051 | teleprocessing system | 電傳處理系統 | | | |
1052 | teleprocessing terminal | 電傳處理終端機 | | | |
1053 | teleprogram | 電傳程式 | | | |
1054 | telepunch | 電傳打孔 | | | |
1055 | telepuppet | 遙控機器人 | | | |
1056 | telereference | 遠程參考 | 遠程咨詢 | | |
1057 | telereservation | 電傳預定 | | | |
1058 | telescreen | 電傳螢幕 | | | |
1059 | teleservice | 電傳服務 | 遠程服務, *用戶終端業務 | | |
1060 | teleset | 電傳機 | | | |
1061 | teleshopping | 電傳購物 | 遠程購物 | | |
1062 | telesignaling | 遙測信號 | | | |
1063 | telesoftware | 電傳軟體 | | | |
1064 | telespeed | 電傳速率 | | | |
1065 | telesymbionts | 遠程共存程式 | | | |
1066 | telesynd | 同步遙控機 | | | |
1067 | telesystems QUESTEL | 電傳系統語言名QUESTEL | | | |
1068 | teletex | 電傳文訊 | | | |
1069 | teletex coded document | 電傳文訊編碼文件 | | | |
1070 | teletex page | 電傳文訊頁 | | | |
1071 | teletex procedure | 電傳文訊程序 | | | |
1072 | teletex service | 電傳文訊服務 | | | |
1073 | teletext | 電傳視訊 | | | |
1074 | teletext broadcast | 電傳視訊廣播 | | | |
1075 | teletext data decoding | 電傳視訊資料解碼 | | | |
1076 | teletext service | 電傳視訊服務 | | | |
1077 | teletext TV | 電傳視訊電視 | 圖文電視 | | |
1078 | teletraffic | 話務流量 | | | |
1079 | teletraffic theory | 話務流量理論 | | | |
1080 | teletransmission | 遠程傳輸 | | | |
1081 | teletransmission decoder | 遠程傳輸解碼器 | | | |
1082 | teletron | 顯像管 | | | |
1083 | teletype | 電傳打字 | | | |
1084 | teletype assignment | 電傳打字指定 | | | |
1085 | teletype channel | 電傳打字通道 | | | |
1086 | teletype code | 電傳打字碼 | | | |
1087 | teletype command | 電傳打字命令 | | | |
1088 | teletype communication | 電傳打字通信 | | | |
1089 | teletype compatible terminal | 電傳打字相容終端 | | | |
1090 | teletype controller | 電傳打字控制器 | | | |
1091 | teletype diagnostic | 電傳打字診斷 | | | |
1092 | teletype error | 電傳打字錯誤 | | | |
1093 | teletype exchange | 電傳打字交換 | | | |
1094 | teletype exchange service | 電傳打字交換服務 | | | |
1095 | teletype grade | 電傳打字等級 | | | |
1096 | teletype input/output device | 電傳打字輸入輸出裝置 | | | |
1097 | teletype input/output unit | 電傳打字輸入輸出單元 | | | |
1098 | teletype link | 電傳打字鏈接 | | | |
1099 | teletype message switching | 電傳打字訊息交換 | | | |
1100 | teletype microcomputer interface | 電傳打字微電腦介面 | | | |
1101 | teletype microcomputer system | 電傳打字微電腦系統 | | | |
1102 | teletype modification kit | 電傳打字修改套件 | | | |
1103 | teletype network | 電傳打字網路 | | | |
1104 | teletype optical projection system | 電傳打字光投影系統 | | | |
1105 | teletype paper tape reader | 電傳打字紙帶閱讀機 | | | |
1106 | teletype printer | 電傳打字列印機 | | | |
1107 | teletype punch | 電傳打字打孔 | | | |
1108 | teletype request-send | 電傳打字求送 | | | |
1109 | teletype ribbon | 電傳打字色帶 | | | |
1110 | teletype serial data format | 電傳打字串列資料格式 | | | |
1111 | teletype setting | 電傳打字設定 | | | |
1112 | teletype station | 電傳打字站 | | | |
1113 | teletype tape | 電傳打字帶 | | | |
1114 | teletype terminal | 電傳打字終端 | | | |
1115 | teletype utility | 電傳打字公用程式 | | | |
1116 | teletypewriter | 電傳打字機 | | | |
1117 | teletypewriter automatic send/receive unit | 電傳打字機自動收發器 | | | |
1118 | teletypewriter communication | 電傳打字機通信 | | | |
1119 | teletypewriter conference | 電傳打字機會議 | | | |
1120 | teletypewriter control set | 電傳打字機控制裝置 | | | |
1121 | teletypewriter controller | 電傳打字機控制器 | | | |
1122 | teletypewriter exchange service | 電傳打字機交換服務 | | | |
1123 | teletypewriter exchange | 電傳打字機交換 | | | |
1124 | teletypewriter grade | 電傳打字機級 | | | |
1125 | teletypewriter marking pulse | 電傳打字機標示脈波 | | | |
1126 | teletypewriter network | 電傳打字機網路 | | | |
1127 | teletypewriter operation | 電傳打字機作業 | | | |
1128 | teletypewriter perforator | 電傳打字打孔機 | | | |
1129 | teletypewriter switching system | 電傳打字機交換系統 | | | |
1130 | teletypewriter terminal | 電傳打字機終端 | | | |
1131 | teletypewriter utility package | 電傳打字機公用程式包 | | | |
1132 | television | 電視 | | | |
1133 | television automatic sequence control | 電視自動順序控制 | | | |
1134 | television camera | 電視攝影機 | | | |
1135 | television channel | 電視通道 | | | |
1136 | television control center | 電視控制中心 | | | |
1137 | television cut off | 電視切斷 | | | |
1138 | television demodulator | 電視解調器 | | | |
1139 | television directed | 電視有向的 | | | |
1140 | television interface | 電視介面 | | | |
1141 | television management information system | 電視管理資訊系統 | | | |
1142 | television mask | 電視遮罩 | | | |
1143 | television monitor | 電視監視器 | | | |
1144 | television oriented information society | 電視導向資訊學會 | | | |
1145 | television projector | 電視投影機 | | | |
1146 | television receiver | 電視接收機 | | | |
1147 | television receiver/monitor | 電視接收監視器 | | | |
1148 | television safe action area | 電視安全作用區 | | | |
1149 | television scan | 電視掃瞄 | | | |
1150 | television system | 電視制式 | | | |
1151 | television tubes | 電視顯像管 | | | |
1152 | telewriter | 電傳印字機 | | | |
1153 | telewriter exchange service | 電傳印字機交換服務 | | | |
1154 | telewriter interface | 電傳印字機介面 | | | |
1155 | telex computer communication | 電報電腦通信 | | | |
1156 | telex computer communication service | 電報電腦通信服務 | | | |
1157 | telex facsimile | 電報傳真 | | | |
1158 | telex network | 打字電報網路 | | | |
1159 | telex network identification code | 電報網路識別碼 | | | |
1160 | telex service | 電報服務 | | | |
1161 | telex telegraph exchange | 電傳電報交換 | | | |
1162 | telex | 電報 | | | |
1163 | teller console | 出納控制台 | | | |
1164 | teller system | 櫃員系統 | | | |
1165 | teller window | 出納視窗 | | | |
1166 | teller work station | 出納工作站 | | | |
1167 | Telnet | 電信網路 | | | |
1168 | telnet | 遠端登錄;遠端服務 | | | |
1169 | TELNET protocol | 遠端登錄協定 | 遠程登錄協議 | | |
1170 | Telpak | Telpak電傳波道 | | | |
1171 | Telpak channel | Telpak通道 | | | |
1172 | temper | 回火 | | | |
1173 | temperature | 溫度 | | | |
1174 | temperature characteristic | 溫度特性 | | | |
1175 | temperature coefficient | 溫度係數 | | | |
1176 | temperature compensation | 溫度補償 | | | |
1177 | temperature compensation device | 溫度補償裝置 | | | |
1178 | temperature control | 溫度控制 | 溫度控制 | | |
1179 | temperature controller | 溫度控制器 | 溫度控制器 | | |
1180 | temperature conversion program | 溫度轉換程式 | | | |
1181 | temperature cycling | 溫度循環 | | | |
1182 | temperature cycling test | 溫度循環測試 | 溫度循環試驗 | | |
1183 | temperature difference | 溫差 | | | |
1184 | temperature distribution | 溫度分佈 | | | |
1185 | temperature drift | 溫度漂移 | | | |
1186 | temperature gradient | 溫度梯度 | | | |
1187 | temperature independent core | 溫度無關磁心 | | | |
1188 | temperature noise | 溫度雜訊 | | | |
1189 | temperature regulation | 溫度調整 | | | |
1190 | temperature regulator | 溫度調整器 | | | |
1191 | temperature response | 溫度回應 | | | |
1192 | temperature sensor | 溫度感測器 | 溫度傳感器 | | |
1193 | temperature stability | 溫度穩定性 | | | |
1194 | temperature transducer | 溫度轉換器 | 溫度傳感器 | | |
1195 | temperature transmitter | 溫度傳輸器 | 溫度變送器 | | |
1196 | temperature variation | 溫度變動 | | | |
1197 | temperature-sensitive paint | 熱敏塗料 | | | |
1198 | tempering | 回火 | | | |
1199 | Tempest | 防訊息洩漏 | 防信息泄漏 | | |
1200 | Tempest control zone | 防訊息洩漏控制範圍 | 防信息泄漏控制范圍 | | |
1201 | Tempest test receiver | 防訊息洩漏測試接收機 | 防信息泄漏測試接收機 | | |
1202 | template | 模板 | | | |
1203 | template match | 模板匹配 | | | |
1204 | template matching | 模板匹配 | | | |
1205 | template method | 模板方法 | 模板方法 | | |
1206 | temporal cohesion | 瞬態內聚 | | | |
1207 | temporal data management | 時序資料管理 | | | |
1208 | temporal database | 時序資料庫 | 時態數據庫 | | |
1209 | temporal frequency | 時序頻率 | | | |
1210 | temporal interval | 時序間隔 | | | |
1211 | temporal knowledge | 時序知識 | | | |
1212 | temporal locality | 時序局部性 | 時間局部性 | | |
1213 | temporal logic | 時序邏輯 | | | |
1214 | temporal logic language | 時序邏輯語言 | | | |
1215 | temporal logic specification | 時序邏輯規格 | | | |
1216 | temporal query language | 時序查詢語言 | 時態查詢語言 | | |
1217 | temporal relational algebra | 時序關係代數 | 時態關系代數 | | |
1218 | temporal relational model | 時序關連式模型 | | | |
1219 | temporal sampling theorem | 時序抽樣定理 | | | |
1220 | temporary | 暫時 | | | |
1221 | temporary area | 暫時區 | | | |
1222 | temporary assignment | 暫時指定 | | | |
1223 | temporary block | 暫時塊 | | | |
1224 | temporary connection | 暫時連接 | | | |
1225 | temporary context change | 暫時上下文改變 | | | |
1226 | temporary data | 暫時資料 | | | |
1227 | temporary data set | 暫時資料集 | | | |
1228 | temporary directory table | 暫時目錄表 | | | |
1229 | temporary disk | 暫時磁碟 | | | |
1230 | temporary error | 暫時錯誤 | | | |
1231 | temporary failure | 暫時故障 | | | |
1232 | temporary fault | 暫時故障 | 暫時故障 | | |
1233 | temporary file | 暫時檔案 | 臨時文件 | | |
1234 | temporary general ledger | 暫時一般帳 | | | |
1235 | temporary library | 暫時程式館 | | | |
1236 | temporary location | 暫時位置 | | | |
1237 | temporary memory | 暫時記憶體 | | | |
1238 | temporary memory test | 暫時記憶體測試 | | | |
1239 | temporary name | 暫時名 | | | |
1240 | temporary pictorial display | 暫時圖示顯示 | | | |
1241 | temporary pointer | 暫時指標 | | | |
1242 | temporary pointer variable | 暫時指標變數 | | | |
1243 | temporary read/write error | 暫時讀寫錯誤 | | | |
1244 | temporary realm | 暫時領域 | | | |
1245 | temporary register | 暫時暫存器 | | | |
1246 | temporary storage | 暫時儲存 | | | |
1247 | temporary storage area | 暫時儲存區 | | | |
1248 | temporary storage channel | 暫時儲存通道 | | | |
1249 | temporary storage device | 暫時儲存裝置 | | | |
1250 | temporary storage location | 暫時儲存位置 | | | |
1251 | temporary storage reference | 暫時儲存參考 | | | |
1252 | temporary storage register | 暫時儲存暫存器 | | | |
1253 | temporary suspension | 暫時懸置 | | | |
1254 | temporary swap file | 臨時調換檔 | 臨時對換文件 | | |
1255 | temporary table | 暫時表 | 臨時表 | | |
1256 | temporary tabular display | 暫時表狀顯示 | | | |
1257 | temporary text delay | 暫時正文延遲 | | | |
1258 | temporary variable | 暫時變數 | | | |
1259 | temporary variable description | 暫時變數描述 | | | |
1260 | temporary working space | 暫時工作空間 | | | |
1261 | ten key pad | 十鍵小鍵盤 | | | |
1262 | ten keyboard | 十鍵鍵盤 | | | |
1263 | ten nines | 十個9;表示材料純度 | | | |
1264 | tenancy condition | 租用條件 | | | |
1265 | tenant | 租戶 | | | |
1266 | tenant number | 租戶號碼 | | | |
1267 | ten-bit component | 十位元分量 | | | |
1268 | tender | 投標 | | | |
1269 | TENET | 計算機網路 | | | |
1270 | tens complement | 10之補數 | | | |
1271 | ten's complement | 10的補數;十進制補數 | | | |
1272 | tens digit | 十進制數位 | | | |
1273 | tense logic | 時態邏輯 | | | |
1274 | tense logic language | 時態邏輯語言 | | | |
1275 | tensile strength | 張力強度 | | | |
1276 | tensile stress | 張應力 | | | |
1277 | tension | 張力 | | | |
1278 | tension arm | 張力臂 | | | |
1279 | tension spring | 張力彈簧 | | | |
1280 | tensor | 張量 | | | |
1281 | tensor of stress | 應力張量 | | | |
1282 | tensor product | 張量乘積 | | | |
1283 | tensor product method | 張量乘法 | | | |
1284 | tensor viscosity | 張量粘性 | | | |
1285 | tentative | 試探 | | | |
1286 | tentative control strategy | 試探性的控制策略 | | | |
1287 | tentative data | 試驗性資料 | | | |
1288 | tentative inductive assertion | 性的歸納斷言 | | | |
1289 | tentative table | 試探表 | | | |
1290 | tentative table of equipment | 試行設備表 | | | |
1291 | tenth-micron technology | 十分之一微米技術 | | | |
1292 | tenth-micron transistor | 十分之一微米電晶體 | | | |
1293 | t-equivalent circuit parameter | t等效電路參數 | | | |
1294 | tera | 太;兆 | | | |
1295 | tera bit memory | 兆位記憶體 | | | |
1296 | tera cycle | 太週期;兆週期 | | | |
1297 | tera floating operations per second | 每秒萬億次浮作業數 | 萬億次浮點運算每秒 | | |
1298 | tera instructions per second | 每秒萬億指令 | 萬億條指令每秒 | | |
1299 | tera operations per second | 每秒萬億次運算 | 萬億次運算每秒 | | |
1300 | terabit | 萬億位元 | 萬億位, *太位 | | |
1301 | terabyte | 萬億位元組 | 萬億字節, *太字節 | | |
1302 | teraFLOPS | 每秒萬億次浮作業數 | 萬億次浮點運算每秒 | | |
1303 | terdenary | 十三進制的 | | | |
1304 | term | 項;術語;條件 | 項 | | |
1305 | term availability plan | 項目可用性計劃 | | | |
1306 | term bank | 術語庫 | | | |
1307 | term by term | 逐項 | | | |
1308 | term clustering | 術語聚類 | | | |
1309 | term compression | 術語壓縮 | | | |
1310 | term discount | 折扣條件 | | | |
1311 | term frequency | 術語頻率 | | | |
1312 | term space | 術語空間 | 朮語空間 | | |
1313 | term vector | 術語向量 | | | |
1314 | terminal | 終端機 | 終端 | | |
1315 | terminal access | 終端存取 | | | |
1316 | terminal access controller | 終端存取控制器 | 終端訪問控制器, *終端接入控制器 | | |
1317 | terminal access method | 終端存取方法 | | | |
1318 | terminal access network | 終端存取網路 | | | |
1319 | terminal access processor | 終端存取處理機 | | | |
1320 | terminal adapter type 1 | 1型終端適配器 | | | |
1321 | terminal adaptor | 終端配接器 | | | |
1322 | terminal address | 終端位址 | | | |
1323 | terminal address card | 終端位址卡 | | | |
1324 | terminal alphabet | 終端字母 | | | |
1325 | terminal application language | 終端應用語言 | | | |
1326 | terminal application package | 終端應用軟體 | | | |
1327 | terminal architecture | 終端架構 | | | |
1328 | terminal area | 終端區域 | | | |
1329 | terminal attribute | 終端機屬性 | | | |
1330 | terminal automatic monitoring system | 終端自動監視系統 | | | |
1331 | terminal badge reader | 終端識別證閱讀機 | | | |
1332 | terminal based electronic mail | 終端為本的電子郵件 | | | |
1333 | terminal block | 終端段 | | | |
1334 | terminal board configuration | 終端板組態 | | | |
1335 | terminal board | 接線終端板 | | | |
1336 | terminal business oriented language | 終端商用導向的語言 | | | |
1337 | terminal business system | 終端商業系統 | | | |
1338 | terminal capability | 終端能力 | | | |
1339 | terminal capacity | 終端容量 | | | |
1340 | terminal card | 終端卡 | | | |
1341 | terminal character mapping | 終端字元映像 | | | |
1342 | terminal character sets | 終端字元集 | | | |
1343 | terminal class | 終端類別 | | | |
1344 | terminal cluster | 終端群集器 | | | |
1345 | terminal column | 終端行 | | | |
1346 | terminal command language | 終端命令語言 | | | |
1347 | terminal communication costs | 終端通信成本 | | | |
1348 | terminal communication input queue | 終端通信輸入佇列 | | | |
1349 | terminal component | 終端組件 | | | |
1350 | terminal computer | 終端計算機 | | | |
1351 | terminal computer communication | 終端計算機通信 | | | |
1352 | terminal computer system | 終端計算機系統 | | | |
1353 | terminal concentrator | 終端集線器 | | | |
1354 | terminal condition | 終端條件 | | | |
1355 | terminal configuration facility | 終端組態設施 | | | |
1356 | terminal console | 終端控制台 | | | |
1357 | terminal control area | 終端控制區 | | | |
1358 | terminal control computer | 終端控制計算機 | | | |
1359 | terminal control device | 終端控制裝置 | | | |
1360 | terminal control language | 終端控制語言 | | | |
1361 | terminal control processor | 終端控制處理機 | | | |
1362 | terminal control program | 終端控制程式 | | | |
1363 | terminal control system | 終端控制系統 | 終端控制系統 | | |
1364 | terminal control table | 終端控制表 | | | |
1365 | terminal control unit | 終端控制單元 | | | |
1366 | terminal controller | 終端控制器 | | | |
1367 | terminal converter | 終端轉換器 | | | |
1368 | terminal cursor | 終端機游標 | | | |
1369 | terminal data processing | 終端資料處理 | | | |
1370 | terminal device | 終端裝置 | 終端設備, *終端 | | |
1371 | terminal device interface | 終端裝置介面 | | | |
1372 | terminal diagnostic graphics | 終端診斷圖形 | | | |
1373 | terminal dialog area | 終端對話區 | | | |
1374 | terminal digit posting | 終端數位告示 | | | |
1375 | terminal digital controller | 終端數位控制器 | | | |
1376 | terminal display | 終端顯示 | | | |
1377 | terminal display language | 終端顯示語言 | | | |
1378 | terminal display mode | 終端顯示模式 | | | |
1379 | terminal distributed system | 終端分散式系統 | | | |
1380 | terminal driver | 終端驅動器 | | | |
1381 | terminal edit operation | 終端編輯操作 | | | |
1382 | terminal electric buzzer | 終端電氣蜂鳴器 | | | |
1383 | terminal emulation | 終端仿真 | | | |
1384 | terminal emulation program | 終端仿真程式 | | | |
1385 | terminal emulator | 終端仿真器 | | | |
1386 | terminal end to end control | 終端端對端控制 | | | |
1387 | terminal endpoint identifier | 終端機末端點識別符 | | | |
1388 | terminal entry | 終端登錄 | | | |
1389 | terminal equipment | 終端設備 | 終端設備, *終端 | | |
1390 | terminal equipment types | 終端設備類型 | | | |
1391 | terminal equipment | 終端設備;終端機設備 | | | |
1392 | terminal error program | 終端錯誤程式 | | | |
1393 | terminal exchange | 終端交換機 | | | |
1394 | terminal exchange area | 終端交換區 | | | |
1395 | terminal executive language | 終端執行語言 | | | |
1396 | terminal fanout | 終端扇出端 | | | |
1397 | terminal flagging mode | 終端標旗模式 | | | |
1398 | terminal function key | 終端功能鍵 | | | |
1399 | terminal graphic plotter | 終端圖形繪圖器 | | | |
1400 | terminal handle | 終端處置 | | | |
1401 | terminal handle cost | 終端處置成本 | | | |
1402 | terminal hardware | 終端硬體 | | | |
1403 | terminal I/O wait | 終端輸入輸出等待 | | | |
1404 | terminal identification | 終端機識別 | | | |
1405 | terminal identifier | 終端識別符 | | | |
1406 | terminal identity | 終端恆等 | | | |
1407 | terminal impedance | 終端阻抗 | | | |
1408 | terminal input buffer | 終端輸入緩衝器 | | | |
1409 | terminal input/output coordination time-sharing | 終端輸入輸出協調分時 | | | |
1410 | terminal input/output module | 終端輸入輸出模組 | | | |
1411 | terminal input/output task | 終端輸入輸出任務 | | | |
1412 | terminal input/output wait queue | 終端輸入輸出等待陣列;終端輸入輸出等待佇列 | | | |
1413 | terminal installation | 終端安裝 | | | |
1414 | terminal interaction | 終端人機對話 | | | |
1415 | terminal interchange | 終端交換器 | | | |
1416 | terminal interface design | 終端介面設計 | | | |
1417 | terminal interface module | 終端介面模組 | | | |
1418 | terminal interface package | 終端介面套裝軟體 | | | |
1419 | terminal interface processor | 終端介面處理機 | | | |
1420 | terminal interface unit | 終端介面單元 | | | |
1421 | terminal interface | 終端介面 | | | |
1422 | terminal job | 終端工件 | 終端作業 | | |
1423 | terminal job identification | 終端作業標識 | 終端作業標識 | | |
1424 | terminal key | 終端機鍵 | | | |
1425 | terminal keyboard | 終端鍵盤 | | | |
1426 | terminal label | 終端標號 | | | |
1427 | terminal layout | 終端布置 | | | |
1428 | terminal line | 終端線 | | | |
1429 | terminal list | 終端列表 | | | |
1430 | terminal loop adapter | 終端迴路配接器 | | | |
1431 | terminal machine | 終端機 | (用戶)終端 | | |
1432 | terminal management system | 終端管理系統 | | | |
1433 | terminal memory | 終端記憶體 | | | |
1434 | terminal message processor | 終端訊息處理機 | | | |
1435 | terminal mode | 終端模態 | | | |
1436 | terminal modem eliminator | 終端數據機消除器 | | | |
1437 | terminal modem interface | 終端數據機介面 | | | |
1438 | terminal module | 終端模組 | | | |
1439 | terminal monitor program | 終端監視程式 | | | |
1440 | terminal monitor | 終端監視器 | | | |
1441 | terminal multiplexer | 終端多工器 | | | |
1442 | terminal name | 終端名字 | | | |
1443 | terminal network controller | 終端網路控制器 | | | |
1444 | terminal node | 終端節點 | | | |
1445 | terminal office | 終端局 | | | |
1446 | terminal operating mode | 終端機作業模式 | | | |
1447 | terminal operating system | 終端作業系統 | | | |
1448 | terminal operation control system | 終端操作控制系統 | | | |
1449 | terminal operator | 終端操作員 | | | |
1450 | terminal pad | 終端墊 | | | |
1451 | terminal parameter | 終端參數 | | | |
1452 | terminal pattern | 終端型樣 | | | |
1453 | terminal point | 終端點 | | | |
1454 | terminal polling system | 終端輪詢系統 | | | |
1455 | terminal port | 終端埠 | | | |
1456 | terminal position location system | 終端定位系統 | | | |
1457 | terminal printer | 終端列印機 | | | |
1458 | terminal processing language | 終端處理語言 | | | |
1459 | terminal processing program | 終端處理程式 | | | |
1460 | terminal processing unit | 終端處理裝置 | | | |
1461 | terminal processor | 終端處理機 | | | |
1462 | terminal production | 終端生產 | | | |
1463 | terminal programming language | 終端程式設計語言 | | | |
1464 | terminal programming system | 終端程式設計系統 | | | |
1465 | terminal prompt mode | 終端提示模式 | | | |
1466 | terminal protocol | 終端機協定 | | | |
1467 | terminal queue | 終端佇列 | | | |
1468 | terminal quiesce | 終端靜止 | | | |
1469 | terminal related main storage database | 終端有關的主存資料庫 | | | |
1470 | terminal reliability | 終端可靠性 | | | |
1471 | terminal repeater | 終端中繼器 | | | |
1472 | terminal response mode | 終端回應模式 | | | |
1473 | terminal room | 終端室 | | | |
1474 | terminal row | 終端列 | | | |
1475 | terminal security | 終端保全 | | | |
1476 | terminal security system | 終端保全系統 | | | |
1477 | terminal self-testing | 終端機自我測試 | | | |
1478 | terminal send side | 終端發送方 | | | |
1479 | terminal series | 終端系列 | | | |
1480 | terminal server | 終端機伺服器 | | | |
1481 | terminal service | 終端服務 | | | |
1482 | terminal session | 終端對話 | | | |
1483 | terminal setup | 終端設置 | | | |
1484 | terminal snapshot | 終端快照 | | | |
1485 | terminal source editor | 終端原始編輯器 | | | |
1486 | terminal state | 終端狀態 | | | |
1487 | terminal statement | 終端敘述 | | | |
1488 | terminal station | 終端站 | | | |
1489 | terminal status block | 終端狀態塊 | | | |
1490 | terminal status word | 終端狀態字 | | | |
1491 | terminal string | 終端串 | | | |
1492 | terminal strip | 終端條 | | | |
1493 | terminal subcontrol station | 終端次控制站 | | | |
1494 | terminal substring | 終端子串 | | | |
1495 | terminal subsystem | 終端機子系統 | | | |
1496 | terminal suffix | 終端尾置 | | | |
1497 | terminal supervisory program | 終端監督程式 | | | |
1498 | terminal switching | 終端交換 | | | |
1499 | terminal symbol | 終端符號 | | | |
1500 | terminal system | 終端系統 | | | |
1501 | terminal system design costs | 終端系統設計成本 | | | |
1502 | terminal table | 終端表 | | | |
1503 | terminal teleprocessing | 終端電傳處理 | | | |
1504 | terminal terminal communication adapter | 終端終端通信配接器 | | | |
1505 | terminal test | 終端機測試 | | | |
1506 | terminal time | 終端時間 | | | |
1507 | terminal traffic | 終端流量 | | | |
1508 | terminal transaction facility | 終端異動處理程式;終端異動設施 | | | |
1509 | terminal transfer | 終端傳送 | | | |
1510 | terminal translator | 終端翻譯器 | | | |
1511 | terminal transmission card | 終端傳輸卡 | | | |
1512 | terminal transmission entry | 終端傳輸入口 | | | |
1513 | terminal transmission equipment | 終端傳輸設備 | | | |
1514 | terminal transmission interface | 終端傳輸介面 | | | |
1515 | terminal transparency | 終端透明性 | | | |
1516 | terminal trunk | 端站幹線 | | | |
1517 | terminal unit status | 終端裝置狀態 | | | |
1518 | terminal unit status information | 終端裝置狀態資訊 | | | |
1519 | terminal unit | 終端單位 | | | |
1520 | terminal user | 終端用戶 | 終端用戶 | | |
1521 | terminal user productivity | 終端用戶生產力 | | | |
1522 | terminal value | 終端機值 | | | |
1523 | terminal variable | 終端變數 | | | |
1524 | terminal versatility | 終端通用性 | | | |
1525 | terminal vocabulary | 終端詞彙 | | | |
1526 | terminals per station | 每站終端數 | | | |
1527 | terminal-text processing | 終端正文處理 | | | |
1528 | terminal-to-terminal message | 終端機間訊息 | | | |
1529 | terminate | 終止 | | | |
1530 | terminate alternative | 終止替用 | | | |
1531 | terminate and stay resident | 常駐程式 | | | |
1532 | terminate graphics | 終止圖形 | | | |
1533 | terminate key | 終止鍵 | | | |
1534 | terminate load | 終止負載 | | | |
1535 | terminate parameter | 終止參數 | | | |
1536 | terminate procedure | 終止程序 | | | |
1537 | terminate statement | 終止敘述 | | | |
1538 | terminated attribute | 終止屬性 | | | |
1539 | terminated line | 終止線 | 端接[傳輸]線 | | |
1540 | terminated task | 已終止任務 | | | |
1541 | terminating | 終止 | | | |
1542 | terminating adapter | 終止配接器 | | | |
1543 | terminating apparatus | 終止器材 | | | |
1544 | terminating chain | 終止鍊接 | | | |
1545 | terminating character | 終止字元 | | | |
1546 | terminating circuit | 終止電路 | | | |
1547 | terminating device | 終止裝置 | | | |
1548 | terminating diode | 終止二極體 | 端接二極管 | | |
1549 | terminating error | 終止錯誤 | | | |
1550 | terminating format | 終止格式 | | | |
1551 | terminating macro processing | 終止巨集處理 | | | |
1552 | terminating Markov chain | 終止馬爾可夫鍊 | | | |
1553 | terminating office | 終止局 | | | |
1554 | terminating packet | 終止包 | | | |
1555 | terminating plug | 終止插頭 | | | |
1556 | terminating point | 終止點 | | | |
1557 | terminating production | 終止生產 | | | |
1558 | terminating queue | 終止佇列 | | | |
1559 | terminating register | 終止暫存器 | | | |
1560 | terminating resister | 終止電阻 | | | |
1561 | terminating resistor | 終止電阻 | 端接電阻[器] | | |
1562 | terminating symbol | 終止符號 | | | |
1563 | terminating trunk center | 終端長途電話中心局 | | | |
1564 | termination | 終止 | 端接 | | |
1565 | termination character | 終止字元 | | | |
1566 | termination condition | 終止條件 | | | |
1567 | termination condition control object | 終止條件控制物件 | | | |
1568 | termination interrupt | 終止中斷 | | | |
1569 | termination job processing | 終止工件處理 | | | |
1570 | termination message | 終止信息 | | | |
1571 | termination phase | 終止階段 | | | |
1572 | termination point | 終止點 | | | |
1573 | termination power | 終止電源 | 端接電源 | | |
1574 | termination proof | 終止證明 | 終止性証明 | | |
1575 | termination queue overflow | 終止佇列溢出 | | | |
1576 | termination record | 終止記錄 | | | |
1577 | termination routine | 終止常式 | | | |
1578 | termination statement | 終止敘述 | | | |
1579 | termination symbol | 終止符號 | | | |
1580 | termination system | 終止系統 | | | |
1581 | termination table | 終止表 | | | |
1582 | termination voltage | 端接電壓 | 端接電壓 | | |
1583 | terminator | 終止器 | 端接器, *終接器 | | |
1584 | terminator code | 終止碼 | | | |
1585 | terminator group controller | 終止器組控制器 | | | |
1586 | terminator group | 終止器組 | | | |
1587 | terminator program | 終止器程式 | | | |
1588 | terminator record | 終止器記錄 | | | |
1589 | terminator string | 終止器字串 | | | |
1590 | terminator/initiator | 終止器╱啟動器 | | | |
1591 | terminological data bank | 術語資料庫 | | | |
1592 | terminological database | 術語資料庫 | 朮語[數據]庫, *專業詞庫 | | |
1593 | terminological dictionary | 術語詞典 | 專業詞典 | | |
1594 | terminology | 術語 | | | |
1595 | terminology bank | 術語庫 | | | |
1596 | terminology extraction | 術語擷取 | 朮語抽取 | | |
1597 | term-on-item file | 項目內檢索詞檔案 | | | |
1598 | terms description | 交易說明 | | | |
1599 | terms percent | 交易百分比 | | | |
1600 | ternary | 三元 | | | |
1601 | ternary addition | 三進制加法 | | | |
1602 | ternary algebra | 三元代數 | | | |
1603 | ternary arithmetic | 三進制算術 | | | |
1604 | ternary cell | 三進制單元 | | | |
1605 | ternary code | 三進制碼 | | | |
1606 | ternary counter | 三進制計數器 | | | |
1607 | ternary device | 三進裝置 | | | |
1608 | ternary exclusive or | 三元互斥或 | | | |
1609 | ternary incremental representation | 三進遞增表示法 | | | |
1610 | ternary logic | 三進制邏輯 | | | |
1611 | ternary logic difference | 三進制邏輯差分 | | | |
1612 | ternary logic network | 三進制邏輯網路 | | | |
1613 | ternary model | 三進模型 | | | |
1614 | ternary multiplication | 三進制乘法 | | | |
1615 | ternary notation | 三進記法 | | | |
1616 | ternary number | 三進制數 | | | |
1617 | ternary number system | 三進制記數系統 | | | |
1618 | ternary operation | 三進運算 | | | |
1619 | ternary operator | 三進運算子 | | | |
1620 | ternary representation | 三進制表示法 | | | |
1621 | ternary system | 三進制系統 | | | |
1622 | ternary tree | 三元樹 | | | |
1623 | terrestrial data line | 地面資料線 | | | |
1624 | terrestrial interface equipment | 地面介面設備 | | | |
1625 | terrestrial microwave link | 地面微波鏈接 | | | |
1626 | terrestrial microwave route | 地面微波路線 | | | |
1627 | terrestrial telemetric station | 地面遙測站 | | | |
1628 | territory | 責任區 | | | |
1629 | tertiary | 三次式 | | | |
1630 | test | 測試 | 測試 | | |
1631 | test access | 測試存取 | | | |
1632 | test access point | 測試存取點 | | | |
1633 | test access port | 測試存取埠 | 測試存取端口 | | |
1634 | test analysis program | 測試分析程式 | | | |
1635 | test analysis report | 測試分析報告 | | | |
1636 | test and branch statement | 測試與分支敘述 | | | |
1637 | test and diagnostic language | 測試及診斷語言 | | | |
1638 | test and diagnostics | 測試及診斷 | | | |
1639 | test and evaluation | 測試與評估 | | | |
1640 | test and link | 測試與鏈接 | | | |
1641 | test and maintenance program | 測試與維護程式 | | | |
1642 | test and repair processor | 測試及修復處理機 | | | |
1643 | test and set instruction | 測試及設定指令 | | | |
1644 | test and set procedure | 測試及設定程序 | | | |
1645 | test and verification tool | 測試及驗證工具 | | | |
1646 | test and verify program | 測試及驗證程式 | | | |
1647 | test antenna | 測試天線 | | | |
1648 | test approach | 測試方式 | | | |
1649 | test assistance program | 測試輔助程式 | | | |
1650 | test automation | 測試自動化 | | | |
1651 | test bar | 測試棒 | | | |
1652 | test bed | 測試台 | | | |
1653 | test bench | 測試台 | 測試台 | | |
1654 | test bench set | 測試台設定 | | | |
1655 | test block | 測試塊 | | | |
1656 | test board | 測試板 | 測試板 | | |
1657 | test body | 測試本體 | | | |
1658 | test button | 測試鈕 | | | |
1659 | test card | 測試卡 | | | |
1660 | test case | 測試案例;測試彙例 | 測試用例 | | |
1661 | test case description | 測試案例描述 | | | |
1662 | test case design | 測試案例設計 | | | |
1663 | test case generation | 測試案例產生 | | | |
1664 | test case generator | 測試用例產生器 | 測試用例生成程序 | | |
1665 | test center | 測試中心 | | | |
1666 | test channel | 測試通道 | | | |
1667 | test chart | 測試圖表 | | | |
1668 | test checkout procedure | 測試檢驗程序 | | | |
1669 | test clips of hybrids | 混合微電路測試 | | | |
1670 | test code | 測試碼 | | | |
1671 | test computer unit | 測試計算機單元 | | | |
1672 | test condition | 測試條件 | | | |
1673 | test console | 測試控制台 | | | |
1674 | test controller system | 測試控制器系統 | | | |
1675 | test controller | 測試控制器 | | | |
1676 | test coordination procedures | 測試協調程序 | | | |
1677 | test coupon | 測試單 | | | |
1678 | test coverage | 測試覆蓋 | 測試覆蓋[率] | | |
1679 | test criteria | 測試準則 | | | |
1680 | test cube | 測試立方 | | | |
1681 | test data | 測試資料 | 測試數據 | | |
1682 | test data generating language | 測試資料產生語言 | | | |
1683 | test data generation | 測試資料產生 | | | |
1684 | test data generator | 測試資料產生器 | 測試數據生成程序 | | |
1685 | test data package | 測試資料包 | | | |
1686 | test data selection criteria | 測試資料選擇準則 | | | |
1687 | test data system | 測試資料系統 | | | |
1688 | test deck | 測試卡片疊 | | | |
1689 | test design | 測試設計 | | | |
1690 | test desk | 測試桌 | 測試台 | | |
1691 | test detect function | 測試檢測功能 | | | |
1692 | test detect routine | 測試檢測常式 | | | |
1693 | test dispatching | 測試調度 | | | |
1694 | test driver | 測試驅動器 | 測試驅動程序 | | |
1695 | test environment | 測試環境 | | | |
1696 | test equipment | 測試設備 | 測試設備 | | |
1697 | test equipment | 測試設備 | | | |
1698 | test event | 測試事件 | | | |
1699 | test example design | 測試實例設計 | | | |
1700 | test executive | 測試執行 | | | |
1701 | test executive program | 測試執行程式 | | | |
1702 | test facility | 測試設施 | | | |
1703 | test file | 測試檔案 | | | |
1704 | test file control command | 測試檔案控制命令 | | | |
1705 | test for ambiguity | 歧義測試 | | | |
1706 | test function | 測試函數;測試功能 | | | |
1707 | test generation | 測試產生 | 測試生成 | | |
1708 | test generator | 測試產生器 | 測試碼生成程序 | | |
1709 | test generator | 測試產生器 | | | |
1710 | test grading | 測試分級 | | | |
1711 | test group | 測試群 | | | |
1712 | test I/O | 輸出入測試 | | | |
1713 | test indicator | 測試指示器 | 測試指示器, *測試指示符 | | |
1714 | test information processing system | 測試資訊處理系統 | | | |
1715 | test initialization | 測試初始化 | | | |
1716 | test input tape | 測試輸入帶 | | | |
1717 | test input/output | 測試輸入輸出 | | | |
1718 | test instruction | 測試指令 | | | |
1719 | test instruction debugging | 測試指令除錯 | | | |
1720 | test instrument | 測試儀器 | | | |
1721 | test interconnection line | 測試互連線 | | | |
1722 | test interval | 測試間隔 | | | |
1723 | test item taker | 測試項目接受器 | | | |
1724 | test joint | 測試結合 | | | |
1725 | test language | 測試語言 | 測試語言 | | |
1726 | test lead | 測試引線 | | | |
1727 | test library | 測試程式館 | | | |
1728 | test link | 測試鏈路 | | | |
1729 | test log | 測試日誌 | 測試日志 | | |
1730 | test loop | 測試迴路 | 測試環路, *測試回路 | | |
1731 | test macro | 測試巨集 | | | |
1732 | test maintenance unit | 測試維護單元 | | | |
1733 | test management protocol | 測試管理協定 | | | |
1734 | test matrix | 測試矩陣 | | | |
1735 | test methodology | 測試方法學 | | | |
1736 | test methods and procedures | 測試方法與程序 | | | |
1737 | test microinstruction | 測試微指令 | | | |
1738 | test mode | 測試模式 | | | |
1739 | test mode run | 測試模式運行 | | | |
1740 | test model | 測試模型 | | | |
1741 | test module | 測試模組 | | | |
1742 | test monitor system | 測試監控系統 | | | |
1743 | test numeric | 測試數字 | | | |
1744 | test ok | 測試正常 | | | |
1745 | test operating procedure | 測試操作程序 | | | |
1746 | test oracle | 測試啟示 | 測試諭示 | | |
1747 | test oriented language | 測試導向的語言;測試導向語言 | | | |
1748 | test oriented operator language | 測試導向的操作員語言 | | | |
1749 | test oriented programming system | 測試導向程式設計系統 | | | |
1750 | test overflow condition | 測試溢出條件 | | | |
1751 | test pack | 測試包 | | | |
1752 | test page | 測試頁面 | | | |
1753 | test page loading | 測試頁面載入 | | | |
1754 | test page termination | 測試頁面終止 | | | |
1755 | test pattern | 測試型樣 | 測試[碼]模式 | | |
1756 | test pattern generation | 測試型樣產生 | | | |
1757 | test pattern generation program | 測試型樣產生程式 | | | |
1758 | test pattern generation system | 測試型樣產生系統 | | | |
1759 | test pattern generator | 測試型樣產生器 | | | |
1760 | test pattern sequence | 測試型樣序列 | | | |
1761 | test pattern | 測試型樣 | | | |
1762 | test period | 測試期間 | | | |
1763 | test phase | 測試階段 | 測試階段 | | |
1764 | test piece | 測試件 | | | |
1765 | test plan | 測試計畫 | 測試計划 | | |
1766 | test plate | 測試板 | | | |
1767 | test point | 測試點 | 測試點 | | |
1768 | test probe | 測試探針 | 測試探針 | | |
1769 | test problem | 測試問題 | | | |
1770 | test procedure | 測試程序 | 測試過程 | | |
1771 | test procedure language | 測試程序語言 | | | |
1772 | test program | 測試程式 | 測試程序 | | |
1773 | test program package | 測試程式套裝軟體 | | | |
1774 | test program system | 測試程式系統 | | | |
1775 | test purpose | 測試目的 | | | |
1776 | test rate | 測試速率 | | | |
1777 | test repeatability | 測試可重複性 | 測試可重復性 | | |
1778 | test replacement | 測試替換方案 | | | |
1779 | test report | 測試報告 | 測試報告 | | |
1780 | test request | 測試請求 | | | |
1781 | test request message | 測試請求訊息 | | | |
1782 | test response | 測試響應 | 測試響應 | | |
1783 | test result tape | 測試結果帶 | | | |
1784 | test routine | 測試常式 | 測試例程 | | |
1785 | test rules | 測試規則 | | | |
1786 | test run | 測試運行 | 測試運行 | | |
1787 | test selector | 測試選擇器 | | | |
1788 | test sequence | 測試順序 | 測試順序 | | |
1789 | test sequencing | 測試定序 | | | |
1790 | test set | 測試裝置 | | | |
1791 | test signal | 測試信號 | | | |
1792 | test signal characteristics | 測試信號特性 | | | |
1793 | test signal generator | 測試信號產生器 | | | |
1794 | test skip | 測試跨越 | | | |
1795 | test space | 測試空間 | | | |
1796 | test specification | 測試規格 | 測試規約 | | |
1797 | test statistics | 測試統計 | | | |
1798 | test status output | 測試狀態輸出 | | | |
1799 | test step | 測試步 | | | |
1800 | test step output state | 測試步輸出態 | | | |
1801 | test subroutine | 測試次常式 | | | |
1802 | test suite | 測試套 | 測試套具 | | |
1803 | test supervisor program | 測試監控程式 | | | |
1804 | test support equipment | 測試支援設備 | | | |
1805 | test support program | 測試支援程式 | | | |
1806 | test switch | 測試開關 | | | |
1807 | test syndrome | 測試徵候群 | 測試症候 | | |
1808 | test synthesis | 測試合成 | 測試綜合 | | |
1809 | test system | 測試系統 | | | |
1810 | test system component | 測試系統組件 | | | |
1811 | test system coordination | 測試系統協調 | | | |
1812 | test table | 測試表 | | | |
1813 | test tape | 測試帶 | | | |
1814 | test tape program | 測試帶程式 | | | |
1815 | test task | 測試任務 | 測試任務 | | |
1816 | test terminal | 測試終端機 | | | |
1817 | test text | 測試本文 | 測試文本 | | |
1818 | test time | 測試時間 | | | |
1819 | test timer | 測試計時器 | | | |
1820 | test tone | 試音 | | | |
1821 | test translator | 測試翻譯器 | | | |
1822 | test two bits | 測試二位元 | | | |
1823 | test under mask | 遮罩下測試 | | | |
1824 | test validity | 測試驗證 | 測試有效性 | | |
1825 | test wait | 測試等待 | | | |
1826 | test work group | 測試工作組 | | | |
1827 | test zone | 測試區域 | | | |
1828 | testability | 可測試性 | 可測試性 | | |
1829 | testable ROM | 可測試唯讀記憶體 | | | |
1830 | tester | 測試器 | 測試儀 | | |
1831 | testing | 測試 | | | |
1832 | testing and scoring system | 測試與計分系統 | | | |
1833 | testing benchmark | 測試基準 | | | |
1834 | testing digital module | 測試數位模組 | | | |
1835 | testing envelope | 測試包封 | | | |
1836 | testing environment | 測試環境 | | | |
1837 | testing for bug | 錯誤測試 | | | |
1838 | testing function | 測試函數 | | | |
1839 | testing hardware | 測試硬體 | | | |
1840 | testing hybrids | 測試併合電路 | | | |
1841 | testing maintainability | 測試維護性 | | | |
1842 | testing nominative | 測試標稱值 | | | |
1843 | testing program | 測試程式 | | | |
1844 | testing real-time system | 測試即時系統 | | | |
1845 | testing sequence | 測試順序 | | | |
1846 | testing software | 測試軟體 | | | |
1847 | testing terminal | 測試終端機 | | | |
1848 | testing time | 測試時間 | 測試時間 | | |
1849 | testing tool | 測試工具 | | | |
1850 | tetrad | 四元群 | | | |
1851 | tetragamma function | 四元函數 | | | |
1852 | tetragon | 四邊形 | | | |
1853 | tetrahedral array | 四面體陣列 | | | |
1854 | tetrahedron | 四面體 | | | |
1855 | tetral notation | 四進記法 | | | |
1856 | tetrode | 四極管 | | | |
1857 | tetrode field effect transistor | 四極管場效電晶體 | | | |
1858 | tetrode transistor | 四極管電晶體 | | | |
1859 | TeX | TeX語言 | TeX語言 | | |
1860 | Texas Instruments | 德州儀器公司 | | | |
1861 | text | 正文;本文 | 正文 | | |
1862 | text analysis | 正文分析 | 篇章分析 | | |
1863 | text analysis package | 正文分析套裝軟體 | | | |
1864 | text analysis program | 正文分析程式 | | | |
1865 | text and file management system | 正文與檔案管理系統 | | | |
1866 | text angle | 正文角度 | | | |
1867 | text area | 本文區 | 文本區 | | |
1868 | text argument | 正文引數 | | | |
1869 | text attribute | 正文屬性 | | | |
1870 | text body | 正文本體 | | | |
1871 | text buffer | 正文緩衝器 | | | |
1872 | text card | 正文卡片 | | | |
1873 | text command | 正文命令 | | | |
1874 | text compaction | 正文壓緊 | | | |
1875 | text component | 正文組件 | | | |
1876 | text compression | 正文壓縮 | | | |
1877 | text concordance | 正文索引 | | | |
1878 | text control | 正文控制 | | | |
1879 | text control chaining | 正文控制鍊接 | | | |
1880 | text control sequence | 正文控制序列 | | | |
1881 | text correction system | 正文校正系統 | | | |
1882 | text data type | 正文資料型式 | | | |
1883 | text database | 正文資料庫 | 正文數據庫, *文本數據庫 | | |
1884 | text delay | 正文延遲 | | | |
1885 | text delimiter | 正文定界符 | | | |
1886 | text display | 正文顯示 | | | |
1887 | text display editor | 正文顯示編輯器 | | | |
1888 | text edit | 正文編輯 | 文本編輯 | | |
1889 | text editing | 正文編輯 | 文本編輯, *正文編輯 | | |
1890 | text editing interface | 正文編輯介面 | | | |
1891 | text editing system | 正文編輯系統 | | | |
1892 | text edition and modification | 正文編輯與修改 | | | |
1893 | text editor and corrector | 正文編輯校正器 | | | |
1894 | text editor module | 正文編輯器模組 | | | |
1895 | text editor system | 正文編輯器系統 | | | |
1896 | text editor | 文字編輯器 | 文本編輯程序 | | |
1897 | text enhancement | 正文增強 | | | |
1898 | text escape character | 正文逸出字元 | | | |
1899 | text file | 正文檔案 | | | |
1900 | text file parameter | 正文檔案參數 | | | |
1901 | text final cursor position | 正文最終游標位置 | | | |
1902 | text font | 正文字型 | | | |
1903 | text for test | 測試用本文 | | | |
1904 | text formatter | 正文格式器 | | | |
1905 | text formatting | 正文格式化 | | | |
1906 | text formatting language | 正文格式語言 | 正文格式語言 | | |
1907 | text formatting program | 正文格式化程式 | | | |
1908 | text formatting system | 正文格式化系統 | | | |
1909 | text gap | 正文間隙 | | | |
1910 | text generation | 正文產生 | 篇章生成 | | |
1911 | text handling facility | 正文處置設施 | | | |
1912 | text handling language | 正文處置語言 | | | |
1913 | text I/O package | 正文輸入輸出套裝軟體 | | | |
1914 | text including words and phrases | 正文包括詞與片語 | 詞語文本 | | |
1915 | text indexing and retrieval | 正文索引與檢索 | | | |
1916 | text information management system | 正文資訊管理系統 | | | |
1917 | text information retrieval system | 正文資訊檢索系統 | | | |
1918 | text initial cursor | 正文初始游標 | | | |
1919 | text initial cursor position | 正文初始游標位置 | | | |
1920 | text input | 正文輸入 | | | |
1921 | text input/output | 正文輸入輸出 | | | |
1922 | text input/output primitive | 正文輸入輸出基元 | | | |
1923 | text justification | 正文對齊 | | | |
1924 | text justified to both margins | 兩邊對齊的正文 | | | |
1925 | text justifier | 正文整版程序 | | | |
1926 | text left justified | 向左對齊的正文 | | | |
1927 | text length clause | 正文長度子句 | | | |
1928 | text library | 正文程式館 | 文本庫, *正文庫 | | |
1929 | text line | 正文行 | | | |
1930 | text linguistics | 本文語言學 | 篇章語言學 | | |
1931 | text link | 正文鏈接 | | | |
1932 | text maintenance | 正文維護 | | | |
1933 | text management system | 正文管理系統 | | | |
1934 | text manipulation | 本文調處 | | | |
1935 | text margin | 本文容限 | | | |
1936 | text material | 正文材料 | | | |
1937 | text message | 正文式訊息 | | | |
1938 | text mining | 本文探勘 | 文本采掘, *文本挖掘 | | |
1939 | text mode | 正文模態 | | | |
1940 | text module | 正文模組 | | | |
1941 | text name | 正文名 | | | |
1942 | text orientation | 正文定向 | | | |
1943 | text overflow | 正文溢出 | | | |
1944 | text parameter | 正文參數 | | | |
1945 | text part | 正文部分 | | | |
1946 | text preparation | 正文準備 | | | |
1947 | text processing | 正文處理 | 文本處理 | | |
1948 | text processing command | 正文處理命令 | | | |
1949 | text processing language | 正文處理語言 | | | |
1950 | text processing standard | 正文處理標準 | | | |
1951 | text processing system | 正文處理系統 | | | |
1952 | text processing tool | 正文處理工具 | | | |
1953 | text processor | 正文處理機 | 文本處理器 | | |
1954 | text proofreading | 文本校對 | 文本校對 | | |
1955 | text reckoning and compiling language | 正文推算法與編繹語言 | | | |
1956 | text retrieval | 正文檢索 | 文本檢索, *正文檢索 | | |
1957 | text revision | 正文修訂 | | | |
1958 | text right justified | 向右對齊的正文 | | | |
1959 | text scanning application | 正文掃瞄應用 | | | |
1960 | text section | 正文段 | | | |
1961 | text segment | 正文段 | | | |
1962 | text segmentation | 正文分段 | | | |
1963 | text sequence | 正文順序 | | | |
1964 | text size | 正文篇幅大小 | | | |
1965 | text spacing constant | 間隔為常數的正文 | | | |
1966 | text spacing proportional | 間隔相稱的正文 | | | |
1967 | text string search | 正文字串搜尋 | | | |
1968 | text string test | 正文字串測試 | | | |
1969 | text structure | 正文結構 | | | |
1970 | text suppression | 正文抑制 | | | |
1971 | text transparency | 正文透通性 | | | |
1972 | text understanding | 正文理解 | 篇章理解 | | |
1973 | text word | 正文字 | | | |
1974 | text-coordinate origin | 正文調整開端 | | | |
1975 | textfile operator | 文字檔運算子 | | | |
1976 | textile model | 紡織模型 | | | |
1977 | text-to-speech conversion program | 正文至語音轉換程式 | | | |
1978 | text-to-speech convert | 正文至語音轉換 | 文語轉換 | | |
1979 | text-to-speech mode | 文字至話音模 | | | |
1980 | text-to-speech synthesis | 文字至語音合成 | | | |
1981 | text-to-speech synthesizer | 文字至話音合成器 | | | |
1982 | text-to-speech system | 文字至語音系統 | 文語轉換系統 | | |
1983 | textual | 本文的 | | | |
1984 | textual character | 正文字元 | | | |
1985 | textual language programming | 正文語言程式設計 | | | |
1986 | textual order | 正文次序 | | | |
1987 | textual output routine | 正文輸出常式 | | | |
1988 | textual retrieval | 正文檢索 | | | |
1989 | textual scan | 正文掃瞄 | | | |
1990 | textual substitution | 正文替代 | | | |
1991 | texture | 紋理 | 紋理 | | |
1992 | texture analysis | 紋理分析 | | | |
1993 | texture coding | 紋理編碼 | 紋理編碼 | | |
1994 | texture discrimination | 紋理判別 | | | |
1995 | texture image | 紋理影像 | 紋理圖像 | | |
1996 | texture mapping | 紋理映射 | 紋理映射 | | |
1997 | texture segmentation | 紋理分段 | 紋理分割 | | |
1998 | texture statistics | 紋理統計 | | | |
1999 | texture synthesis | 紋理合成 | | | |
2000 | T-flip flop | T型正反器 | | | |
2001 | t-flip flop | 翻轉正反器 | | | |
2002 | TFTP | 普通檔案傳送協定 | 普通文件傳送協議 | | |
2003 | The American national standards institute's version of COBOL | 美國國家標準COBOL版本 | | | |
2004 | the Chinese character set code for information exchange | 資訊交換用中文字集碼 | | | |
2005 | the data encryption standard | 資料加密標準 | | | |
2006 | theme | 文題 | | | |
2007 | then | 則 | | | |
2008 | then clause | 則子句 | | | |
2009 | then if symbol | 則若符號 | | | |
2010 | then symbol | 則符號 | | | |
2011 | theorem | 定理 | | | |
2012 | theorem machine | 定理機 | | | |
2013 | theorem of EULER | 歐拉定理 | | | |
2014 | theorem of polyhedra | 多面體定理 | | | |
2015 | theorem on flows in network | 網路流定理 | | | |
2016 | theorem on regular set | 正則集定理 | | | |
2017 | theorem prover | 定理證明程式 | 定理証明器 | | |
2018 | theorem proving | 定理證明 | | | |
2019 | theorem proving by resolution | 按分解律的定理証明 | | | |
2020 | theorem proving by resolution refutation | 按分解律反演的定理証明 | | | |
2021 | theorem proving by rule based system | 基于規則系統的定理証明 | | | |
2022 | theorem proving for robot problem solving | 機器人問題求解定理証明 | | | |
2023 | theorem proving machine | 定理証明機 | | | |
2024 | theorem proving system | 定理証明系統 | | | |
2025 | theorem proving use of resolution | 使用分解律的定理証明 | | | |
2026 | theoretical | 理論的 | | | |
2027 | theoretical arithmetic | 理論算術 | | | |
2028 | theoretical computer science | 理論計算機科學 | | | |
2029 | theoretical level | 理論位準 | | | |
2030 | theoretical linguistics | 理論語言學 | 理論語言學 | | |
2031 | theoretical logic | 理論邏輯學 | | | |
2032 | theoretical margin | 理論容限 | | | |
2033 | theoretical maximum density | 理論最大密度 | | | |
2034 | theoretical model | 理論模型 | | | |
2035 | theoretical principle | 理論原則 | | | |
2036 | theoretical result | 理論結果 | | | |
2037 | theoretical side | 理論方面 | | | |
2038 | theoretical value | 理論值 | | | |
2039 | theory | 理論 | | | |
2040 | theory formation | 理論形成 | | | |
2041 | theory lower bound | 理論下限 | | | |
2042 | theory of algorithm | 演算法理論 | | | |
2043 | theory of automata | 自動機理論 | | | |
2044 | theory of branching process | 分支過程理論 | | | |
2045 | theory of chances | 機遇論 | | | |
2046 | theory of computation | 計算理論 | | | |
2047 | theory of correct locking protocol | 校正封鎖協定理論 | | | |
2048 | theory of dynamic programming | 動態規劃理論 | | | |
2049 | theory of foundations of mathematics | 數學基礎理論 | | | |
2050 | theory of function | 函數論 | | | |
2051 | theory of game | 競賽理論 | | | |
2052 | theory of inference | 推理論 | | | |
2053 | theory of large scale system | 大系統理論 | | | |
2054 | theory of maintenance installation manual | 維修安裝原理手冊 | | | |
2055 | theory of maintenance manual | 維修原理手冊 | | | |
2056 | theory of multitype G-W branching process | 複合型蓋爾頓-華特生分支過程理論 | | | |
2057 | theory of operation | 操作理論 | | | |
2058 | theory of program correction | 程式校正理論 | | | |
2059 | theory of programming | 程式設計理論 | | | |
2060 | theory of queue | 佇列理論 | | | |
2061 | theory of servo mechanism | 伺服機構理論 | | | |
2062 | theory of switching circuits | 交換電路理論 | | | |
2063 | theory of systemic grammar | 全局文法理論 | | | |
2064 | theory of technical stability | 技術穩定性理論 | | | |
2065 | theory of terminology | 術語學理論 | | | |
2066 | theory of transmission lines | 傳輸線理論 | | | |
2067 | theory of type number | 型數理論 | | | |
2068 | thermabond epoxy | 熱環氧 | 熱[固化]環氧黏合劑 | | |
2069 | thermal agitation | 熱擾動 | | | |
2070 | thermal agitation noise | 熱擾動雜訊 | | | |
2071 | thermal analog computer | 熱類比電腦 | | | |
2072 | thermal breakdown | 熱崩潰 | | | |
2073 | thermal capacity | 熱容量 | | | |
2074 | thermal characteristic | 熱特性 | 熱特性 | | |
2075 | thermal characteristics | 熱特性 | | | |
2076 | thermal check | 熱度檢查 | | | |
2077 | thermal check light | 熱度檢查指示燈 | | | |
2078 | thermal conduction | 熱傳導 | | | |
2079 | thermal conduction module | 熱傳導模組 | 熱導模塊 | | |
2080 | thermal conductivity | 熱導率 | | | |
2081 | thermal connector | 熱連接器 | | | |
2082 | thermal contact | 熱接觸 | | | |
2083 | thermal contact resistance | 熱接觸電阻 | | | |
2084 | thermal control | 熱控制 | 熱控制 | | |
2085 | thermal control module | 熱控制模組 | | | |
2086 | thermal design | 熱設計 | | | |
2087 | thermal display light | 熱顯示燈 | | | |
2088 | thermal dissipation | 熱消耗 | | | |
2089 | thermal equilibrium | 熱平衡 | | | |
2090 | thermal equilibrium state | 熱平衡狀態 | | | |
2091 | thermal equivalent | 熱當量 | | | |
2092 | thermal expansion | 熱膨脹 | | | |
2093 | thermal fin | 散熱片 | 散熱片 | | |
2094 | thermal imaging | 熱成像 | | | |
2095 | thermal insulator | 絕熱器 | | | |
2096 | thermal light | 熱量燈 | | | |
2097 | thermal mass | 熱質量 | | | |
2098 | thermal noise | 熱雜訊 | | | |
2099 | thermal noise power | 熱雜訊功率 | | | |
2100 | thermal plotter | 熱繪圖器 | | | |
2101 | thermal printer | 熱列印機 | 熱敏印刷機 | | |
2102 | thermal printing | 感熱式列印 | | | |
2103 | thermal printing technique | 熱列印技術 | | | |
2104 | thermal radiation | 熱輻射 | | | |
2105 | thermal recalibration | 熱再校正 | 熱校正 | | |
2106 | thermal resistance | 熱阻 | 熱阻 | | |
2107 | thermal resistor | 熱電阻器 | | | |
2108 | thermal run-away | 熱耗散 | | | |
2109 | thermal sensitive paper | 熱敏紙 | | | |
2110 | thermal sensitive ribbon | 熱敏色帶 | | | |
2111 | thermal sensor | 熱感測器 | 熱感器 | | |
2112 | thermal shock | 熱震動 | | | |
2113 | thermal shock test | 熱震動測試 | | | |
2114 | thermal stencil | 熱模板 | | | |
2115 | thermal time constant | 熱時間常數 | | | |
2116 | thermal transfer | 熱傳 | | | |
2117 | thermal transfer printer | 熱傳送式列印機 | | | |
2118 | thermal warning | 熱警告 | | | |
2119 | thermal wax-transfer printer | 熱轉式列印機 | 熱蠟轉印印刷機 | | |
2120 | thermal-type spirit master | 熱印原版 | | | |
2121 | thermal-type spirit transfer sheet | 熱印薄版 | | | |
2122 | thermionic integrated micro modules | 熱離子積體微型模組 | | | |
2123 | thermionic tube | 熱離子管 | | | |
2124 | thermistor | 熱阻器 | | | |
2125 | thermistor test program | 熱阻器測試程式 | | | |
2126 | thermocompression bond | 熱壓合 | | | |
2127 | thermocompression bonder | 熱壓焊接機 | | | |
2128 | thermocompression bonding | 熱壓接合 | 熱壓焊 | | |
2129 | thermocouple | 熱電偶 | | | |
2130 | thermocouple connector | 熱電偶連接器 | | | |
2131 | thermocouple thermometer | 熱電偶溫度計 | | | |
2132 | thermoelectric cooler | 熱電冷卻器 | | | |
2133 | thermoelectric couple | 熱電偶 | | | |
2134 | thermoelectric couple effect | 熱電偶效應 | | | |
2135 | thermoelectric effect | 熱電效應 | | | |
2136 | thermoelement | 熱電元件 | | | |
2137 | thermogalvanometer | 熱電偶電流計 | | | |
2138 | thermograph | 熱圖形 | | | |
2139 | thermographic document copying machine | 熱圖形文件複製機 | | | |
2140 | thermographic process | 熱圖形處理 | | | |
2141 | thermography | 熱寫法 | | | |
2142 | thermomagnetic | 熱磁的 | | | |
2143 | thermomagnetic effect | 熱磁效應 | | | |
2144 | thermomagnetic writing | 熱磁寫入 | | | |
2145 | thermometer | 溫度計 | | | |
2146 | thermophone | 熱感發聲器 | | | |
2147 | thermoplastic recording | 熱塑記錄 | | | |
2148 | thermoplastic tape | 熱塑帶 | | | |
2149 | thermoplastic-photoconductor device | 熱塑光導裝置 | | | |
2150 | thermoplastics | 熱感性塑料 | | | |
2151 | thermoprinter | 熱感式列印機 | | | |
2152 | thermorelay | 熱繼電器 | | | |
2153 | thermoremanence | 熱頑磁 | | | |
2154 | thermoset | 熱固性 | | | |
2155 | thermosetting plastics | 熱固性塑料 | | | |
2156 | thermostat | 恆溫器 | | | |
2157 | thermostated bath | 恆溫槽 | | | |
2158 | thermostatic bath | 恆溫槽 | | | |
2159 | thermostatic control | 恆溫控制 | | | |
2160 | thermostatic oven | 恆溫爐 | | | |
2161 | thermotape | 熱感帶 | | | |
2162 | thesaurus | 同義詞典 | 類屬詞典 | | |
2163 | thesaurus construction | 詞庫構造 | | | |
2164 | thesaurus display | 詞庫顯示 | | | |
2165 | thesaurus management system | 詞庫管理系統 | | | |
2166 | thick film | 厚膜 | 厚膜 | | |
2167 | thick film circuit | 厚膜電路 | 厚膜電路 | | |
2168 | thick film fabrication | 厚膜加工 | | | |
2169 | thick film hybrid circuit | 厚膜併合電路 | | | |
2170 | thick film integrated circuit | 厚膜積體電路 | | | |
2171 | thick film PCB | 厚膜印刷電路板 | | | |
2172 | thick film storage | 厚膜儲存器 | | | |
2173 | thick laminated plate | 厚層板 | 厚層壓板 | | |
2174 | thick-film/thin-film hybrid fabrication | 厚膜薄膜併合加工 | | | |
2175 | thick-film/thin-film printing | 厚膜或薄膜列印 | | | |
2176 | thickness | 厚度;寬度 | | | |
2177 | thickness loss | 厚度損耗 | | | |
2178 | thickness meter | 厚度計 | 厚度計 | | |
2179 | thin ferromagnetic film | 薄鐵磁膜 | | | |
2180 | thin film | 薄膜 | 薄膜 | | |
2181 | thin film capacitor | 薄膜電容器 | | | |
2182 | thin film circuit | 薄膜電路 | 薄膜電路 | | |
2183 | thin film condenser | 薄膜電容器 | | | |
2184 | thin film cryotron | 薄膜冷子管 | | | |
2185 | thin film deposition | 薄膜沉積 | | | |
2186 | thin film diode | 薄膜二極體 | | | |
2187 | thin film disk | 薄膜磁碟 | 薄膜磁盤 | | |
2188 | thin film electronic circuit | 薄膜電子電路 | | | |
2189 | thin film fabrication | 薄膜加工 | | | |
2190 | thin film head | 薄膜頭 | | | |
2191 | thin film hybrids | 薄膜併合電路 | | | |
2192 | thin film hybrids construction | 薄膜併合電路構造 | | | |
2193 | thin film IC process | 薄膜積體電路處理 | | | |
2194 | thin film integrated circuit | 薄膜積體電路 | | | |
2195 | thin film magnetic head | 薄膜磁頭 | 薄膜磁頭 | | |
2196 | thin film magnetic module | 薄膜磁模組 | | | |
2197 | thin film magnetoresistive | 薄膜磁電阻 | | | |
2198 | thin film magnetoresistive head | 薄膜磁電阻頭 | | | |
2199 | thin film memory | 薄膜記憶體 | | | |
2200 | thin film microelectronics | 薄膜微電子學 | | | |
2201 | thin film processing | 薄膜處理 | | | |
2202 | thin film rod | 薄膜棒 | | | |
2203 | thin film storage | 薄膜儲存器 | | | |
2204 | thin film store control | 薄膜儲存控制 | | | |
2205 | thin film technology | 薄膜技術 | | | |
2206 | thin film terminal | 薄膜終端 | | | |
2207 | thin film transistor display | 薄膜電晶體顯示器 | 薄膜晶體管[液晶]顯示器 | | |
2208 | thin film transistor | 薄膜電晶體 | | | |
2209 | thin lens | 薄透鏡 | | | |
2210 | thin list | 薄串列 | | | |
2211 | thin membrane | 薄膜 | | | |
2212 | thin route | 稀路線 | | | |
2213 | thin route circuit | 稀路線電路 | | | |
2214 | thin route earth station | 稀路線地面站 | | | |
2215 | thin route network | 稀路線網路 | | | |
2216 | thin route satellite communication | 稀路線衛星通訊 | | | |
2217 | thin route service | 稀路線業務 | | | |
2218 | thin route system | 稀路線系統 | | | |
2219 | thin window display | 薄窗顯示 | | | |
2220 | thin window memory | 薄窗記憶體 | | | |
2221 | thin window printing | 薄窗列印 | | | |
2222 | thin wire communication | 稀線式通信 | | | |
2223 | thinner | 稀釋劑 | | | |
2224 | thinning | 細化 | 細化 | | |
2225 | thinning process | 細線化處理 | | | |
2226 | thin-wire Ethernet | 細線以太網 | 細線以太網 | | |
2227 | third boundary value problem | 第三邊界值問題 | | | |
2228 | third generation | 第三代 | | | |
2229 | third generation computer | 第三代電腦 | 第三代計算機 | | |
2230 | third generation computer language | 第三代計算機語言 | | | |
2231 | third generation hardware | 第三代硬體 | | | |
2232 | third generation language | 第三代語言 | 第三代語言 | | |
2233 | third generation languages | 第三代語言 | | | |
2234 | third generation logical organization | 第三代邏輯組織 | | | |
2235 | third generation software | 第三代軟體 | | | |
2236 | third level address | 第三階位址 | | | |
2237 | third level inner-macro-call | 第三階內部巨集呼叫 | | | |
2238 | third level protocol | 三階協定 | | | |
2239 | third level storage | 第三級儲存 | | | |
2240 | third level structure | 第三階結構 | | | |
2241 | third normal form | 第三正規形式 | 第三范式 | | |
2242 | third normal form | 第三正規形式 | | | |
2243 | third party | 第三團體 | 第三方 | | |
2244 | third-order servo problem | 第三序伺服問題 | | | |
2245 | thirty-nine feature code | 卅九特徵碼 | | | |
2246 | thirty-two bit system | 32位元系統 | | | |
2247 | thrashing | 猛移;往復移動 | 系統顛簸 | | |
2248 | thread | 線;穿線;引線 | 線程 | | |
2249 | thread control block | 引線控制塊 | 線程控制塊 | | |
2250 | thread link | 穿線鏈接 | | | |
2251 | thread list of register descriptions | 暫存器描述線串列 | | | |
2252 | thread scheduling | 引線排程 | 線程調度 | | |
2253 | thread structure | 引線結構 | 線程結構 | | |
2254 | thread trees | 穿線的樹 | | | |
2255 | threaded binary tree | 穿線二元樹 | | | |
2256 | threaded code | 穿線碼 | | | |
2257 | threaded file | 穿線檔案 | | | |
2258 | threaded hole | 穿線孔 | | | |
2259 | threaded link | 穿線鏈接 | | | |
2260 | threaded list | 穿線串列 | | | |
2261 | threaded tree | 穿線樹 | | | |
2262 | threaded tree representation | 穿線樹表示 | | | |
2263 | threading | 穿線 | | | |
2264 | thread-testing approach | 線測方式 | | | |
2265 | threat | 威脅 | 威脅 | | |
2266 | threat analysis | 威脅分析 | 威脅分析 | | |
2267 | threat monitoring | 威脅監控 | 威脅監控 | | |
2268 | three channel bidirectional bus switch | 三通道雙向匯流排開關 | | | |
2269 | three colour process | 三色處理 | | | |
2270 | three Cs model | 3C 模型 | 3C 模型 | | |
2271 | three dimensional | 三維 | | | |
2272 | three dimensional analog computer | 三維類比計算機 | | | |
2273 | three dimensional array | 三維陣列 | | | |
2274 | three dimensional computer graphic | 三維計算機圖形 | | | |
2275 | three dimensional equation | 三維方程式 | | | |
2276 | three dimensional four wire | 三維四線 | | | |
2277 | three dimensional imaging | 三維成像 | | | |
2278 | three dimensional interconnection | 三維互連 | | | |
2279 | three dimensional package | 三維組件 | | | |
2280 | three dimensional structure | 三維結構 | | | |
2281 | three dimensional three wire | 三維三線 | | | |
2282 | three dimensional window | 三維視窗 | 三維窗口 | | |
2283 | three figure decimal fraction | 三數十進分數 | | | |
2284 | three hole core | 三孔磁心 | | | |
2285 | three item storage | 三項目儲存器 | | | |
2286 | three junction transistor | 三接面電晶體 | | | |
2287 | three layered neural network | 三層神經網路 | | | |
2288 | three phase | 三相 | | | |
2289 | three phase clock pulse | 三相時鐘脈衝 | | | |
2290 | three point bond | 三點連接 | | | |
2291 | three stage network | 三級網路 | 三級網絡 | | |
2292 | three time estimates | 三時間估計 | | | |
2293 | three wire system | 三線系統 | | | |
2294 | three-address | 三址 | | | |
2295 | three-address code | 三址碼 | | | |
2296 | three-address instruction | 三址指令 | | | |
2297 | three-address machine | 三址機 | | | |
2298 | three-axis body | 三軸體 | | | |
2299 | three-axis satellite | 三軸衛星 | | | |
2300 | three-axis stabilization | 三軸穩定 | | | |
2301 | three-bit byte | 三位位元組 | | | |
2302 | three-dimension display | 三維顯示 | | | |
2303 | three-dimension graphics support | 三維圖形支援 | | | |
2304 | three-dimension | 三維 | | | |
2305 | three-dimensional scanner | 三維掃描儀 | 三維掃描儀 | | |
2306 | threefold representation | 三重表示法 | | | |
2307 | three-forked jump | 三叉跳越 | | | |
2308 | three-input adder | 三輸入加法器 | | | |
2309 | three-input subtracter | 三輸入減法器 | | | |
2310 | three-layer construction logic circuit | 三層構造邏輯電路 | | | |
2311 | three-length recording | 三長度記錄 | | | |
2312 | three-level addressing | 三階定址 | | | |
2313 | three-level distributed system | 三級分散系統 | | | |
2314 | three-level tree | 三階樹 | | | |
2315 | three-phase commitment protocol | 三階段提交協定 | 三[階]段提交協議 | | |
2316 | three-phase two-dimensional bubble shift register | 三相二維泡移位暫存器 | | | |
2317 | three-place accuracy | 三位準確度 | | | |
2318 | three-plus-one address | 三加一位址 | | | |
2319 | three-plus-one address instruction | 三加一位址指令 | | | |
2320 | three-point perspectiveness | 三點透視 | 三點透視 | | |
2321 | three-port networks | 三埠網路 | | | |
2322 | three-position control | 三位置控制 | | | |
2323 | three-position key | 三位置電鍵 | | | |
2324 | three-position modulation | 三位置調變 | | | |
2325 | three-row keyboard | 三列鍵盤 | | | |
2326 | three-satisfiability | 3元可滿足性 | 3元可滿足性 | | |
2327 | three-set space diversity | 三重空間分集 | | | |
2328 | three-sigma limit | 三Σ極限 | | | |
2329 | three-stable state device | 三穩態裝置 | | | |
2330 | three-stage rocket | 三級火箭 | | | |
2331 | three-state buffer | 三態緩衝器 | | | |
2332 | three-state control | 三態控制 | | | |
2333 | three-state gate | 三態閘 | | | |
2334 | three-state logic | 三態邏輯 | | | |
2335 | three-unit code | 三單位碼 | | | |
2336 | three-value logic | 三值邏輯 | | | |
2337 | three-value simulation | 三值模擬 | | | |
2338 | three-way layout | 三路布局 | | | |
2339 | threshold | 定限 | 閾值 | | |
2340 | threshold circuit | 定限電路 | | | |
2341 | threshold condition | 定限條件 | | | |
2342 | threshold current | 定限電流 | | | |
2343 | threshold decoder | 閥值解碼器 | | | |
2344 | threshold decoding | 定限解碼 | | | |
2345 | threshold element | 定限元件 | | | |
2346 | threshold extension demodulator | 定限延伸解調器 | | | |
2347 | threshold frequency | 定限頻率 | | | |
2348 | threshold function | 定限功能;定限函數 | | | |
2349 | threshold gate | 定限閘 | | | |
2350 | threshold learning process | 閥值學習過程 | | | |
2351 | threshold level | 定限位準 | | | |
2352 | threshold logic | 定限邏輯 | 閾值邏輯 | | |
2353 | threshold logic circuit | 定限邏輯電路 | | | |
2354 | threshold logic element | 定限邏輯元件 | | | |
2355 | threshold logic network | 定限邏輯網路 | | | |
2356 | threshold mode | 定限模 | | | |
2357 | threshold of audibility | 聞閥 | | | |
2358 | threshold operation | 閥值運算;定限運算 | | | |
2359 | threshold quantization | 閥值量化 | | | |
2360 | threshold search | 閥值搜尋 | 閾值搜索 | | |
2361 | threshold value | 閥值 | | | |
2362 | threshold voltage | 定限電壓 | | | |
2363 | threshold voltage generator | 定限電壓產生器 | | | |
2364 | thresholded gradient | 定限梯度 | | | |
2365 | thresholding | 定限 | | | |
2366 | through capacity | 通過容量 | | | |
2367 | through connection | 轉接 | | | |
2368 | through connection point | 轉接點 | | | |
2369 | through connection station | 轉接站 | | | |
2370 | through group | 通過群 | | | |
2371 | through line | 通過線 | | | |
2372 | through path | 直通路徑 | | | |
2373 | through rate | 通過速率 | | | |
2374 | through trunk supervision | 貫通幹線監督 | | | |
2375 | through-hole | 通孔 | | | |
2376 | through-hole plating | 通孔鍍敷 | | | |
2377 | throughput | 通量;解題能力;輸貫 | 吞吐量, *通過量 | | |
2378 | throughput capability | 通量能力 | | | |
2379 | throughput capacity | 通量容量 | 吞吐能力 | | |
2380 | throughput class negotiation | 通量類協商 | | | |
2381 | throughput efficiency | 通量效率 | | | |
2382 | throughput performance turnaround time | 通量效能周轉時間 | | | |
2383 | throughput rate | 通量率 | | | |
2384 | throughput time | 通量時間 | | | |
2385 | through-the-window VR | 視窗式虛擬實境 | 窗口式虛擬現實 | | |
2386 | throw-away character | 丟棄字元 | | | |
2387 | throw-away compiling | 丟棄編譯 | | | |
2388 | throw-down study | 擲下研究 | | | |
2389 | throw-out | 斷開 | | | |
2390 | thruput | 通量;解題能力 | | | |
2391 | Thue system | 圖厄系統 | | | |
2392 | thumb wheel | 姆指旋輪;姆指旋轉輪 | | | |
2393 | thumb wheel control | 姆指旋輪轉控制器 | | | |
2394 | thumb wheel switch | 拇指旋輪開關 | | | |
2395 | thumbscrew | 姆指螺釘 | | | |
2396 | thyratron | 閘流管 | | | |
2397 | thyristor | 閘流體 | | | |
2398 | thyristor cell | 閘流體單元 | | | |
2399 | Tibetan | 藏文 | 藏文 | | |
2400 | TICCIT system | 計算機輔助教學系統 | | | |
2401 | tick | 刻點 | | | |
2402 | tick mark | 刻點標示 | | | |
2403 | ticket converter | 票卷據轉換器 | | | |
2404 | ticket vendor | 自動售票機 | | | |
2405 | ticking | 標示記號 | | | |
2406 | tie breaker | 連結斷路器 | | | |
2407 | tie line | 連結線 | | | |
2408 | tie link | 連結鏈接 | | | |
2409 | tie point | 連結點 | | | |
2410 | tie station | 轉接台 | | | |
2411 | tie trunk | 連結幹線 | | | |
2412 | tier | 排;定向天線元件 | | | |
2413 | tight alignment | 精調 | | | |
2414 | tight consistency | 緊密一致性 | 緊密一致性 | | |
2415 | tight constraint | 緊密約束 | | | |
2416 | tight coupling | 緊密耦合 | | | |
2417 | tight loop waiting | 緊密迴路等待 | | | |
2418 | tight master/slave | 緊耦合主從同步系統;緊密主從 | | | |
2419 | tightening rod | 繫緊棒 | | | |
2420 | tightly coupled | 緊耦合 | | | |
2421 | tightly coupled interprocessor | 緊耦合處理機 | | | |
2422 | tightly coupled multiprocessing | 緊耦合多重處理 | | | |
2423 | tightly coupled multiprocessor | 緊耦合多處理機 | | | |
2424 | tightly coupled processor | 緊耦合處理機 | | | |
2425 | tightly coupled system | 緊耦合系統 | 緊[密]耦合系統 | | |
2426 | tiling window | 舖磚式視窗 | | | |
2427 | tilt/rotate | 傾斜或旋轉 | | | |
2428 | tilting mirror | 傾斜反射鏡 | | | |
2429 | time | 時間 | 時間 | | |
2430 | time control driver | 時控驅動器 | | | |
2431 | time address code | 時間位址碼 | | | |
2432 | time advancing algorithm | 時間導前演算法 | | | |
2433 | time analysis | 時間分析 | | | |
2434 | time analysis program | 時間分析程式 | | | |
2435 | time and attendance | 時間及出勤 | | | |
2436 | time and motion studies | 時間動作研究 | 時間動作研究 | | |
2437 | time automated grid | 自動時柵 | | | |
2438 | time base circuit | 時基電路 | | | |
2439 | time base code | 時基碼 | | | |
2440 | time base control | 時基控制 | | | |
2441 | time base corrector | 時基校正器 | | | |
2442 | time base counter | 時基計數器 | | | |
2443 | time base error | 時基誤差 | | | |
2444 | time base generator | 時基產生器 | | | |
2445 | time base | 時基 | | | |
2446 | time bomb | 定時炸彈 | 定時炸彈 | | |
2447 | time bus | 時間匯流排 | | | |
2448 | time case | 時間情況 | | | |
2449 | time cell | 時間單元 | | | |
2450 | time chart | 時間圖 | | | |
2451 | time circuit | 時間電路 | | | |
2452 | time clock circuit | 定時時鐘電路 | | | |
2453 | time clock | 定時時鐘 | | | |
2454 | time code generator | 時間碼產生器 | | | |
2455 | time code reader | 時間碼閱讀機 | | | |
2456 | time code signal | 時間碼信號 | | | |
2457 | time code | 時間碼 | | | |
2458 | time coding | 時間編碼 | | | |
2459 | time complexity | 時間複雜度 | 時間復雜度 | | |
2460 | time component complexity | 時間分量複雜性 | | | |
2461 | time compression coding | 時間壓縮編碼 | | | |
2462 | time compression multiplex | 時間壓縮多工 | | | |
2463 | time constant | 時間常數 | 時間常數 | | |
2464 | time constant term | 時間常數項 | | | |
2465 | time constraint | 時間約束 | 時間約束 | | |
2466 | time control | 時控 | | | |
2467 | time control conversational | 時控交談式 | | | |
2468 | time control pulse | 時控脈衝 | | | |
2469 | time control task | 時控任務 | | | |
2470 | time controlled gain | 時間受控增益 | | | |
2471 | time correlation system | 時間相關系統 | | | |
2472 | time critical process | 時間臨界處理 | | | |
2473 | time data card | 時間資料卡 | | | |
2474 | time delay | 時延 | 時延 | | |
2475 | time delay circuit | 延時電路 | | | |
2476 | time delay device | 延時裝置 | | | |
2477 | time delay difference | 時間延遲差分 | | | |
2478 | time delay distortion | 延時失真 | | | |
2479 | time delay neural network | 延時類神經網路 | | | |
2480 | time delay relay | 延時繼電器 | | | |
2481 | time delay switch | 延時開關 | | | |
2482 | time delay | 時間延遲 | | | |
2483 | time demodulation | 時間解調 | | | |
2484 | time derived channel | 時間道出通道 | | | |
2485 | time discriminator | 時間鑑別器 | | | |
2486 | time displacement | 時間位移 | | | |
2487 | time display | 時間顯示 | | | |
2488 | time divided network | 時分網路 | | | |
2489 | time division | 時分 | | | |
2490 | time division channel | 時分通道 | | | |
2491 | time division common control | 時分共用控制 | | | |
2492 | time division control access | 時分控制存取 | | | |
2493 | time division data link | 時分資料鏈路 | | | |
2494 | time division exchange | 時分交換 | | | |
2495 | time division modulation | 時分調變 | | | |
2496 | time division multiple access | 時分多重存取 | | | |
2497 | time division multiple address | 時分多重位址 | | | |
2498 | time division multiple carrier | 時分多重載波 | | | |
2499 | time division multiplex | 時分多工 | | | |
2500 | time division multiplex bus | 時分多工匯流排 | | | |
2501 | time division multiplex channel | 時分多工通道 | | | |
2502 | time division multiplex communication | 時分多工通訊 | | | |
2503 | time division multiplex transmission | 時分多工傳輸 | | | |
2504 | time division multiplexer unit | 時分多工器單元 | | | |
2505 | time division multiplexer | 時分多工器 | | | |
2506 | time division multiplexing | 時分多工 | | | |
2507 | time division multiplexing scheme | 時分多工方案 | | | |
2508 | time division multiplier | 時分乘數 | | | |
2509 | time division network | 時分網路 | | | |
2510 | time division switch | 時分交換 | | | |
2511 | time division switching | 時分交換 | | | |
2512 | time division switching network | 時分交換網路 | | | |
2513 | time division switching system | 時分交換系統 | | | |
2514 | time domain | 時域 | 時域 | | |
2515 | time domain addressing | 時域定址 | | | |
2516 | time domain analysis | 時域分析 | | | |
2517 | time domain design | 時域設計 | | | |
2518 | time domain equalizer | 時域均衡器;時域等化器 | | | |
2519 | time domain experiment design | 時域實驗設計 | | | |
2520 | time domain filter | 時域過濾器 | | | |
2521 | time domain multiple access system | 時域多重存取系統 | | | |
2522 | time domain multiple access technique | 時域多路存取技術;時域多重存取技術 | | | |
2523 | time domain reflectometer | 時域反射計 | 時域反射儀 | | |
2524 | time domain reflector | 時間域反射器 | | | |
2525 | time domain specification | 時域規格 | | | |
2526 | time domain synthesizer | 時域合成器 | | | |
2527 | time duration | 持續時間 | | | |
2528 | time effectiveness ratio | 時間效益比 | | | |
2529 | time enablement | 允許時間 | | | |
2530 | time encoding | 時間編碼 | | | |
2531 | time factor | 時間因數 | | | |
2532 | time fence | 時間籬 | | | |
2533 | time flow mechanism | 時間流機構 | | | |
2534 | time forecasting method | 時間預測方法 | | | |
2535 | time frame | 時段 | | | |
2536 | time gate | 時間閘 | | | |
2537 | time gauge | 定時計 | | | |
2538 | time hierarchy | 時間階層 | 時間譜系 | | |
2539 | time history file | 時間歷史檔案 | | | |
2540 | time impulse distribution | 時間脈衝分配 | | | |
2541 | time index | 時間索引 | | | |
2542 | time integrating optical processor | 時間整合光處理機 | | | |
2543 | time interleaving | 時間交插 | | | |
2544 | time interval | 時間間隔 | | | |
2545 | time interval bell | 時間間隔鈴 | | | |
2546 | time interval conversion | 時間間隔轉換 | | | |
2547 | time interval counter | 時間間隔計數器 | | | |
2548 | time interval measurement | 時間間隔測量 | | | |
2549 | time interval optimization | 時間間隔最佳化 | | | |
2550 | time invariant channel | 時間不變性通道 | | | |
2551 | time invariant operation | 時間不變性運算 | | | |
2552 | time invariant system | 時間不變系統 | | | |
2553 | time isolation unit | 時間隔離裝置 | | | |
2554 | time jitter | 時間抖動 | | | |
2555 | time keeping | 記時 | | | |
2556 | time keeping system | 記時系統 | | | |
2557 | time lag | 時滯 | | | |
2558 | time lag action | 時滯作用 | | | |
2559 | time lag system | 時滯系統 | | | |
2560 | time lapse cinematography | 慢速攝影術 | | | |
2561 | time lapse recorder | 慢速拍攝記錄器 | | | |
2562 | time level | 時間位準 | | | |
2563 | time limit | 時間限制 | | | |
2564 | time loss | 時間損耗 | | | |
2565 | time mapping | 時間對映 | | | |
2566 | time margin | 時間容限 | | | |
2567 | time mark | 時標 | | | |
2568 | time mark generator | 時標產生器 | | | |
2569 | time marker | 時標 | | | |
2570 | time marker frequency | 時標頻率 | | | |
2571 | time marker generator | 時標產生器 | | | |
2572 | time measurement unit | 時間測量裝置 | | | |
2573 | time modulation | 時間調變 | | | |
2574 | time modulation sideband | 時間調變邊帶 | | | |
2575 | time monitor | 時間監視器 | | | |
2576 | time multiplex | 時間多工 | | | |
2577 | time multiplex transmission | 時間多工傳輸 | | | |
2578 | time multiplexed | 時間多工化 | | | |
2579 | time multiplexed communication channel | 時間多工通訊通道 | | | |
2580 | time multiplexed system | 時間多工系統 | | | |
2581 | time multiplexing dual-microprocessor system | 時間多工雙微處理機系統 | | | |
2582 | time multiplexor channel | 時間多工器通道 | | | |
2583 | time of filling | 填檔時間 | | | |
2584 | time of lag | 滯後時間 | | | |
2585 | time of recovery | 恢復時間 | | | |
2586 | time opening | 打開時間 | | | |
2587 | time over | 超時 | | | |
2588 | time over check | 超時檢查 | | | |
2589 | time overlapping | 時間重疊 | 時間重疊 | | |
2590 | time parameter | 時間參數 | | | |
2591 | time penalty | 時間懲罰 | | | |
2592 | time period of supply | 供應週期 | | | |
2593 | time Petri net | 時間 Petri net | 時間佩特里網 | | |
2594 | time phase | 時間相位 | | | |
2595 | time phased allocation | 時相配置 | | | |
2596 | time phased order point | 時相訂購點 | | | |
2597 | time phased requirements | 時相需求 | | | |
2598 | time prearranged assignment | 時間預分配 | | | |
2599 | time preassign | 時間預分配 | | | |
2600 | time proportioning controller | 時間比例控制器 | | | |
2601 | time pulse | 時間脈衝 | | | |
2602 | time pulse distribution | 時間脈衝分配 | | | |
2603 | time pulse distributor | 時脈分配器 | | | |
2604 | time pulse generator | 時間脈波產生器 | | | |
2605 | time quantum | 時間量子 | 時間量子 | | |
2606 | time quantum method | 時間分段法;限量方法 | | | |
2607 | time redundancy | 時間冗餘 | | | |
2608 | time register | 時間暫存器 | | | |
2609 | time related | 與時間相關的 | | | |
2610 | time related running balance | 時間相關運行平衡 | | | |
2611 | time relay | 時間繼電器 | | | |
2612 | time remaining | 剩餘時間 | | | |
2613 | time response | 時間回應 | | | |
2614 | time scale | 時間標度 | | | |
2615 | time scale factor | 時間標度因子;時標度因數 | | | |
2616 | time schedule | 時間排程 | | | |
2617 | time schedule controller | 時間排程控制器 | | | |
2618 | time selection | 時間選擇 | | | |
2619 | time sequence model | 時間序列模型 | 時間序列模型 | | |
2620 | time sequencing | 時間定序 | | | |
2621 | time series | 時間序列 | | | |
2622 | time series analysis | 時間序列分析 | | | |
2623 | time series package | 時間級數套裝軟體 | | | |
2624 | time series prediction | 時間序列預測 | | | |
2625 | time series techniques | 時間序列技術 | | | |
2626 | time series vector | 時間序列向量 | | | |
2627 | time sharing | 分時 | 分時 | | |
2628 | time signal | 時間信號 | | | |
2629 | time slice | 時間片斷 | 時間片 | | |
2630 | time slice control | 時間截分控制 | | | |
2631 | time slice interval | 時間片間隔 | | | |
2632 | time slice time-sharing | 時間片分時 | | | |
2633 | time slicing | 時間截分 | 時間分片 | | |
2634 | time slot | 時間槽 | 時隙, *時槽 | | |
2635 | time slot interchange | 時間槽交換 | | | |
2636 | time slot width | 時間槽寬度 | | | |
2637 | time space problem | 時間空間問題 | | | |
2638 | time space trade-off | 時空折衷;時空妥協 | | | |
2639 | time spread code | 時間展開碼 | | | |
2640 | time spreading process | 時間展寬處理 | | | |
2641 | time stamp | 時間戳記 | | | |
2642 | time state | 時態 | | | |
2643 | time step | 時間步驟 | | | |
2644 | time switching multiplex | 時換多工 | | | |
2645 | time synchronization problem | 時間同步問題 | 時間同步問題 | | |
2646 | time system | 時間體系統 | | | |
2647 | time table | 時間表 | | | |
2648 | time table memory | 時間表記憶體 | | | |
2649 | time tolerance | 時間容差 | | | |
2650 | time trade-off | 時間折衷 | | | |
2651 | time usage | 時間使用 | | | |
2652 | time variable data | 時間變數資料 | | | |
2653 | time write interval | 寫入時間間隔 | | | |
2654 | time zone | 時區 | | | |
2655 | time-bounded Turing machine | 時間有界杜林機 | 時間有界圖靈機 | | |
2656 | timed Boolean function | 時變布林函數 | 時變布爾函數 | | |
2657 | timed Petri net | 時間 Petri net | 時間佩特里網 | | |
2658 | timed task | 定時任務 | 定時任務 | | |
2659 | timed token rotation protocol | 定時符記旋轉協定 | | | |
2660 | timed transition | 時間變遷 | 時間變遷 | | |
2661 | time-division multiplexing | 時分多工 | 時分復用 | | |
2662 | time-mapping asynchronous simulation | 時間映射異步模擬 | | | |
2663 | time-of-day clock | 日的時鍾;日曆鐘 | | | |
2664 | time-of-day zone correction | 時區校正 | | | |
2665 | time-optimal control | 時間最佳控制 | | | |
2666 | time-out | 暫停;時間超出 | 超時 | | |
2667 | time-out circuit | 超時電路 | | | |
2668 | time-out control | 超時控制 | 超時控制 | | |
2669 | time-out error | 超時錯誤 | | | |
2670 | time-out monitoring | 逾時監視 | | | |
2671 | time-out period | 超時期間 | | | |
2672 | time-pulse distributor | 計時脈波分配器 | | | |
2673 | timer | 計時器 | 計時器, *定時器 | | |
2674 | timer control table | 計時器控制表 | | | |
2675 | timer interrupt | 計時器中斷 | | | |
2676 | time-share | 分時 | 分時 | | |
2677 | time-share network | 分時網路 | | | |
2678 | time-shared bus | 分時匯流排 | | | |
2679 | time-shared control | 分時控制 | | | |
2680 | time-shared data management system | 分時資料管理系統 | | | |
2681 | time-shared interactive computer controlled information television | 分時交談式電腦控制資訊電視 | | | |
2682 | time-shared multiplexor | 分時多工器 | | | |
2683 | time-shared multiplexor channel | 分時多工器通道 | | | |
2684 | time-shared relational associative memory program | 分時關連式結合記憶體計劃 | | | |
2685 | time-shared system | 分時系統 | | | |
2686 | time-sharing | 分時 | 分時 | | |
2687 | time-sharing accounting | 時間分享會計 | | | |
2688 | time-sharing allocation | 時間分享配置 | | | |
2689 | time-sharing allocation of hardware resources | 硬體資源的時間分享配置 | | | |
2690 | time-sharing allocator | 時間共享分配器 | | | |
2691 | time-sharing application | 分時應用 | | | |
2692 | time-sharing computer | 分時電腦 | | | |
2693 | time-sharing computer system | 分時電腦系統 | | | |
2694 | time-sharing control task | 分時控制任務 | 分時控制任務 | | |
2695 | time-sharing driver | 分時驅動器 | 分時驅動程序 | | |
2696 | time-sharing dynamic allocator | 分時動態分配器 | 分時動態分配程序 | | |
2697 | time-sharing executive | 分時執行程序 | | | |
2698 | time-sharing executive operation | 分時執行操作 | | | |
2699 | time-sharing executive system | 分時執行系統 | | | |
2700 | time-sharing facility | 分時設施 | | | |
2701 | time-sharing file processing | 分時檔案處理 | | | |
2702 | time-sharing generator | 分時產生器 | | | |
2703 | time-sharing group | 分時組 | | | |
2704 | time-sharing help program | 分時求助程式 | | | |
2705 | time-sharing incremental compiler | 分時增量編譯器 | | | |
2706 | time-sharing input queue control block | 分時輸入佇列控制塊 | | | |
2707 | time-sharing installation management | 分時裝備管理 | | | |
2708 | time-sharing interchange | 分時交換 | | | |
2709 | time-sharing interface area | 分時介面區 | | | |
2710 | time-sharing interface program | 分時介面程式 | | | |
2711 | time-sharing interface terminal | 分時介面終端機 | | | |
2712 | time-sharing interrupt | 分時中斷 | | | |
2713 | time-sharing job | 分時作業 | | | |
2714 | time-sharing job control block | 分時作業控制塊 | | | |
2715 | time-sharing library | 分時程式館 | | | |
2716 | time-sharing media input | 分時媒體輸入 | | | |
2717 | time-sharing method | 分時方法 | | | |
2718 | time-sharing minicomputer | 分時迷你電腦 | | | |
2719 | time-sharing mode | 分時工作模式 | | | |
2720 | time-sharing monitor system | 分時監控系統 | 分時監控系統 | | |
2721 | time-sharing monitor | 分時監督器 | | | |
2722 | time-sharing multiplex | 分時多工 | | | |
2723 | time-sharing multiplexer channel | 分時多工器通道 | | | |
2724 | time-sharing network | 分時網路 | | | |
2725 | time-sharing operating system | 分時作業系統 | 分時操作系統 | | |
2726 | time-sharing operation system | 分時作業系統 | | | |
2727 | time-sharing operation | 分時操作 | | | |
2728 | time-sharing option | 分時選項 | | | |
2729 | time-sharing polling | 分時輪詢 | | | |
2730 | time-sharing priority | 分時優先 | 分時優先級 | | |
2731 | time-sharing processing | 分時處理 | 分時處理 | | |
2732 | time-sharing programming | 分時程式設計 | | | |
2733 | time-sharing programming system | 分時程式設計系統 | | | |
2734 | time-sharing ready | 分時就緒 | | | |
2735 | time-sharing ready mode | 分時就緒模 | 分時就緒方式 | | |
2736 | time-sharing reference | 分時引用 | | | |
2737 | time-sharing resource | 分時資源 | | | |
2738 | time-sharing running mode | 分時運行模式 | 分時運行方式 | | |
2739 | time-sharing scanner | 分時掃瞄器 | | | |
2740 | time-sharing scheduler system | 分時排程系統 | 分時調度程序系統 | | |
2741 | time-sharing scheduling rule | 分時排程規則 | 分時調度規則 | | |
2742 | time-sharing service | 分時服務 | | | |
2743 | time-sharing session | 分時對話期 | | | |
2744 | time-sharing software | 分時軟體 | | | |
2745 | time-sharing subsystem | 分時子系統 | | | |
2746 | time-sharing supervisor | 分時監督器 | | | |
2747 | time-sharing system administration package | 分時系統管理套裝軟體 | | | |
2748 | time-sharing system command | 分時系統命令 | 分時系統命令 | | |
2749 | time-sharing system editing package | 分時系統編輯套裝軟體 | | | |
2750 | time-sharing system evaluation | 分時系統評估 | | | |
2751 | time-sharing system executive | 分時系統執行 | | | |
2752 | time-sharing system functionality | 分時系統功能性 | | | |
2753 | time-sharing system simulator | 分時系統模擬器 | | | |
2754 | time-sharing system subsystem | 分時系統的子系統 | | | |
2755 | time-sharing system text editor | 分時系統正文編輯器 | | | |
2756 | time-sharing system | 分時作業系統;分時系統 | | | |
2757 | time-sharing terminal | 分時終端機 | | | |
2758 | time-sharing user | 分時用戶 | | | |
2759 | time-sharing user mode | 分時用戶模式 | 分時用戶方式 | | |
2760 | time-sharing user modes | 分時用戶模式 | | | |
2761 | time-sharing waiting mode | 分時等待模式 | 分時等待方式 | | |
2762 | timestamp | 時間戳記 | 時間戳 | | |
2763 | time-to-digit conversion | 時間至數位轉換 | | | |
2764 | time-to-digital conversion | 時間至數位轉換 | | | |
2765 | time-variant parameter | 時變參數 | 時變參數 | | |
2766 | time-variant series | 時變序列 | | | |
2767 | time-varied gain | 時變增益 | | | |
2768 | time-varying data | 時變資料 | | | |
2769 | time-varying signal | 時變信號 | | | |
2770 | timing | 時序 | | | |
2771 | timing algorithm | 定時演算法 | | | |
2772 | timing analysis | 定時分析 | 定時分析 | | |
2773 | timing analyzer | 定時分析器 | 計時分析程序 | | |
2774 | timing and control circuit | 定時及控制電路 | | | |
2775 | timing capacitor | 計時電容器 | | | |
2776 | timing channel | 計時通道 | | | |
2777 | timing chart | 計時圖 | | | |
2778 | timing circuit | 計時電路 | | | |
2779 | timing clock | 計時時鐘 | | | |
2780 | timing code | 計時碼 | | | |
2781 | timing constraint | 定時約束 | 定時約束 | | |
2782 | timing control unit | 計時控制單元 | | | |
2783 | timing cycle | 計時週期 | | | |
2784 | timing data distributor | 計時資料分配器 | | | |
2785 | timing data input/output | 計時資料輸入輸出 | | | |
2786 | timing device | 計時裝置 | | | |
2787 | timing diagram | 計時圖 | | | |
2788 | timing distribution system | 計時分配系統 | | | |
2789 | timing error | 計時錯誤 | | | |
2790 | timing extraction | 定時擷取 | | | |
2791 | timing gate | 計時閘 | | | |
2792 | timing generator | 計時信號產生器 | | | |
2793 | timing interval | 計時間隔 | | | |
2794 | timing jitter | 計時信號的跳動 | | | |
2795 | timing loop | 計時迴路 | | | |
2796 | timing mark | 計時標示 | | | |
2797 | timing mark check | 時標檢查 | | | |
2798 | timing master | 計時主脈衝 | | | |
2799 | timing mechanism | 計時機構 | | | |
2800 | timing meter | 計時表 | | | |
2801 | timing modulation | 定時調變 | | | |
2802 | timing network | 計時網路 | | | |
2803 | timing processor | 計時處理機 | | | |
2804 | timing program | 計時程式 | | | |
2805 | timing pulse | 計時脈衝;時序脈衝 | | | |
2806 | timing pulse distributor | 計時脈衝分配器 | 定時脈沖分配器 | | |
2807 | timing pulse generator | 計時脈衝產生器 | | | |
2808 | timing recovery | 計時恢復 | | | |
2809 | timing reference signal | 計時參考信號 | | | |
2810 | timing register | 計時暫存器 | | | |
2811 | timing requirement | 計時需求 | | | |
2812 | timing routine | 計時常式 | | | |
2813 | timing sampling | 計時抽樣 | | | |
2814 | timing selector | 計時選擇器 | | | |
2815 | timing sequence | 計時序列 | | | |
2816 | timing service | 計時服務 | | | |
2817 | timing signal | 計時信號 | | | |
2818 | timing terminal unit | 計時終端裝置 | | | |
2819 | timing track | 計時軌 | | | |
2820 | timing uncertainty | 計時不準 | | | |
2821 | timing unit | 計時單元 | | | |
2822 | T-invariant | T不變量 | T不變量[式] | | |
2823 | tip | 尖端 | | | |
2824 | tip cable | 塞尖電纜 | | | |
2825 | tip mode | 尖端模 | | | |
2826 | tip node | 尖節點 | | | |
2827 | tip side | 塞尖側 | | | |
2828 | title | 標題 | | | |
2829 | title card | 標題卡片 | | | |
2830 | title option | 標題選項 | | | |
2831 | t-junctor | 三通接貫 | | | |
2832 | TLB | 轉換旁視緩衝器 | 變換旁查緩沖器, *[地址]轉換后援緩沖器 | | |
2833 | TM | 交易訊息處理 | 事務消息傳遞 | | |
2834 | TM | 流量管理 | 業務量管理, *流量管理 | | |
2835 | TMR | 三模組冗餘 | 三模冗余 | | |
2836 | TMS | 真實維護系統 | 真值維護系統 | | |
2837 | TN power system | TN電源系統 | | | |
2838 | to fire a transition | 實施變遷 | 實施變遷 | | |
2839 | to left-justify〔right-justify〕 | 左[右]對齊;左[右]靠齊 | 左對齊[右對齊] | | |
2840 | to log off;to log out | 登出 | 注銷 | | |
2841 | to undelete | 反刪除 | 恢復刪除 | | |
2842 | to upload | 上傳 | 上載 | | |
2843 | toggle | 雙態觸變 | | | |
2844 | toggle button | 雙態觸變鈕 | | | |
2845 | toggle circuit | 雙態觸變電路 | | | |
2846 | toggle flipflop | 雙態觸變正反器 | | | |
2847 | toggle rate | 雙態觸變率 | | | |
2848 | toggle speed | 雙態觸變速率 | | | |
2849 | toggle switch | 雙態觸變開關 | | | |
2850 | token | 符記;訊標 | 權標, *令牌 | | |
2851 | token access control | 符記存取控制 | | | |
2852 | token bus | 符記匯流排 | | | |
2853 | token bus architecture | 符記匯流排架構 | | | |
2854 | token bus network | 符記匯流排網路 | 令牌總線網 | | |
2855 | token card | 符記卡 | | | |
2856 | token code | 符記碼 | | | |
2857 | token flow path | 符記流路徑 | 標記流路 | | |
2858 | token holder | 符記持有者 | 權標持有站, *令牌持有站 | | |
2859 | token matching | 符記匹配 | | | |
2860 | token monitor | 符記監督器 | | | |
2861 | token name | 符記名 | | | |
2862 | token passing | 符記傳遞 | 權標傳遞, *令牌傳遞 | | |
2863 | token passing bus | 符記傳遞匯流排 | | | |
2864 | token passing procedure | 符記傳遞程序 | 令牌傳遞規程 | | |
2865 | token passing protocol?C | 符記傳遞通訊協定 | 令牌傳遞協議 | | |
2866 | token passing system | 符記傳遞系統 | | | |
2867 | token replacement | 符記替換 | | | |
2868 | token ring | 符記環 | | | |
2869 | token ring architecture | 符記環架構 | | | |
2870 | token ring local area network | 符記環區域網路 | | | |
2871 | token ring network | 符記環形網路;符記環網路 | 令牌環網 | | |
2872 | token rotation time | 符記旋轉時間 | 權標輪轉時間, *令牌輪轉時間 | | |
2873 | token separator | 符記分隔符 | | | |
2874 | token type | 符記型式 | 標記類型 | | |
2875 | token type ratio | 符記型式比 | | | |
2876 | token value | 符記值 | | | |
2877 | token variable | 符記變數 | 標記變量 | | |
2878 | token-bus network | 符記匯流排網路 | 權標總線網, *令牌總線網 | | |
2879 | token-ring network | 符記環形網路;符記環網路 | 權標環網, *令牌環網 | | |
2880 | Tokyo electric co. | 東京電氣公司 | | | |
2881 | Tokyo experiment computer network | 東京實驗性計算機網路 | | | |
2882 | Tokyo experimental computer network | 東京實驗計算機網路 | | | |
2883 | Tokyo Shilbaura Electric | 東京芝浦電氣公司 | | | |
2884 | tolerable delay | 容許延遲 | | | |
2885 | tolerable error rate | 容許錯誤率 | | | |
2886 | tolerable limit | 容許極限 | | | |
2887 | tolerance | 容許度;容差 | | | |
2888 | tolerance analysis | 容差分析 | | | |
2889 | tolerance frequency | 容差頻率 | | | |
2890 | tolerance interval | 容差區間 | | | |
2891 | toll | 收費;長途 | | | |
2892 | toll call | 長途通話 | | | |
2893 | toll center | 長途中心 | | | |
2894 | toll key | 通行鍵 | | | |
2895 | toll line release | 長途線路釋放 | | | |
2896 | toll network | 長途網路 | | | |
2897 | toll service | 長途業務 | | | |
2898 | toll switching trunk | 長途交換中繼線 | | | |
2899 | toll-free number | 免費號 | | | |
2900 | tomographic | 斷層射影 | | | |
2901 | tomography | 斷層掃瞄 | 層析成像, *層析朮 | | |
2902 | tone | 音調 | 聲調 | | |
2903 | tone control | 音調控制器 | | | |
2904 | tone control circuit | 音調控制電路 | | | |
2905 | tone count audiometric computer | 音頻計數音頻測量計算機 | | | |
2906 | tone dial | 按鍵式撥號 | | | |
2907 | tone dial receiver | 音頻撥號接收器 | | | |
2908 | tone dialing | 音頻撥號 | | | |
2909 | tone digital command | 音頻數位命令 | | | |
2910 | toner | 色劑;碳粉 | 色粉 | | |
2911 | toner carrier | 色劑載體 | | | |
2912 | toner cartridge | 碳粉匣 | 色粉盒 | | |
2913 | toner concentrate | 色劑濃縮物 | | | |
2914 | toner concentration | 碳粉集中 | | | |
2915 | toner container | 色劑容器 | | | |
2916 | toner mark | 色劑標示 | | | |
2917 | toner migration | 色劑移動 | | | |
2918 | toner offset | 色劑偏移 | | | |
2919 | toner reservoir | 色劑儲存器 | | | |
2920 | toning control | 色調控制 | | | |
2921 | toning system | 顯影系統 | | | |
2922 | tool | 工具 | | | |
2923 | tool based programming environment | 基於工具的程式設計環境 | | | |
2924 | tool box | 工具箱 | | | |
2925 | tool coordinate system | 工具協調系統 | | | |
2926 | tool for compiler writing | 編譯程式寫作工具 | | | |
2927 | tool function | 工具功能 | | | |
2928 | tool kit | 工具套件 | | | |
2929 | tool number | 工具號碼 | | | |
2930 | tool offset | 工具偏移 | | | |
2931 | tool position compensation | 工具位置補償 | | | |
2932 | tool set | 工具集 | | | |
2933 | tool transformations | 工具變換 | | | |
2934 | toolbox | 工具箱 | 工具箱 | | |
2935 | toolkit | 工具箱 | 工具箱 | | |
2936 | toolkit utility | 工具箱公用程式 | | | |
2937 | tools for building expert system | 建立專家系統的工具 | | | |
2938 | toolsmith | 工具匠 | | | |
2939 | toothbrush structure | 牙刷結構 | | | |
2940 | top | 頂 | 技朮與辦公協議 | | |
2941 | top class | 頂層級 | | | |
2942 | top clause | 頂子句 | | | |
2943 | top cover | 頂蓋 | | | |
2944 | top digit | 頂數位 | | | |
2945 | top document | 頂層文件 | | | |
2946 | top element | 頂端元素 | | | |
2947 | top entry | 頂項 | | | |
2948 | top environment | 頂層環境 | | | |
2949 | top loading | 由上載入 | | | |
2950 | top management | 高階主管 | | | |
2951 | top management decision simulation | 高階管理決策模擬 | | | |
2952 | top margin | 頂端邊際 | | | |
2953 | top node | 頂端節點 | 頂級結點 | | |
2954 | top node of tree | 樹頂節點 | | | |
2955 | top of form | 表格頭 | | | |
2956 | top of stack control word | 堆疊頂控制字 | | | |
2957 | top of stack pointer | 堆疊頂指標 | | | |
2958 | top of stack | 堆疊頂 | | | |
2959 | top operand | 堆疊頂運算元 | | | |
2960 | top operator | 頂運算子 | | | |
2961 | top paper | 頂端用紙 | | | |
2962 | top priority processing | 最高優先處理 | | | |
2963 | top rank retrieval | 上層檢索 | | | |
2964 | top register | 堆疊頂暫存器 | | | |
2965 | top row | 頂列 | | | |
2966 | top secret | 最高機密 | 絕密級 | | |
2967 | top secret classification | 最高機密等級 | | | |
2968 | top speed | 最高速度 | | | |
2969 | top stack element | 堆疊頂元素 | | | |
2970 | top stack location | 頂堆疊位置 | | | |
2971 | top stack operand | 堆疊頂運算元 | | | |
2972 | top stack symbol | 堆疊頂符號 | | | |
2973 | top symbol | 頂符號 | | | |
2974 | top to top | 頂到頂 | | | |
2975 | top view | 上視圖 | | | |
2976 | top-down | 自上而下 | 自頂向下 | | |
2977 | top-down algorithm | 自上而下演算法 | | | |
2978 | top-down analysis | 自上而下分析 | | | |
2979 | top-down analysis procedure | 自上而下分析程序 | | | |
2980 | top-down analyzer | 自上而下分析器 | | | |
2981 | top-down approach | 自上而下方式 | | | |
2982 | top-down block structure | 自上而下程序塊結構 | | | |
2983 | top-down compiler | 自上而下編譯器 | | | |
2984 | top-down computer aided graphics | 自上而下電腦輔助圖學 | | | |
2985 | top-down connection | 自上而下連接 | | | |
2986 | top-down design | 自上而下設計 | 自頂向下設計 | | |
2987 | top-down development | 自上而下發展法 | | | |
2988 | top-down error recovery | 自上而下錯誤復原 | | | |
2989 | top-down fashion | 自上而下方式 | | | |
2990 | top-down fast-back parser | 自上而下快返剖析器 | | | |
2991 | top-down goal oriented analysis procedure | 自上而下目標導向的分析程序 | | | |
2992 | top-down integration | 自上而下整合 | | | |
2993 | top-down left-to-right ordering | 自上而下自左至右定序 | | | |
2994 | top-down logic | 自上而下邏輯 | | | |
2995 | top-down management orientation | 自上而下的管理方向 | | | |
2996 | top-down method | 自上而下方法 | 自頂向下方法 | | |
2997 | top-down parse | 自上而下剖析 | | | |
2998 | top-down parser | 自上而下剖析器 | | | |
2999 | top-down parsing | 自上而下剖析 | 自頂向下句法分析 | | |
3000 | top-down parsing algorithm | 自上而下剖析演算法 | | | |
3001 | top-down parsing language | 自上而下剖析語言 | | | |
3002 | top-down partitioning rule | 自上而下劃分規則 | | | |
3003 | top-down process | 自上而下處理 | | | |
3004 | top-down program refinement | 自上而下程式精化 | | | |
3005 | top-down programming | 自上而下程式設計 | | | |
3006 | top-down programming method | 自上而下程式設計方法 | | | |
3007 | top-down reasoning | 自上而下推理 | 自頂向下推理 | | |
3008 | top-down recognition | 自上而下辨識 | | | |
3009 | top-down recognizer | 自上而下辨識器 | | | |
3010 | top-down recursive parser | 自上而下遞迴剖析器 | | | |
3011 | top-down stepwise refinement | 自上而下按步精化 | | | |
3012 | top-down structuring design | 自上而下結構設計 | | | |
3013 | top-down technique | 自上而下技術 | | | |
3014 | top-down testing | 自上而下測試 | 自頂向下測試 | | |
3015 | top-down-left-right sequence | 自上而下自左至右次序 | | | |
3016 | topic | 題目 | | | |
3017 | topic group | 主題群組 | 話題小組, *課題小組 | | |
3018 | topic sentence | 主題句子 | | | |
3019 | top-level | 頂層 | | | |
3020 | top-level design | 頂層設計 | | | |
3021 | top-level environment | 頂層環境 | | | |
3022 | top-level function calls | 頂層函數呼叫 | | | |
3023 | topographic map | 地形映像 | | | |
3024 | topological attribute | 拓蹼屬性 | 拓扑屬性 | | |
3025 | topological problem in parallel searching | 不行搜尋的拓樸問題 | | | |
3026 | topological retrieval | 拓蹼檢索 | 拓扑檢索 | | |
3027 | topological sort | 拓蹼排序 | | | |
3028 | topological sorting | 拓撲分類 | | | |
3029 | topology | 拓撲學;布局 | | | |
3030 | topology record | 拓撲記錄 | | | |
3031 | torn-tape switching center | 裂帶交換中心 | | | |
3032 | torque | 轉矩 | | | |
3033 | torque amplifier | 轉矩放大器 | | | |
3034 | torque control | 轉矩控制 | | | |
3035 | torque controller | 轉矩控制器 | | | |
3036 | TOTAL | TOTAL資料庫管理系統 | | | |
3037 | total | 總計;整體;總 | | | |
3038 | total actual costs | 總實際成本 | | | |
3039 | total adjustment amount | 總調整金額 | | | |
3040 | total amount | 總金額 | | | |
3041 | total correctness | 完全正確性 | 完全正確性 | | |
3042 | total distributed control | 總體分散式控制 | 集散控制 | | |
3043 | total distributed control system | 整體分散控制系統 | | | |
3044 | total function | 總計功能;總結功能 | | | |
3045 | total harmonic distortion | 總諧波失真 | | | |
3046 | total hours remaining | 總剩餘時數 | | | |
3047 | total information system | 整體資訊系統 | | | |
3048 | total management system | 總體管理系統 | | | |
3049 | total net movement | 總淨移動 | | | |
3050 | total numerical control | 全數值控制 | | | |
3051 | total on-hand cost | 總在庫成本 | | | |
3052 | total period capacity | 總期間產能 | | | |
3053 | total preventive maintenance time | 總預防維護時間 | | | |
3054 | total quality management | 總體品質管理 | 全面質量管理 | | |
3055 | total quantity | 總數量 | | | |
3056 | total quantity on order | 已訂總數量 | | | |
3057 | total recursive function | 完全遞迴函數 | | | |
3058 | total replacement cost | 總替換成本 | | | |
3059 | total secondary calculation | 二次計算總計 | | | |
3060 | total specified throughput | 總規定通量 | | | |
3061 | total state | 整體狀態 | | | |
3062 | total system approach | 整體系統方式 | | | |
3063 | total systems concept | 總系統概念 | | | |
3064 | total time | 總計時間;總時間 | | | |
3065 | total transactions | 異動總計 | | | |
3066 | total type | 總型 | | | |
3067 | total usage amount | 總使用金額 | | | |
3068 | total variation | 總變異 | | | |
3069 | total-dose | 全干擾 | 全干擾 | | |
3070 | totality problem | 總體問題 | | | |
3071 | totally self-checking | 總體自檢 | 完全自檢驗 | | |
3072 | totally self-checking circuit | 總體自檢電路 | 全自檢查電路 | | |
3073 | total-to-date cost | 至本日之總成本 | | | |
3074 | touch | 觸動;觸壓;按 | | | |
3075 | touch call | 接觸叫號 | | | |
3076 | touch display | 觸摸顯示器 | | | |
3077 | touch panel | 觸摸面板 | | | |
3078 | touch screen | 觸控螢幕 | 觸摸屏 | | |
3079 | touch sensitive screen | 觸敏螢幕 | 觸感屏 | | |
3080 | touch sensors | 觸感測器 | | | |
3081 | touch typing | 盲打 | 盲打 | | |
3082 | touch-tone | 按鍵式 | | | |
3083 | touch-tone data service | 按鍵電話資料服務 | | | |
3084 | touch-tone device | 按鍵電話裝置 | | | |
3085 | touch-tone dialing | 按鍵撥號 | | | |
3086 | touch-tone telephone | 按鍵電話 | | | |
3087 | tournament algorithm | 錦標賽演算法 | 錦標賽算法 | | |
3088 | tournament sort | 錦標賽排序 | 聯賽排序 | | |
3089 | t-out-of-s diagnosable | s中取t可診斷的 | | | |
3090 | tower chart | 塔形圖 | | | |
3091 | tower of Hanoi | 河內塔 | | | |
3092 | tower of Hanoi puzzle | 河內塔難題 | | | |
3093 | tower shape | 塔形 | | | |
3094 | tow-way alternate communication | 雙向交互通信 | | | |
3095 | TPS | 異動處理系統 | 事務處理系統 | | |
3096 | TQM | 總體品質管理 | 全面質量管理 | | |
3097 | TQUEL | 時序查詢語言 | 時態查詢語言 | | |
3098 | trace | 追蹤 | 跟蹤 | | |
3099 | trace analysis program | 追蹤分析程式 | | | |
3100 | trace command | 追蹤命令 | | | |
3101 | trace language | 追蹤語言 | 跡語言 | | |
3102 | trace program | 追蹤程式 | | | |
3103 | trace routine | 追蹤常式 | | | |
3104 | trace statement | 追蹤敘述 | | | |
3105 | tracer | 追蹤器 | 追蹤程序 | | |
3106 | tracer controller | 追蹤控制器 | 仿形控制器 | | |
3107 | traceroute | 跟蹤路由程式 | 跟蹤路由[程序] | | |
3108 | tracing | 追蹤 | | | |
3109 | tracing routine | 追蹤常式 | | | |
3110 | track | 磁軌 | 道 | | |
3111 | track and hold unit | 追蹤及保持單元 | | | |
3112 | track and store unit | 追蹤及儲存單元 | | | |
3113 | track center-to-center spacing | 磁軌中心間距 | 磁道中心距 | | |
3114 | track density | 軌密度 | 道密度 | | |
3115 | track distortion | 磁軌畸變 | | | |
3116 | track following servo system | 軌隨從伺服系統 | 磁道跟蹤伺服系統 | | |
3117 | track format | 磁軌格式 | 磁道格式 | | |
3118 | track history | 軌歷史 | | | |
3119 | track hole | 軌孔 | | | |
3120 | track index | 磁軌索引;磁道指標 | | | |
3121 | track number | 磁軌號碼 | | | |
3122 | track offset | 磁軌偏移 | | | |
3123 | track pitch | 軌距 | 道間距 | | |
3124 | track seeking | 尋找磁軌 | 尋道, *查找 | | |
3125 | track spacing | 軌距 | 道間距 | | |
3126 | track width | 磁軌寬度 | 磁道寬度 | | |
3127 | trackball | 軌跡球 | 跟蹤球 | | |
3128 | tracker ball | 軌球 | | | |
3129 | track-following feedback control system | 軌隨從回饋控制系統 | | | |
3130 | track-following servo system | 軌隨從伺服系統 | | | |
3131 | tracking | 追蹤 | | | |
3132 | tracking | 跟蹤(電腦圖形的) | | | |
3133 | tracking and data relay satellite | 追蹤與資料中繼衛星 | | | |
3134 | tracking ball | 軌跡球 | | | |
3135 | tracking cross | 追蹤交叉 | | | |
3136 | tracking devices | 追蹤裝置 | | | |
3137 | tracking dynamics | 追蹤動力學 | | | |
3138 | tracking error | 追蹤誤差 | 跟蹤誤差 | | |
3139 | tracking focus | 追蹤焦點 | | | |
3140 | tracking history exception codes | 追蹤歷史異常碼 | | | |
3141 | tracking level | 追蹤等級 | | | |
3142 | tracking pattern | 追蹤型樣 | | | |
3143 | tracking preprocessor | 追蹤預處理器 | | | |
3144 | tracking signal trip | 追蹤信號途徑 | | | |
3145 | tracking symbol | 追蹤符號 | | | |
3146 | tracks per inch | 每英吋磁軌數 | 道每英寸 | | |
3147 | track-to-track moving time | 軌至軌移動時間 | | | |
3148 | tractor | 定軌器 | | | |
3149 | tractor feed | 牽引送紙 | | | |
3150 | tractor feeder | 牽引送紙器 | 牽引式輸紙器 | | |
3151 | trade discount | 貿易折扣 | | | |
3152 | trade-off | 折衷 | 權衡 | | |
3153 | traditional Chinese character | 傳統中文字元 | 傳承字 | | |
3154 | traditional debugging | 傳統除錯 | | | |
3155 | traditional grammar | 傳統文法 | 傳統語法 | | |
3156 | traditional Hanzi | 傳統漢字 | 傳承字 | | |
3157 | traditional system development | 傳統系統開發 | | | |
3158 | traffic | 交通;流量 | 流量, *業務量 | | |
3159 | traffic analysis | 流量分析 | 通信量分析 | | |
3160 | traffic contract | 流量合約 | 業務合同 | | |
3161 | traffic control | 流量控制 | 業務量控制, *流量控制 | | |
3162 | traffic controller | 流量控制器 | | | |
3163 | traffic descriptor | 流量描述符 | 業務量描述詞 | | |
3164 | traffic flow analysis | 通信流量分析 | 通信流量分析 | | |
3165 | traffic flow security | 通信流安全 | | | |
3166 | traffic intensity | 流量強度 | | | |
3167 | traffic load | 流量負載 | | | |
3168 | traffic management | 流量管理 | 業務量管理, *流量管理 | | |
3169 | traffic noise index | 通話雜訊指數 | | | |
3170 | traffic padding | 流量填充 | 通信量填充 | | |
3171 | traffic volume | 流量 | | | |
3172 | trail | 帶尾;存底 | | | |
3173 | trailer | 標尾;尾部 | 尾部 | | |
3174 | trailer label | 尾標 | | | |
3175 | trailer record | 尾部記錄;尾錄 | | | |
3176 | trailer sync | 結尾同步訊號 | | | |
3177 | trailing character | 尾隨字元 | | | |
3178 | trailing decision loop | 尾隨決策迴路 | | | |
3179 | trailing end | 尾端 | | | |
3180 | trailing portion abbreviation | 尾部縮寫 | | | |
3181 | trailing zero | 尾隨零 | | | |
3182 | train | 列車;列 | | | |
3183 | train type printer | 列車型列印機 | | | |
3184 | training | 訓練 | 培訓 | | |
3185 | training mode | 訓練模式 | | | |
3186 | training pattern | 訓練型樣 | | | |
3187 | training pattern classifier system | 訓練型樣分類系統 | | | |
3188 | training simulator | 訓練模擬器 | | | |
3189 | training time | 訓練時間 | | | |
3190 | training time limit | 訓練時間極限 | 培訓時間 | | |
3191 | trajectory | 軌跡 | 跡線 | | |
3192 | trajectory curve | 軌跡曲線 | 軌跡曲線 | | |
3193 | transaction | 交易;異動 | 事務[元] | | |
3194 | transaction activity difference | 異動活動差異 | | | |
3195 | transaction amount | 異動金額 | | | |
3196 | transaction analysis | 交易分析 | 事務分析 | | |
3197 | transaction beginning point | 異動開始點 | | | |
3198 | transaction branch | 交易分支 | | | |
3199 | transaction code | 交易碼;異動碼 | | | |
3200 | transaction control | 交易控制 | | | |
3201 | transaction control block | 異動控制段 | | | |
3202 | transaction control center | 異動控制中心 | | | |
3203 | transaction control table | 異動控制表 | | | |
3204 | transaction cost | 異動成本 | | | |
3205 | transaction count | 異動筆數 | | | |
3206 | transaction data | 異動資料 | | | |
3207 | transaction data set | 異動資料集 | | | |
3208 | transaction date | 異動日期 | | | |
3209 | transaction facility | 交易設施 | | | |
3210 | transaction failure | 交易失敗 | 事務故障 | | |
3211 | transaction file | 交易檔案;異動檔案;異動 | | | |
3212 | transaction flow language | 異動流語言 | | | |
3213 | transaction key | 交易鍵 | | | |
3214 | transaction log | 交易日誌 | | | |
3215 | transaction log file | 異動日誌檔 | | | |
3216 | transaction matrix | 異動矩陣 | | | |
3217 | transaction oriented output | 交易導向輸出 | | | |
3218 | transaction oriented processing system | 交易導向處理系統 | | | |
3219 | transaction processing benchmark | 異動處理基準 | | | |
3220 | transaction processing system | 異動處理系統 | 事務處理系統 | | |
3221 | transaction processing | 異動處理 | | | |
3222 | transaction processing(TP) designer | 異動處理設計師 | | | |
3223 | transaction processing(TP) monitor | 異動處理監視器 | | | |
3224 | transaction reconciliation | 異動對帳 | | | |
3225 | transaction register | 異動明細 | | | |
3226 | transaction reversal code | 異動反轉碼 | | | |
3227 | transaction scheduling | 異動排程 | 事務調度 | | |
3228 | transaction selection | 異動選擇 | | | |
3229 | transaction services layer | 異動服務層 | | | |
3230 | transaction set | 異動集合 | | | |
3231 | transaction tape | 異動帶 | | | |
3232 | transaction throughput | 交易通量 | 事務處理吞吐量 | | |
3233 | transaction time | 交易時間 | 事務時間 | | |
3234 | transaction tolerance percent | 異動容差百分比 | | | |
3235 | transaction tracking system | 異動追蹤系統 | | | |
3236 | transaction types | 異動型態 | | | |
3237 | transactional messaging | 交易訊息處理 | 事務消息傳遞 | | |
3238 | transaction-driven system | 交易驅動系統 | 事務驅動系統 | | |
3239 | transactions per second | 每秒交易數 | 事務處理每秒 | | |
3240 | transactions per second | 每秒異動數 | | | |
3241 | transactor | 終端執行者 | | | |
3242 | transceiver | 資料收發器 | 收發器 | | |
3243 | transcendental function | 超越函數 | | | |
3244 | transcribe | 轉錄 | 轉錄 | | |
3245 | transcriber | 轉錄器 | | | |
3246 | transcription | 轉錄 | 轉錄 | | |
3247 | transducer | 轉換器 | 傳感器 | | |
3248 | transfer | 轉移;傳送 | | | |
3249 | transfer address | 轉移位址 | | | |
3250 | transfer approach | 轉移方式 | | | |
3251 | transfer card | 轉移卡 | | | |
3252 | transfer check | 轉移核對 | | | |
3253 | transfer circuit | 轉移電路 | | | |
3254 | transfer control | 轉移控制 | | | |
3255 | transfer function | 傳送函數 | 傳遞函數 | | |
3256 | transfer instruction | 轉移指令 | | | |
3257 | transfer interpreter | 轉移解譯器 | 轉印機 | | |
3258 | transfer less than zero | 小於零轉移 | | | |
3259 | transfer medium | 轉移媒體 | | | |
3260 | transfer mode | 轉移模式 | | | |
3261 | transfer on no index | 無索引傳送 | | | |
3262 | transfer on no overflow | 無溢出傳送 | | | |
3263 | transfer on nonzero | 非零傳送 | | | |
3264 | transfer operation | 傳送作業 | | | |
3265 | transfer point | 轉移點 | | | |
3266 | transfer process | 轉移處理 | | | |
3267 | transfer rate | 傳送率 | | | |
3268 | transfer rate of information bits | 資訊位元傳送率 | | | |
3269 | transfer source | 轉移來源 | | | |
3270 | transfer syntax | 轉移語法 | | | |
3271 | transfer table | 傳送表 | | | |
3272 | transfer target | 轉移目標 | | | |
3273 | transfer time | 傳送時間 | 傳送時間 | | |
3274 | transfer vector | 轉移向量 | | | |
3275 | transferred information | 傳送資訊 | | | |
3276 | transform | 變換 | 變換 | | |
3277 | transform analysis | 變換分析 | 變換分析 | | |
3278 | transform center | 變換中心 | 變換中心 | | |
3279 | transform coding | 轉換編碼 | 變換編碼 | | |
3280 | transform operator | 變換運算子 | | | |
3281 | transformation | 變換 | 變換 | | |
3282 | transformation and search question analysis | 變換與搜尋問題分析 | | | |
3283 | transformation catalog | 變換目錄 | | | |
3284 | transformation processing | 變換處理 | 變換處理 | | |
3285 | transformation record | 變換記錄 | | | |
3286 | transformation rule | 變換規則 | 變換規則 | | |
3287 | transformation semantics | 變換語意 | 變換語義 | | |
3288 | transformation strategy | 變換策略 | | | |
3289 | transformation system | 變換系統 | 變換系統 | | |
3290 | transformational grammar | 變換文法 | | | |
3291 | transient | 瞬時;暫態 | | | |
3292 | transient analysis | 瞬時分析 | 瞬態分析 | | |
3293 | transient command | 暫駐命令 | 暫駐命令 | | |
3294 | transient date | 暫態日期 | | | |
3295 | transient error | 暫態誤差 | 瞬態誤差 | | |
3296 | transient fault | 暫態故障 | 瞬時故障 | | |
3297 | transient hazard | 暫態冒險 | 瞬時冒險 | | |
3298 | transient member | 暫態成員 | | | |
3299 | transient network analyzer | 暫態網路分析器 | | | |
3300 | transient phenomenon | 暫態現象 | | | |
3301 | transient program | 暫態判定 | | | |
3302 | transient response | 暫態回應 | | | |
3303 | transient state | 暫態 | | | |
3304 | trans-information | 傳送資訊(內涵) | | | |
3305 | transistor | 電晶體 | | | |
3306 | transistor current steering logic | 電晶體電流引導邏輯 | | | |
3307 | transistor diode logic | 電晶體二極體邏輯 | | | |
3308 | transistor logic | 電晶體邏輯 | | | |
3309 | transistor-resistor-transistor logic | TRT邏輯電路 | | | |
3310 | transistor-transistor logic | 晶體對晶體邏輯 | 晶體管晶體管邏輯 | | |
3311 | transistor-transistor logic | 電晶體-電晶體邏輯 | | | |
3312 | transistor-transistor logic-Schottky | 電晶體-電晶體肖特基邏輯 | | | |
3313 | transit delay | 轉接延遲 | 通過延遲, *轉接延遲 | | |
3314 | transit network | 轉接網路 | 轉接網 | | |
3315 | transit network identification | 轉接網路識別 | | | |
3316 | transit time | 中轉時間 | | | |
3317 | transition | 變遷;過渡 | 變遷 | | |
3318 | transition card | 過渡卡 | | | |
3319 | transition count | 變遷計數 | | | |
3320 | transition curve | 過渡曲線 | 過渡曲線 | | |
3321 | transition diagram | 變遷圖 | | | |
3322 | transition effect | 過渡效果 | 過渡效果 | | |
3323 | transition firing rate | 變遷實施速率 | 變遷實施速率 | | |
3324 | transition matrix | 變遷矩陣 | | | |
3325 | transition network grammar | 變遷網路文法 | 轉移網絡語法 | | |
3326 | transition network recursive | 變遷網路遞迴 | | | |
3327 | transition network | 變遷網路 | | | |
3328 | transition rule | 變遷規則 | 變遷規則 | | |
3329 | transition sequence | 變遷順序 | 變遷序列 | | |
3330 | transition surface | 過渡曲面 | 過渡曲面 | | |
3331 | transition table | 變遷表 | | | |
3332 | transition time | 變遷時間 | | | |
3333 | transitive closure | 遞移閉包 | 傳遞閉包 | | |
3334 | transitive dependence | 遞移相依 | | | |
3335 | transitive dependency | 遞移相依 | 傳遞相關性 | | |
3336 | transitive functional dependence | 傳遞函數相依 | 傳遞函數依賴 | | |
3337 | transitive reduction | 傳遞縮減 | 傳遞簡約 | | |
3338 | transitivity | 傳遞性 | 傳遞性 | | |
3339 | translate | 翻譯;移位;轉換 | 翻譯 | | |
3340 | translate phase | 翻譯狀態 | | | |
3341 | translate table | 轉換表 | | | |
3342 | translating | 位移 | | | |
3343 | translating program | 翻譯程式 | 翻譯程序, *翻譯器 | | |
3344 | translating routine | 翻譯常式 | | | |
3345 | translating time | 翻譯歷時 | | | |
3346 | translation | 翻譯 | | | |
3347 | translation algorithm | 轉換演算法 | | | |
3348 | translation cipher | 翻譯加密 | | | |
3349 | translation grammar | 翻譯文法 | | | |
3350 | translation lookahead buffer | 轉換預看緩衝器 | 變換先行緩沖器 | | |
3351 | translation lookaside buffer | 轉換旁視緩衝器 | 變換旁查緩沖器, *[地址]轉換后援緩沖器 | | |
3352 | translation methods | 翻譯方法 | | | |
3353 | translation quality evaluation for MT | 機器翻譯品質評估 | | | |
3354 | translation time | 翻譯時間 | | | |
3355 | translation transformation | 翻譯變換 | 平移變換 | | |
3356 | translator | 翻譯器 | 翻譯程序, *翻譯器 | | |
3357 | translator program | 翻譯程式 | | | |
3358 | translator writing system | 翻譯器撰寫系統 | | | |
3359 | translator-assembler compiler | 翻譯組合編譯程器 | | | |
3360 | transliterate | 直譯 | 直譯 | | |
3361 | transliteration | 換字;音譯 | | | |
3362 | translucency | 半透明 | 半透明 | | |
3363 | transmission | 傳輸 | 傳輸 | | |
3364 | transmission adapter | 傳輸配接器 | | | |
3365 | transmission block length | 傳輸塊長度 | | | |
3366 | transmission collision | 傳輸碰撞 | | | |
3367 | transmission control card | 傳輸控制卡 | | | |
3368 | transmission control character | 傳輸控制字元;傳送控制字元 | 傳輸控制字符 | | |
3369 | transmission control layer | 傳輸控制層 | | | |
3370 | transmission control program | 傳輸控制程式 | | | |
3371 | transmission control protocol | 傳輸控制協定 | 傳輸控制協議 | | |
3372 | transmission control protocol/internet protocol | 傳輸控制協定╱網際網路協定 | TCP/IP協議 | | |
3373 | transmission control unit | 傳輸控制單位 | | | |
3374 | transmission control | 傳輸控制 | | | |
3375 | transmission distributor | 傳輸分配器 | | | |
3376 | transmission efficiency | 傳輸效率 | | | |
3377 | transmission equipment | 傳輸設備 | | | |
3378 | transmission error | 傳輸誤差 | | | |
3379 | transmission error control | 傳輸錯誤控制 | | | |
3380 | transmission frame | 傳輸框 | | | |
3381 | transmission frequency band width | 傳輸頻寬 | | | |
3382 | transmission impairments | 傳輸損害 | | | |
3383 | transmission interface converter | 傳輸介面轉換器 | | | |
3384 | transmission interruption | 傳輸中斷 | | | |
3385 | transmission level | 傳輸位準 | | | |
3386 | transmission limit | 傳輸極限 | | | |
3387 | transmission line | 傳輸線 | 傳輸線 | | |
3388 | transmission loss | 傳輸損失 | 傳輸損耗 | | |
3389 | transmission measuring set input | 傳輸測試器輸入 | | | |
3390 | transmission media | 傳輸媒體 | | | |
3391 | transmission medium | 傳輸媒體 | 傳輸媒體 | | |
3392 | transmission path delay | 傳輸路徑延遲 | 傳輸通路延遲 | | |
3393 | transmission performance | 傳輸效能 | | | |
3394 | transmission performance and throughput | 傳輸效能與通量 | | | |
3395 | transmission plan | 傳輸計畫 | | | |
3396 | transmission policy control object | 傳輸政策控制物件 | | | |
3397 | transmission rate | 傳輸率 | | | |
3398 | transmission reference point zero level | 傳輸參考點零位準 | | | |
3399 | transmission request | 傳輸請求 | | | |
3400 | transmission schedule | 傳輸時程 | | | |
3401 | transmission speed | 傳輸速率 | | | |
3402 | transmission subsystem | 傳輸子系統 | | | |
3403 | transmit | 傳輸;發送 | | | |
3404 | transmit buffer | 傳輸緩衝區 | | | |
3405 | transmit buffer chain | 傳輸鍊接 | | | |
3406 | transmit data lead | 傳送資料引頭 | | | |
3407 | transmit data register | 發送資料暫存器 | | | |
3408 | transmit flow control | 傳輸流程控制 | | | |
3409 | transmit interrupts | 傳輸中斷 | | | |
3410 | transmit operation | 傳輸作業 | | | |
3411 | transmit port | 傳輸埠 | | | |
3412 | transmit window | 發送視窗 | | | |
3413 | transmit-copy line | 傳輸複製線 | | | |
3414 | transmittal mode | 傳輸模式 | | | |
3415 | transmitted data circuit | 發送數據電路 | | | |
3416 | transmitted information | 傳送資訊 | | | |
3417 | transmitter | 發射機 | | | |
3418 | transmitter distributor | 發送分配器 | | | |
3419 | transmitter signal element timing | 傳輸器信號元件計時 | | | |
3420 | transmitter start code | 傳輸器起動碼 | | | |
3421 | transparency | 透明片;透通性 | 透明度 | | |
3422 | transparent | 透通 | | | |
3423 | transparent assembly | 透通組合 | | | |
3424 | transparent background | 透明背景 | | | |
3425 | transparent bridging | 透通橋接 | 透明橋接 | | |
3426 | transparent data add facility | 透通資料添加設施 | | | |
3427 | transparent data transfer phase | 透通資料轉移階段 | | | |
3428 | transparent file system sharing | 透通檔案系統共享 | | | |
3429 | transparent gateway | 透通閘道 | 透明網關 | | |
3430 | transparent mode | 透通模 | | | |
3431 | transparent refresh | 透通更新 | 透明刷新 | | |
3432 | transparent text mode | 透通本文模式 | | | |
3433 | transparent text transmission | 透通本文傳輸 | | | |
3434 | transparent transfer | 透通傳送 | 透明傳送 | | |
3435 | transponder | 詢答機;轉頻器 | | | |
3436 | transport | 傳送 | 運輸 | | |
3437 | transport connection | 傳送連接 | 運輸[層]連接 | | |
3438 | transport delay | 傳送延遲 | | | |
3439 | transport entity | 傳送實體 | | | |
3440 | transport layer | 傳送層 | 運輸層 | | |
3441 | transport level | 傳送等級 | | | |
3442 | transport level interface | 傳送層介面 | | | |
3443 | transport service | 傳送服務 | 運輸[層]服務 | | |
3444 | transport service user | 傳送服務使用者 | | | |
3445 | transport unit | 傳送單位 | | | |
3446 | transportable | 可運送的 | | | |
3447 | transportable integrated design automation language | 可運送的整體設計自動化語言 | | | |
3448 | transportation method | 傳送方法 | | | |
3449 | transpose | 轉置 | | | |
3450 | transpose permutation | 轉置排列 | | | |
3451 | transposed file | 換位檔 | | | |
3452 | transposition | 換位 | 轉置 | | |
3453 | transposition cipher | 換位密碼法 | 錯亂密碼 | | |
3454 | transputer network | 傳算器網路 | | | |
3455 | transverse check | 橫向檢查 | | | |
3456 | transverse crosstalk coupling | 橫向串音耦合 | | | |
3457 | transverse magnetic recording | 橫向磁性記錄 | | | |
3458 | transverse parity check | 橫向同位核對 | | | |
3459 | transverse recording | 橫向記錄 | | | |
3460 | transverse scan | 橫向掃瞄 | 橫向掃描 | | |
3461 | trap | 陷阱 | *陷阱 | | |
3462 | trap address | 陷阱位址 | | | |
3463 | trap door | 暗門 | | | |
3464 | trap handling | 陷阱處置 | | | |
3465 | trapdoor | 陷阱門 | 陷門 | | |
3466 | trapdoor cryptosystem | 陷阱門密碼系統 | 陷門密碼體制 | | |
3467 | trapdoor one-way function | 陷阱門單向函數 | 陷門單向函數 | | |
3468 | trapping | 設陷 | | | |
3469 | trapping mode | 設陷模式 | 設陷方式 | | |
3470 | travel time | 旅行時間 | | | |
3471 | traveling salesman problem | 銷售員旅行問題 | 旅行商問題 | | |
3472 | traversal | 遍歷 | | | |
3473 | traversal of graphs | 圖的遍歷 | 圖的遍歷 | | |
3474 | traversal sequence | 遍歷順序 | | | |
3475 | traverse | 遍歷 | 遍歷 | | |
3476 | traverse of tree | 樹遍歷 | | | |
3477 | tray | 托盤 | | | |
3478 | tread binary tree | 引線二元樹 | 穿線二叉樹 | | |
3479 | treatment | 處置 | | | |
3480 | tree | 樹 | 樹 | | |
3481 | tree adjoining grammar | 樹毗連文法 | 樹連接語法 | | |
3482 | tree and tabular combined notation | 樹及表狀組合記法 | | | |
3483 | tree code | 樹狀碼 | | | |
3484 | tree contraction technique | 樹壓縮技術 | 樹壓縮技朮 | | |
3485 | tree grammar | 樹文法 | 樹語法 | | |
3486 | tree intermediate language | 樹中間語言 | | | |
3487 | tree level | 樹層次 | | | |
3488 | tree network | 樹狀網路 | 樹狀網 | | |
3489 | tree schema | 樹簡圖 | | | |
3490 | tree search | 樹狀搜尋 | 樹形搜索 | | |
3491 | tree structure | 樹狀結構 | | | |
3492 | tree structure directory | 樹狀結構目錄 | | | |
3493 | tree structure transformation grammar | 樹結構變換文法 | 樹結構變換語法 | | |
3494 | tree structured database | 樹狀結構資料庫 | | | |
3495 | tree structured directory | 樹狀結構目錄 | | | |
3496 | tree topology | 樹狀拓撲學 | | | |
3497 | tree traversal | 樹遍歷 | | | |
3498 | tree-connected structure | 樹連接結構 | 樹連接結構 | | |
3499 | tree-like structure | 似樹結構 | | | |
3500 | tree-string structure | 樹串列結構 | | | |
3501 | trellis | 交織 | 格式結構 | | |
3502 | trellis algorithm | 交織演算法 | | | |
3503 | trellis code modulation | 交織碼調變 | | | |
3504 | trellis-coded modulation | 交織碼調變 | | | |
3505 | trend | 趨勢 | | | |
3506 | trend analysis | 趨勢分析 | | | |
3507 | trend cycle | 趨勢週期 | | | |
3508 | trend line | 趨勢線 | | | |
3509 | trend selection | 趨勢選擇 | | | |
3510 | triad | 三元群 | | | |
3511 | trial and error method | 試誤法 | | | |
3512 | trial balance | 試算表 | | | |
3513 | trial-and-error search | 試誤搜尋 | 試湊搜索 | | |
3514 | triangular patch | 三角曲面片 | 三角面片 | | |
3515 | triangulation ranging | 三角測距 | | | |
3516 | tribit encoding | 三位編碼 | 三位編碼 | | |
3517 | tri-bit encoding | 三位元編碼 | | | |
3518 | tributary station | 支流站;受控站 | 支站 | | |
3519 | tributary trunk | 區間幹線 | | | |
3520 | triconnected component | 三連接組件 | 三連通分支 | | |
3521 | trie | 線索 | | | |
3522 | trie tree | 檢索樹 | 檢索樹 | | |
3523 | tri-electrode | 三極 | | | |
3524 | trigger | 觸發;觸發器 | 觸發器 | | |
3525 | trigger circuit | 觸發電路 | | | |
3526 | trigger mode | 觸發模態 | | | |
3527 | trigger rule | 觸發規則 | | | |
3528 | trigger tube | 觸發管 | | | |
3529 | triggering clock pulse | 觸發時鐘脈波 | | | |
3530 | trigonometric cosine | 三角餘弦 | | | |
3531 | trigonometric functions | 三角函數 | | | |
3532 | trigonometric sine | 三角正弦 | | | |
3533 | trigonometric tangent | 三角正切 | | | |
3534 | trigonometry | 三角學 | | | |
3535 | trigram | 三字母組 | | | |
3536 | trimmed surface | 裁剪曲面 | 裁剪曲面 | | |
3537 | triode | 三極體 | | | |
3538 | trip | 跳脫 | | | |
3539 | trip computer | 旅程電腦 | | | |
3540 | trip count | 跳脫計數 | | | |
3541 | triple | 三元 | 三元組 | | |
3542 | triple address | 三元位址 | | | |
3543 | triple exponential smoothing | 三重指數平滑 | | | |
3544 | triple length register | 三倍長度暫存器 | | | |
3545 | triple line | 隔兩行列印 | | | |
3546 | triple modular redundancy | 三模組冗餘 | 三模冗余 | | |
3547 | triple modular redundancy | 三模組化冗餘 | | | |
3548 | triple plane | 三重面 | | | |
3549 | triple precision | 三倍精度;參精確度 | | | |
3550 | triple precision number | 三倍精度數 | | | |
3551 | triple register | 三倍暫存器 | | | |
3552 | triple-DES | 三重資料加密標準 | 三重數據加密標准 | | |
3553 | tristate | 三態 | | | |
3554 | tristate bus | 三態匯流排 | | | |
3555 | tristate bussing | 三態匯流 | | | |
3556 | tri-state gate | 三態閘 | 三態門 | | |
3557 | tristate logic | 三態邏輯 | | | |
3558 | trivial file transfer protocol | 普通檔案傳送協定 | 普通文件傳送協議 | | |
3559 | trivial functional dependence | 普通函數相依 | 平凡函數依賴 | | |
3560 | Trojan Horse | 木馬 | | | |
3561 | Trojan horse attack | 特洛伊木馬攻擊 | 特洛伊木馬攻擊 | | |
3562 | trouble location problem | 障礙定位問題 | | | |
3563 | trouble shooting | 故障檢修 | 故障查找 | | |
3564 | trouble ticket | 障礙單 | | | |
3565 | trouble unit | 障礙單位 | | | |
3566 | True | 真 | | | |
3567 | true color | 真彩色 | | | |
3568 | true complement | 真補數 | | | |
3569 | true dependence | 真相依 | 真依賴 | | |
3570 | true mean value | 真平均值 | | | |
3571 | true proposition | 真命題 | | | |
3572 | true random search | 真隨機搜尋 | | | |
3573 | true time | 真時 | | | |
3574 | true track | 真軌跡 | | | |
3575 | true-time operation | 即時作業 | | | |
3576 | TrueType font | TrueType字型 | | | |
3577 | truncate | 截斷 | | | |
3578 | truncated binary exponential backoff | 截短二進制指數退避 | 截斷二進制指數退避[算法] | | |
3579 | truncation | (計算過程之)修剪 | | | |
3580 | truncation | 修剪(字串) | | | |
3581 | truncation error | 截斷誤差;截尾誤差 | 截斷誤差 | | |
3582 | truncation specification | 截斷規格 | | | |
3583 | trunk | 幹線;中繼線 | | | |
3584 | trunk cable | 幹線電纜 | 干線電纜 | | |
3585 | trunk circuit | 中繼線電路 | | | |
3586 | trunk connecting unit | 幹線連接單元 | 干線連接單元 | | |
3587 | trunk coupling unit | 幹線耦合 | 干線耦合單元 | | |
3588 | trunk exchange | 中繼線交換 | | | |
3589 | trunk group | 幹線群 | | | |
3590 | trunk hunting | 幹線尋覓 | | | |
3591 | trunk line | 中繼線 | | | |
3592 | trunk number | 中繼線號碼 | | | |
3593 | trunk number group | 中繼線號碼群 | | | |
3594 | trunk table | 中繼線表 | | | |
3595 | trust | 信任 | 信任 | | |
3596 | trust chain | 信任鍊接 | 信任鏈 | | |
3597 | trust logic | 信任邏輯 | 信任邏輯 | | |
3598 | trusted agent | 可信賴代理 | 可信代理 | | |
3599 | trusted computer system | 可信賴的電腦系統 | 可信計算機系統 | | |
3600 | trusted computing base | 可信賴的計算庫 | 可信計算基 | | |
3601 | trusted process | 可信賴過程 | 可信進程 | | |
3602 | trusted system | 可信任系統 | | | |
3603 | trusted timestamp | 可信賴時間戳記 | 可信時間戳 | | |
3604 | trustee | 託管權;託管者 | | | |
3605 | trustee rights | 託管權限 | | | |
3606 | trustee security | 託管權安全 | | | |
3607 | truth in logic | 邏輯真 | | | |
3608 | truth maintenance system | 真實維護系統 | 真值維護系統 | | |
3609 | truth table | 真值表 | 真值表 | | |
3610 | truth value assignment | 真值指派;真值賦值 | | | |
3611 | truth-table reducibility | 真值表可歸約性 | 真值表可歸約性 | | |
3612 | truth-table reduction | 真值表歸約 | 真值表歸約 | | |
3613 | TS | 傳輸服務 | 運輸[層]服務 | | |
3614 | Tsang-Jye input method | 倉頡輸入法 | | | |
3615 | Tsang-Jye-to-Chinese | 倉頡中文轉換 | | | |
3616 | TSC | 總體自檢 | 完全自檢驗 | | |
3617 | TSC legend | TSC備註 | | | |
3618 | TSS Network | 分時服務網路 | | | |
3619 | TTL | 晶體對晶體邏輯 | 晶體管晶體管邏輯 | | |
3620 | TTY | 電傳打字機 | | | |
3621 | tube | 管 | | | |
3622 | tube axial fan | 管軸扇 | | | |
3623 | tumbling | 翻滾;翻轉 | | | |
3624 | tuned not-tuned | 調諧不調諧 | | | |
3625 | tuning | 調;調諧 | | | |
3626 | tuning units | 調諧裝置 | | | |
3627 | tuning-fork contact | 音叉式接頭 | | | |
3628 | tunnel diode | 隧道二極體 | 隧道二極管 | | |
3629 | tunnel diode | 透納二極體;隧道二極體 | | | |
3630 | tunnel erase head | 隧道抹除頭 | | | |
3631 | tuple | 元;元組 | 元組 | | |
3632 | tuple calculus | 元組演算 | 元組[關系]演算 | | |
3633 | tuple variable | 元組變數 | | | |
3634 | turbo FAT | 加速FAT | | | |
3635 | turbulator | 湍流器 | | | |
3636 | turbulent flow | 湍流 | | | |
3637 | Turing machine | 杜林機 | 圖靈機 | | |
3638 | Turing reducibility | 杜林可歸約性 | 圖靈可歸約性 | | |
3639 | Turing's test | 杜林測試 | | | |
3640 | Turing's thesis | 杜林理論 | | | |
3641 | turn off | 關機 | | | |
3642 | turn on | 開機 | | | |
3643 | turn-around | 轉迴;周轉 | | | |
3644 | turnaround cards | 傳閱卡 | | | |
3645 | turnaround delay | 轉迴延遲 | | | |
3646 | turnaround document | 周轉文件 | | | |
3647 | turnaround file sequence number | 傳閱檔順序號碼 | | | |
3648 | turnaround sequence number | 傳閱順序號碼 | | | |
3649 | turnaround time | 轉迴時間 | | | |
3650 | turning point | 轉折點 | | | |
3651 | turnkey | 啟鑰式 | | | |
3652 | turnkey system | 啟鑰式系統 | 交鑰匙系統;整套承包系統 | | |
3653 | turn-key system | 啟鑰式系統 | 整套承包系統, *交鑰匙系統 | | |
3654 | turnkey vendor | 轉籲系統 | | | |
3655 | turn-off time | 關閉時間 | | | |
3656 | turn-on stabilizing time | 開機穩定時間 | | | |
3657 | turn-on time | 開啟時間 | | | |
3658 | turnover | 週轉 | | | |
3659 | turnover rate | 週轉率 | | | |
3660 | turtle graphics | 龜圖 | 龜標, *畫筆 | | |
3661 | tutorial | 教導 | | | |
3662 | tutorial and message library | 教導和訊息館 | | | |
3663 | tutorial CAI | 電腦輔助教學 | | | |
3664 | tutorial subsystem | 教導子系統 | | | |
3665 | tutoring module | 教導式模組 | | | |
3666 | twelve punch | 十二列打孔 | | | |
3667 | twenty-nine feature code | 廿九特徵碼 | | | |
3668 | twin check | 雙核對 | | | |
3669 | twin-axial | 雙軸 | | | |
3670 | twin-drum sorting | 雙鼓式排序 | | | |
3671 | twisted pair | 雙絞線 | 雙絞線 | | |
3672 | twisted pair wire | 雙絞線 | | | |
3673 | twistor | 曲繞磁線器 | | | |
3674 | two-address | 二址 | | | |
3675 | two-address code | 二址碼 | | | |
3676 | two-address instruction | 二址指令 | | | |
3677 | two-address instruction system | 二址指令系統 | | | |
3678 | two-and-a-half-dimension | 二又二分之一維 | | | |
3679 | two-aside network | 二邊網路 | 雙邊網絡 | | |
3680 | two-byte code | 二拜碼 | | | |
3681 | two-byte conversion | 二拜轉換 | | | |
3682 | two-channel switch | 二通道開關 | | | |
3683 | two-dimension code | 二維碼 | | | |
3684 | two-dimension display | 二維顯示 | | | |
3685 | two-dimension Fourier transform | 二維傅立葉變換 | | | |
3686 | two-dimension run-length encoding | 二維運行長度編碼 | | | |
3687 | two-dimension(2D)memory | 二維記憶體 | | | |
3688 | two-dimensional Turing machine | 雙維杜林機 | | | |
3689 | two-end device | 雙端設備 | | | |
3690 | two-input adder | 二輸入加法器 | | | |
3691 | two-input subtracter | 二輸入減法器 | | | |
3692 | two-key cryptosystem | 雙鍵密碼系統 | 雙鑰密碼系統 | | |
3693 | two-layer magnetic tape | 二層磁帶 | | | |
3694 | two-level address | 二階位址 | | | |
3695 | two-level addressing | 二階定址 | | | |
3696 | two-level encoding microinstruction | 二階編碼微指令 | | | |
3697 | two-level grammar | 二階文法 | | | |
3698 | two-level microprogram control | 二階微程式控制 | | | |
3699 | two-loop system | 二環系統 | | | |
3700 | two-out-of-five code | 五取二碼 | | | |
3701 | two-pass assembler | 二遍式組譯器 | | | |
3702 | two-person game | 二人競賽 | | | |
3703 | two-phase commit protocol | 二段確認協定 | | | |
3704 | two-phase commit | 二段確認 | | | |
3705 | two-phase commitment protocol | 兩階段提交協定 | 兩[階]段提交協議 | | |
3706 | two-phase hybrid bubble shift register | 二相併合磁泡移位暫存器 | | | |
3707 | two-phase lock | 雙相鎖定 | 兩[階]段鎖 | | |
3708 | two-phase locking | 雙相鎖定 | | | |
3709 | two-phase locking protocol | 二相鎖定協定 | | | |
3710 | two-phase loop | 二相迴路 | | | |
3711 | two-plus-one | 二加一 | | | |
3712 | two-plus-one address | 二加一位址 | | | |
3713 | two-plus-one address instruction | 二加一位址指令 | | | |
3714 | two-point perspectiveness | 二點透視 | 二點透視 | | |
3715 | two-rail code | 雙軌碼 | 雙路碼 | | |
3716 | two-redundant code | 二冗餘碼 | | | |
3717 | two's complement | 2補數 | | | |
3718 | two's complement | 二補數 | | | |
3719 | two's complement representation | 二補數表示法 | | | |
3720 | two's complementer | 二的互補器 | | | |
3721 | two's compliment adder | 二補數加法器 | | | |
3722 | two-scale | 二標度 | | | |
3723 | two-scale notation | 二進制記法 | | | |
3724 | two-sided diskette | 雙面磁片 | | | |
3725 | two-sided double-density diskette | 雙面倍密度磁片 | | | |
3726 | two-sided printed circuit board | 雙面印刷電路板 | 雙面印制板 | | |
3727 | two-sided single density diskette | 雙面單密度磁片 | | | |
3728 | two-sided system | 雙面系統 | | | |
3729 | two-stack machine | 雙堆疊機 | 雙棧機 | | |
3730 | two-stage least squares | 二級最小平方 | | | |
3731 | two-state variable | 雙態變數 | | | |
3732 | two-step read | 二步讀出 | | | |
3733 | two-tape finite automaton | 雙帶有限自動機 | 雙帶有窮自動機 | | |
3734 | two-tape Turing machine | 雙帶杜林機 | 雙帶圖靈機 | | |
3735 | two-tone keying | 二音調鍵控 | | | |
3736 | two-tone modulation | 二音調變 | | | |
3737 | two-valued variable | 二值變數 | | | |
3738 | two-way alternate | 雙向交替 | | | |
3739 | two-way alternate communication | 雙向交替通訊 | 雙向交替通信 | | |
3740 | two-way alternate operation | 雙向交替作業 | | | |
3741 | two-way analysis of variance | 雙向變異分析 | | | |
3742 | two-way associative cache | 雙向相聯快取 | | | |
3743 | two-way finite automaton | 雙向有限自動機 | 雙向有窮自動機 | | |
3744 | two-way infinite tape | 雙向無限帶 | 雙向無窮帶 | | |
3745 | two-way interleaving | 雙向交插 | | | |
3746 | two-way line | 雙向線路 | 兩倍線程 | | |
3747 | two-way push-down automaton | 雙向下推自動機 | 雙向下推自動機 | | |
3748 | two-way simultaneous | 雙向同時 | | | |
3749 | two-way simultaneous communication | 雙向同時通信 | 雙向同時通信 | | |
3750 | two-way simultaneous interaction | 雙向同時交互作用 | | | |
3751 | two-way simultaneous operation | 雙向同時操作 | | | |
3752 | two-way uniform partitioning | 雙向一致分區 | | | |
3753 | two-wire channel | 二線通道 | | | |
3754 | two-wire circuit | 二線電路 | | | |
3755 | two-wire connection | 兩線連接 | | | |
3756 | TWX service | 電傳打字機交換服務 | | | |
3757 | type | 類型 | 類型 | | |
3758 | type 0 grammar | 型0文法 | | | |
3759 | type 0 language | 型0語言 | 0型語言 | | |
3760 | type 1 grammar | 型1文法 | | | |
3761 | type 1 language | 型1語言 | 1型語言 | | |
3762 | type 2 grammar | 型2文法 | | | |
3763 | type 2 language | 型2語言 | 2型語言 | | |
3764 | type 3 grammar | 型3文法 | | | |
3765 | type 3 language | 型3語言 | 3型語言 | | |
3766 | type and ambiguity | 型與歧義 | | | |
3767 | type area | 版芯 | 版芯 | | |
3768 | type ball printer | 球型列印機 | | | |
3769 | type bar | 印字桿 | 打印杆 | | |
3770 | type belt | 型帶 | | | |
3771 | type box | 型盒 | | | |
3772 | type compatibility | 型相容性 | | | |
3773 | type concept | 類型概念 | | | |
3774 | type conversion | 類型轉換 | | | |
3775 | type declaration | 類型宣告 | | | |
3776 | type definition | 型式定義 | | | |
3777 | type drum | 型磁鼓 | | | |
3778 | type equivalence | 類型等效 | | | |
3779 | type face | 字體 | | | |
3780 | type font | 字型 | | | |
3781 | type of interrupt | 中斷類型 | | | |
3782 | type setting character | 排版字體 | | | |
3783 | type size | 字體大小 | | | |
3784 | type style | 字體類型 | | | |
3785 | type theory | 類型論 | 類型論 | | |
3786 | type theory-based method | 類型理論為主的方法 | 基于類型理論的方法 | | |
3787 | type weight | 字體粗細 | | | |
3788 | type wheel | 打印字輪 | | | |
3789 | type-bar printer | 條型列印機 | | | |
3790 | type-controlled carriage | 型式控制托架 | | | |
3791 | typematic key | 連打鍵 | | | |
3792 | types of instruction | 指令型式 | | | |
3793 | typewriter key | 打字機鍵 | | | |
3794 | typewriter signal distortion | 打字機信號失真 | | | |
3795 | typewriter terminal | 打字終端機 | | | |
3796 | typing by listening | 邊聽邊打 | 聽打 | | |
3797 | typing by looking | 邊看邊打 | 看打 | | |
3798 | typing by thinking | 邊想邊打 | 想打 | | |
3799 | typing reperforator | 複錄打孔器 | | | |
3800 | typing time equivalent | 打字時間當量 | 擊鍵時間當量 | | |