电脑名词译名To big5


1t testt测试   
2T/2 way mergingT/2路合并   
3T1 carrierT1载子   
5tab ball grid array栏标球栅阵列   
6tab character栏标字元   
7tab file栏标档案   
8tab position栏标位置   
10tabbing command标志命令   
11table表 表格   
12table access表存取   
13table accessing mechanism表存取机构   
14table address operand表位址运算元   
15table addressing表定址   
16table block数据表块   
17table compression表压缩   
18table constraint 表约束   
19table constructor表构造器   
20table data列表资料   
21table description表描述   
22table directory表目录   
23table display表显示   
24table driven表格驱动   
25table driven algorithm表驱动式演算法   
26table driven code generation表驱动代码产生   
27table driven compiler表驱动式编译程式   
28table driven interpreter表驱动解译器   
29table driven parser program表驱动剖析器程式   
30table driven parsing表驱动剖析   
31table driven simulation表格驱动模拟   
32table driven software表格驱动软体   
33table driven software implementation表格驱动软体实施   
34table driven technique表格驱动技术   
35table element表元素   
36table entry表入口   
37table file表档案   
38table format language表格式语言   
39table function表函数   
40table handling表处置   
41table handling module表处置模组   
42table index表索引   
43table indicator表指示器   
44table language表语言   
45table load record表载入记录   
46table look-at查表   
47table lookup file表列查寻档案   
48table lookup instruction查表指令   
49table lookup program查表程式   
50table lookup routine查表常式   
51table lookup technique查表技术   
52table lookup 查表   
53table memory表格记忆体   
54table of combinations组合表   
55table of content目录   
56table of information资讯表   
57table of joints接合表   
58table of pointer指标表   
59table of vector向量表   
60table of word-delimiter字定界符表   
61table organization表组织   
62table organization within a compiler编译程式中符号表的组织   
63table preprocessing表预处理   
64table producing language 表产生语   
65table reference character 表引用字元   
66table register表格暂存器   
67table searching表搜寻   
68table segment表段   
69table segmenting表格分段   
70table simulator表模拟器   
71table size表大小   
72table skeleton表架   
73table sort表排序   
74table space表空间   
75table structure表结构   
76table technique图表技术   
77table transform表变换   
79tableau format表格格式   
80table-driven simulation 表[格]驱动模拟   
81table-driven technique 表[格]驱动法   
82tables and diagrams表与图   
84tablet input图形输入板输入   
85tablet menu输入板选项单   
86table-top computer桌上计算机   
87table-top word processing equipment桌上文字处理设备   
90taboo term禁忌词   
91tabs on field启用栏标栏位   
93tabular data表状资料   
94tabular data presentation表状资料表达   
95tabular display表状显示   
96tabular form表状形式   
97tabular form language表状形式语言   
98tabular interpretive program表状解译程式   
99tabular knowledge表状知识   
100tabular language表状语言   
101tabular query formulation表状查询公式化   
102tabular representation表状表示   
103tabular rule表状规则   
104tabular system oriented language 表状系统导向语言   
106tabulated data制表资料   
108tabulating card制表卡   
109tabulating equipment制表设备   
110tabulating machine制表机   
111tabulating system制表系统   
113tabulation character制表字元   
114tabulation equipment制表设备   
115tabulation function制表功能   
116tabulation markers制表标志   
117tabulation method制表方法   
118tabulation sequential format制表顺序格式   
119tabulation set制表装置   
120tabulator制表器 制表机  
121tabulator clear key制表器清除键   
122tabulator gang clear key制表器成组清除键   
123tabulator key制表器键   
124tabulator mechanism制表机构   
125tabulator set key制表器设定键   
126tabulator setting制表器设定   
127tabulator stop制表器停止   
128TAC 终端访问控制器, *终端接入控制器   
130tachometer housing转速计罩框   
131tachometer roller转速计滚轮   
132tactical computer战术计算机   
133tactical intelligence 战术情报   
134tactical procedure oriented computer programming language战术程序导向电脑程式设计语言   
136tactile controlled hand触觉受控手   
137tactile feedback触觉回馈   
138tactile keyboard触觉键盘   
139tactile sense触觉感测   
140tactile sensing触觉感测   
141tactile sensor触觉感测器   
142tag标签;键 标志   
143tag along sort按标签排序   
144tag architecture标签架构   
145tag array标签阵列   
146tag bits标签位元   
147tag bus byte标签汇流排位元组   
148tag card标签卡   
149tag card reader标签卡阅读机   
150tag check标签检查   
151tag converting device标签转换装置   
152tag converting unit标签转换单位   
153tag field标签栏   
154tag file标签档案   
155tag format标签格式   
156tag list标签列表   
157tag mark标签标示   
158tag notation加标记法   
159tag number list标签号码列表   
160tag path标签路径   
161tag reader标签阅读机   
162tag reader puncher标签阅读机打孔机   
163tag sequence标签顺序   
164tag set标签集   
165tag slot标签槽   
166tag sort标签排序   
167tag system标签系统   
168tag type标签类型   
169tag type identifier标签类型识别符   
170tag value标签值   
171tag value compilation 标签值编译   
172tagged image file format 带标影像档案格式   
173tagged memory带标记忆体   
174tagged word带标签字   
175tagging reader加标阅读机   
178tail link尾链接   
179tail pointer尾指标   
180tail recursion 尾递归   
181tail recursion elimination 尾递归删除   
182tail recursive尾递回   
183tail recursive evaluation尾递回评估   
184tail symbol尾部符号   
188tailorable option可裁剪任选   
189tailored configuration裁剪组态   
190tailored version裁剪版本   
191tailoring裁剪 剪裁   
192tailoring process 剪裁过程   
193Tait's conjecture泰特推测   
194Taiwan academic network 台湾学术网路   
195take in接收   
197takedown connection拆线   
198takedown time卸下时间   
200take-up hub接纳集线器   
201take-up motor接纳马达   
202take-up reel接纳卷盘   
203take-up spool接纳排存   
204talk通话 交谈[服务]   
205talk off取消对话   
208talker echo通话器回音   
209talker-independent system非特定说话者系统   
210talking book有声书刊   
211talking connection通话连接   
212talking printer声控列印机   
213talking robot有声机器人   
214talking terminal通话终端机   
215talking typewriter通话打字机   
217tally down向下计数   
218tally order结算订单   
219tally register结算暂存器   
220tally set 标签集   
221tally up向上计数   
223tamper proof干预防护   
225TANDEM 16TANDEM 16计算机   
226tandem connection串接连接   
227tandem data circuit串接数料电路;汇接数据电路   
228tandem exchange串接交换   
229tandem link串接链接   
230tandem office汇接交换所   
231tandem queue串接伫列   
232tandem routing串接选路   
233tandem selector串接选择器   
234tandem switching串接交换   
235tandem switching exchange串接交换交换   
236tandem system串接系统   
237tandem trunk串接中继线   
239tangent vector正切向量   
240tangential approximation method切线近似法   
241tangential derivative切线导数   
242tangible factor有形因数   
243tangible object有形目标   
244tangible state 实存状态   
246Tanimoto's expression塔尼莫托表示   
248tank circuit储槽电路   
250tantalum capacitor钽电容器   
252tap分接头 分接头   
253tap circuit分接头电路   
254tape磁带 带   
255tape adapter带配接器   
256tape adapter unit 带配接器单元   
257tape advance纸带向前   
258tape alphabet 带字母表   
259tape alternation带交替   
260tape alternation subroutine换带次常式   
261tape and buffer system磁带与缓冲器系统   
262tape automatic checkout equipment磁带自动检测设备   
263tape automatic positioning磁带自动定位   
264tape back spacing磁带回退间距   
265tape backup unit磁带备份单元   
266tape beginning marker磁带起始标志   
267tape bin磁带箱   
268tape block磁带信息块   
269tape bootstrap loader带自举载入器   
270tape bootstrap routine带自举常式   
271tape bound磁带界限   
272tape bounded Turing machine带限制杜林机   
273tape buffer磁带缓冲器   
274tape cable带形电缆   
275tape card磁带卡   
276tape card converter磁带卡 转换器   
277tape cartridge磁带匣   
278tape cartridge reader 带匣阅读机   
279tape cassette卡式磁带   
280tape cassette recorder 匣式磁带机   
281tape cell磁带单元   
282tape certification磁带认证   
283tape channel带通道   
284tape character带字元   
285tape character check带字元检查   
286tape checking带检查   
287tape cleaner带清洁器   
288tape cluster带丛集   
289tape code带码   
290tape coiling卷带   
291tape comparator带比较器   
292tape compiler带编译程式   
293tape compiling program带编译程式   
294tape compiling routine 带编译常式   
295tape complexity带复杂性   
296tape compression 带压缩   
297tape conditioning带调节   
298tape control unit 带控制单元   
299tape controlled carriage带受控托架   
300tape controlled recording equipment带受控记录设备   
301tape conversion program纸带转换程式   
302tape copy磁带复制   
303tape core磁带心   
304tape counter带计数器   
305tape data family 带资料族   
306tape data handling system 带资料处置系统   
307tape data processing system带资料处理系统   
308tape data register 带资料暂存器   
309tape data selector 纸带资料选择器   
310tape data validation带资料验证   
311tape deck带具叠   
312tape delivery 带递送   
313tape disc operating system 磁带磁碟作业系统   
314tape drive磁带驱动 (磁)带驱动器  
315tape drive controller带驱动控制器   
316tape drive interrupt routine带驱动中断常式   
317tape drive mechanism带驱动机构   
318tape driver interrupt磁带驱动器中断   
319tape dump带倾印   
320tape duplicator带复制机   
321tape editor带编辑器   
322tape entry带入口   
323tape erasure带抹除   
324tape error带错误   
325tape executive program带执行程式   
326tape expression磁带表式   
327tape facsimile带式传真机   
328tape feed馈带机件   
329tape feed motor馈带马达   
330tape feed switch馈带开关   
331tape field带信息栏   
332tape file带档案   
333tape file copying带档案复制   
334tape file management 磁带档案管理   
335tape file octal load 磁带档案八进制载入   
336tape file supervisor 带档案监督器   
337tape file-to-tape file transfer带档案到带档案转移   
338tape format带格式   
339tape format plotting system磁带格式的绘图系统   
340tape frame带框   
341tape garble纸带孔损   
342tape group带组   
343tape guide磁带导引    
344tape guide cam带导引凸轮   
345tape guide roller带导引滚轮   
346tape handler带处置器   
347tape handling带处置   
348tape handling option routines 带处置任选常式   
349tape handling optional routines 磁带处置任选常式   
350tape handling unit带处置单元   
351tape head磁带头 带头   
352tape hierarchy带阶层   
353tape housing磁带罩   
354tape identification带识别   
355tape identification card 带识别卡   
356tape identification unit 带识别单元   
357tape image磁带影像   
358tape index带索引   
359tape input带输入   
360tape input tape output磁带输入输出   
361tape input/output control带输入输出控制   
362tape input/output swapping带输入输出调换   
363tape input/output system磁带输入输出系统   
364tape inscriber带记录器   
365tape inverter倒带机   
366tape label 磁带标号   
367tape layout带布置   
368tape layout form带布置形式   
369tape leader带引导   
370tape leader tool带引导工具   
371tape librarian带程式馆管理器   
372tape librarian system 带程式馆管理器系统   
373tape library带程式馆;带馆;磁带库 磁带库   
374tape library management system 带程式馆管理系统   
375tape limited带限制   
376tape load key带载入键   
377tape load point磁带载入点   
378tape loading带载入   
379tape loop storage环带储存   
380tape lossing磁带松驰   
381tape management catalog 带管理目录   
382tape management system 带管理系统   
383tape mark 带标示;磁带标示   
384tape marker磁带标志   
385tape master file磁带主档案   
386tape mechanism卷带机构   
387tape memory带记忆体   
388tape merge带合并   
389tape module 磁带模组   
390tape operated printer带操作列印机   
391tape operated typewriter带操作打字机   
392tape operating system 磁带作业系统   
393tape oriented system带导向系统;磁带导向系统   
394tape overlap emulator 带重叠仿真器   
395tape pack带碟组   
396tape parity磁带奇偶性   
397tape path磁带路径   
398tape perforating纸带打孔   
399tape perforator纸带打孔机 纸带穿孔机  
400tape perforator interface带打孔机介面   
401tape phase inverter 磁带反相器   
402tape plotting system磁带绘图系统   
403tape pool磁带集用场   
404tape preparation unit 带准备单元   
405tape preventive maintenance 带预防维护   
406tape printer带列印机   
407tape printing打孔带列印   
408tape printing counter带列印计数器   
409tape printing system带式列印系统   
410tape print-out routine带印出常式   
411tape processing磁带处理   
412tape processing simultaneity带处理的同时性   
413tape processing unit带处理单元   
414tape program磁带程式   
415tape programmer纸带程式器   
416tape punch纸带打孔机 纸带穿孔[机]   
417tape punch control key纸带打孔控制键   
418tape punch interface纸带打孔机介面   
419tape punch output纸带打孔输出   
420tape punch reproduce check unit带打孔再制检查单元   
421tape punch subassembly纸带打孔机组件   
422tape punch subassembly panel纸带打孔机组件面板   
423tape punch typewriter纸带打孔打字机   
424tape puncher纸带打孔机 纸带穿孔机  
425tape puncher output纸带打孔机输出   
426tape punching mechanism纸带打孔机构   
427tape read and write library磁带读写馆   
428tape read head读带磁头   
429tape read register 读带暂存器   
430tape reader带阅读机 纸带读入机   
431tape reader control 带阅读机控制   
432tape reader emulator module 带阅读机仿真器模组   
433tape reader input带阅读机输入   
434tape reader punch带阅读机打孔   
435tape reader/punch controller纸带阅读打孔控制器   
436tape reading带读出   
437tape record coordinator 磁带记录协调器   
438tape recorder amplifier 带记录器放大器   
439tape recorder 带记录器   
440tape recording带记录   
441tape recording density磁带记录密度   
442tape reduction 带减少   
443tape reduction theorem带缩减定理   
444tape reel磁带卷盘   
445tape register 磁带暂存器   
446tape relay带中继   
447tape repeating automatic data integration system 带重复自动资料整合系统   
448tape reproducer带再制器 纸带复制机  
449tape request word带请求字   
450tape rerun带重作   
451tape reservoir带储藏库   
452tape resident system带常驻系统   
453tape resident 磁带常驻程式   
454tape rewind带回卷   
455tape row带列 带行  
456tape running accuracy带运行准确度   
457tape running speed带运行速率   
458tape running stability带运行稳定性   
459tape sealer带密封器   
460tape search带搜寻   
461tape search unit带搜寻单元   
462tape select switch带选择开关   
463tape selection磁带选择   
464tape sender带发送器   
465tape serial number带串列号码   
466tape servo swap磁带伺服调换   
467tape skew带偏斜 带扭斜   
468tape skip带跨越   
469tape skip restore带跨越复原   
470tape skip restore character带跨越复原字元   
471tape sort磁带分类   
472tape sort and collate program带分类及对照程式   
473tape sorting磁带分类   
474tape sorting and collating program磁带排序及对照程式   
475tape span磁带跨距   
476tape speed带速率   
477tape speed monitor带速率监视器   
478tape speed variation带速率变动   
479tape splicing带编接   
480tape spool带排存 带轴  
481tape squeal磁带尖叫声   
482tape stand-alone dump/restore磁带独立倾印/复原   
483tape starting带起动   
484tape station磁带站   
485tape stopping带停止   
486tape storage带储存   
487tape storage bin带储存箱   
488tape storage bin magnetic tape storage带储存箱磁带储存   
489tape string带串   
490tape strip磁带条   
491tape strip cartridge带条匣   
492tape strip storage磁带条储存器   
493tape supply motor供带马达   
494tape swapping带调换   
495tape switching磁带交换   
496tape symbol带符号 带符号   
497tape symbolic editor带符号编辑器   
498tape synchronizer磁带同步器   
499tape teleprinter带电传列印机   
500tape teletypewriter带式电传打字机   
501tape tension磁带张力   
502tape test带测试   
503tape test set带测试装置   
504tape thickness磁带厚度   
505tape threading穿带   
506tape timer带计时器   
507tape trailer带尾   
508tape transfer procedure带转移程序   
509tape transfer restart procedure带转移再启动程序   
510tape transmitter distributor磁带传输分配器   
511tape transport带传送;磁带传送机   
512tape transport mechanism带传送机构   
513tape transport speed带传送速率   
514tape travel带行程   
515tape unit磁带机 磁带机  
516tape unit bus in 磁带机汇流排输入   
517tape unit bus out 磁带机汇流排输出   
518tape unit check磁带机校验   
519tape unit perforator纸带打孔机 纸带穿孔机  
520tape verifier带验证器   
521tape volume带卷   
522tape wheel传带轮   
523tape width带宽   
524tape winder卷带器   
525tape wound core带卷磁芯;卷带心   
526tape wound magnetic core带卷磁蕊   
527tapered n-best forward pruning锥形n最佳正向修剪   
528tapered quantization锥形量化   
529tapered search锥形搜寻   
530tape-skip key跳带键   
531tape-switching center纸带转接中心   
533tape-to-card communication磁带至卡通信   
534tape-to-card convert program磁带至卡转换程式   
535tape-to-card converter磁带至卡转换器   
536tape-to-card program磁带至卡程式   
537tape-to-print converter磁带至列印转换器   
538tape-to-print program磁带至列印程式   
539tape-to-print system 磁带至列印系统   
540tape-to-printer converter磁带至列表机转换器   
541tape-to-printer program磁带至列印机程式   
542tape-to-tape converter磁带至磁带转换器   
544tapped-potentiometer function generator分接头电位计函数产生器   
545tapping cable分接电缆   
546tapping point分接点   
547target目标 目标   
548target acquisition目标(信息)获取   
549target architecture目标架构   
550target area目标区   
551target attribute目标属性   
552target block目标程序块   
553target character item目标字元项   
554target code 目标[代]码   
555target compiler目标编译程式   
556target computer靶标计算机 目标计算机   
557target configuration目标组态   
558target curve目标曲线   
559target data model目标资料模型   
560target data set目标资料集   
561target data structure目标资料结构   
562target designation目标指定   
563target directory目标目录 目标目录   
564target diskette目标磁片   
565target domain目标定义域   
566target echo目标回音   
567target group目标群   
568target identification system目标识别系统   
569target identification 目标识别   
570target image目标影像   
571target information system 目标资讯系统   
572target input panel 目标输入控制盘   
573target instruction register 目标指令暂存器   
574target intercept computer 目标截取电脑   
575target language 目标语言   
576target language dictionary 目标语言词典   
577target language generation 目标语生成   
578target language output 目标语输出   
579target language 靶语言;目标语言   
580target level靶标位准   
581target list靶标列表   
582target machine目标机 目标机   
583target microprocessor目标微处理机   
584target of an assignment指定目标   
585target oriented目标导向的   
586target phase目标阶段   
587target processor目标处理机   
588target program靶标程式;目标程式 目标程序   
589target recognition 目标识别   
590target routine靶标常式   
591target screen目标萤幕   
592target segment目标段   
593target specification目标规格   
594target statement目标叙述   
595target system目标系统 目标系统   
596target token rotation time 目标符记旋转时间   
597target track目标轨道   
598target track correction目标轨校正   
599target variable目标变数   
600target view目标视野   
601target word目标字   
602target zone目标区域   
604tarnishing锈污 锈污   
605t-ary treet元树   
606TAS instruction测试与置位指令   
607TAS operation测试与置位操作   
608task任务 任务   
609task abnormal exit routine任务异常出口常式   
610task abort receiver任务异常中止接收器   
611task activation任务活动   
612task address任务位址   
613task allocation任务分配 任务分配   
614task allocation problem 任务分配问题   
615task analysis 任务分析   
616task appendage routine任务附件常式   
617task assignment任务指派   
618task asynchronous exit 任务异步出口   
619task attribute任务属性   
620task body任务本体   
621task builder任务建立器   
622task call任务呼叫   
623task code任务代码   
624task code word 任务代码字   
625task communication任务通讯   
626task control任务控制   
627task control block 任务控制块   
628task control block 任务控制块   
629task control call任务控制呼叫   
630task control card任务控制卡   
631task control program 任务控制程式   
632task coordinate 任务协调   
633task creation任务建立   
634task data任务资料   
635task declaration任务宣告   
636task decomposition任务分解   
637task definition table任务定义表   
638task dependent option任务相关任选项   
639task description任务描述   
640task descriptor任务描述符 任务描述符   
641task determination任务确定   
642task dictionary任务字典   
643task dictionary table任务字典表   
644task dispatcher任务调度器 任务分派程序   
645task dump任务倾印   
646task error exit routine任务错误退出常式   
647task execution任务执行   
648task execution area任务执行区 任务执行区   
649task execution language 任务执行语言   
650task execution memory任务执行记忆体   
651task execution scheduler任务执行排程器   
652task extended area任务扩充区   
653task family任务族   
654task force任务编组   
655task form specification 任务形式规格   
656task frame任务框   
657task graph 任务图   
658task group identification任务组识别   
659task group resource任务组资源   
660task group 任务组   
661task group's error-out file任务组错误输出档案   
662task I/O table 任务输入输出表   
663task identifier任务识别符   
664task immigration 任务迁移   
665task information area任务资讯区   
666task initiation/termination任务启始或终止   
667task input queue 任务输入队列   
668task input queue 任务输入伫列   
669task interrupt control 任务中断控制   
670task interrupt routine任务中断常式   
671task level controller任务等级控制器   
672task level language任务层次语言   
673task level queuing model任务级伫列模型   
674task library任务馆   
675task list任务串列   
676task load module任务载入模组   
677task load module file任务载入模组档案   
678task location任务位置   
679task logical address space任务逻辑位址空间   
680task macro任务巨集指令   
681task management任务管理 任务管理   
682task management program任务管理程式   
683task management system任务管理系统   
684task manager 任务管理程序   
685task memorandum 任务备忘录   
686task memory pool任务记忆集用场   
687task memory requirement任务记忆体需求   
688task menu任务选项单   
689task message receiver routine任务信息接收常式   
690task mix作业混合   
691task model任务模型 任务模型   
692task name任务名   
693task number 任务号码   
694task object任务目标   
695task option任务选项   
696task option word任务任选字   
697task option word inquiry system任务任选字询问系统   
698task oriented image database任务导向影像资料库   
699task output queue 任务输出队列   
700task owner name任务持有者名   
701task planner任务计画者   
702task pool 任务池   
703task priority任务优先级   
704task priority dispatching任务优先调度   
705task processing任务处理 任务处理   
706task processing unit 任务处理装置   
707task processor scheduling任务处理机排程   
708task program任务程式   
709task pseudo interrupt receiver任务伪中断接收器   
710task queue任务伫列 任务队列   
711task queue table 任务伫列表   
712task quit任务退出   
713task ready queue 任务就绪伫列   
714task reassignment任务重指定   
715task request block任务请求块   
716task restart processing任务再启动处理   
717task run任务运行   
718task run on-line任务连线运行   
719task scheduler任务排程器 任务调度程序   
720task scheduler queue任务排程器伫列   
721task scheduling任务排程 任务调度   
722task scheduling priority 任务调度优先级   
723task selection任务选择   
724task service area任务服务区   
725task service area structure任务服务区结构   
726task set任务集 任务集   
727task set control block任务集控制块   
728task set installation任务集安装   
729task set library 任务集库   
730task set load module 任务集装入模块   
731task set reference table 任务集引用表   
732task specification任务规格   
733task stack descriptor 任务栈描述符   
734task stack space任务堆叠空间   
735task start任务开始 任务启动   
736task state任务状态   
737task state segment任务状态段   
738task status任务状态   
739task status index 任务状态索引   
740task storage任务储存   
741task subsequent execution任务後继执行   
742task supervisor任务监督器 任务管理程序   
743task suspension任务悬置   
744task swapping 任务对换   
745task switch任务交换   
746task switching 务交换 任务交换   
747task synchronization任务同步   
748task system work stack任务系统工作堆叠   
749task table任务表   
750task table control block任务表控制块   
751task termination任务终止 任务终止   
752task time任务时间   
753task timer任务计时器   
754task transfer任务传送   
755task translator任务翻译器   
756task type任务类型   
757task unit 任务单位   
758task user status word任务用户状态字   
759task user work stack任务用户工作堆叠   
760task value attribute任务值属性   
761task variable任务变数   
762task virtual storage任务虚拟储存器 任务虚拟存储器   
763task waiting任务等待   
764task work stack descriptor 任务工作堆叠描述符   
766tasking facility任务分配设施   
767tasking protocol任务分配协定   
768tasking-error exception任务错误异常   
769task-sharing 任务分担   
770task-to-task communication任务至任务通讯   
771taut tape attachment拉带附件   
772tautology同义反复 重言式   
773tautology rule同义反复规则 重言式规则   
774tax administration system 税务管理系统   
775tax amount课税金额   
776tax body name课税物名称   
777tax classes课税分类   
778tax code课税码   
779tax due应付税   
780tax rate application课税率应用   
781tax rates税率   
782tax status课税状态   
783taxable sales应课税销售   
784taxing body课税物   
785taxing body file课税物档   
786taxing body record课税物记录   
787taxonomic description归类描述   
788taxonomic hierarchies分类体系   
789taxonomic knowledge分类知识   
790taxonomic organization分类组织   
791taxonomic reasoning分类推理   
792taxonomic view分类观点   
794taxonomy production system分类生产系统   
795Taylor expansion泰勒展开式   
796TC 运输[层]连接   
797TCAM application program电信存取法应用程式   
798TCAM control task电信存取法运程通讯存取方法控制任务   
799TCAM destination address field电信存取法目的位址栏   
800TCAM host logical unit电信存取法主机逻辑单元   
801TCAM network address电信存取法网路位址   
802TCAM node电信存取法节点   
803TCAM origin address field电信存取法原点位址栏   
804TCAM system电信存取法系统   
805TCB 线程控制块   
806TCB 任务控制块   
807T-complete netT型完整网路   
808T-completion T完备化   
809TCP 传输控制协议   
810TCP/IP TCP/IP协议   
811TCU 干线连接单元   
812TCU 干线耦合单元   
814TDM 时分复用   
815TDR 时域反射仪   
816teach information processing language 教学资讯处理语言   
817teacher programming language 教员用程式设计语言   
819teaching and playback robot教学再现型机器人   
820teaching logic translator教学逻辑翻译器   
821teaching machine 教学机   
822teaching process教学过程   
823teaching program教学程式   
824teaching system教学系统   
825teaching-and-course writing computer language教学与课程编写计算机语言   
826team theory团队理论   
827team working团队工作   
829technical advisory board技术谘询委员会   
830technical and office protocol 技术与办公协议   
831technical and operational control center技术与操作控制中心   
832technical article技术论文   
833technical description系统技术描述   
834technical feasibility 技术可行性   
835technical newsletter技术通报   
836technical objective directive 技术目标指引   
837technical objective document 技术目标文件   
838technical operating procedure 技术操作程序   
839technical operation center 技术操作中心   
840technical operations manager 技术操作管理器   
841technical order技术次   
842technical papers 技术报告   
843technical process技术处理   
844technical process(技术)处理 进程  
845technical program技术程式   
846technical proposal技术建议   
847technical report 技术报告   
848technical safeguard技术保全   
849technical term技术术语   
850technical term dictionary技术术语辞典   
851technical vulnerability技术弱点   
854technique flowcharts技术流程图   
855technological attack技术攻击   
856technological environment技术环境   
859technology definition file 技术定义档案   
860technology processor技术处理机   
861technology transfer技术转移   
862technology utilization技术利用   
869teleaction information遥动资讯   
878telecommunication access电信存取   
879telecommunication access method 电信存取法   
880telecommunication administration电信管理   
881telecommunication channel电信通道   
882telecommunication circuit电信电路   
883telecommunication code电信码   
884telecommunication control unit电信控制装置   
885telecommunication data link电信资料链接   
886telecommunication equipment电信设备   
887telecommunication facility电信设施   
888telecommunication line电信线路   
889telecommunication link电信链接   
890telecommunication maintenance center 电信维护中心   
891telecommunication network电信网路   
892telecommunication organization电信组织   
893telecommunication route电信路线   
894telecommunication satellite电信卫星   
895telecommunication satellite space station电信卫星太空站   
896telecommunication service电信服务   
897telecommunication software architecture电信软体架构   
898telecommunication switching system电信交换系统   
899telecommunication system 电信系统   
900telecommunication time电信时间   
901telecommunication traffic电信交通   
902telecommunication working group 电信工作组   
903telecommunications association 电信协会   
904telecommunications data interface 电信资料介面   
905telecommunications hybrids电信并合电路   
906telecommuting远程交换 家庭办公   
910teleconferencing电传会议 远程会议   
914teledata system电传资料系统   
915teleeducation电传教学 远程教育   
916teleeducation system电传教学系统   
920telefax interface传真介面   
924telegram code 电报码   
925telegram code inputing电报码输入   
927telegraph automatic relay equipment 电报自动中继设备   
928telegraph automatic routing equipment电报自动选路设备   
929telegraph automatic switching system电报自动交换系统   
930telegraph automatic system电报自动系统   
931telegraph channel电报通道   
932telegraph code电报码   
933telegraph communication电报通讯   
934telegraph communication system电报通讯系统   
935telegraph exchange 电报交换   
936telegraph grade channel电信级通道   
937telegraph grade circuit电报级电路   
938telegraph multiplexer电报多工复用器   
939telegraph reply电报答覆   
940telegraph signal电报信号   
941telegraph speed电报速率   
942telegraph switching system电报交换系统   
943telegraph transmission电报传输   
944telegraph word电报字   
946teleinformatic services远程资讯服务   
949telemaintenance service远程维护服务   
951telematic information 远程信息处理信息   
952telematic service电传服务   
953telemechanic system遥控机械系统   
959telemetering device遥测装置   
960telemetering system遥测系统   
961telemetric data analyzer遥测资料分析器   
962telemetric data converter遥测资料转换器   
964telemetry automatic processing system 遥测自动处理系统   
965telemetry code modulation遥测码调变   
966telemetry command遥测命令   
967telemetry command system遥测命令系统   
968telemetry compression routine 遥测压缩常式   
969telemetry ground system遥测地面系统   
970telemetry modulation system 遥测调变系统   
971telemetry processing遥测处理   
972telemetry system遥测系统   
976telephone answering machine电话应答机   
977telephone answering service 电话应答服务   
978telephone bill payment 电话帐单付款   
979telephone call length电话呼叫长度   
980telephone call processing电话呼叫处理   
981telephone channel电话通道   
982telephone circuit电话电路   
983telephone code电话代码   
984telephone communication unit电话通讯装置   
985telephone company电话公司   
986telephone company data set 电话公司资料集   
987telephone coupler电话耦合器   
988telephone data circuit数料电话电路   
989telephone data set电话资料集   
990telephone data⌒carrier system电话资料-载波系统   
991telephone dialer电话拨号器   
992telephone dialer circuit电话拨号器电路   
993telephone directory电话号码簿   
994telephone exchange电话交换机   
995telephone frequency电话频率   
996telephone line电话线   
997telephone line concentrator电话线路集线器   
998telephone line data set电话线资料集   
999telephone line patch 电话线插线   
1000telephone link电话链路   
1001telephone local center电话区域中心   
1002telephone local exchange center电话局部交换中心   
1003telephone modem电话数据机   
1004telephone network电话网路   
1005telephone primary center电话主中心   
1006telephone recording attachment电话记录附件   
1007telephone recording control电话记录控制   
1008telephone repeater电话转发器   
1009telephone secondary center电话副中心;电话辅助中心   
1010telephone set电话机   
1011telephone switching center电话交换中心   
1012telephone switching system电话交换系统   
1013telephone system电话系统   
1014telephone trunk电话干线   
1015telephone type network电话型网路   
1016telephone zone center电话区域中心   
1017telephone-circuit data电话-电路数据   
1024teleprinter channel电传列印机通道   
1025teleprinter character电传列印机字元   
1026teleprinter code电传列印机码   
1027teleprinter diagram电传列印机图   
1028teleprinter exchange 电传打字交换机   
1029teleprinter interface电传列印机介面   
1030teleprinter keyboard电传列印机键盘   
1031teleprinter keyboard selection电传列印机键盘选择   
1032teleprinter link电传列印机链接   
1033teleprinter over multiplex多工电传列印机   
1034teleprinter receiver电传列印接收机   
1035teleprinter signal generator电传列印机信号产生器   
1036teleprinter switching network电传列印机交换网路   
1037teleprinter terminal电传列印终端机   
1038teleprinter terminal unit电传列印机终端装置   
1040teleprocessing analysis and design program电传处理分析与设计程式   
1041teleprocessing diagnostic电传处理诊断   
1042teleprocessing diagnostic analyzer电传处理诊断分析器   
1043teleprocessing diagnostic tester电传处理诊断测试器   
1044teleprocessing exchange service电传处理交换服务   
1045teleprocessing monitor电传处理监视器   
1046teleprocessing monitor system 电传处理监视器系统   
1047teleprocessing network电传处理网路   
1048teleprocessing network simulator 电传处理网路模拟器   
1049teleprocessing requirement analysis电传处理需求分析   
1050teleprocessing requirement analysis and cost远程处理需求分析与成本估价   
1051teleprocessing system电传处理系统   
1052teleprocessing terminal电传处理终端机   
1056telereference远程参考 远程咨询   
1059teleservice电传服务 远程服务, *用户终端业务   
1061teleshopping电传购物 远程购物   
1067telesystems QUESTEL电传系统语言名QUESTEL   
1069teletex coded document电传文讯编码文件   
1070teletex page电传文讯页   
1071teletex procedure电传文讯程序   
1072teletex service电传文讯服务   
1074teletext broadcast电传视讯广播   
1075teletext data decoding电传视讯资料解码   
1076teletext service电传视讯服务   
1077teletext TV 图文电视   
1079teletraffic theory话务流量理论   
1081teletransmission decoder远程传输解码器   
1084teletype assignment电传打字指定   
1085teletype channel电传打字通道   
1086teletype code电传打字码   
1087teletype command电传打字命令   
1088teletype communication电传打字通信   
1089teletype compatible terminal电传打字相容终端   
1090teletype controller电传打字控制器   
1091teletype diagnostic电传打字诊断   
1092teletype error电传打字错误   
1093teletype exchange电传打字交换   
1094teletype exchange service电传打字交换服务   
1095teletype grade电传打字等级   
1096teletype input/output device电传打字输入输出装置   
1097teletype input/output unit电传打字输入输出单元   
1098teletype link电传打字链接   
1099teletype message switching电传打字讯息交换   
1100teletype microcomputer interface电传打字微电脑介面   
1101teletype microcomputer system电传打字微电脑系统   
1102teletype modification kit电传打字修改套件   
1103teletype network电传打字网路   
1104teletype optical projection system 电传打字光投影系统   
1105teletype paper tape reader电传打字纸带阅读机   
1106teletype printer电传打字列印机   
1107teletype punch电传打字打孔   
1108teletype request-send电传打字求送   
1109teletype ribbon电传打字色带   
1110teletype serial data format电传打字串列资料格式   
1111teletype setting电传打字设定   
1112teletype station电传打字站   
1113teletype tape电传打字带   
1114teletype terminal电传打字终端   
1115teletype utility电传打字公用程式   
1117teletypewriter automatic send/receive unit电传打字机自动收发器   
1118teletypewriter communication电传打字机通信   
1119teletypewriter conference电传打字机会议   
1120teletypewriter control set电传打字机控制装置   
1121teletypewriter controller电传打字机控制器   
1122teletypewriter exchange service电传打字机交换服务   
1123teletypewriter exchange 电传打字机交换   
1124teletypewriter grade电传打字机级   
1125teletypewriter marking pulse电传打字机标示脉波   
1126teletypewriter network电传打字机网路   
1127teletypewriter operation电传打字机作业   
1128teletypewriter perforator电传打字打孔机   
1129teletypewriter switching system电传打字机交换系统   
1130teletypewriter terminal电传打字机终端   
1131teletypewriter utility package电传打字机公用程式包   
1133television automatic sequence control 电视自动顺序控制   
1134television camera 电视摄影机   
1135television channel电视通道   
1136television control center 电视控制中心   
1137television cut off电视切断   
1138television demodulator电视解调器   
1139television directed电视有向的   
1140television interface电视介面   
1141television management information system 电视管理资讯系统   
1142television mask电视遮罩   
1143television monitor电视监视器   
1144television oriented information society电视导向资讯学会   
1145television projector电视投影机   
1146television receiver电视接收机   
1147television receiver/monitor电视接收监视器   
1148television safe action area电视安全作用区   
1149television scan电视扫瞄   
1150television system电视制式   
1151television tubes电视显像管   
1153telewriter exchange service电传印字机交换服务   
1154telewriter interface电传印字机介面   
1155telex computer communication电报电脑通信   
1156telex computer communication service电报电脑通信服务   
1157telex facsimile电报传真   
1158telex network打字电报网路   
1159telex network identification code电报网路识别码   
1160telex service电报服务   
1161telex telegraph exchange电传电报交换   
1162telex 电报   
1163teller console出纳控制台   
1164teller system柜员系统   
1165teller window出纳视窗   
1166teller work station出纳工作站   
1169TELNET protocol 远程登录协议   
1171Telpak channelTelpak通道   
1174temperature characteristic温度特性   
1175temperature coefficient 温度系数   
1176temperature compensation温度补偿   
1177temperature compensation device温度补偿装置   
1178temperature control温度控制 温度控制   
1179temperature controller 温度控制器   
1180temperature conversion program温度转换程式   
1181temperature cycling温度循环   
1182temperature cycling test温度循环测试 温度循环试验   
1183temperature difference温差   
1184temperature distribution温度分布   
1185temperature drift温度漂移   
1186temperature gradient温度梯度   
1187temperature independent core温度无关磁心   
1188temperature noise温度杂讯   
1189temperature regulation温度调整   
1190temperature regulator温度调整器   
1191temperature response温度回应   
1192temperature sensor 温度传感器   
1193temperature stability温度稳定性   
1194temperature transducer 温度传感器   
1195temperature transmitter 温度变送器   
1196temperature variation温度变动   
1197temperature-sensitive paint热敏涂料   
1199Tempest 防信息泄漏   
1200Tempest control zone 防信息泄漏控制范围   
1201Tempest test receiver 防信息泄漏测试接收机