编号 | 原文 | 台湾用语 | 大陆用语 | 其他用语 |
1 | R/W driver | 读写驱动器 | | | |
2 | R/W head | 读写头 | 读/写磁头 | | |
3 | RA | | 注册机构 | | |
4 | race | 竞赛 | | | |
5 | race condition | 竞赛条件 | | | |
6 | race hazard | 竞赛冒险 | | | |
7 | race problem | 竞赛问题 | | | |
8 | race way | 电缆通路 | | | |
9 | race-free assignment | 无竞争分配 | | | |
10 | rack | 框架 | | | |
11 | rack and panel connector | 框架及面板连接器 | | | |
12 | rack and panel construction | 框架及面板构造 | | | |
13 | rack configuration | 框架组态 | | | |
14 | rack construction | 框架构造 | 架装结构 | | |
15 | rackmount | | 架装安装 | | |
16 | rad-50 | 基数50 | | | |
17 | radar | 雷达系统 | | | |
18 | radar computer simulator | 雷达计算机模拟器 | | | |
19 | radar signal processing | 雷达信号处理 | | | |
20 | radar tracker | 雷达追踪器 | | | |
21 | radial | 径向 | | | |
22 | radial component | 径向组件 | | | |
23 | radial scan | 径向扫瞄 | | | |
24 | radial selector | 径向选择器 | | | |
25 | radial serial protocol | 放射串联协定 | | | |
26 | radial servo | | 径向伺服 | | |
27 | radial transfer | 放射式转移 | | | |
28 | radial wheel blower | 放射轮吹风机 | | | |
29 | radial wiring | 径向布线 | | | |
30 | radian | 弧度 | | | |
31 | radian frequency | 角频率 | | | |
32 | radiant | 辐射的;辐射源 | | | |
33 | radiant energy | 辐射能 | | | |
34 | radiating | 散热;辐射 | | | |
35 | radiating element | 辐射元件 | | | |
36 | radiating flange | 辐射凸缘 | | | |
37 | radiation | 辐射 | 辐射 | | |
38 | radiation condition | 辐射条件 | | | |
39 | radiation detection | 辐射检测 | | | |
40 | radiation detection satellite | 辐射检测卫星 | | | |
41 | radiation fin | 辐射散热片 | | | |
42 | radiation hardening | 辐射加固(使电子设备耐辐射的技术) | | | |
43 | radiation loss | 辐射损耗 | | | |
44 | radiation measurement | 辐射测量 | | | |
45 | radiation medicine | 辐射医学 | | | |
46 | radiator | 辐射体;辐射器;散热器 | | | |
47 | radical | 基本的;主要的; | 偏旁 | | |
48 | radical coding | 字根编码 | | | |
49 | radio | 无线电;收音机 | | | |
50 | radio astronomy | 无线电天文学 | | | |
51 | radio autocontrol | 无线电自动控制 | | | |
52 | radio baseband receive terminals | 无线电基频接收终端 | | | |
53 | radio baseband send terminals | 无线电基频发送终端 | | | |
54 | radio beam | 无线电射束 | | | |
55 | radio broadcasting | 无线电广播 | | | |
56 | radio button | 无线电钮 | 单选按钮 | | |
57 | radio circuit | 射频电路 | | | |
58 | radio command guidance system | 无线电命令导引系统 | | | |
59 | radio command link | 无线电命令链接 | | | |
60 | radio command system | 无线电命令系统 | | | |
61 | radio common carrier | 无线电公用载波 | | | |
62 | radio common channel | 无线电公用通道 | | | |
63 | radio communication | 无线电通信 | | | |
64 | radio communication net | 无线电通信网 | | | |
65 | radio communication regulation | 无线电通信条例 | | | |
66 | radio connection | 无线电连接 | | | |
67 | radio control | 无线电控制 | | | |
68 | radio data | 无线电数据 | | | |
69 | radio data link | 无线电数据链路 | | | |
70 | radio direction and ranging | 无线电定向和测距 | | | |
71 | radio direction finder | 定向仪无线电方向寻检器 | | | |
72 | radio frequency amplifier | 射频放大器 | | | |
73 | radio frequency generator | 射频产生器 | | | |
74 | radio frequency interference | 射频干扰 | | | |
75 | radio frequency sputtering | 射频溅散 | | | |
76 | radio frequency | 射频 | | | |
77 | radio link | 无线电链路 | | | |
78 | radio location | 无线电位置 | | | |
79 | radio log | 无线电日志 | | | |
80 | radio monitor | 无线电监控器 | | | |
81 | radio network | 无线电网路 | | | |
82 | radio paging | 无线电播叫(找人);无线呼叫(找人) | | | |
83 | radio photography | 无线电传真(术) | | | |
84 | radio relay station | 无线电中继站 | | | |
85 | radio relay system | 无线电中继系统 | | | |
86 | radio telecontrol | 无线电遥控 | | | |
87 | radio telegraphy | 无线电报学 | | | |
88 | radio telephony | 无线电话学 | | | |
89 | radio teletypewriter | 无线电传打字机 | | | |
90 | radio typewriter | 无线电打字机 | | | |
91 | radio waves | 无线电波 | | | |
92 | radio window | 无线电视窗 | | | |
93 | radioactivity | 放射性 | | | |
94 | radiogram | 无线电报 | | | |
95 | radiograph | 放射线照片 | | | |
96 | radio-graphy | 放射线照片术 | | | |
97 | radiometer | 辐射计 | | | |
98 | radionuclide | | 放射性核素 | | |
99 | radiosity method | | 辐射度方法 | | |
100 | radius | 半径 | | | |
101 | radius vector | 半径向量 | | | |
102 | radix | 数基 | | | |
103 | radix complement | 数基补数 | | | |
104 | radix conversion | 数基转换 | | | |
105 | radix exchange sort | 基数互换分类 | | | |
106 | radix exchange sorting method | 基数互换分类法 | | | |
107 | radix exchange sorting routine | 基数互换分类常式 | | | |
108 | radix mixed | 混合基数 | | | |
109 | radix module | 基数模组 | | | |
110 | radix notation | 基数记法 | | | |
111 | radix number | 数基数 | | | |
112 | radix numeration | 基数命数 | | | |
113 | radix numeration system | 基数命数系统 | | | |
114 | radix point | 数基点 | | | |
115 | radix pointer | 基数指标 | | | |
116 | radix scale | 数基标度(同radixnotation) | | | |
117 | radix sort | 数基排序 | | | |
118 | radix sorting | | 基数排序 | | |
119 | radix subfield exchange sorting | 基数子栏互换分类法 | | | |
120 | radix transform | 基数变换 | | | |
121 | radix two computer | 二基数计算机 | | | |
122 | radix two counter | 二基数计数器 | | | |
123 | radix-digit | 基数数位 | | | |
124 | radix-marker | 基数标记符 | | | |
125 | radix-minus-one complement | 数基减一补数 | 反码 | | |
126 | Radon transform | | 拉东变换 | | |
127 | ragged | 不齐;未对齐 | | | |
128 | ragged center | 中心未对齐 | | | |
129 | ragged left | 左边未对齐 | 左边未对齐 | | |
130 | ragged right | 右边未对齐 | 右边未对齐 | | |
131 | ragged setting | 版面未对齐 | | | |
132 | ragged text | 正文未对齐 | | | |
133 | RAID | | 磁盘冗余阵列 | | |
134 | rail voltage | 导轨电压 | | | |
135 | railway division communication system | 铁路区段通信系统 | | | |
136 | rain barrel effect | 雨桶效应 | | | |
137 | rainbow | 彩虹 | | | |
138 | raise statement | 引发叙述 | | | |
139 | raised character | 凸(起)字符 | | | |
140 | raised cosine pulse | 上升馀弦脉波 | | | |
141 | raised cosine wave | 上升馀弦波 | | | |
142 | raised floor | 高架地板 | 活动地板 | | |
143 | raising the typing line | 上移打字行 | | | |
144 | Rajchman plate | 雷奇曼储存板 | | | |
145 | Rajchman selection switch | 雷奇曼选择开关 | | | |
146 | RAM | 随机存取记忆体 | 随机存储器 | | |
147 | RAM disk | 随机存取记忆磁碟 | | | |
148 | rambus | | 存储器总线 | | |
149 | ramp | 斜波 | | | |
150 | ramp function | | 斜坡函数 | | |
151 | ramp signal | 斜波信号 | | | |
152 | ramp-response time | 斜波向应时间 | | | |
153 | random access | 随机存取 | 随机存取 | | |
154 | random access auxiliary storage | 随机存取辅助储存器 | | | |
155 | random access block | 随机存取块 | | | |
156 | random access by hashing | 杂凑式随机存取 | | | |
157 | random access by key | 依键随机存取 | | | |
158 | random access by record file address | 依录档位址随机存取 | | | |
159 | random access by relative record number | 依相对记录号码随机存取 | | | |
160 | random access communication system | 随机存取通信系统 | | | |
161 | random access computer | 随机存取计算机 | | | |
162 | random access device | 随机存取装置 | | | |
163 | random access discrete address system | 随机存取离散位址系统 | | | |
164 | random access disk file | 随机存取磁碟档 | | | |
165 | random access disk file bank | 随机存取磁碟档案库 | | | |
166 | random access file | 随机存取档 | | | |
167 | random access I/O routine | 随机存取输入输出常式 | | | |
168 | random access image devices | 随机存取影像装置 | | | |
169 | random access input/output | 随机存取输入输出 | | | |
170 | random access machine | 随机存取机 | 随机存取机器 | | |
171 | random access memory | 随机存取记忆体 | 随机(存取)存储器 | | |
172 | random access message storage | 随机存取讯息储存 | | | |
173 | random access method | 随机存取法 | | | |
174 | random access method of accounting and control | 会计管制随机存取法 | | | |
175 | random access mode | 随机存取模 | | | |
176 | random access number out-of-range | 随机存取数越界 | | | |
177 | random access optical memory | 随机存取光记忆体 | | | |
178 | random access path | 随机存取路径 | | | |
179 | random access processing | 随机存取处理 | | | |
180 | random access processing file | 随机存取处理档案 | | | |
181 | random access programming | 随机存取程式设计 | | | |
182 | random access projector | 随机存取投影机 | | | |
183 | random access protocol | 随机存取协定 | | | |
184 | random access software | 随机存取软体 | | | |
185 | random access sort | 随机存取排序 | | | |
186 | random access sorter | 随机存取排序器 | | | |
187 | random access storage | 随机存取储存器;随机存取储存 | | | |
188 | random access storage device | 随机存取储存装置 | | | |
189 | random access store | 随机存取储存 | | | |
190 | random access stored program machine | 随机存取储存程式机 | | | |
191 | random access structure | 随机存取结构 | | | |
192 | random access system | 随机存取系统 | | | |
193 | random access time | 随机存取时间 | | | |
194 | random address | 随机位址 | | | |
195 | random addressing | 随机定址 | | | |
196 | random analog signal analysis program | 随机类比信号分析程式 | | | |
197 | random binary information | 随机二进制资讯 | | | |
198 | random communication satellite | 随机通信卫星 | | | |
199 | random communication satellite system | 随机通信卫星系统 | | | |
200 | random context array grammar | 随机上下文阵列文法 | | | |
201 | random counter | 随机计数器 | | | |
202 | random data set | 随机资料集 | | | |
203 | random defect | 随机缺陷 | | | |
204 | random digit | 随机数位 | | | |
205 | random distribution | 随机分配 | | | |
206 | random encoding | 随机编码 | | | |
207 | random entry method | 随机登录法 | | | |
208 | random environment | 随机环境 | | | |
209 | random error | 随机误差 | 随机差错 | | |
210 | random excitation simulation | 随机激励模拟 | | | |
211 | random failure | 随机失效;随机故障 | 随机失效 | | |
212 | random fault | 随机故障 | 随机故障 | | |
213 | random fault analysis | 随机故障分析 | | | |
214 | random file | 随机档案 | 随机文件 | | |
215 | random file format | 随机档案格式 | | | |
216 | random file key | 随机档案键 | | | |
217 | random file mode | 随机档案模式 | | | |
218 | random file of fixed length record | (固)定长(度)记录的随机档案 | | | |
219 | random file organization | 随机档案组织 | | | |
220 | random file rollback | 随机档案转返 | | | |
221 | random forcing function | 随机强制功能 | | | |
222 | random function | 随机函数 | | | |
223 | random Gaussian number | 随机高斯数 | | | |
224 | random geometry technique | 随机几何技术 | | | |
225 | random library | 随机程式馆 | | | |
226 | random logic | 随机逻辑 | | | |
227 | random logic design | 随机逻辑设计 | | | |
228 | random logic device | 随机逻辑装置 | | | |
229 | random logic testing | 随机逻辑测试 | | | |
230 | random model | 随机模型 | | | |
231 | random multiple access | | 随机多路访问 | | |
232 | random network | 随机网路 | | | |
233 | random node | 随机节点 | | | |
234 | random noise | 随机杂讯 | 随机噪声 | | |
235 | random nonreturn-to-zero change on one | 随机逢1变化不归零制 | | | |
236 | random number | 随机数;乱数 | 随机数 | | |
237 | random number generation | 随机数产生 | | | |
238 | random number generator | 随机数产生器 | 随机数生成器 | | |
239 | random number program | 随机数产生程式 | | | |
240 | random number sequence | 随机数顺序;随机数数序 | 随机数序列 | | |
241 | random number table | 随机数表 | | | |
242 | random order | 随机次序 | | | |
243 | random organizational method | 随机组织方法 | | | |
244 | random packet length | 随机包长度 | | | |
245 | random page replacement | | 随机页替换 | | |
246 | random paralleling | 随机平行 | | | |
247 | random path | 随机路径 | | | |
248 | random permutation | 随机置换;随机排列 | | | |
249 | random phase | 随机阶段 | | | |
250 | random placement | 随机布局 | | | |
251 | random process | 随机处理 | | | |
252 | random processing | 随机处理 | 随机处理 | | |
253 | random reducibility | | 随机归约[性] | | |
254 | random rehash | 随机再杂凑 | | | |
255 | random rehash method | 随机再杂凑法 | | | |
256 | random rehash technique | 随机再杂凑技术 | | | |
257 | random replacement | 随机替换 | | | |
258 | random retransmission interval | 随机再传输间隔 | | | |
259 | random routing | 随机选路 | | | |
260 | random sampling | 随机抽样;随机采样 | | | |
261 | random scan | 随机扫瞄 | 随机扫描 | | |
262 | random scan function | 随机扫瞄函数 | | | |
263 | random scan storage tube display | 随机扫瞄存储管显示 | | | |
264 | random schedule | | 随机调度 | | |
265 | random scheduling | 随机排程 | | | |
266 | random search procedure | 随机搜寻程序 | | | |
267 | random searching | 随机搜寻 | 随机查找 | | |
268 | random selection | 随机选择 | | | |
269 | random selection strategy | 随机选择策略 | | | |
270 | random self-reducibility | | 随机自归约[性] | | |
271 | random sentence generator | 随机句子产生器 | | | |
272 | random sequence | 随机序列 | | | |
273 | random sequential access | 随机顺序存取 | | | |
274 | random series | 随机级数 | | | |
275 | random signal | 随机信号 | | | |
276 | random sine wave | 随机正弦波 | | | |
277 | random software test | 随机软体测试 | | | |
278 | random sparse graph | 随机稀疏图 | | | |
279 | random start | 随机起动 | | | |
280 | random switching | | 随机开关 | | |
281 | random test generation | 随机测试产生 | 随机测试产生[法] | | |
282 | random testing | | 随机测试 | | |
283 | random time | 随机时间 | | | |
284 | random time varying channel | 随机时变通道 | | | |
285 | random uniform number | 均匀分散的随机数 | | | |
286 | random user buffer | 随机用户缓冲器 | | | |
287 | random variable | 随机变数 | | | |
288 | random variation | 随机变动 | 随机变化 | | |
289 | random vector | 随机向量 | | | |
290 | random vibration | 随机振动 | | | |
291 | random walk | 随机走步 | | | |
292 | random walk method | 随机漫步法 | | | |
293 | random-coding bound | 随机编码限界 | | | |
294 | randoming scheme | 随机化方案 | | | |
295 | randomization | 随机化 | | | |
296 | randomize | 随机化 | | | |
297 | randomize block | 随机段 | | | |
298 | randomize routine | 随机化常式 | | | |
299 | randomize scheme | 随机化方案 | | | |
300 | randomize table | 随机化表 | | | |
301 | randomized nonreturn-to-zero change on one | 随机逢1变化不归零制 | | | |
302 | randomizer | 随机产生器 | | | |
303 | randomizing | 随机化 | | | |
304 | randomizing distributed data | 随机分散资料 | | | |
305 | randomizing file addressing | 随机化档案定址 | | | |
306 | randomizing formula | 随机化公式 | | | |
307 | randomizing technique | 随机化技术 | | | |
308 | randomizing transform | 随机化变换 | | | |
309 | randomness | 随机(性) | | | |
310 | randomness test | 随机测试 | | | |
311 | random-perturbation optimization | 随机扰动最佳化 | | | |
312 | range | 围;距离 | | | |
313 | range adjustment | 值域调整;距离调整 | | | |
314 | range algorithm | 围算法 | | | |
315 | range analysis | 值域分析 | | | |
316 | range attribute | 围属性 | | | |
317 | range check | 围检查;区域检查 | | | |
318 | range checking | 围检查 | | | |
319 | range coding | 围编码 | | | |
320 | range computer | 围计算机 | | | |
321 | range constraint | 围约束 | | | |
322 | range constriction | 围压缩 | | | |
323 | range constriction search | 围压缩搜索 | | | |
324 | range estimating procedure | 围估计程序 | | | |
325 | range evaluation procedure | 围评估程序 | | | |
326 | range extender | 围延伸器 | | | |
327 | range figures | 围数 | | | |
328 | range finder | 测距器 | | | |
329 | range image | 围影像 | | | |
330 | range independent | 值域独立 | | | |
331 | range index | 围索引 | | | |
332 | range key | 围键; 围关键字 | | | |
333 | range limit | | 范围界限 | | |
334 | range of a variable | 变数作用域 | | | |
335 | range of balanced error | 平衡误差 围 | | | |
336 | range of defocusing | | 散焦测距 | | |
337 | range of DO | DO语句域 | | | |
338 | range of error | 误差 围 | | | |
339 | range of scalar variable | 纯量变数 围 | | | |
340 | range of triangle | | 三角测距 | | |
341 | range query | 围查询 | | | |
342 | range relation | 围关系 | | | |
343 | range specification | 围规格 | 范围规定 | | |
344 | range switch | 围开关 | | | |
345 | range variable | 围变数 | | | |
346 | rank | 阶级;秩;等级 | | | |
347 | rank defect | 阶级缺陷 | | | |
348 | rank of a node | 节点秩数 | | | |
349 | rank statistics | 秩统计量 | | | |
350 | ranked alphabet | 有序字母表 | | | |
351 | ranked matching | 有序匹配 | | | |
352 | ranked of automata | 自动机的秩评定 | | | |
353 | rapid access | 快速存取 | | | |
354 | rapid access loop | 快速存取回路 | | | |
355 | rapid access memory | 快速存取记忆体 | | | |
356 | rapid access processing | 快速存取处理 | | | |
357 | rapid access storage | 快速存取储存;快速存取储存器 | | | |
358 | rapid access storage memory | 快速存取储存器 | | | |
359 | rapid answer | 快速回答 | | | |
360 | rapid cycle | 快速循环 | | | |
361 | rapid developement skill | 快速开发技巧 | | | |
362 | rapid digital automatic computing system | 快速数位自动计算系统 | | | |
363 | rapid internal storage | 快速内储存 | | | |
364 | rapid memory | 快速记忆体 | | | |
365 | rapid printer | 快速列印机 | | | |
366 | rapid prototyping | 快速原型设计 | 原型速成 | | |
367 | rapid prototyping method | 快速原型设计方法 | | | |
368 | rapid random access memory | 快速随机存取记忆体 | | | |
369 | rapid storage | 快速储存 | | | |
370 | rapidly extensible language | 快速可扩充语言 | | | |
371 | rapidly growing function | 快速增长函数 | | | |
372 | rare earth | 稀土 | | | |
373 | rare earth element | 稀土元素 | | | |
374 | rare earth orthoferrite | 稀土正铁氧体 | | | |
375 | rare gas | 稀有气体 | | | |
376 | rarefaction state | 稀疏状态 | | | |
377 | RARP | | 逆地址解析协议 | | |
378 | r-ary function | r进函数 | | | |
379 | r-ary predicate | r进述词 | | | |
380 | raster | 光栅;光域 | | | |
381 | raster burn | 光栅烧毁 | | | |
382 | raster count | 光栅计数 | | | |
383 | raster data structure | | 栅格数据结构 | | |
384 | raster display | 光栅显示器 | 光栅显示 | | |
385 | raster display device | 光栅显示装置;扫瞄显示装置 | | | |
386 | raster distortion | 光栅失真 | | | |
387 | raster formatted picture | 光栅格式化图画 | | | |
388 | raster graphics | 光栅图形;光域图形 | | | |
389 | raster grid | 光栅网格 | | | |
390 | raster image processor | 光栅扫瞄影像处理机 | | | |
391 | raster manipulation | 光栅调处 | | | |
392 | raster overlay | 光栅覆盖 | | | |
393 | raster pattern | 光栅型样 | | | |
394 | raster pattern generator | 光栅型样产生器 | | | |
395 | raster pattern overlay | 光栅型样重叠 | | | |
396 | raster pattern storage | 光栅型样储存 | | | |
397 | raster plotter | 光栅绘图器;光域绘图器 | | | |
398 | raster printer | 光栅列印机 | | | |
399 | raster scan | 光栅扫瞄 | 光栅扫描 | | |
400 | raster scan art | 光栅扫瞄艺术 | | | |
401 | raster scan computer graphic display | 光栅扫瞄电脑图形显示 | | | |
402 | raster scan display | 光栅扫瞄显示 | | | |
403 | raster scan graphics | 光栅扫瞄图形学 | | | |
404 | raster scan hidden surface algorithm | 光栅扫瞄隐面算法 | | | |
405 | raster scan imaging | 光栅扫瞄成像 | | | |
406 | raster scan plotter | 光栅扫瞄绘图器 | | | |
407 | raster timing | 光栅计时 | | | |
408 | raster to vector | 光栅至向量 | | | |
409 | raster unit | 光栅单位;光域单位 | | | |
410 | raster-to-vector conversion | 描点至向量转换 | | | |
411 | ratchet | 棘轮;棘爪 | | | |
412 | ratchet wheel | 棘轮 | | | |
413 | rate | 速度;速率;(比)率;价格;费率 | | | |
414 | rate and route operator | 费率和路径操作员 | | | |
415 | rate center | 费率中心 | | | |
416 | rate control | 速率控制 | 速率控制 | | |
417 | rate distortion function | 信号率失真函数 | | | |
418 | rate multiplier | 比率乘数 | | | |
419 | rate network | 费率网路 | | | |
420 | rate of data signalling | 收据传输速率 | | | |
421 | rate of dynamic coincident code | 动态重码率 | 动态重码率 | | |
422 | rate of gate-to-pin | 闸对接线比率 | | | |
423 | rate of information throughput | 资讯通量率 | | | |
424 | rate of information transmission | 资讯传输率 | | | |
425 | rate of keying error | 键入错误率 | | | |
426 | rate of load growth | 负载成长率 | | | |
427 | rate of occurrence of error | 误差出现率 | | | |
428 | rate of perforation | 打孔速率 | | | |
429 | rate of punch | 打孔速率 | | | |
430 | rated current | 额定电流 | | | |
431 | rated frequency | 额定频率 | | | |
432 | rated frequency range | 额定频率 围 | | | |
433 | rated load | 额定负载 | 额定负载 | | |
434 | rated output | 额定输出 | | | |
435 | rated speed | 额定速率 | | | |
436 | rated voltage | 额定电压 | 额定电压 | | |
437 | rated voltage range | 额定 围电压 | | | |
438 | rate-grown junction | 变速生长连接 | | | |
439 | rate-grown method | 变速生长法 | | | |
440 | rate-grown transistor | 变速生长电晶体 | | | |
441 | rating | 额定值;标称值;定额 | | | |
442 | ratio | 比;比率 | | | |
443 | ratio calculator | 比率计算器 | | | |
444 | ratio control | 比率控制 | 比值控制 | | |
445 | ratio controller | 比率控制器 | | | |
446 | ratio error | 比率误差 | | | |
447 | ratio method | 比率法 | | | |
448 | ratio minimization | 比率最小化 | | | |
449 | ratio of gate-to-pin | 闸对接线比 | | | |
450 | ratiocination | 推论 | | | |
451 | rational | 有理(的);合法(的) | | | |
452 | rational agent | | 理性主体 | | |
453 | rational approximation | 有理式近似 | | | |
454 | rational Bezier curve | | 有理贝济埃曲线 | | |
455 | rational differential system | 有理微分系统 | | | |
456 | rational expression | 有理表式 | | | |
457 | rational fraction | 有理分数 | | | |
458 | rational fraction approximation | 有理分数近似 | | | |
459 | rational fraction interpolation | 有理分数内插 | | | |
460 | rational function | 有理函数 | | | |
461 | rational geometric design | | 有理几何设计 | | |
462 | rational interpolating function | 有理内插函数 | | | |
463 | rational interval function | 有理间隔函数 | | | |
464 | rational number | 有理数 | | | |
465 | rationale | 理论基础;基本原理 | | | |
466 | rationality | | 理性 | | |
467 | rationalization | 有理化 | | | |
468 | rationalizing denominator | 有理化分母 | | | |
469 | raw | 原始的;未处理的;未加工的;组糙的 | 写后读 | | |
470 | raw data | 原始资料 | 原始数据 | | |
471 | raw event | 原始事件 | | | |
472 | raw information | 原始资讯 | | | |
473 | raw laser power | 初始雷射功率 | | | |
474 | raw material | 原始材料 | | | |
475 | raw queue | 原始伫列 | | | |
476 | raw read data | 原始读出数据 | | | |
477 | raw storage | 原始储存 | | | |
478 | raw tape | 原始带 | | | |
479 | ray | 线;射线;半直线 | | | |
480 | ray cast | | 光线投射 | | |
481 | ray tracing | 射线追踪 | 光线跟踪, *光线追踪 | | |
482 | Rayleigh distribution | 雷利分布 | | | |
483 | Rayleigh fading channel | 瑞雷衰落通道 | | | |
484 | Rayleigh scattering | 瑞利散射 | | | |
485 | Rayleigh-Ritz method | 瑞利-里兹方法 | | | |
486 | RC paper | 感光相纸 | | | |
487 | RDA | | 远程数据库访问 | | |
488 | RDI | | 远端缺陷指示 | | |
489 | reach | 到达 | | | |
490 | reachability | 可达性 | 可达性 | | |
491 | reachability by step | | 步可达性 | | |
492 | reachability graph | 可达性图 | 可达图 | | |
493 | reachability matrix | 可达性矩阵 | | | |
494 | reachability relation | 可达性关系 | 可达性关系 | | |
495 | reachability tree | | 可达树 | | |
496 | reachable forest | | 可达森林 | | |
497 | reachable marking | | 可达标识 | | |
498 | reachable marking graph | | 可达标识图 | | |
499 | reachable node | 可达节点 | | | |
500 | reachable point | 可达点 | | | |
501 | reachable symbol | 可达符号 | | | |
502 | reachable vertex | 可达顶点 | | | |
503 | reactance | 电抗 | | | |
504 | reactance association | 电抗结合 | | | |
505 | reactance modulator | 电抗调变器 | | | |
506 | reactivation | 重激活;再生 | | | |
507 | reactive | 反应 | | | |
508 | reactive agent | | 反应主体 | | |
509 | reactive information center | 反应型资讯中心 | | | |
510 | reactive learning environment | 反应性学习环境 | | | |
511 | reactive mode | 反应模式 | | | |
512 | reactor simulator | 反应堆模拟器 | | | |
513 | read | 读;读出;读取 | 读 | | |
514 | read access | | 读访问 | | |
515 | read access time | 读出存取时间 | | | |
516 | read access type | 读出存取型式 | | | |
517 | read after punch check | 打孔後读出检查 | | | |
518 | read after write | | 写后读 | | |
519 | read after write check | 写後读出检查 | | | |
520 | read after write delay | 写後读出延迟 | | | |
521 | read after write verify | 写後读出验证 | | | |
522 | read after write | 写後读出 | | | |
523 | read ahead queue | 读前队列 | | | |
524 | read amplifier | 读出放大器 | | | |
525 | read and write head | 读写头 | 读/写磁头 | | |
526 | read and write statement | 读及写叙述 | | | |
527 | read around | 绕读 | | | |
528 | read around check | 绕读检查 | | | |
529 | read around number | 绕读数 | | | |
530 | read around ratio | 绕读比 | | | |
531 | read back | 回读 | | | |
532 | read back check | 回读核对(同echocheck) | | | |
533 | read back signal | 回读信号 | | | |
534 | read backward | 反向读 | | | |
535 | read buffer register | 读缓冲暂存器 | | | |
536 | read bus | 读汇流排 | | | |
537 | read channel | 读通道 | | | |
538 | read counter | 读计数器 | | | |
539 | read current | 读电流 | | | |
540 | read cycle | 读周期 | | | |
541 | read cycle time | 读周期时间 | | | |
542 | read data latch signal | 读数据锁存信号 | | | |
543 | read data line | | 读数据线 | | |
544 | read data strobe | 读出资料选通 | | | |
545 | read deskew | 读出抗扭斜 | | | |
546 | read detector | 读出检测器 | | | |
547 | read driver | 读驱动器 | | | |
548 | read equalization | 读均衡 | 读均衡 | | |
549 | read error rate | 读错误率 | | | |
550 | read exit | 读出口 | | | |
551 | read exit option | 读出口选项 | | | |
552 | read file program | 读档案程式 | | | |
553 | read gap scatter | 读间隙散布 | | | |
554 | read gap skew | 读间隙偏斜 | | | |
555 | read half-pulse | 读半脉波 | | | |
556 | read halt | 读停止 | | | |
557 | read head | 读头 | 读(磁)头 | | |
558 | read head stack | 读头堆叠 | | | |
559 | read home address | 读起始位址 | | | |
560 | read hopper | 读卡箱 | | | |
561 | read in | 读入 | | | |
562 | read in program | 读入程式 | | | |
563 | read in unit | 读入单元 | | | |
564 | read initial program | 读初始程式 | | | |
565 | read intent | 读意向 | | | |
566 | read interpreter | 读解译器 | | | |
567 | read interrupt allow set | 读中断容许集 | | | |
568 | read line | 读线 | | | |
569 | read lock | | 读锁 | | |
570 | read mechanism | 读机构 | | | |
571 | read modified operation | 读入修正操作 | | | |
572 | read modify write | 读修改写 | | | |
573 | read modify write cycle | 读修改写周期 | | | |
574 | read mostly memory | RMM可改写唯读记忆体 | | | |
575 | read noise | | 读噪声 | | |
576 | read only | 唯读 | | | |
577 | read only access | 唯读存取 | | | |
578 | read only access mode | 唯读存取模式 | | | |
579 | read only bit | 唯读位元 | | | |
580 | read only device | 唯读装置 | | | |
581 | read only file | 唯读档案 | | | |
582 | read only input tape | 唯读输入带 | | | |
583 | read only memory buffer | 唯读记忆体缓冲 | | | |
584 | read only memory simulator | 唯读记忆体模拟器 | | | |
585 | read only memory | 唯读记忆体;仅读记忆体 | 只读存储器 | | |
586 | read only mode | 唯读模 | | | |
587 | read only nano store file | 唯读毫微储存档案 | | | |
588 | read only operation | 唯读操作 | | | |
589 | read only optical disk | 唯读光碟 | | | |
590 | read only procedure | 唯读程序 | | | |
591 | read only program | 唯读程式 | | | |
592 | read only register | 唯读暂存器 | | | |
593 | read only storage | 唯读储存;唯读储存(器) | | | |
594 | read only store | 唯读储存 | | | |
595 | read only subpool | 唯读子池 | | | |
596 | read operation | 阅读作业 | | | |
597 | read out | 读出 | | | |
598 | read out circuit | 读出电路 | | | |
599 | read out command | 读出命令 | | | |
600 | read out counter | 读出计数器 | | | |
601 | read out device | 读出装置 | | | |
602 | read out equipment | 读出设备 | | | |
603 | read out gate | 读出闸 | | | |
604 | read out information | 读出资讯 | | | |
605 | read out position | 读出位置 | | | |
606 | read out signal | 读出信号 | | | |
607 | read out station | 读出站 | | | |
608 | read out time | 读出时间 | | | |
609 | read out tube | 读出管 | | | |
610 | read out unit | 读出单元 | | | |
611 | read out voltage | 读出电压 | | | |
612 | read out winding | 读出绕组 | | | |
613 | read output | 读输出 | | | |
614 | read over | 读完 | | | |
615 | read page procedure | 读页程序 | | | |
616 | read password | 读通行码 | | | |
617 | read path | 读路径 | 阅读通路 | | |
618 | read permission | 允读 | | | |
619 | read primitive | | 读入原语 | | |
620 | read procedure | 读过程;读程序 | | | |
621 | read protection | 读保护 | | | |
622 | read pulse | 阅读脉波 | | | |
623 | read punch overlap | 读打孔重叠 | | | |
624 | read punch unit | 读打卡机 | | | |
625 | read rate | 阅读率 | | | |
626 | read raw data | 读原始数据 | | | |
627 | read receipt | 读入回条 | | | |
628 | read record | 读记录 | | | |
629 | read recovery | 读恢复 | | | |
630 | read release | 读释放 | | | |
631 | read response | 读出回应 | | | |
632 | read reverse | 反读 | | | |
633 | read right | 读权 | | | |
634 | read routine | 读常式 | | | |
635 | read screen | 读萤幕 | | | |
636 | read sector | 读扇区 | | | |
637 | read select line | | 读选择线 | | |
638 | read sharing | 共同读取 | | | |
639 | read signal | 读信号 | 读信号 | | |
640 | read skew | 读偏斜 | | | |
641 | read start time | 读开始时间 | | | |
642 | READ statement | 读叙述 | | | |
643 | read station | 读取站 | 阅读台 | | |
644 | read strobe | 读选通 | | | |
645 | read system call | 读入系统呼叫 | | | |
646 | read tape operation | 读带操作 | | | |
647 | read text program | 读正文程式 | | | |
648 | read through module | 读通过模组 | | | |
649 | read time | 阅读时间 | | | |
650 | read to read crosstalk | 读间串音 | | | |
651 | read track | 读轨 | | | |
652 | read unit | 读单元 | | | |
653 | read verify | 读取验证 | | | |
654 | read while write | 写时读;边写边读 | 边写边读 | | |
655 | read while writing | 写时读 | | | |
656 | read winding | 读卷 | | | |
657 | read writing | 读写 | | | |
658 | read/write | 读写 | | | |
659 | read/write access mode | 读写存取模式 | | | |
660 | read/write bipolar cell | 读写双极格 | | | |
661 | read/write channel | 读写通道 | | | |
662 | read/write check | 读写核对 | | | |
663 | read/write check indicator | 读写核对指示器 | | | |
664 | read/write CMOS cell | 读写互补金氧半导体晶格 | | | |
665 | read/write command | 读写命令 | | | |
666 | read/write compatible head | 读写相容头 | | | |
667 | read/write control | 读写控制 | | | |
668 | read/write counter | 读写计数器 | | | |
669 | read/write cycle | 读写周期 | | | |
670 | read/write cycle time | 读写周期时间 | | | |
671 | read/write disturbed-one output signal | 读写受扰的1输出信号 | | | |
672 | read/write drive | 读写驱动器 | | | |
673 | read/write erase head | 读写抹除头 | | | |
674 | read/write head | 读写头 | 读写[磁]头 | | |
675 | read/write indicator check | 读写指示器检查 | | | |
676 | read/write memory | 读写记忆体 | | | |
677 | read/write memory module | 读写记忆体模组 | | | |
678 | read/write opening | 读写开口 | 读写开口 | | |
679 | read/write operation | 读写操作 | | | |
680 | read/write protection | 读写保护 | | | |
681 | read/write register | 读写暂存器 | | | |
682 | read/write slot | 读写槽 | 读写槽 | | |
683 | read/write station | 读写站 | | | |
684 | read/write storage tape | 读写储存带 | | | |
685 | read/write subpool | 读写子池 | | | |
686 | read/write system | 读写系统 | | | |
687 | read/write time | 读写时间 | | | |
688 | read/write waiting time | 读写等待时间 | | | |
689 | read/write/erase head assembly | 读写抹除磁头组合 | | | |
690 | read?ewrite?fcycle time | 读〔写〕周期时间 | 读〔写〕周期时间 | | |
691 | readability | 可读性 | | | |
692 | readable line | 可读性行 | | | |
693 | readatron | 印刷数据读出和变换装置 | | | |
694 | readdressing | 再编址;再寻址 | | | |
695 | reader | 阅读机 | | | |
696 | reader card punch | 读卡打卡机 | | | |
697 | reader control | 阅读机控制 | | | |
698 | reader copier | 阅读复制机 | | | |
699 | reader interpreter | 阅读解译机 | | | |
700 | reader light | 阅读机灯 | | | |
701 | reader mark | 阅读机标示 | | | |
702 | reader printer | 阅读印刷机 | | | |
703 | reader signal processing | 阅读机信号处理 | | | |
704 | reader sorter | 阅读分类器 | | | |
705 | reader table | 阅读机台 | | | |
706 | reader type | 阅读机型式 | | | |
707 | reader unit | 阅读机单元 | | | |
708 | reader/writer | 读写器 | | | |
709 | readiness review | 就绪查核 | | | |
710 | readiness time | 就绪时间 | | | |
711 | reading access time | 读取时间 | | | |
712 | reading accuracy | 读出精确度 | | | |
713 | reading brush | 读取刷 | | | |
714 | reading circuit | 读出电路 | | | |
715 | reading duration | 读出期间 | | | |
716 | reading gun | 读取电枪 | | | |
717 | reading head | 读(出)头 | | | |
718 | reading mechanism | 读取机构 | | | |
719 | reading number | 读数 | | | |
720 | reading rate | 读取率 | | | |
721 | reading speed | 读(出)速率 | | | |
722 | reading system | 阅读系统 | | | |
723 | reading task | 阅读任务 | [阅]读任务 | | |
724 | read-jump protection | 读出跳越保护 | | | |
725 | readjust | 重调;再调整 | | | |
726 | readjustment | 重调;再调整 | | | |
727 | read-only | | 只读 | | |
728 | read-only attribute | | 只读属性 | | |
729 | read-only memory | | 只读存储器 | | |
730 | read-out time | | 读出时间 | | |
731 | read-process-write | 读-处理-写 | | | |
732 | Read's conjecture | 里德假说 | | | |
733 | read-write cycle | | 读写周期 | | |
734 | ready | 就绪;备妥 | 就绪 | | |
735 | ready access terminal | 就绪存取终端 | | | |
736 | ready and blocking running | 就绪与编块运行 | | | |
737 | ready bit | 就绪位元 | | | |
738 | ready chain | 就绪 接 | | | |
739 | ready condition | 就绪条件 | | | |
740 | ready control | 控制就绪 | | | |
741 | ready control input | 就绪控制输入 | | | |
742 | ready flag | 就绪旗标 | | | |
743 | ready for receiving | 备妥接收 | | | |
744 | ready for sending | 备妥发送 | | | |
745 | ready indicator | 就绪指示器 | | | |
746 | ready light | 就绪灯 | | | |
747 | ready line | 就绪线 | | | |
748 | ready line synchronization circuit | 就绪线同步电路 | | | |
749 | ready list | 就绪列表 | | | |
750 | ready made | 现成;制妥的 | | | |
751 | ready made program | 现成程式 | | | |
752 | ready made time-sharing | 现成分时 | | | |
753 | ready mode | 就绪模 | | | |
754 | ready program | 就绪程式 | | | |
755 | ready prompt | 就绪提示 | | | |
756 | ready queue | 就绪队列 | | | |
757 | ready read card | 备读卡片 | | | |
758 | ready record | 就绪记录 | | | |
759 | ready signal | 就绪信号 | | | |
760 | ready state | 就绪状态 | 就绪状态 | | |
761 | ready status word | 就绪状态字 | | | |
762 | ready strobe mode | 就绪选通模 | | | |
763 | ready task | 就绪任务 | | | |
764 | ready time | 就绪时间 | | | |
765 | ready to receive | 就绪接收 | | | |
766 | ready user | 就绪用户 | | | |
767 | real | 实;实数;真实 | | | |
768 | real accumulator | 实数累加器 | | | |
769 | real address | 实位址 | | | |
770 | real address area | 实址区 | | | |
771 | real address space | 实址空间 | | | |
772 | real argument | 实引数 | | | |
773 | real arithmetic | 实数算术 | | | |
774 | real arithmetic constant | 实数算术常数 | | | |
775 | real attribute | 实属性 | | | |
776 | real axis | 实轴 | | | |
777 | real channel | 实(际)通道 | | | |
778 | real color | 实彩色 | | | |
779 | real computer | 实(际)计算机 | | | |
780 | real computer processor | 实(际)计算机处理器 | | | |
781 | real constant | 实常数 | | | |
782 | real data item | 实资料项 | | | |
783 | real data type | 真实资料型式 | | | |
784 | real denotation | 实标志 | | | |
785 | real drive | 实驱动器 | | | |
786 | real edge | (图形的)实边界 | | | |
787 | real emulation | 实仿真 | | | |
788 | real exponent | 实指数 | | | |
789 | real file | 真实档案 | | | |
790 | real filestore | 实档案储存 | | | |
791 | real frequency | 实频率 | | | |
792 | real function | 实函数 | | | |
793 | real fuzzy number | 真实乏晰数 | | | |
794 | real image | 实像 | | | |
795 | real interval | 实区间 | | | |
796 | real item name | 实项名称 | | | |
797 | real literal | 实文字;实直接量 | | | |
798 | real machine | 实机器 | | | |
799 | real main storage | 实主储存 | | | |
800 | real memory | 真实记忆体 | | | |
801 | real memory address | 实记忆体位址 | | | |
802 | real memory addressing | 实记忆体定址 | | | |
803 | real memory allocation | 实记忆体分配 | | | |
804 | real memory dump | 实记忆体倾印 | | | |
805 | real memory page | 实记忆体页 | | | |
806 | real memory space | 实记忆体空间 | | | |
807 | real mode | 实模式 | | | |
808 | real module | 真实模组 | | | |
809 | real mould | 实模型 | | | |
810 | real name | | 实名 | | |
811 | real negative coefficient | 实数负系数 | | | |
812 | real number | 实数 | | | |
813 | real number representation | 实数表示 | | | |
814 | real open system | 真实开放系统 | | | |
815 | real page | 实(际)页面 | | | |
816 | real page chain | 实页 接 | | | |
817 | real page number | | 实际页数 | | |
818 | real part | 实部分 | | | |
819 | real partition | 实分区 | 实分区 | | |
820 | real pattern | 实型样 | | | |
821 | real pseudo variable | 实伪变数 | | | |
822 | real restriction | 实限制 | | | |
823 | real root | 实根 | | | |
824 | real root isolation | 实根隔离 | | | |
825 | real space | 实空间 | | | |
826 | real storage | 实储存器;实储存体 | | | |
827 | real storage area | 实储存区 | | | |
828 | real storage management | 实储存管理 | | | |
829 | real storage page table | 实储存页表 | 实际存储页表 | | |
830 | real symbol | 实符号 | | | |
831 | real system | 真实系统 | | | |
832 | real system design | 实系统设计 | | | |
833 | real system environment | 真实系统环境 | | | |
834 | real system operator | 实系统操作员 | | | |
835 | real translation theorem | 实翻译定理 | | | |
836 | real type | 实型;实数类型 | | | |
837 | real type definition | 实型定义 | | | |
838 | real type identifier | 实型识别符 | | | |
839 | real value | 实值 | | | |
840 | real variable | 实变数 | | | |
841 | real vector space | 实向量空间 | | | |
842 | real video on demand | | 真点播电视 | | |
843 | real word | 实字 | | | |
844 | real word-load | 实际工作负荷 | | | |
845 | real world | | 真实世界 | | |
846 | realignment | 重新对准 | | | |
847 | realignment function | 重新对准功能 | | | |
848 | realism display | | 真实感显示 | | |
849 | realism rendering | | 真实感显示 | | |
850 | realizability | | 可实现性 | | |
851 | realizable function | 可实现函数 | | | |
852 | realizable threshold function | 可实现定限函数 | | | |
853 | realization | 实现;真实化 | | | |
854 | real-life program | 实际使用程式 | | | |
855 | reallocation | 再分配 | | | |
856 | realm | 领域 | | | |
857 | realm currency indicator | 领域流通指示器 | | | |
858 | realm data item | 领域资料项 | | | |
859 | realm description entry | 领域描述项 | | | |
860 | realm identifier | 领域识别符 | | | |
861 | realm name | 领域名 | | | |
862 | realm section | 领域节;区段 | | | |
863 | real-time | 即时 | 实时 | | |
864 | real-time acquisition program | 即时获取程式 | | | |
865 | real-time adaptive control | 即时自适应控制 | | | |
866 | real-time address | 即时位址 | | | |
867 | real-time addressing | 即时定址 | | | |
868 | real-time agent | | 实时主体 | | |
869 | real-time algorithm | 即时演算法 | | | |
870 | real-time algorithmic tester | 即时演算法测试器 | | | |
871 | real-time analysis | 即时分析 | | | |
872 | real-time and delayed time | 即时与延时 | | | |
873 | real-time application | 即时应用 | | | |
874 | real-time application language | 即时应用语言 | | | |
875 | real-time application oriented | 即时应用导向 | | | |
876 | real-time application programming | 即时应用程式设计 | | | |
877 | real-time application software | 即时应用软体 | | | |
878 | real-time assignment | 即时指定 | | | |
879 | real-time batch monitor | | 实时批处理监控程序 | | |
880 | real-time batch processing | 即时批次处理 | 实时批处理 | | |
881 | real-time bit mapping | 即时位元映像 | | | |
882 | real-time buffer | 即时缓冲 | | | |
883 | real-time central processing | 即时中央处理 | | | |
884 | real-time central processor | 即时中央处理机 | | | |
885 | real-time channel | 即时通道 | | | |
886 | real-time checkout | 即时检验 | | | |
887 | real-time clock diagnostic | 即时时钟诊断 | | | |
888 | real-time clock executive | 即时时钟执行 | | | |
889 | real-time clock interrupt counter | 即时时钟中断计数器 | | | |
890 | real-time clock log | 即时时钟登录 | | | |
891 | real-time clock module | 即时时钟模组 | | | |
892 | real-time clock time | 即时时钟时间 | | | |
893 | real-time clock time-sharing | 即时时钟分时 | 实时时钟分时 | | |
894 | real-time clock word | 即时时钟字 | | | |
895 | real-time clock | 即时时钟 | | | |
896 | real-time communication | 即时通信 | | | |
897 | real-time communication executive | 即时通信执行 | | | |
898 | real-time communication processing | 即时通信处理 | | | |
899 | real-time computer | 即时电脑 | 实时计算机 | | |
900 | real-time computer complex | 即时复合电脑 | | | |
901 | real-time computer program | 即时电脑程式 | | | |
902 | real-time computing technique | 即时计算技术 | | | |
903 | real-time concurrency | 即时并行 | | | |
904 | real-time concurrency operation | 即时并行操作 | 实时并发操作 | | |
905 | real-time concurrent process | 即时并行过程 | | | |
906 | real-time constraint | | 实时约束 | | |
907 | real-time control | | 实时控制 | | |
908 | real-time control application | 即时控制应用 | | | |
909 | real-time control machine | 即时控制机 | | | |
910 | real-time control processor | 即时控制处理机 | | | |
911 | real-time control routine | 即时控制常式 | | | |
912 | real-time control subset | 即时控制子集 | | | |
913 | real-time control system | 即时控制系统 | | | |
914 | real-time correction | 即时校正 | | | |
915 | real-time data processing | 即时资料处理 | | | |
916 | real-time data reduction | 即时资料缩减 | | | |
917 | real-time data storage facility | 即时资料储存设施 | | | |
918 | real-time data structure | 即时资料结构 | | | |
919 | real-time data transmission | 即时资料传输 | | | |
920 | real-time database | 即时资料库 | 实时数据库 | | |
921 | real-time database monitoring | 即时资料库监视 | | | |
922 | real-time debug program | 即时除错程式 | | | |
923 | real-time debug routine | 即时除错常式 | | | |
924 | real-time debugger | 即时除错器 | | | |
925 | real-time debugging | 即时除错 | | | |
926 | real-time device | 即时装置 | | | |
927 | real-time digital filtering | 即时数位滤波 | | | |
928 | real-time display oriented editor | 即时显示导向的编辑器 | | | |
929 | real-time display system | 即时显示系统 | | | |
930 | real-time distributed control network | 即时分散式控制网路 | | | |
931 | real-time editor | 即时编辑器 | | | |
932 | real-time embedded microprocessor system | 即时嵌式微处理机系统 | | | |
933 | real-time emulation | 即时仿真 | | | |
934 | real-time environment | 即时环境 | | | |
935 | real-time equalizer | 即时均衡器 | | | |
936 | real-time event | 即时事件 | | | |
937 | real-time execution monitoring | 即时执行监视 | | | |
938 | real-time executive | 即时执行 | 实时执行程序 | | |
939 | real-time executive BASIC | 即时执行的BASIC语言 | | | |
940 | real-time executive configuration | 即时执行组态 | | | |
941 | real-time executive routine | | 实时执行例程 | | |
942 | real-time executive system | | 实时执行系统 | | |
943 | real-time fail | 即时故障 | | | |
944 | real-time failure | 即时故障 | | | |
945 | real-time foreground job | 即时前台作业 | | | |
946 | real-time function | 即时功能 | | | |
947 | real-time garbage collection | 即时废料收集 | | | |
948 | real-time graphics | 即时图学 | | | |
949 | real-time histogram specification | 即时直方图规格 | | | |
950 | real-time hypothesis classification algorithm | 实时假设分类算法 | | | |
951 | real-time hypothesis testing algorithm | 实时假设测试算法 | | | |
952 | real-time I/O routine | 实时输入输出常式 | | | |
953 | real-time identification | 即时识别 | | | |
954 | real-time incremental computer | 即时增量计算机 | | | |
955 | real-time information management | 即时资讯管理 | | | |
956 | real-time information system | 即时资讯系统 | | | |
957 | real-time input | 即时输入 | 实时输入 | | |
958 | real-time input/output | 即时输入输出 | | | |
959 | real-time insertion | 即时插入 | | | |
960 | real-time interface | 即时介面 | | | |
961 | real-time job | 即时作业 | | | |
962 | real-time link | 即时链接 | | | |
963 | real-time lock | 即时锁定 | | | |
964 | real-time manufacturing information control system | 即时制造资讯控制系统 | | | |
965 | real-time microcomputer | 即时微电脑 | | | |
966 | real-time mode | 即时模式 | | | |
967 | real-time monitor | 即时监视器 | 实时监控程序 | | |
968 | real-time monitor software package | 即时监视器软体包 | | | |
969 | real-time multicomputing | 即时多计算 | | | |
970 | real-time multimedia | | 实时多媒体 | | |
971 | real-time multiprocessing system | 即时多处理系统 | | | |
972 | real-time multitape Turing machine | 即时多带杜林机 | | | |
973 | real-time on-line operation | 即时连线操作 | | | |
974 | real-time operating system | 实时操作系统 | 实时操作系统 | | |
975 | real-time operation | 即时操作 | | | |
976 | real-time operation | 即时运算 | | | |
977 | real-time operation mode | 即时操作模式 | | | |
978 | real-time optical tracker | 即时光追踪器 | | | |
979 | real-time output | 即时输出 | 实时输出 | | |
980 | real-time performance optimization | 即时效能最佳化 | | | |
981 | real-time phase | 即时阶段 | | | |
982 | real-time priority | 即时优先 | | | |
983 | real-time process | 即时处理程式 | | | |
984 | real-time processing | 即时处理 | 实时处理 | | |
985 | real-time processing communication | 即时处理通信 | | | |
986 | real-time processing system | 即时处理系统 | | | |
987 | real-time processor | 即时处理机 | | | |
988 | real-time program | 即时程式 | | | |
989 | real-time program development system | 即时程式开发系统 | | | |
990 | real-time programming | 即时程式设计 | | | |
991 | real-time prototype analyzer | 即时原型分析器 | | | |
992 | real-time queue | 实时队列 | | | |
993 | real-time ratio | 即时比 | | | |
994 | real-time recognizable | 即时可辨识 | | | |
995 | real-time relative addressing | 即时相对定址 | | | |
996 | real-time remote inquiry | 即时远程询问 | | | |
997 | real-time requirement | 即时需求 | | | |
998 | real-time response | 即时回应 | | | |
999 | real-time satellite computer | 即时卫星电脑 | | | |
1000 | real-time service | 即时服务 | | | |
1001 | real-time signal analysis | 即时信号分析 | | | |
1002 | real-time signal processing | 即时信号处理 | | | |
1003 | real-time simulation | 即时模拟 | | | |
1004 | real-time simulator | 即时模拟器 | | | |
1005 | real-time software | 即时软体 | | | |
1006 | real-time software analysis | 即时软体分析 | | | |
1007 | real-time software debugging | 即时软体除错 | | | |
1008 | real-time software engineering | 即时软体工程 | | | |
1009 | real-time software system | 即时软体系统 | | | |
1010 | real-time statement | 即时叙述 | | | |
1011 | real-time storage facility | 即时储存设施 | | | |
1012 | real-time synchronization | 即时同步 | | | |
1013 | real-time system | 即时系统 | 实时系统 | | |
1014 | real-time system executive | | 实时系统执行程序 | | |
1015 | real-time system executives | 即时系统执行程序 | | | |
1016 | real-time system microprocessor | 即时系统微处理机 | | | |
1017 | real-time system modeling | 即时系统模型化 | | | |
1018 | real-time system programming | 即时系统程式设计 | | | |
1019 | real-time task | 即时任务 | | | |
1020 | real-time task scheduler | 即时任务排程器 | | | |
1021 | real-time testing classification algorithm | 即时测试分类演算法 | | | |
1022 | real-time time-sharing | 即时分时 | | | |
1023 | real-time traffic | 即时交通 | | | |
1024 | real-time trend panel | 即时趋势面板 | | | |
1025 | real-time video | | 实时视频 | | |
1026 | real-time waveform | 即时波形 | | | |
1027 | real-time working | 即时工作 | | | |
1028 | real-time working ratio | 即时工作比 | | | |
1029 | reanswer signal | 再应答信号 | | | |
1030 | rear compression | 尾部压缩 | | | |
1031 | rear end | 後端 | | | |
1032 | rear end compaction | 後端紧密 | | | |
1033 | rear end truncation | 後端截断 | | | |
1034 | rear link | 後链接 | | | |
1035 | rear projection | 後投影 | | | |
1036 | rearrange | 重安排 | | | |
1037 | rearrangeable network | 可重安排网路 | 可重排网 | | |
1038 | rearrangement | 重安排 | | | |
1039 | rearrangement of input field | 输入栏重排 | | | |
1040 | rearranging data item | 重排资料项 | | | |
1041 | reason code | 理由码 | | | |
1042 | reason for interrupt | 中断理由 | | | |
1043 | reasonable | 合理的 | | | |
1044 | reasonableness | 合理性 | | | |
1045 | reasonableness check | 合理性检查;合理性核对 | | | |
1046 | reasonableness check table | 合理性检查表 | | | |
1047 | reasonableness test | 合理性测试 | | | |
1048 | reasonableness tests tape | 合理性测试带 | | | |
1049 | reasoning | 推理;推论;推导 | 推理 | | |
1050 | reasoning about beliefs | 关於信念的推理 | | | |
1051 | reasoning about knowledge | 关於知识的推理 | | | |
1052 | reasoning algorithm | 推理演算法 | | | |
1053 | reasoning backward | 反向推理 | | | |
1054 | reasoning mechanism | 推理机制;推理机理 | | | |
1055 | reasoning model | | 推理模型 | | |
1056 | reasoning network | 推理网路 | | | |
1057 | reasoning program | 推理程式 | | | |
1058 | reasoning status checker | 推理状态核对器 | | | |
1059 | reasoning strategy | 推理策略 | | | |
1060 | reassemble | 重编;重装配 | | | |
1061 | reassembled multipacket message | 重编多包讯息 | | | |
1062 | reassembling | 重新装配 | | | |
1063 | reassembly | 重组;重组合 | | | |
1064 | reassembly storage buffer | 重组储存缓冲器 | | | |
1065 | reassign | 重赋值;再分派;再指定 | | | |
1066 | reassignment | 重指定 | | | |
1067 | rebalanced subtree | 再平衡子树 | | | |
1068 | reblock | 重组块 | | | |
1069 | reboot | 再启动 | | | |
1070 | rebound | 回跳 | | | |
1071 | rebound distance | 回跳距离 | | | |
1072 | rebound table | 回跳数表 | | | |
1073 | rebuild maintenance | 重建性维护 | | | |
1074 | recalculation | 重算 | | | |
1075 | recalibrate | 重校 | | | |
1076 | recalibrate subroutine | 重新校正次常式 | | | |
1077 | recalibration | 重新校正;再校正 | | | |
1078 | recall | 再呼叫;唤回;回忆 | | | |
1079 | recall and precision curve | 唤回与精度曲线 | | | |
1080 | recall factor | 唤回因子 | | | |
1081 | recall index | 唤回索引 | | | |
1082 | recall memory key | 唤回记忆键 | | | |
1083 | recall ratio | 再呼叫比率 | | | |
1084 | recall signal | 再呼叫信号 | | | |
1085 | recall switch | 再呼叫开关 | | | |
1086 | recall-fallout plot | 查全率-错检率曲线 | | | |
1087 | recapitulation | 摘要表 | | | |
1088 | recast | 再计算;重作 | | | |
1089 | receipt | 接收 | | | |
1090 | receipt signal | 接收信号 | | | |
1091 | receive | 接收 | | | |
1092 | receive buffer | 接收缓冲区 | | | |
1093 | receive buffer chain | 接收缓冲区 接 | | | |
1094 | receive chain | 接收 接 | | | |
1095 | receive channel center frequency | 接收通道中心频率 | | | |
1096 | receive console | 接收控制台 | | | |
1097 | receive control message | 接收控制讯息 | | | |
1098 | receive control predefined procedure | 接收控制预定义程序 | | | |
1099 | receive control text item | 接收控制正文项 | | | |
1100 | receive data buffer | 接收资料缓冲区 | | | |
1101 | receive data register | 接收资料暂存器 | | | |
1102 | receive descriptor | 接收描述符 | | | |
1103 | receive descriptor list | 接收描述符表 | | | |
1104 | receive filter | 接收滤波器 | | | |
1105 | receive frame area | 接收框区域 | | | |
1106 | receive frequency range | 接收频率 围 | | | |
1107 | receive interrupt | 接收中断 | | | |
1108 | receive interruption | 接收中断 | | | |
1109 | receive leg | 接收接脚 | | | |
1110 | receive line | 接收线路 | | | |
1111 | receive not ready frame | 接收未备妥框 | | | |
1112 | receive pacing | 接收定步 | | | |
1113 | receive packet area | 接收小包区 | | | |
1114 | receive packet list | 接收小包串列 | | | |
1115 | receive port | 接收埠 | | | |
1116 | receive register | 接收暂存器 | | | |
1117 | receive selector | 接收选择器 | | | |
1118 | receive sequence number | 接收顺序号码 | | | |
1119 | receive state variable | 接收状态变数 | | | |
1120 | receive timeout | 接收逾时 | | | |
1121 | receive/send keyboard set | 收发键设定 | | | |
1122 | received data circuit | 接收数据电路 | | | |
1123 | received data lead | 接收资料引线 | | | |
1124 | received data present | 接收资料显示 | | | |
1125 | received data | 接收资料 | | | |
1126 | received frame | 接收框 | | | |
1127 | received interruption | 接收中断 | | | |
1128 | received polynomial | 接收多项式 | | | |
1129 | received processing program | 接收处理程式 | | | |
1130 | receive-in port | 接收埠 | | | |
1131 | receive-only device | 唯收装置 | | | |
1132 | receive-only earth station | 唯收地面站 | | | |
1133 | receive-only page printer | 唯收页式列印机 | | | |
1134 | receive-only service | 唯收服务 | | | |
1135 | receive-only terminal | 唯收终端 | | | |
1136 | receive-only type reperforator | 唯收型复穿孔机 | | | |
1137 | receive-only typing reperforator | 唯收打字复穿孔机 | | | |
1138 | receive-only | 唯收 | | | |
1139 | receiver | 接收器 | 接收器 | | |
1140 | receiver card | 接收卡;接收器板 | | | |
1141 | receiver clock | 接收器时钟 | | | |
1142 | receiver directory | 接收机目录 | | | |
1143 | receiver gating | 接收机闸控 | | | |
1144 | receiver isolation | 接收机隔离 | | | |
1145 | receiver only tape reperforator | 仅收纸带复打孔器 | | | |
1146 | receiver queue | 接收机伫列 | | | |
1147 | receiver ready | 接收器备妥 | | | |
1148 | receiver signal | 接收机信号 | | | |
1149 | receiver/transmitter | 收发机 | | | |
1150 | receiver/transmitter communication controller | 收发机通信控制器 | | | |
1151 | receiving | 接收 | | | |
1152 | receiving character position | 接收字元位置 | | | |
1153 | receiving conversion | 接收转换 | | | |
1154 | receiving converter | 接收转换器 | | | |
1155 | receiving cycle | 接收周期 | | | |
1156 | receiving data item | 接收中资料项 | | | |
1157 | receiving end | 接收端 | 接收端 | | |
1158 | receiving end crossfire | 接收端交射 | | | |
1159 | receiving end crosstalk | 接收端串音 | | | |
1160 | receiving entity | 接收实体 | | | |
1161 | receiving gate | | 接收门 | | |
1162 | receiving item | 接收项目 | | | |
1163 | receiving job | 接收作业 | | | |
1164 | receiving loop loss | 接收回路损耗 | | | |
1165 | receiving magazine | 接收卡槽 | | | |
1166 | receiving margin | 接收容限 | | | |
1167 | receiving node | 接收节点 | | | |
1168 | receiving page printer | 接收页式列印机 | | | |
1169 | receiving perforator | 接收打孔机 | | | |
1170 | receiving register | 接收暂存器 | | | |
1171 | receiving sequence | 接收序列 | | | |
1172 | receiving signal conversion equipment | 接收信号转换设备 | | | |
1173 | receiving station | 接收站 | | | |
1174 | receiving transport entity | 接收传送实体 | | | |
1175 | receiving tray | 接收托盘 | | | |
1176 | receptacle | 插座 | | | |
1177 | reception | 接收;承 | | | |
1178 | reception channel | 接收通道 | | | |
1179 | reception congestion | 接收拥挤 | | | |
1180 | receptivity | 接收性能;感受性 | | | |
1181 | recessed surface | 凹面 | | | |
1182 | recharge | 再充电;再装填;再装料 | | | |
1183 | recheck | 重检查 | | | |
1184 | recipher | 密码文件;译成密码 | | | |
1185 | recipient | 接受者 | 接受者 | | |
1186 | recipient processor | 接收端处理机 | | | |
1187 | reciprocal | 互逆;互反;倒数 | | | |
1188 | reciprocal action | 互逆作用 | | | |
1189 | reciprocal basis | 互逆基;对偶基 | | | |
1190 | reciprocal bilinear form | 互逆双线性形式 | | | |
1191 | reciprocal coefficient | 反系数 | | | |
1192 | reciprocal communication | 互逆通信 | | | |
1193 | reciprocal cross-section | 截面值倒数;倒截面 | | | |
1194 | reciprocal difference | 倒数差分 | | | |
1195 | reciprocal digital networks | 互逆数位网络 | | | |
1196 | reciprocal eigenvalue | 倒数特徵值 | | | |
1197 | reciprocal expression | 倒数表式 | | | |
1198 | reciprocal iteration algorithm | 互反叠代算法 | | | |
1199 | reciprocal kernel | 互反核 | | | |
1200 | reciprocal multiplication | 反乘法 | | | |
1201 | reciprocal net | 互逆网 | | | |
1202 | reciprocal network | 互逆网路 | | | |
1203 | reciprocal one to one correspondence | 互逆一对一对应 | | | |
1204 | reciprocal polynomial | 互反多项式 | | | |
1205 | reciprocal proportion | 倒数比例 | | | |
1206 | reciprocal relationship | 互反关系 | | | |
1207 | reciprocal space | 互反空间 | | | |
1208 | reciprocal spectrum | 逆谱 | | | |
1209 | reciprocal square root | 互反平方根 | | | |
1210 | reciprocal table | 倒数表 | | | |
1211 | reciprocal value | 倒数值 | | | |
1212 | reciprocate | 往复;互惠 | | | |
1213 | reciprocating motion | 往复运动 | | | |
1214 | reciprocator | 倒数器 | | | |
1215 | reciprocity | 互反性 | | | |
1216 | reciprocity formula | 互反性公式 | | | |
1217 | reciprocity law | 互反性定律 | | | |
1218 | reciprocity theorem | 互反性定理 | | | |
1219 | recirculating | 再循环 | | | |
1220 | recirculating loop | 再循环回路 | | | |
1221 | recirculating loop frequency | 再循环回路频率 | | | |
1222 | recirculating loop memory | 再循环回路记忆体 | | | |
1223 | recirculating memory | 再循环记忆体 | | | |
1224 | recirculating network | 再循环网路 | 循环网 | | |
1225 | recirculating state | 再循环状态 | | | |
1226 | recirculating storage | 再循环储存 | | | |
1227 | recirculating store | 再循环储存 | | | |
1228 | recirculation | 再循环 | | | |
1229 | reclaim of a page | 页面收回 | | | |
1230 | reclaimer | 回收器 | 回收程序 | | |
1231 | reclamation | 回收;取回;开拓 | | | |
1232 | recoding | 重编码 | | | |
1233 | recognition | 辨识 | 识别 | | |
1234 | recognition algorithm | 识别算法 | | | |
1235 | recognition and control processor | 识别与控制处理机 | | | |
1236 | recognition device | 识别装置 | | | |
1237 | recognition font | 识别字型 | | | |
1238 | recognition gate | 辨识闸 | | | |
1239 | recognition logic | 识别逻辑 | | | |
1240 | recognition machine | 识别机 | | | |
1241 | recognition matrix | 识别矩阵 | | | |
1242 | recognition network | 识别网路 | | | |
1243 | recognition of handwritten alphanumeric character | 手写文数字元辨识 | | | |
1244 | recognition process | 识别过程 | | | |
1245 | recognition processor | 识别处理机 | | | |
1246 | recognition program | 识别程式 | | | |
1247 | recognition space | 识别空间 | | | |
1248 | recognition system | 识别系统 | | | |
1249 | recognition time | 辨识时间;辨认时间 | | | |
1250 | recognition unit | 辨识装置 | | | |
1251 | recognizable character | 可辨识字元 | | | |
1252 | recognizable character set | 可辨识字元集 | | | |
1253 | recognizable pattern | 可辨识型样 | | | |
1254 | recognizable set | 可辨识集 | | | |
1255 | recognize circuit | 辨识电路 | | | |
1256 | recognized address | 辨识位址 | | | |
1257 | recognized by automation language | 自动机语言辨识 | | | |
1258 | recognized operating agency | | [经]认可的运营机构 | | |
1259 | Recognized private operating agency | 认可的私营电信机构 | | | |
1260 | recognized sum | 辨识总数 | | | |
1261 | recognizer | 辨识器 | | | |
1262 | recognizing ability | 辨识能力 | | | |
1263 | recognizing color relationships | 辨识色彩关系 | | | |
1264 | recognizing language | 辨识语言 | | | |
1265 | recognizing machine | 辨识机 | | | |
1266 | recognizing type relationships | 辨识类型关系 | | | |
1267 | recoil | 重绕 | | | |
1268 | recombination | 复合 | | | |
1269 | recombination action | 复合作用 | | | |
1270 | recombination center | 复合中心 | | | |
1271 | recombination coefficient | 复合系数 | | | |
1272 | recombination current | 复合电流 | | | |
1273 | recombination time | 复合时间 | | | |
1274 | recombining | 重新组合 | | | |
1275 | recommendation | 推荐;建议 | | | |
1276 | recommendation format | 建议格式 | | | |
1277 | recommendation limit | 建议极限 | | | |
1278 | recompaction | 再紧凑法 | 再压缩 | | |
1279 | recompilation | 重新编译;再编译 | | | |
1280 | recompile | 重新编译;再编译 | | | |
1281 | recompility | 重新编译性 | | | |
1282 | recomplementation | 再求补;再补法 | | | |
1283 | recompute | 重算 | | | |
1284 | reconciliation procedure | 调解程序 | | | |
1285 | reconditioning | 重调节;重整 | | | |
1286 | reconditioning circuit | 重调节电路 | | | |
1287 | reconfigurable array computer | 可重组态阵列计算机 | | | |
1288 | reconfigurable computer system | 可重组态计算机系统 | | | |
1289 | reconfigurable front end processor | 可重组态前端处理机 | | | |
1290 | reconfigurable microcomputer network | 可重组态微电脑网路 | | | |
1291 | reconfigurable modules manipulator system | 可重组态模组调处器系统 | | | |
1292 | reconfigurable multimicroprocessors | 可重组态多微处理机 | | | |
1293 | reconfigurable system | 可重组态系统 | 可重构系统 | | |
1294 | reconfiguration | 重组态 | 重配置 | | |
1295 | reconfiguration console | 重组态控制台 | | | |
1296 | reconfiguration ladder diagram | 重组态梯形图 | | | |
1297 | reconfiguration system | 重组态系统 | | | |
1298 | reconfiguration waveform | 重组态波形 | | | |
1299 | reconfigure | 重组态 | | | |
1300 | reconnection | 重接;重联 | 重新连接 | | |
1301 | reconstitute | 重建 | | | |
1302 | reconstitution | 重建 | | | |
1303 | reconstitution of data | 资料重建 | | | |
1304 | reconstruct program | 重建程式 | | | |
1305 | reconstructed image | 重建影像 | | | |
1306 | reconstructed sample | 重建样本 | | | |
1307 | reconstructing beam | 重建光束 | | | |
1308 | reconstruction | 重建 | 重建 | | |
1309 | reconstruction conjecture | 重建推测 | | | |
1310 | reconstruction filter | 重建滤波器 | 重建滤波器 | | |
1311 | reconstruction of data | 资料重建 | | | |
1312 | reconvergent fan-out | 重收敛扇出;再汇聚扇出 | 重汇聚扇出 | | |
1313 | reconverging fan-out | 再收敛扇出 | | | |
1314 | reconverging fan-out path | 再收敛扇出路径 | | | |
1315 | record | | 记录 | | |
1316 | record access block | 记录存取块 | | | |
1317 | record access management | 记录存取管理 | | | |
1318 | record access mechanism | 记录存取机构 | | | |
1319 | record access method | 记录存取方法 | | | |
1320 | record access mode | 记录存取模式 | | | |
1321 | record access mode switching | 记录存取模式交换 | | | |
1322 | record access path | 记录存取路径 | | | |
1323 | record access stream | 记录存取流 | | | |
1324 | record access type | 记录存取型式 | | | |
1325 | record accessing | 记录存取 | | | |
1326 | record address file | 记录位址档案 | | | |
1327 | record aggregate | 记录聚合 | | | |
1328 | record area | 记录区域 | | | |
1329 | record attribute | 记录属性 | | | |
1330 | record based system | 记录为基的系统 | | | |
1331 | record block | 记录块 | | | |
1332 | record blocking | 记录编块 | | | |
1333 | record blocking/deblocking | 记录编块/解块 | | | |
1334 | record button | 记录按钮;录音按钮 | | | |
1335 | record carrier | 记录载体 | | | |
1336 | record cell | 记录格 | | | |
1337 | record chain | 记录 | | | |
1338 | record chart | 记录图 | | | |
1339 | record check time | 记录检查时间 | | | |
1340 | record class | 记录类 | | | |
1341 | record clustering | 记录丛集 | | | |
1342 | record collection | 记录收集 | | | |
1343 | record component | 记录成分 | | | |
1344 | record component syntax | 记录成分语法 | | | |
1345 | record condition | 记录条件 | | | |
1346 | record control block | 记录控制块 | | | |
1347 | record control program | 记录控制程式 | | | |
1348 | record control schedule | 记录控制排程 | | | |
1349 | record control time system | 记录控制时间系统 | | | |
1350 | record control type error | 记录控制型错误 | | | |
1351 | record control word | 记录控制字 | | | |
1352 | record conversion | 记录转换 | | | |
1353 | record conversion system | 记录转换系统 | | | |
1354 | record count | 记录计数 | | | |
1355 | record cross reference | 记录对照参考 | | | |
1356 | record current optimizer | 记录现行最佳化器 | | | |
1357 | record deblocking | 记录解块 | | | |
1358 | record declaration | 记录宣告 | | | |
1359 | record definition | 记录定义 | | | |
1360 | record definition field | 记录定义栏 | | | |
1361 | record deletion | 记录删除 | | | |
1362 | record description | 记录描述 | | | |
1363 | record description entry | 记录描述项 | | | |
1364 | record description format | 记录描述格式 | | | |
1365 | record description structure | 记录描述结构 | | | |
1366 | record description word | 记录描述字 | | | |
1367 | record descriptor | 记录描述符 | | | |
1368 | record designator | 记录指定符 | | | |
1369 | record discriminator | 记录 别器 | | | |
1370 | record entry | 记录人口;记录登记项 | | | |
1371 | record equipment | 记录设备 | | | |
1372 | record file | 记录档案 | | | |
1373 | record file address | 记录档案位址 | | | |
1374 | record format | 记录格式 | | | |
1375 | record format descriptor | 记录格式描述符 | | | |
1376 | record format level identifier | 记录格式位准识别符 | | | |
1377 | record format message | 记录格式讯息 | | | |
1378 | record format option | 记录格式选项 | | | |
1379 | record format overhead | 记录格式额外位元组 | | | |
1380 | record gap | 记录间隙 | | | |
1381 | record group | 记录组 | | | |
1382 | record head | 记录头 | | | |
1383 | record header | 记录标头 | | | |
1384 | record heading | 记录标头 | | | |
1385 | record I/O | 记录输入输出 | | | |
1386 | record ID access | 记录识别存取 | | | |
1387 | record identification | 记录识别 | | | |
1388 | record identification indicator | 记录识别指示器 | | | |
1389 | record identifier | 记录识别符 | | | |
1390 | record identify number | 记录识别号 | | | |
1391 | record ignored | 无用记录 | | | |
1392 | record in external file | 外部档案记录 | | | |
1393 | record instance | 记录实例 | | | |
1394 | record interface | 记录介面 | | | |
1395 | record key | 记录键 | | | |
1396 | record layout | 记录布局;记录布置 | | | |
1397 | record length | 记录长度 | 记录长度 | | |
1398 | record length indicator | 记录长度指示器 | | | |
1399 | record length specifier | 记录长度说明符 | | | |
1400 | record level | 记录位准 | | | |
1401 | record level access | 记录位准存取 | | | |
1402 | record level specifications | 记录位准规格 | | | |
1403 | record list | 记录列表 | | | |
1404 | record location mode | 记录位置模式 | | | |
1405 | record lock | 记录锁定 | 记录锁定 | | |
1406 | record locking | 记录锁定 | | | |
1407 | record management | 记录管理 | | | |
1408 | record management services | 记录管理服务程式 | | | |
1409 | record manager | 记录管理器 | | | |
1410 | record mark | 记录标示 | | | |
1411 | record medium | 记录媒体;记录介质 | | | |
1412 | record message | 记录讯息 | | | |
1413 | record mode | 记录模式 | | | |
1414 | record name | 记录名称;记录名字 | | | |
1415 | record number | 记录号码 | | | |
1416 | record occurrence | 记录出现 | | | |
1417 | record offset | 记录偏移 | | | |
1418 | record operation | 记录操作 | | | |
1419 | record option | 记录选项;记录任选 | | | |
1420 | record ordering | 记录定序 | | | |
1421 | record oriented | 记录导向 | | | |
1422 | record oriented data | 记录导向资料 | | | |
1423 | record oriented data transmission | 记录导向资料传输 | | | |
1424 | record oriented device | 记录导向装置 | | | |
1425 | record oriented file | 记录导向档案 | | | |
1426 | record oriented index | 记录导向索引 | | | |
1427 | record oriented input | 记录导向输入 | | | |
1428 | record oriented input/output | 记录导向输入输出 | | | |
1429 | record oriented output | 记录导向输出 | | | |
1430 | record oriented statement | 记录导向叙述 | | | |
1431 | record overflow | 记录溢出 | | | |
1432 | record partitioning | 记录分区 | | | |
1433 | record playback robot | 教导重现式机器人 | | | |
1434 | record position | 记录位置 | | | |
1435 | record ready | 记录就绪 | | | |
1436 | record reference vector | 记录参考向量 | | | |
1437 | record release | 记录释放 | | | |
1438 | record resolved index | 归录索引 | | | |
1439 | record retrieval | 记录检索 | | | |
1440 | record searching | 记录搜寻 | | | |
1441 | record section | 记录区段 | | | |
1442 | record security | 记录安全 | | | |
1443 | record segment | 记录片段 | | | |
1444 | record selection expression | 记录选择表式 | | | |
1445 | record selector | 记录选择器 | | | |
1446 | record separator character | 记录分隔符字元 | | | |
1447 | record separator | 记录分隔符 | | | |
1448 | record serial number | 记录序列号码 | | | |
1449 | record series | 记录序列 | | | |
1450 | record set | 记录集合 | | | |
1451 | record sheet | 记录表单 | | | |
1452 | record size | 记录大小 | 记录大小 | | |
1453 | record sorting | 记录分类 | | | |
1454 | record specifier | 记录说明符 | | | |
1455 | record storage | 记录储存 | | | |
1456 | record storage area | 记录储存区 | | | |
1457 | record storage cell | 记录储存格 | | | |
1458 | record storage mark | 记录储存标示 | | | |
1459 | record stream | 记录流 | | | |
1460 | record strip | 记录条 | | | |
1461 | record structure | 记录结构 | | | |
1462 | record sub-entry | 记录子项 | | | |
1463 | record syntax | 记录语法 | | | |
1464 | record system | 记录系统 | | | |
1465 | record transfer mode | 记录传送模式 | | | |
1466 | record transmission | 记录传输 | | | |
1467 | record transport | 记录传送 | | | |
1468 | record trunk | 记录总线;记录中继线 | | | |
1469 | record type | 记录型;记录型式 | | | |
1470 | record type currency indicator | 记录型式流通指示器 | | | |
1471 | record type definition | 记录类型定义 | | | |
1472 | record type identifier | 记录型识别符 | | | |
1473 | record type pointer | 记录型指标 | | | |
1474 | record type representation | 记录类型表示(法) | | | |
1475 | record updating | 记录更新 | | | |
1476 | record value | 记录值 | | | |
1477 | record variable | 记录变数 | | | |
1478 | record variable list | 记录变数列表 | | | |
1479 | record | 记录 | 记录 | | |
1480 | recorded text | 记录正文 | | | |
1481 | recorded voice announcement unit | 记录语音发布装置 | | | |
1482 | recorder | 记录器;录音机 | | | |
1483 | recorder file | 记录器档案 | | | |
1484 | record-id | 记录识别码 | | | |
1485 | recording | 记录 | 记录 | | |
1486 | recording area | 记录区 | | | |
1487 | recording channel | 记录通道 | | | |
1488 | recording chart | 记录图 | | | |
1489 | recording density | 记录密度 | 记录密度 | | |
1490 | recording disk | 记录磁碟 | | | |
1491 | recording flux | 记录通量 | | | |
1492 | recording format | 记录格式 | | | |
1493 | recording head | 记录头 | | | |
1494 | recording key | 记录键 | | | |
1495 | recording level control | 记录位准控制 | | | |
1496 | recording level indicator | 记录位准指示器 | | | |
1497 | recording measurement | 记录测量 | | | |
1498 | recording media | 记录媒体 | | | |
1499 | recording medium | 记录媒体;记录介质 | | | |
1500 | recording method | 记录方法 | | | |
1501 | recording mode | 记录模式 | 记录方式 | | |
1502 | recording of abnormality | 不正常记录 | | | |
1503 | recording of security information | 保密资讯记录 | | | |
1504 | recording offset angle | 记录偏置角 | | | |
1505 | recording pen | 记录笔 | | | |
1506 | recording processing program | 记录处理程式 | | | |
1507 | recording program | 记录程式 | | | |
1508 | recording spot | 记录光点(传真机) | | | |
1509 | recording station | 记录站 | | | |
1510 | recording stylus | 记录针 | | | |
1511 | recording subsystem | 记录子系统 | | | |
1512 | recording surface | 记录面 | | | |
1513 | recording system | 记录系统 | | | |
1514 | recording tape | 记录带 | | | |
1515 | recording technique | 记录技术 | | | |
1516 | recording time | 记录时间 | | | |
1517 | recording trunk | 记录干线 | | | |
1518 | recording unit | 记录单位 | | | |
1519 | record-length field | 记录长度栏位 | | | |
1520 | records center | 记录中心 | | | |
1521 | record's file address | 记录档案位址 | | | |
1522 | records grouped | 成群记录 | | | |
1523 | records retention schedule | 记录保留排程 | | | |
1524 | records search | 记录搜寻 | | | |
1525 | recourse | 追索权 | | | |
1526 | recover | 恢复 | | | |
1527 | recoverability | | 可恢复性 | | |
1528 | recoverable ABEND | 可恢复异常终止 | | | |
1529 | recoverable catalog | 可恢复目录 | | | |
1530 | recoverable deleted file | 可恢复已删除档案 | | | |
1531 | recoverable error | 可恢复错误 | | | |
1532 | recoverable read error | 可恢复读出错误 | | | |
1533 | recoverable resource | 可恢复资源 | | | |
1534 | recoverable satellite | 可恢复卫星 | | | |
1535 | recoverable synchronization | 可恢复同步化 | | | |
1536 | recoverable transaction | 可恢复异动 | | | |
1537 | recovered signal | 已恢复信号 | | | |
1538 | recovering aid | 恢复辅助程序;(卫星的)回收辅助设备 | | | |
1539 | recovery | 恢复;复元 | 恢复 | | |
1540 | recovery area logging | 恢复区登录 | | | |
1541 | recovery block | 恢复块 | 恢复块 | | |
1542 | recovery capability | 恢复能力 | 恢复能力 | | |
1543 | recovery clustering algorithm | 恢复丛集演算法 | | | |
1544 | recovery command | 恢复命令 | | | |
1545 | recovery control center | 恢复控制中心 | | | |
1546 | recovery data | 恢复数据 | | | |
1547 | recovery file | 恢复档案 | | | |
1548 | recovery from fallback | 从降运行恢复 | | | |
1549 | recovery from the failure | | 故障恢复 | | |
1550 | recovery function | 恢复功能;复原功能 | | | |
1551 | recovery interrupt | 恢复中断 | | | |
1552 | recovery library | 恢复程式馆 | | | |
1553 | recovery line | 恢复列 | | | |
1554 | recovery log | 恢复日志 | | | |
1555 | recovery management | 恢复管理 | | | |
1556 | recovery management support | 恢复管理支援(程序) | | | |
1557 | recovery method | 恢复法 | | | |
1558 | recovery mode | 恢复模式 | | | |
1559 | recovery of abort locked file | 异常中止加锁定档案的恢复 | | | |
1560 | recovery of global storage area | 总体储存区的恢复 | | | |
1561 | recovery philosophy | 恢复哲理 | | | |
1562 | recovery plan | 复原计画 | | | |
1563 | recovery point | 恢愎点 | | | |
1564 | recovery policy | 恢复政策 | | | |
1565 | recovery procedure | 恢复程序 | | | |
1566 | recovery procedures error | 恢复程序错误 | | | |
1567 | recovery process | 恢复过程 | | | |
1568 | recovery processing | 恢复处理 | | | |
1569 | recovery program | 恢复程式 | | | |
1570 | recovery rate | 恢复速率 | | | |
1571 | recovery routine | 恢复常式 | | | |
1572 | recovery system | 恢复系统 | | | |
1573 | recovery termination manager | 恢复终止管理器 | | | |
1574 | recovery time | 恢复时间;复原时间 | | | |
1575 | recovery unit | 恢复单位 | | | |
1576 | recovery unit journal | 恢复单位日志 | | | |
1577 | recovery utility | 恢复公用程式 | | | |
1578 | recovery variable set | 恢复变数集 | | | |
1579 | recovery volume | 恢复卷 | | | |
1580 | recovery-rollback functionality | 恢复-重算功能性 | | | |
1581 | recreatable database | 可重建数据库 | | | |
1582 | rectangle | 矩形 | | | |
1583 | rectangular | 矩形的 | | | |
1584 | rectangular array | 矩形阵列 | | | |
1585 | rectangular codes | 矩形码 | | | |
1586 | rectangular connector | 矩形连接器 | | | |
1587 | rectangular coordinate system | 矩形座标系统 | | | |
1588 | rectangular curve | 矩形曲线 | | | |
1589 | rectangular curvilinear coordinate | 矩形曲线坐标 | | | |
1590 | rectangular data window | 矩形资料视窗 | | | |
1591 | rectangular distribution | 矩形分布 | | | |
1592 | rectangular error pattern | 矩形误差型样 | | | |
1593 | rectangular finite element | 矩形有限元素 | | | |
1594 | rectangular function | 矩形函数 | | | |
1595 | rectangular game | 矩形竞赛 | | | |
1596 | rectangular hysteresis loop | 矩形磁滞回路 | | | |
1597 | rectangular integration | 矩形积分 | | | |
1598 | rectangular loop | 矩形回路 | | | |
1599 | rectangular membrane | 矩形薄膜 | | | |
1600 | rectangular net | 矩形网格 | | | |
1601 | rectangular robot | | 直角坐标型机器人 | | |
1602 | rectangular shaped pulse | 矩形脉冲 | | | |
1603 | rectangular spherical coordinate | 球面直角坐标 | | | |
1604 | rectangular waveguide | 矩形波导 | | | |
1605 | rectangular window | 矩形视窗 | | | |
1606 | rectangular window function | 矩形视窗功能 | | | |
1607 | rectangularity | 矩形性 | | | |
1608 | rectification | 整流 | | | |
1609 | rectification circuit | 整流电路 | | | |
1610 | rectifier | 整流器 | 整流器 | | |
1611 | rectify | 整流;(图形的)纠正;蒸镏;精镏 | | | |
1612 | rectifying action | 整流作用 | | | |
1613 | rectifying efficiency | 整流效率 | | | |
1614 | rectilinear | 直线的 | | | |
1615 | rectilinear scan | 直线扫瞄 | | | |
1616 | rectilinear transmission | 直线传输 | | | |
1617 | recurrence | 递回 | | | |
1618 | recurrence code | 递回码 | | | |
1619 | recurrence formula | 递回公式 | | | |
1620 | recurrence method | 递回方法 | | | |
1621 | recurrence rate | 递回率 | | | |
1622 | recurrence relation | 递回关系 | 递推关系 | | |
1623 | recurrence state | 递回状态 | | | |
1624 | recurrence system | 递回系统 | | | |
1625 | recurrence time | 递回时间 | | | |
1626 | recurrence transmission code | 递回传输码 | | | |
1627 | recurrence type | 递回型式 | | | |
1628 | recurrent code | 递回码 | | | |
1629 | recurring decimal | 循环小数 | | | |
1630 | recursion | 递回 | | | |
1631 | recursion analysis | 递回分析 | | | |
1632 | recursion equation | 递回方程式 | | | |
1633 | recursion formation principle | 递回形成原理 | | | |
1634 | recursion formula | 递回公式 | | | |
1635 | recursion instruction | 递回指令 | | | |
1636 | recursion programming | 递回程式设计 | | | |
1637 | recursion scheme | 递回方案 | | | |
1638 | recursion theorem | | 递归定理 | | |
1639 | recursive | 递回;回归的;递归的 | | | |
1640 | recursive address | 递回位址 | | | |
1641 | recursive address calculation | 递回位址计算 | | | |
1642 | recursive algorithm | 递回演算法 | 递归算法 | | |
1643 | recursive analysis | 递回分析 | | | |
1644 | recursive attribute | 递回属性 | | | |
1645 | recursive block coding | | 递归块编码 | | |
1646 | recursive call | 递回呼叫 | | | |
1647 | recursive chain | 递回 接 | | | |
1648 | recursive computation | 递回计算 | 递归计算 | | |
1649 | recursive computer | 递回电脑 | | | |
1650 | recursive computer architecture | 递回电脑架构 | | | |
1651 | recursive control mechanism | 递回控制机制 | | | |
1652 | recursive coroutine | 递回共常式 | | | |
1653 | recursive data flow | 递回资料流 | | | |
1654 | recursive data flow schema | 递回资料流纲目 | | | |
1655 | recursive data type | 递回资料类型 | | | |
1656 | recursive deconvolution | 递回反卷积 | | | |
1657 | recursive definition | 递回定义 | | | |
1658 | recursive definition of domain | 递回定义领域 | | | |
1659 | recursive descent | 递回下降 | | | |
1660 | recursive descent data flow analysis | 递回下降资料流分析 | | | |
1661 | recursive descent parser | 递回下降剖析器 | | | |
1662 | recursive domain definition | 递回领域定义 | | | |
1663 | recursive estimation | 递回估计 | 递归估计 | | |
1664 | recursive estimator | 递回估计器 | | | |
1665 | recursive experiment design | 递回实验设计 | | | |
1666 | recursive fashion | 递回方式 | | | |
1667 | Recursive FFT | 递回快速傅立叶变换 | | | |
1668 | recursive formulation | 递回公式化 | | | |
1669 | recursive function | 递回函数 | 递归函数 | | |
1670 | recursive grammar | 递回文法 | | | |
1671 | recursive identification algorithm | 递回识别演算法 | | | |
1672 | recursive image decomposition | 递回影像分解 | | | |
1673 | recursive invocation | 递回调用 | | | |
1674 | recursive language | 递回语言 | 递归语言 | | |
1675 | recursive limit | 递回极限 | | | |
1676 | recursive linear regression | 递回线性回归 | | | |
1677 | recursive list | 递回串列 | | | |
1678 | recursive list processing | 递回串列处理 | | | |
1679 | recursive macro | 递回巨集 | | | |
1680 | recursive macro call | 递回巨集呼叫 | | | |
1681 | recursive method | 递回方法 | | | |
1682 | recursive pattern matcher | 递回型样匹配器 | | | |
1683 | recursive predicate | 递回述词 | | | |
1684 | recursive predictor | 递回预测子 | | | |
1685 | recursive principle | 递回原理 | | | |
1686 | recursive procedure | 递回程序 | | | |
1687 | recursive procedure call | 递回程序呼叫 | | | |
1688 | recursive procedure for generating binary tree | 产生二元树递回程序 | | | |
1689 | recursive procedure for traversing binary tree | 游历二元树递回程序 | | | |
1690 | recursive process | 递回过程 | | | |
1691 | recursive program | 递回程式 | | | |
1692 | recursive program logic | 递回程式逻辑 | | | |
1693 | recursive programming | 递回程式设计 | | | |
1694 | recursive query | | 递归查询 | | |
1695 | recursive query processing | 递回查询处理 | | | |
1696 | recursive relation | 递回关系 | | | |
1697 | recursive routine | 递回常式 | 递归例程 | | |
1698 | recursive rule | 递回规则 | | | |
1699 | recursive schema | 递回纲目 | | | |
1700 | recursive sequence | 递回顺序 | | | |
1701 | recursive set | 递回集 | | | |
1702 | recursive solution | 递回解 | | | |
1703 | recursive structure | 递回结构 | | | |
1704 | recursive subroutine | 递回次常式;递回副常式 | | | |
1705 | recursive subroutine method | 递回次常式法 | | | |
1706 | recursive substitute | 递回替代 | | | |
1707 | recursive transition net | 递回变迁网 | | | |
1708 | recursive transition network | 递回变迁网路 | 递归转移网络 | | |
1709 | recursive type definition | 递回型定义 | | | |
1710 | recursive unsolvability | 递回不可解性 | | | |
1711 | recursive vector instruction | | 递归向量指令 | | |
1712 | recursively defined dequence | 递回定义双端伫列 | | | |
1713 | recursively defined operating system | 递回定义作业系统 | | | |
1714 | recursively defined sequence | 递回定义的序列 | | | |
1715 | recursively defined variable | 递回定义变数 | | | |
1716 | recursively enumerable language | | 递归可枚举语言 | | |
1717 | recursively enumerable set | 递回可枚举集 | | | |
1718 | recursively-enumerable language | 递回可枚举语言 | | | |
1719 | recursiveness | 递回性 | | | |
1720 | recursiveness of stack automaton | 堆叠自动机递回性 | | | |
1721 | recursiveness problem | 递回性问题 | | | |
1722 | recycle | 再循环 | | | |
1723 | recycle process | 再循环过程 | | | |
1724 | recycle system | 再循环系统 | | | |
1725 | recycler | 再循环器 | | | |
1726 | recycling program | 再循环程式 | | | |
1727 | red | | 红色 | | |
1728 | Red language | 红色语言 | | | |
1729 | red line characteristic | 红线特性 | | | |
1730 | red lining | 红线;画红线 | | | |
1731 | red signal | | 红信号 | | |
1732 | red/black engineering | | 红黑工程 | | |
1733 | redact | 编校 | | | |
1734 | redaction | 编校 | | | |
1735 | redaction rule | 编校规则 | | | |
1736 | redefinable cross assembler | 可重定义交叉组合程式 | | | |
1737 | redefine | 重定义 | | | |
1738 | redefine clause | 重定义子句 | | | |
1739 | redesign | 重新设计 | | | |
1740 | reding task | 阅读任务 | | | |
1741 | reding-writing amplifier | 读-写放大器 | | | |
1742 | redirect | 重定向 | | | |
1743 | redirection | | 重定向 | | |
1744 | redirection of I/O | 输入输出重定向 | | | |
1745 | redirection operator | | 重定向操作符 | | |
1746 | redirection table | 重定向表 | | | |
1747 | redistribute | 再分散 | | | |
1748 | redo | 重作 | 重做 | | |
1749 | redouble | 再加倍 | | | |
1750 | redress | 调整;纠正 | | | |
1751 | red-tape | 繁复;红带;官样文章 | | | |
1752 | red-tape operation | 红带作业;繁复作业;内务作业 | | | |
1753 | reduce | | 归约 | | |
1754 | reduce action | 归约动作 | | | |
1755 | reduce automaton | 归约自动机 | | | |
1756 | reduce load | 归约负载 | | | |
1757 | reduce state | 归约状态 | | | |
1758 | reduced cut-set | 缩减割集 | | | |
1759 | reduced cycle matrix | 缩减循环矩阵 | | | |
1760 | reduced Echelon form | 缩减耶希隆形式 | | | |
1761 | reduced equation | 简化方程式;归约方程式 | | | |
1762 | reduced floe table | 缩减流程表 | | | |
1763 | reduced gradient method | 归约梯度法 | | | |
1764 | reduced grammar | 归约文法 | | | |
1765 | reduced graph | 简化图;缩减图 | | | |
1766 | reduced incidence matrix | 缩减关联矩阵 | | | |
1767 | reduced instruction | | 精简指令 | | |
1768 | reduced instruction set computer | | 精简指令集计算机 | | |
1769 | reduced instruction set computing | 缩减指令集计算 | | | |
1770 | reduced machine | 归约机 | | | |
1771 | reduced operation | 归约操作 | | | |
1772 | reduced ordered pair group | 约化有序对群 | | | |
1773 | reduced program | 简化程式 | | | |
1774 | reduced relative clause | 缩减相对子句 | | | |
1775 | reduced tree height | 简化树高 | | | |
1776 | reduced view | 缩减视野 | | | |
1777 | reduced walk | 缩减行走 | | | |
1778 | reducibility | 可约性 | 可归约性 | | |
1779 | reducibility axiom | 可约性公理 | | | |
1780 | reducible expression | 可约表式 | | | |
1781 | reducible flow graph | 可缩减流图 | | | |
1782 | reducible graph | 可约图 | | | |
1783 | reducible matrix | 可约矩阵 | | | |
1784 | reducible operator | 可约运算子 | | | |
1785 | reducible polynomial | 可约多项式 | | | |
1786 | reducible representation | 可约表示 | | | |
1787 | reducing | 还原;减少;减小;简化 | | | |
1788 | reducing principle | 归约原理 | | | |
1789 | reducing strength | 归约强度 | | | |
1790 | reducing transitive grammar | 归约递移文法 | | | |
1791 | reduction | 缩减;归约;简化 | 归约 | | |
1792 | reduction algorithm | 归约演算法 | | | |
1793 | reduction computer | 归约计算机 | | | |
1794 | reduction factor | 归约因子 | | | |
1795 | reduction language | 归约语言 | | | |
1796 | reduction machine | 归约机 | 归约机 | | |
1797 | reduction operation | 归约运算 | | | |
1798 | reduction procedure | 归约程序 | | | |
1799 | reduction program | 归约程式 | | | |
1800 | reduction ratio | 归约比 | | | |
1801 | reduction variable | 缩减变数 | | | |
1802 | redundancy | 多馀性;冗馀 | 冗余 | | |
1803 | redundancy allocation | 冗馀分配 | | | |
1804 | redundancy analysis | 冗馀分析 | | | |
1805 | redundancy automaton | 冗馀自动机 | | | |
1806 | redundancy bit | 冗馀位元 | | | |
1807 | redundancy character | 冗馀字元 | | | |
1808 | redundancy check | 冗馀核对 | 冗余检验 | | |
1809 | redundancy checking | 冗馀检查 | | | |
1810 | redundancy coding | 冗馀编码 | | | |
1811 | redundancy computer system | 冗馀电脑系统 | | | |
1812 | redundancy connection | 冗馀连接 | | | |
1813 | redundancy control | 缩减控制 | | | |
1814 | redundancy logic | 冗馀逻辑 | | | |
1815 | redundancy loop | 冗馀回路 | | | |
1816 | redundancy loop map | 冗馀回路映射 | | | |
1817 | redundancy technique | 冗馀技术 | | | |
1818 | redundancy term | 冗馀项 | | | |
1819 | redundancy testing | 冗馀测试 | | | |
1820 | redundancy unit | 冗馀装置 | | | |
1821 | redundant | 冗馀 | | | |
1822 | redundant arrays of inexpensive disks | | 磁盘冗余阵列 | | |
1823 | redundant bit | 冗馀位元 | | | |
1824 | redundant character | 冗馀字元 | | | |
1825 | redundant check | 冗馀核对 | | | |
1826 | redundant check bit | 冗馀检查位元 | | | |
1827 | redundant checking | 冗馀检查 | | | |
1828 | redundant circuit | 冗馀电路 | | | |
1829 | redundant code | 冗馀码 | | | |
1830 | redundant coding | 冗馀编码 | | | |
1831 | redundant configuration | 冗馀组态 | | | |
1832 | redundant data | 冗馀数据 | | | |
1833 | redundant digit | 冗馀数位 | | | |
1834 | redundant distributed database | 冗馀分散式资料库 | | | |
1835 | redundant expression | 冗馀表式 | | | |
1836 | redundant expression elimination | 冗馀表式消除 | | | |
1837 | redundant fault | 冗馀故障 | | | |
1838 | redundant file | 冗馀档案 | | | |
1839 | redundant force | 冗馀力 | | | |
1840 | redundant information | 冗馀资讯 | | | |
1841 | redundant memory | | 冗余存储器 | | |
1842 | redundant n-ary signal | 冗馀n元信号 | | | |
1843 | redundant node | 冗馀节点 | | | |
1844 | redundant number | 冗馀数 | | | |
1845 | redundant operation | 冗馀运算 | | | |
1846 | redundant operation elimination | 冗馀运算消除 | | | |
1847 | redundant output connection | 输出冗馀连接 | | | |
1848 | redundant phase recording | 冗馀调相制记录 | | | |
1849 | redundant programming | 冗馀规划 | | | |
1850 | redundant robot | 冗馀机器人 | | | |
1851 | redundant row | 冗馀列 | | | |
1852 | redundant state | 冗馀状态 | | | |
1853 | redundant subexpression | 冗馀副表式 | | | |
1854 | redundant system | 冗馀系统 | | | |
1855 | redundant term | 冗馀项 | | | |
1856 | redundant transmission | 冗馀传输 | | | |
1857 | reed switch | 干簧开关 | | | |
1858 | Reed-Muller code | 李得米勒码 | | | |
1859 | reel | 卷盘 | 带盘 | | |
1860 | reel alternation | 卷盘交替 | | | |
1861 | reel feed | 卷盘馈入 | | | |
1862 | reel hub-mechanism | 碟壳机构 | | | |
1863 | reel label | 卷盘标号 | | | |
1864 | reel motor | 卷盘马达 | | | |
1865 | reel mount | 装卷盘;装磁带碟 | | | |
1866 | reel number | 卷盘号码 | | | |
1867 | reel of tape | 磁带卷盘 | | | |
1868 | reel sequence number | 卷盘顺序号码 | | | |
1869 | reel spindle | 卷盘转轴 | | | |
1870 | reel swap | 卷盘调换 | | | |
1871 | reel to reel | 卷盘至卷盘 | | | |
1872 | reel to reel recorder | 卷盘至卷盘记录器 | | | |
1873 | reel-to-reel tape transport | 卷盘驱动式磁带机传送 | | | |
1874 | re-enabled interrupt | 再赋能中断 | | | |
1875 | re-enabled reusable routine | 再赋能可再用常式 | | | |
1876 | reenergize | 重新激励 | | | |
1877 | reengineering | | 再工程 | | |
1878 | re-engineering | 再造工程 | | | |
1879 | reenlargement | 再放大 | | | |
1880 | reenterability | 可重入性 | | | |
1881 | reenterable | 可重入的;可再入的 | | | |
1882 | reenterable code | 可重入码 | | | |
1883 | reenterable load module | 可重入载入模组 | | | |
1884 | reenterable program | 可重入程式 | | | |
1885 | reenterable routine | 可重入程序;可重入例行程序;再入例行程序;再入式例行程序 | | | |
1886 | reenterable subroutine | 可重入次常式 | | | |
1887 | reentrant | 可重入的;可再入;再进入 | | | |
1888 | reentrant angle | 凹角 | | | |
1889 | reentrant attribute | 可重入属性 | | | |
1890 | reentrant buffer manager | 重入缓冲管理器 | | | |
1891 | reentrant code | 重入(代)码;可重入码;再进入码 | | | |
1892 | reentrant control state | 重入控制状态 | | | |
1893 | reentrant procedure | 重入程序 | | | |
1894 | reentrant program | 再进入程式;重入程式 | | | |
1895 | reentrant programming | 可重入程式设计 | | | |
1896 | reentrant reusable | 可重入再用的 | | | |
1897 | reentrant routine | 重入常式 | | | |
1898 | reentrant run-time library | 重入运行时间程式馆 | | | |
1899 | reentrant subroutine | 可重入次常式 | | | |
1900 | reentrant supervisory code | | 重入监督码 | | |
1901 | reentry | 再入;重入 | | | |
1902 | reentry point | 重入点;再入点 | | | |
1903 | reentry system | 再入系统 | | | |
1904 | reentry test | 重入测试 | | | |
1905 | reestablishing | 重建 | | | |
1906 | refer | 访问;引用;涉及;引证 | | | |
1907 | refer to | 访问;引用;涉及;引证 | | | |
1908 | referable address | 可引用位址 | | | |
1909 | referable data area | 可引用的资料区 | | | |
1910 | referable object | 可参考之物件 | | | |
1911 | referable variable | 可引用变数 | | | |
1912 | reference | 参考资料;参考 | 参考 | | |
1913 | reference address | 参考位址 | | | |
1914 | reference amplitude tape | 参考幅度(磁)带 | | | |
1915 | reference analysis | 参考分析 | | | |
1916 | reference and control station | 参考和控制站 | | | |
1917 | reference angle | 参考角;基准角 | | | |
1918 | reference association | 引用结合 | | | |
1919 | reference axis | 参考轴 | | | |
1920 | reference beam | 参考光束 | | | |
1921 | reference bit | 参考位元 | | | |
1922 | reference block | 参考组块;基准组块 | | | |
1923 | reference call | 参考呼叫 | | | |
1924 | reference carrier | 参考载波 | | | |
1925 | reference center | 参考中心 | | | |
1926 | reference circuit | 参考电路 | | | |
1927 | reference clock | 参考时钟 | | | |
1928 | reference code | 参考码 | 参考码, *基准码 | | |
1929 | reference computer | 参考电脑 | | | |
1930 | reference configuration | 参考配置 | | | |
1931 | reference copy | 参考副本 | | | |
1932 | reference count | 参考计数 | | | |
1933 | reference counter | 参考计数器 | | | |
1934 | reference counter technique | 引用计数器技术 | | | |
1935 | reference current | 参考电流 | | | |
1936 | reference data | 参考数据 | | | |
1937 | reference data table | 参考资料表 | | | |
1938 | reference database | 参考资料库 | | | |
1939 | reference debugging aid | 参考除错辅助 | | | |
1940 | reference designators | 参考指标 | | | |
1941 | reference device | 参考装置 | | | |
1942 | reference documentation | 参考文献 | | | |
1943 | reference edge | 参考边 | 基准边 | | |
1944 | reference equivalent | 参考等效值 | | | |
1945 | reference excursion | 参考偏转 | | | |
1946 | reference external symbol | 外部参考符号;外部引用符号 | | | |
1947 | reference field | 参考栏 | | | |
1948 | reference format | 参考格式 | | | |
1949 | reference format rule | 参考格式规则 | | | |
1950 | reference frame | 参考框 | 参考帧 | | |
1951 | reference frequency | 参考频率 | | | |
1952 | reference grid | 参考栅 | | | |
1953 | reference ID | 参考识别码 | | | |
1954 | reference indication | 引用指示 | | | |
1955 | reference input elements | 参考输入元素 | | | |
1956 | reference input signal | 参考输入信号 | | | |
1957 | reference instruction | 参考指令 | | | |
1958 | reference language | 参考语言 | | | |
1959 | reference level | 参考位准 | | | |
1960 | reference library | 参考程式馆 | | | |
1961 | reference line | 基准线;参考线 | | | |
1962 | reference list | 参考表 | | | |
1963 | reference mark | 参考标示 | | | |
1964 | reference model | 参考模型 | | | |
1965 | reference model for open system interconnection | 开放系统互连之参考模型 | | | |
1966 | reference monitor | 参考监视器 | 参考监控 | | |
1967 | reference node | 参考节点 | | | |
1968 | reference noise | 参考杂讯 | | | |
1969 | reference number | 参考号码 | | | |
1970 | reference object | 参考物件 | | | |
1971 | reference order | 参考次序;参考命令 | | | |
1972 | reference page | 参考页 | | | |
1973 | reference pattern | 参考型样 | | | |
1974 | reference picture | 参考图象 | | | |
1975 | reference point | 参考点 | | | |
1976 | reference potential | 参考电位 | | | |
1977 | reference power supply | 参考电源 | 参考电源, *基准电源 | | |
1978 | reference program | 参考程式 | | | |
1979 | reference program table | 参考程式表 | | | |
1980 | reference record | 参考记录 | | | |
1981 | reference relation | 参考关系 | | | |
1982 | reference retrieval | 引文检索 | | | |
1983 | reference retrieval systems | 引文检索系统 | | | |
1984 | reference scan | 参考扫瞄 | | | |
1985 | reference signal | 参考信号;基准信号 | | | |
1986 | reference skew tape | 基准扭斜磁带 | | | |
1987 | reference speech power | 参考话音功率 | | | |
1988 | reference speed tape | 参考速率带 | | | |
1989 | reference statement | 参考叙述;引用叙述 | | | |
1990 | reference stream | 引用流 | | | |
1991 | reference string | 引用串 | | | |
1992 | reference supply | 参考电源 | | | |
1993 | reference surface | 参考面 | | | |
1994 | reference system | 参考系统 | | | |
1995 | reference table | 参考表 | | | |
1996 | reference tape | 基准带;参考带 | | | |
1997 | reference time | 参考时间 | | | |
1998 | reference track | 基准磁轨 | | | |
1999 | reference transparency | 参考透明性 | | | |
2000 | reference tree | 参考树 | | | |
2001 | reference value | 参考值 | | | |
2002 | reference variable | 参考变数;引用变数 | | | |
2003 | reference vector | 参考向量 | | | |
2004 | reference voltage | 参考电压 | | | |
2005 | reference volume | 参考量 | | | |
2006 | reference wave | 参考波 | | | |
2007 | referencing arithmetic statement function | 参考运算述函数 | | | |
2008 | referencing environment | 参考环境 | | | |
2009 | referencing function | 引用函数 | | | |
2010 | referencing function subprogram | 引用函数次程式 | | | |
2011 | referencing operation | 引用操作 | | | |
2012 | referential integrity | | 参照完整性 | | |
2013 | referential integrity constraints | 引用完整性约束 | | | |
2014 | refetch logic | 重取逻辑 | | | |
2015 | refetch rule | 重取规则 | | | |
2016 | refetch state | 重取状态 | | | |
2017 | re-FIFO | 再先进先出 | | | |
2018 | re-FIFO algorithm | 再先进先出算法 | | | |
2019 | refile | 转接 | | | |
2020 | refined model | 细化模型 | | | |
2021 | refined net | 加密网格;细化网格 | | | |
2022 | refinement | | 细分 | | |
2023 | refinement | | 精化 | | |
2024 | refinement algorithm | 细化演算法 | | | |
2025 | refinement criterion | 精化准则 | 精化准则 | | |
2026 | refinement of partition | 精细划分 | | | |
2027 | refinement operators | 精化运算子 | | | |
2028 | refinement rule | 精化规则 | | | |
2029 | refinement stage | 细化阶段 | | | |
2030 | refinement step | 细化步 | | | |
2031 | refinement strategy | 精化策略 | 精化策略 | | |
2032 | refining | 精炼;提炼;细化 | | | |
2033 | reflectance | 反射;反射能力;反射率;反射系数 | 反射率 | | |
2034 | reflectance binary | 反射二进制 | | | |
2035 | reflectance ink | 反光墨水 | | | |
2036 | reflectance ratio | 反射比 | | | |
2037 | reflected binary | 反射二进制 | | | |
2038 | reflected binary code | 反射二进码 | | | |
2039 | reflected binary counter | 反射二进制计数器 | | | |
2040 | reflected binary number system | 反射二进位制 | | | |
2041 | reflected binary unit-distance code | 反射二进制单位距离码 | | | |
2042 | reflected code | 反射码 | | | |
2043 | reflected loss | 反射损耗 | | | |
2044 | reflected number system | 反射(计)数制 | | | |
2045 | reflected voltage | | 反射电压 | | |
2046 | reflected wave | 反射波 | | | |
2047 | reflecting boundary | 反射边界 | | | |
2048 | reflection | 偏转;反射 | 反射 | | |
2049 | reflection coefficient | 反射系数 | 反射系数 | | |
2050 | reflection high energy electron diffraction | 反射高能量电子绕射 | | | |
2051 | reflection law | | 反射定律 | | |
2052 | reflective body | | 反射体 | | |
2053 | reflective marker | 反射标志 | | | |
2054 | reflective object-oriented programming | | 反射的面向对象编程 | | |
2055 | reflective spot | 反射点 | | | |
2056 | reflesh memory | 再新记忆(器) | | | |
2057 | reflesh operation | 再新操作 | | | |
2058 | reflexive and transitive closure | | 自反传递闭包 | | |
2059 | reflexive join | 自反联结 | | | |
2060 | reformat | 重订格式 | | | |
2061 | reformatting | 重订格式 | | | |
2062 | reformulation rule | 重组规则 | | | |
2063 | refresh | 再新;重清;复新 | 刷新 | | |
2064 | refresh circuit | | 刷新电路 | | |
2065 | refresh circuitry | 再新电路 | | | |
2066 | refresh cycle | 再新周期 | 刷新周期 | | |
2067 | refresh rate | 再新率;复新率 | 刷新[速]率 | | |
2068 | refresh screen | 再新萤幕 | | | |
2069 | refresh testing | | 刷新测试 | | |
2070 | refreshed-picture display | 刷新式划面显示 | | | |
2071 | refreshing the screen | 再新萤幕 | | | |
2072 | refrigerant | 致冷剂 | | | |
2073 | refrigeration | 致冷 | | | |
2074 | refrigerator | 冷冻机 | | | |
2075 | refutation | 反驳 | 反驳 | | |
2076 | refutation process | 反驳过程 | | | |
2077 | refutation tree | 反驳树 | | | |
2078 | regenerate | 再生 | | | |
2079 | regeneration | 再生 | 再生 | | |
2080 | regeneration period | 再生周期 | | | |
2081 | regenerative connection | 再生连接 | | | |
2082 | regenerative feedback | 再生回馈 | | | |
2083 | regenerative memory | 再生记忆体 | | | |
2084 | regenerative read | 再生阅读 | | | |
2085 | regenerative reading | 再生式读出 | | | |
2086 | regenerative repeater | 再生转发器 | | | |
2087 | regenerative storage | 再生储存 | | | |
2088 | regenerative track | 再生轨 | | | |
2089 | regenerator section | | 再生段 | | |
2090 | region | 区域 | 区域 | | |
2091 | region clustering | | 区域聚类 | | |
2092 | region control task | | 区域控制任务 | | |
2093 | region description | | 区域描述 | | |
2094 | region growing | | 区域生长 | | |
2095 | region labeling | | 区域标定 | | |
2096 | region merging | | 区域合并 | | |
2097 | region of interest | 注意区域 | | | |
2098 | region retrieval | | 面检索 | | |
2099 | region segmentation | | 区域分割 | | |
2100 | region size | 区域大小 | | | |
2101 | regional address | 区域(位)址 | 区[域]地址 | | |
2102 | regional center | 区域中心 | | | |
2103 | region-dependent segmentation | 按段分割 | | | |
2104 | register | 暂存器 | 寄存器 | | |
2105 | register capacity | 暂存器容量 | | | |
2106 | register coloring | | 寄存器着色 | | |
2107 | register deferred indexed mode | 暂存器延缓索引模 | | | |
2108 | register deferred mode | 暂存器延缓模式 | | | |
2109 | register drive | 暂存器驱动 | | | |
2110 | register dump | 暂存器倾印 | | | |
2111 | register insertion | 暂存器插入 | | | |
2112 | register length | 暂存器长度 | 寄存器长度 | | |
2113 | register memory | 暂存器记忆体 | | | |
2114 | register mode | 暂存器模式 | | | |
2115 | register pair | 暂存器对 | | | |
2116 | register pointer | 暂存器指标 | | | |
2117 | register select multiplexer | 暂存器选择多工器 | | | |
2118 | register transfer | 暂存器转移 | | | |
2119 | register transfer language | 暂存器转移语言 | | | |
2120 | register transfer level | 暂存器转移层次 | | | |
2121 | register transfer microprogramming language | 暂存器传送微程式语言 | | | |
2122 | register transfer simulation | 暂存器转移模拟 | | | |
2123 | register, arithmetic and logic unit | 暂存器算术与逻辑单元 | | | |
2124 | registered images | | 已配准图像 | | |
2125 | registration | 登记 | 注册 | | |
2126 | registration authority | | 注册机构 | | |
2127 | registration process | | 注册过程 | | |
2128 | regrade | 再分类 | | | |
2129 | regression analysis | 回归分析 | | | |
2130 | regression curve | 回归曲线 | | | |
2131 | regression test | | 回归测试 | | |
2132 | regression testing | 回归测试 | | | |
2133 | regular binary | 正规二进(位) | | | |
2134 | regular expression | 正规表式 | 正则表达式 | | |
2135 | regular grammar | 正规文法 | 正规文法 | | |
2136 | regular language | 正规语言 | 正则语言 | | |
2137 | regular mesh point | 正规网点 | | | |
2138 | regular organization | 正规组织 | | | |
2139 | regular pulse linear predictive coding | 正规脉冲线性预测编码 | | | |
2140 | regular set | 正规集 | 正则集 | | |
2141 | regular simplex | 正规单工 | | | |
2142 | regularization | | 正则化 | | |
2143 | regulation | 调整;调整率 | 调节 | | |
2144 | rehash method | 再杂凑法 | | | |
2145 | rehashing | 重散列 | | | |
2146 | reinstallation | | 重新安装 | | |
2147 | reintegration | | 重组 | | |
2148 | reintegration | | 再聚合 | | |
2149 | reject | 拒绝 | 拒绝 | | |
2150 | reject region | 巨绝区 | | | |
2151 | rejection | 拒绝 | | | |
2152 | rejection gate | 排斥闸 | | | |
2153 | related data file | 相关资料档案 | | | |
2154 | related dictionary | 相关字典 | | | |
2155 | relation | 关系 | 关系 | | |
2156 | relation algebra | 关系代数 | | | |
2157 | relation calculus | 关系微积分 | | | |
2158 | relation condition | 关系条件 | | | |
2159 | relation degree of node | | 结点关系度 | | |
2160 | relation expression | 关系表式 | | | |
2161 | relation file | 关系档 | | | |
2162 | relation net | | 关系网 | | |
2163 | relation structured processes | 相关结构过程 | | | |
2164 | relation system | | 关系系统 | | |
2165 | relation table | 关系表 | | | |
2166 | relational algebra | 关连式代数 | 关系代数 | | |
2167 | relational calculus | 关连式微积分 | 关系演算 | | |
2168 | relational call interface | 关连式呼叫介面 | | | |
2169 | relational character | 关连式字元 | | | |
2170 | relational checking | 关连式检查 | | | |
2171 | relational complete language | 关连式完整语言 | | | |
2172 | relational condition | 关系条件 | | | |
2173 | relational data model | 关连式资料模型 | 关系数据模型 | | |
2174 | relational database | 关连式资料库 | 关系数据库 | | |
2175 | relational database management system | 关连式资料库管理系统 | | | |
2176 | relational database operator | 关连式资料库运算子 | | | |
2177 | relational database schema | 关连式资料库 | | | |
2178 | relational database structure | 关连式资料库结构 | | | |
2179 | relational expression | 关连式表式 | | | |
2180 | relational file | 关连式档案 | | | |
2181 | relational graph | 关连图形 | | | |
2182 | relational join operation | 关连式结合运算 | | | |
2183 | relational logic | | 关系逻辑 | | |
2184 | relational memory | 关连式记忆体 | | | |
2185 | relational model | 关连式模型 | | | |
2186 | relational operation | 关连式运算 | | | |
2187 | relational operator | 关连式运算子 | | | |
2188 | relational record | 关连式记录 | | | |
2189 | relational structure | 关连式结构 | | | |
2190 | relational synthesis | 关连式合成 | | | |
2191 | relational system | 关连系统 | | | |
2192 | relationally complete language | 关连式完全语言 | | | |
2193 | relationship | | 联系 | | |
2194 | relative | 相对 | | | |
2195 | relative accuracy | 相对准确度 | | | |
2196 | relative address | 相对位址 | 相对地址 | | |
2197 | relative addressing | 相对定位;相对定址 | | | |
2198 | relative chord length parameterization | | 相对弦长参数化 | | |
2199 | relative code | 相对码 | | | |
2200 | relative coding | 相对写码 | | | |
2201 | relative command | 相对命令 | | | |
2202 | relative coordinate | 相对坐标 | | | |
2203 | relative coordinate system | 相对座标系统 | | | |
2204 | relative distinguished name | 相对特异名称 | | | |
2205 | relative entropy | 相对熵 | | | |
2206 | relative error | 相对误差 | | | |
2207 | relative file | 相对档 | | | |
2208 | relative file organization | 相对档组织 | | | |
2209 | relative instruction | 相对指令 | | | |
2210 | relative key | 相对键 | | | |
2211 | relative level | 相对位准 | | | |
2212 | relative line number | 相对线号 | | | |
2213 | relative loader | 相对载入器 | | | |
2214 | relative location | 相对位置 | | | |
2215 | relative magnitude | 相对值 | | | |
2216 | relative maximum | 相对最大值 | | | |
2217 | relative minimum | 相对最小值 | | | |
2218 | relative organization | 相对组织 | | | |
2219 | relative path name | 相对档径名称;相对路径名称 | | | |
2220 | relative placement | 相对布局 | | | |
2221 | relative point | 相对点 | | | |
2222 | relative positioning | 相对定位 | | | |
2223 | relative program | 相对程式 | | | |
2224 | relative record number | 相对记录号码 | | | |
2225 | relative redundancy | 相对冗馀 | | | |
2226 | relative time | 相对时间 | | | |
2227 | relative track address | 相对磁轨 | | | |
2228 | relative transmission level | 相对传输位准 | | | |
2229 | relative value | 相对值 | | | |
2230 | relative vector | 相对向量 | | | |
2231 | relative volume table | 相对卷表 | | | |
2232 | relativization | | 相对化 | | |
2233 | relaxation | 松弛 | 松弛法 | | |
2234 | relaxed algorithm | | 松弛算法 | | |
2235 | relay | 电驿;中继;继电器 | | | |
2236 | relay center | 中继中心 | | | |
2237 | relay interface | 中继介面 | | | |
2238 | relay open system | 中继开放系统 | | | |
2239 | relay station | | 中继站 | | |
2240 | relay transaction | 中继交易 | | | |
2241 | release | 释放;松开 | 释放 | | |
2242 | release complete message | 释放完成讯息 | | | |
2243 | release connection | 断接 | | | |
2244 | release consistency model | | 释放一致性模型 | | |
2245 | release guard | | 释放保护 | | |
2246 | release key | 释放键 | | | |
2247 | release memory | 释放记忆 | | | |
2248 | release message | 释放讯息 | | | |
2249 | release note | 发行备注;出版说明 | | | |
2250 | release quiesce | 释放静止;资料传输恢复 | | | |
2251 | release space | 释放空间 | | | |
2252 | release time | 释放时间 | | | |
2253 | release token | 释放符记 | | | |
2254 | relevance | 关联 | | | |
2255 | relevance feedback | 关联回馈 | | | |
2256 | relevance ratio | 关联比 | | | |
2257 | relevancy tag | 关联性标签 | | | |
2258 | relevant backtracking | 相关回溯法 | | | |
2259 | relevant failure | 相关失效 | 关联失效 | | |
2260 | relevant word list | 相关字串列 | | | |
2261 | reliability | 可靠度;可靠性 | 可靠性 | | |
2262 | reliability analysis | | 可靠性分析 | | |
2263 | reliability and faults | 可靠性及故障 | | | |
2264 | reliability assessment | 可靠性评价 | | | |
2265 | reliability block diagram | 可靠性方块图 | | | |
2266 | reliability certification | 可靠性认证 | 可靠性认证 | | |
2267 | reliability compliance test | 可靠性符合测试 | | | |
2268 | reliability data | | 可靠性数据 | | |
2269 | reliability design | 可靠性设计 | 可靠性设计 | | |
2270 | reliability determination test | 可靠性确定 | | | |
2271 | reliability distribution | 可靠性分布 | | | |
2272 | reliability engineering | | 可靠性工程 | | |
2273 | reliability evaluation | 可靠性评估 | 可靠性评价 | | |
2274 | reliability growth | 可靠性成长 | 可靠性增长 | | |
2275 | reliability mathematics | 可靠性数学 | | | |
2276 | reliability measurement | | 可靠性度量 | | |
2277 | reliability model | 可靠性模型 | 可靠性模型 | | |
2278 | reliability models of software | 软体的可靠性模型 | | | |
2279 | reliability prediction | | 可靠性预计 | | |
2280 | reliability program | 可靠性计划 | | | |
2281 | reliability statistics | | 可靠性统计 | | |
2282 | reliability, availability, serviceability | RAS性能 | | | |
2283 | reliability, availability, servicebility, integrity, security | RASIS性能 | | | |
2284 | reliability, maintenance and availability | 可靠性;维护及可用度 | | | |
2285 | reliable transfer service | 传送服务 | | | |
2286 | reliable transfer service element | 传送服务元件 | | | |
2287 | reloadable control storage | 可重载控制储存器 | | | |
2288 | relocatability | 重定位性 | | | |
2289 | relocatable | 可再定位的 | | | |
2290 | relocatable address | 可重置位址 | | | |
2291 | relocatable addresses | 可再定位位址 | | | |
2292 | relocatable code | 可再定位码 | | | |
2293 | relocatable control section | 可再定位控制区段 | | | |
2294 | relocatable file | 可再定位档案 | | | |
2295 | relocatable library | | 可重定位库 | | |
2296 | relocatable library module | | 可重定位程序库模块 | | |
2297 | relocatable machine code | | 可重定位机器代码 | | |
2298 | relocatable object module | 可再定位目标模组 | | | |
2299 | relocatable program | 可再定位程式;可重置程式 | | | |
2300 | relocatable routine | 可再定位常式 | | | |
2301 | relocatable subroutine | 可再定位次常式 | | | |
2302 | relocate | 重置;再定位;重定位 | | | |
2303 | relocating loader | 再定位载入器 | 浮动装入程序 | | |
2304 | relocation | 再定位 | | | |
2305 | relocation counter | 再定位计数器 | | | |
2306 | relocation dictionary | 再定位字典 | | | |
2307 | relocation loader | 再定位载入器 | | | |
2308 | relying party | | 依赖方 | | |
2309 | remailer | | 重邮器, *重邮程序 | | |
2310 | remainder | 馀数 | | | |
2311 | remainder theorem | 馀数定理 | | | |
2312 | remanent point | 残留点 | | | |
2313 | remark | 诠释;注解;注 | 注释 | | |
2314 | remedial maintenance | 补救维护 | | | |
2315 | remedy negotiation | 出错协商 | | | |
2316 | reminder | 提醒项目 | | | |
2317 | Remington Rand code | 雷蓝码 | | | |
2318 | remote | 远程的;遥远;远隔 | | | |
2319 | remote access | 远程存取 | 远程访问 | | |
2320 | remote access data processing | 远程存取资料处理 | | | |
2321 | remote access data processing network | 远程存取资料处理网路 | | | |
2322 | remote access point | 远程存取点 | | | |
2323 | remote access server | | 远程访问服务器 | | |
2324 | remote antenna driver | 远程天线驱动器 | | | |
2325 | remote assistance | 远程辅助 | | | |
2326 | remote batch | 远地批次作业;远程整批作业 | | | |
2327 | remote batch entry | 远程整批登录 | | | |
2328 | remote batch processing | 远程整批处理 | | | |
2329 | remote batch terminal system | 远程批次终端系统 | | | |
2330 | remote command terminal | 远程命令终端 | | | |
2331 | remote computer | 远程电脑 | | | |
2332 | remote computing | 远程计算 | | | |
2333 | remote computing system | 远程计算系统 | | | |
2334 | remote computing system consistency error | 远程计算系统的一致错误 | | | |
2335 | remote computing system error detection | 远程计算系统错误检测 | | | |
2336 | remote computing system exchange | 远程计算系统交换 | | | |
2337 | remote computing system execution error | 远程计算系统执行错误 | | | |
2338 | remote computing system language | 远程计算系统语言 | | | |
2339 | remote concentrator | 远程集中器 | | | |
2340 | remote control | 摇控;远程控制 | | | |
2341 | remote control equipment | 摇控设备 | | | |
2342 | remote controller | 远程控制器 | | | |
2343 | remote data concentrator | 远程资料集中器 | | | |
2344 | remote data processing | 远程资料处理 | | | |
2345 | remote data station | 远程资料站 | | | |
2346 | remote data terminal | 远程资料终端机 | | | |
2347 | remote data terminal equipment | 远程资料终端设备 | | | |
2348 | remote database | 远程资料库 | | | |
2349 | remote database access | 远程资料库存取 | 远程数据库访问 | | |
2350 | remote defect indication | | 远端缺陷指示 | | |
2351 | remote device | 远程装置 | | | |
2352 | remote diagnosis | | 远程诊断 | | |
2353 | remote entry service | 远程登录服务 | | | |
2354 | remote entry unit | 远程登录装置 | | | |
2355 | remote equipment | 远程设备 | | | |
2356 | remote file sharing | 远程档案分享 | | | |
2357 | remote graphics instruction set | 远程图形指令集 | | | |
2358 | remote inquiry | 远程询问 | 远程查询 | | |
2359 | remote instruction | | 远程教学 | | |
2360 | remote job entry | 远程作业登录;远程工件登录 | | | |
2361 | remote job input | | 远程作业输入 | | |
2362 | remote job output | | 远程作业输出 | | |
2363 | remote job processor | | 远程作业处理程序 | | |
2364 | remote journaling | 远程日志登载 | | | |
2365 | remote key | 远程钥 | | | |
2366 | remote message processing | 远程讯息处理 | | | |
2367 | remote method invocation | | 远程方法调用 | | |
2368 | remote network services protocol | 远程网路服务通讯协定 | | | |
2369 | remote node | 远程节点 | | | |
2370 | remote operation | 远程作业 | | | |
2371 | remote operation service | 远程操作服务 | | | |
2372 | remote operation service element | 远程操作服务元件 | | | |
2373 | remote operation support facility | 远程操作支援设施 | | | |
2374 | remote patching | 远程修补 | | | |
2375 | remote peripherals | 远程周边装置 | | | |
2376 | remote polling | 远程轮询 | | | |
2377 | remote power on | | 远程加电 | | |
2378 | remote power-off | 远程断电 | | | |
2379 | remote printing | 远程列印 | | | |
2380 | remote procedure call | | 远程过程调用 | | |
2381 | remote process call | | 远程进程调用 | | |
2382 | remote processing | 远程处理 | | | |
2383 | remote program call | 远程程式呼叫 | | | |
2384 | remote program loader | 远程程式载入器 | | | |
2385 | remote repeater | 远程转发器 | | | |
2386 | remote request | 远程请求 | | | |
2387 | remote resource access capability | 远程资源存取能力 | | | |
2388 | remote sensing | 远程感测;遥测 | | | |
2389 | remote server | 远程伺服器(程式) | | | |
2390 | remote site | 远程资料站 | | | |
2391 | remote station | 远程站 | | | |
2392 | remote stream environment | 远程流环境 | | | |
2393 | remote subset | 远程子集 | | | |
2394 | remote support facility | | 远程支持设施 | | |
2395 | remote task | 远程任务 | | | |
2396 | remote terminal | 远程终端机 | 远程终端 | | |
2397 | remote terminal controller | 远程终端控制器 | | | |
2398 | remote test method | 远程测试方法 | | | |
2399 | remote transaction program | 远程异动程式 | | | |
2400 | remote videotex concentrators | 远端视讯集中器 | | | |
2401 | remote virtual terminal | 远程虚拟终端机 | | | |
2402 | remote workstation | 远程工作站 | | | |
2403 | remote-terminal processing | 远程终端处理 | | | |
2404 | removable direct access storage | 可移直接存取储存器 | | | |
2405 | removable disk unit | 可移式磁碟机 | | | |
2406 | removable patch panel | 可移插线面板 | | | |
2407 | removable plugboard | 可移插板 | | | |
2408 | removal class | 移动类别 | | | |
2409 | remove | 移开;移动 | | | |
2410 | rename buffer | | 换名缓冲器 | | |
2411 | rendezvous | 会合 | | | |
2412 | renewal process | | 更新过程 | | |
2413 | renewal reward | | 更新报酬 | | |
2414 | rental system | 租用系统 | | | |
2415 | reorder | 重排序 | | | |
2416 | reorder quantity | 再订购量 | | | |
2417 | reorganization | 重组 | | | |
2418 | reorganize | 重组 | | | |
2419 | repair | | 修理 | | |
2420 | repair delay time | 修复延迟时间 | 修理延误时间 | | |
2421 | repair time | 修复时间 | 修理时间 | | |
2422 | repeat counter | 重复计数器 | 重复次数计数器 | | |
2423 | repeat statement | 重复叙述 | | | |
2424 | repeat test | 重组测试 | | | |
2425 | repeatability | | 可重复性 | | |
2426 | repeated selection sort | | 重复选择排序 | | |
2427 | repeater | 转发器;中继器 | 中继器, *转发器 | | |
2428 | repeater station | 中继器 | | | |
2429 | repeating coil | 连续线圈 | | | |
2430 | repeating group | 重复群 | | | |
2431 | repeating key | 重复键 | | | |
2432 | reperforator | 复穿孔机 | | | |
2433 | reperforator transmitter | 复穿孔发送器 | | | |
2434 | repertoire | 指令表 | 字汇 | | |
2435 | repertory | 指令表 | | | |
2436 | repertory dialer | 清单拨号器 | | | |
2437 | repetition instruction | 重复指令 | | | |
2438 | repetition rate | 重复率 | | | |
2439 | repetitive | 重复运算 | | | |
2440 | repetitive addressing | 重复定址 | | | |
2441 | repetitive analog computer | 重复类比电脑 | | | |
2442 | repetitive construct | 重复构造 | | | |
2443 | repetitive operation | 重复作业 | | | |
2444 | repetitive statement | 重复叙述 | | | |
2445 | repetitive vector | | 可重复向量 | | |
2446 | repetitiveness | | 重复性 | | |
2447 | replace | 替换;还原;取代 | 替换 | | |
2448 | replace writing | 取代写入 | | | |
2449 | replaceable parameter | | 可替换参数 | | |
2450 | replacement | | 替换 | | |
2451 | replacement algorithm | 替换演算法 | 替换算法 | | |
2452 | replacement character | 替换字元 | | | |
2453 | replacement in strings | 串替换 | | | |
2454 | replacement policy | | 替换策略 | | |
2455 | replacement problem | 替换问题 | | | |
2456 | replacement selection | 替换选择 | 替代选择 | | |
2457 | replacement selection sort | 替换选择排序 | | | |
2458 | replay | | 重演 | | |
2459 | replay attack | | 重放攻击 | | |
2460 | replicate | 复制 | | | |
2461 | replicate/transfer switch | 重复/转移开关 | | | |
2462 | replicated database | | 复制型数据库 | | |
2463 | replicated distributed database | 复制式分散式资料库 | | | |
2464 | replicator | 重复符 | | | |
2465 | reply | | 回复 | | |
2466 | reply line | 答覆列 | | | |
2467 | reply message | 答覆讯息 | | | |
2468 | report | 报表 | 报表 | | |
2469 | report clause | 报表子句 | | | |
2470 | report description entry | 报表描述项 | | | |
2471 | report description | 报表描述 | | | |
2472 | report file | 报表档 | | | |
2473 | report footing | 报表注脚 | | | |
2474 | report format | 报表格式 | | | |
2475 | report generation | 报表产生 | | | |
2476 | report generation language | | 报表生成语言 | | |
2477 | report generator | 报表产生器 | 报表生成程序 | | |
2478 | report group | 报表栏 | | | |
2479 | report group description entry | 报表组描述项 | | | |
2480 | report header | 报表标头 | | | |
2481 | report heading | 报表标头 | | | |
2482 | report level | 报表等级 | | | |
2483 | report name | 报表名称 | | | |
2484 | report program generator | 报表程式产生器 | | | |
2485 | report section | 报表区段 | | | |
2486 | report specification | 报表规格 | | | |
2487 | report write logical record | 报表书写逻辑记录 | | | |
2488 | report writer | 报表作者;报表撰写器 | 报表书写程序 | | |
2489 | report writer control system | 报表撰写器控制系统 | | | |
2490 | report writer logical record | 报表撰写器逻辑录 | | | |
2491 | reporter | 报表产生器 | | | |
2492 | reporting period | 报告周期 | | | |
2493 | reporting system | 报告系统 | | | |
2494 | reposition | 再排部位 | | | |
2495 | repository | | 储存库 | | |
2496 | representation | 表示法 | 表示 | | |
2497 | representation and storage of image | 影像之表示及储存 | | | |
2498 | representation of knowledge | 表示法知识 | | | |
2499 | representation specification | 表示法规格 | | | |
2500 | representation theorem | 表示定理 | | | |
2501 | representations of variable | 变数表示 | | | |
2502 | representative calculating operation | 代表计算作业 | | | |
2503 | representative calculating time | 代表计算作业 | | | |
2504 | representative computing time | 代表性计算时间 | | | |
2505 | representative simulation | 代表模拟 | | | |
2506 | representative subject | 代表主题 | | | |
2507 | reproduce | 复制;再制 | | | |
2508 | reproduce head | 再制磁头 | | | |
2509 | reproducer | 复制器;再制器 | | | |
2510 | reproducible markings | | 可重生标识 | | |
2511 | reproducing brush | 再制电刷 | | | |
2512 | reproducing machine | 复制机器 | | | |
2513 | reproducing punch | 复制打孔 | | | |
2514 | reproducing unit | 再制装置 | | | |
2515 | reproduction replica | 再制副本 | | | |
2516 | repudiation | | 抵赖 | | |
2517 | request | 要求;申请;请求 | 请求 | | |
2518 | request count | 请求计数 | | | |
2519 | request data | 请求资料 | | | |
2520 | request definition | 请求定义 | | | |
2521 | request definition file | 请求定义档案 | | | |
2522 | request definition text | 请求定义本文 | | | |
2523 | request definition utility | 请求定义公用程式 | | | |
2524 | request element | 请求元件 | | | |
2525 | request event | 请求事件 | | | |
2526 | request for comment | | 请求评论[文档], *RFC[文档] | | |
2527 | request for proposal | | 招标 | | |
2528 | request handle | 请求处置 | | | |
2529 | request header | 要求标头 | | | |
2530 | request instructions | 请求指令 | | | |
2531 | request library definition | 请求程式馆定义 | | | |
2532 | request library file | 要求程式馆档 | | | |
2533 | request library instructions | 请求程式馆指令 | | | |
2534 | request parameter list | 请求参数表 | 请求参数表 | | |
2535 | request pending light | 请求未决灯 | | | |
2536 | request primitive | 请求基元 | | | |
2537 | request recovery | 请求恢复 | | | |
2538 | request repeat system | 请求重复发系统 | | | |
2539 | request response | 请求回应 | | | |
2540 | request response unit | 请求应答单元 | | | |
2541 | request segment | 请求段 | | | |
2542 | request send | 求送 | | | |
2543 | request send circuit | 求送电路 | | | |
2544 | request shutdown | 要求停机 | | | |
2545 | request stack | | 申请栈 | | |
2546 | request state | 请求状态 | | | |
2547 | request stringing | 请求串 | | | |
2548 | request to send | 要求传送;申请输送;请求发送 | | | |
2549 | request unit | 请求单位 | | | |
2550 | request/grant logic | 申请/允诺逻辑;请求/授与逻辑 | | | |
2551 | requesting process | 请求处理 | | | |
2552 | required hyphen | 必需连字符 | 必需连字符 | | |
2553 | requirement | 需求 | 需求 | | |
2554 | requirement analysis tool | 需求分析工具 | | | |
2555 | requirement definition phase | 需求定义阶段 | | | |
2556 | requirement description language | 需求描述语言 | | | |
2557 | requirement engineering | 需求工程 | | | |
2558 | requirement specification language | 需求规格语言 | | | |
2559 | requirements analysis | 需求分析 | 需求分析 | | |
2560 | requirements definition | 需求定义 | | | |
2561 | requirements engineering | | 需求工程 | | |
2562 | requirements inspection | | 需求审查 | | |
2563 | requirements phase | | 需求阶段 | | |
2564 | requirements specification | 需求说明书 | 需求规约 | | |
2565 | requirements specification language | | 需求规约语言 | | |
2566 | requirements verification | | 需求验证 | | |
2567 | requisitions report | 请购报表 | | | |
2568 | reread | | 重读 | | |
2569 | rereading | 重读 | | | |
2570 | rerouting | 再选路 | | | |
2571 | rerun | 重作 | 重新运行 | | |
2572 | rerun point | 重作点 | 重运行点 | | |
2573 | rerun routine | 重作常式 | 重运行例程 | | |
2574 | rerun time | 重作时间 | | | |
2575 | rescue | 救援 | | | |
2576 | rescue dump | 救援倾印 | | | |
2577 | rescue point | 救援点 | | | |
2578 | research and development | 研究与发展 | | | |
2579 | research library information network | 研究图书馆资讯网路 | | | |
2580 | research network | 研究网路 | | | |
2581 | reservation | | 保留 | | |
2582 | reservation station | | 保留站 | | |
2583 | reservation system | 订位系统;预订系统 | | | |
2584 | reservation table | | 预约表 | | |
2585 | reservation table pipeline | 预订表管线 | | | |
2586 | reserve | 保留 | | | |
2587 | reserve clause | 保留子句 | | | |
2588 | reserved | 保留的 | | | |
2589 | reserved memory | | 保留内存 | | |
2590 | reserved page option | 保留页任选 | 保留页选项 | | |
2591 | reserved volume | | 保留卷 | | |
2592 | reserved word | 保留字 | 保留字 | | |
2593 | reserving storage | 预留储存(器) | | | |
2594 | reset | 重设;重新开始;重置 | 复位 | | |
2595 | reset | 重设(一计数器) | 复位(对计数器) | | |
2596 | reset collision | 重置碰撞 | | | |
2597 | reset mode | 重置模;重定模 | | | |
2598 | reset packet | 重置封包 | | | |
2599 | reset pulse | 重设脉波 | 复位脉冲 | | |
2600 | reset rate | 重设率 | | | |
2601 | reset set flip flop | 置位复位正反器 | | | |
2602 | reshape handles | 重设标示区 | | | |
2603 | reshaping | 再成形 | | | |
2604 | reside | 常驻 | | | |
2605 | resident | 驻存;驻留;常驻;驻留的 | | | |
2606 | resident assembler | 常驻组合程式 | | | |
2607 | resident common | 常驻公用 | | | |
2608 | resident control program | 常驻控制程式 | 常驻控制程序 | | |
2609 | resident disk operating system | | 常驻磁盘操作系统 | | |
2610 | resident executive | 常驻执行程式 | | | |
2611 | resident executive program | 常驻执行程式 | | | |
2612 | resident library | 常驻程式馆 | | | |
2613 | resident monitor | 常驻监视器 | | | |
2614 | resident operating system | | 常驻操作系统 | | |
2615 | resident portion | 常驻部分 | | | |
2616 | resident routine | 常驻常式 | | | |
2617 | residual control | 残馀控制 | | | |
2618 | residual data | | 残留数据 | | |
2619 | residual error | 残馀错误 | | | |
2620 | residual error rate | 残馀错误率 | 残错率 | | |
2621 | residual error ratio | 残馀错误比 | | | |
2622 | residual mean | 残差平均 | | | |
2623 | residual noise | 残馀杂讯 | | | |
2624 | residual value | 残馀值 | | | |
2625 | residue | 残馀;剩馀;馀数 | | | |
2626 | residue check | 残馀检查 | | | |
2627 | residue class | 馀数类 | | | |
2628 | residue class algebra | 馀数类代数 | | | |
2629 | residue class ring | 馀数类环 | | | |
2630 | residue code | 残馀码;剩馀码 | | | |
2631 | residue system | 剩馀数系统 | | | |
2632 | residues problem | 残馀问题 | | | |
2633 | resignal | 反覆讯号 | | | |
2634 | resilience | | 回弹力 | | |
2635 | resist | 保护剂;抗蚀层 | | | |
2636 | resist film | 抗蚀膜 | | | |
2637 | resistance | 电阻 | | | |
2638 | resistance-coupled amplifier | 电阻耦合放大器 | | | |
2639 | resistive load | | 电阻负载 | | |
2640 | resistive loss | | 电阻损耗 | | |
2641 | resistor | 电阻器 | | | |
2642 | resistor array | | 电阻排 | | |
2643 | resistor capacitor transistor logic | 电阻电容电晶体逻辑电路 | | | |
2644 | resistor matrix | 电阻器矩阵 | | | |
2645 | resistor transistor logic | 电阻电晶体逻辑 | | | |
2646 | resolution | 解析度 | 分辨率 | | |
2647 | resolution error | 分解误差 | | | |
2648 | resolution method | 分解方法 | | | |
2649 | resolution principle | 分解原理 | 归结原理 | | |
2650 | resolution proof graph | 分解证明图 | | | |
2651 | resolution proof tree | 分解证明树 | | | |
2652 | resolution ratio | 分解度比 | | | |
2653 | resolution rule | | 消解规则 | | |
2654 | resolution-refutation graph | 分解反驳图 | | | |
2655 | resolvent | 消解式 | | | |
2656 | resolver | 分解器 | | | |
2657 | resolving power | 分辨能力 | | | |
2658 | resolving time | 分解时间 | | | |
2659 | resonance | 共振 | | | |
2660 | resonant transducer | 共鸣转换器 | | | |
2661 | resonant tunneling effect | 共鸣隧道效应 | | | |
2662 | resonant tunneling hot electron transistor | 共鸣隧道热电子电晶体 | | | |
2663 | resource | 资源 | 资源 | | |
2664 | resource allocation | 资源分配;资源配置 | 资源分配 | | |
2665 | resource allocation graph | 资源分配图 | | | |
2666 | resource allocation table | | 资源分配表 | | |
2667 | resource assignment table | 资源指派表 | | | |
2668 | resource management | | 资源管理 | | |
2669 | resource management system | 资源管理系统 | | | |
2670 | resource manager | 资源管理器 | 资源管理程序 | | |
2671 | resource monitoring display | 资源监视显示 | | | |
2672 | resource pool | | 资源池 | | |
2673 | resource scheduling | | 资源调度 | | |
2674 | resource sharing | 资源共享 | 资源共享 | | |
2675 | resource sharing control | | 资源共享控制 | | |
2676 | resource sharing multiprocessor | 资源共享多处理机 | | | |
2677 | resource sharing time-sharing system | | 资源共享分时系统 | | |
2678 | resource subnet | | 资源子网 | | |
2679 | resource wait mode | 资源等待模式 | | | |
2680 | resource-based scheduling | | 基于资源的调度 | | |
2681 | resource-replication | | 资源重复 | | |
2682 | responder | 回应机 | | | |
2683 | responder module | 回应器模组 | | | |
2684 | response | 回应 | 响应 | | |
2685 | response analysis | | 响应分析 | | |
2686 | response contour | 回应轮廓 | | | |
2687 | response frame | 回应框 | | | |
2688 | response header | 回应标头 | | | |
2689 | response page | 回应页 | | | |
2690 | response register | 响应暂存器 | | | |
2691 | response required | 回应需求 | | | |
2692 | response step | 回应步骤 | | | |
2693 | response surface methodology | 回应面方法论 | | | |
2694 | response time | 回应时间 | 响应时间 | | |
2695 | response time window | 回应时间视窗 | 响应时间窗口 | | |
2696 | response unit | 回应单位 | | | |
2697 | response vector | 响应向量 | | | |
2698 | response window | 回应视窗 | 响应窗口 | | |
2699 | responsed time | 回应时间 | | | |
2700 | responsive redundancy | 回应式冗馀 | | | |
2701 | rest rate | 休息率 | | | |
2702 | restart | 重新开始;再启动 | 重新启动, *再启动 | | |
2703 | restart address | 再启动位址 | | | |
2704 | restart and recovery technique | 再启动和复原技术 | | | |
2705 | restart condition | 再启动条件;重新开始条件 | | | |
2706 | restart instruction | 再启动指令;重新开始指令 | | | |
2707 | restart key | 再启动键 | | | |
2708 | restart point | 再启动点;重新开始点 | | | |
2709 | restart routine | 再启动常式 | | | |
2710 | restart sorting | 再启动排序 | | | |
2711 | restarting | 再启动 | | | |
2712 | restore | 复原 | 再生 | | |
2713 | restorer-pulse generator | 脉波复原产生器 | | | |
2714 | restrict | 限制 | | | |
2715 | restricted | | 内部级 | | |
2716 | restricted front end | 受限前端 | | | |
2717 | restricted language | | 受限语言 | | |
2718 | restricted state | 受限状态 | | | |
2719 | restricted variable length code | 限制可变长度码 | | | |
2720 | restriction | 限制 | | | |
2721 | restriction clause | 限制子句 | | | |
2722 | restructure from motion | | 运动重建 | | |
2723 | restructuring | 重新结构化 | | | |
2724 | result | 结果 | | | |
2725 | result address | 结果位址 | | | |
2726 | result control block | 结果控制块 | | | |
2727 | result field | 结果栏 | | | |
2728 | result file descriptor | 结果档描述符 | | | |
2729 | result identifier | 结果识别符 | | | |
2730 | result option descriptor | 结果选项描述符号 | | | |
2731 | resume | 回复 | | | |
2732 | resume requirement | | 复原请求 | | |
2733 | retain | 留存 | | | |
2734 | retain character reader | 留存字元阅读机 | | | |
2735 | retained data | 保留资料 | | | |
2736 | retained TPDU | 持续TPDU | | | |
2737 | retaining | 保留 | | | |
2738 | retention class | 保留类别 | | | |
2739 | retention period | 保持期间 | 保存期 | | |
2740 | retention period check | 保持期间核对 | | | |
2741 | retentive goal | 保持目标 | | | |
2742 | retiming | 重定时 | 重定时 | | |
2743 | retiming transformation | | 重定时变换 | | |
2744 | retina character reader | 网膜字元阅读机 | | | |
2745 | retinal scan verifier | 网膜扫瞄验证器 | | | |
2746 | retirement | | 退役 | | |
2747 | retirement phase | 退役阶段 | 退役阶段 | | |
2748 | retransmission | 再传输 | 重传, *重发 | | |
2749 | retrievable information | 可检索资讯 | | | |
2750 | retrieval | 检索 | | | |
2751 | retrieval field | 检索栏 | | | |
2752 | retrieval information block | 检索资讯块 | | | |
2753 | retrieval lock | 检索锁住 | | | |
2754 | retrieval ordering | 检索定序 | | | |
2755 | retrieval performance | 检索性能 | | | |
2756 | retrieval pointer | 检索指标 | | | |
2757 | retrieval service | | 检索型业务 | | |
2758 | retrieval transaction | 检索异动 | | | |
2759 | retrieval usage mode | 检索使用模式 | | | |
2760 | retrieve | 检索器 | 检索 | | |
2761 | retrofit | 修整 | | | |
2762 | retrofit testing | 更新测试 | | | |
2763 | retrospective conversion | 追溯转换 | | | |
2764 | retrospective search | 追溯搜寻 | | | |
2765 | retry | 再试 | 重试, *复执 | | |
2766 | retry count | 再试计数 | | | |
2767 | return | 折回;转回 | | | |
2768 | return address | 转回位址 | | | |
2769 | return box | 转回箱 | | | |
2770 | return code | 转回码 | | | |
2771 | return code register | 转回码暂存器 | | | |
2772 | return descriptor | 转回描述符 | | | |
2773 | return instruction | 回覆指令 | | | |
2774 | return jump | 转回跳越 | | | |
2775 | return message | 转回讯息 | | | |
2776 | return path | | 返回路径 | | |
2777 | return statement | 回覆叙述 | | | |
2778 | return status code | 转回状态码 | | | |
2779 | return to zero | | 归零[道] | | |
2780 | return value | 转回值 | | | |
2781 | return-to-bias | 归偏制 | | | |
2782 | return-to-reference recording | 归参考记录 | 归基准制记录法 | | |
2783 | return-to-zero | | 归零制 | | |
2784 | return-to-zero recording | 归零记录 | 归零制记录法 | | |
2785 | return-to-zero space | 归零空间 | | | |
2786 | return-to-zero | 归零 | | | |
2787 | reusability | 可再用性 | 可复用性 | | |
2788 | reusability method | 可再用性方法 | | | |
2789 | reusable | 可再用 | | | |
2790 | reusable component | | 可复用构件 | | |
2791 | reusable program | 可再用程式 | | | |
2792 | reusable resource | 可再用资源 | | | |
2793 | reusable routine | 可再用常式 | | | |
2794 | reusable software | 可再用软体 | | | |
2795 | reuse library interoperability group | | 复用库互操作组织 | | |
2796 | revalidation | 再确认 | | | |
2797 | revelatory CAI | 展示式电脑辅助教学 | | | |
2798 | revenue | 收入 | | | |
2799 | reversal entry | 反转入口 | | | |
2800 | reversal potential | 反转电位 | | | |
2801 | reverse | 反转 | | | |
2802 | reverse address resolution protocol | | 逆地址解析协议 | | |
2803 | reverse capstan | 反转绞盘 | | | |
2804 | reverse channel | 反转通道 | | | |
2805 | reverse charging | 反转计费 | | | |
2806 | reverse charging acceptance | | 反向计费接受 | | |
2807 | reverse clipping | 反转截割 | | | |
2808 | reverse code dictionary | 反转码字典 | | | |
2809 | reverse direction flow | 反向流 | | | |
2810 | reverse engineering | 反向工程 | 逆向工程 | | |
2811 | reverse find | 反向寻找 | 反向查找 | | |
2812 | reverse index | | 倒排索引 | | |
2813 | reverse interrupt | 反转中断 | | | |
2814 | reverse LAN channel | | 反向局域网信道 | | |
2815 | reverse line-feed | 反馈行 | | | |
2816 | reverse net | | 逆网 | | |
2817 | reverse pointer | 反转指标 | | | |
2818 | reverse Polish notation | 反波兰记法;逆Polish记法 | | | |
2819 | reverse read | 反读 | 反读 | | |
2820 | reverse reasoning | 逆推理 | | | |
2821 | reverse transition | | 逆变迁 | | |
2822 | reverse video | 反转视频 | | | |
2823 | reversible coding | 可逆写码 | | | |
2824 | reversible counter | 可逆计数器 | | | |
2825 | reversing amplifier | 反向放大器 | | | |
2826 | reversing entry | 反转分录 | | | |
2827 | review | | 评审 | | |
2828 | review mode | 检视模 | | | |
2829 | revisable form | 可改表格 | | | |
2830 | revocation | | 合法性撤消, *合法性取消 | | |
2831 | revoke | | 取消 | | |
2832 | revolution speed transducer | | 转速传感器 | | |
2833 | revolutions per minute | 每分钟旋转数 | | | |
2834 | revolver | 快转区 | | | |
2835 | revolver track | 快转区磁轨 | | | |
2836 | reward analysis | | 报酬分析 | | |
2837 | rewind | 回卷 | 倒带 | | |
2838 | rewind time | 回卷时间 | | | |
2839 | rewiring | 重接线 | | | |
2840 | rewrite | 重写 | 重写 | | |
2841 | rewrite rule | 重写规则 | | | |
2842 | rewriting rule [system] | | 重写规则[系统] | | |
2843 | rezero operation | 归零操作 | | | |
2844 | R-F bandwidth | 射频频宽 | | | |
2845 | R-F emission band-width | 射频放射带宽(同R+Fbandwidth) | | | |
2846 | RFC | | 请求评论[文档], *RFC[文档] | | |
2847 | RGB color | RGB色彩 | | | |
2848 | RGB color model | RGB模式 | | | |
2849 | RGB display | 叁原色显示 | | | |
2850 | RGB mode | RGB模 | | | |
2851 | RGB monitor | RGB显示器 | | | |
2852 | rhyme | 述题 | | | |
2853 | ribbon | 色带 | | | |
2854 | ribbon cable | 带状电缆 | 带状电缆 | | |
2855 | Rice encode | 赖士编码 | | | |
2856 | Ricean fading channel | 莱斯衰落通道 | | | |
2857 | right | | 权限 | | |
2858 | right child | 右子 | | | |
2859 | right justification | 齐右 | | | |
2860 | right linked pointer | 向右连结指标 | | | |
2861 | right margin | 右容限 | | | |
2862 | right sentential form | | 右句型 | | |
2863 | right subtree | 右子树 | | | |
2864 | right truncation | 右截断 | | | |
2865 | right-adjusted data | 右靠资料 | | | |
2866 | right-angle edge connector | 直角边缘连接器 | | | |
2867 | right-justified | 齐右 | | | |
2868 | right-justified attribute | 齐右属性 | | | |
2869 | right-justified tab | 齐右栏标 | | | |
2870 | right-linear grammar | | 右线性文法 | | |
2871 | right-matching | | 右匹配 | | |
2872 | rightmost derivation | | 最右派生 | | |
2873 | rights database | 所有权资料库 | | | |
2874 | rights list | 权列表 | | | |
2875 | right-sided system | 右侧系统 | | | |
2876 | rigid disk | | 硬磁盘, *硬盘 | | |
2877 | rigid disk drive | 硬磁碟驱动机 | | | |
2878 | ring | | 振铃 | | |
2879 | ring buffer | 环缓冲区 | | | |
2880 | ring counter | 环式计数器 | | | |
2881 | ring head | 环磁头 | | | |
2882 | ring interface adapter | 环铃介面配接器 | | | |
2883 | ring latency | 环潜时 | 环等待时间 | | |
2884 | ring network | 环状网路;环网路 | 环状网 | | |
2885 | ring register | 环式暂存器 | | | |
2886 | ring shift | 环移位 | | | |
2887 | ring station | | 环站 | | |
2888 | ring topology | 环拓扑学 | | | |
2889 | ringdown | 响铃 | | | |
2890 | ringdown signaling | 铃号发信 | | | |
2891 | ringer | 电铃;振铃器 | | | |
2892 | ringing | | 振铃 | | |
2893 | RIP | | 路由[选择]信息协议 | | |
2894 | ripple | 涟波 | | | |
2895 | ripple carry | 涟波进位 | 行波进位 | | |
2896 | ripple carry adder | 涟波进位加法器 | | | |
2897 | ripple effect | 涟波效应 | | | |
2898 | ripple factor | 涟波因数 | | | |
2899 | ripple group delay | 涟波群延迟 | | | |
2900 | ripple through carry | 涟贯进位 | | | |
2901 | RISC | | 精简指令集计算机 | | |
2902 | rise time | 上升时间 | 上升时间 | | |
2903 | rise-fall delay | 升降延迟 | | | |
2904 | rising edge | | 上升沿 | | |
2905 | risk acceptance | | 风险接受 | | |
2906 | risk analysis | 风险分析 | 风险分析 | | |
2907 | risk assessment | | 风险评估 | | |
2908 | risk index | | 风险指数 | | |
2909 | risk tolerance | | 风险容忍 | | |
2910 | RLIG | | 复用库互操作组织 | | |
2911 | RLLC | | 行程长度受限码, *游程长度受限码 | | |
2912 | RMI | | 远程方法调用 | | |
2913 | RMS error averaged over an image array | 图像阵列均方根误差 | | | |
2914 | ROA | | [经]认可的运营机构 | | |
2915 | roaming | | 漫游 | | |
2916 | robot | 机器人 | 机器人 | | |
2917 | robot calibration | 机器人校准 | | | |
2918 | robot engineering | 机器人工程 | 机器人工程 | | |
2919 | robot guidance | 机器人导引 | | | |
2920 | robot learning | 机器人学习 | | | |
2921 | robot problem solving system | 机器人问题求解系统 | | | |
2922 | robot system | 机器人系统 | 机器人系统 | | |
2923 | robotic manipulator | 机器人调处器 | | | |
2924 | robotics | 机器人学 | 机器人学 | | |
2925 | robust control | | 鲁棒控制 | | |
2926 | robust identification | | 鲁棒辨识 | | |
2927 | robustness | | 稳健性, *鲁棒性 | | |
2928 | rocker switch | 摇 开关 | | | |
2929 | rod magnet | 磁化棒 | | | |
2930 | rod memory | 记忆体 | | | |
2931 | roff | | roff语言 | | |
2932 | role indicator | 角色指示器 | | | |
2933 | role restriction | 角色限制 | | | |
2934 | roll call polling | 输叫探询 | | | |
2935 | roll microfilm | 卷轴微缩胶卷 | | | |
2936 | roll paper | 滚筒纸 | | | |
2937 | roll polling | 点名轮询 | | | |
2938 | rollback | 回转;转返 | 回退 | | |
2939 | rollback mechanism | 转返机制 | | | |
2940 | rollback procedure | 转返程序 | | | |
2941 | rollback propagation | | 卷回传播 | | |
2942 | rollback recovery | | 卷回恢复 | | |
2943 | rollback routine | 重作常式 | | | |
2944 | roller | 滚轮 | | | |
2945 | roll-forward | 前转 | | | |
2946 | roll-forward procedure | 前转程序 | | | |
2947 | roll-in | 转入 | | | |
2948 | roll-in/roll-out | 转入转出 | 转入转出 | | |
2949 | rolling | 滚动 | | | |
2950 | roll-out | 转出 | | | |
2951 | roll-up | 总计 | | | |
2952 | ROM | | 只读存储器 | | |
2953 | room maintenance | | 机房维护 | | |
2954 | room management | | 机房管理 | | |
2955 | root | 根;树根 | 根 | | |
2956 | root caching | 根高速存取 | | | |
2957 | root compiler | 根编译程式 | 根编译程序 | | |
2958 | root dictionary directory | 根字典目录 | | | |
2959 | root directory | 根目录 | 根目录 | | |
2960 | root file | 根档案 | | | |
2961 | root name | | 根[文件]名 | | |
2962 | root node | 根节点 | | | |
2963 | root record | 根记录 | | | |
2964 | root record type | 根记录型式 | | | |
2965 | root segment | 根片段 | | | |
2966 | root-mean-square question | 均方根提问 | | | |
2967 | rope | | 绳 | | |
2968 | rope memory | (磁心)线记忆(器) | | | |
2969 | rope storage | (磁心)线储存(器) | | | |
2970 | rotary dial | 旋转拨号盘 | | | |
2971 | rotary group number | 旋转群数 | | | |
2972 | rotary head | 旋转磁头 | | | |
2973 | rotary head drum | 旋转磁头鼓 | | | |
2974 | rotary positioner | 旋转定位器 | | | |
2975 | rotate | 旋转 | | | |
2976 | rotate instruction | 旋转指令 | | | |
2977 | rotate/shift operation | 回转/移位运算 | | | |
2978 | rotated font | 旋转字型 | | | |
2979 | rotated term | 轮排检索词 | | | |
2980 | rotating cylinder printer | 旋转柱列印机 | | | |
2981 | rotating drum image scanning digitizer | 旋转磁鼓影像扫瞄数化器 | | | |
2982 | rotating head | 旋转磁头 | | | |
2983 | rotating latency time | 旋转潜伏时间 | | | |
2984 | rotating magnetic storage | 旋转磁储存器 | | | |
2985 | rotating memory | 旋转记忆体 | | | |
2986 | rotating surface | | 旋转曲面 | | |
2987 | rotation | 旋转 | 旋转 | | |
2988 | rotation | 旋转(电脑图形的) | | | |
2989 | rotation transformation | 旋转变换 | 旋转变换 | | |
2990 | rotational delay | 旋转延迟 | | | |
2991 | rotational latency | 旋转潜时 | | | |
2992 | rotational ordering | 旋转定序 | | | |
2993 | rotational position sensing | 旋转位置感测 | 旋转位置感测 | | |
2994 | rotational speed | 旋转速率 | | | |
2995 | rotational time | 旋转时间 | 旋转时间 | | |
2996 | rote learning | 死记硬背的学习 | 机械学习 | | |
2997 | rotor cipher | | 转轮密码 | | |
2998 | rough set | | 粗糙集 | | |
2999 | rough translation | 粗翻译 | | | |
3000 | round | 修整;舍入;圆 | | | |
3001 | round down | 舍去 | | | |
3002 | round down function | 舍去功能;降值功能 | | | |
3003 | round rectangle | 圆角矩形 | | | |
3004 | round robin | 循环的;循环法 | | | |
3005 | round robin algorithm | 循环算法 | | | |
3006 | round robin scheduler | 循环排程器 | | | |
3007 | round robin scheduling | 循环算法排程;循环算法 | | | |
3008 | rounding | 舍入;修整;升值功能 | | | |
3009 | rounding error | 舍入误差 | 舍入误差 | | |
3010 | round-off | 舍去 | | | |
3011 | round-off function | 舍去功能 | | | |
3012 | round-robin scheduling | | 轮转法调度 | | |
3013 | round-trip propagation time | 往返传播时间 | 往返传播时间 | | |
3014 | round-up | 舍进 | | | |
3015 | round-up function | 舍进功能;升值功能 | | | |
3016 | route | 路线 | 路由 | | |
3017 | route diversity | 路线分集 | | | |
3018 | route through | 路径方向 | | | |
3019 | router | 路由器;选路器 | 路由器 | | |
3020 | router server | 选路器伺服器 | | | |
3021 | routine | 子程式;常式 | 例程 | | |
3022 | routine analyzer | 常式分析器 | | | |
3023 | routine buffer | 常式缓冲区 | | | |
3024 | routine check | 常式核对 | | | |
3025 | routine library | 常式程式馆 | | | |
3026 | routine line | 常式列 | | | |
3027 | routine maintenance | 例行维护 | | | |
3028 | routine maintenance time | 例行维护时间 | | | |
3029 | routine name | 常式名 | | | |
3030 | routine storage | 常式储存 | | | |
3031 | routine test | 常式测试 | | | |
3032 | routing | 选路 | 布线 | | |
3033 | routing algorithm | 选路演算法 | 路由[选择]算法 | | |
3034 | routing code | 选路码 | | | |
3035 | routing control | 选路控制 | | | |
3036 | routing expression | 选路表式 | | | |
3037 | routing function | | 寻径函数 | | |
3038 | routing indicator | 选路指示器 | | | |
3039 | routing information base | 选路资讯库 | | | |
3040 | routing information protocol | | 路由[选择]信息协议 | | |
3041 | routing label | 选路标号 | | | |
3042 | routing layer | 选路层 | | | |
3043 | routing node | 选路节点 | | | |
3044 | routing problem | 选路问题 | | | |
3045 | routing protocol | 选路协定 | | | |
3046 | routing strategy | 选路策略 | | | |
3047 | r-out-of-n system | n中取r的系统 | | | |
3048 | roving emulation | 游动仿真 | | | |
3049 | row | 列;行 | 行 | | |
3050 | row address | | 行地址 | | |
3051 | row address strobe | | 行地址选通 | | |
3052 | row address strobe | 列位址选通 | | | |
3053 | row binary | 列二进数 | | | |
3054 | row binary card | 列二进制卡 | | | |
3055 | row decoding | | 行译码 | | |
3056 | row major order | 列主次序 | | | |
3057 | row pitch | 列间距 | 行间距 | | |
3058 | row selection | | 行选 | | |
3059 | row selection lines | 列选择线 | | | |
3060 | row-major vector storage | | 行主向量存储 | | |
3061 | row-octet | | 行八位 | | |
3062 | rows per inch | 每英 列数 | | | |
3063 | RPC | | 远程进程调用 | | |
3064 | RPC | | 远程过程调用 | | |
3065 | RPG | | 报表生成语言 | | |
3066 | r-register | r暂存器 | | | |
3067 | R-S flip flop | RS正反量 | | | |
3068 | RS-232 | RS-232规格 | | | |
3069 | RS-232 interface | RS-232介面 | | | |
3070 | RS-232-C | RS-232-C规格 | | | |
3071 | RS-422 | RS-422规格 | | | |
3072 | RS-422-A | RS-422-A规格 | | | |
3073 | RS-423 | RS-423规格 | | | |
3074 | RS-423-A | RS-423-A规格 | | | |
3075 | RS-449 | RS-449标准 | | | |
3076 | RSA scheme | RSA密码方案 | | | |
3077 | RTDB | | 实时数据库 | | |
3078 | RTV | | 实时视频 | | |
3079 | RTZ [track] | | 归零[道] | | |
3080 | rub out | 拭掉 | | | |
3081 | rub out character | 擦除字元 | | | |
3082 | rubber band method | | 橡皮筋方法 | | |
3083 | rubber-banding | 用橡胶带系缚 | | | |
3084 | ruggedized computer | 加固计算机 | | | |
3085 | ruggedized packaging | 加固封装 | | | |
3086 | rule | 规则;尺;律 | 规则 | | |
3087 | rule base | 规则库 | 规则库 | | |
3088 | rule based deduction system | 基於规则演绎系统 | | | |
3089 | rule based problem reduction | 规则为本的问题缩减 | | | |
3090 | rule based program | 规则为本的程式 | | | |
3091 | rule based programming | 规则为本的程式设计 | | | |
3092 | rule based system | 规则为本的系统 | | | |
3093 | rule checker | 规则核对器 | | | |
3094 | rule checking | 规则检查 | | | |
3095 | rule clause | | 规则子句 | | |
3096 | rule compilation | 规则编译 | | | |
3097 | rule complexity | 规则复杂性 | | | |
3098 | rule connection graph | 规则连接图 | | | |
3099 | rule editor | 规则编辑器 | | | |
3100 | rule English | 定规英文 | | | |
3101 | rule format | 规则格式 | | | |
3102 | rule generation | 规则产生 | | | |
3103 | rule interpreter | 规则解译器 | | | |
3104 | rule invocation | 规则启用 | | | |
3105 | rule language | 规则语言 | | | |
3106 | rule model | 规则模型 | | | |
3107 | rule network | 规则网路 | | | |
3108 | rule set | 规则集 | 规则集 | | |
3109 | rule set developer | 规则集合开发者 | | | |
3110 | rule set manager | 规则集合管理器 | | | |
3111 | rule-based deduction system | | 基于规则的演绎系统 | | |
3112 | rule-based expert system | | 基于规则的专家系统 | | |
3113 | rule-based language | | 基于规则语言 | | |
3114 | rule-based program | | 基于规则的程序 | | |
3115 | rule-based reasoning | | 规则推理 | | |
3116 | rule-based system | | 基于规则的系统 | | |
3117 | rule-like representation | | 类规则表示 | | |
3118 | ruler | 规尺 | | | |
3119 | ruler guide | 尺导引 | | | |
3120 | ruler line | 尺线 | 标尺行 | | |
3121 | ruler setting | 规尺设定 | | | |
3122 | run | 运转;执行;运行 | 顺串 | | |
3123 | run book | 运行手册 | | | |
3124 | run burst | 运行猝发时间 | | | |
3125 | run coding | | 行程编码 | | |
3126 | run construction | 运行构造 | | | |
3127 | run cost | 运行成本 | | | |
3128 | run duration | 运行历时 | | | |
3129 | run engineering | 运行工程 | | | |
3130 | run length | | 行程长度 | | |
3131 | run length limited code | | 行程长度受限码, *游程长度受限码 | | |
3132 | run mode | 运行模式 | 运行方式 | | |
3133 | run phase | 运行阶段 | | | |
3134 | run stream | 运行流 | | | |
3135 | run unit | 运行单位 | | | |
3136 | runaway | 失控 | | | |
3137 | runaway tape condition | 超出磁带状态 | | | |
3138 | run-length coding | 运行长度写码 | | | |
3139 | run-length encoding | 运行长度编码 | 行程长度编码 | | |
3140 | run-length limited code | 运行长度限制码 | | | |
3141 | run-length limited | 运行长度有限 | | | |
3142 | runnable | 可运行 | | | |
3143 | runnable task | 可运行任务 | | | |
3144 | running accumulator | 运行累积器 | | | |
3145 | running aggregate | 运行聚合 | | | |
3146 | running database | 运行资料库 | | | |
3147 | running feet | 流水脚注 | | | |
3148 | running heads | 流水标头 | | | |
3149 | running open | 开放运转 | | | |
3150 | running rate | 运行率 | | | |
3151 | running state | 运行状态 | | | |
3152 | running system | | 运行系统 | | |
3153 | running time | 执行历时;运行时间 | 运行时间 | | |
3154 | running total | 运行总计 | | | |
3155 | running value | 运行值 | | | |
3156 | runoff | 文件处理程式 | | | |
3157 | run-out field of bubble | 磁泡形成场 | | | |
3158 | run-time | 运转时间;运行时间 | | | |
3159 | run-time database processor | 运行时间资料库处理机 | | | |
3160 | run-time diagnosis | 运行时间诊断 | 运行时诊断 | | |
3161 | run-time environment | 运行时间环境 | | | |
3162 | run-time error | 运行时间错误 | | | |
3163 | run-time library | 运行时间程式馆 | | | |
3164 | run-time procedure library | 运行时间程序程式馆 | | | |
3165 | run-time supervisor | 运行时间监督器 | | | |
3166 | run-time system | 运行时间系统 | 运行系统 | | |
3167 | Russian parallel ET0L system | 苏联平行ET0L系统 | | | |
3168 | Russian parallel grammar | 苏联平行文法 | | | |
3169 | RVOD | | 真点播电视 | | |
3170 | RZ | | 归零制 | | |