电脑名词译名To big5


1lab project 实验专案   
2label标号;标记;标签 标号   
3label address table标号位址表   
4label area标号区   
5label assignment statement标号指定叙述   
6label attribute标号属性   
7label block标号段   
8label buffer address标号缓冲位址   
9label check标号核对   
10label coding标号编码   
11label combination标号组合   
12label constant标号常数   
13label data标号资料   
14label declaration标号宣告   
15label declaration part标号宣告部分   
16label declaration section标号宣告区段   
17label definition 标号定义   
18label delimiter标号定界符   
19label descriptor标号描述符   
20label expression标号表式   
21label field标号栏   
22label format record标号格式记录   
23label group标号组   
24label handling标号处置   
25label handling routine标号处置常式   
26label identifier标号识别符   
27label information area标号资讯区   
28label key标号键   
29label map标号映像   
30label notation标号记法   
31label number标号数   
32label parameter标号参数   
33label prefix标号前置   
34label printer标号列印机   
35label procedure标号程序   
36label processing标号处理   
37label processing routine标号处理常式   
38label processor标号处理机   
39label record标号记录   
40label record clause标号记录子句   
41label record standard标号记录标准   
42label routine标号常式   
43label save area标号保存区   
44label set标号集   
45label subscript标号下标   
46label symbol标号符号   
47label table标号表   
48label terminator标号终止符   
49label trace标号追踪   
50label translation标号变换   
51label variable标号变数   
53labeled algorithm有标演算法   
54labeled block有标块   
55labeled channel 带标号信道   
56labeled common area有标公用区   
57labeled common block有标公用块   
58labeled common name有标公用区名   
59labeled data stream有标资料流   
60labeled graph有标图   
61labeled image有标影像   
62labeled input file有标输入档   
63labeled instruction有标指令   
64labeled multiplexing 带标号复用   
65labeled ordered tree带标有序树   
66labeled Petri net 标号佩特里网   
67labeled plane displays有标平面显示器   
68labeled reachable tree 标号可达树   
69labeled security 标号化安全   
70labeled series-parallel network有标串并联网路   
71labeled statement有标叙述   
72labeled storage有标储存器   
73labeled transitive digraph有标递移有向图   
74labeled tree有标树   
76labeling method标号法   
77labeling procedure标号程序   
78labor completed巳完成人工   
79labor content lower levels低阶人工内容   
80labor content this level本阶人工内容   
81labor cost人工成本   
82labor hour人工小时   
83labor reported已报人工   
84labor reporting人工报告   
85labor tickets人工单   
86labor time人工时间   
87labor total人工总计   
88labor/overhead table人工/间接制造费用表   
90laboratory automation实验室自动化   
91laboratory automation system实验室自动化系统   
92laboratory computer实验室计算机   
93laboratory computer hierarchy实验室计算机阶层   
94laboratory computer on-line inquiry实验室计算机连线询问   
95laboratory control computer 实验室控制计算机   
96laboratory data management实验室资料管理   
97laboratory data processor 实验室资料处理器   
98laboratory data products group实验室资料产品组   
99laboratory data stream实验室资料流   
100laboratory database实验室资料库   
101laboratory effects实验室效应   
102laboratory environment实验室环境   
103laboratory information processing system 实验室资讯处理系统   
104laboratory interconnecting programming system 实验室互连程式设计系统   
105laboratory minicomputer实验室迷你电脑   
106laboratory operating system 实验室操作系统   
107laboratory peripheral system 实验室周边系统   
108laboratory reliability test实验室可靠度测试   
109laboratory report实验室报告   
110laboratory signal processing instrument实验室信号处理仪器   
111laboratory signal processor实验室信号处理机   
112laboratory system 实验室系统   
114lace card边带打孔卡   
115laced card多馀孔卡片   
116lack-of-knowledge inference知识缺乏推理   
117ladder diagram梯形图 梯形图   
118ladder logic梯形逻辑   
119ladder network梯形网路   
120ladder printer梯形列印机   
121ladder static logic 梯形静态逻辑   
123lag滞後 滞后   
124lag network滞後网路   
125lag or lead滞後或引线   
126lag product滞後积   
127lag time滞後时间   
128lag unit滞後单元   
129lag window滞後视窗   
130lagged product theorem滞後乘积定理   
132lagging current滞後电流   
133Lagrange intergration formula拉格朗日积分公式   
134Lagrange interpolation拉格朗日内插   
135Lagrange inversion formula拉格朗日反算公式   
136Lagrange multiplier拉格朗日乘数   
137Lagrangian coordinates拉格朗日坐标   
138lambda bindingλ连结   
139lambda calculusλ演算   
140lambda calculus notationλ演算记法   
141lambda definitionλ定义   
142lambda expressionλ表式   
143lambda notationλ记法   
144lambda parameterλ参数   
145lambda variableλ变数   
146lambda-stochastic finite state languageλ随机有限状态语言   
147lambda-stochastic push-down languageλ随机下推语言   
148Lambert's model 朗伯模型   
149laminar bus A 叠层汇流排A   
150laminar bus B 叠层汇流排B   
151laminar bus 叠层汇流排   
152laminar flow叠层流   
153laminate层板 层压板   
154laminate board层板   
155laminate bus plate层板汇流条板   
156laminated bus plate层板汇流条板   
157laminated magnetic head 叠片式磁头   
159lamp driver指示灯驱动器   
160lamp monitor灯监视器   
161LAN 局域网   
162LAN broadcast区域网路广播 局域网广播   
163LAN broadcast address区域网路广播位址 局域网广播地址   
164LAN gateway区域网路闸道 局域网网关   
165LAN global address区域网路全球位址 局域网全球地址  
166LAN group address区域网路群组位址 局域网[成]组地址   
167LAN individual address区域网路个别位址 局域网单[个]地址   
168LAN manager区域网路管理器 局域网管理程序   
169LAN multicast区域网路多播 局域网多播   
170LAN multicast address区域网路多播位址 局域网多播地址   
171LAN server区域网路伺服器 局域网服务器   
172LAN switch 局域网交换机   
173land based facilities地面为本的设备   
174land development accounting system土地开发会计系统   
175land line陆线   
176land line facilities陆线设施   
177land line teletype 陆线电传打字   
178land line teletypewriter陆线电传打字机   
179land station地面站   
180land terminal地面终端站   
182landing line teletype 定位行电传打字   
183landing zone定位区   
185LANDSAT image processing地球卫星影像处理   
186landscape横向排法;风景排法 横向   
187language语言 语言   
188language acquisition 语言获取   
189language analysis语言分析   
190language and language behavior abstracts 语言与语言行为摘要   
191language and terminal 语言和终端   
192language assembler语言组合程式   
193language based architecture语言为本的架构   
194language binding语言连结   
195language call语言呼叫   
196language character语言字元   
197language character set语言字元集   
198language class语言类   
199language code语言码   
200language complexity语言复杂性   
201language concept语言概念   
202language construction语言构造   
203language control form语言控制形式   
204language convention语言规约   
205language conversion program 语言转换程式   
206language converter语言转换器   
207language converter translator语言转换翻译器   
208language data语言数据   
209language data processing 语言资料处理   
210language definition语言定义   
211language dependent parameter语言相关的参数   
212language dependent translator 语言相关翻译器   
213language description语言描述   
214language description language 描述语言的语言   
215language design criteria语言设计准则   
216language designer语言设计师   
217language development语言开发   
218language digit语言数位   
219language editor语言编辑器   
220language element语言元素   
221language engineering语言工程   
222language exploitation condense 利用语言的浓缩   
223language extendibility语言可扩充性   
224language feature语言特徵   
225language file语言档;语言档案   
226language for conversational computing 交谈计算语言   
227language for programming-in-the-small 设计小型程式的语言   
228language for robot control机器人控制语言   
229language for symbolic simulation 符号模拟语言   
230language for system development 系统开发语言   
231language for your remote instruction by computer计算机远程教学语言   
232language form语言形式   
233language fundamental frequency recognition语言基频识别   
234language generation system语言产生系统   
235language graph语言图   
236language hierarchy语言阶层   
237language identification语言识别   
238language independent error recovery method独立於语言的错误复原方法   
239language independent macroprocessor语言无关的巨集处理器   
240language inference语言推理   
241language information 语言信息   
242language information algebra system语言资讯代数系统   
243language information processing语言资讯处理   
244language interpretation module 语言解译模组   
245language interpreter语言解译器   
246language knowledge base语言知识库 语言知识库   
247language level语言位准   
248language list processing语言串列处理   
249language media format 语言媒体格式   
250language membership proof system 语言成员证明系统   
251language model 语言模型   
252language of production system生成系统语言   
253language oriented system analysis table 语言导向的系统分析表   
254language pair语言对   
255language pattern语言型样   
256language primitive语言基元   
257language processing and debugging 语言处理和除错   
258language processor 语言处理程序   
259language processor unit 语言处理机单元   
260language recognition 语言识别   
261language reference manual语言参考手册   
262language reliability语言可靠性   
263language requirement语言需求   
264language rules语言规则   
265language selection语言选择   
266language shift语言移位   
267language size语言大小   
268language specific linkage语言特定链接   
269language specification语言规格   
270language standard 语言标准   
271language standardization语言标准化   
272language statement语言叙述   
273language structure语言结构   
274language structure group 语言结构组   
275language subset语言子集   
276language subsystem语言子系统   
277language summary语言摘要   
278language support environment语言支援环境   
279language system语言系统   
280language teaching system 语言教学系统   
281language theory semantics语言理论语意学   
282language tool语言工具   
283language transformation语言变换   
284language translation feature语言翻译特徵   
285language translation system 语言翻译系统   
286language translation 语言翻译   
287language translator语言翻译器   
288language understanding system语言理解系统   
289language virtuality语言可虚拟性   
290language-description language 语言描述语言   
291languageless programming无语言程式设计   
292language's fundamental structure语言的基本结构   
293LAPB 平衡型链路接入规程   
294lapel microphone佩带式麦克风   
295Laplace operator拉普拉斯运算子   
296Laplace's law拉普拉斯定律   
299laptop膝上型电脑 膝上(型)计算机  
300laptop computer膝上型电脑 膝上计算机   
301large area display 大面积显示器   
302large area electronic display panel 大面积电子显示面板   
303large area record reader 大面积记录阅读机   
304large artificial nerve network 大型人工神经网路   
305large associative processor大相联处理机   
306large attribute大属性   
307large automatic research computer 大型自动研究计算机   
308large capacity core storage 大容量磁心储存器   
309large capacity memory 大容量记忆体   
310large capacity satellite大容量卫星   
311large capacity storage 大容量储存器   
312large computer大型计算机   
313large computer project 大型计算机专案   
314large computer supply大型计算机电源   
315large computer system大型计算机系统   
316large computerized branch exchange 大型电脑化分局交换机   
317large core memory 大容量磁心记忆体   
318large core storage access method 大容量磁心储存器存取法   
319large core storage 大容量磁心储存器   
320large data processing大量资料处理   
321large database system 大型资料库系统   
322large database 大型资料库   
323large deformation大变形   
324large digital circuits大型数位电路   
325large electronic display panel 大型电子显示面板   
326large electronic display 大型电子显示器   
327large general purpose computer大型通用计算机   
328large injection大量注入   
329large integrated monolithic array computer 大型积体单石阵列计算机   
330large letter 大字母   
331large linear system大线性系统   
332large matrix store大容量矩阵储存器   
333large panel display 大型面板显示   
334large power semiconductor device大功率半导体装置   
335large power supply大电源   
336large print video terminal 大型列印视频终端机   
337large program life cycle大型程式生命周期   
338large real-time problem大型即时问题   
339large retainer大型扣件   
340large sample theory大样本理论   
341large scale大型;大规模   
342large scale compound integration circuit 大型复合积体电路   
343large scale computer project 大型计算机专案   
344large scale computer system 大型计算机系统   
345large scale computer 大型计算机   
346large scale data processor大型资料处理机   
347large scale digital computer大型数位计算机   
348large scale display 大屏幕显示器   
349large scale dynamic system大型动态系统   
350large scale hybrid integrated circuit 大型并合积体电路   
351large scale hybrid microprocessor大型并合微处理机   
352large scale integrated chip大型积体晶片   
353large scale integrated circuit design大型积体电路设计   
354large scale integrated circuit 大型积体电路   
355large scale integrated microprocessor大型积体微处理机   
356large scale integrated 大型积体   
357large scale integration 大型积体   
358large scale knowledge system大型知识系统   
359large scale memory大型记忆体   
360large scale numerical problem大型数值问题   
361large scale program大型程式   
362large scale software development大型软体开发   
363large scale structure大型结构   
364large scale system大型系统   
365large scale target display 大型目标显示器   
366large scale time-sharing system大型分时系统   
367large scientific code大型科学码   
368large screen display system 大萤幕显示系统   
369large screen display 大萤幕显示   
370large screen projector大萤幕投影机   
371large signal operation大信号操作   
372large signal parameter大信号参数   
373large syntactic mark大语法标示   
374large system engineering operation 大系统工程作业   
375large system job大系统工件   
376large value capacitor大值电容器   
377large vocabulary speech recognition 大词表语音识别   
378large volume data exchange 大容量资料交换;大容量资料交换机   
379large volume data 大容量资料   
380larger topology较大拓扑学   
381larger word 较大字   
382large-scale computer 大型计算机   
383largest integral equivalent最大等价整数   
384largest logical record size最大逻辑记录长度   
385largest processing time first 最长处理时间优先   
387laser acoustic delay雷射声响延迟   
388laser acquisition and direction雷射搜索和指挥   
389laser addressed memory雷射定址记忆体   
390laser aerospace communications equipment 航太雷射通信设备;航空雷射通信设备   
391laser amplifier chain 雷射放大器 接   
392laser annealed solar cell雷射退火太阳能单元   
393laser annealing雷射退火   
394laser attenuator assembly 雷射衰减器组合   
395laser basic mode雷射基本模式   
396laser beam accessible storage雷射束可存取储存器   
397laser beam deflection circuit雷射束偏转电路   
398laser beam printer雷射束列印机 激光打印机  
399laser beam recorder 雷射束记录器   
400laser beam recording 雷射束记录技术   
401laser beam rotating mirror image recorder转镜式雷射束影像记录器   
402laser beam scanner雷射束扫瞄器   
403laser beam storage雷射束储存   
404laser beam sweep雷射束拂掠   
405laser beam transmission雷射束传输   
406laser beam 雷射束   
407laser cavity雷射空腔   
408laser channel capacity雷射通道容量   
409laser coding memory雷射编码记忆体   
410laser COM雷射COM;电脑输出雷射微胶片   
411laser communication雷射通信   
412laser communication and tracking雷射通信与追踪   
413laser communication link雷射通信链接   
414laser communication satellite experiment 雷射通信卫星实验   
415laser computer雷射计算机   
416laser connector雷射连接器   
417laser creation雷射建立   
418laser data transmission雷射资料传输   
419laser designator seeker system 雷射指定符寻觅系统   
420laser detector diode 雷射检波二极体   
421laser diode 雷射二极体   
422laser display雷射显示   
423laser display system雷射显示系统   
424laser emulsion storage雷射乳剂储存器   
425laser facility storage雷射设施储存   
426laser font雷射字型   
427laser holography memory雷射全像术记忆体   
428laser homing and warning system 雷射归位与警告系统   
429laser intersatellite communication卫星间雷射通讯   
430laser measuring system雷射测量系统   
431laser memory雷射记忆体 激光存储器   
432laser mode雷射模   
433laser optical video-disc雷射光学影碟   
434laser phototypesetter雷射照相排版机   
435laser plotter雷射绘图器   
436laser print head雷射列印头   
437laser printer雷射列印机 激光印刷机   
438laser profile system 雷射设定档系统   
439laser ranging and tracking system 雷射测距与追纵系统   
440laser ranging and tracking system 雷射测距与追踪系统   
441laser satellite tracking installation雷射卫星追踪装备   
442laser scanner storage雷射扫瞄器储存   
443laser sensor雷射感测器   
444laser signal device雷射信号装置   
445laser source雷射源   
446laser storage雷射储存器   
447laser threshold雷射定限   
448laser typesetter雷射排版机 激光照排机   
449laser vision 激光影碟   
450laser voice link雷射语音链接   
451laser xerography雷射静电印刷术   
453lasing medium雷射媒体   
454last activity date前次活动日期   
455last address register 最後位址暂存器   
456last attribute最後属性   
457last come first serve discipline後到先做规则   
458last come first serve policy後到先做政策   
459last come first serve 後到先做   
460last cost前次成本   
461last costed前次列计成本   
462last current state最後现行状态   
463last cycle前次周期   
464last data sample 前次数据样本   
465last date affecting quantity on hand前次影响在库数量日期   
466last digit code未数位码   
467last element末元素   
468last element of chain 尾元素   
469last environment point最後环境点   
470last executed instruction最後执行指令   
471last frame address register 最後框位址暂存器   
472last in chain 後进链   
473last in first out list後进先出串列   
474last in first out memory後进先出记忆体   
475last in first out stack後进先出堆叠   
476last in first out store後进先出储存   
477last in first out 後进先出   
478last in last out 後进後出   
479last issue date前次发料日期   
480last issue date of component前次组件发料日期   
481last item末项   
482last level register 末级暂存器   
483last level 末级   
484last location最後位置   
485last logical record最後逻辑记录   
486last macro最後巨集   
487last maintained前次维护   
488last marked character最後标示字元   
489last number末号   
490last of chain 末   
491last operation前次作业   
492last pass phase末遍阶段   
493last physical cycle count date前次实际周期计数日期   
494last priority 最后优先级   
495last priority level最後优先等级   
496last rack末架   
497last radio contact 最後一次无线电联络   
498last record 最後记录   
499last referenced point最後引用点   
500last sector末扇区   
501last segment indicator 最末段指示符   
502last significant figure最後有效数   
503last simulated前次模拟的   
504last son末子节点   
505last subscript最後下标   
506last symbol最後符号   
507last term末项   
508last terminal最後终端符   
509last test最後测试   
510last test step最後测试步   
511last textword最後内文字   
512last transaction前次异动   
513last transaction date前次异动日期   
514last unit cost前次单位成本   
515last use前次使用   
516last word address 末字位址   
517last word 末字   
518last-in first-out 后进先出   
519latch闩;锁存器 锁存器   
520latch bit test锁存位位测试   
521latch checking switch 锁存检查开关   
522latch circuit锁存电路   
523latch decoder锁存解码器   
524latch down key锁下键   
525latch enable锁存赋能   
526latch mode锁存模式   
527latch out tabulator key制表键锁定   
528latch output锁存输出   
529latch pulse锁存脉冲   
530latch register锁存暂存器   
531latch trip 闩跳脱   
532latch unit锁存单元   
533latch up锁定;内锁   
534latch up free无锁定   
537latched system闩锁系统   
539latching full adder闩锁全加器   
540latching logic闩锁逻辑   
541latching network闩锁网路   
542latching semiconductor diode 闩锁半导体二极体   
543late commitment 延迟交付   
544late date延迟日期   
545late distortion延迟失真   
546late register後暂存器   
547latency潜伏 潜伏时间, *等待时间   
548latency avoidance 等待避免   
549latency hiding 等待隐藏   
550latency time潜伏时间   
551latency tolerance潜时容许度   
552latent error潜在误差   
553latent heat潜热   
554latent image潜像   
555latent multivalued dependencies潜在多值相关   
556latent root潜在根   
557latent vector潜在向量   
558later phase後阶段   
560lateral communications横向通信   
561lateral complementary transistor横向互补电晶体   
562lateral deflection横向偏转   
563lateral diffusion横向扩散   
564lateral displacement coding 横向位移编码   
565lateral displacement loss横向位移损耗   
566lateral inhibition 侧抑制   
567lateral injection横向注入   
568lateral isolation横向隔离   
569lateral load横向负载   
570lateral magnification横向放大倍数   
571lateral parity横向奇偶   
572lateral PNP transistor横向PNP电晶体   
573lateral redundancy check横向冗馀检查   
574lateral resolution横向分解   
575lateral reversal横向反转   
576lateral tell横向资讯传送器   
577lateral transistor横向电晶体   
578lateral view棋向视野   
579latest completing time 最迟完成时间   
580latest node time最迟节点时间   
581latest precedence partition 最新优先分区   
582latest starting time 最迟开始时间   
583Latin alphabet拉丁字母表   
584Latin font拉丁文字型   
585Latin letter拉丁字母   
586latitude data computer 纬度数据计算机   
588lattice defect晶格缺陷   
589lattice diagram 梯格图   
590lattice file晶格档案   
591lattice imperfection晶格不完全   
592lattice like structure类晶格结构   
593lattice model晶格模型   
594lattice modulator晶格调变器   
595lattice network晶格网路   
596lattice point晶格点   
597lattice search晶格搜寻   
598lattice spacing晶格间距   
599lattice structure晶格结构   
600lattice theory格子理论   
601lattice vibration晶格振动   
603launch amplifier发射放大器   
604launch angle发射角   
605launch auxiliary system 发射辅助系统   
606launch control and sequencer system 发射控制和定序器系统   
607launch data system 发射资料系统   
608launch enable logic unit 发射赋能逻辑单元   
609launch operations control center发射操作控制中心   
610launch procedure document 发射程序文件   
611launch processing system 发射处理系统   
612launch support database 发射支援资料库   
613launch systems data 发射系统数据   
614launch vehicle data center 发射载具资料中心   
615launch vehicle digital computer 发射载具数位计算机   
616launch vehicle flight control 发射载具飞行控制   
617launch vehicle flight system 发射载具飞行系统   
618launch zone display 发射区显示器   
619launcher assignment console 发射器分配控制台   
622law enforcement执法   
623law enforcement access area 执法访问区   
624law enforcement information network 执法资讯网路   
625law enforcement teletype system 执法电传打字系统   
626law of large number大数定律   
627laws for construction of programs 程式构造定律   
628lay down安装   
629lay in导入   
630layer层 层   
631layer detection 分层检测   
632layer growth rate膜生长速率   
633layer insulation层间绝缘   
634layer level层等级   
635layer management层管理   
636layer primitive equation 层原始方程式   
637layer protocol层协定   
638layer short层间短路   
639layer to layer adhesion层间粘附   
640layer to layer signal transfer层间信号转移   
641layered architecture computer communication system分层式架构计算机通信系统   
642layered distributed operating system分层分散式操作系统   
643layered domain class 分层式领域类别   
644layered file system分层式档案系统   
645layered machine分层式机器   
646layered operating system分层式操作系统   
647layered protocol分层式协定   
648layered structure分层式结构   
649layered system分层式系统   
650layering分层 分层   
652laying apparatus布置仪器   
653laying effect布置效应   
654layout布局;布置;列印格式 布局   
655layout character布置字元 布局字符  
656layout check subsystem布局检查子系统   
657layout constant布置常数   
658layout data布局数据   
659layout definition布局定义   
660layout design布局设计   
661layout ground rule 布局接地规则   
662layout object布局物件 布局对象  
663layout procedure布局程序   
664layout rule 布局规则   
665layout structure布局结构   
666layout-error exception布置错误异常   
667lazy evaluation迟缓评估   
668LB 逻辑库   
670LCA 低成本自动化   
671LCD 液晶显示   
672LDAP 简便的目录访问协议   
673LDL 接口描述语言   
674lead attribute主属性   
675lead byte前置位元组   
676lead byte table前置位元组表   
677lead compensation 超前补偿   
678lead computer operator引导计算机操作员   
679lead fatigue test引线疲劳测试   
680lead frame引线框架   
681lead in引入   
682lead in pages引入页   
683lead lag network提前延迟网路   
684lead out引出   
685lead pattern引线图型   
686lead programmer 引线程式设计师   
687lead time前置时间   
688lead time adjustment前置时间调整   
689lead time code前置时间码   
690lead time control前置时间控制   
691lead time manufacturing制造前置时间   
692lead time purchase采购前置时间   
693lead time scheduling排程前置时间   
694lead wire引线   
695leader引导 (磁带)引导段  
696leader blanks引导空白   
697leader card引导卡   
698leader follower replication 主从复制   
699leader record引导记录;首录   
700leader tape引导带   
702leading byte前导位元组   
703leading character前导字元   
704leading control前导控制   
705leading decision前导决策   
706leading decision loop前导决策回路   
707leading diagonal主对角线   
708leading edge前缘 前沿   
709leading edge of tape磁带前缘   
710leading end前端   
711leading flag引导旗标   
712leading graphics前导图形   
713leading minor前导子式   
714leading principal minor前导主子式   
715leading space前导间隔   
716leading time前导时间   
717leading zero前导零   
718leading zero fill前导零填充   
719leading zero protection前导零位保护   
720leading zero suppress前导零抑制   
721leading-out terminal输出端子   
722leadless chip carrier 无引线芯片载体   
724leaf node叶节点   
725leaf recoed type叶记录型式   
726leak 漏   
727leakage 漏   
728leakage loss 漏损耗   
729leakage magnetic flux漏磁通量   
730leapfrog test跳位测试 跳步测试   
734learning agent 学习主体   
735learning algorithm学习演算法   
736learning and adaptive system学习与适应系统   
737learning automation学习自动化   
738learning automaton 学习自动机   
739learning by analogy类比学习   
740learning by being told讲授学习 讲授学习   
741learning by discovery发现学习   
742learning by doing 实践学习   
743learning by example实例学习   
744learning by experimentation实验式学习 实验学习   
745learning by independent exploration独立探索式   
746learning by observation 观察学习   
747learning control学习控制   
748learning control system学习控制系统   
749learning curve学习曲线 学习曲线   
750learning environment学习环境   
751learning from example从实例学习 实例学习   
752learning from instruction从教育中学习 示教学习   
753learning from observation从观察中学习   
754learning from solution path 求解路径学习   
755learning from solution paths从解题路径中学习   
756learning function 学习功能   
757learning machine学习机   
758learning matrix学习矩阵   
759learning method学习方法   
760learning mode 学习模式   
761learning outcomes学习效果   
762learning paradigm 学习风范   
763learning phase学习阶段   
764learning process学习过程   
765learning program学习程式 学习程序   
766learning resources exchange program 学习资源交换程式   
767learning sequence学习顺序   
768learning simple conception学习简单概念 学习简单概念   
769learning software学习软体   
770learning strategy 学习策略   
771learning structural description学习结构描述   
772learning system学习系统   
773learning system definition学习系统定义   
774learning table学习表   
775learning theory 学习理论   
776learning without teacher无教师式学习   
777leartext 明文   
779lease back回租   
780lease base machine inventory 租赁机器库存   
781lease rental agreement 租赁协定   
782leased channel 租用通道   
783leased circuit租用电路   
784leased circuit connection租用电路连接   
785leased circuit data transmission service租用电路资料传输服务   
786leased circuit service租用电路服务   
787leased facility租用设施   
788leased group link租用群链接   
789leased line 租用线路   
790leased line adapter 租用线路转接器   
791leased line availabilities租用线可用性   
792leased line data transmission service租用线路资料传输服务系统   
793leased line network租用网路   
794leased line telephone network租用线电话网路   
795leased line 租用线;租用专线   
796leased network service租用网路服务   
797leased private channel租用专用通道   
798leased satellite租用卫星   
799leased telegraph circuit 租用电报电路   
800least command increment最少命令增量   
801least commitment最低承诺   
802least commitment principle最少承诺原则   
803least common denominator 最小公分母   
804least common multiple 最小公倍数   
805least cost estimating and scheduling system 最低成本估计与排程系统   
806least cost network design最低成本网路设计   
807least cost path最低成本路径   
808least cost routing 最低成本选路   
809least digit significant最低效数位   
810least element最小元素   
811least error energy最小误差能量   
812least fixed point最小定点   
813least frequently used algorithm罕用演算法   
814least frequently used memory罕用记忆体   
815least frequently used 罕用;最不常用   
816least input increment最小输入增量   
817least mean-square error 最小均方差   
818least mean-square estimate最小均方估计   
819least mean-square optimization最小均方最佳化   
820least member最小成员   
821least privilege最少特权   
822least recently used 最近最少使用   
823least recently used algorithm最近最少使用演算法   
824least recently used memory 最近最少使用记忆体   
825least recently used replacement algorithm最近最少使用的替换演算法 最近最少使用替换算法   
826least recently used stack distance最近最少使用的堆叠距离   
827least recently used 最近最少使用   
828least significant bit 最低有效位元   
829least significant byte最低有效位元组   
830least significant character 最低有效字元   
831least significant difference 最低有效差别   
832least significant digit or character最低有效数位或字元   
833least significant digit 最低有效数位   
834least significant end最低有效端   
835least significant unit 最低有效单元   
836least significant 最低有效   
837least square最小平方   
838least square approximation最小平方近似 最小平方逼近   
839least square curve fitting最小平方曲线配适   
840least square filter restoration最小平方滤波复原   
841least square fit 最小平方配适   
842least square linear regression最小平方线性回归   
843least square method 最小平方法   
844least square multiple regression最小平方多重回归   
845least square regression最小平方回归   
846least square straight line fit最小平方直线配适   
847least squared criterion最小平方准则   
848least squared error fitting最低方根误差配适   
849least time principle最小时间原理   
850least upper bound 最低上界   
851Lebesgue measure勒贝格测度   
853LED assembly发光二极体装配件   
854LED display 发光二极管显示   
855LED printer 发光二极管印刷机   
856ledger controller connector 分类帐控制连接器   
857Lee's algorithm李氏算法   
859left adjust左调整   
860left aligned向左对齐   
861left alignment向左对齐   
862left arithmetic element 左算术元件   
863left associative左结合   
864left associative operator左结合运算子   
865left bounded context 左界上下文   
866left bracket左括号   
867left bracketed representation左括号表示法   
868left component左边组件   
869left context左上下文   
870left context sensitive language左上下文相关语言   
871left corner bottom-up左角由下而上   
872left curly bracket左大括号   
873left derivative左导数   
874left end marker左端标志   
875left end of tape 带子左端   
876left entry左入口   
877left factoring左因子   
878left half pointer左半指标   
879left half word 左半字   
880left hand左侧;左边;左手   
881left hand adder左侧加法器   
882left hand bracket左括号   
883left hand chain 左侧    
884left hand component左边组件   
885left hand digit左侧数位   
886left hand end左端   
887left hand margin indent左边际内缩   
888left hand margin stop左边际停止   
889left hand rule 左手规则   
890left hand side back link左边回链   
891left hand side production左边生成   
892left hand side 左边   
893left hand subtree左边子树   
894left hand variable左边变数   
895left hand word 左侧字   
896left hand/right hand 左边/右边   
897left handed coordinate system左手坐标系统   
898left handed multiplication左边乘法   
899left handed system左手系统   
900left handed 左边   
901left inverse左逆   
902left justification左对齐   
903left justified向左对齐   
904left justified character左靠齐字元   
905left justified clause左靠齐子句   
906left justify左对齐;左靠齐   
907left leaf左叶   
908left linear form production左线性表格产生   
909left linear grammar左线性文法   
910left list layout左列表布置   
911left margin左边际   
912left margin detect左边际检测   
913left offspring左後代   
914left out of order 左无序   
915left over剩馀   
916left parenthesis左括号   
917left part左部   
918left part list左部串列   
919left part nonterminal左部非终结符   
920left part terminal左部终结符   
921left profile左剖面   
922left recursion左递回   
923left recursion production左递回生产   
924left recursive definition左递回定义   
925left recursive form左递回形式   
926left recursive grammar左递回文法   
927left recursive nonterminal左递回非终结符   
928left recursive rule左递回规则   
929left recursive way左递回方式   
930left separate numeric string左分离数字串   
931left separate sign左分离符   
932left shift左移位   
933left sibling左同辈份;节点   
934left side 左边   
935left sided system左侧系统   
936left store 左储存器   
937left subtree左子树   
938left to right parser左到右剖析器   
939left to right scan自左至右扫瞄   
940left to right 左到右   
941left truncation左截断   
942left upper extremity 左上极限   
943left zero 左零   
944left-linear grammar 左线性文法   
945left-matching 左匹配   
946leftmost bit 最左位元   
947leftmost cell最左细胞   
948leftmost character最左字元   
949leftmost complete branch最左完全分支   
950leftmost derivation最左导出 最左派生   
951leftmost derivation sequence最左导出序列   
952leftmost interpretation最左解译   
953leftmost nonterminal最左非终结符   
954leftmost prime phrase最左主片语   
955leftmost sequence最左序列   
956leftmost simple phrase最左简单片语   
957leftmost string最左字串   
958leftmost symbol最左符号   
959leftmost tally mark最左结算标示   
960leftmost terminal set最左终端装置   
961leftmost tree最左树   
962leftmost unchecked symbol最左未检查符号   
963leftmost uncovered symbol最左未涵盖符号   
964left-right bounded context 左右限本文   
965left-right indicator 左右指示器   
966left-right parsing左右剖析   
970legal assembler argument合法组合程式引数   
971legal information through electronics通过电子学的合法资讯   
972legal literal configuration合法文字组态   
973legal move合法移动   
974legal program合法程式   
975legal protection合法保护   
976legal protection of computer software计算机软体的合法保护 计算机软件的法律保护   
977legal retrieval合法检索   
978legal sentence合法句子   
979legal sentential form合法句型   
980legal string合法串   
982legend box注盒   
983legend justification注对齐   
984legend text注本文   
985legend window注视窗   
986legibility 清晰性   
987legislative information and status system 立法资讯和状态系统   
990length attribute长度属性   
991length between perpendiculars 垂直线间长度   
992length biased sampling长度偏差抽样   
993length check长度检查   
994length discrimination长度 别   
995length discriminator长度 别器   
996length indicator 长度指示器   
997length modifier长度修饰器   
998length modulation长度调变   
999length of adjacency process 相邻过程长度   
1000length of column行长度   
1001length of perpendiculars 垂直长度   
1002length overall总长度   
1003length per transfer unit 每传送单位长度   
1004length register长度暂存器   
1005length selection长度选择   
1006length specification长度规格   
1007lengthen label加长标号   
1008lengthen symbol加长符号   
1009length-pulse modulation脉冲长度调变   
1011lens system透镜系统   
1012less than condition小於条件   
1013less than or equal 小於或等於   
1014less than 小於   
1015lesson assembly program 课程组合计划   
1016lesson authoring system课程制作   
1017letter字母 字母  
1018letter case字母情况   
1019letter character字母字元   
1020letter code字母码   
1021letter contract 书面合约   
1022letter descriptor字母描述符   
1023letter hash字母散列   
1024letter indicator字母指示器   
1025letter key字母键   
1026letter of credit 信用状   
1027letter oriented algorithm以字母为导向的演算法   
1028letter quality 铅字质量   
1029letter quality output信件品质输出   
1030letter quality printer信件品质列印机   
1031letter quality 信件品质(指输出字元符合信件的品质) 印刷体质量  
1032letter row字母列   
1033letter set凸版字印机   
1034letter shift signal字母移位信号   
1035letter shift 字母移位   
1036letter signal字母信号   
1037letter spacing字母间格   
1038letter string字母串   
1039letter symbol字母符号   
1040letter type code字型码   
1044level alignment位准调正   
1045level based system分层系统   
1046level capacity层次容量   
1047level checking位准核对   
1048level code位准码   
1049level coding位准编码   
1050level compensator位准补偿器   
1051level control table 位准控制表   
1052level control 位准控制   
1053level diagram位准图   
1054level displacement位准位移   
1055level enable flipflop位准启动正反器   
1056level enable signal位准启动信号   
1057level fluctuation位准波动   
1058level indicator位准指示器   
1059level number阶号;层次数   
1060level of abstraction 抽象层次   
1061level of addressing定址位准   
1062level of automation自动化层次   
1063level of detail 细节层次   
1064level of documentation 文档等级   
1065level of emphasis增强等级   
1066level of net 网层次   
1067level one variable一级变数   
1068level operation位准操作   
1069level overload层次超载   
1070level point位准点   
1071level recorder位准记录器   
1072level saturation method阶饱和法   
1073level sensitive scan design 电平敏感扫描设计   
1074level shift amplifier 位准移位放大器   
1075level shift diode位准移位二极体   
1076level surface水平面   
1077level switch 物位开关   
1078level system位准系统   
1079level table 位准表   
1080level tree位准树   
1081level trigger 位准触发器   
1082level variation位准变动   
1083level work area 级工作区   
1085leveling zone调平区域   
1087LEX Lex语言   
1088lexeme词素 词素   
1089lexemic stratum词素层   
1091lexical ambiguity词歧义   
1092lexical analysis词法分析 词汇分析   
1093lexical analysis phase词法分析阶段   
1094lexical analyzer词法分析器 词法分析器   
1095lexical association词汇结合   
1096lexical attachment词汇附件   
1097lexical base词汇库   
1098lexical box词汇盒   
1099lexical category词 畴   
1100lexical contamination词污染   
1101lexical conversion词法转换   
1102lexical entry词分录   
1103lexical environment词汇环境   
1104lexical feature词汇特徵   
1105lexical form词汇形式   
1106lexical free variables词法自由变数   
1107lexical function词法功能   
1108lexical functional grammar 词汇功能语法   
1109lexical hierarchy词阶层   
1110lexical information database词汇资讯资料库 词语信息[数据]库   
1111lexical insertion词汇插入   
1112lexical item词项   
1113lexical level词等级   
1114lexical matrix词汇矩阵   
1115lexical meaning词汇意义   
1116lexical node词汇节点   
1117lexical order vector词次序向量   
1118lexical preference词汇优选   
1119lexical processor词汇处理器   
1120lexical reading词法读入   
1121lexical redundancy rule词汇冗馀规则   
1122lexical representation词汇表示法   
1123lexical routine词常式   
1124lexical scan词法扫瞄   
1125lexical scan means词汇扫瞄法   
1126lexical scoping词 畴   
1127lexical semantics 词汇语义学   
1128lexical substitution词替代   
1129lexical symbol词法符号   
1130lexical token词符记   
1131lexical transformation词变换   
1132lexical unit词法单元   
1133lexical word词字   
1134lexical writing词汇写出   
1136lexicality hypothesis词汇编纂假说   
1138lexicographic algorithm词典演算法   
1139lexicographic evaluation function词典评估函数   
1140lexicographic order词典编纂顺序   
1141lexicographic product词典产品   
1142lexicographic scan词典扫瞄   
1143lexicographic tree词典树   
1145lexicographical order词典编纂次序   
1146lexicography词典学 词典学   
1147lexicography information services 词典资讯服务   
1148lexicology词汇学 词汇学   
1150lexicon grammar 词汇语法   
1151lexicon statistics辞汇统计学   
1154lexonic alternation pattern词子交替型样   
1157liaison circuit联络电路   
1158librarian程式馆管理器 资料员   
1159librarian program图书馆管理程式   
1160library程式馆 库   
1161library addition and maintenance program 程式馆增补及维护程式   
1162library administration and management association 图书馆管理协会   
1163library administration division 图书馆管理部   
1164library allocation程式馆分配   
1165library allocator程式馆分配器   
1166library and information science 图书馆与资讯科学   
1167library association of Alberta 阿尔伯塔图书馆协会   
1168library association of Australia 澳大利亚图书馆协会   
1169library automated service system 图书馆自动化服务系统   
1170library automated systems information exchange 图书馆自动化系统资讯交换   
1171library automation图书馆自动化   
1172library automation research communication 图书馆自动化研究通讯   
1173library automation system图书馆自动化系统   
1174library backup程式馆备份   
1175library block程式馆段   
1176library buffer size程式馆缓冲大小   
1177library call程式馆呼叫   
1178library catalog程式馆目录   
1179library character set程式馆字元集   
1180library circulation system程式馆循环系统;图书馆循环系统   
1181library control language 程式馆控制语言   
1182library control program程式馆控制程式   
1183library control sector程式馆控制扇区   
1184library data processing图书馆资料处理   
1185library database图书馆资料库   
1186library directory图书馆目录   
1187library editor 程式馆编辑器   
1188library entry程式馆分录   
1189library facilities程式馆设施;图书馆设施   
1190library file程式馆档案   
1191library file editor程式馆档案编辑器   
1192library format程式馆格式   
1193library formatted disk file程式馆格式化磁碟档案   
1194library function程式馆函数   
1195library function routine程式馆函数常式   
1196library information retrieval system 图书馆资讯检索系统   
1197library information system analysis 图书馆资讯系统分析   
1198library information system 图书馆资讯系统   
1199library instruction round table 程式馆指令舍入表   
1200library learning resource center 图书馆学习资源中心   
1201library level程式馆层次   
1202library link程式馆链接   
1203library list程式馆串列   
1204library macrodefinition程式馆巨集定义   
1205library material 程式馆材料   
1206library member程式馆项   
1207library member subtype程式馆项子型   
1208library migration table程式馆迁移表   
1209library module程式馆模组   
1210library name程式馆名   
1211library network图书馆网路   
1212library object程式馆目标   
1213library of congress computer catalog 国会图书馆计算机目录   
1214library of congress 国会图书馆   
1215library of data资料馆   
1216library of lessons课程程式馆   
1217library of synthesis job合成工件程式馆   
1218library package程式馆套装软体   
1219library parameter程式馆参数   
1220library partition程式馆分区   
1221library postlude程式馆尾部   
1222library prelude程式馆序部   
1223library program程式馆程式;馆程式   
1224library routine程式馆常式   
1225library science图书馆科学   
1226library scope operation control system 图书馆显示器操控制系统   
1227library searching程式馆搜寻;图书馆搜寻   
1228library services 程式馆服务;图书馆服务   
1229library subroutine程式馆次常式   
1230library support程式馆支援   
1231library system程式馆系统   
1232library tape程式馆带   
1233library terminal图书馆终端机   
1234library text程式馆正文   
1235library track程式馆轨;程式馆轨迹   
1236library unit程式馆单元   
1237library work area程式馆工作区   
1239license agreement许可证协定   
1240licensed application on program程式的特许应用   
1241licensed documentation特许文件   
1242licensed material特许材料   
1243licensed optional material特许任选材料   
1244licensed program特许程式   
1245licensed publication特许出版品   
1247life curve生命曲线   
1248life cycle生命周期 生存周期   
1249life cycle computer program management plan 生命周期计算机程式管理计画   
1250life cycle costs 生命周期成本   
1251life cycle phase生命周期阶段   
1252life cycle plan生命周期计画   
1253life cycle position生命周期地位   
1254life cycle profile生命周期设定档   
1255life cycle profile code生命周期设定档码   
1256life end point生命结束点   
1257life test寿命试验   
1258life type software生命型软体   
1259life-cycle model 生存周期模型   
1261lifetime curve寿命曲线   
1262lifetime function寿命函数   
1263lifetime of a locality局部生存期   
1264LIFO 后进先出   
1265LIFO list後进先出串列   
1266LIFO/FIFO inventory valuation report後进先出/先进先出库存评价报告   
1267LIFO/FIFO number後进先出/先进先出号码   
1268LIFO/FIFO quantity後进先出/先进先出数量   
1269LIFO/FIFO transaction purge and list後进先出/先进先出异动清除和列表   
1270LIFO/FIFO transaction reconciliation後进先出/先进先出异动调解   
1271LIFO/FIFO valuation report後进先出/先进先出估价报告   
1272LIFO/FOFO amount後进先出/先进先出金额   
1273lift set升集合   
1277light accessible transistor matrix 光存取电晶体矩阵   
1278light activated element光启动元件   
1279light activated switch 光启动开关   
1280light amplifier光放大器   
1281light beam deflector光束偏转器   
1282light button光钮;光按钮 光钮   
1283light characteristic光特性   
1284light check灯光检查   
1285light communication system光通信系统   
1286light conduct光导管   
1287light control光控制   
1288light coupled device 光耦合装置   
1289light coupled semiconductor switch光耦合半导体开关   
1290light detector光检测器   
1291light emitting diode array发光二极体阵列   
1292light emitting diode coupler发光二极体耦合器   
1293light emitting diode display发光二极体显示器 发光二极管显示   
1294light emitting diode 发光二极体   
1295light energy 光能   
1296light flux光通量   
1297light flux meter光通量计   
1298light flux sensitivity光通量灵敏度   
1299light guide光导引   
1300light gun光枪   
1301light hole光孔;轻电洞   
1302light hour轻负荷小时   
1303light intensity光强度 光强   
1304light interface technology system 光介面技术系统   
1305light interface technology 光介面技术   
1306light loaded network轻负载网路   
1307light mask光遮罩   
1308light microsecond光微秒   
1309light modulator光调变器   
1310light operated typewriter 光操作打字机   
1311light pen 光笔   
1312light pen attention光笔注意讯号   
1313light pen attribute光笔属性   
1314light pen control system 光笔控制系统   
1315light pen detection光笔侦查;光笔检测   
1316light pen display光笔显示   
1317light pen feature光笔特徵   
1318light pen hit光笔击中;光笔命中   
1319light pen strike光笔触击   
1320light pen tracking光笔追踪   
1321light pen 光笔   
1322light pipe光导管   
1323light quantity光通量   
1324light quantum光量子   
1325light ray光射线   
1326light region亮区   
1327light repeating ship光中继站   
1328light request光请求   
1329light section inspection光区段检验   
1330light sensitive光敏   
1331light sensitive diode光敏二极体   
1332light sensitive layer光敏层   
1333light sensitive relay光敏继电器   
1334light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻器   
1335light sensitive tube 光敏管   
1336light sensor光感测器   
1337light source光源   
1338light spectrum光谱   
1339light stability光稳定度   
1340light storage device光储存装置   
1341light stylus光笔   
1342light tapping storage 光分接储存器   
1343light to microwave conversion 光至微波转换   
1344light traffic低流量   
1345light traffic link低流量链结   
1346light traffic period低流量期   
1347light transmission光传输   
1348light valve光阀   
1349light valve array光阀阵列   
1351lightwave communication光波通信   
1352lightweight DAP 简便的目录访问协议   
1353lightweight interrogator/transponder system 轻型询问应答系统   
1354lightweight typewriter轻型打字机   
1356like attribute类似属性   
1357like combinations类似组合   
1358like parity类似奇偶   
1359like value类值   
1361likelihood criterion似然准则   
1362likelihood equation 似然方程   
1363likelihood function似然函数   
1364likelihood method似然法   
1365likelihood ratio 似然比   
1366likelihood ratio test似然比测试   
1368limit address极限位址   
1369limit address register 极限位址暂存器   
1370limit check极限核对   
1371limit count极限计数   
1372limit cycle极限周期   
1373limit file极限档案   
1374limit flow graph极限流图   
1375limit in mean平均极限   
1376limit of computational model计算模型极限   
1377limit of stack register 堆叠暂存器极限   
1378limit path极限路径   
1379limit point极限点   
1380limit priority极限优先权 极限优先级   
1381limit register 极限暂存器   
1382limit selection极限选择   
1383limit set极限集   
1384limit switch 极限开关   
1385limit theorem极限定理   
1386limit value 极限值   
1389limited access 受限访问   
1390limited access data有限存取数据   
1391limited ASCII有限ASCII码   
1392limited availability有限可用性   
1393limited broadcast有限广播   
1394limited channel logout 有限通道登出   
1395limited current circuit限流电路   
1396limited degree of freedom robot有限自由度机器人   
1397limited distance adapter有限距离配接器   
1398limited distance modem有限距离数据机   
1399limited distribution有限分配   
1400limited entry decision table 有限项决策表   
1401limited exclusion area 受限禁区   
1402limited fanout free 有限自由扇出   
1403limited generic formal part有限同属形式部分   
1404limited identification zone 有限识别区域   
1405limited information estimation 有限资讯估计   
1406limited infrared detector有限红外线检测器   
1407limited operation有限操作   
1408limited optimization有限最佳化   
1409limited page allocation有限页面分配   
1410limited private type有限专用型式   
1411limited protection有限保护   
1412limited protection voice equipment有限保护语音设备   
1413limited purpose computer专用计算机   
1414limited recursion有限递回   
1415limited remote communication outlets 有限远程通信中点站   
1416limited round-robin scheduling 有限轮转法调度   
1417limited scanning有限扫瞄   
1418limited state model有限状态模   
1419limited value有限值   
1420limited vocabulary comparison有限词汇比较   
1421limited word index有限字单词   
1423limiter circuit限制器电路   
1424limiter diode限制器二极体   
1425limiter in analog computing限制器(在类比计算中)   
1427limiting circuit限制电路   
1428limiting control定限控制   
1429limiting error限制误差   
1430limiting function限制函数   
1431limiting quality限制品质   
1432limiting resolution限制分解   
1433limiting resolution angle限制分解角   
1435linage counter行计数器   
1436Lindenmayer system林氏系统   
1437line列;线路 行   
1438line access point线路存取点   
1439line access unit 线路存取单元   
1440line adapter circuit线路配接电路   
1441line adapter unit 线路配接器单元   
1442line adapter 线路配接器   
1443line address行位址   
1444line address counter 行位址计数器   
1445line advance换行   
1446line amplifier 线路放大器   
1447line art简图   
1448line attenuation 线衰减   
1449line average edge行平均边线   
1450line balance线平衡   
1451line balancing线路平衡   
1452line bias线路偏压   
1453line blanking interval列间间隔   
1454line block线块   
1455line break signal断路信号   
1456line buffer 列缓冲器   
1457line build-out network线路补偿网路   
1458line busy tone线路忙音   
1459line by line assembler逐行组合程式   
1460line by line scan逐行扫瞄   
1461line call sign 线路呼叫记号   
1462line call up 线路呼叫   
1463line capacity线路容量   
1464line character行字元   
1465line charge model线电荷模型   
1466line chromatic number线色号   
1467line circuit 用户线电路   
1468line clipping 线[段]裁剪   
1469line clipping algorithm线截割演算法   
1470line code行码   
1471line coding行编码   
1472line colouring线着色   
1473line command列命令   
1474line communications有线通信   
1475line computation列计算   
1476line concentrating unit线路集中单元   
1477line concentration线路集中   
1478line concentrator module 集线器模组   
1479line concentrator 集线器   
1480line condition线路条件   
1481line conditioning线路调节   
1482line connection equipment线路连接设备   
1483line connectivity线连接度   
1484line connector 接线器   
1485line contact bank接线排   
1486line control adapter 线路控制配接器   
1487line control block 线路控制块   
1488line control characters线路控制字元   
1489line control computer线路控制计算机   
1490line control discipline线路控制规则   
1491line control module 线路控制模组   
1492line control procedure线路控制程序   
1493line control routine线路控制常式   
1494line control unit线路控制装置   
1495line control 线路控制   
1496line control/task control 线路控制/任务控制   
1497line coordination线路协调   
1498line counter列计数器   
1499line coupler线路耦合器   
1500line coupling线路耦合   
1501line covering线覆盖   
1502line covering number线覆盖数   
1503line critical graph线临界图   
1504line data列式数据   
1505line data set列式资料集   
1506line decoder列解码器   
1507line definition列定义   
1508line delay线延迟   
1509line delete command列删除命令   
1510line delete symbol列删除符号   
1511line deletion character列删除字元   
1512line density列密度 线密度   
1513line descriptor列描述符   
1514line detection 线条检测   
1515line determination线确定   
1516line device线路装置   
1517line digraph线有向图   
1518line discipline线路规则   
1519line disconnection线路拆接   
1520line disjoint path线不相交路径   
1521line display generator线显示产生器   
1522line display range列显示 围   
1523line distortion线路失真 [传输]线畸变   
1524line down线路故障   
1525line drawing绘线   
1526line drawing algorithms绘线演算法   
1527line drawing display绘线显示   
1528line drive signal线路驱动信号   
1529line driver线路驱动器;线驱动器   
1530line drop线路压降   
1531line dropout线路脱落   
1532line editing列编辑   
1533line editor 列编辑器 行编辑程序  
1534line end adjustment列尾调整   
1535line end control key列尾控制键   
1536line end lock列尾锁定   
1537line end symbol key列尾符号键   
1538line ending zone列尾区   
1539line engraving列雕刻   
1540line entry线路入口   
1541line equalization线路均衡   
1542line equalizer线路均衡器   
1543line equipment线路设备   
1544line equipment number 线路设备数目   
1545line error线路误差   
1546line escapement跳行   
1547line exchanger 线路交换器   
1548line expansion function 行扩展功能   
1549line extender线路延伸器   
1550line feed 换行   
1551line feed character 馈行字元;换行字元   
1552line feed code馈行码   
1553line filter balance线路滤波器平衡   
1554line finder 列寻检器   
1555line fitting线性配适   
1556line flow assembly order 线流组合命令   
1557line flyback列返驰   
1558line folding列折叠   
1559line following system线跟踪系统   
1560line format item列格式项   
1561line format page列格式页   
1562line format print data set列格式列印资料集   
1563line frequency列扫瞄频率 行频   
1564line function列功能   
1565line gate number 线路闸号   
1566line generation列产生   
1567line generator number 列产生器号码   
1568line generator 列产生器   
1569line graphics线图形   
1570line group线群   
1571line grouping线分组   
1572line handling overhead线路处置负担   
1573line hits传输线瞬断   
1574line holding线保持   
1575line identification线路识别   
1576line identification facility线路识别设施   
1577line identification request indicator线路识别请求指示器   
1578line identify线路识别   
1579line idle线路 置   
1580line image列影像   
1581line impedance线路阻抗   
1582line increment列增量   
1583line index列索引   
1584line indicator列指示符   
1585line insert command列插入命令   
1586line integrated circuit 线性积体电路   
1587line interface bank线路介面库   
1588line interface base 线路介面基底   
1589line interface coupler 线路介面耦合器   
1590line interface feature 线路介面特徵   
1591line interface handler 线路介面处置器   
1592line interface hardware线路介面硬体   
1593line interface module 线路介面模组   
1594line interface unit 线路介面单元   
1595line interface 线路介面   
1596line inversion线反逆   
1597line item列项目   
1598line item extension行项延伸   
1599line iteration线叠代   
1600line junctor switch grid 线路连接器开关栅   
1601line justification列对齐 线确认   
1602line key列键   
1603line label列标号   
1604line length列长   
1605line length estimate线长估算   
1606line level线路位准   
1607line link control station线链接控制站   
1608line link network 线路链接网路   
1609line list 线表   
1610line load线路负载   
1611line load control线路负载控制   
1612line load control designation线负载控制指定   
1613line loading线路负载   
1614line lock线路锁定   
1615line log amplifier线性对数放大器   
1616line loop线回路   
1617line loop resistance线回路电阻   
1618line loss线路损失   
1619line marker列标志   
1620line misregistration列偏移   
1621line mode列模式   
1622line mode switching线路模式交换   
1623line monitor unit 线路监视器装置   
1624line monitoring equipment线路监视设备   
1625line noise线路杂讯 线路噪声   
1626line number列号   
1627line number access列号存取   
1628line number clause列号子句   
1629line number editing列号编辑   
1630line number field列号栏   
1631line number listing列号列表   
1632line number operator列号运算子   
1633line number table 列号表   
1634line numbered data set列编号资料集   
1635line numbered file列号档   
1636line of balance 平衡线   
1637line of communication 通信线路   
1638line of sight 视线   
1639line option列任选   
1640line organization系列组织   
1641line oriented macro scheme列导向的巨集方案   
1642line original线型原版   
1643line out of service线路停用   
1644line out of service signal线路停用信号   
1645line overhead线路额外负担   
1646line overrelaxation列超松弛   
1647line overrun线路超出   
1648line parameters列参数   
1649line per inch每英 列   
1650line period线路周期   
1651line plot线绘图   
1652line pointer列指标   
1653line print 行列印   
1654line printer 行式打印机   
1655line printer command列式列印机命令   
1656line printer control unit 列式列印机控制装置   
1657line printer control 列式列印机控制   
1658line printer controller列式列印机控制器   
1659line printer equipment 列印机设备   
1660line printer simulator 列式列印机模拟器   
1661line printer 列印机 打印机  
1662line printing行列印   
1663line procedure specification列程序规格   
1664line processing unit 线路处理单元   
1665line program列程式   
1666line program impulse 列程式脉冲   
1667line program selector 列程式选择器   
1668line protocol handler线路协定处置器   
1669line protocol 线路协定   
1670line rate列速率   
1671line receiver 线路接收器   
1672line reconstruction列重建   
1673line recovery线路恢复   
1674line reflection线路反射   
1675line regular graph线正规图   
1676line relaxation列松弛   
1677line relaxation method列松弛法   
1678line relay 线路继电器   
1679line repair线路修复   
1680line replace command换行命令   
1681line residual equalizer线路残馀均衡器   
1682line resistance 线电阻   
1683line response mode线路回应模式   
1684line retrieval 线检索   
1685line retry parameter线路再试参数   
1686line rooted graph有根线路图   
1687line route map线路图   
1688line routing algorithm线选路演算法   
1689line ruler列标尺   
1690line scan recorder列扫瞄记录器   
1691line scan tube 列扫瞄管   
1692line scanning列扫瞄 行扫描   
1693line scheduling线排程   
1694line search method线搜寻法   
1695line section线区段   
1696line security线路安全   
1697line segregation线路隔离   
1698line seizure线路占用   
1699line select module 线选择模组   
1700line selection unit 线路选择单元   
1701line sensing amplifier 列感测放大器   
1702line separating filter线路分离滤波器   
1703line set线集   
1704line sharing adapter 线路分享配接器   
1705line sharing device 线路分享装置   
1706line sharing unit 线路分享单元   
1707line side端点联接线路;线边   
1708line signal code线路信号码   
1709line signal detector 线路信号检测器   
1710line signal element线路信号元件   
1711line signal sender connector 线路信号发送连接器   
1712line signaling线路发信   
1713line simulator线路模拟器   
1714line size command列大小命令   
1715line size option列大小任选项   
1716line skew列偏斜 行位偏斜   
1717line slope线斜率   
1718line smoothing线平滑化   
1719line space列间距 行间距  
1720line space mechanism列间距机构   
1721line space selector列间距选择器   
1722line spacing列间距 行间距  
1723line speed线速率   
1724line spread function线展开函数   
1725line state method线状态法   
1726line state variable线状态变数   
1727line status线路状态   
1728line status table 线路状态表   
1729line status word 线路状态字   
1730line stochastic system线随机系统   
1731line store converter列储存转换器   
1732line stretcher线伸展器   
1733line stretcher线扩充器   
1734line structure language列结构语言   
1735line style线式样;线型 线型   
1736line supervisory count program 线路监督计数程式   
1737line support processor system线路支援处理机系统   
1738line sweep列拂掠   
1739line switch grid 线路开关栅   
1740line switch network线路交换网路   
1741line switching线路交换   
1742line switching concentrator线路交换集中器   
1743line switching controller线路交换控制器   
1744line switching power supplies线路交换电源供应器   
1745line switching system线路交换系统   
1746line switching technique线路交换技术   
1747line symmetric graph线对称图   
1748line sync pulse列同步脉冲   
1749line synchronizing pulse 列同步脉冲   
1750line telecommunication 有线电信   
1751line telegraphy 有线电报   
1752line telephone 有线电话   
1753line template线模板   
1754line terminal线路终端   
1755line terminating comment列终止注解   
1756line terminating network 线路终端网路   
1757line termination capacity线终止容量   
1758line termination controller线终止控制器   
1759line termination equipment 线终止设备   
1760line termination unit 线终止装置   
1761line terminator 线终止器   
1762line test access point线路测试存取点   
1763line test trunk 线路测试中继线   
1764line time列时间   
1765line time clock 线路定时器   
1766line trace线追踪   
1767line tracking线追踪   
1768line traffic线流量   
1769line traffic coordination线路流量协调   
1770line transfer device 线路传送装置   
1771line transient线路暂态   
1772line transient suppression 线路瞬时抑制   
1773line transition线路变迁   
1774line transmission线传输   
1775line transmitter 线路发送器   
1776line turn around线周转;传输线转回;线路换向   
1777line turn around delay线路回转延迟   
1778line type线路型式   
1779line type modulation 线型调变   
1780line unit correction列单位校正   
1781line unit 列单位   
1782line voltage regulator 线路电压调整器   
1783line width线宽度   
1784line work线路工作   
1785lineal chart直系图   
1786linear 线性   
1787linear acceleration线性加速   
1788linear accelerator 线性加速器   
1789linear actuator线性致动器   
1790linear addressing线性定址   
1791linear algebra 线性代数   
1792linear algebraic equation线性代数方程式   
1793linear algorithm线性演算法   
1794linear amplifier线性放大器   
1795linear analog control线性类比控制   
1796linear analog synchronization线性类比同步   
1797linear analogue control线性类比控制   
1798linear analysis and design线性分析与设计   
1799linear analysis and design of structures 结构的线性分析和设计   
1800linear approximation线性近似   
1801linear arrangement of a digraph有向图的线性安排   
1802linear array线性阵列   
1803linear asynchronous structure线性异步结构   
1804linear bit density线性位元密度   
1805linear block code线性块码   
1806linear Boolean recursion线性布林递回   
1807linear bounded automation 线性有界自动化   
1808linear bounded automaton 线性有界自动机   
1809linear buffer线性缓冲器   
1810linear bus线性汇流排   
1811linear characteristic线性特性   
1812linear chart线性图   
1813linear circuit线性电路   
1814linear classifier线性分类器   
1815linear code线性码   
1816linear coding线性编码   
1817linear combination线性组合   
1818linear combiner线性组合器   
1819linear computing element线性计算元件   
1820linear context free language线性上下文无关联语言   
1821linear control system线性控制系统 线性控制系统   
1822linear convolution线性卷积   
1823linear coupled system线性耦合系统   
1824linear crosstalk线性串音   
1825linear cut线性切   
1826linear damping线性阻尼   
1827linear data storage representation线性资料储存表示   
1828linear data structure线性资料结构   
1829linear decision rule线性决策规则   
1830linear deduction 线性演绎   
1831linear density线性密度   
1832linear dependence线性相关   
1833linear descriptor线性描述符   
1834linear detection线性检测 线性检测   
1835linear discrete valued system线性离散值系统   
1836linear discriminant function线性判别函数   
1837linear displacement transducer线性位移转换器 直线位移传感器   
1838linear distortion线性失真   
1839linear distribution线性分配   
1840linear econometric modeling system 线性计量经济模型化系统   
1841linear element线性元件   
1842linear encoder线性编码器   
1843linear equalizer线性均衡器   
1844linear equation solver线性方程式解答器   
1845linear estimation线性估计   
1846linear feature extraction线性特徵萃取   
1847linear feedback shift register circuit线性回馈移位暂存器电路   
1848linear feedback shift register 线性回馈移位暂存器   
1849linear filtering线性滤波   
1850linear finite automaton线性有限自动机   
1851linear flow线性流   
1852linear form线性形式   
1853linear fractional programming线性分数规划   
1854linear gate and integrator 线性闸和积分电路;线性闸与积分器   
1855linear grammar线性文法 线性文法   
1856linear graph线性图   
1857linear growth线性成长   
1858linear hash线性散列   
1859linear image sensor 线性图像传感器   
1860linear independence线性独立   
1861linear index progression线性指标级数   
1862linear inequality线性不等式   
1863linear information processing language 线性资讯处理语言   
1864linear input tape线性输入带   
1865linear integrated circuit 线性积体电路   
1866linear interpolation线性内插法   
1867linear interpolation motion 线性内插动   
1868linear language线性语言 线性语言   
1869linear left to right scan线性自左至右扫瞄   
1870linear light source 线光源   
1871linear list线性串列 线性(列)表  
1872linear machine线性机   
1873linear mapping线性对映   
1874linear matrix inequality 线性矩阵不等式   
1875linear memory线性记忆体   
1876linear minimization problem线性最小化问题   
1877linear model线性模型   
1878linear modulation 线性调变   
1879linear monolithic 线性单石   
1880linear motion actuator线性运动致动器   
1881linear motor线性马达   
1882linear multiplication order线性乘法次序   
1883linear multivariable system线性多变数系统   
1884linear nearest neighbor 线性最近相邻   
1885linear network线性网路   
1886linear objectives线性目标   
1887linear operational element线性运算元件   
1888linear operator线性运算子   
1889linear optimal stochastic system线性最佳随机系统   
1890linear optimization线性最佳化   
1891linear order线性次序   
1892linear ordered relation线性有序关系   
1893linear ordering线性定序   
1894linear organization线性组织   
1895linear parameter线性参数   
1896linear parameter estimation线性参数估计   
1897linear parametric amplifier线性参数放大器   
1898linear path system线性路径系统   
1899linear phase code modulation 线性相位代码调变   
1900linear pipeline 线性流水线   
1901linear polarization 线性极化   
1902linear positioner线性定位器   
1903linear potentiometer线性电位计   
1904linear power amplifier线性功率放大器   
1905linear power controller 线性功率控制器   
1906linear precedence function线性优先函数   
1907linear prediction线性预测   
1908linear prediction theory线性预测理论   
1909linear predictive coding 线性预测编码   
1910linear predictive encoding 线性预测编码   
1911linear probing线性探测 线性探查   
1912linear processing 线性处理   
1913linear program线性程式   
1914linear programming 线性规划   
1915linear programming file generator 线性规划档案产生器   
1916linear programming file printer 线性规划档案列印机   
1917linear programming matrix generation 线性规划矩阵产生   
1918linear programming report 线性规划报告   
1919linear programming solution 线性规划求解   
1920linear programming solving线性规划求解   
1921linear programming subroutine 线性规划次常式   
1922linear programming system 线性规划系统   
1923linear programming 线性规划   
1924linear pulse amplifier线性脉冲放大器   
1925linear quantizer 线性量化器   
1926linear query线性查询   
1927linear quotient method线性商法   
1928linear receiver线性接收机   
1929linear recording线性记录   
1930linear recording density线性记录密度   
1931linear rectifier线性整流器   
1932linear recurrence线性递回   
1933linear recurrence system线性递回系统   
1934linear regression线性回归   
1935linear rehash method线性再杂凑法   
1936linear relation线性关系   
1937linear relationship线性关系   
1938linear representation线性表示法   
1939linear residue code线性残馀码   
1940linear resistor线性电阻器   
1941linear resolution线性分解 线性归结   
1942linear scale线性标度   
1943linear scanning线性扫瞄   
1944linear search线性搜寻 线性搜索   
1945linear search technique线性搜寻技术   
1946linear select memory 线性选择记忆体   
1947linear selection线性选择法   
1948linear selection memory线性选择记忆体   
1949linear selection storage线性选择储存器   
1950linear selection switch线性选择开关   
1951linear selenium photocell 线性硒光电池   
1952linear separable function线性可分离函数   
1953linear separator线性分隔符   
1954linear sequential circuit线性顺序电路   
1955linear sequential network 线性顺序网路   
1956linear smoothing线性平滑   
1957linear smoothing algorithm线性平滑演算法   
1958linear space线性空间   
1959linear space automaton线性空间自动机   
1960linear speed-up theorem 线性加速定理   
1961linear staircase function generator线性阶梯函数产生器   
1962linear stochastic system线性随机系统   
1963linear storage hierarchy model线性储存阶层模型   
1964linear structure线性结构   
1965linear subgraph线性子图   
1966linear sweep线性拂掠   
1967linear switching circuit线性交换电路   
1968linear system线性系统 线性系统   
1969linear system additivity线性系统可加性   
1970linear system analysis 线性系统分析   
1971linear system theory线性系统理论   
1972linear threshold线性定限   
1973linear time algorithm线性时间演算法   
1974linear time base线性时基   
1975linear time invariant 线性时间不变量   
1976linear time-invariant control system 线性定常控制系统   
1977linear time-optimal system线性时间最佳系统   
1978linear time-varying control system 线性时变控制系统   
1979linear transformation线性变换   
1980linear transformer read-only memory 线性变换器唯读记忆体   
1981linear transient analysis线性瞬时分析   
1982linear transmission channel 线性传输通道   
1983linear tree线性树   
1984linear trend线性趋势   
1985linear unit线性单位   
1986linear variety线性簇   
1987linear vector equation 线性向量方程式   
1988linear vector function 线性向量函数   
1989linear velocity 线性速度   
1990linear voltage wave form线性电压波形   
1992linear-error-correcting code 线性误差校正码   
1993linear-input form strategy线性输入形式策略   
1996linearity condition线性条件   
1997linearity controls线性控制   
1998linearity curve线性曲线   
1999linearity error线性误差   
2000linearity test线性测试   
2003linearized filter线性化滤波器   
2004linearized method线性化法   
2005linearized stochastic optimal control线性化随机最佳控制   
2006linearized theory线性化理论   
2007linearly dependent coefficient线性相关系数   
2008linearly independent vector线性独立向量   
2009linearly ordered set线性有序集   
2010linearly separable function线性可分离函数   
2011linear-sequence code线性顺序码   
2012linear-to-log converter线性对数转换器   
2013line-at-a-time printer列式列印机   
2015lines per inch 行每英寸   
2016lines per minute 行每分   
2017lines per second 行每秒   
2019line-up record对齐记录   
2020line-up test对齐测试;综合测试   
2021line-use ratio线路使用比   
2022linguistic analysis语言分析   
2023linguistic approach to pattern recognition语言途径图型识别   
2024linguistic code语言码   
2025linguistic computer语言计算机   
2026linguistic control语言控制   
2027linguistic data语言资料   
2028linguistic index语言索引   
2029linguistic method语言方法   
2030linguistic model语言模型 语言学模型   
2031linguistic modifiers语言修改器   
2032linguistic notation语言记法   
2033linguistic organizer语言组织程式   
2034linguistic state variable语言状态变数   
2035linguistic support语言支援   
2036linguistic theory 语言学理论   
2037linguistic tool语言工具   
2038linguistic variables语言变数   
2040linguistics string theory 语言串理论   
2042link 链接   
2043link 连接   
2044link access attribute链接存取属性   
2045link access procedure balanced 平衡型链路接入规程   
2046link access procedure 链接存取程序   
2047link access protocol balanced 平衡链接存取协定   
2048link access protocol 链接存取协定   
2049link access protocol-D channel 链接存取协定-D通道   
2050link allotter 链接分配器   
2051link and selector language 链接与选择器语言   
2052link attached链结连接   
2053link attached network control program链结连接网路控制程式   
2054link attached station链结连接站   
2055link attached terminal链结连接终端   
2056link attribute链接属性   
2057link availability链接可用性   
2058link bit链接位元   
2059link block链接块   
2060link by-link signaling链接间发信号   
2061link checksum链接核对和   
2062link circuit 链接电路   
2063link connection链接连接   
2064link control链接控制   
2065link control block 链接控制块   
2066link control module 链接控制模组   
2067link control procedure 链接控制程序   
2068link control procedures 链路控制规程   
2069link control program 链接控制程式   
2070link control protocol链接控制协定   
2071link controller connector 链接控制连接器   
2072link controller 链接控制器   
2073link coordinate链接座标   
2074link cryptographic equipment链接密码设备   
2075link definition链接定义   
2076link downward向下链接   
2077link edit链接编辑   
2078link editor链接编辑器   
2079link encryption链接加密 链路加密   
2080link failure链接失效   
2081link fault链接故障   
2082link field链接栏   
2083link flip-flop链接正反器   
2084link frame链接框   
2085link group链接群;链群   
2086link header链接标头   
2087link inactivity timer链接不活动计时器   
2088link indicator链接指示器   
2089link information链接资讯   
2090link information unit 链接资讯单元   
2091link item链接项   
2092link layer链接层   
2093link level链级   
2094link level communication protocol链级通信协定   
2095link level implementation链级实施   
2096link level module链级模组   
2097link level protocol链级协定   
2098link level software链级软体   
2099link library链接程式馆   
2100link list schema链接串列简图   
2101link loader链接载入器   
2102link loss链接损耗   
2103link macroinstruction链接巨集指令   
2104link management链接管理 链路管理   
2105link manager 链接管理器   
2106link map链接映像   
2107link module链接模组   
2108link motion链接动   
2109link multiplexing链接多工   
2110link name链接名称   
2111link number 链接号码   
2112link or pointer variable链接或指标变数   
2113link order链接命令   
2114link orderwire链接通信线路   
2115link overflow链接溢出   
2116link pack链接包   
2117link pack area 连接装配区   
2118link pack area directory链接包区目录   
2119link pack area extension链接包区延伸   
2120link pack area library链接包区程式馆   
2121link pack area queue链接包区伫列   
2122link pack area 链接装配区   
2123link pack directory entry 链接包目录项   
2124link pack update area链接包更新区   
2125link performance链接效能   
2126link primitive 连接原语   
2127link problem determination aid 链接问题确定辅助程式   
2128link program链接程式   
2129link protocol链接协定   
2130link protocol data unit链接协定资料单元   
2131link record chain链接记录    
2132link register链接暂存器   
2133link repeater链接增讯器   
2134link resistance factor 链接电阻因数   
2135link routine test equipment 链接常式测试设备   
2136link run time subprogram链接运行时间次程式   
2137link scheduler链接排程器   
2138link sort链接排序   
2139link state algorithm链接状态算法   
2140link station链接站   
2141link strategy链接策略   
2142link subsystem链接子系统   
2143link switch equipment 链接交换设备   
2144link terminal simulator 链接终端模拟器   
2145link test链接测试   
2146link test counter链接测试计数器   
2147link threshold power链接定限功率   
2148link trailer链尾   
2149link utilization efficiency 链接利用效率   
2150link variable链接变数   
2151link vector链接向量   
2152link weight链接权重   
2153link word链接字   
2154link 链接;链结   
2155linkage链接;链结 接合   
2156linkage computer链接计算机   
2157linkage control table 链接控制表   
2158linkage coroutine链接共常式   
2159linkage counter链接计数器   
2160linkage editing链接编辑   
2161linkage editor 连接编辑程序   
2162linkage fault链接故障   
2163linkage instruction链接指令   
2164linkage interrupt链接中断   
2165linkage library链接程式馆   
2166linkage loader链接载入器   
2167linkage multiplier链接乘法器   
2168linkage register链接暂存器   
2169linkage section链接节   
2170linkage segment链接段   
2171linkage unit链接单元   
2172linked compression and expansion 链接压缩与扩展   
2173linked computer system链接计算机系统   
2174linked data structure链接资料结构   
2175linked file链接档案   
2176linked free storage list链接可用储存串列   
2177linked index sequential access 链接索引顺序存取   
2178linked list链接串列 链表   
2179linked list header链接串列标头   
2180linked list search链接串列搜寻   
2181linked network链接网路   
2182linked sequential file链接顺序档案   
2183linked set链接集   
2184linked stack链接堆叠   
2185linked subroutine链接次常式   
2186linked to next and prior chain双向链接    
2187linked to next chain向下链接    
2188linked to owner chain向拥有者链接    
2190linker and loader链接器与载入器   
2191linker directive链接器指引   
2192linker failure链接器失效   
2193linker load map链接器载入映射   
2194linker map链接器映像   
2196linking automation链接自动化   
2197linking format链接格式   
2198linking graphic program链接图形程式   
2199linking loader链接载入器 连接装入程序   
2200linking loader executive链接载入器执行程式   
2201linking loader program链接载入器程式   
2202linking program链接程式   
2203linking relocating loader 链接再定位载入器   
2204linking section链接节   
2205linking segment subprogram 链接段次程式   
2206Linux Linux操作系统   
2207lip-sync 唇同步   
2208lip-synchronism 唇同步   
2209liquid cooling液态冷却 液冷   
2210liquid core fiber液磁心纤维   
2211liquid crystal液晶   
2212liquid crystal display 液晶显示   
2213liquid crystal display image液晶显示影像   
2214liquid crystal display operation液晶显示作业   
2215liquid crystal display 液晶显示器   
2216liquid crystal memory液晶记忆体   
2217liquid crystal printer 液晶印刷机   
2218liquid crystal shutter 液晶快门   
2219liquid growth液体成长   
2220liquid laser液体雷射   
2221liquid logic circuit液晶逻辑电路   
2222liquid magnetic bubble液态磁泡   
2223liquid phase液相   
2224liquid phase epitaxial growth液相晶膜生长   
2225liquid phase epitaxial method液相晶膜生长法   
2226liquid phase epitaxy 液相外延   
2227LIS Processing LISP语言   
2228LISPLISP语言 LISP语言   
2229LISP constructionLISP建构   
2230LISP differentiationLISP微分   
2231LISP evaluationLISP求值   
2232LISP interpreterLISP解译器   
2233LISP languageLISP语言   
2234LISP machineLISP机器 LISP机   
2235LISP software conversionLISP软体转换   
2236LISP standardLISP标准   
2237LISP symbolLISP符号   
2238LISP-like programming language类LISP程式设计语言   
2239list列表;串列;显示 [列]表   
2240list assembly program 列表组合程式   
2241list attribute列表属性   
2242list cell串列格   
2243list constructor列表构造器   
2244list creation列表建立   
2245list data structure列表资料结构   
2246list deletion列表删除   
2247list directed field串列式栏   
2248list directed firmware串列式韧体   
2249list directed input串列式输入   
2250list directed input/output串列式输入输出   
2251list directed transmission串列式传输   
2252list element列表元素   
2253list elements filter列表元件过滤器   
2254list event列表事件   
2255list execution condition 列表执行条件   
2256list file列表档案   
2257list file structure列表档案结构   
2258list form列表格式   
2259list generation列表产生   
2260list generation program列表产生程式   
2261list handling列表处置   
2262list handling facility 列表处置设施   
2263list handling statement列表处置叙述   
2264list head表头 表头   
2265list inserting列表插入法   
2266list insertion列表插入   
2267list lines command列表行命令   
2268list management system 串列管理系统   
2269list mode列表模态   
2270list notation列表记法   
2271list of available storage 可用储存器串列   
2272list of believed assertion信赖判定表   
2273list of change 更改表   
2274list of closed descriptor 闭合描述符表   
2275list of material 材料清单   
2276list on tape 列表於磁带上   
2277list oriented function列表导向函数   
2278list parameter列表参数   
2279list pointer word列表指标字   
2280list procedure列表程序   
2281list processing 表处理   
2282list processing condition列表处理条件   
2283list processing language 表处理语言   
2284list processing language 列表处理语言   
2285list processing program列表处理程式   
2286list processing semantics列表处理语意   
2287list processing technique列表处理技术   
2288list processing 列表处理 (列)表处理  
2289list processor 列表处理机   
2290list program generator 列表程式的产生器   
2291list programming language 列表程式设计语言   
2292list scheduling列表排程 表调度   
2293list search列表搜寻   
2294list searching mechanism查表机构   
2295list separator列表分离器   
2296list specification列表规格   
2297list storage列表储存   
2298list structure列表结构;串列结构   
2299list structure altering function表结构修改函数   
2300list table串列表   
2301list up列表   
2302list variable列表变数   
2303listed items 列表的项目   
2304listed output control列表输出控制   
2305listen mode收听模式   
2307listening center收听中心   
2308listening depth收听层次   
2309listening mode收听模式   
2310listening post 监听站   
2311listening silence收听静寂   
2312listening watch收听表   
2314listing列表 列表   
2315listing control列表控制   
2316listing control statement列表控制叙述   
2317listing control switch列表控制开关   
2318listing names列表名称   
2319listing option列表任选   
2320listing order列表次序   
2321listing spooler列表排存器   
2323literal文字 文字   
2324literal address文字位址   
2325literal addressing文字定址   
2326literal and linguistic index文学与语言索引   
2327literal assignment文字赋值   
2328literal cipher equipment文字加密设备   
2329literal code文字代码   
2330literal constant文字常数 字面常量   
2331literal data文字资料   
2332literal definition文字定义   
2333literal expression文字表式   
2334literal field文字栏   
2335literal node文字节点   
2336literal operands文字运算元   
2337literal order文字命令   
2338literal pool文字集用场   
2339literal reference文字引用   
2340literal register文字暂存器   
2341literal string pool文字字列集用场   
2342literal syntax文字型语法   
2343literal term文字项   
2344literal translation直译 直译  
2345literal type文字类型   
2346literate programming 文化程序设计   
2347literature information network文献资讯网路   
2348literature search文献搜寻   
2351litter out清除 清除  
2352little subprocedure depth浅次程序层   
2354live copy/hard copy活拷贝/硬拷贝   
2355live load 实用负载   
2356live net活网   
2357live program活程式   
2358live register活暂存器   
2359live task instruction活任务指令   
2360live time有用时间   
2361live transition 活变迁   
2362live variable analysis活变数分析   
2363live variable calculation活变数计算   
2364live variable problem活变数问题   
2365livelock 活锁   
2366liveness 活性   
2368living computer运行中的计算机   
2369LLC 逻辑链路控制   
2370LLC protocol 逻辑链路控制协议, *LLC协议   
2371LLCC 无引线芯片载体   
2372Lndsc key线路切断键   
2373LO address byte低址位元组   
2374LO memory address低记忆体位址   
2375load负荷;载入 装入   
2376load accumulator instruction载入累积器指令   
2377load accumulator 载入累积器   
2378load address 载入位址   
2379load adjuster 载入调节器   
2380load analysis负载分析   
2381load analysis detail负载分析明细   
2382load and exchange载入互换   
2383load and go载入并执行;载入并运行   
2384load balancing负载平衡   
2385load balancing group 负载平衡组   
2386load balancing mode负载平衡模   
2387load buffer memory 载入缓冲记忆体   
2388load buffer 载入缓冲器   
2389load capacity负载容量   
2390load cards载入卡片   
2391load cell 负载格   
2392load circuit负载电路   
2393load circuit efficiency负载电路效率   
2394load clear key载入清除键   
2395load command载入命令   
2396load compensation负载补偿   
2397load control负载控制   
2398load cumulative负载累积   
2399load current负载电流   
2400load curve负载曲线   
2401load data counter载入资料计数器   
2402load database载入资料库   
2403load end 负载端   
2404load facility载入设施   
2405load factor负载因数   
2406load file载入档案   
2407load file instruction载入档案指令   
2408load function载入功能   
2409load half word 载入半字   
2410load image载入影像   
2411load image file format载入影像档案格式   
2412load immediate instruction载入立即指令   
2413load impedance负载阻抗   
2414load index register instruction载入索引暂存器指令   
2415load indicator载入指示器   
2416load initial table 载入初始表   
2417load instruction载入指令   
2418load interrupt mask载入中断遮罩   
2419load key载入键   
2420load leveling负载调平   
2421load life负载生命期   
2422load limiting register 负载限制暂存器   
2423load line负载线   
2424load loss负载损耗   
2425load map载入映像 装入映射[表]   
2426load matching负载匹配   
2427load member载入成员   
2428load memory lockout register 载入记忆体封锁暂存器   
2429load microprogram 载入微程式   
2430load mode载入模式   
2431load model generator 载入模型产生器   
2432load module 装入模块   
2433load module file载入模组档案   
2434load module librarian 载入模组程式馆管理器   
2435load module library载入模组程式馆   
2436load module name载入模组名   
2437load negative operation载入负操作   
2438load normal key载入正常键   
2439load on call依调用载入   
2440load overlay segment载入覆盖段   
2441load paper载入纸   
2442load point载入点 加载点  
2443load point marker载入点标志   
2444load program载入程式   
2445load program and allocation载入程式与配置   
2446load program block 载入程式块   
2447load program status word 载入程式状态字   
2448load real address 载入实位址   
2449load register instruction载入暂存器指令   
2450load register 载入暂存器   
2451load regulation负载调整   
2452load request block 载入请求块   
2453load resistance负载电阻 负载电阻   
2454load resistor负载电阻器   
2455load routine载入常式   
2456load rule载入规则   
2457load segment载入段   
2458load sharing负载分享   
2459load sharing matrix switch负载分享矩阵开关   
2460load splitting负载分裂   
2461load stabilization负载稳定法   
2462load system program载入系统服务程式   
2463load test负载测试   
2464load time载入时间   
2465load to capacity ratio负载容量比   
2466load transfer负载转移   
2467load type负载类型   
2468load unit载入装置   
2469load vector载入向量   
2470load voltage regulation负载电压调整   
2471load/rewind button装载/回卷钮   
2472load/store architecture 加载和存储体系结构   
2473loadable character set可载入字元集   
2474loadable microcode可载入微码   
2475loadable module 可装入模块   
2476loaded cable加载电缆   
2477loaded core logic加载磁心逻辑   
2478loaded line加载线路   
2479loaded origin加载原点   
2480loaded potentiometer function generator加载电位计函数产生器   
2481loaded program request block载入程式请求块   
2482loader载入器 装入程序   
2483loader and linkage editor载入器与链接编辑器   
2484loader application载入器应用   
2485loader bootstrap载入器启动程式   
2486loader compatible form载入器相容形式   
2487loader program载入器程式   
2488loader routine载入器常式 装入例程   
2489loader system载入器系统   
2491loading calculation加载计算   
2492loading characteristic加载特性   
2493loading coiler加载线圈   
2494loading control加载控制   
2495loading control program 载入控制程式   
2496loading density加载密度   
2497loading diagnostic program加载诊断程式   
2498loading error加载误差   
2499loading factor加载因数   
2500loading multiple file加载多档案   
2501loading objective加载目标   
2502loading pattern加载型样   
2503loading policy加载政策   
2504loading potential加载潜在能力   
2505loading problem加载问题   
2506loading procedure加载程序   
2507loading routine加载常式   
2508loading rule 负载规则   
2509loading tape加载磁带   
2510loading zone加载区   
2511loading-location misuse errors加载位置误用误差   
2512load-line diagram 负载线图   
2514lobe attaching unit瓣附加装置   
2515lobe bypass瓣型旁路   
2516lobe receptacle瓣型插座   
2517local access and transport area 局部存取与传送区   
2518local acquisition radar 本地撷取雷达   
2519local address administration 本地地址管理   
2520local address administration?C局部位址管理 本地地址管理  
2521local address register 局部位址暂存器   
2522local address space 局部位址空间   
2523local address translation局部位址变换   
2524local address 局部位址   
2525local addressing局部定址   
2526local adjunct grammar部份修饰文法   
2527local administration局部管理   
2528local agency check 本地局检查   
2529local ambiguity局部歧义   
2530local and remote printing station 区域与远程列印站   
2531local application局部应用 局部应用   
2532local area broadcast 区域广播   
2533local area communications network 区域通信网路;区域通讯网路   
2534local area computer network区域电脑网路   
2535local area data set 区域资料集   
2536local area distributed system 区域分散式系统   
2537local area network 区域网路 局域网  
2538local area 区域   
2539local attached support processor区域附加支援处理机   
2540local attribute局部属性   
2541local authorities management information system 地方当局管理资讯系统   
2542local automatic circuit exchange 区域自动电路交换机   
2543local autonomy局部自律性   
2544local base vector局部基向量   
2545local batch job局部批次工件   
2546local batch processing局部批次处理   
2547local battery局部电池   
2548local buffer storage局部缓冲储存器   
2549local burst mode局部猝发模   
2550local bus区域汇流排   
2551local bus adapter 区域汇流排配接器   
2552local call局部呼叫   
2553local card局部卡   
2554local Cartesian coordinates局部笛卡尔坐标   
2555local catenative sequence局部连接序列   
2556local center区域中心   
2557local central office区域总局   
2558local channel区域通道   
2559local character set identifier 局部字元集识别符   
2560local charging prevention 阻止本地计费   
2561local check point 局部检查点   
2562local cipher局部加密   
2563local circuit局部电路   
2564local code区域码   
2565local code generator区域码产生器   
2566local command area区域命令区   
2567local communication区域通讯   
2568local communication console 区域通讯控制台   
2569local communication network区域通讯网路   
2570local computer区域电脑   
2571local computer network 区域电脑网路   
2572local configuration facility 局部组态设施   
2573local congestion局部拥挤   
2574local connection区域性连接   
2575local connectivity区域连接性   
2576local console区域控制台   
2577local control区域控制   
2578local control point 区域控制点   
2579local control unit 区域控制单元   
2580local convergence局部收敛   
2581local coordinate system 局部坐标系   
2582local copy本地复制   
2583local copy operation本地复制操作   
2584local data administrator 区域资料管理者   
2585local data area 区域资料区   
2586local data buffer 区域资料缓冲区   
2587local data distribution 区域资料分布   
2588local data manager 区域资料管理器   
2589local data message exchange 区域资料讯息交换   
2590local data package 区域数据包;区域资料包   
2591local data processor 区域资料处理机   
2592local database区域资料库   
2593local database management system 区域资料库管理系统   
2594local database system 区域资料库系统   
2595local DBMS区域资料库管理系统   
2596local deadlock 局部死锁   
2597local declaration局部宣告   
2598local definition 局部定义   
2599local destination区域目的地   
2600local device controller line区域装置控制器线   
2601local diagnosis区域诊断   
2602local digital message exchange 区域数位讯息交换   
2603local digital switching区域数位交换   
2604local discard policy局部废除政策   
2605local display adapter 局部显示配接器   
2606local display controller 局部显示控制器   
2607local distribution data interface区域分配资料介面   
2608local distribution service 区域分配服务   
2609local distribution system 区域分配系统   
2610local echo本地应答   
2611local echoing本地应答   
2612local end局部终端   
2613local engineering circuit局部工程通信电路   
2614local engineering standards 本地工程标准   
2615local entity局部实体   
2616local environment局部环境   
2617local equalize局部等化   
2618local error局部误差   
2619local exchange区域交换   
2620local exchange center区域交换中心   
2621local exchange switching center当地交换中心;区域交换中心   
2622local failure 局部失效   
2623local fault局部故障 局部故障   
2624local file局部档案   
2625local file directory system 局部档案目录系统   
2626local file manager 局部档案管理器   
2627local flag局部旗标   
2628local font table局部字型表   
2629local format storage 局部格式储存器   
2630local forms control 局部表格控制   
2631local frequency distribution 局部频率分布   
2632local generator局部产生器   
2633local government financial system 地方政府财政系统   
2634local grey level operation局部灰阶运算   
2635local host本地主机   
2636local id区域识别码   
2637local identifier局部识别符   
2638local illumination model 局部光照模型   
2639local information局部资讯   
2640local input/output processor 本地输入输出处理机   
2641local interaction language 区域交谈语言   
2642local interrupt register局部中断暂存器   
2643local job entry 区域工件登录   
2644local job processing 区域工件处理   
2645local key局部键   
2646local knowledge局部知识   
2647local level地区级   
2648local light model 局部光照模型   
2649local line 局部线路   
2650local lock局部锁   
2651local loop局部回路   
2652local loopback 局部回送   
2653local macro definition局部巨集定义   
2654local mailbox局部信箱   
2655local main process局部主过程   
2656local management局部管理   
2657local management interface 局部管理介面   
2658local mass storage区域大量储存   
2659local maximum局部最大值   
2660local memory 局部存储[器]   
2661local memory bank interface 区域记忆库介面   
2662local memory bus interface 区域记忆体汇流排介面   
2663local memory image 局部记忆体影像   
2664local memory infection局部记忆体传染   
2665local memory 区域记忆体   
2666local microcode compaction technique局部微码压紧技术   
2667local minimization problem局部最小化问题   
2668local minimum局部最小值   
2669local mode区域性模式   
2670local modem区域数据机   
2671local movement局部移动   
2672local multiaccess communication system区域多存取通信系统   
2673local multiple access区域多存取   
2674local multiplexer 区域多工器   
2675local name base register局部名字库暂存器   
2676local name base 局部名字库   
2677local name space 局部名空格间   
2678local NCP本地网路控制程式   
2679local net局部网   
2680local network局部网路   
2681local network control program局部网路控制程式   
2682local network emulator 局部网路控仿真器   
2683local network interface 局部网路介面   
2684local network of personal computer个人电脑区域网路   
2685local networking区域网路连结   
2686local node本地节点   
2687local nonSNA major node局部非SNA主节点;局部非系统网路架构主节点   
2688local number局部数号   
2689local object descriptor局部目标描述符   
2690local on-line card reader局部连线卡阅读机   
2691local operating procedure 局部操作程序   
2692local operating system 局部作业系统   
2693local operation局部运算   
2694local optimization局部最佳化   
2695local optimization technique局部最佳化技术   
2696local or own type局部或自有型   
2697local order wire局部次序线   
2698local origination channel局部发端通道   
2699local oscillator frequency 本地振 器频率   
2700local output局部输出   
2701local oxidation of silicon 矽局部氧化   
2702local port局部埠   
2703local port level局部埠等级   
2704local power on 本地加电   
2705local printer局部列印机   
2706local processor link 局部处理机链结   
2707local processor 局部处理机   
2708local programming局部程式设计   
2709local record局部记录   
2710local reference局部引用   
2711local register 局部暂存器   
2712local registration authority 地方注册机构   
2713local regulation局部调整   
2714local replacement policy局部替换政策   
2715local representational structure局部表示结构   
2716local resource局部资源   
2717local restrictions局部约束   
2718local rounding error局部舍入误差   
2719local schema局部纲目 局部模式   
2720local screen write subroutine局部萤幕写次常式   
2721local segment局部段   
2722local segment table局部段表   
2723local segment table base局部段表基底   
2724local service局部服务   
2725local service area局部服务区   
2726local session identification 局部对话期识别   
2727local shared resources 局部分享资源   
2728local side区域边   
2729local signals局部信号   
2730local SNA major node局部SNA主节点;局部系统网路架构主节点   
2731local specification局部说明书   
2732local stack局部堆叠   
2733local station局部站   
2734local storage address latch 局部储存位址闩   
2735local storage address register 局部储存器位址暂存器   
2736local storage data register局部储存器的资料暂存器   
2737local storage function register 局部储存器功能暂存器   
2738local storage input/output 局部储存器输入输出   
2739local storage register 局部储存器暂存器   
2740local storage unit 局部储存器单元   
2741local storage 局部储存器   
2742local store data register 局部储存的资料暂存器   
2743local store pointer 局部储存指标   
2744local store 局部储存   
2745local subport局部子埠   
2746local switch局部开关   
2747local switching center局部交换中心;区域交换中心   
2748local switching facilities局部交换设施   
2749local switching office局部交换局   
2750local symbol局部符号   
2751local symbol block局部符号块   
2752local system局部系统   
2753local system environment局部系统环境   
2754local system library局部系统程式馆   
2755local system queue area 局部系统伫列区   
2756local terminal局部终端机 本地终端   
2757local timing局部计时   
2758local title局部标题   
2759local tracking局部追踪   
2760local transaction局部异动   
2761local transaction program局部异动程式   
2762local translator 局部翻译器   
2763local type局部类型   
2764local update procedure局部更新程序   
2765local user group 区域用户小组   
2766local value局部值   
2767local variable局部变数 局部变量   
2768local variable symbol局部变数符号   
2769local view局部视野   
2770local virtual address 局部虚拟位址   
2771local wait-for graph 局部等待图   
2772local work area局部工作区   
2773local work station局部工作站   
2774local-deterministic axiom 局部确定[性]公理   
2776local-global connection局部与整体连接   
2777locality局部性 局部性   
2778locality improvement局部改进   
2779locality model局部模型   
2780locality of reference 访问局部性, *访问局守性   
2781locality predication局部预测   
2783localization of fault故障局部化   
2786localized diffusion定位扩散   
2787localized doping定位掺杂   
2788localized network局部网路   
2790localizer station定位器站   
2791local-local link局部与局部链结   
2792locally attached局部附接   
2793locally attached station局部附接站   
2794locally attached terminal局部附接终端   
2795locally catenative sequence局部连接序列   
2796locally distributed computing station局部分散式计算站   
2797locally distributed database system局部分散式资料库系统   
2798locally distributed processor局部分散处理机   
2799locally optimal repair局部最佳修复   
2800locally oxidized CMOS 局部氧化互补金属氧化物   
2801locally passive medium局部无源媒体   
2802local-remote link本地与远程链结   
2803locate mode定位模   
2804locate statement定位叙述   
2806locating file查找档案   
2807locating hardware error查找硬体错误   
2808locating programming error查找程式设计错误   
2809locating software error查找软体错误   
2810location位置 (存储)位置  
2811location accessing operation位置存取操作   
2812location beacon位置信标   
2813location constants位置常数   
2814location counter 位置计数器   
2815location data位置资料   
2816location delimiter位置定界符   
2817location dependent 位置相关   
2818location free procedure位置自由程序   
2819location hole位置孔   
2820location identification位置识别号   
2821location identifier位置识别符   
2822location independent位置独立   
2823location information位置资讯   
2824location mode位置模   
2825location mode data item位置模式资料项   
2826location parameter位置参数   
2827location pin位置插针   
2828location pointer位置指标   
2829location problem位置问题   
2830location tag field位置标签栏   
2831location transparency 位置透明性   
2832location variable位置变数   
2833location variable type位置变数类型   
2834locator定位器 定位器   
2835locator argument定位器引数   
2836locator data定位器数据   
2837locator device定位器装置   
2838locator qualifier定位器限定子   
2839locator variable定位器变数   
2840lock锁定 加锁   
2841lock ahead on fault 故障之时锁定   
2842lock and key锁键   
2843lock byte锁定位元组   
2844lock class锁定级   
2845lock code锁定码   
2846lock compatibility 锁相容性   
2847lock deduction 锁演绎   
2848lock file锁定档案   
2849lock format recording锁格式记录   
2850lock free system无锁定系统   
2851lock granularity 封锁粒度   
2852lock hierarchy锁阶层   
2853lock in range锁定 围   
2854lock in range on synchronization同步锁定 围   
2855lock in synchronism锁定同步   
2856lock in time锁定时间   
2857lock in 锁定   
2858lock key锁定键   
2859lock management加锁管理   
2860lock mode锁定模式   
2861lock name锁名称   
2862lock nut锁定螺帽   
2863lock on counter 单元计数器   
2864lock out锁出;封锁;闭锁   
2865lock out facility封锁设施;闭锁设备   
2866lock out module封锁模组   
2867lock out switch封锁开关   
2868lock pin锁插针   
2869lock record锁定记录   
2870lock register锁定暂存器   
2871lock resolution锁分解 锁归结   
2872lock ring锁环   
2873lock state锁定状态   
2874lock stud锁定螺栓   
2875lock up锁定   
2876lock up table闭锁表   
2877lock/unlock facility加锁/无锁设施   
2878lock-and-key protection锁与键保护   
2879locked attribute加锁属性   
2880locked down锁住   
2881locked file加锁档案   
2882locked mode锁定模式   
2883locked name加锁名   
2884locked page加锁页   
2885locked record加锁记录   
2886locked resource加锁资源   
2888locking锁定;锁 锁定   
2889locking band锁定频带   
2890locking bar锁定条   
2891locking bit锁定位元   
2892locking circuit锁定电路   
2893locking code extension character锁定码延伸字元   
2894locking crank锁定曲柄   
2895locking device锁定装置   
2896locking discipline锁定规则   
2897locking escape锁定逸出   
2898locking hierarchy锁定阶层   
2899locking key锁定键   
2900locking latch锁定闩   
2901locking lever锁定    
2902locking of file档案锁定   
2903locking primitive锁定基元   
2904locking protocol锁定协定   
2905locking range锁定 围   
2906locking relay锁定继电器   
2907locking shift character锁定移位字元   
2908locking signal锁定信号   
2909locking time锁定时间   
2910lockout 封锁   
2911lock-step 锁步   
2912lock-step operation 锁步操作   
2913locomotive function移动功能   
2915locus of control控制轨迹   
2916LOD 细节层次   
2918log日志;对数 [运行]日志   
2919log amplifier 对数放大器   
2920log amps hybrids对数放大器并合电路   
2921log analysis日志分析   
2922log control table 日志控制表   
2923log curve对数曲线   
2924log data set日志资料集   
2925log device日志装置   
2926log drum日志磁鼓   
2927log file日志档案   
2928log file editor 日志档案编辑器   
2929log initiated check point日志初始检查点   
2930log likelihood ratio representation 对数似然比表示式   
2931log log graph paper对数图纸   
2932log normal对数正态   
2933log paper对数坐标纸   
2934log sequence number日志顺序号码   
2935log sheet日志表单   
2936log table对数表   
2937log tape write-ahead 先写日志带   
2938log task日志任务   
2939log type entry登录类型项   
2940log write-ahead先写日志   
2942logarithm characteristic对数特性   
2943logarithm transformation对数变换   
2944logarithmic A/D converter对数类比/数位转换器   
2945logarithmic amplifier 对数放大器   
2946logarithmic base对数底   
2947logarithmic calculator对数计算器   
2948logarithmic computing instrument对数计算仪器   
2949logarithmic coordinate paper对数坐标纸   
2950logarithmic criteria对数准则   
2951logarithmic curve对数曲线   
2952logarithmic decrement对数减量   
2953logarithmic differentiation对数微分法   
2954logarithmic fast time constant 对数快速时间常数   
2955logarithmic formula对数公式   
2956logarithmic function对数函数   
2957logarithmic function generator对数函数产生器   
2958logarithmic graph对数图   
2959logarithmic integral对数积分   
2960logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifier对数中频放大器   
2961logarithmic mean difference 对数平均差   
2962logarithmic receiver对数接收机   
2963logarithmic scale对数尺   
2964logarithmic search method对数搜寻法   
2965logarithmic searching对数搜寻   
2966logarithmic solution对数解法   
2967logarithmic table对数表   
2968logarithmic to linear converter对数函数与线性函数转换器   
2972logged data登入数据   
2973logged resource登入资源   
2974logger登入器 登录器  
2975logger task登入器任务   
2976logging data登录资料   
2977logging device登录装置   
2978logging list填表   
2979logging program登录程式   
2980logging routine登录常式   
2981logging service facility登录服务设施   
2982logging typewriter登录打字机   
2983logging 登录;录志   
2985logic ADD逻辑加   
2986logic address逻辑位址   
2987logic algebra逻辑代数   
2988logic alternative逻辑替用   
2989logic analysis逻辑分析 逻辑分析   
2990logic analysis device 逻辑分析装置   
2991logic analysis for maintenance planning 维护计划的逻辑分析   
2992logic analysis stimulus and response 刺激和回应逻辑分析   
2993logic analyzer逻辑分析程式   
2994logic analyzer for maintenance planning 维护计划用逻辑分析程式   
2995logic and adder 逻辑与加法器   
2996logic and control simulator 逻辑与控制模拟器   
2997logic and information network compiler 逻辑与资讯网路编译程式   
2998logic and language逻辑与语言   
2999logic and test function drawer 逻辑与测试功能抽屉   
3000logic arithmetic unit逻辑算术单元   
3001logic array逻辑阵列   
3002logic assignment statement算术赋值叙述   
3003logic automated documentation system 逻辑自动化文件系统   
3004logic base逻辑基底   
3005logic based data language以逻辑为基的数据语言   
3006logic behavior逻辑特性   
3007logic board逻辑板   
3008logic bomb逻辑炸弹 逻辑炸弹   
3009logic bus monitor 逻辑汇流排监视器   
3010logic CAD逻辑的计算机辅助设计   
3011logic calculus 逻辑演算   
3012logic capability逻辑能力   
3013logic card逻辑卡   
3014logic chart逻辑图   
3015logic circuit逻辑电路 逻辑电路   
3016logic clock pulse generator 逻辑时钟脉冲产生器   
3017logic coincidence element逻辑一致元件   
3018logic comparators逻辑比较器   
3019logic comparison 逻辑比较   
3020logic component逻辑组件   
3021logic computer逻辑计算机   
3022logic control block 逻辑控制块   
3023logic controlled sequential computer逻辑控制顺序计算机   
3024logic coordination method逻辑协调法   
3025logic core 逻辑磁心   
3026logic corporation 逻辑组合   
3027logic data model逻辑资料模型   
3028logic data structure逻辑资料结构   
3029logic database definition逻辑资料库定义   
3030logic database design逻辑资料库设计   
3031logic decision逻辑决策   
3032logic decoder逻辑解码器   
3033logic design逻辑设计   
3034logic design automation逻辑设计自动化   
3035logic device逻辑装置   
3036logic device list 逻辑设备表   
3037logic diagram逻辑图   
3038logic diagram approach逻辑图方式   
3039logic diagram engineering逻辑图工程   
3040logic difference逻辑差   
3041logic diode逻辑二极体   
3042logic dynamic hazard逻辑动态冒险   
3043logic element逻辑元件   
3044logic entity逻辑实体   
3045logic equation simulation逻辑方程式模拟   
3046logic error逻辑误差   
3047logic event逻辑事件   
3048logic expression逻辑表式   
3049logic eye逻辑眼   
3050logic family逻辑系族   
3051logic fault逻辑故障 逻辑故障   
3052logic fault condition逻辑故障条件   
3053logic fault simulator 逻辑故障模拟器   
3054logic file逻辑档案   
3055logic file storage逻辑档案储存器   
3056logic file system 逻辑档案系统   
3057logic flaw逻辑缺陷   
3058logic flexibility逻辑弹性   
3059logic flow逻辑流程   
3060logic flow chart 逻辑流程图   
3061logic for computable functions 可算函数逻辑   
3062logic function 逻辑函数   
3063logic gate逻辑闸   
3064logic gate level逻辑闸级   
3065logic generating language 逻辑产生语言   
3066logic grammar 逻辑语法   
3067logic graph逻辑图   
3068logic ground 逻辑地   
3069logic hazard逻辑冒险 逻辑冒险   
3070logic high逻辑高   
3071logic in document out 逻辑输入文件输出   
3072logic in memory逻辑内记忆体   
3073logic in memory array 逻辑内记忆体阵列   
3074logic in memory chip内存逻辑记忆晶片   
3075logic instruction逻辑指令   
3076logic interface逻辑介面   
3077logic inverter逻辑反向器   
3078logic level translator逻辑位准翻译器   
3079logic levels逻辑位准   
3080logic light逻辑出错指示灯   
3081logic line group 逻辑线路组   
3082logic link control逻辑链接控制 逻辑链路控制   
3083logic link layer逻辑链结层   
3084logic low逻辑低电平   
3085logic machine aids digital 逻辑机辅助数位设备   
3086logic machine architecture逻辑机器架构   
3087logic map逻辑映像   
3088logic mapping table 逻辑对映表   
3089logic master tape 逻辑主磁带   
3090logic matrix逻辑矩阵   
3091logic microoperation逻辑微作业   
3092logic module 逻辑模组   
3093logic multiply逻辑乘法   
3094logic nesting level number逻辑巢套层次号码   
3095logic of authentication 鉴别逻辑   
3096logic of machine机器逻辑   
3097logic operand逻辑运算元   
3098logic operation逻辑运算 逻辑运算   
3099logic OR逻辑或   
3100logic oscilloscope逻辑示波器   
3101logic package逻辑套装软体   
3102logic parsing system 逻辑句法分析系统   
3103logic partition逻辑划分   
3104logic partitioning逻辑划分 逻辑划分   
3105logic placement 逻辑布局   
3106logic probe 逻辑探头   
3107logic probe indicator逻辑探针指示器 逻辑探头指示器   
3108logic processor 逻辑处理机   
3109logic product逻辑积   
3110logic product gate逻辑积闸   
3111logic program 逻辑程序   
3112logic programming逻辑程式设计 逻辑程序设计   
3113logic programming language 逻辑编程语言   
3114logic proposition逻辑命题   
3115logic pulser逻辑脉波器   
3116logic record逻辑记录 逻辑记录  
3117logic routing 逻辑布线   
3118logic rule逻辑规则   
3119logic schematic replacement逻辑简图替换   
3120logic schematics逻辑简图   
3121logic seeking逻辑搜索   
3122logic semantic analysis逻辑语意分析   
3123logic sequence逻辑顺序   
3124logic shift逻辑移位   
3125logic short fault逻辑短路故障   
3126logic signal逻辑信号   
3127logic signal transmission逻辑信号传输   
3128logic simulation 逻辑模拟   
3129logic simulation 逻辑模拟   
3130logic spectrum逻辑频谱   
3131logic state analyzer逻辑状态分析器 逻辑状态分析仪   
3132logic state table逻辑状态表   
3133logic states逻辑状态   
3134logic static hazard逻辑静态冒险   
3135logic status indicator 逻辑状态指示器   
3136logic storage unit 逻辑储存单元   
3137logic sum逻辑和   
3138logic sum gate逻辑和闸   
3139logic swing逻辑摆动   
3140logic symbol逻辑符号   
3141logic synthesis逻辑合成 逻辑综合   
3142logic synthesis automation 逻辑综合自动化   
3143logic test pen 逻辑测试笔   
3144logic testing逻辑测试 逻辑测试   
3145logic theory machine 逻辑理论机   
3146logic theory 逻辑理论   
3147logic threshold逻辑定限   
3148logic timing analyzer 逻辑定时分析仪   
3149logic timing and sequencing 逻辑定时和定序   
3150logic timing diagram逻辑计时图   
3151logic translator逻辑翻译器   
3152logic unit逻辑单元 逻辑部件   
3153logic value逻辑值   
3154logic variable逻辑变数   
3155logic verification system逻辑验证系统 逻辑验证系统   
3156logic work station 逻辑工作站   
3157logical access control 逻辑访问控制   
3158logical access level逻辑存取等级   
3159logical access method逻辑存取方法   
3160logical access path逻辑存取路径   
3161logical access path network逻辑存取路径网路   
3162logical access path scheme逻辑存取路径方案   
3163logical access path structure逻辑存取路径结构   
3164logical action逻辑作用   
3165logical add逻辑加   
3166logical addition逻辑加法   
3167logical address 逻辑地址   
3168logical address plug 逻辑位址插头   
3169logical address space逻辑位址空间   
3170logical algorithm逻辑演算法   
3171logical algorithmic language 逻辑演算法语言   
3172logical analysis逻辑分析   
3173logical analysis component逻辑分析成分   
3174logical analyzer of hypothesis 假设逻辑分析器   
3175logical AND逻辑AND   
3176logical approach逻辑方式   
3177logical arms position 逻辑臂位置   
3178logical array逻辑阵列   
3179logical array element reference逻辑阵列元素参考   
3180logical assignment statement逻辑赋值叙述   
3181logical attribute逻辑属性   
3182logical automaton逻辑自动机   
3183logical axiom逻辑公理   
3184logical base 逻辑库   
3185logical binary counter逻辑二进制计数器   
3186logical block diagram 逻辑方块图   
3187logical block number 逻辑块号码   
3188logical block 逻辑块   
3189logical bucket number 逻辑包号码   
3190logical byte address逻辑位元组位址   
3191logical byte string逻辑位元组字串   
3192logical capability逻辑能力   
3193logical channel control block逻辑通道控制段   
3194logical channel fill 逻辑通道填充   
3195logical channel group逻辑通道组   
3196logical channel number 逻辑通道号码   
3197logical channel program逻辑通道程式   
3198logical channel queue 逻辑通道伫列   
3199logical channel 逻辑通道   
3200logical character逻辑字元   
3201logical character delete symbol逻辑字元删除符号   
3202logical characteristic of database资料库逻辑特性   
3203logical chart逻辑图   
3204logical child pointer逻辑子代指标   
3205logical child segment逻辑子代段   
3206logical child 逻辑子代   
3207logical choice逻辑选择   
3208logical circuit逻辑电路   
3209logical cohesion逻辑内聚   
3210logical combination逻辑组合   
3211logical command逻辑命令   
3212logical compare accumulator with storage累加器与储存器的逻辑比较   
3213logical comparison逻辑比较   
3214logical complexity逻辑复杂性   
3215logical component逻辑组件   
3216logical computer逻辑计算机   
3217logical condition逻辑条件   
3218logical configuration communication area 逻辑组态通信区   
3219logical connection逻辑连接   
3220logical connection layer 逻辑连接层   
3221logical connection terminal逻辑连接终端机   
3222logical connective逻辑连接号   
3223logical connector逻辑连接器   
3224logical constant逻辑常数   
3225logical construction of programs 程式的逻辑构造   
3226logical control 逻辑控制   
3227logical conversion逻辑转换   
3228logical conversion code逻辑转换码   
3229logical coordinates 逻辑坐标   
3230logical core逻辑磁心   
3231logical data逻辑资料   
3232logical data independence逻辑资料独立性 逻辑数据独立性   
3233logical data item逻辑资料项   
3234logical data link逻辑资料链接   
3235logical data path逻辑资料路径   
3236logical data structure逻辑资料结构   
3237logical data transfer逻辑资料传送   
3238logical database description逻辑资料库描述   
3239logical database design逻辑资料库设计   
3240logical database record逻辑资料库记录   
3241logical database schema逻辑资料库纲目   
3242logical database 逻辑资料库   
3243logical decision逻辑决策   
3244logical descriptor逻辑描述符   
3245logical design 逻辑设计   
3246logical destination逻辑目的地   
3247logical determinant逻辑行列式   
3248logical device逻辑装置 逻辑设备   
3249logical device address 逻辑装置位址   
3250logical device name逻辑装置名 逻辑设备名   
3251logical device order 逻辑装置次   
3252logical device table逻辑装置表   
3253logical diagram选辑图;逻辑图   
3254logical difference逻辑差   
3255logical diode circuit逻辑二极体电路   
3256logical disjunct逻辑析取   
3257logical disk逻辑磁碟   
3258logical distinction逻辑区别   
3259logical distribution逻辑分配   
3260logical division逻辑划分   
3261logical drawing逻辑制图   
3262logical driver 逻辑驱动器   
3263logical edit逻辑编辑   
3264logical editing symbols逻辑编辑符号   
3265logical element symbol逻辑元件符号   
3266logical element 逻辑元件   
3267logical end逻辑结束   
3268logical end of media 媒体的逻辑终点   
3269logical enhanced memory 逻辑增强型记忆体   
3270logical equation逻辑方程式   
3271logical equipment table 逻辑设备表   
3272logical equivalence逻辑等价   
3273logical error逻辑错误   
3274logical escape symbol逻辑逸出符号   
3275logical exclusive OR逻辑互斥或   
3276logical expression逻辑表式   
3277logical factor逻辑因子   
3278logical fault逻辑错失   
3279logical fault vector location逻辑错失向量位置   
3280logical field descriptor逻辑栏描述符   
3281logical file逻辑档案 逻辑文件   
3282logical file name 逻辑档案名   
3283logical file section逻辑档案区段   
3284logical file structure 逻辑档案结构   
3285logical file system逻辑档案系统   
3286logical flow逻辑流程   
3287logical flow chart逻辑流程图   
3288logical form逻辑形式   
3289logical format逻辑格式   
3290logical formatting 逻辑格式化   
3291logical formulas逻辑公式   
3292logical front end逻辑前端程式   
3293logical full duplex flow逻辑全双工流   
3294logical function逻辑函数   
3295logical function reference逻辑函数引用   
3296logical gate逻辑闸   
3297logical gate expander 逻辑闸扩充器   
3298logical grammar逻辑文法   
3299logical group逻辑组   
3300logical group instruction逻辑组指令   
3301logical group number 逻辑组号码   
3302logical grouping of data 资料的逻辑分组   
3303logical I/O逻辑输入输出   
3304logical I/O device 逻辑输入输出设备   
3305logical I/O function逻辑输入输出功能   
3306logical I/O protocol逻辑输入输出协定   
3307logical IF逻辑IF   
3308logical IF statement逻辑IF叙述   
3309logical image逻辑影像   
3310logical implication逻辑蕴含 逻辑蕴涵   
3311logical inclusion逻辑包含   
3312logical indicator逻辑指示器   
3313logical inference逻辑推理   
3314logical inferences per second 逻辑推理每秒   
3315logical information system逻辑资讯系统   
3316logical input device逻辑输入装置 逻辑输入设备   
3317logical input/output逻辑输出入   
3318logical input/output control system 逻辑输出入控制系统   
3319logical input/output controller逻辑输入输出控制器   
3320logical inquiry and update system 逻辑询问和更新系统   
3321logical instruction逻辑指令   
3322logical interface逻辑介面   
3323logical interference per second每秒逻辑干扰数   
3324logical inversion逻辑反转   
3325logical IOCS逻辑输入输出控制系统   
3326logical job name逻辑工件名   
3327logical language 逻辑语言   
3328logical leading end逻辑前导端   
3329logical left shift 逻辑左移位   
3330logical line逻辑列   
3331logical line delete symbol逻辑列删除符号   
3332logical line end symbol逻辑列结束符号   
3333logical line group 逻辑列组   
3334logical link逻辑链接   
3335logical link connection逻辑链接连接   
3336logical link control protocol逻辑链接控制协定 逻辑链路控制协议, *LLC协议   
3337logical link control sublayer逻辑链控制子层 逻辑链路控制子层   
3338logical link control type 11型逻辑链接控制 逻辑链路控制类型1  
3339logical link control type 22型逻辑链接控制 逻辑链路控制类型2  
3340logical link control type 33型逻辑链接控制 逻辑链路控制类型3  
3341logical link control 逻辑链接控制   
3342logical link path逻辑链接路径   
3343logical local storage address register 逻辑局部储存位址暂存器   
3344logical logging逻辑登入   
3345logical machine逻辑机   
3346logical mathematics逻辑数学   
3347logical matrix逻辑矩阵   
3348logical memory level 逻辑记忆体等级   
3349logical memory organization逻辑记忆体组织   
3350logical message逻辑讯息   
3351logical mistake逻辑差错   
3352logical model逻辑模型   
3353logical module逻辑模组   
3354logical multiplex 逻辑多工   
3355logical multiplication逻辑乘法   
3356logical multiply 逻辑乘   
3357logical name逻辑名   
3358logical name table逻辑名表   
3359logical naming逻辑命名   
3360logical NAND circuit反及逻辑电路   
3361logical negation 逻辑非   
3362logical negative operator逻辑非运算子   
3363logical network逻辑网路   
3364logical network concept逻辑网路概念   
3365logical network machine 逻辑网路机   
3366logical NOR circuit逻辑NOR电路   
3367logical NOT circuit逻辑NOT电路;逻辑反电路   
3368logical number逻辑号码   
3369logical object逻辑目标 逻辑对象  
3370logical object model逻辑目标模型   
3371logical one or zero逻辑一或零   
3372logical operation unit逻辑操作单元   
3373logical operation 逻辑运算   
3374logical operator逻辑运算子   
3375logical OR逻辑或   
3376logical OR component逻辑OR组件   
3377logical OR register 逻辑或暂存器   
3378logical order逻辑命令   
3379logical organization逻辑组织   
3380logical orientation逻辑定向   
3381logical overlap coefficient逻辑重叠系数   
3382logical pack area 逻辑包区   
3383logical page 逻辑页   
3384logical page identifier 逻辑页识别符   
3385logical page number 逻辑页号   
3386logical paging逻辑分页 逻辑分页   
3387logical parent逻辑上代   
3388logical parent pointer逻辑上代指标   
3389logical parent segment逻辑上代段   
3390logical patch逻辑修补   
3391logical pattern逻辑图型   
3392logical place逻辑地点   
3393logical pointer逻辑指标   
3394logical port multiplexer 逻辑埠多工器   
3395logical port 逻辑埠   
3396logical predecessor逻辑前导子   
3397logical primary逻辑主项   
3398logical procedure diagram逻辑程序图   
3399logical process逻辑处理   
3400logical product逻辑积   
3401logical professor and computer 逻辑教授和计算机   
3402logical program synthesis system 逻辑程式合成系统   
3403logical program 逻辑程式   
3404logical protocol逻辑协定   
3405logical queue逻辑伫列   
3406logical race逻辑竞赛   
3407logical reading system逻辑阅读系统   
3408logical reasoning 逻辑推理   
3409logical record access approach逻辑记录存取方式   
3410logical record access 逻辑记录存取   
3411logical record control block 逻辑记录控制块   
3412logical record length 逻辑记录长度   
3413logical record location 逻辑记录位置   
3414logical record processor 逻辑记录处理机   
3415logical record 逻辑记录 逻辑记录  
3416logical relation逻辑关系   
3417logical relationship逻辑关系   
3418logical representation逻辑表示法   
3419logical resource逻辑资源   
3420logical resource oriented work-load model逻辑资源导向的工作量模型   
3421logical right shift 逻辑右移位   
3422logical ring逻辑环 逻辑环   
3423logical roll-out逻辑转出   
3424logical rule逻辑规则   
3425logical run-time error逻辑运行时间错误   
3426logical schema逻辑纲目   
3427logical screen逻辑萤幕   
3428logical segment逻辑段   
3429logical semantic term relation逻辑语意项关系   
3430logical semantics逻辑语意学   
3431logical separator逻辑分隔符   
3432logical service逻辑服务   
3433logical session逻辑对话   
3434logical shift逻辑移位 逻辑移位   
3435logical shift left 逻辑左移   
3436logical shift right 逻辑右移   
3437logical signal transmission逻辑信号传输   
3438logical signaling channel 逻辑信令信道   
3439logical signals processor 逻辑信号处理机   
3440logical simulation逻辑模拟   
3441logical specification逻辑规格   
3442logical statement逻辑叙述   
3443logical station逻辑站   
3444logical storage逻辑储存器   
3445logical storage address逻辑储存器位址   
3446logical storage structure逻辑储存器结构   
3447logical structure逻辑结构   
3448logical structure⌒operation specification 逻辑结构-操作规格   
3449logical subrecord逻辑子记录   
3450logical subscheme逻辑子纲目   
3451logical successor逻辑後继子   
3452logical sum逻辑和   
3453logical swap control table 逻辑调换控制表   
3454logical swapping逻辑调换   
3455logical switch逻辑开关   
3456logical symbol逻辑符号   
3457logical syntax逻辑语法   
3458logical system 逻辑系统   
3459logical system design逻辑系统设计   
3460logical term逻辑项   
3461logical terminal逻辑终端机   
3462logical terminal pool逻辑终端机集用场   
3463logical terminal subpool逻辑终端子池   
3464logical test逻辑测试   
3465logical thinking逻辑思维   
3466logical timer逻辑计时器   
3467logical tracing逻辑追踪 逻辑跟踪   
3468logical track逻辑磁轨   
3469logical track header 逻辑轨标头   
3470logical transient area 逻辑暂态区   
3471logical truth逻辑真   
3472logical twin逻辑成对   
3473logical twin backward pointer 逻辑双反向指标   
3474logical twin forward pointer 逻辑双正向指标   
3475logical twin pointer逻辑指标   
3476logical type逻辑型式   
3477logical unit block 逻辑单元块   
3478logical unit description 逻辑单元描述   
3479logical unit designator逻辑单元指定符   
3480logical unit name逻辑单元名   
3481logical unit number 逻辑单元号码   
3482logical unit of information 资讯逻辑单元   
3483logical unit of work工作逻辑单元 逻辑工作单元   
3484logical unit service逻辑单元服务   
3485logical unit services manager 逻辑单位服务管理器   
3486logical unit table 逻辑单元表   
3487logical unit to logical unit 逻辑设备对逻辑设备   
3488logical unit 逻辑单元   
3489logical value逻辑值   
3490logical variable逻辑变数   
3491logical variable reference逻辑变数引用   
3492logical volume逻辑卷   
3493logical word逻辑字   
3494logical work station逻辑工作站   
3495logical 逻辑   
3497logicalized memory逻辑化记忆器   
3499logically complete逻辑完全性   
3500logically connected terminal逻辑连接终端机   
3501logically contiguous address space逻辑相连位址空间   
3502logically contiguous block逻辑相连块   
3503logically equivalent逻辑等价   
3504logically integrated FORTRAN translator 逻辑整合FORTRAN翻译器   
3505logically passive self-dual 逻辑被动自对偶   
3506logically structured query逻辑结构查询   
3507logically true逻辑真   
3508logically unrelated packet逻辑无关小包   
3509logic-based neural networks逻辑为本的神经网路   
3510login登入 登录  
3511log-in 注册, *登录   
3512login command登入命令   
3513login request登入请求   
3514log-in script 登录脚本   
3516logistic analysis simulation system 数理逻辑分析模拟系统   
3517logistic evaluation and review technique 逻辑评估及查核技术   
3519logistics data analysis後勤资料分析   
3520logistics management information後勤管理资讯   
3521logistics management information system 後勤管理资讯系统   
3523LOGOLOGO语言 LOGO语言   
3525log-off 注销   
3526logoff message注销讯息   
3527logoff procedure注销程序   
3528logogram符号 符号  
3529logon登入 登录  
3530log-on 注册, *登录   
3531logon data登入资料   
3532logon interpret routine登入解释常式   
3533logon message登入讯息   
3534logon mode登入模   
3535logon mode table登入模表   
3536logon owner name登入持有者名   
3537logon procedure登入程序   
3538logon request登入请求   
3539logon security登入安全   
3543log-out 注销   
3544logout analysis reference 注销分析参考   
3545logout analysis 注销分析   
3546lone signal unit单独信号单元   
3547long access长存取   
3548long access memory慢存取记忆体   
3549long branch routine长分支常式   
3550long branch sequence长分支顺序   
3551long constant长常数   
3552long cycle长周期   
3553long distance cable长途电缆   
3554long distance call长途呼叫   
3555long distance dependent relation 长距离依存关系   
3556long distance direct current dialing system远程直流拨号系统   
3557long distance line长途线路   
3558long distance link长距离链接   
3559long distance supervisory control长途监督控制   
3560long distance trunk长途干线   
3561long distance xerography长途静电印刷术   
3562long duration长期间   
3563long duration repair长期修复   
3564long floating point长浮点   
3565long frame data长框资料   
3566long grain长粒   
3567long haul communication长距离通信   
3568long haul network长距离网路   
3569long haul optical transmission set 长距离光传输装置   
3570long haul trunk长距离干线   
3571long instruction format长指令格式   
3572long lead长引线   
3573long lead time 长前置时间   
3574long left shift 向左长移位   
3575long life长寿命;长效   
3576long line长途线路 长线   
3577long line adapter 长途线路转接器   
3578long line driver长途线路驱动器   
3579long line effects长线效应   
3580long mark 长标示   
3581long message长讯息   
3582long number长数   
3583long precision长精度   
3584long range data 远程资料   
3585long range earth-current communication system长程地电流通信系统   
3586long range earth-current communication 长程地电流通信   
3587long range forecast长程预测   
3588long range input monitor 远程输入监视器   
3589long range input 远程输入   
3590long range laser link长程雷射链接   
3591long range navigation 长距离导航;长程导航   
3592long range network长程网路   
3593long range plan 远程计划;长程计画   
3594long range planning committee 远程规划委员会   
3595long range position determining system 远程测位系统   
3596long range requirements 长程需求   
3597long range scheduling长膛懦�   
3598long range search 长程搜寻   
3599long range 远程   
3600long recovery长恢复   
3601long right shift 向右长移位   
3602long run equilibrium state长运行平衡状态   
3603long run incremental costing 长程递增成本法   
3604long shift长移位   
3605long shift left(向)左长移位   
3606long space disconnect长空白信号断接   
3607long storage location长储存位置   
3608long symbol长符号   
3609long term长期   
3610long term arrival长期的到达率   
3611long term basis长期基底   
3612long term behavior长期行为   
3613long term departure长期离开   
3614long term fix area长期固定区   
3615long term memory长期记忆体   
3616long term performance长期绩效   
3617long term planning 长期计划;长期规划   
3618long term policy长期政策   
3619long term queuing长期伫列   
3620long term scheduler长期排程器   
3621long term scheduling长期排程   
3622long term stability长期稳定性   
3623long term storage长期储存器   
3624long time base长时基   
3625long time diffusion长时间扩散   
3626long timer长计时器   
3627long transaction management 长事务管理   
3628long wave communication长波通讯   
3629long word长字   
3630longest common submatrix最长公用子矩阵   
3631longest common subsequence最长公用次序列   
3633long-form floating point长精度浮点   
3635longitudinal balance纵向平衡   
3636longitudinal check纵向核对 纵向检验   
3637longitudinal circuit纵向电路   
3638longitudinal current纵向电流   
3639longitudinal delay-line纵向延迟线   
3640longitudinal field纵向磁场   
3641longitudinal induction noise纵向感应杂讯   
3642longitudinal magnetic recording纵向磁记录 纵向磁记录   
3643longitudinal magnetization纵向磁化   
3644longitudinal mode delay-line纵向模式延迟线   
3645longitudinal parity纵向奇偶   
3646longitudinal parity check 纵向奇偶检验   
3647longitudinal parity check 纵向同位检查   
3648longitudinal piezoelectric effect纵向压电效应   
3649longitudinal recording纵向记录   
3650longitudinal redundance纵向冗馀   
3651longitudinal redundancy character register 纵向冗馀字元暂存器   
3652longitudinal redundancy check 纵向冗余检验   
3653longitudinal redundancy check character 纵向冗馀核对字元   
3654longitudinal redundancy check register 纵向冗馀核对暂存器   
3655longitudinal redundancy check 纵向冗馀核对   
3656longitudinal redundancy shift 纵向冗馀码移位   
3657longitudinal scan纵向扫瞄 纵向扫描   
3658longitudinal testing纵向测试   
3659longitudinal transmission check纵向传输检查   
3660long-range dependence 长期相关性   
3662look ahead预看;预见   
3663look ahead algorithm 先行算法   
3664look ahead carry预看进位   
3665look ahead carry adder预看进位加法器   
3666look ahead carry block预看进位块   
3667look ahead carry generator预看进位产生器   
3668look ahead carry output预看进位输出   
3669look ahead control预看控制 先行控制   
3670look ahead data staging architecture预看资料分级架构   
3671look ahead field预看栏   
3672look ahead logic预看逻辑   
3673look ahead on request 应求预看   
3674look ahead variable acceleration 预看变数加速   
3675look aside buffer後备缓冲区   
3676look aside cache平行查看高速缓冲记忆体   
3677look aside register後备暂存器   
3678look at me视我   
3679look at me function视我功能   
3680look back test回看测试   
3681look facility查看设施   
3682look for operand寻找运算元   
3683look for operator寻找运算子   
3684look through cache序列查看高速缓冲记忆体   
3685lookahead sets预看集   
3686lookahead symbol propagate预看符号传播   
3689lookup algorithm查找演算法   
3690lookup command查找命令   
3691lookup function查找功能   
3692lookup instruction查找指令   
3693lookup list查找表   
3694lookup routine查找常式   
3695lookup table technique查找表技术   
3696lookup table 查找表   
3697loop回路;环;循环;环路 循环   
3698loop actuating signal 回路动作信号   
3699loop adapter回路配接器   
3700loop alignment回路调正   
3701loop answer回路回答   
3702loop antenna环形天线   
3703loop around回路循环   
3704loop around test回路循环测试   
3705loop assertion回路判定   
3706loop assertion generating system回路判定产生系统   
3707loop board回路板   
3708loop body回路本体   
3709loop box回路盒   
3710loop check 回路检查   
3711loop checker回路核对器   
3712loop checking回路检查   
3713loop checking system回路检查系统   
3714loop circuit环形电路   
3715loop code回路码   
3716loop collapsing回路瓦解   
3717loop collapsing analysis回路瓦解分析   
3718loop command回路命令   
3719loop communication system回路通信系统   
3720loop compilation回路编译   
3721loop computation回路计算   
3722loop computer network回路电脑网路   
3723loop computing回路计算   
3724loop computing functions回路计算功能   
3725loop configuration环形组态   
3726loop connection回路连接   
3727loop construct回路构造   
3728loop construction回路构造   
3729loop control回路控制   
3730loop control algorithm回路控制演算法   
3731loop control statement回路控制叙述   
3732loop control structure回路控制结构   
3733loop control variable回路控制变数   
3734loop counter回路计数器   
3735loop cycle回路周期   
3736loop delay time回路延迟时间   
3737loop detection回路检测   
3738loop detuning回路失谐   
3739loop difference signal回路差异信号   
3740loop disconnect pulsing回路切断脉波发送   
3741loop distributing回路分配   
3742loop distribution回路分布   
3743loop distribution algorithm回路分布演算法   
3744loop end回路结束   
3745loop error回路错误   
3746loop execution回路执行   
3747loop extender回路延伸器   
3748loop fault回路错失   
3749loop feature回路特徵   
3750loop feedback signal回路回馈信号   
3751loop film characteristic环状软片特性   
3752loop function回路功能   
3753loop gain回路增益   
3754loop gain characteristic回路增益特性   
3755loop gain matrix回路增益矩阵   
3756loop head回路头   
3757loop identifier回路识别符   
3758loop initialization回路初始化   
3759loop input signal回路输入信号   
3760loop instruction回路指令   
3761loop interface address 回路介面位址   
3762loop invariant回路不变量 循环不变式   
3763loop invariant computation回路不变量计算   
3764loop invariants回路不变   
3765loop inversion回路反演   
3766loop jack switchboard回路插孔交换机   
3767loop jamming回路干扰   
3768loop jump回路跳越   
3769loop line回路线   
3770loop maintenance operations system 回路维护操作系统   
3771loop measurement回路测量   
3772loop mode回路模式   
3773loop multiplexer 回路多工器   
3774loop network环状网路   
3775loop on line control回路连线控制   
3776loop operation回路操作   
3777loop optimization回路最佳化   
3778loop output signal 回路输出信号   
3779loop parameter回路参数   
3780loop program回路程式   
3781loop pulsing回路脉波   
3782loop record回路记录   
3783loop rectangularity回路矩形性   
3784loop regenerative repeater 回路再生式中继器   
3785loop resistance回路电阻   
3786loop restriction回路限制   
3787loop restructuring technique 循环重构技术   
3788loop reversal回路反转   
3789loop sensor回路感测器   
3790loop signaling回路发信   
3791loop size回路大小   
3792loop speed-up回路加速   
3793loop speed-up hierarchy回路加速阶层   
3794loop splice plate 回路编接板   
3795loop state回路状态   
3796loop statement回路叙述   
3797loop station connector 回路站连接器   
3798loop stop回路停止   
3799loop storage回路储存;环状储存器   
3800loop surge suppressor 回路突波抑制器   
3801loop synchronizer回路同步器   
3802loop system回路系统   
3803loop table回路表   
3804loop table element回路表元素   
3805loop termination回路终止   
3806loop test回路测试   
3807loop test mode回路测试模式   
3808loop tester回路测试器   
3809loop testing回路测试 循环测试   
3810loop time回路时间   
3811loop transfer function回路传送函数   
3812loop transmission回路传输   
3813loop transmission frame回路传输框   
3814loop unrolling回路展开 循环展开   
3815loop update回路更新   
3816loop variable回路变数   
3817loop wire环线   
3818loop wiring concentrator 回路布线集中器   
3819loop wiring connector 回路布线连接器   
3820loop write-to-read 回路写读   
3821loop-around test line回路循环测试线   
3823loopback checking回送检查 回送检验   
3824loopback checking system回送检查系统 回送检验系统   
3825loopback point 环回点   
3826loopback test回送测试;回路返回测试 回送测试   
3829loop-free directed graph无回路有向图   
3830loophole漏洞 漏洞   
3832looping construct循环构造   
3833looping execution循环执行   
3834looping statement循环叙述   
3835loops to local subscribers本地订户回路   
3836loose consistency 松散一致性   
3837loose constraint松约束   
3838loose coupling松弛耦合   
3839loose interconnection松弛互连   
3840loose list松串列   
3841loose time constraint 松散时间约束   
3842loosely coupled松耦合   
3843loosely coupled interprocessor松耦合连结处理机   
3844loosely coupled multiprocessing松耦合多处理   
3845loosely coupled multiprocessor松耦合多处理机   
3846loosely coupled network 松耦合网路   
3847loosely coupled system松耦合系统 松[散]耦合系统   
3848loosely related松相关   
3849loosest nontrivial grammar最松非显然文法   
3850loss损耗 损失   
3851loss angle损耗角   
3852loss call损失呼叫   
3853loss compression 有损压缩   
3854loss factor损耗因子;损耗因数   
3855loss function损耗函数   
3856loss maintenance component损耗维护成分   
3857loss of accuracy精确度损失   
3858loss of contact失去接触   
3859loss of existing service现存服务损失   
3860loss of frame alignment框失位   
3861loss of information资讯损失   
3862loss of signal 信号损失   
3863loss of signification有效数损失   
3864loss of synchronism失去同步   
3865loss-free line无损耗线   
3867lossless channel无损通道   
3868lossless compression 无损压缩   
3869lossless image compression 无失真图像压缩   
3870lossless join无损结合 无损联结   
3871lossless joint无损结合   
3872lossless line无损耗线   
3873lossless network无损网路   
3875lossy compression有损压缩   
3876lossy image compression 有失真图像压缩   
3877lossy line有损耗线   
3878lost call失落呼叫   
3879lost count失落计数   
3880lost sale失落销售   
3881lost time损失时间   
3883lot number 批号   
3884lot tolerance fraction reliability deviation 批内可靠性偏差容许比率   
3885lot tolerance percent defective 批内缺陷容许百分比   
3886Lotus 1-2-3Lotus 1-2-3试算表软体   
3887loudness level 响度位准   
3888louver board开孔散热板   
3890low access time低存取时间   
3891low accuracy data 低精确度数据   
3892low accuracy radar data transmission system 低精确度雷达资料传输系统   
3893low accuracy 低精确度   
3894low active extended working register低现用延伸工作暂存器   
3895low active program counter carry低活动率程式计数器进位   
3896low activity data processing低活动率资料处理   
3897low address protection低位址保护   
3898low address setup time低位址设置时间   
3899low altitude laser measurement system 低空雷射测量系统   
3900low altitude target satellite 低空目标卫星   
3901low and medium frequency 低频与中频   
3902low byte低位元组   
3903low byte enable 低位元组赋能   
3904low capacity低容量   
3905low complement of address位址低位补数   
3906low contrast edge低对比边缘   
3907low cost automation 低成本自动化   
3908low cost code低成本码   
3909low cost computer attachment 低成本计算机附件   
3910low cost development system 低成本开发系统   
3911low cost module 低成本模组   
3912low cost solid logic technology 低成本固体逻辑技术   
3913low current低电流   
3914low data rate 低数据率   
3915low data register 低资料暂存器   
3916low density center 低密度中心   
3917low density data system 低密度资料系统   
3918low density data 低密度资料;低密度数据   
3919low density mode低密度记录模式   
3920low density 低密度   
3921low disparity code 低差别码   
3922low earth orbit 低地面轨道   
3923low frequency amplifier 低频放大器   
3924low frequency analysis recording 低频分析记录   
3925low frequency beacon 低频信标   
3926low frequency choke 低频抗流   
3927low frequency correction 低频校正   
3928low frequency current 低频电流   
3929low frequency filter 低频滤波器   
3930low frequency iron core inductance低频铁心电感   
3931low frequency modulation 低频调变   
3932low frequency oscillator 低频振 器   
3933low frequency 低频   
3934low function terminal低功能终端   
3935low impedance transmission 低阻抗传输   
3936low input voltage conversion and regulation 低输入电压转换与调整   
3937low input voltage converter 低输入电压转换器   
3938low key maintenance 低键维护   
3939low level code 低阶码   
3940low level code/continuity check 低阶编码连续性检查   
3941low level control低阶控制   
3942low level current mode logic 低位准电流模式逻辑   
3943low level driver 低阶驱动器   
3944low level exclusive 低级互斥   
3945low level file store低阶档案储存   
3946low level firmware低阶韧体   
3947low level format低阶格式   
3948low level formatting 低级格式化   
3949low level image processing低阶影像处理   
3950low level interface 低阶介面   
3951low level language 低级语言   
3952low level language programming低阶语言程式设计   
3953low level linked list language低阶链接列表语言   
3954low level logical 低阶逻辑   
3955low level modulation低阶调变   
3956low level multiplexer 低阶多工器   
3957low level output voltage 低位准输出电压   
3958low level packet低阶封包   
3959low level programming facility低阶程式设计设施   
3960low level protocol 低阶协定   
3961low level scheduling低阶排程   
3962low level software低阶软体   
3963low level syntax低阶语法   
3964low level teletypewriter terminal 低阶电传打字机终端   
3965low level terminal 低阶终端   
3966low level 低阶   
3967low light level television 低光阶电视   
3968low limit低限   
3969low memory低位记忆体   
3970low noise amplifier 低杂讯放大器   
3971low noise cable 低杂讯电缆   
3972low noise high-out tape 低杂讯高输出带   
3973low noise receiver 低杂讯接收机   
3974low noise test 低杂讯测试   
3975low norm低 数   
3976low order add circuit低次加法电路   
3977low order bit低阶位元   
3978low order byte低阶位元组   
3979low order character低次字元   
3980low order digit低阶数位   
3981low order end低阶端   
3982low order memory area低次记忆区   
3983low order merge 低次合并   
3984low order position低次位置   
3985low order 低阶   
3986low overhead timesharing system 低负担分时系统   
3987low paper indicator纸张不足指示器   
3988low pass filter 低通滤波器   
3989low performance communication equipment低效通信设备   
3990low performance equipment低效设备;低效能设备   
3991low pin-count memory device低接脚计数记忆装置   
3992low power communication device低功率通信装置   
3993low power data retention 低功率数据保持   
3994low power dissipation低功率消耗   
3995low power logic 低功率逻辑   
3996low power shift register低功率移位暂存器   
3997low power single chip microcomputer低功率单晶片微处理机   
3998low power test 低功率测试   
3999low power transistor-transistor logic 低功率晶体对晶体逻辑   
4000low power 低功率   
4001low precedence低居先权   
4002low priority低优先权   
4003low priority ready低优先就绪   
4004low priority ready queue低优先就绪伫列   
4005low priority traffic低优先流量   
4006low punch低位打孔   
4007low resistance Ohmmeter 低阻欧姆表   
4008low resistor 低值电阻器   
4009low resolution低解析度   
4010low resolution self-scan pattern recognition低解析度自我扫瞄图型识别   
4011low right 右下   
4012low side低边   
4013low speed adapter 低速配接器   
4014low speed card punch 低速打卡机   
4015low speed computer低速计算机   
4016low speed concentrator 低速集线器   
4017low speed data channel 低速资料通道   
4018low speed digital system 低速数位系统   
4019low speed encoder 低速编码器   
4020low speed input adapter 低速输入配接器   
4021low speed input/output processor 低速输入输出处理机   
4022low speed interface control 低速介面控制   
4023low speed line adapter 低速线路配接器   
4024low speed logic 低速逻辑   
4025low speed magnetic tape controller 低速磁带控制器   
4026low speed magnetic tape unit 低速磁带单位   
4027low speed memory低速记忆体   
4028low speed modem 低速数据机   
4029low speed MORSE低速摩斯电话   
4030low speed multiline controller 低速多线路控制器   
4031low speed multiplexer arrangement 低速多工器安排   
4032low speed output adapter 低速输出配接器   
4033low speed paper tape punch 低速纸带打孔   
4034low speed paper tape reader 低速纸带阅读机   
4035low speed printer 低速列印机;低速指标   
4036low speed register低速暂存器   
4037low speed storage低速储存;低速储存器   
4038low speed switching 低速交换   
4039low speed tape 低速带   
4040low speed terminal低速终端   
4041low speed transmission低速传输   
4042low speed 低速   
4043low tape低带   
4044low temperature device低温装置   
4045low threshold of occupancy占有率的低定限   
4046low to high 低至高   
4047low toner indicator低色剂指示器   
4048low traffic condition低速传输情况   
4049low voltage bias 低偏压   
4050low voltage capacitor 低电压电容器   
4051low voltage fast 低电压快速   
4052low voltage neon 低电压氖管   
4053low voltage positive ECL 低电压正电源射极耦合逻辑   
4054low voltage power supply 低压电源   
4055low voltage protection 低电压保护   
4056low voltage release 低电压释放   
4057low voltage state低压态   
4058low voltage transistor-transistor logic 低压电晶体对电晶体逻辑   
4059low voltage TTL 低电压晶体管晶体管逻辑   
4060low voltage 低电压   
4061low-bit-rate encoding 低位元率编码   
4062Lowenheim-Skolem theorem 勒文海姆-斯科伦定理   
4064lower acceptance value下限接受值   
4065lower band下带   
4066lower bound algorithm下界限演算法   
4067lower bound expression下界限表式   
4068lower bound of a subrange type子界类型下限   
4069lower bound on the complexity复杂性下界   
4070lower bound symbol下界符号   
4071lower bound theorem下界定理   
4072lower bound 下界限   
4073lower broadcast state 下播状态   
4074lower byte 低位元组   
4075lower case alphabet 小写体字母   
4076lower case ASCII terminal小写美国资讯交换标准码终端机   
4077lower case character小写字元   
4078lower case program小写程式   
4079lower case text小写本文   
4080lower CASE tool低层电脑辅助软体工程工具   
4081lower case 小写   
4082lower control 下限控制   
4083lower curtate下卡孔区   
4084lower echelon automation switchboard 低级梯阵自动配电板   
4085lower edge下边   
4086lower effective power 较低有效功率   
4087lower half 下半部   
4088lower height tree下层树   
4089lower instruction parcel 较低指令字部   
4090lower left 左下   
4091lower level node下阶节点   
4092lower level processor management下层处理器管理   
4093lower limit function下限函数   
4094lower limit register下限暂存器   
4095lower limit 下限   
4096lower loop下端回路   
4097lower node下层节点   
4098lower numbered variable下编号变数   
4099lower priority job下优先工件   
4100lower shift下位键   
4101lower sideband下边带   
4102lower state下态   
4103lower state symbol下态符号   
4104lower tester下测试器   
4105lower track下轨   
4106lower word下字   
4107lowering the typing line下移打字列   
4108lowest common factor 最小公因子   
4109lowest common module 最小共用模组   
4110lowest critical value最低临界值   
4111lowest effective power最低有效功率   
4112lowest level node最低阶节点   
4113lowest level protocol最低阶协定   
4114lowest maximum range 最低最大距离   
4115lowest order最低次   
4116lowest order digit最低次数位   
4117lowest term最小项   
4118lowest total overall cost 最低总成本   
4119lowest usable frequency 最低可用频率   
4120lowest useful frequency最低有用频率   
4121lowest useful high frequency 最低有用高频   
4122low-gain cryotron低增益冷子管   
4125low-state characteristic 低电平状态特性   
4126low-voltage differential signal 低电压差动信号   
4127LR grammar左至右文法   
4128LR(0) grammar LR(0)文法   
4129LR(k) grammar LR(k)文法   
4130LRA 地方注册机构   
4131LRN recursive scanLRN递回扫瞄   
4132LR-style parser左至右型剖析器   
4133LRU 最近最少使用   
4134LRU replacement policy最近最少使用的替换政策   
4135LSI board tester大型积体电路板测试器   
4136LSI chip大型积体电路晶片   
4137LSI chip design大型积体电路晶片设计   
4138LSI circuit大型积体电路   
4139LSI circuitry大型积体电路   
4140LSI components modularity大型积体电路组件模组性   
4141LSI logic function testing大型积体电路逻辑功能测试   
4142LSI memory大型积体电路记忆体   
4143LSI microprocessor大型积体电路微处理机   
4144LSI technologies大型积体电路技术   
4145LSI testing大型积体电路测试   
4146LSI testing system大型积体电路测试系统   
4147LSI-CML circuit technology大型积体电路型逻辑电路技术   
4150LU connection test逻辑单元连接测试   
4151LU factorizationLU分解法;下上距阵分解法   
4152LU services manager逻辑单元服务管理程式   
4153LU type逻辑单元类型   
4154lubricated magnetic disk润滑磁碟   
4156LU-LU session逻辑单元对逻辑单元对话   
4157LU-LU session initiation逻辑单元对逻辑单元对话启动   
4158LU-LU session termination逻辑单元对逻辑单元对话终止   
4159LU-LU session type逻辑单元对逻辑单元对话型式   
4162luminance image restoration亮度影像复原   
4163luminance signal亮度信号   
4166luminescent digital indicator发光数位指示器   
4168luminous flux光通量   
4169luminous intensity光强度   
4171lumped capacitance 集中电容   
4172lumped circuit集总电路   
4173lumped load集总负载 集中负载   
4174lumped loading集总加载   
4175lumped mathematical model集总数学模型   
4176lumped network集总网路   
4177lumped parameter集总参数   
4178lumped parameter approximation集总参数近似   
4179lumped parameter delay line集总参数延迟线   
4180lumped parameter model集总参数模型   
4181lumped parameter system集总参数系统   
4182lumped process control system集总过程控制系统   
4183lumped system集总系统   
4184lumpy line集总线   
4185lumpy structure集总结构   
4186lunar communication relay unit 月球通信电驿单元   
4187lunar module guidance computer 月球模组导引计算机   
4188LV 激光影碟   
4189LVDS 低电压差动信号   
4190LVPECL 低电压正电源射极耦合逻辑   
4191LVTTL 低电压晶体管晶体管逻辑   
4192LWFG 局部等待图   
4193Lyapunov theorem 李雅普诺夫定理