编号 | 原文 | 台湾用语 | 大陆用语 | 其他用语 |
1 | M Series | M序列 | | | |
2 | M series network architecture | M系列网路架构 | | | |
3 | MAC | | 媒体访问控制 | | |
4 | MAC | | 报文鉴别码 | | |
5 | MAC protocol | | 媒体访问控制协议, *MAC协议 | | |
6 | MacDonald code | 麦唐纳码 | | | |
7 | Mach band | | 马赫带 | | |
8 | Mach band effect | | 马赫带效应 | | |
9 | machinable | 机器可用 | | | |
10 | machinable medium | 机器可用的储存媒体 | | | |
11 | machinable service | 机器可用服务 | | | |
12 | machine | 机;机器 | | | |
13 | machine address | 机器位址 | | | |
14 | machine address instruction | 机器位址指令 | | | |
15 | machine address pointer | 机器位址指标 | | | |
16 | machine addressing | 机器定址 | | | |
17 | machine aided cognition | 机器辅助识别;机器辅助认知 | | | |
18 | machine aided composing and editing | 机器辅助排版与编辑 | | | |
19 | machine aided design | 机器辅助设计 | | | |
20 | machine aided drafting system | 机器辅助制图系统 | | | |
21 | machine aided editing | 机器辅助编辑 | | | |
22 | machine aided graphics for illustration and composition | 图例和构图用计算机辅助制图 | | | |
23 | machine aided heuristic | 机器辅助试探 | | | |
24 | machine aided human translation | 机器辅助人工翻译 | | | |
25 | machine aided index | 机器辅助索引 | | | |
26 | machine aided information and dissemination system | 机器辅助资讯与配送系统 | | | |
27 | machine aided manufacturing information | 机器辅助制造资讯 | | | |
28 | machine aided retrieval | 机器辅助检索 | | | |
29 | machine aided technical processing system | 机器辅助技术处理系统 | | | |
30 | machine aided translation editing | 机器辅助翻译编辑 | | | |
31 | machine aided translation | 机器辅助翻译 | | | |
32 | machine alarm | 机器警报 | | | |
33 | machine analysis display | 机器分析显示 | | | |
34 | machine analysis table | 机器分析表 | | | |
35 | machine analyzer package | 机器分析程式套装软体 | | | |
36 | machine applications to technical information center operations | 机器在技术资讯中心作业的应用资讯 | | | |
37 | machine architecture | 机器架构 | | | |
38 | machine arithmetic | 机器运算 | | | |
39 | machine assisted cognition | 机器辅助认知 | | | |
40 | machine assisted detection and classification | 机器辅助检测与分类 | | | |
41 | machine automatic algorithm decoder | 机器自动算法解码器 | | | |
42 | machine available time | 机器可用时间 | | | |
43 | machine binary language | 机器二进制语言 | | | |
44 | machine charge | 机器负荷 | | | |
45 | machine check | 机器检查 | | | |
46 | machine check analysis and recording | 机器检查分析和记录 | | | |
47 | machine check and program check | 机器检查与程式检查 | | | |
48 | machine check code | 机器检查码 | | | |
49 | machine check exception | 机器检查异常 | | | |
50 | machine check extended logout | 机器检查延伸注销 | | | |
51 | machine check frame | 机器检查框 | | | |
52 | machine check function | 机器检查功能 | | | |
53 | machine check handler | 机器检查处置器 | | | |
54 | machine check indicator | 机器检查指示器 | | | |
55 | machine check instruction | 机器检查指令 | | | |
56 | machine check interrupt | 机器检查中断 | 机器检查中断 | | |
57 | machine check interruption code | 机器检查中断码 | | | |
58 | machine check interruption | 机器检查中断 | | | |
59 | machine check masking | 机器检查遮罩 | | | |
60 | machine check mode | 机器检查模式 | | | |
61 | machine check record | 机器检查记录 | | | |
62 | machine check recording and recovery | 机器检查记录与恢复 | | | |
63 | machine check summary counter | 机器检查摘要计数器 | | | |
64 | machine code | 机器码 | 机器码 | | |
65 | machine code instruction | 机器码指令 | | | |
66 | machine code language | 机器码语言 | | | |
67 | machine code level | 机器码阶 | | | |
68 | machine code programming | 机器码程式设计 | | | |
69 | machine coding | 机器编码 | | | |
70 | machine cognition | 机器认知 | | | |
71 | machine configuration | 机器组态 | | | |
72 | machine configuration record | 机器组态记录 | | | |
73 | machine cycle | | 机器周期 | | |
74 | machine dependent | 机器相关 | | | |
75 | machine dependent feature | 机器相关特徵 | | | |
76 | machine dependent language | 机器相关语言 | | | |
77 | machine dictionary | 机器字典 | 机器词典 | | |
78 | machine discovery | | 机器发现 | | |
79 | machine error | 机器误差 | | | |
80 | machine execution priority | 机器执行优先权 | | | |
81 | machine for automated graphics interface to a computation | 自动绘图与计算机介面用机器 | | | |
82 | machine function | 机器功能;机械功能 | | | |
83 | machine function test | 机器功能测试 | | | |
84 | machine group | 机组 | | | |
85 | machine independent | 机器无关 | | | |
86 | machine independent command language | 机器无关命令语言 | | | |
87 | machine independent language | 机器无关语言 | | | |
88 | machine independent microprogramming language | 机器无关的微程式设计语言 | | | |
89 | machine independent operating system | | 独立于机器的操作系统 | | |
90 | machine independent solution | 机器无关解答 | | | |
91 | machine induction | 机器感应 | | | |
92 | machine instruction | 机器指令 | 机器指令 | | |
93 | machine instruction code | 机器指令码 | | | |
94 | machine instruction processor | 机器指令处理器 | | | |
95 | machine instruction statement | 机器指令叙述 | | | |
96 | machine intelligence | 机器智慧 | 机器智能 | | |
97 | machine intelligent quotient | 机器智能商 | | | |
98 | machine interface | 机器介面 | | | |
99 | machine interrupt | 机器岔断 | | | |
100 | machine language | | 机器语言 | | |
101 | machine language code | 机器语言码 | | | |
102 | machine language program | 机器语言程式 | | | |
103 | machine language subroutine | 机器语言次常式 | | | |
104 | machine learning | 机器学习 | 机器学习 | | |
105 | machine level | 机器层次 | | | |
106 | machine link code | 机器链接码 | | | |
107 | machine logic | 机器逻辑 | | | |
108 | machine logic design | 机器逻辑设计 | | | |
109 | machine malfunction | 机器失灵 | | | |
110 | machine module | 机器模组 | | | |
111 | machine notation | 机器记法 | | | |
112 | machine number | 机器号码 | | | |
113 | machine operation | 机器操作 | | | |
114 | machine operator | 机器操作员 | | | |
115 | machine oriented description | 机器导向描述 | | | |
116 | machine oriented higher order language | 机器导向较高阶语言 | | | |
117 | machine oriented language | 机器导向语言 | | | |
118 | machine oriented programming system | 机器导向系统 | | | |
119 | machine part | 机器零件 | | | |
120 | machine program | 机器程式 | | | |
121 | machine proof | 机器证明 | | | |
122 | machine rate | 机器费率 | | | |
123 | machine readable | 机器可读 | | | |
124 | machine readable catalog | 机器可读目录 | | | |
125 | machine readable cataloging | 机器可读编目 | | | |
126 | machine readable catalogue | 机器可读目录 | | | |
127 | machine readable character | 机器可读字元 | | | |
128 | machine readable data | 机器可读资料 | | | |
129 | machine readable data files | 机器可读资料档案 | | | |
130 | machine readable dictionary | 机器可读辞典 | | | |
131 | machine readable form | 机器可读形式 | | | |
132 | machine readable information | 机器可读资讯 | | | |
133 | machine readable instruction | 机器可读指令 | | | |
134 | machine readable medium | 机器可读媒体 | | | |
135 | machine readable statement | 机器可读叙述 | | | |
136 | machine readable string | 机器可读字串 | | | |
137 | machine readable tapes | 机器可读磁带 | | | |
138 | machine recognizable | 机器可辨识 | | | |
139 | machine reel | 机器卷盘 | | | |
140 | machine retrieval system | 机器检索系统 | | | |
141 | machine ringing | 机器振铃 | | | |
142 | machine room | 机房 | 机房 | | |
143 | machine run | 机器运行 | 机器运行 | | |
144 | machine script | 机器可读数据 | | | |
145 | machine sensible | 机器可感测 | | | |
146 | machine sensible information | 机器可感测资讯 | | | |
147 | machine sheet | 机器表单 | | | |
148 | machine shorthand | 机器速记 | | | |
149 | machine space point | 机器空间点 | | | |
150 | machine specification language | 机器规格语言 | | | |
151 | machine spoiled time | 机器损坏时间 | | | |
152 | machine spoiled work-time | 机器损坏工时 | | | |
153 | machine status word | 机器状态字 | | | |
154 | machine storage pool | 机器储存池 | | | |
155 | machine time | 机器时间 | | | |
156 | machine tool | 机器工具 | | | |
157 | machine tool control | 机器工具控制 | | | |
158 | machine translation | | 机器翻译 | | |
159 | machine translation algorithm | 机器翻译算法 | | | |
160 | machine translation summit | | 机译最高研讨会 | | |
161 | machine translation system | 机器翻译系统 | | | |
162 | machine translation | 机器翻译 | | | |
163 | machine unit | 机器单元 | | | |
164 | machine usable form | 机器可用形式 | | | |
165 | machine user symbolic environment | 机用户符号环境 | | | |
166 | machine utilization reporting system | 机器利用率报告系统 | | | |
167 | machine utilization statistical information collection | 机器利用率统计资讯收集 | | | |
168 | machine variable | 机器变数 | | | |
169 | machine vision | 机器视觉 | 机器视觉 | | |
170 | machine vision inspection system | 机器视觉检验系统 | | | |
171 | machine word | 机器字;计算机字 | 机器字 | | |
172 | machine word length | 机器字长度 | | | |
173 | machine-aided human translation | | 机助人译 | | |
174 | machine-aided translation | | 机助翻译 | | |
175 | machine-oriented language | | 面向机器语言 | | |
176 | machine-spoiled time | | 机器浪费时间 | | |
177 | machine-state grammar | 机器状态文法 | | | |
178 | machining and display application program | 加工显示应用程式 | | | |
179 | machining data bank system | 加工资料库系统 | | | |
180 | machining database system | 加工资料库系统 | | | |
181 | machining rate | 加工率 | | | |
182 | Mach-number computer | 马赫数计算机 | | | |
183 | Macintosh | 麦金塔电脑 | | | |
184 | macro | 巨集 | | | |
185 | macro address bus | 巨集位址汇流排 | | | |
186 | macro address register | 巨集位址暂存器 | | | |
187 | macro address table | 巨集位址表 | | | |
188 | macro architecture | 巨集架构 | | | |
189 | macro argument | 巨集引数 | | | |
190 | macro arithmetic processor | 巨集算术处理机 | | | |
191 | macro assembler facility | 巨集组合器设施 | | | |
192 | macro assembler line editor | 巨集组合器线编辑器 | | | |
193 | macro assembler processor | 巨集组合器处理机 | | | |
194 | macro assembler time-sharing | 巨集组合器分时 | | | |
195 | macro assembler | 巨集组合程式;巨集组合器 | | | |
196 | macro assembly instruction | 巨集组合指令 | | | |
197 | macro assembly language | 巨集组合语言 | | | |
198 | macro assembly processor | 巨集组合处理器 | | | |
199 | macro assembly program | 巨集组合程式 | | | |
200 | macro assignment statement | 巨集指定叙述 | | | |
201 | macro block | 巨集块 | 宏块 | | |
202 | macro block characterization program | 巨集块特性化程式 | | | |
203 | macro block design | 巨集块设计;程式块设计 | | | |
204 | macro block test generator | 巨集块测试产生器 | | | |
205 | macro body | 巨集本体 | | | |
206 | macro call | 巨集呼叫 | | | |
207 | macro cell arrays | 巨集单元阵列 | | | |
208 | macro chip | 巨集晶片 | | | |
209 | macro code | 巨集码 | | | |
210 | macro coding | 巨集编码 | | | |
211 | macro command | 巨集命令 | | | |
212 | macro component | 巨集组件 | | | |
213 | macro control statement | 巨集控制叙述 | | | |
214 | macro cross reference | 巨集交叉引用 | | | |
215 | macro data language | 巨集资料语言 | | | |
216 | macro data | 巨集资料 | | | |
217 | macro declaration | 巨集宣告 | | | |
218 | macro declare statement | 巨集宣告叙述 | | | |
219 | macro defined system symbol | 巨集定义系统符号 | | | |
220 | macro definition | 巨集定义 | | | |
221 | macro definition block | 巨集定义段 | | | |
222 | macro definition exit | 巨集定义出口 | | | |
223 | macro definition format | 巨集定义格式 | | | |
224 | macro definition library | 巨集定义程式馆 | | | |
225 | macro definition table | 巨集定义表 | | | |
226 | macro directory | 巨集目录 | | | |
227 | macro efficiency | 巨集效率 | | | |
228 | macro element | 巨集元件 | | | |
229 | macro exerciser | 巨集检查器 | | | |
230 | macro expander | 巨集扩展器 | | | |
231 | macro expansion | 巨集扩展 | | | |
232 | macro expansion algorithm | 巨集扩展算法 | | | |
233 | macro expansion slack | 巨集扩充松弛 | | | |
234 | macro expression | 巨集表式 | | | |
235 | macro facility | 巨集设施 | | | |
236 | macro feature | 巨集特徵 | | | |
237 | macro flowchart | 巨集流程图 | | | |
238 | macro generating program | 巨集产生程式 | | | |
239 | macro generation | 巨集产生 | | | |
240 | macro generator | 巨集产生器 | | | |
241 | macro GO TO statement | 巨集GOTO叙述 | | | |
242 | macro IF statement | 巨集IF叙述 | | | |
243 | macro implementation | 巨集实施 | | | |
244 | macro instruction | 巨集指令 | 宏指令 | | |
245 | macro instruction compiler assembler | 巨集指令编译器组合程式;巨集指令编译组合程序 | | | |
246 | macro instruction design | 巨集指令设计 | | | |
247 | macro instruction exit | 巨集指令出口 | | | |
248 | macro instruction level | 巨集指令阶 | | | |
249 | macro instruction limitation | 巨集指令限制 | | | |
250 | macro instruction link | 巨集指令链 | | | |
251 | macro instruction linkage | 巨集指令链接 | | | |
252 | macro instruction operand | 巨集指令运算元 | | | |
253 | macro instruction set | 巨集指令集 | | | |
254 | macro instruction sorts | 巨集指令分类 | | | |
255 | macro instruction storage | 巨集指令储存器 | | | |
256 | macro instruction system | 巨集指令系统 | | | |
257 | macro language | | 宏语言 | | |
258 | macro language 1 | 巨集语言1 | | | |
259 | macro language instruction | 巨集语言指令 | | | |
260 | macro library | 巨集程式馆;巨集程式库;巨集指令库 | | | |
261 | macro library directive | 巨集程式馆指引 | | | |
262 | macro library editor | 巨集程式馆编辑器 | | | |
263 | macro logic | 巨集逻辑 | | | |
264 | macro modular computer | 巨集模组计算机 | | | |
265 | macro module and digital differential analyzer machine | 巨集组件与数位微分分析机 | | | |
266 | macro name | 巨集名称 | | | |
267 | macro nest | 巨集巢 | | | |
268 | macro node | | 宏结点 | | |
269 | macro null statement | 巨集空叙述 | | | |
270 | macro operation symbolic assembler | 巨集作业符号组译器 | | | |
271 | macro operation symbolic assembler and information compiler | 巨集作业符号组合与资讯 | | | |
272 | macro operator | 巨集运算子 | | | |
273 | macro oriented business language | 巨集导向商用语言 | | | |
274 | macro parameter | 巨集参数 | | | |
275 | macro phase | 巨集阶段 | | | |
276 | macro pipeline | 巨集管线 | | | |
277 | macro pipelining | 巨集排管线 | | | |
278 | macro plus | 巨集功能加 | | | |
279 | macro preprocessor | 巨集预处理机 | | | |
280 | macro procedure language | 巨集程序语言 | | | |
281 | macro processing | 巨集处理 | | | |
282 | macro processing instruction | 巨集处理指令 | | | |
283 | macro processing system | 巨集处理系统 | | | |
284 | macro processor | | 宏处理程序 | | |
285 | macro program | 巨集程式 | | | |
286 | macro programming | 巨集程式设计 | | | |
287 | macro prototype | 巨集原型 | | | |
288 | macro prototype statement | 巨集雏型叙述;巨集原型叙述 | | | |
289 | macro prototype statement number | 巨集原型叙述号码 | | | |
290 | macro pseudo instruction | 巨集伪指令 | | | |
291 | macro read only memory | 巨集唯读记忆体 | | | |
292 | macro recursion | 巨集递回 | | | |
293 | macro routine | 巨集常式 | | | |
294 | macro scheduler | 巨集排程器 | | | |
295 | macro scheme | 巨集方案 | | | |
296 | macro scopic concept | 巨观概念 | | | |
297 | macro scopic state | 巨观状态 | | | |
298 | macro set | 巨集合 | | | |
299 | macro setup | 巨集设置 | | | |
300 | macro skeleton | 巨集骨架 | | | |
301 | macro skeleton structure | 巨集骨架结构 | | | |
302 | macro space read only memory | 大空间唯读记忆体 | | | |
303 | macro statement | 巨集叙述 | | | |
304 | macro statement number | 巨集叙述号码 | | | |
305 | macro statistics | 巨集统计 | | | |
306 | macro structure | 巨观结构 | | | |
307 | macro subroutine library | 巨集次常式程式馆 | | | |
308 | macro substitution | 巨集替代 | | | |
309 | macro successor | 巨集後继(子) | | | |
310 | macro symbol | 巨集符号 | | | |
311 | macro symbol table | 巨集符号表 | | | |
312 | macro system | 巨集系统 | | | |
313 | macro text editor | 巨集正文编辑器 | | | |
314 | macro time event list | 巨集时间事件串列 | | | |
315 | macro time function | 巨时功能 | | | |
316 | macro time variable | 巨时变数;巨集时间变数 | | | |
317 | macro trace | 巨集追踪 | | | |
318 | macro variables | 巨集变数 | | | |
319 | macro virus | | 宏病毒 | | |
320 | macroeconometric model | | 宏观计量经济模型 | | |
321 | macroeconomic model | | 宏观经济模型 | | |
322 | macrograph | 巨集图 | | | |
323 | macrograph design | 巨集图设计 | | | |
324 | macropipelining algorithm | | 宏流水线算法 | | |
325 | macros | | 宏指令 | | |
326 | macrotasking | | 宏任务化 | | |
327 | macro-theory | | 宏理论 | | |
328 | mag tape | 磁带 | (未穿孔)带 | | |
329 | magamp | 磁放大器 | | | |
330 | magazine | 卡槽;杂志 | | | |
331 | magic number | 幻数 | | | |
332 | magic paper | 幻纸 | | | |
333 | magic set | | 魔集 | | |
334 | magic square | 魔术方块 | | | |
335 | magic three code | 幻叁码 | | | |
336 | magmeter | 直读式频率计 | | | |
337 | Magnadur | 铁钡永磁合金;马格那多尔磁性合金 | | | |
338 | magne-see | 可见磁性显影液 | | | |
339 | magnet driver | 电磁铁驱动器 | | | |
340 | magnet drum recorder | 磁鼓记录器 | | | |
341 | magnet plate | 磁碟片 | | | |
342 | magnetic | 磁(性)的 | | | |
343 | magnetic after effect | 磁後效应 | | | |
344 | magnetic amplifier output | 磁放大器输出 | | | |
345 | magnetic amplifier | 磁放大器 | | | |
346 | magnetic anisotropy | 磁各向导性 | | | |
347 | magnetic associative memory | 磁相关记忆体 | | | |
348 | magnetic axis | 磁轴 | | | |
349 | magnetic bar | 磁棒 | | | |
350 | magnetic bar code | 磁棒代码 | | | |
351 | magnetic beam-switching tube | 磁波束转换管 | | | |
352 | magnetic bias | 磁偏移 | | | |
353 | magnetic bubble | 磁泡 | 磁泡 | | |
354 | magnetic bubble chip simulator | 磁泡晶片模拟器 | | | |
355 | magnetic bubble detection | 磁泡检测 | | | |
356 | magnetic bubble device | 磁泡装置 | | | |
357 | magnetic bubble domain device | 泡畴装置;磁泡 畴装置 | | | |
358 | magnetic bubble material | 磁泡材料 | | | |
359 | magnetic bubble memory | 磁泡记忆体 | | | |
360 | magnetic bubble storage | 磁泡储存器 | | | |
361 | magnetic card | | 磁卡[片] | | |
362 | magnetic card code | 磁卡片代码 | | | |
363 | magnetic card device | 磁卡装置 | | | |
364 | magnetic card electric typewriter | 磁卡电动打字机 | | | |
365 | magnetic card file | 磁卡档案 | | | |
366 | magnetic card filing cabinet | 磁卡归档柜 | | | |
367 | magnetic card machine | | 磁卡[片]机 | | |
368 | magnetic card memory | 磁卡记忆体 | | | |
369 | magnetic card reader | 磁卡阅读机 | | | |
370 | magnetic card storage | 磁卡片储存器 | 磁卡存储器 | | |
371 | magnetic card | 磁性卡片;磁卡 | 磁卡 | | |
372 | magnetic carrier | 磁(记录)载体 | | | |
373 | magnetic cartridge | 磁匣 | | | |
374 | magnetic cell | 磁格 | | | |
375 | magnetic character | 磁字元 | | | |
376 | magnetic character reader | 磁字元阅读机 | | | |
377 | magnetic character recognition | 磁字元辨识 | | | |
378 | magnetic character sorter | 磁字元分类机 | | | |
379 | magnetic check | 磁性检查 | | | |
380 | magnetic circuit | 磁电路 | | | |
381 | magnetic clutch | 电磁离合器 | | | |
382 | magnetic coating | 磁涂层 | | | |
383 | magnetic code format | 磁(性)代码格式 | | | |
384 | magnetic component | 磁性组件 | | | |
385 | magnetic core | | 磁心 | | |
386 | magnetic core access switch | 磁心存取开关 | | | |
387 | magnetic core buffer | 磁心缓冲器 | | | |
388 | magnetic core circuit | 磁心电路 | | | |
389 | magnetic core gate | 磁心闸 | | | |
390 | magnetic core logical circuit | 磁心逻辑电路 | | | |
391 | magnetic core matrix | 磁心矩阵 | | | |
392 | magnetic core memory | 磁心记忆体 | | | |
393 | magnetic core multiplexer | 磁心多工器 | | | |
394 | magnetic core plane | 磁心平面 | | | |
395 | magnetic core register | 磁心暂存器 | | | |
396 | magnetic core stack | 磁心堆叠 | | | |
397 | magnetic core storage | 磁心储存器;磁心储存 | | | |
398 | magnetic core store | 磁心储存 | | | |
399 | magnetic core tester | 磁心测试器 | | | |
400 | magnetic core | 磁心 | (磁)心 | | |
401 | magnetic coupling | 磁耦合 | | | |
402 | magnetic damping | 磁阻尼 | | | |
403 | magnetic decision element | 磁判定元件 | | | |
404 | magnetic delay-line | 磁延迟线;磁延迟线 | | | |
405 | magnetic device | 磁性装置 | | | |
406 | magnetic device evaluator | 磁性装置评估器 | | | |
407 | magnetic dipole | 磁偶极 | | | |
408 | magnetic dipole moment | 磁双极矩 | | | |
409 | magnetic direction indicator | 磁场方向指示器 | | | |
410 | magnetic disc | 磁碟 | 磁盘 | | |
411 | magnetic disc control unit | 磁碟控制单元 | | | |
412 | magnetic disc drive | 磁碟驱动器;磁碟驱动机 | | | |
413 | magnetic disc memory | 磁碟记忆体 | | | |
414 | magnetic disc pack | 磁碟组 | | | |
415 | magnetic disc pack control unit | 磁碟组控制单元 | | | |
416 | magnetic disc store | 磁碟储存 | (磁)盘存储器 | | |
417 | magnetic disk | | 磁盘, *盘 | | |
418 | magnetic disk access arm | 磁碟存取臂 | | | |
419 | magnetic disk actuator | 磁碟致动器 | | | |
420 | magnetic disk adapter | | 磁盘适配器 | | |
421 | magnetic disk controller | | 磁盘控制器 | | |
422 | magnetic disk drive | | [磁]盘驱动器, *盘驱 | | |
423 | magnetic disk file | 磁碟档案 | | | |
424 | magnetic disk memory | 磁碟记忆体 | | | |
425 | magnetic disk storage | 磁碟储存器 | | | |
426 | magnetic disk storage unit | 磁碟储存单元 | | | |
427 | magnetic disk technology | 磁碟技术 | | | |
428 | magnetic disk unit | 磁碟单元 | | | |
429 | magnetic disk | 磁碟 | 磁盘 | | |
430 | magnetic document reader | 磁文件阅读机 | | | |
431 | magnetic document sorter reader | 磁文件分类阅读机 | | | |
432 | magnetic domain | 磁域;磁畴 | | | |
433 | magnetic domain device | 磁畴装置;磁域装置 | | | |
434 | magnetic domain wall | 磁域墙 | | | |
435 | magnetic doublet | 磁偶极 | | | |
436 | magnetic drum | | 磁鼓 | | |
437 | magnetic drum access | 磁鼓存取 | | | |
438 | magnetic drum coating | 磁鼓涂层 | | | |
439 | magnetic drum control unit | 磁鼓控制单元 | | | |
440 | magnetic drum controller | 磁鼓控制器 | | | |
441 | magnetic drum data processing machine | 磁鼓资料处理机 | | | |
442 | magnetic drum digital differential analyzer | 磁鼓数位微分分析机;磁鼓数位微分分析器 | | | |
443 | magnetic drum input/output control system | 磁鼓输入输出控制系统 | | | |
444 | magnetic drum macroorder | 磁鼓巨集命令 | | | |
445 | magnetic drum memory | 磁鼓记忆体 | | | |
446 | magnetic drum read | 磁鼓读 | | | |
447 | magnetic drum receiving equipment | 磁鼓接收设备 | | | |
448 | magnetic drum storage | 磁鼓储存器 | 磁鼓存储器 | | |
449 | magnetic drum storage system | 磁鼓储存系统 | | | |
450 | magnetic drum system | 磁鼓系统 | | | |
451 | magnetic drum unit | 磁鼓单元 | 磁鼓机 | | |
452 | magnetic drum | 磁鼓 | 磁鼓 | | |
453 | magnetic element | 磁(性)元件 | | | |
454 | magnetic energy density | 磁能密度 | | | |
455 | magnetic eraser | 磁抹除器 | | | |
456 | magnetic ferrites | 磁铁氧体 | | | |
457 | magnetic field | 磁场 | | | |
458 | magnetic field equalizer | 磁场均衡器 | | | |
459 | magnetic field intensity | 磁场强度 | | | |
460 | magnetic field interference | 磁场干扰 | | | |
461 | magnetic figure | 磁力线图;磁场图 | | | |
462 | magnetic film | 磁膜 | 磁膜 | | |
463 | magnetic film logic device | 磁膜逻辑装置 | | | |
464 | magnetic film memory | 磁膜记忆体 | | | |
465 | magnetic film recorder | 磁膜记录器 | | | |
466 | magnetic film storage | 磁膜储存器 | | | |
467 | magnetic flipflop | 磁性正反器 | | | |
468 | magnetic flux | 磁通量 | | | |
469 | magnetic flux density | 磁通量密度 | | | |
470 | magnetic flux distribution | 磁通量分布 | | | |
471 | magnetic focusing | 磁聚焦 | | | |
472 | magnetic gap | 磁间隙 | | | |
473 | magnetic hand scanner | 手握式磁扫瞄器 | | | |
474 | magnetic head | 磁头 | 磁头 | | |
475 | magnetic head on-line cleaning | 磁头连线清洁 | | | |
476 | magnetic head positioning construction | 磁头定位构造 | | | |
477 | magnetic hologram | 磁全像 | | | |
478 | magnetic hysteresis | 磁滞 | | | |
479 | magnetic hysteresis loop | 磁滞回路;磁滞回线 | | | |
480 | magnetic hysteresis loss | 磁滞损耗 | | | |
481 | magnetic impulse | 磁脉冲 | | | |
482 | magnetic induction | 磁感应 | | | |
483 | magnetic ink | 磁墨;磁墨水 | 磁墨水 | | |
484 | magnetic ink character | 磁墨字元 | 磁墨水字符 | | |
485 | magnetic ink character reader | 磁墨字元阅读机 | 磁墨水字符阅读机 | | |
486 | magnetic ink character recognition code | 磁墨字元辨识码 | | | |
487 | magnetic ink character recognition scan | 磁墨字元辨识扫瞄 | | | |
488 | magnetic ink character recognition | 磁墨字元辨识;磁墨字符识别 | 磁墨水字符识别 | | |
489 | magnetic ink character scan | 磁墨字元扫瞄 | | | |
490 | magnetic ink character sorter | 磁墨字元分类机 | | | |
491 | magnetic ink document reader | 磁墨文件阅读机 | | | |
492 | magnetic ink scan | 磁墨扫瞄 | | | |
493 | magnetic ink scanner | 磁墨水扫瞄器 | | | |
494 | magnetic instability | 磁不稳定性 | | | |
495 | magnetic isotropic | 磁等向性 | | | |
496 | magnetic keyboard | 磁性键盘 | | | |
497 | magnetic layer | 磁层 | | | |
498 | magnetic leakage | 磁漏 | | | |
499 | magnetic line of force | 磁力线 | | | |
500 | magnetic link | 磁链接 | | | |
501 | magnetic logic computer | 磁逻辑计算机 | | | |
502 | magnetic loss | 磁损耗 | | | |
503 | magnetic mark reader | 磁标示阅读机 | | | |
504 | magnetic master | 磁性主盘 | | | |
505 | magnetic matrix | 磁储存矩阵 | | | |
506 | magnetic media | 磁性媒体 | | | |
507 | magnetic memory | 磁记忆体 | 磁存储器 | | |
508 | magnetic metal-oxide-semiconductor type field effect | 磁金氧半导体型式栏 | | | |
509 | magnetic metal-oxide-semiconductor type field effect transistor | 磁金氧半导体场效应晶体 | | | |
510 | magnetic modulator | 磁调变器 | | | |
511 | magnetic multi-aperture element | 多孔磁元件 | | | |
512 | magnetic needle | 磁针 | | | |
513 | magnetic nonreturn-to-zero | 磁性不归零制 | | | |
514 | magnetic operational amplifier | 磁运算放大器 | | | |
515 | magnetic optical | 可读写式光碟机 | | | |
516 | magnetic optical-character reader | 磁光字元阅读机 | | | |
517 | magnetic original | 原版磁带 | | | |
518 | magnetic oxides | 磁氧化 | | | |
519 | magnetic path | 磁路径 | | | |
520 | magnetic pen | 磁(记录)笔 | | | |
521 | magnetic permeability | 磁导率 | | | |
522 | magnetic plate wire memory | 磁板线记忆体 | | | |
523 | magnetic plated wire | 磁镀线 | | | |
524 | magnetic playback head | 回放磁头 | | | |
525 | magnetic potential | 磁性位势 | | | |
526 | magnetic powder core | 磁粉磁心 | | | |
527 | magnetic read head | 磁读头 | | | |
528 | magnetic read switch | 磁读开关 | | | |
529 | magnetic read/write compatible head | 磁读/写入相容头 | | | |
530 | magnetic read/write head | 磁性读/写头 | | | |
531 | magnetic reader sorter | 磁阅读分类机 | | | |
532 | magnetic record file | 磁记录档案 | | | |
533 | magnetic recorder | 磁记录器 | | | |
534 | magnetic recording | 磁化记录;磁记录 | 磁记录 | | |
535 | magnetic recording characteristics | 磁记录特性 | | | |
536 | magnetic recording head | 记录磁头 | | | |
537 | magnetic recording industries association | (美国)磁性记录工业协会 | | | |
538 | magnetic recording medium | 磁记录媒体 | 磁记录介质 | | |
539 | magnetic relaxation effect | 磁松弛效应 | | | |
540 | magnetic remanence | 顽磁 | | | |
541 | magnetic reproduce head | 磁性再制头 | | | |
542 | magnetic reproducer | 磁复制器 | | | |
543 | magnetic resistance | 磁电阻 | | | |
544 | magnetic resonance imaging | 磁共振成像 | | | |
545 | magnetic saturation | 磁饱和 | | | |
546 | magnetic screen | 磁屏幕 | | | |
547 | magnetic semiconductor | 磁性半导体 | | | |
548 | magnetic sheet | 磁性表单 | | | |
549 | magnetic shield | 磁屏蔽 | | | |
550 | magnetic shield simulator | 磁屏蔽模拟器 | | | |
551 | magnetic shift register | 磁移位暂存器;磁移暂存器 | | | |
552 | magnetic slot reader | 磁槽阅读机 | | | |
553 | magnetic sound | 磁声 | | | |
554 | magnetic storage register | 磁储存暂存器 | | | |
555 | magnetic storage | 磁性储存;磁储存器 | 磁存储器 | | |
556 | magnetic store | 磁性储存(体);磁储存(器) | | | |
557 | magnetic storm | 磁暴 | | | |
558 | magnetic strength | 磁场强度 | | | |
559 | magnetic stress tensor | 磁应力张量 | | | |
560 | magnetic strip | 磁条 | | | |
561 | magnetic strip accounting | 磁条记帐 | | | |
562 | magnetic strip accounting machine | 磁条记帐机 | | | |
563 | magnetic strip file | 磁条档案 | | | |
564 | magnetic strip reader | 磁条阅读机 | | | |
565 | magnetic strip recording | 磁条记录 | | | |
566 | magnetic stripe | | 磁条 | | |
567 | magnetic stripe reader | 磁条阅读机 | 磁条阅读机 | | |
568 | magnetic surface memory | 磁面记忆体 | | | |
569 | magnetic surface recording | 磁(表)面记录 | 磁表面记录 | | |
570 | magnetic surface storage | 磁面储存器 | | | |
571 | magnetic susceptibility | 磁化率 | | | |
572 | magnetic switch | 磁开关 | | | |
573 | magnetic tape | 磁带 | 磁带 | | |
574 | magnetic tape access | 磁带存取 | | | |
575 | magnetic tape adapter | 磁带配接器 | | | |
576 | magnetic tape back-up station | 磁带备份站 | | | |
577 | magnetic tape back-up system | | 磁带后援系统 | | |
578 | magnetic tape buffer | 磁带缓冲器 | | | |
579 | magnetic tape cartridge | 磁带匣 | | | |
580 | magnetic tape cassette | 卡式磁带 | | | |
581 | magnetic tape channel | 磁带通道 | | | |
582 | magnetic tape check | 磁带检查 | | | |
583 | magnetic tape command | 磁带命令 | | | |
584 | magnetic tape control unit | 磁带控制单元 | | | |
585 | magnetic tape controller | | 磁带控制器 | | |
586 | magnetic tape controller | 磁带控制器 | | | |
587 | magnetic tape deck | 磁带叠 | | | |
588 | magnetic tape deck mechanism | 磁带叠机构 | | | |
589 | magnetic tape delay | 磁带延迟 | | | |
590 | magnetic tape diagnostics | 磁带诊断 | | | |
591 | magnetic tape drive | 磁带驱动机 | 磁带驱动器 | | |
592 | magnetic tape drive unit | 磁带驱动装置 | | | |
593 | magnetic tape driver | 磁带驱动器 | | | |
594 | magnetic tape driving system | 磁带驱动系统 | 磁带驱动系统 | | |
595 | magnetic tape equipment | 磁带设备 | | | |
596 | magnetic tape field search | 磁带栏搜寻 | | | |
597 | magnetic tape file | 磁带档案 | | | |
598 | magnetic tape file check | 磁带档案检查 | | | |
599 | magnetic tape file formatter | 磁带档案格式器 | | | |
600 | magnetic tape file information | 磁带档案资讯 | | | |
601 | magnetic tape file label | 磁带档案标号 | | | |
602 | magnetic tape file operation | 磁带档案操作 | | | |
603 | magnetic tape filing cabinet | 磁带归档柜 | | | |
604 | magnetic tape format | 磁带格式 | 磁带格式 | | |
605 | magnetic tape gap width | 磁带间隙宽度 | | | |
606 | magnetic tape group | 磁带组 | | | |
607 | magnetic tape handler | 磁带处置器 | | | |
608 | magnetic tape head | 磁带头 | | | |
609 | magnetic tape label | 磁带标号 | 磁带标号 | | |
610 | magnetic tape leader | 磁带首部 | | | |
611 | magnetic tape librarian | 磁带馆管理器 | | | |
612 | magnetic tape library | 磁带程式馆 | | | |
613 | magnetic tape loader | 磁带载入器 | | | |
614 | magnetic tape loading program | 磁带载入程式 | | | |
615 | magnetic tape loading | 磁带载入 | | | |
616 | magnetic tape loop storage | 磁环带储存 | | | |
617 | magnetic tape master file | 磁带主档案 | | | |
618 | magnetic tape memory | 磁带记忆体 | | | |
619 | magnetic tape module | 磁带模组 | | | |
620 | magnetic tape operating system | 磁带作业系统 | | | |
621 | magnetic tape parity | 磁带奇偶 | 磁带奇偶检验 | | |
622 | magnetic tape parity check | 磁带同位检查 | | | |
623 | magnetic tape plotting system | 磁带绘图系统 | | | |
624 | magnetic tape processor | 磁带处理机 | | | |
625 | magnetic tape programming system | 磁带程式设计系统 | | | |
626 | magnetic tape reader | 磁带阅读机 | | | |
627 | magnetic tape record end | 磁带记录结束 | | | |
628 | magnetic tape record start | 磁带记录开始 | | | |
629 | magnetic tape recorder | 磁带记录器 | | | |
630 | magnetic tape reel | 磁带卷盘 | | | |
631 | magnetic tape reformatting system | 磁带重订格式系统 | | | |
632 | magnetic tape release | 磁带释放 | | | |
633 | magnetic tape search unit | 磁带搜寻装置 | | | |
634 | magnetic tape sorting | 磁带分类 | | | |
635 | magnetic tape start/stop time | 磁带起停时间 | | | |
636 | magnetic tape station | 磁带站 | | | |
637 | magnetic tape storage | 磁带储存;磁带储存器 | 磁带存储器 | | |
638 | magnetic tape storage system | 磁带储存系统 | | | |
639 | magnetic tape strip | 磁带条 | | | |
640 | magnetic tape strip unit | 磁带条装置 | | | |
641 | magnetic tape subsystem | 磁带子系统 | | | |
642 | magnetic tape switching unit | 磁带交换装置 | | | |
643 | magnetic tape system | 磁带系统 | | | |
644 | magnetic tape terminal equipment | 磁带终端设备 | | | |
645 | magnetic tape terminal station | 磁带终端站 | | | |
646 | magnetic tape terminal | 磁带终端 | | | |
647 | magnetic tape to microfilm | 磁带至微缩胶卷 | | | |
648 | magnetic tape to printer converter | 磁带至列印机转换器 | | | |
649 | magnetic tape track | 磁带轨 | | | |
650 | magnetic tape trailer | 磁带尾部 | | | |
651 | magnetic tape transport | 磁带传送 | | | |
652 | magnetic tape transport mechanism | 磁带传送机构 | 磁带传送机构 | | |
653 | magnetic tape unit | 磁带单元;磁带机 | | | |
654 | magnetic tape volume | 磁带卷 | | | |
655 | magnetic tape volume list | 磁带卷列表 | | | |
656 | magnetic tape wind | 磁带卷 | | | |
657 | magnetic tape write | 磁带写入 | | | |
658 | magnetic thin film | 磁性薄膜;磁薄膜 | | | |
659 | magnetic thin film storage | 磁薄膜储存器 | | | |
660 | magnetic track | 磁轨 | 磁道 | | |
661 | magnetic transition | 磁化过渡区 | | | |
662 | magnetic unit | 磁单位 | | | |
663 | magnetic viscosity | 磁粘性 | | | |
664 | magnetic wire | 磁线 | | | |
665 | magnetic wire storage | 磁线储存;磁线储存器 | | | |
666 | magnetic workprint | 磁性印刷品 | | | |
667 | magnetic-optic effect | 磁光效应 | | | |
668 | magnetic-optical disc | | 磁光碟 | | |
669 | magnetic-optical memory | | 磁光存储器 | | |
670 | magnetics | 磁学 | | | |
671 | magnetizable medium | 可磁化媒体 | | | |
672 | magnetization | 磁化 | | | |
673 | magnetization characteristic curve | 磁化特性曲线 | | | |
674 | magnetization curve | 磁化曲线 | | | |
675 | magnetization direction | 磁化方向 | | | |
676 | magnetization vector | 磁化向量 | | | |
677 | magnetized area | 磁化区 | | | |
678 | magnetized spot | 磁化点 | | | |
679 | magnetizer | 导磁体;磁化体 | | | |
680 | magnetizing current | 磁化电流 | | | |
681 | magnetizing field strength | 磁场强度 | | | |
682 | magnetizing force | 磁化力 | | | |
683 | magnetoconductivity | 磁导率;导磁性 | | | |
684 | magnetocrystalline anisotropy | 磁晶各向导性 | | | |
685 | magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy | 磁晶各向导性能 | | | |
686 | magneto-electric | 磁电 | | | |
687 | magnetogram | 磁力图;磁强记录图;地磁记录图 | | | |
688 | magnetograph | 磁强(自动)记录仪;地磁(强度)记录仪 | | | |
689 | magnetographic printer | 磁动图形列印机 | 磁打印机 | | |
690 | magnetoholographic memory type | 磁全像记忆体型式 | | | |
691 | magneto-mechanical effect | 磁力效应 | | | |
692 | magnetometer | 磁强计;磁力计;地磁计 | | | |
693 | magnetometry | 磁力测定;测磁学 | | | |
694 | magnetomotive force | 磁动势 | | | |
695 | magneton | 磁子 | | | |
696 | magneto-optic | 磁光 | | | |
697 | magneto-optic bubble display | 磁光泡畴装置 | | | |
698 | magneto-optic bubble domain device | 泡畴装置 | | | |
699 | magneto-optic display | 光磁显示 | | | |
700 | magneto-optic effect | 磁光效应 | | | |
701 | magneto-optic garnet memory | 磁光石榴石记忆体 | | | |
702 | magneto-optic garnet technique | 磁光石榴石技术 | | | |
703 | magneto-optic recording | 磁光记录 | | | |
704 | magneto-optic storage | 磁光储存器 | | | |
705 | magneto-optical display memory | 磁光显示记忆体 | | | |
706 | magneto-optical effect | 磁光效应 | | | |
707 | magneto-optical memory | 磁光记忆体 | | | |
708 | magneto-optical memory material | 磁光记忆体材料 | | | |
709 | magneto-optical memory technique | 磁光记忆体技术 | | | |
710 | magneto-optical storage | 光磁储存器 | | | |
711 | magnetoresistance | 磁阻 | | | |
712 | magnetoresistance detector | 磁电阻检测器 | | | |
713 | magnetoresistance effect | 磁电阻效应 | | | |
714 | magnetoresistive head | | 磁变阻头 | | |
715 | magnetoresistive recording head | 磁电阻记录头 | | | |
716 | magneto-static energy | 静磁能 | | | |
717 | magnetostriction | 磁致伸缩 | | | |
718 | magnetostriction transducer | 磁致伸缩转换器 | | | |
719 | magnetostrictive delay line | 磁致伸缩延迟线 | | | |
720 | magnetostrictive delay line storage | 磁致伸缩延迟线储存器 | | | |
721 | magnetostrictive effect | 磁致伸缩效应 | | | |
722 | magnetostrictive effect storage | 磁致伸缩效应储存器 | | | |
723 | magnetostrictive storage | 磁致伸缩储存器 | | | |
724 | magnetron | 磁控管 | | | |
725 | magnetron beam switching | 磁控管射束交换 | | | |
726 | magnification | 放大;放大率 | | | |
727 | magnify | 放大 | | | |
728 | magnistor | 磁变管;磁开关 | | | |
729 | magnitude | 长度;大小;量;数量;幅度;值 | | | |
730 | magnitude margin | | 幅值裕度 | | |
731 | magnitude portion | 数量部分 | | | |
732 | magslip | 磁滑 | | | |
733 | Mahalanobis distance | 马哈朗诺比斯距离 | | | |
734 | MAHT | | 机助人译 | | |
735 | mail | 邮件 | | | |
736 | mail exploder | | 邮件分发器 | | |
737 | mail folder | 邮件卷;邮件夹 | | | |
738 | mail list | 邮寄列表 | | | |
739 | mail log | 邮件登录 | | | |
740 | mail merge | 邮件合并 | | | |
741 | mail ordering | 邮件定序 | | | |
742 | mail queue | 邮件伫列 | | | |
743 | mailbox | 信箱 | | | |
744 | mailbox memory | 信箱记忆体 | | | |
745 | mailing list | | 邮件发送清单 | | |
746 | mailing list program | 邮递列表程式 | | | |
747 | maillist | | 邮件发送清单 | | |
748 | main amplifier | 主放大器 | | | |
749 | main arithmetic processor | 主运算处理机 | | | |
750 | main bang suppression | 主冲击信号抑制 | | | |
751 | main battery powered machine | 主电池供电机 | | | |
752 | main beam | 主电子束;主射线;主波束 | | | |
753 | main buffer storage | 主缓冲储存器 | | | |
754 | main cable | 主电缆 | | | |
755 | main command | 主命令 | | | |
756 | main communication center | 主通信中心 | | | |
757 | main control chain | 主控制 | | | |
758 | main control console | 主控制台 | | | |
759 | main control panel | 主控制面板 | | | |
760 | main control unit | 主控制单元 | 主控制器 | | |
761 | main cycle | 主周期 | | | |
762 | main data area | 主资料区 | | | |
763 | main data file | 主资料档 | | | |
764 | main data package | 主资料包 | | | |
765 | main data path | 主资料路径 | | | |
766 | main device scheduler | 主装置排程器 | | | |
767 | main display console | 主显示控制台 | | | |
768 | main distributing frame | 主分配架;主分配框 | | | |
769 | main distribution frame | 主分配框 | | | |
770 | main entry | 主入口;主表目 | | | |
771 | main entry address | 主入口位址 | | | |
772 | main entry point | 主入口点 | | | |
773 | main exchange area | 主交换区 | | | |
774 | main executive module | 主执行模组 | | | |
775 | main file | 主档 | | | |
776 | main file | 主档案 | | | |
777 | main fixed station | 主固定站 | | | |
778 | main flux | 主通量 | | | |
779 | main frequency | 主频率 | | | |
780 | main gating pulse | 主闸控脉冲 | | | |
781 | main generator | 主产生器 | | | |
782 | main group | 主群 | | | |
783 | main interface | 主介面 | | | |
784 | main internal memory | 主内部记忆体 | | | |
785 | main key | 主键 | | | |
786 | main key pad | 主小键盘 | | | |
787 | main keyboard | 主键盘 | | | |
788 | main lobe | 主瓣 | | | |
789 | main loop | 主回路 | | | |
790 | main loop cabling | 主回路布缆 | | | |
791 | main machine interface | 主机介面 | | | |
792 | main machine system | 主机系统 | | | |
793 | main memory | | 主存储器, *主存 | | |
794 | main memory address register | 主记忆体位址暂存器 | | | |
795 | main memory controller | 主记忆体控制器 | | | |
796 | main memory database | | 主存数据库 | | |
797 | main memory interface | 主记忆体介面 | | | |
798 | main memory management | 主记忆体管理 | | | |
799 | main memory mapping | 主记忆体映像 | | | |
800 | main memory module | 主记忆体模组 | | | |
801 | main memory register | 主记忆体暂存器 | | | |
802 | main memory resource | 主记忆体资源 | | | |
803 | main memory stack | | 主存栈 | | |
804 | main memory system | 主记忆体系统 | | | |
805 | main memory unit | 主记忆体单元 | | | |
806 | main memory | 主记忆体 | | | |
807 | main menu | 主选项单 | | | |
808 | main module | 主模组 | | | |
809 | main network address | 主网路位址 | | | |
810 | main operation | 主操作 | | | |
811 | main operation control program | 主操作控制程式 | | | |
812 | main operation housekeeping routine | 主操作内务常式 | | | |
813 | main page pool | 主页池 | 主页池 | | |
814 | main partition | 主分区 | | | |
815 | main path | 主路径 | | | |
816 | main procedure | 主程序 | | | |
817 | main processing block | 主处理段 | | | |
818 | main processing unit | 主处理单元 | | | |
819 | main processor | 主处理机 | | | |
820 | main program | 主程式;主程序 | | | |
821 | main program counter | 主程式计数器 | | | |
822 | main program cycle | 主程式周期 | | | |
823 | main program data area | 主程式资料区 | | | |
824 | main program sequence | 主程式序列 | | | |
825 | main pulse | 主脉冲 | | | |
826 | main ring path | 主环路径 | | | |
827 | main routine | 主常式;主程序 | | | |
828 | main scheduling routine | 主排程常式 | | | |
829 | main screen | 主萤幕 | | | |
830 | main station | 主站 | | | |
831 | main storage buffer | 主储存器缓冲区 | | | |
832 | main storage control element | 主储存控制元件 | | | |
833 | main storage controller | 主储存器控制器 | | | |
834 | main storage data register | 主储存器资料暂存器 | | | |
835 | main storage database | 主储存资料库 | | | |
836 | main storage dump | 主储存倾印 | | | |
837 | main storage management | 主储存管理 | | | |
838 | main storage partition | 主储存器分区 | 主存储器分区 | | |
839 | main storage processor | 主储存器处理机 | | | |
840 | main storage region | 主储存区域 | | | |
841 | main storage unit | 主储存单元 | | | |
842 | main storage | 主储存器 | 主存储器 | | |
843 | main store | 主储存 | | | |
844 | main store allocator | 主储存分配器 | | | |
845 | main switch board | 主开关板 | | | |
846 | main switch | 主开关;总开关 | | | |
847 | main switching center | 主交换中心 | | | |
848 | main system | 主系统 | | | |
849 | main task | 主任务 | 主任务 | | |
850 | main test frame | 主测试框 | | | |
851 | main text buffer | 主正文缓冲器 | | | |
852 | main track | 主轨 | | | |
853 | main traffic station | 主交通站 | | | |
854 | main tree | 主树 | | | |
855 | main trunk circuit | 主干线电路 | | | |
856 | main unit | 主装置 | | | |
857 | mainboard | | 母板, *主板 | | |
858 | mainframe | 主机;大型电脑 | 主机, *特大型机 | | |
859 | mainframe based database system | 主机为本的资料库系统 | | | |
860 | mainframe computer | 主机电脑;计算机主机 | | | |
861 | mainframe network | 主机网路 | | | |
862 | mainframe on-line test | 主机连线测试 | | | |
863 | mainframe on-line test system | 主机连线测试系统 | | | |
864 | mainline | 主线 | | | |
865 | mainline channel | 主线通道 | | | |
866 | mainline code | 主线码 | | | |
867 | mainline code program counter | 主线代码程式计数器 | | | |
868 | mainline connector | 主线连接器 | | | |
869 | mainline program | 主线程式 | | | |
870 | mainline section | 主线区段 | | | |
871 | mains/battery powered calculator | 插电/电池计算器;主电源/电池动力计算器 | | | |
872 | mains-powered calculator | 插电计算器;主电源动力计算器 | | | |
873 | maintain | 维护 | | | |
874 | maintain forecast | 维护预测 | | | |
875 | maintain system history program | 维护系统历史程式 | | | |
876 | maintainability | 维护性;可维护性;可维修性 | 可维护性, *易维护性 | | |
877 | maintainer | | 维护者 | | |
878 | maintenance | 维护;维修 | 维护 | | |
879 | maintenance alert network | 维护警示网路 | | | |
880 | maintenance analysis procedure | | 维护分析过程 | | |
881 | maintenance analysis procedure | 维护分析程序 | | | |
882 | maintenance analysis program | 维护分析程式 | | | |
883 | maintenance analysis review technique | 维护分析查核技术 | | | |
884 | maintenance analysis | 维护分析 | | | |
885 | maintenance and construction management information system | 维护与构造管理资讯 | | | |
886 | maintenance and operation | 维护与操作 | | | |
887 | maintenance and operational data presentation study | 维护与操作资料表达研究 | | | |
888 | maintenance and supply | 维护与供应 | | | |
889 | maintenance and supply center | 维护与供应中心 | | | |
890 | maintenance assembly and disassembly | 组合与拆卸之维护 | | | |
891 | maintenance automated data management | 维护自动资料管理 | | | |
892 | maintenance automated logic diagram | 维护自动逻辑图 | | | |
893 | maintenance center | 维护中心 | | | |
894 | maintenance channel buffer register | 维护通道缓冲暂存器 | | | |
895 | maintenance channel command register | 维护通道命令暂存器 | | | |
896 | maintenance channel transmit receive register | 维护通道发送接收暂存器 | | | |
897 | maintenance charge | 维护费用 | 维护费用 | | |
898 | maintenance connection | 维护连接 | | | |
899 | maintenance control | 维护控制 | | | |
900 | maintenance control address register | 维护控制位址暂存器 | | | |
901 | maintenance control center | 维护控制中心 | | | |
902 | maintenance control data | 维护控制资料 | | | |
903 | maintenance control panel | 维护控制面板 | 维护控制面板 | | |
904 | maintenance control program | 维护控制程式 | | | |
905 | maintenance control report | 维护控制报告 | | | |
906 | maintenance control signal | 维护控制信号 | | | |
907 | maintenance control system | 维护控制系统 | | | |
908 | maintenance control unit | 维护控制单元 | | | |
909 | maintenance cost | 维护成本 | 维护费用 | | |
910 | maintenance data collection system | 维护资料收集系统;维护资料的收集系统 | | | |
911 | maintenance date | 维护日期 | | | |
912 | maintenance definition | 维护定义 | | | |
913 | maintenance device adapter | 维护装置配接器 | | | |
914 | maintenance device | 维护装置 | | | |
915 | maintenance diagnostic logic | 维护诊断逻辑 | | | |
916 | maintenance diagnostic manual | 维护诊断手册 | | | |
917 | maintenance diagnostic program | 维护诊断程式 | | | |
918 | maintenance diagnostic unit | 维护诊断装置 | | | |
919 | maintenance dictionary | 维护字典 | | | |
920 | maintenance documentation | 维护文件制作 | | | |
921 | maintenance down time | 维护停机时间 | | | |
922 | maintenance engineering | 维护工程 | | | |
923 | maintenance engineering analysis data | 维护工程分析资料(系统) | | | |
924 | maintenance engineering analysis record | 维护工程分析记录 | | | |
925 | maintenance free | 不需维护的 | | | |
926 | maintenance function | 维护功能 | | | |
927 | maintenance hook | | 维护陷阱 | | |
928 | maintenance information | 维护资讯 | | | |
929 | maintenance instruction | 维护指令;维护说明书 | | | |
930 | maintenance interface | 维护介面 | | | |
931 | maintenance library | 维护程式馆 | | | |
932 | maintenance management information system | 维护管理资讯系统 | | | |
933 | maintenance mode | 维护模式 | | | |
934 | maintenance mode switch | 维护模式开关 | | | |
935 | maintenance of equipment | 设备维护 | | | |
936 | maintenance operation protocol | 维护作业协定 | | | |
937 | maintenance operations center | 维护作业中心 | | | |
938 | maintenance panel | | 维护面板 | | |
939 | maintenance panel | 维护面板 | 维护面板 | | |
940 | maintenance parts | 维护零件 | | | |
941 | maintenance pend | 维护搁置 | | | |
942 | maintenance phase | 维护阶段 | 维护阶段 | | |
943 | maintenance plan | 维护计划 | 维护计划 | | |
944 | maintenance point | 维护点 | | | |
945 | maintenance policy | | 维修策略 | | |
946 | maintenance postponement | | 维护延期 | | |
947 | maintenance prevention | 预防性维护 | | | |
948 | maintenance process | | 维护过程 | | |
949 | maintenance program | | 维护程序 | | |
950 | maintenance program chain | 维护程式 | | | |
951 | maintenance program procedures | 维护程式程序 | | | |
952 | maintenance programmer | 维护程式设计师 | | | |
953 | maintenance repair and operating | 维护;修复及操作 | | | |
954 | maintenance repairs and replacement | 维护;修复与替换 | | | |
955 | maintenance requirement card | 维护需求卡 | | | |
956 | maintenance requirements list | 维护需求串列 | | | |
957 | maintenance routine | 维护常式 | | | |
958 | maintenance safeguard | 维护保全 | | | |
959 | maintenance screen | | 维护屏幕 | | |
960 | maintenance service | 维护服务 | | | |
961 | maintenance service program | | 维护服务程序 | | |
962 | maintenance session statistics | 维护场次统计 | | | |
963 | maintenance signal distributor | 维护信号分配器 | | | |
964 | maintenance staff | 维护人员 | | | |
965 | maintenance standardization evaluation program | 维护标准化评估程式 | | | |
966 | maintenance standby time | 维护待命时间 | 维护准备时间 | | |
967 | maintenance statistics | 维护统计 | | | |
968 | maintenance strategy | 维护策略 | | | |
969 | maintenance subsystem | 维护子系统 | | | |
970 | maintenance system | 维护系统 | | | |
971 | maintenance test | 维护测试 | | | |
972 | maintenance test equipment | 维护测试设备 | | | |
973 | maintenance time | 维护时间 | 维护时间 | | |
974 | maintenance unit | 维护单元 | | | |
975 | maintenance word | 维护字 | | | |
976 | maintenance work | 维护工作 | | | |
977 | major class field | 主类别栏 | | | |
978 | major control | 主控制 | | | |
979 | major control change | 主控制变更 | | | |
980 | major control cycles | 主控制周期 | | | |
981 | major control data | 主控制资料 | | | |
982 | major control field | 主控制栏 | | | |
983 | major cycle | 主周期 | | | |
984 | major division | 主部门 | | | |
985 | major failure | 主故障 | | | |
986 | major gate | 主闸 | | | |
987 | major key | 主关键字 | | | |
988 | major lobe | 主波瓣 | | | |
989 | major loop | 主回路 | | | |
990 | major module | 主模组 | | | |
991 | major node | 主节点 | | | |
992 | major operation data system | 主操作资料系统 | | | |
993 | major path | 主路径 | | | |
994 | major sequence field | 主顺序栏 | | | |
995 | major state | 主状态 | | | |
996 | major state generator | 主状态产生器 | | | |
997 | major state logic generator | 主状态逻辑产生器 | | | |
998 | major state register | 主状态暂存器 | | | |
999 | major structure | 主结构 | | | |
1000 | major subtask | 主要子任务 | | | |
1001 | major synchronization point | 主同步点 | | | |
1002 | major system kit | 主系统套件 | | | |
1003 | major task | 主任务 | | | |
1004 | major technique | 主要技巧 | | | |
1005 | major time slice | 主时间片 | 主时间片 | | |
1006 | major total | 主总计;合计 | | | |
1007 | major track | 主磁轨 | | | |
1008 | major word | 主字 | | | |
1009 | major/minor loop organization | 主/次回路组织结构 | | | |
1010 | majority | 多数 | | | |
1011 | majority carrier | 多数载子;多数载流子 | | | |
1012 | majority circuit | 多数决电路 | | | |
1013 | majority consensus algorithm | 多数一致演算法 | | | |
1014 | majority decision | 多数决 | | | |
1015 | majority decision element | 多数决元件 | | | |
1016 | majority decision gate | 多数决闸 | | | |
1017 | majority decision rule | 多数决规则 | | | |
1018 | majority element | 多数元件;多数(逻辑)元件 | | | |
1019 | majority gate | 多数闸 | 多数决定门 | | |
1020 | majority language | | 大语种 | | |
1021 | majority logic | 多数决逻辑 | | | |
1022 | majority logic decodable code | 多数决逻辑可解译码 | | | |
1023 | majority logic operator | 多数逻辑运算子 | | | |
1024 | majority logic unit | 多数决逻辑单元 | | | |
1025 | majority operation | 多数决运算;多数运算 | | | |
1026 | majority organ | 多数决器 | | | |
1027 | majority principle | 多数决原则 | | | |
1028 | majority unknown elimination | 多数决未知删除 | | | |
1029 | majority-minor sorting | 主-次分类 | | | |
1030 | majorization | 优化;多数决 | | | |
1031 | majorizing sequence | 优化序列 | | | |
1032 | major-minor deflection | 主-副偏转 | | | |
1033 | make addressable instruction | 使可定址指令;使可编址指令 | | | |
1034 | make before break | 先通後断 | | | |
1035 | make code | 制码 | | | |
1036 | make connection | 使连通 | | | |
1037 | make to stock | 存量式制造 | | | |
1038 | make up | 整理 | | | |
1039 | make up time | 整理时间 | | | |
1040 | make/break operation | 通/断操作 | | | |
1041 | malfunction | 失灵 | 误动作 | | |
1042 | malfunction alert | 失灵警报信号 | | | |
1043 | malfunction analysis detection and recording | 失灵分析检测与记录 | | | |
1044 | malfunction analysis procedure | 失灵分析程序 | | | |
1045 | malfunction analysis program | 失灵分析程式 | | | |
1046 | malfunction and data recorder | 失灵与资料记录器 | | | |
1047 | malfunction detection system | 失灵检测系统 | | | |
1048 | malfunction interrupt | 失灵中断 | | | |
1049 | malfunction reporting program | 失灵报告程式 | | | |
1050 | malfunction routine | 失灵常式;故障查找程序;错误检查程序;故障常式;机器失灵常式 | | | |
1051 | malicious logic | | 恶意逻辑 | | |
1052 | malicious software | | 恶意软件 | | |
1053 | mal-rule | 失误规则 | | | |
1054 | MAN | | 城域网 | | |
1055 | man communication and display to automatic computer | 人对自动计算机的通信和显示(系统) | | | |
1056 | man in machine out | 手控输入机器输出 | | | |
1057 | man machine | 人机 | | | |
1058 | man machine collaboration | 人机合作 | | | |
1059 | man machine communication | 人机通信 | | | |
1060 | man machine conversation | 人机对话 | | | |
1061 | man machine digital system | 人机数位系统 | | | |
1062 | man machine engineering | 人机工程(学) | | | |
1063 | man machine interaction | 人机交互作用 | | | |
1064 | man machine interactive | 人机交谈 | | | |
1065 | man machine interactive system | 人机交谈系统 | | | |
1066 | man machine interface for Chinese | 中文人机介面 | | | |
1067 | man machine interface modeling | 人机介面模型化;人机介面建模 | | | |
1068 | man machine interface | 人机介面 | | | |
1069 | man machine interrogation technique | 人机讯问技术 | | | |
1070 | man machine language | 人机(通信)语言 | | | |
1071 | man machine package | 人机(系统)程序包;人机(系统)程式包 | | | |
1072 | man machine partnership translation | 人机合作翻译 | | | |
1073 | man machine problem | 人机问题 | | | |
1074 | man machine relationship | 人机关系 | | | |
1075 | man machine simulation | 人机模拟 | | | |
1076 | man machine software | 人机软体 | | | |
1077 | man machine software interface | 人机软体介面 | | | |
1078 | man machine symbiosis | 人机共存 | | | |
1079 | man machine system engineering | 人机系统工程 | | | |
1080 | man machine system | 人机系统 | | | |
1081 | man made | 人为;人造 | | | |
1082 | man week | 人周 | | | |
1083 | man year | 人年 | | | |
1084 | MANAGE | MANAGE数据库管理系统 | | | |
1085 | manage authorizations | 管理授权 | | | |
1086 | manage microcode fixes | 管理微码更改 | | | |
1087 | manageability | | 可管理性, *易管理性 | | |
1088 | managed object | 管理目标 | | | |
1089 | management | 管理 | 管理 | | |
1090 | management access to records | 记录存取管理 | | | |
1091 | management aids program suite | 管理辅助程式套 | | | |
1092 | management analysis program | 管理分析程式 | | | |
1093 | management analysis reporting system | 管理分析报告系统 | | | |
1094 | management and control system | 管理与控制系统 | | | |
1095 | management applications in a computer environment | 计算机环境中的管理应用 | | | |
1096 | management audit | 管理审计 | | | |
1097 | management by exception | 例外管理 | | | |
1098 | management by objective | 管理目标 | | | |
1099 | management control | 管理控制 | 管理控制 | | |
1100 | management control data system | 管理控制资料系统 | | | |
1101 | management control system | 管理控制系统 | | | |
1102 | management cost summary | 管理成本汇总 | | | |
1103 | management cost summary⌒current | 管理成本汇总-本期 | | | |
1104 | management cycle | 管理循环 | | | |
1105 | management data | 管理数据 | | | |
1106 | management data charting and review | 管理资料制图与检查核 | | | |
1107 | management data collection and reporting | 管理资料收集与报告 | | | |
1108 | management data list | 管理资料表 | | | |
1109 | management data processing system | 管理资料处理系统 | | | |
1110 | management data query system | 管理资料查询系统 | | | |
1111 | management data service center | 管理资料服务中心 | | | |
1112 | management decision system | 管理决策系统 | | | |
1113 | management document | 管理文件;管理文档资料 | | | |
1114 | management entity | 管理实体 | | | |
1115 | management environment | 管理环境 | | | |
1116 | management exercise | 管理试验 | | | |
1117 | management function | 管理功能 | | | |
1118 | management functional area | 管理功能区 | | | |
1119 | management game | 管理竞赛 | | | |
1120 | management information and control system | 管理资讯及控制系统 | | | |
1121 | management information and text system | 管理资讯及本文系统 | | | |
1122 | management information base | 管理资讯库 | | | |
1123 | management information display system | 管理资讯显示系统 | | | |
1124 | management information network system | 管理资讯网路系统 | | | |
1125 | management information retrieval | 管理资讯检索 | | | |
1126 | management information science | 管理资讯科学 | | | |
1127 | management information system | | 管理信息系统 | | |
1128 | management information system research center | 管理资讯系统研究中心 | | | |
1129 | management information system | 管理资讯系统 | | | |
1130 | management information tree | 管理资讯树 | | | |
1131 | management information | 管理资讯 | | | |
1132 | management interactive data accounting system | 管理交互数据帐务系统 | | | |
1133 | management job description | 管理工件描述 | | | |
1134 | management of processes | 过程管理 | | | |
1135 | management on-line data system | 管理线上资料系统 | | | |
1136 | management operating system | 管理作业系统 | | | |
1137 | management policy | 管理政策 | | | |
1138 | management priority | 管理优先顺序 | | | |
1139 | management priority code | 管理优先码 | | | |
1140 | management process | | 管理过程 | | |
1141 | management psychology | 管理心理学;经营心理学 | | | |
1142 | management report generator | 管理报表产生器 | | | |
1143 | management reporting system | 管理报告系统 | | | |
1144 | management reports | 管理报表;管理报告 | | | |
1145 | management requirement | 管理需求 | | | |
1146 | management scheduling and control system | 管理排程与控制系统 | | | |
1147 | management science | 管理科学 | | | |
1148 | management science-operations research | 管理科学-作业研究 | | | |
1149 | management services | 管理服务 | | | |
1150 | management software | 管理软体 | | | |
1151 | management support capability | 管理支援能力 | | | |
1152 | management support object | 管理支援目标 | | | |
1153 | management support utility | 管理支援公用程式 | | | |
1154 | management system | 管理系统 | | | |
1155 | management tool | 管理工具 | | | |
1156 | management visibility | 管理可见度;管理能见度 | | | |
1157 | management work element | 管理工作元素 | | | |
1158 | manager | 管理器;经理 | | | |
1159 | manager easy reporting interactive tools | 经理易报告交谈工具 | | | |
1160 | manager virtual machine | 管理器虚拟机 | | | |
1161 | managerial report | 管理报告;管理报表 | | | |
1162 | managerial report system | 管理报告系统;管理报表系统 | | | |
1163 | man-auto | 人工-自动 | | | |
1164 | Manchester encoding | 曼彻斯特编码 | | | |
1165 | Manchester transition tracking loop | 曼彻斯特变迁追踪回路 | | | |
1166 | Manchester's code | 曼彻斯特代码 | | | |
1167 | man-computer communication | 人机通信 | | | |
1168 | man-computer graphics | 人机图学 | | | |
1169 | man-computer interaction | 人机交互作用 | | | |
1170 | man-computer interactive data access system | 人机交互资料存取系统 | | | |
1171 | mandatory | 强制 | | | |
1172 | mandatory access control | | 强制访问控制 | | |
1173 | mandatory cryptographic session | 强制密码对话 | | | |
1174 | mandatory disconnect | 强制拆接 | | | |
1175 | mandatory fixed part | 强制固定部分 | | | |
1176 | mandatory member | 强制成员 | | | |
1177 | mandatory membership class | 强制隶属类 | | | |
1178 | mandatory message element | 强制讯息元素 | | | |
1179 | mandatory procedure | 强制性程序 | | | |
1180 | mandatory protection | | 强制保护 | | |
1181 | mandatory service | | 必备服务 | | |
1182 | mandatory set membership | 强制设定资格 | | | |
1183 | mandatory variable part | 强制变数部分 | | | |
1184 | mandrel | 半导体阴极金属心;心轴 | | | |
1185 | manganese-zinc ferrite | 锰锌铁氧体 | | | |
1186 | manganin | 锰铜;锰镍铜合金;锰铜镍线 | | | |
1187 | Manhattan distance | 曼哈坦距离 | 曼哈顿距离 | | |
1188 | manifold paper | 复写纸 | | | |
1189 | manifolding | 复写;复印 | | | |
1190 | manipulate | 调处 | | | |
1191 | manipulated direct controlled variable | 直接调处受控变数 | | | |
1192 | manipulated variable | 调处变数;受控变数 | | | |
1193 | manipulating industrial robot | 操纵性工业机器人 | 操纵性工业机器人 | | |
1194 | manipulating key | 调处键 | | | |
1195 | manipulating language | 调处语言 | | | |
1196 | manipulation | 调处 | | | |
1197 | manipulation data | 调处资料 | | | |
1198 | manipulation detection | | 伪造检测 | | |
1199 | manipulation detection code | | 伪造检测码 | | |
1200 | manipulation facility | 调处设施 | | | |
1201 | manipulation language | 调处语言 | | | |
1202 | manipulative electronic deception | 调处电子欺诈 | | | |
1203 | manipulative index | 调处索引 | | | |
1204 | manipulative indexing | 调处索引法;操纵索引;後组式索引 | | | |
1205 | manipulator | 调处器 | 机械手 | | |
1206 | manipulator level control | 调处器位准控制 | | | |
1207 | man-machine control system | | 人机控制系统 | | |
1208 | man-machine dialogue | | 人机对话 | | |
1209 | man-machine engineering | | 人机工程 | | |
1210 | man-machine environment | | 人机环境 | | |
1211 | man-machine interaction | | 人机交互 | | |
1212 | man-machine interface for Chinese | | 汉语人机界面 | | |
1213 | man-machine simulation | | 人机模拟 | | |
1214 | man-machine system | | 人机系统 | | |
1215 | man-machine trade-off | | 人机权衡 | | |
1216 | man-machine-environment system | | 人机环境系统 | | |
1217 | man-made fault | 人为故障 | | | |
1218 | man-made fault tolerance | 人为容错 | | | |
1219 | man-made machine | 人造机器 | | | |
1220 | man-made satellite | 人造卫星 | | | |
1221 | manometer | 流体压力计 | | | |
1222 | manostat | 稳压器 | | | |
1223 | manpower deployment | 人力部署 | | | |
1224 | manpower operation data system | 人工操作资料系统 | | | |
1225 | mantissa | (对数的)假数;尾数;定值部;浮点数 | | | |
1226 | mantissa | 尾数(用於浮点表示中) | | | |
1227 | mantissa in a floating point representation | 浮点表示法之尾数 | | | |
1228 | mantissa of a logarithm | 对数之尾数;对数之尾数或定值部 | | | |
1229 | manual | 人工的;手册;手动的 | | | |
1230 | manual address switch | 手动位址开关 | | | |
1231 | manual aircraft data input system | 手动机载资料输入系统 | | | |
1232 | manual amendment | 手动修正 | | | |
1233 | manual answer | 人工回答 | | | |
1234 | manual answering | 人工应答;人工回应 | | | |
1235 | manual back-up | 人工备份 | | | |
1236 | manual calling | 人工呼叫 | | | |
1237 | manual calling | 人工呼叫(在数据网路中) | | | |
1238 | manual calling in a data network | 数据网路中之人工呼叫 | | | |
1239 | manual card | 人工卡 | | | |
1240 | manual clock | 手动时钟 | | | |
1241 | manual computation | 人工计算 | | | |
1242 | manual control | 人工控制;手控 | 人工控制 | | |
1243 | manual control device | 人工控制装置 | | | |
1244 | manual controller | 人工控制器 | | | |
1245 | manual cut | 人工切 | | | |
1246 | manual data | 人工数据;人工资料 | | | |
1247 | manual data access arrangement | 人工资料存取安排 | | | |
1248 | manual data entry | 人工资料登录 | | | |
1249 | manual data entry module | 人工资料登录模组 | | | |
1250 | manual data input function | 人工资料输入功能 | | | |
1251 | manual data input system | 人工资料输入系统;手控资料输入系统 | | | |
1252 | manual data input | 人工资料输入;手动资料输入 | | | |
1253 | manual data insertion unit | 人工数据插入装置 | | | |
1254 | manual data processing | 人工资料处理 | | | |
1255 | manual data relay center/station | 人工资料中继中心/站 | | | |
1256 | manual device backup | 人工装置备份 | | | |
1257 | manual direction finder radio | 手动无线电测向机 | | | |
1258 | manual direction finder | 手控(无电线)测向机;人工操纵(无电线)测向机 | | | |
1259 | manual driver | 人工驱动器 | | | |
1260 | manual entry | 人工登录 | 人工录入 | | |
1261 | manual equalizer | 人工均衡器 | | | |
1262 | manual exchange | 人工交换 | | | |
1263 | manual exchanger | 人工交换器 | 人工交换机 | | |
1264 | manual function | 手动功能 | | | |
1265 | manual in machine out | 手控输入机器输出 | | | |
1266 | manual indicator | 人工指示器 | | | |
1267 | manual information system | | 人工信息系统 | | |
1268 | manual inking control | 人工上墨控制 | | | |
1269 | manual input | 人工输入 | 手动输入 | | |
1270 | manual input buffer | 人工输入缓冲 | | | |
1271 | manual input generator | 人工输入产生器 | | | |
1272 | manual input processing | 人工输入处理(程式) | | | |
1273 | manual input register | 人工输入暂存器 | | | |
1274 | manual input unit | 人工输入单元;人工输入设备 | | | |
1275 | manual interface tester | 人工介面测试器 | | | |
1276 | manual interrupt | 人工中断 | | | |
1277 | manual intervention | | 人工干预 | | |
1278 | manual load key | 人工载入键 | 手动输入键 | | |
1279 | manual loading | 人工载入 | | | |
1280 | manual manipulator | 人工调处器 | | | |
1281 | manual member | 人工成员 | | | |
1282 | manual membership class | 人工隶属类别 | | | |
1283 | manual mode | 手动模式 | | | |
1284 | manual number generator | 人工数目产生器;人工数产生器 | | | |
1285 | manual of field engineer | 现场工程师手册 | | | |
1286 | manual operated plotting board | 手控绘图板 | | | |
1287 | manual operated | 手工操作的;人工操作的 | | | |
1288 | manual operation | 人工操作 | | | |
1289 | manual operations control | 人工操作控制 | | | |
1290 | manual operations panel | 人工操作盘 | | | |
1291 | manual operations screen | 人工操作萤幕 | | | |
1292 | manual output | 人工输出 | | | |
1293 | manual pagination | 人工编页 | | | |
1294 | manual part programming | 手动部分程式设计 | | | |
1295 | manual perforated card | 人工打孔卡 | | | |
1296 | manual program | 人工程式 | | | |
1297 | manual read | 人工阅读;人工读入 | | | |
1298 | manual reconfiguration | 人工重组态 | | | |
1299 | manual record locking | 人工记录锁定 | | | |
1300 | manual record unlocking | 人工记录开锁 | | | |
1301 | manual set membership | 人工设定隶属 | | | |
1302 | manual simulation | | 人工模拟 | | |
1303 | manual slot | 人工槽 | | | |
1304 | manual status control | 人工状态控制 | | | |
1305 | manual switch | 手动开关 | | | |
1306 | manual switch storage | 手动开关储存器人工;人工交换储存 | | | |
1307 | manual switching position | 人工交换位置 | | | |
1308 | manual tax | 人工健入税收 | | | |
1309 | manual telephone switchboard | 人工电话交换机 | | | |
1310 | manual testing | | 人工测试 | | |
1311 | manual toning control | 人工调色控制器 | | | |
1312 | manual typewriter | 人工打字机 | | | |
1313 | manual wire embedding | 人工嵌线 | | | |
1314 | manual word generator | 人工字产生器;人工字发生器 | | | |
1315 | manual word unit | 人工字输入装置 | | | |
1316 | manual word | 人工输入字 | | | |
1317 | manual/automatic switch | 手动/自动开关 | | | |
1318 | manually controlled fault tolerant system | 手动控制容错系统 | | | |
1319 | manually loading tape | 人工装载磁带 | | | |
1320 | manufacturability | 可制造性 | | | |
1321 | manufacture | 制造 | | | |
1322 | manufacture on-order quantity | 已订制造数量 | | | |
1323 | manufacture on-order summary | 已订制造汇总 | | | |
1324 | manufacture order summary maintenance edit list | 制造命令汇总维护编辑清册 | | | |
1325 | manufacture to order | 订单制造 | | | |
1326 | manufacturer software | 制造商软体 | | | |
1327 | manufacturing | 制造 | | | |
1328 | manufacturing adjustment lead time | 制造调整前置时间 | | | |
1329 | manufacturing allocated quantity | 制造分配数量 | | | |
1330 | manufacturing and cost control system | 制造与成本控制系统 | | | |
1331 | manufacturing and inspection record | 制造与检验记录 | | | |
1332 | manufacturing applications | 制造业应用 | | | |
1333 | manufacturing applications management system | 制造应用管理系统 | | | |
1334 | manufacturing assembly parts list | 制造装配零件表 | | | |
1335 | manufacturing automation protocol | | 制造自动化协议 | | |
1336 | manufacturing bill | 制造清单 | | | |
1337 | manufacturing cash flow analysis | 制造现金流程分析 | | | |
1338 | manufacturing cell | 制造单元 | 制造单元 | | |
1339 | manufacturing component scrap | 制造组件报废 | | | |
1340 | manufacturing costs | 制造成本 | | | |
1341 | manufacturing cycle | 制造周期 | | | |
1342 | manufacturing engineering | 制造工程 | | | |
1343 | manufacturing environment | 制造环境;生产环境 | | | |
1344 | manufacturing execution system | | 制造执行系统 | | |
1345 | manufacturing information and control system | 制造资讯及控制系统 | | | |
1346 | manufacturing information system support integrate | 制造资讯系统支援整合 | | | |
1347 | manufacturing information system support integrated on-line | 制造资讯系统支援整合线上操作 | | | |
1348 | manufacturing lead time | 制造前置时间 | | | |
1349 | manufacturing lead time adjustment | 制造前置时间调整 | | | |
1350 | manufacturing message format standard | 制造讯息格式标准 | | | |
1351 | manufacturing message service | 制造业讯息服务 | | | |
1352 | manufacturing monitoring system | 制造监视系统 | | | |
1353 | manufacturing open status code | 制造开放状态码 | | | |
1354 | manufacturing operating system | 制造作业系统 | | | |
1355 | manufacturing operation description | 制造作业描述 | | | |
1356 | manufacturing order | 制造命令 | | | |
1357 | manufacturing order number | 制造命令号码 | | | |
1358 | manufacturing order scrap transaction | 制造命令报废异动 | | | |
1359 | manufacturing order status report | 制造命令状态报表 | | | |
1360 | manufacturing order summary file maintenance | 制造命令汇总档维护 | | | |
1361 | manufacturing orders released | 已核发之制造命令 | | | |
1362 | manufacturing quality control | 制造品质控制 | | | |
1363 | manufacturing record processor | 制造记录处理机 | | | |
1364 | manufacturing records control | 制造记录控制 | | | |
1365 | manufacturing resource planning | 制造资源规划 | 制造资源规划 | | |
1366 | manufacturing resources | 制造资源 | | | |
1367 | manufacturing schedule date | 制造排程日期 | | | |
1368 | manufacturing support program | 制造支援程式 | | | |
1369 | manuscript | 手稿;原稿 | | | |
1370 | many dimensions | 多维 | | | |
1371 | many passes compiler | 多遍编译器 | | | |
1372 | many stages | 多级 | | | |
1373 | many to many relationship | | 多对多联系 | | |
1374 | many to one | 多对一 | | | |
1375 | many to one function | 多对一函数 | | | |
1376 | many to one relationship | | 多对一联系 | | |
1377 | many value logic | 多值逻辑 | | | |
1378 | many variable system | 多变数系统 | | | |
1379 | many way selection | 多路选择 | | | |
1380 | many-for-one concept | 多对一概念 | | | |
1381 | many-many | 多对多 | | | |
1382 | many-one reducibility | | 多一可归性 | | |
1383 | many-sorted logic | 多类逻辑 | 多类逻辑 | | |
1384 | many-to-many data relationship | 多对多资料关系 | | | |
1385 | many-valley semiconductor | 多谷半导体;有多谷能带的半导体 | | | |
1386 | many-valley theory | 多谷理论 | | | |
1387 | map | 映射;映成表;地区图;图解;映像;标定(网);图;图像;变换;变址 | 多关联处理机 | | |
1388 | map address | 映射位址 | | | |
1389 | map analyzer program | 图形分析程式 | | | |
1390 | map and chart information system | 地图与图表资讯系统 | | | |
1391 | map block address assignment | 映像块位址指定 | | | |
1392 | map code | 变换码;映象码 | | | |
1393 | MAP diagnostic integration | MAP诊断整合 | | | |
1394 | MAP diagnostic integration language | MAP诊断整合语言 | | | |
1395 | map display | 映像显示 | | | |
1396 | map editor | 映像编辑器 | | | |
1397 | map function | 映射函数 | | | |
1398 | map generator | 映射产生器 | | | |
1399 | map image descriptor list | 映射影像描述符表 | | | |
1400 | map list | 映像列表 | | | |
1401 | map listing | 映像列表 | | | |
1402 | map pointer register | 映像指标暂存器 | | | |
1403 | map program | 映射程式 | 映射程序 | | |
1404 | map reader function generator | 映像阅读器函数产生器 | | | |
1405 | map request | 映射请求 | | | |
1406 | map set editor | 映像集编辑器 | | | |
1407 | map specification library | 映像规格程式馆 | | | |
1408 | MAPE | | 多主体处理环境 | | |
1409 | mapped array area | 映射阵列区 | | | |
1410 | mapped buffer | 映射缓冲 | | | |
1411 | mapped conversation | 映射对话 | | | |
1412 | mapped memory | 映射记忆体 | | | |
1413 | mapped mode | 映射模式 | | | |
1414 | mapped physical storage | 映射实体储存 | | | |
1415 | mapped program executive | 映射程式执行 | | | |
1416 | mapped system | 映射系统 | | | |
1417 | mapper | 映像程式 | | | |
1418 | mapping | 映像;互映;映射;对映 | 映射 | | |
1419 | mapping address | | 映射地址 | | |
1420 | mapping algorithm | 映像演算法 | | | |
1421 | mapping cache | 映像高速缓冲记忆体 | | | |
1422 | mapping device | 映像装置 | | | |
1423 | mapping fault | 对映故障 | | | |
1424 | mapping function | | 映射函数 | | |
1425 | mapping language | 映像语言 | | | |
1426 | mapping mode | 对映模式 | 映射方式 | | |
1427 | mapping rule | 对映规则 | | | |
1428 | mapping scheme | 对映方案 | | | |
1429 | mapping status | 对映状态 | | | |
1430 | mapping table | 对映表 | | | |
1431 | mapping window | 映像视窗 | | | |
1432 | MARC format | MARC格式;机器可读目录格式 | | | |
1433 | marching 1's and 0's test | 跨步1和0测试 | | | |
1434 | marching display | 跨步显示 | | | |
1435 | marching problem | 跨步问题 | | | |
1436 | marching test | | 跨步测试 | | |
1437 | margin | 版边;留白;界;利润;端距;边距;边际利润;边缘;界线;边界;安全系数 | 页边空白 | | |
1438 | margin capacity | 边际容量 | | | |
1439 | margin control | 边际控制 | | | |
1440 | margin guide | 容限导引 | | | |
1441 | margin justify | 边际对齐 | | | |
1442 | margin punched | 边际打孔 | | | |
1443 | margin punched card | 边际打孔卡 | | | |
1444 | margin release control | 边际释放控制 | | | |
1445 | margin release key | 边际释放键 | | | |
1446 | margin release mechanism | 边际释放机构 | | | |
1447 | margin scale | 容限标度 | | | |
1448 | margin stop | 边缘停止;容限停止 | | | |
1449 | margin stop indicator | 容限停止指示器 | | | |
1450 | margin stop mechanism | 容限停止机制 | | | |
1451 | margin stop setting control | 容限停止设定控制 | | | |
1452 | marginal | 边际 | | | |
1453 | marginal check | 边际核对;边缘检验 | 边缘检验 | | |
1454 | marginal cost | 边际成本 | | | |
1455 | marginal error | 边际错误 | | | |
1456 | marginal fault | | 边缘故障 | | |
1457 | marginal forward pruning | 边际正向修剪 | | | |
1458 | marginal indexing | 边际索引法;页边索引;边缘索引 | | | |
1459 | marginal operation | 边际操作 | 边缘操作 | | |
1460 | marginal stability | 边际稳定性 | | | |
1461 | marginal test | 边际测试;边缘测试 | 边缘测试 | | |
1462 | marginal testing | 边际测试 | | | |
1463 | marginal tests voltage and registers | 电压和暂存器边际测试 | | | |
1464 | marginal value | 边际值 | | | |
1465 | marginal voltage check | 边际电压检查 | | | |
1466 | marginal voltage test | 边际电压测试 | | | |
1467 | marine structures computer | 船用结构计算机系统 | | | |
1468 | mark | 标示 | | | |
1469 | mark biased | 标示偏差 | | | |
1470 | mark bit | 标示位元 | | | |
1471 | mark card | 标示卡 | | | |
1472 | mark card reader | 标示卡阅读机 | | | |
1473 | mark check | 标示检查 | | | |
1474 | mark counting check | 标示计数核对 | | | |
1475 | mark detection | 标示检测 | | | |
1476 | mark field | 标示栏 | | | |
1477 | mark form sequence | 标示形式序列 | | | |
1478 | mark function | 标示功能 | | | |
1479 | mark impulse | 标示脉冲 | | | |
1480 | mark match | 标示匹配 | | | |
1481 | mark matching | 标示匹配 | | | |
1482 | mark memory | 标示记忆体 | | | |
1483 | mark pen | 标示笔 | | | |
1484 | mark position | 标示位置 | | | |
1485 | mark pulse | 标示脉冲 | | | |
1486 | mark reader | 标示阅读机 | | | |
1487 | mark reading | 标示读出 | | | |
1488 | mark scan | 标示扫瞄 | | | |
1489 | mark scanning | 标示扫瞄;标记扫瞄 | 标记扫描 | | |
1490 | mark scraper | 标示擦除器 | | | |
1491 | mark sense | 标示感测;标感 | | | |
1492 | mark sense batch | 标示感测批次 | | | |
1493 | mark sense card | 标示感测卡 | | | |
1494 | mark sense character reader | 标感字元阅读机 | | | |
1495 | mark sense punch | 标示感测打孔;标感打孔 | | | |
1496 | mark sense reader | 标示感测阅读机 | | | |
1497 | mark sense reading | 标示感测读 | | | |
1498 | mark sense sheet | 标示感测表单 | | | |
1499 | mark sensing | 标示感测 | | | |
1500 | mark sensing column | 标示感测行 | | | |
1501 | mark sensing row | 标示感测列 | | | |
1502 | mark sheet | 标示表单 | | | |
1503 | mark sheet reader | 标示表单阅读机 | | | |
1504 | mark space | 标示间隔 | | | |
1505 | mark space multiplier | 传号空号乘法器 | | | |
1506 | mark time request | 标示时间请求 | | | |
1507 | mark to space ratio | 标间比率 | | | |
1508 | mark to space transition | 标间变迁;传号空号转换 | | | |
1509 | mark track control word | 标示磁轨控制字 | | | |
1510 | mark track error | 标示轨错误 | | | |
1511 | mark transmission | 标示传输 | | | |
1512 | mark zone | 标示区域 | | | |
1513 | marked | 标示 | | | |
1514 | marked document reader | 标示文件阅读机 | | | |
1515 | marked graph | | 加标图 | | |
1516 | marked index | 标示索引 | | | |
1517 | marked nonterminal | 标示非终结 | | | |
1518 | marked page reader | 标示页阅读机 | | | |
1519 | marked symbol | 标示符号 | | | |
1520 | marked terminal | 标示终端 | | | |
1521 | marker | 标志 | | | |
1522 | marker bit | 标志位元 | | | |
1523 | marker bubble | 标志泡 | | | |
1524 | marker hold | 标志保持 | | | |
1525 | marker register | 标志暂存器 | | | |
1526 | marker set | 标志集 | | | |
1527 | marker stack control word | 标志堆叠控制字 | | | |
1528 | marker symbol | 标志符号 | | | |
1529 | market data system | 市场资料系统 | | | |
1530 | market value | 市场值 | | | |
1531 | marketing information system | 行销资讯系统 | | | |
1532 | marketing support center | 行销支援中心 | | | |
1533 | marketing support representative | 行销支援代表 | | | |
1534 | mark-hold | 标示保持(不进行通信时一般通信线路保持的状态) | | | |
1535 | marking | 标示 | 标识 | | |
1536 | marking bias | 标示偏移 | | | |
1537 | marking class | 标示类 | | | |
1538 | marking end distortion | 标示端失真 | | | |
1539 | marking hole | 标示孔 | | | |
1540 | marking interval | 标示间隔 | | | |
1541 | marking off | 划线 | | | |
1542 | marking off pin | 划线插针 | | | |
1543 | marking off table | 划线台 | | | |
1544 | marking on | 划线 | | | |
1545 | marking representative | 标示代表 | | | |
1546 | marking typewriter pulse | 标示打字机脉冲 | | | |
1547 | marking variable | | 标识变量 | | |
1548 | marking wave | 标示波 | | | |
1549 | Markov algorithm | 马可夫算法 | | | |
1550 | Markov chain | 马可夫 | | | |
1551 | Markov information source | 马可夫资讯源 | | | |
1552 | Markov mode | 马可夫模 | | | |
1553 | Markov model | 马可夫模型 | | | |
1554 | Markov process | 马可夫过程 | | | |
1555 | mark-program read-only memory | 标示程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
1556 | marks and identifiers | 记号和辨认字 | | | |
1557 | markup | 加成;标高;涨价;记帐;赊卖 | | | |
1558 | markup language | 排版语言 | 置标语言 | | |
1559 | markup or discount percentage | 加成或折扣百分比 | | | |
1560 | markup percentage | 加成百分比 | | | |
1561 | marriage chain | 配对 | | | |
1562 | marriage problem | 配对问题(运筹学中的) | | | |
1563 | marriage relation | 配对关系 | | | |
1564 | marshal | 编组;调度;引导;安排;整理 | | | |
1565 | Martin automatic data reduction equipment | 马丁公司自动数据简化设备 | | | |
1566 | Maryland on-line automated retrieval system | 马里连线自动检索系统 | | | |
1567 | mask | 遮罩;遮蔽 | 掩码 | | |
1568 | mask alignment | 遮罩对齐 | | | |
1569 | mask artwork | 遮罩原图 | 掩模图 | | |
1570 | mask bit | 遮罩位元 | | | |
1571 | mask bus | 遮罩汇流排 | | | |
1572 | mask detection | 遮罩检测 | | | |
1573 | mask epitaxial method | 遮罩外延法 | | | |
1574 | mask etch | 遮罩蚀刻 | | | |
1575 | mask field | 遮罩栏 | | | |
1576 | mask generation system | 遮罩产生系统 | | | |
1577 | mask generator | 遮罩产生器 | | | |
1578 | mask holder | 遮罩架 | | | |
1579 | mask index register | 遮罩索引暂存器 | | | |
1580 | mask interrupt enable flag | 遮罩中断赋能旗标 | | | |
1581 | mask manufacture | 遮罩制造 | | | |
1582 | mask matching | 遮罩匹配 | | | |
1583 | mask off | 遮蔽 | | | |
1584 | mask off code | 遮蔽码;掩码 | | | |
1585 | mask off command | 遮蔽命令 | | | |
1586 | mask opening | 遮罩开 | | | |
1587 | mask operand | 遮罩运算元 | | | |
1588 | mask option | 遮罩选项 | | | |
1589 | mask pattern | 遮罩型样 | | | |
1590 | mask pitch | 遮罩间距 | | | |
1591 | mask processing | 遮罩处理 | | | |
1592 | mask processing programmable ROM | 遮罩处理可程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
1593 | mask program | 遮罩程式 | | | |
1594 | mask programmable ROM | 遮罩可程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
1595 | mask programmed read only memory | 遮罩程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
1596 | mask read-only memory | 遮罩唯读记忆体 | | | |
1597 | mask register | 遮罩暂存器 | | | |
1598 | mask ROM | 遮罩唯读记忆体 | 掩模型只读存储器 | | |
1599 | mask set | 遮罩集 | | | |
1600 | mask tape | 遮罩带 | | | |
1601 | mask word | 遮罩字 | | | |
1602 | maskable interrupt | | 可屏蔽中断 | | |
1603 | masked | 遮罩 | | | |
1604 | masked assignment statement | 遮罩指定叙述 | | | |
1605 | masked diffusion | 遮罩扩散 | | | |
1606 | masked ROM | 遮罩唯读记忆体 | | | |
1607 | masked state | 遮罩状态 | | | |
1608 | masked vector operation | 遮罩向量作业 | | | |
1609 | masking | 遮罩 | 屏蔽 | | |
1610 | masking effect | 遮罩效应 | | | |
1611 | masking interrupt | 遮罩中断 | | | |
1612 | masking operation | 遮罩操作 | | | |
1613 | masking register | | 屏蔽寄存器 | | |
1614 | masking technique | 遮罩技术 | | | |
1615 | masking vector | | 屏蔽向量 | | |
1616 | maskless process | 无掩模处理 | | | |
1617 | mask-making | 遮罩制造 | | | |
1618 | masquerade | | 冒充 | | |
1619 | masquerading | 冒充 | | | |
1620 | mass | 大量;质量 | | | |
1621 | mass bus | 大量汇流排 | | | |
1622 | mass bus adapter | 多汇流排配接器 | | | |
1623 | mass cache memory | 大量高速缓冲记忆体 | | | |
1624 | mass communication medium | 大众通信媒体 | | | |
1625 | mass data | 大量资料 | | | |
1626 | mass delete | 大量删除 | | | |
1627 | mass digital storage system | 大量数位储存系统 | | | |
1628 | mass file | 大量档案 | | | |
1629 | mass insert | 大量插入 | | | |
1630 | mass maintenance | 大量维护 | | | |
1631 | mass matrix | 大量矩阵 | | | |
1632 | mass media file | 大量媒体档案 | | | |
1633 | mass memory file | 大量记忆体档案 | | | |
1634 | mass memory subsystem | 大量记忆体子系统 | | | |
1635 | mass memory system | 大量记忆体系统 | | | |
1636 | mass memory unit | 大量记忆体单元 | | | |
1637 | mass memory | 大量记忆体 | | | |
1638 | mass optical memory | 大量光记忆体 | | | |
1639 | mass production | 大量生产 | | | |
1640 | mass random access data storage | 大量随机存取资料储存 | | | |
1641 | mass random access disk | 大量随机存取磁碟 | | | |
1642 | mass replace | 大量替换 | | | |
1643 | mass sequential insertion | 大量顺序插入 | | | |
1644 | mass storage | | 海量存储器 | | |
1645 | mass storage adapter | 大量储存配接器 | | | |
1646 | mass storage control system | 大量资料储存控制系统;大容量储存控制系统;大量储存控制系统 | | | |
1647 | mass storage control table create | 大量储存控制表建立程序;大容量储存器控制表生成 | | | |
1648 | mass storage control tables pack | 大量储存控制表盘组 | | | |
1649 | mass storage control twin port | 大量储存控制双埠 | | | |
1650 | mass storage control | 大量储存控制器 | | | |
1651 | mass storage controller | 大量储存控制器 | | | |
1652 | mass storage device | 大量资料储存装置;大量储存装置;大容量储存器;大量储存器 | | | |
1653 | mass storage disc | 大量储存磁碟 | | | |
1654 | mass storage dump/verify program | 大量储存倾印验证程式 | | | |
1655 | mass storage facility | 大量储存设施 | | | |
1656 | mass storage file | 大量储存档案 | | | |
1657 | mass storage file segment | 大量储存档案段 | | | |
1658 | mass storage group | 大量储存器任务组(数据系统语言会议) | | | |
1659 | mass storage group | 大量储存器组;大量储存器任务组(数据系统语言会议) | | | |
1660 | mass storage input/output | 大容量储存器输入输出;大量储存器输入输出 | | | |
1661 | mass storage operating system | 大量储存操作系统 | | | |
1662 | mass storage processor | 大量储存处理机 | | | |
1663 | mass storage record | 大量储存记录 | | | |
1664 | mass storage resident | 常驻大量储存器 | | | |
1665 | mass storage subsystem | 大量储存子系统 | | | |
1666 | mass storage system communication | 大量储存系统通信 | | | |
1667 | mass storage system communicator | 大量储存系统通信器 | | | |
1668 | mass storage system extension | 大量储存系统延伸 | | | |
1669 | mass storage system | 大量储存系统 | | | |
1670 | mass storage unit | 大量储存单元 | | | |
1671 | mass storage volume control journal | 大量储存卷控制日志 | | | |
1672 | mass storage volume control | 大量储存卷控制;大容量储存卷控制 | | | |
1673 | mass storage volume group | 大量储存卷组 | | | |
1674 | mass storage volume inventory | 大量储存卷库存 | | | |
1675 | mass storage volume | 大量储存卷;大容量储存卷 | | | |
1676 | mass storage | 大量储存;大量资料储存器;大容量储存器 | | | |
1677 | mass store | 大量储存(体) | | | |
1678 | Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System | | MUMPS语言 | | |
1679 | Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system | 马萨诸塞通用医疗多重程式(设计) | | | |
1680 | Massey decoding procedure | 梅西解码程序 | | | |
1681 | Massey encoding procedure | 梅西编码程序 | | | |
1682 | Massey formula | 梅西公式 | | | |
1683 | massive calculation | 大量计算 | | | |
1684 | massive dump | 大量倾印 | | | |
1685 | massive parallel artificial intelligence | | 大规模并行人工智能 | | |
1686 | massive parallel network | 巨量平行网路 | | | |
1687 | massively parallel computer | | 大规模并行计算机 | | |
1688 | massively parallel network | 大规模平行网路 | | | |
1689 | massively parallel processing | | 大规模并行处理 | | |
1690 | massively parallel processing | 大规模平行处理 | | | |
1691 | massively parallel processor | 大规模平行处理机;大容量平行处理机 | | | |
1692 | mass-producted | 大量生产的;成批生产的 | | | |
1693 | master | 主站;主档;主要的;基本的;标准的;总的;核对用的 | | | |
1694 | master active file | 主现用档案 | | | |
1695 | master address | 主位址 | | | |
1696 | master address space | 主位址空间 | | | |
1697 | master alignment control | 主对齐控制 | | | |
1698 | master automated program | 主自动化程式 | | | |
1699 | master card | 主卡;主卡片 | | | |
1700 | master catalog | 主目录 | | | |
1701 | master central timing system | 主中央计时系统 | | | |
1702 | master change notice | 主变化通知 | | | |
1703 | master change record | 主变化记录 | | | |
1704 | master clamp | 主钩 | | | |
1705 | master clear | 主清除 | | | |
1706 | master clear line | 主清除线;总清线 | | | |
1707 | master clip | 主夹子 | | | |
1708 | master clock | | 主时钟 | | |
1709 | master clock frequency | 主时钟频率 | | | |
1710 | master clock generator | 主时钟产生器 | | | |
1711 | master clock pulse generator | 主时钟脉产生器 | | | |
1712 | master clock | 主时钟;主时钟脉冲 | 主时钟 | | |
1713 | master communication equipment | 主(站)通信设备 | | | |
1714 | master computer | 主计算机 | | | |
1715 | master configuration record | 主组态记录 | | | |
1716 | master console | 主控制台 | | | |
1717 | master console command | 主控制台命令 | | | |
1718 | master console logon | 主控制台登入 | | | |
1719 | master console usage | 主控制台使用(法) | | | |
1720 | master control and data buffer storage unit | 主控制器和资料缓冲储存器单元 | | | |
1721 | master control and user interface software | 主控制与用户介面软体 | | | |
1722 | master control and user interface subsystem | 主控制与用户介面子系统 | | | |
1723 | master control code | 主控制码 | | | |
1724 | master control executive | 主控制执行 | | | |
1725 | master control interrupt | 主控制中断 | | | |
1726 | master control panel | 主控制面板 | | | |
1727 | master control program procedure | 主控制计划程序 | | | |
1728 | master control program | 主控制程式 | | | |
1729 | master control register | 主控制暂存器 | | | |
1730 | master control routine | 主控制常式 | | | |
1731 | master control set | 主控制集 | | | |
1732 | master control station | 主控制站;主控(制)站 | | | |
1733 | master control system | 主控制系统;主控(制)系统 | | | |
1734 | master control unit | 主控制单元 | 主控制器 | | |
1735 | master control | 主控制 | | | |
1736 | master controller | 主控制器 | | | |
1737 | master coordinates | 主座标 | | | |
1738 | master cryptography key | 主密码键 | | | |
1739 | master cylinder mark | 主柱标示 | | | |
1740 | master data | 主资料;主数据;基本数据 | | | |
1741 | master data control console | 主资料控制台 | | | |
1742 | master data file | 主资料档案 | | | |
1743 | master data index | 主数据索引;基本数据索引 | | | |
1744 | master data record | 主资料记录 | | | |
1745 | master data recorder | 主资料记录器 | | | |
1746 | master data sheet | 主资料表单 | | | |
1747 | master data structure | 主资料结构 | | | |
1748 | master database update | 主资料库更新;主数据库更新 | | | |
1749 | master delivery | 主递送 | | | |
1750 | master dictionary | 主字典 | | | |
1751 | master digital command system | 主数位命令系统 | | | |
1752 | master digital data tape | 主数位资料带 | | | |
1753 | master directory | 主目录 | | | |
1754 | master environment | 主环境 | | | |
1755 | master executive control | 主执行程序控制 | | | |
1756 | master file | | 主文件 | | |
1757 | master file directory block | 主档案目录块 | | | |
1758 | master file directory | 主档案目录 | | | |
1759 | master file index | 主档案索引 | | | |
1760 | master file inventory | 主档案库存;主档案清单 | | | |
1761 | master file job processing | 主档案工件处理 | | | |
1762 | master file program | 主档案程式 | | | |
1763 | master file tape | 主档案带 | | | |
1764 | master file update program | 主档更新程式 | | | |
1765 | master file utility routines | 主档案公用程式常式 | | | |
1766 | master file | 主档案;主档 | | | |
1767 | master flipflop | 主正反器 | | | |
1768 | master font file | 主字型档案 | | | |
1769 | master frequency generator | 主频产生器 | | | |
1770 | master group | 主群;主组 | | | |
1771 | master group information system | 主群资讯系统 | | | |
1772 | master heading | 主标头 | | | |
1773 | master history file | 主历史档案 | | | |
1774 | master I/O control block | 主输入输出控制块 | | | |
1775 | master image | 主影像 | | | |
1776 | master index | 主索引 | | | |
1777 | master instruction tape | 主指令带;主指令磁带 | | | |
1778 | master international frequency register | 主国际频率暂存器 | | | |
1779 | master interrupt control | 主中断控制 | | | |
1780 | master items planning report | 主项计画报表 | | | |
1781 | master key | 主键;主钥 | 主密钥 | | |
1782 | master key concept | 主键概念 | | | |
1783 | master key variant key data set | 主键变体键资料集 | | | |
1784 | master level forecast code | 主阶预测码 | | | |
1785 | master level item code | 主阶项码 | | | |
1786 | master level item scheduling | 主阶项排程 | | | |
1787 | master level item | 主阶项 | | | |
1788 | master level print code | 主阶列印码 | | | |
1789 | master library | 主程式馆 | 主库 | | |
1790 | master library file system | 主程式馆档案系统 | | | |
1791 | master library tape | 主程式馆磁带 | | | |
1792 | master mask | 主遮罩 | | | |
1793 | master menu | 主选项单 | | | |
1794 | master mode | 主模 | | | |
1795 | master mode bit | 主模位元 | | | |
1796 | master mode entry instruction | 主模入口指令 | | | |
1797 | master mode entry operation | 主模入口操作 | | | |
1798 | master mode entry routine | 主模入口常式 | | | |
1799 | master mode program | 主模程式 | | | |
1800 | master monitor | 主监视器;主监控程序 | | | |
1801 | master network processor | 主网路处理机 | | | |
1802 | master node | 主节点 | | | |
1803 | master node control | 主节点控制 | | | |
1804 | master of science in computer science | 计算机科学理科硕士 | | | |
1805 | master operating program | 主操作程式 | | | |
1806 | master operating system | 主作业系统 | | | |
1807 | master operation | 主作业 | | | |
1808 | master operational console | 主操作控制台 | | | |
1809 | master operational controller | 主操作控制器 | | | |
1810 | master operational recording tape address table | 主操作记录带位址表 | | | |
1811 | master operational recording tape assembly program | 主操作记录带组合程式 | | | |
1812 | master operational recording tape recording | 主操作记录带记录 | | | |
1813 | master operational recording tape | 主操作记录带 | | | |
1814 | master operations control center | 主操作控制中心 | | | |
1815 | master operations control system | 主操作控制系统 | | | |
1816 | master operator command | 主操作员命令 | | | |
1817 | master oscillator | 主振 器 | | | |
1818 | master output tape | 主输出带 | 标准幅度带 | | |
1819 | master page | 主版页 | | | |
1820 | master password | 主通行码 | | | |
1821 | master pattern | 主型样 | | | |
1822 | master picture monitor | 图象主监视器 | | | |
1823 | master power regulator | 主功率调整器 | | | |
1824 | master process | 主过程 | | | |
1825 | master processor | 主处理机 | | | |
1826 | master processor module | 主处理机模组 | | | |
1827 | master production schedule | 主生产排程 | | | |
1828 | master program | 主程式;主程序 | | | |
1829 | master program controller | 主程式控制器 | | | |
1830 | master program file | 主程式档案 | | | |
1831 | master program file update | 主程式档案更新 | | | |
1832 | master program system | 主程式系统 | | | |
1833 | master program tape | 主程式带;主程序带 | | | |
1834 | master program update | 主程式更新 | | | |
1835 | master proof | 主证明 | | | |
1836 | master pulse | 主脉冲 | | | |
1837 | master record | 主记录 | | | |
1838 | master relocatable tape | 主可再定位带 | | | |
1839 | master reset command | 主重设命令 | | | |
1840 | master reset | 主重置;主重置命令 | | | |
1841 | master resident core | 主常驻核心程式 | | | |
1842 | master reticle | 主标线 | | | |
1843 | master routine | 主(控)常式;主常式;主例行程序 | | | |
1844 | master scanner | 主扫瞄器 | | | |
1845 | master schedule | 主排程 | | | |
1846 | master schedule planning | 主排程规划 | | | |
1847 | master scheduler | | 主调度程序 | | |
1848 | master scheduler address space | 主排程器位址空间 | | | |
1849 | master scheduler resident area | 主排程器常驻区 | | | |
1850 | master scheduler task | 主排程器任务 | | | |
1851 | master scheduling | 主排程 | | | |
1852 | master segment | 主段 | | | |
1853 | master segment index | 主段索引 | | | |
1854 | master segment table | 主段表 | | | |
1855 | master sequencer | 主定序器 | | | |
1856 | master set | (数据库的)主集;主系 | | | |
1857 | master shielding computer program | 主屏蔽计算机程式 | | | |
1858 | master skew tape | 主偏斜带 | 标准扭斜带 | | |
1859 | master slewing device | 主回转装置 | | | |
1860 | master slice | 主片 | | | |
1861 | master slice method | 主片法 | | | |
1862 | master source program | 主源程式 | | | |
1863 | master space | 主间隔;大间隔 | | | |
1864 | master speed tape | 主速率带 | 标准速度带 | | |
1865 | master standard data | 主标准数据 | | | |
1866 | master state | 主(状)态 | | | |
1867 | master station | | 主站 | | |
1868 | master supervisory and alarm frame | 主监督及警报 | | | |
1869 | master surveillance station | 主监视站 | | | |
1870 | master switch | 主开关 | | | |
1871 | master synchronization | 主同步 | | | |
1872 | master synchronizer | 主同步器 | | | |
1873 | master system tape | 主系统磁带;主系统带 | | | |
1874 | master table of contents | 总目录内容;主目录内容 | | | |
1875 | master tape | 主带;标准带 | | | |
1876 | master tape loading | 主带载入 | | | |
1877 | master terminal | 主终端 | | | |
1878 | master terminal formatting options | 主终端格式化可选项 | | | |
1879 | master terminal operator | 主终端操作员 | | | |
1880 | master test frame | 主测试框 | | | |
1881 | master time | 主时间 | | | |
1882 | master timer control block | 主计时器控制块 | | | |
1883 | master timer | 主计时器 | | | |
1884 | master timing supply | 主时钟源 | | | |
1885 | master timing unit | 主定时单元 | | | |
1886 | master trace | 主追踪 | | | |
1887 | master tracking data file | 主追踪资料档案 | | | |
1888 | master unit | 主单元 | | | |
1889 | master user | 主用户 | | | |
1890 | master user directory | 主用户目录 | | | |
1891 | master vocabulary tape | 主词汇表磁带 | | | |
1892 | master/slave operating system | | 主从式操作系统 | | |
1893 | master/slave scheduling | | 主从调度 | | |
1894 | masterboard | | 母板, *主板 | | |
1895 | master-slave accumulator | 主从累加器 | | | |
1896 | master-slave computer | | 主从计算机 | | |
1897 | master-slave computer system | 主从计算机系统 | | | |
1898 | master-slave configuration | 主从配置 | | | |
1899 | master-slave control | 主从控制 | | | |
1900 | master-slave flipflop | 主从正反器 | | | |
1901 | master-slave manipulator | 主从调处器 | | | |
1902 | master-slave mode multiprogramming | 主从模多程式 | | | |
1903 | master-slave multiprogramming | 主从多程式 | | | |
1904 | master-slave operating system | 主从操作系统 | | | |
1905 | master-slave polling | 主从轮询 | | | |
1906 | master-slave scheduling system | 主从排程系统 | | | |
1907 | master-slave system | 主从系统 | | | |
1908 | master-slave | 主从 | | | |
1909 | match | 匹配;相配;符合;吻合;比较 | | | |
1910 | match arc | 匹配弧 | | | |
1911 | match bit | 匹配位元 | | | |
1912 | match condition | 匹配条件 | | | |
1913 | match dissolve | 匹配分解 | | | |
1914 | match exponents | 匹配指数 | | | |
1915 | match gate | 匹配闸 | | | |
1916 | match operation | 匹配运算 | | | |
1917 | match stop | | 符合停机 | | |
1918 | match substitution | 匹配替代 | | | |
1919 | match time | 匹配时间;符合比较时间 | | | |
1920 | matched data | 匹配数据;符合数据 | | | |
1921 | matched filter | 匹配滤波器 | 匹配筛选器 | | |
1922 | matched filtering | 匹配过 | 匹配滤波 | | |
1923 | matched group | 匹配组 | | | |
1924 | matched impedance | 匹配阻抗 | | | |
1925 | matched load | 匹配负载 | | | |
1926 | matched pair transistor | 匹配对电晶体 | | | |
1927 | matched pattern | 匹配型样 | | | |
1928 | matched phrase | 匹配片语 | | | |
1929 | matched transmission line | 匹配传输线 | | | |
1930 | matcher | 匹配器 | | | |
1931 | matcher-selector-connector | 匹配器-选择器-连接器 | | | |
1932 | matching | 匹配;符合;比较;微调 | | | |
1933 | matching algorithm | | 匹配算法 | | |
1934 | matching code | 匹配码 | | | |
1935 | matching control | 匹配控制 | | | |
1936 | matching criterion | 匹配准则 | | | |
1937 | matching error | 匹配误差 | 匹配误差 | | |
1938 | matching hierarchy | 匹配阶层 | | | |
1939 | matching impedance | 匹配阻抗 | | | |
1940 | matching language | 匹配语言 | | | |
1941 | matching list | 匹配串列 | | | |
1942 | matching literal | 匹配文字 | | | |
1943 | matching network | 匹配网路 | | | |
1944 | matching operation | 匹配运算 | | | |
1945 | matching package | 匹配包 | | | |
1946 | matching problem | 匹配问题 | | | |
1947 | matching process | 匹配过程 | | | |
1948 | matching record indicator | 匹配记录指示器 | | | |
1949 | matching record | 匹配记录 | | | |
1950 | matching rule | 匹配规则 | | | |
1951 | matching storage hierarchy | 匹配储存阶层 | | | |
1952 | matching structured objects | 匹配结构物件 | | | |
1953 | matching sub-file | 匹配子档 | | | |
1954 | matching sublanguage | 匹配副语言 | | | |
1955 | matching template | 匹配模板 | | | |
1956 | matching transformer | 匹配变压器 | | | |
1957 | matching transistor | 匹配电晶体 | | | |
1958 | matching word | 匹配字 | | | |
1959 | match-merge | 匹配合并 | | | |
1960 | mate block | 配偶块 | | | |
1961 | mate table | 配偶表 | | | |
1962 | mated-film memory | 耦合膜记忆体 | | | |
1963 | material | 材料;教材;物质;资料 | | | |
1964 | material allocation record | 材料分配记录 | | | |
1965 | material analysis data | 材料分析数据 | | | |
1966 | material detail file | 材料明细档 | | | |
1967 | material detail file maintenance | 材料明细档维护 | | | |
1968 | material detail file maintenance⌒blanket purchase | 材料明细档维护-综合采购 | | | |
1969 | material detail file maintenance⌒manufacture | 材料明细档维护-制造 | | | |
1970 | material detail maintenance edit list | 材料明细维护编辑清册 | | | |
1971 | material detail record | 材料明细记录 | | | |
1972 | material dispersion | 材料分散 | | | |
1973 | material flow simulator | 材料输送模拟器 | | | |
1974 | material handling application | 物料搬运应用 | | | |
1975 | material implication | 实质蕴含 | | | |
1976 | material management system | 材料管理系统 | | | |
1977 | material picking list | 捡料表 | | | |
1978 | material planning horizon | 材料规划时轴 | | | |
1979 | material requirement planning system | 材料需求规划系统 | | | |
1980 | material requirement planning | 材料需求规划;物料需求规划 | 物料需求计划 | | |
1981 | material requisition | 材料请求 | | | |
1982 | materialized record | 实质化记录 | | | |
1983 | math | 数学(缩略词) | | | |
1984 | math chip | 数学晶片 | | | |
1985 | math coprocessor | 数学共处理机 | | | |
1986 | math menu | 数学选项单 | | | |
1987 | math processor | 数学处理器 | | | |
1988 | math(s) processing | 数学处理 | | | |
1989 | mathematic analysis | 数学分析 | | | |
1990 | mathematic check | 数学核对 | | | |
1991 | mathematic compiler | 数学编译器 | | | |
1992 | mathematic control mode | 数学控制模式 | | | |
1993 | mathematic definition | 数学定义 | | | |
1994 | mathematic example | 数学例题 | | | |
1995 | mathematic function | 数学函数 | | | |
1996 | mathematic function program | 数学函数程式 | | | |
1997 | mathematic induction | 数学归纳法 | | | |
1998 | mathematic logic | 数学逻辑 | | | |
1999 | mathematic machine theory | 数学机器理论 | | | |
2000 | mathematic model | 数学模型 | | | |
2001 | mathematic operator | 数学运算子 | | | |
2002 | mathematic power | 乘幂 | | | |
2003 | mathematic programming | 数学规划 | | | |
2004 | mathematic relation | 数学关系 | | | |
2005 | mathematic routine | 数学常式 | | | |
2006 | mathematic structure | 数学结构 | | | |
2007 | mathematic subroutine | 数学次常式 | | | |
2008 | mathematic system | 数学系统 | | | |
2009 | Mathematica | Mathematica软体 | | | |
2010 | mathematical analysis | 数学分析 | | | |
2011 | mathematical analysis with programming | 程式设计的数学分析 | | | |
2012 | mathematical axiom | | 数学公式 | | |
2013 | mathematical check | 数学核对;数学检验 | | | |
2014 | mathematical code system | 数学编码系统 | | | |
2015 | mathematical control mode | 数学控制模式 | | | |
2016 | mathematical control model | 数学控制模型 | | | |
2017 | mathematical decomposition | 数学分解 | | | |
2018 | mathematical discovery | | 数学发现 | | |
2019 | mathematical experience | 数学知识 | | | |
2020 | mathematical function | 数学函数 | | | |
2021 | mathematical function library | 数学函数馆 | | | |
2022 | mathematical function operator | 数学函数运算子 | | | |
2023 | mathematical function programs | 数学函数程式 | | | |
2024 | mathematical induction | 数学归纳法 | 数学归纳 | | |
2025 | mathematical instrument | 数学仪器;数学装备 | | | |
2026 | mathematical linguistics | 数学语言学 | 数理语言学 | | |
2027 | mathematical logic | 数学逻辑 | | | |
2028 | mathematical manipulation | 数学调处 | | | |
2029 | mathematical model | 数学模型 | | | |
2030 | mathematical morphology | | 数学形态学 | | |
2031 | mathematical operations computer | 数学运算计算机 | | | |
2032 | mathematical operator | 数学运算子 | | | |
2033 | mathematical parameter | 数学参数 | | | |
2034 | mathematical problem | 数学问题 | | | |
2035 | mathematical programming language | 数学程式设计语言 | | | |
2036 | mathematical programming system extended | 扩充的数学规划系统 | | | |
2037 | mathematical programming system report generator | 数学规划系统报告产生器 | | | |
2038 | mathematical programming system | 数学规划系统 | | | |
2039 | mathematical programming | 数学规划 | | | |
2040 | mathematical relation | 数学关系(式) | | | |
2041 | mathematical routine | 数学常式 | | | |
2042 | mathematical semantics | 数学语意学 | | | |
2043 | mathematical simulation | 数学模拟 | | | |
2044 | mathematical software | 数学软体 | | | |
2045 | mathematical software library | 数学软体程式馆 | | | |
2046 | mathematical statistics | 数理统计(学) | | | |
2047 | mathematical subprogram library | 数学次程式馆 | | | |
2048 | mathematical subroutine | 数学次常式 | | | |
2049 | mathematical subroutine libraries | 数学次常式程式馆 | | | |
2050 | mathematical system | 数学系统 | | | |
2051 | mathematical tabulative architecture | 数学列表架构 | | | |
2052 | mathematical theory of computation | 计算数学理论 | | | |
2053 | mathematical theory of trees | 树形数学理论 | | | |
2054 | mathematical treatment | 数学处置 | | | |
2055 | mathematics | 数学 | | | |
2056 | mathfile | 数学文件 | | | |
2057 | MATHLAB | MATHLAB数学软体 | | | |
2058 | Mathpac | 数学与统计程式包 | | | |
2059 | math-pac | 数学程序包 | | | |
2060 | matrix | 矩阵;点阵;真值表;母式 | | | |
2061 | matrix adder | 矩阵(式)加法器 | | | |
2062 | matrix addition | 矩阵加法 | | | |
2063 | matrix algebra | 矩阵代数 | | | |
2064 | matrix algebra general interpretive coding | 矩阵代数一般解译编码 | | | |
2065 | matrix algebra table | 矩阵代数表 | | | |
2066 | matrix algorithm | 矩阵算法 | | | |
2067 | matrix algorithmic processor | 矩阵算法处理机 | | | |
2068 | matrix analysis | 矩阵分析 | | | |
2069 | matrix calculation | 矩阵计算 | | | |
2070 | matrix chain product | 矩阵 乘积 | | | |
2071 | matrix checking | 矩阵检查 | | | |
2072 | matrix circuit | 矩阵电路 | | | |
2073 | matrix coefficient | 矩阵系数 | | | |
2074 | matrix compiler | 矩阵编译器 | | | |
2075 | matrix computation | 矩阵计算 | | | |
2076 | matrix controller | 矩阵式控制器;矩阵控制程序 | | | |
2077 | matrix differential equation | 矩阵微分方程式 | | | |
2078 | matrix drive pulse | 矩阵驱动脉波 | | | |
2079 | matrix eigenvalue | 矩阵特徵值 | | | |
2080 | matrix electrostatic writing technique | 矩阵静电书写技术 | | | |
2081 | matrix element | 矩阵元素 | | | |
2082 | matrix encoder | 矩阵式编码器 | | | |
2083 | matrix equation | 矩阵方程式 | | | |
2084 | matrix gate | 矩阵闸 | | | |
2085 | matrix grammar | 矩阵文法 | | | |
2086 | matrix inverse | 矩阵倒式;矩阵求逆 | | | |
2087 | matrix iteration | 矩阵叠代 | | | |
2088 | matrix lane | 矩阵板 | | | |
2089 | matrix language | 矩阵语言 | | | |
2090 | matrix log-in memory | 矩阵登入记忆体 | | | |
2091 | matrix manipulation language | 矩阵调处语言 | | | |
2092 | matrix matching | 矩阵匹配 | | | |
2093 | matrix matching technique | 矩阵匹配技术 | | | |
2094 | matrix matrix mapping | 矩阵矩阵映像 | | | |
2095 | matrix memory | 矩阵记忆体 | | | |
2096 | matrix method | 矩阵法 | | | |
2097 | matrix multiplication | 矩阵乘法 | | | |
2098 | matrix norm | 矩阵 数 | | | |
2099 | matrix notation | 矩阵记法 | | | |
2100 | matrix of printed dots | 列印点阵 | | | |
2101 | matrix operations | 矩阵操作 | | | |
2102 | matrix organization | 矩阵式组织 | | | |
2103 | matrix output time | 矩阵输出时间 | | | |
2104 | matrix pattern | 矩阵型样 | | | |
2105 | matrix pin board | 矩阵插针板 | | | |
2106 | matrix plane construction | 矩阵板构造 | | | |
2107 | matrix plane current | 矩阵板电流 | | | |
2108 | matrix plane impedance | 矩阵板阻抗 | | | |
2109 | matrix plane output | 矩阵板输出 | | | |
2110 | matrix plane wiring | 矩阵板布线 | | | |
2111 | matrix printer | 矩阵列印机 | | | |
2112 | matrix printing | 矩阵列印 | | | |
2113 | matrix processor | 矩阵处理机;阵列处理机 | | | |
2114 | matrix program board | 矩阵程式板 | | | |
2115 | matrix representation | 矩阵表示 | | | |
2116 | matrix ring | 矩阵环 | | | |
2117 | matrix selection | 矩阵选择 | | | |
2118 | matrix storage | 矩阵储存;矩阵(式)储存器 | | | |
2119 | matrix storage system | 矩阵式储存系统 | | | |
2120 | matrix sum | 矩阵和 | | | |
2121 | matrix switch | 矩阵开关 | | | |
2122 | matrix table | 矩阵表 | | | |
2123 | matrix theory | 矩阵理论 | | | |
2124 | matrix transpose method | 矩阵转置方法 | | | |
2125 | matrix tree theorem | 矩阵树定理 | | | |
2126 | maturing | 成熟 | | | |
2127 | maturing stage | 成熟阶段 | | | |
2128 | maturity | | 成熟度 | | |
2129 | max-flow-min-cut theorem | 最大流(量)最小截(取)定理 | | | |
2130 | maxicomputer | 超级电脑 | 巨型计算机 | | |
2131 | maximal characteristic description | 最大特性描述 | | | |
2132 | maximal common subgraph | 最大公用子图 | | | |
2133 | maximal compatible | 最大相容 | | | |
2134 | maximal compatible set | 最大相容集 | | | |
2135 | maximal conjunctive generalization | 最大合取概括 | | | |
2136 | maximal cost spanning tree | 最大成本跨矩树 | | | |
2137 | maximal element | 最大元素 | | | |
2138 | maximal flow | 最大流(量) | | | |
2139 | maximal ideal | 最大理想的 | | | |
2140 | maximal length null sequence | 最大长度空序列 | | | |
2141 | maximal member | 极大元素;最大项 | | | |
2142 | maximal planar graph | 最大平面图 | | | |
2143 | maximal ratio combiner | 最大比率组合器 | | | |
2144 | maximal shortest distance tree | 最大的最短距离树 | | | |
2145 | maximal unifying generalization | 最一致概括 | | | |
2146 | maximal value | 最大值 | | | |
2147 | maximally general conjunctive generalization | 最一般合取概括 | | | |
2148 | maximally specific conjunctive generalization | 最具体合取概括 | | | |
2149 | maximizer | 最大化器 | | | |
2150 | maximum | 最大值;最大的 | | | |
2151 | maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) criterion | 最大後置机率判定法则 | | | |
2152 | maximum allowable common mode overvoltage | 最大允许共模过电压 | | | |
2153 | maximum allowable junction temperature | | 最高允许结温 | | |
2154 | maximum allowable normal mode overvoltage | 最大允许常模过电压 | | | |
2155 | maximum allowed deviation | | 最大允许偏差 | | |
2156 | maximum amplitude filter | 最大振幅滤波器 | | | |
2157 | maximum and minimum | 极大和极小 | | | |
2158 | maximum available gain | 最大可用增益 | | | |
2159 | maximum byte count | 最大位元组计数 | | | |
2160 | maximum capacity | 最大容量 | | | |
2161 | maximum clock frequency | 最大时钟频率 | | | |
2162 | maximum common mode voltage | 最大共模电压 | | | |
2163 | maximum contrast | 最大对比度 | | | |
2164 | maximum cost | 最大成本 | | | |
2165 | maximum cut off | 最大截止 | | | |
2166 | maximum delay path | | 最大延迟路径 | | |
2167 | maximum file size | 最大档案尺寸 | | | |
2168 | maximum flux | 最大通量 | | | |
2169 | maximum frequency deviation | 最大频率偏差 | | | |
2170 | maximum frequency operation | 最大频率作业 | | | |
2171 | maximum function | 最大函数 | | | |
2172 | maximum hops | 最大中继段距 | | | |
2173 | maximum induction | 最大感应 | | | |
2174 | maximum integration | 最大整合 | | | |
2175 | maximum junction temperature | 最高结温 | | | |
2176 | maximum justification rate | 最大调整率 | | | |
2177 | maximum latency | 最大潜时 | | | |
2178 | maximum length sequence | 最大长度序列 | | | |
2179 | maximum length sequence code | 最大长度序列码 | | | |
2180 | maximum likelihood category | 最大相似种类 | | | |
2181 | maximum likelihood criterion | 最大似然准则 | | | |
2182 | maximum likelihood criterion | 最大相似度判定法则 | | | |
2183 | maximum likelihood decision rule | 最大似然决策规则 | | | |
2184 | maximum likelihood decoding | 最大似然解码 | | | |
2185 | maximum likelihood error correcting parser | 最大似然大改错剖析器 | | | |
2186 | maximum likelihood estimation | 最大似然估计 | | | |
2187 | maximum likelihood sequence estimation | 最大可能序列估计 | | | |
2188 | maximum line length | 最大行长度 | 最大线长 | | |
2189 | maximum load | 最大负载 | | | |
2190 | maximum low-threshold input-voltage | | 最大低阈值输入电压 | | |
2191 | maximum magnitude | 最大允许量;最大 围 | | | |
2192 | maximum matching | 最大匹配 | | | |
2193 | maximum mode rejection | 最大常模斥拒 | | | |
2194 | maximum node address | 最大节点位址 | | | |
2195 | maximum norm | 最大 数;最大模 | | | |
2196 | maximum normal mode voltage | 最大常模电压 | | | |
2197 | maximum number of components per assembly | 每装配中最大组件数 | | | |
2198 | maximum number of lines per item | 每项目中最大行数 | | | |
2199 | maximum number of operations per routing | 途程中最大作业数 | | | |
2200 | maximum number of records | 最大记录数 | | | |
2201 | maximum open line length | | 最大开路线长度 | | |
2202 | maximum operating common mode voltage | 最大运作共模电压 | | | |
2203 | maximum operating frequency | 最大工作频率 | | | |
2204 | maximum operating normal mode voltage | 最大运作常模电压 | | | |
2205 | maximum operating voltage | 最大操作电压 | | | |
2206 | maximum operation normal mode voltage | 最大作业常模电压 | | | |
2207 | maximum output level | 最大输出位准 | | | |
2208 | maximum overshoot | | 最大超调[量] | | |
2209 | maximum path cost | 最大路径成本 | | | |
2210 | maximum path length | 最大路径长度 | | | |
2211 | maximum permeability | 最大磁导率 | | | |
2212 | maximum permissible intake | 最大允许进入量 | | | |
2213 | maximum permissible level | 最大允许位准 | | | |
2214 | maximum possible magnitude | 最大可能允许量 | | | |
2215 | maximum presentation line | 最大表达行 | | | |
2216 | maximum presentation position | 最大表达位置 | | | |
2217 | maximum principle | 极大值原理 | | | |
2218 | maximum print position | 最大列印位置 | | | |
2219 | maximum printer lines | 最大列印行数 | | | |
2220 | maximum quantity | 最大数量 | | | |
2221 | maximum record number | 最大记录号码 | | | |
2222 | maximum reset time | 最大重设时间 | | | |
2223 | maximum right mask | 最大权利遮罩 | | | |
2224 | maximum segment size | 最大段长度 | | | |
2225 | maximum shift length | 最大移位长度 | | | |
2226 | maximum speed-up hierarchy | 最大加速阶层 | | | |
2227 | maximum storage bus rate | 最大储存器汇流排速率 | | | |
2228 | maximum suspension time | 最大悬置时间 | | | |
2229 | maximum time to repair | 修复前最长时间 | | | |
2230 | maximum transaction arrival rate | 最大交易到达率 | | | |
2231 | maximum transfer rate | 最大传送率 | | | |
2232 | maximum usages of a component | 组件最大使用量 | | | |
2233 | maximum usages of a work center | 工作中心最大使用率 | | | |
2234 | maximum vertex | 最大顶点(值) | | | |
2235 | maximum visits | 最大访问 | | | |
2236 | maximum working pressure | 最大工作压力 | | | |
2237 | maxint | 最大整数值 | | | |
2238 | max-min criterion | 最大极小准则;极小中的最大准则 | | | |
2239 | max-min inference rule | 极大-极小推理规则 | | | |
2240 | maxterm | 大项 | | | |
2241 | maxterm form | 大项形式 | | | |
2242 | Maxwell relationship | 麦克斯尔关系式 | | | |
2243 | Maxwell's circulating current | 马可士威环流 | | | |
2244 | Maxwell's equation | 麦克斯尔方程式 | | | |
2245 | Maxwell's law | 麦克斯尔定律 | | | |
2246 | MAYBE compiler | MAYBE编译器 | | | |
2247 | MAYBE language | MAYBE语言 | | | |
2248 | maze | 迷阵;迷路 | | | |
2249 | maze decision | 迷路决策 | | | |
2250 | maze decision stack | 迷路决策堆叠 | | | |
2251 | maze method | 迷路法 | | | |
2252 | maze search | 迷路搜寻 | | | |
2253 | maze search operation | 迷路搜寻操作 | | | |
2254 | maze-running algorithm | 迷路走线演算法 | | | |
2255 | MB | 百万位元组 | | | |
2256 | MBFT | | 多点二进制文件传送 | | |
2257 | Mbone | | 多播主干网 | | |
2258 | Mbytes | 百万位元组 | | | |
2259 | MC 6800 microprocessor | MC 6800微处理机 | | | |
2260 | McCulloch-Pitts cell | M-P细胞 | | | |
2261 | McCulloch-Pitts model | M-P模型 | | | |
2262 | McCulloch-Pitts neuron | M-P神经元 | | | |
2263 | MCGA | | 彩色图形阵列[适配器] | | |
2264 | MCI | | 媒体控制接口 | | |
2265 | MCM | | 多芯片模块 | | |
2266 | McMillan's inequality | 麦克米兰不等式 | | | |
2267 | MCS | | 多点通信服务 | | |
2268 | MCS-10 | MCS-10资讯控制系统 | | | |
2269 | MCU | | 多点控制器 | | |
2270 | MDA | | 多维存取 | | |
2271 | MDA | | 单色显示适配器 | | |
2272 | MDC | | 伪造检测码 | | |
2273 | MDC | | 修改检测码 | | |
2274 | m-derived filter | m分支滤波器 | | | |
2275 | m-derived network | m分支网路 | | | |
2276 | MDI | | 媒体相关接口 | | |
2277 | Mealy machine | 米利机 | 米利机[器] | | |
2278 | mean | 平均值;意义;平均 | | | |
2279 | mean absolute deviation | 平均绝对偏差 | | | |
2280 | mean absolute error | 平均绝对误差 | | | |
2281 | mean access time | 平均存取时间 | 平均存取时间 | | |
2282 | mean active repair time | 平均有效修复时间 | | | |
2283 | mean conditional information content | 平均条件资讯内容;平均条件资讯内涵 | | | |
2284 | mean cycles between failure | 平均故障间隔周期数 | | | |
2285 | mean deviation | 平均偏差 | | | |
2286 | mean down time | 平均停机时间 | | | |
2287 | mean entropy | 平均熵 | | | |
2288 | mean entropy | 平均熵(每一字元) | | | |
2289 | mean entropy per character | 每字元平均熵 | | | |
2290 | mean free error time | 平均无错误时间 | | | |
2291 | mean information content | 平均资讯内容 | | | |
2292 | mean information content | 平均资讯内涵(每一字元) | | | |
2293 | mean information content per character | 每字元平均资讯量内容 | | | |
2294 | mean instruction execution rate | 平均指令执行速率 | | | |
2295 | mean integrated square error | 积分均方误差 | | | |
2296 | mean modulation rate | 平均调变率 | | | |
2297 | mean of a probability distribution | 机率分布的平均值 | | | |
2298 | mean operating time between failures | 故障间平均作业时间 | | | |
2299 | mean power | 平均功率 | | | |
2300 | mean rate accuracy | 平均率准确度 | | | |
2301 | mean repair time | 平均修复时间 | | | |
2302 | mean service time | 平均服务时间 | | | |
2303 | mean sort | 平均排序 | | | |
2304 | mean square | 均方 | | | |
2305 | mean temperature difference | 平均温差 | | | |
2306 | mean time between calls | 平均呼叫间隔时间 | | | |
2307 | mean time between detection | 平均检测间隔时间 | | | |
2308 | mean time between errors | 平均错误间隔时间 | | | |
2309 | mean time between failure | | 平均失效间隔时间 | | |
2310 | mean time between interrupt | 平均中断间隔时间 | | | |
2311 | mean time between IPL | 平均IPL间隔时间;平均初始程式载入间隔时间 | | | |
2312 | mean time between maintenance actions | 平均维修间隔时间 | | | |
2313 | mean time between maintenance | 平均维 间隔时间 | | | |
2314 | mean time between repairs | 平均修复间隔时间 | | | |
2315 | mean time between replacement | 平均替换间隔时间 | | | |
2316 | mean time between significant failures | 平均严重故障间隔时间 | | | |
2317 | mean time between software errors | 平均软体错误间隔时间 | | | |
2318 | mean time between system failures | 平均系统故障间隔时间 | | | |
2319 | mean time between system incidents | 平均系统事件间隔时间 | | | |
2320 | mean time of failure | 平均故障时间 | | | |
2321 | mean time to crash | | 平均未崩溃时间 | | |
2322 | mean time to detection | 平均检测时间 | | | |
2323 | mean time to diagnostic | 平均诊断时间 | | | |
2324 | mean time to failure | | 平均无故障时间 | | |
2325 | mean time to first failure | 平均首次故障时间 | | | |
2326 | mean time to repair | | 平均修复时间 | | |
2327 | mean time to restore | 平均复原时间 | | | |
2328 | mean time to service restore | 至业务恢复平均时间 | | | |
2329 | mean time to switch over | 平均交换时间 | | | |
2330 | mean time to system restoration | 平均系统复原时间 | | | |
2331 | mean time to wait | 平均等待时间 | | | |
2332 | mean time | 平均时间 | | | |
2333 | mean trans-information content | 平均传送资讯内容 | | | |
2334 | meaning domain | | 意义域 | | |
2335 | meaningful information | 有意义资讯 | | | |
2336 | meaningless instruction | 无意义指令 | | | |
2337 | means of communication | 通信手段 | | | |
2338 | means-end analysis | | 手段目的分析 | | |
2339 | mean-square error criterion | 均方根误差准则 | | | |
2340 | measurable | 可度量的;可测量的 | | | |
2341 | measurand | 测量变数;被测(的)量 | | | |
2342 | measure | 测量;测度 | 度量 | | |
2343 | measure information and control language | 量测资讯和控制语言 | | | |
2344 | measure of effectiveness | 有效性量测 | | | |
2345 | measure of information | 资讯量测;资讯测量 | | | |
2346 | measured rate service | 按次收费 | | | |
2347 | measured signal | 被测信号;测量信号 | | | |
2348 | measured time | 测量时间 | | | |
2349 | measured variable | 被测变数;测量变数 | 被测变量 | | |
2350 | measurement | | 测量, *度量 | | |
2351 | measurement analysis program | 测量分析程式 | | | |
2352 | measurement and control | 测量与控制 | | | |
2353 | measurement and control system | 测量与控制系统 | | | |
2354 | measurement control procedure | 测量控制程序 | | | |
2355 | measurement control processor | 测量控制处理机 | | | |
2356 | measurement database | 测量数据库 | | | |
2357 | measurement error | 测量误差 | | | |
2358 | measurement information data analytic system | 量度资讯分析系统;测量资讯资料分析系统 | | | |
2359 | measurement of performance | | 性能测量 | | |
2360 | measurement problem | 测量问题 | | | |
2361 | measurement processor subsystem | 测量处理机子系统 | | | |
2362 | measurement reproducibility | 测量再现性;测量重复性 | | | |
2363 | measurement routine | 测量常式 | | | |
2364 | measurement session | 测量对话 | | | |
2365 | measurement space | | 度量空间 | | |
2366 | measurement technique | 测量技术 | | | |
2367 | measurement unit | 测量装置 | | | |
2368 | measurement | 测量;量度 | | | |
2369 | measuring network | 量测网路 | | | |
2370 | measuring program quality | 量测程式品质 | | | |
2371 | measuring programming productivity | 量测程式设计生产力 | | | |
2372 | measuring range | | 测量范围 | | |
2373 | MEC configuration | MEC组态 | | | |
2374 | mechanical analog computer | 机械式类比计算机 | | | |
2375 | mechanical and numerical integrator and computer | 机械数位式积分器和计算机 | | | |
2376 | mechanical assembly program | 机械式组合程式 | | | |
2377 | mechanical assembly technique | 机械式组合技术 | | | |
2378 | mechanical calculator | 机械式计算器 | | | |
2379 | mechanical computer aided engineering | 机械式电脑辅助工程 | | | |
2380 | mechanical computing system | 机械式计算系统 | | | |
2381 | mechanical dictionary | 机械式字典 | | | |
2382 | mechanical differential | 机械式微分 | | | |
2383 | mechanical differential analyzer | 机械式微分分析器 | | | |
2384 | mechanical equipment company | (美国)机械设备公司 | | | |
2385 | mechanical hardware system design | 机械式硬体系统设计 | | | |
2386 | mechanical high fidelity | 机械式高忠实度 | | | |
2387 | mechanical interface | 机械式介面 | | | |
2388 | mechanical language | 机械式语言 | | | |
2389 | mechanical language structure | 机械式语言结构 | | | |
2390 | mechanical mouse | 机械式滑鼠 | 机械鼠标[器] | | |
2391 | mechanical multiplier | 机械式乘法器 | | | |
2392 | mechanical proof testing | 机械式证明测试 | | | |
2393 | mechanical recognition | 机械式识别 | | | |
2394 | mechanical register | 机械式暂存器 | | | |
2395 | mechanical replacement | 机械式替换 | | | |
2396 | mechanical scanner | 机械式扫瞄器 | | | |
2397 | mechanical storage | 机械式储存 | | | |
2398 | mechanical system | 机械式系统 | | | |
2399 | mechanical theorem proving | 机械式定理证明 | | | |
2400 | mechanical timing | 机械时序 | | | |
2401 | mechanical translation | 机械式翻译 | 机械式翻译 | | |
2402 | mechanical translation language | 机械式翻译语言 | | | |
2403 | mechanics | 力学;机械学;结构 | | | |
2404 | mechanism | 机构 | 机制 | | |
2405 | mechanism module | 机构模组 | | | |
2406 | mechanization algorithm | 机械化算法 | | | |
2407 | mechanization of arithmetic process | 运算过程机械化 | | | |
2408 | mechanization of mathematics | 数学机械化 | | | |
2409 | mechanized accountant | 机械式会计机 | | | |
2410 | mechanized data | 机械化资料 | | | |
2411 | mechanized data processing system | 机械化资料处理系统 | | | |
2412 | mechanized database | 机械化数据库 | | | |
2413 | mechanized housekeeping | 机械化内务处理 | | | |
2414 | media | 媒体;传输介质;介质 | 介质 | | |
2415 | media access control | 媒体存取控制 | 媒体访问控制 | | |
2416 | media access controller and systems interface | 媒体存取控制器及系统介面 | | | |
2417 | media access unit | 媒体存取装置 | | | |
2418 | media base | 媒体基底 | | | |
2419 | media center | 媒体中心 | | | |
2420 | media code | 媒体码 | | | |
2421 | media control driver | | 媒体控制驱动器 | | |
2422 | media control interface | | 媒体控制接口 | | |
2423 | media conversion | 媒体转换;介质转换 | 介质转换 | | |
2424 | media conversion processor | 媒体转换处理机 | | | |
2425 | media conversion program | 媒体转换程式 | | | |
2426 | media conversion program generator | 媒体转换程式产生器 | | | |
2427 | media copying routine | 媒体复制常式 | | | |
2428 | media drive | 媒体驱动 | | | |
2429 | media drive selector | 媒体驱动选择器 | | | |
2430 | media error | (储存)媒体错误 | | | |
2431 | media failure | | 介质故障 | | |
2432 | media initialize | 媒体初始化 | | | |
2433 | media input facility | 媒体输入设施 | | | |
2434 | media management | (储存)媒体管理 | | | |
2435 | media orientation | 媒体定向 | | | |
2436 | media resident software | 媒体常驻软体 | | | |
2437 | media services | 媒体服务 | | | |
2438 | media technology | 媒体技术 | | | |
2439 | medial axis transform | 中轴变换 | | | |
2440 | medial axis transformation | 中轴变换 | | | |
2441 | median | 中项;中数 | | | |
2442 | median element | 中项元件 | | | |
2443 | median error norm | 中数误差 数 | | | |
2444 | median filter | | 中值滤波器 | | |
2445 | mediation agent | | 中介主体 | | |
2446 | medical accounting | 医疗会计 | | | |
2447 | medical administrative control system | 医疗行政管理控制系统 | | | |
2448 | medical billing and logging | 医疗帐单和记录 | | | |
2449 | medical computer assisted instruction system | 医学电脑辅助教学系统 | | | |
2450 | medical computer language | 医学计算机语言 | | | |
2451 | medical computer system | 医学计算机系统 | | | |
2452 | medical data acquisition system | 医学数据获取系统 | | | |
2453 | medical data base | 医学资料库 | | | |
2454 | medical data system joint camera computer | 医学数据系统与联合摄影计算机 | | | |
2455 | medical decision making | 医疗决策 | | | |
2456 | medical diagnostic system | 医学诊断系统 | | | |
2457 | medical hybrids | 医疗并合电路 | | | |
2458 | medical imaging | | 医学成像 | | |
2459 | medical index | 医学索引 | | | |
2460 | medical information and communications system | 医学资讯与通信系统;医学资讯与通讯系统 | | | |
2461 | medical information bureau | 医学资讯局 | | | |
2462 | medical information management system | 医学资讯管理系统 | | | |
2463 | medical information system | 医学资讯系统 | | | |
2464 | medical literature analysis and retrieval system | 医学文献分析和检索系统 | | | |
2465 | medical programming system | 医学程式设计系统 | | | |
2466 | medical subject headings | 医学主标题 | | | |
2467 | medical system | 医疗系统 | | | |
2468 | medium | 媒介;媒体;储存媒体;中等的 | | | |
2469 | medium access control protocol | 媒体存取控制协定 | 媒体访问控制协议, *MAC协议 | | |
2470 | medium access control sublayer | 媒体存取控制子层 | 媒体访问控制子层 | | |
2471 | medium access control | 媒体存取控制 | 媒体访问控制 | | |
2472 | medium access memory | 中速存取记忆体 | | | |
2473 | medium attachment unit | 媒体附件装置 | 媒体连接单元 | | |
2474 | medium dependent interface | 媒体相依介面 | 媒体相关接口 | | |
2475 | medium distance modem | 中距离数据机 | | | |
2476 | medium frequency direction finding | 中频测向;中频定向 | | | |
2477 | medium frequency | 中频 | | | |
2478 | medium interface connector?C | 媒体接口连接器 | 媒体接口连接器 | | |
2479 | medium level programming language | 中阶程式设计语言 | | | |
2480 | medium power | 中功率 | | | |
2481 | medium range | 中距离 | | | |
2482 | medium scale integrated circuit | 中型积体电路 | | | |
2483 | medium scale integration | 中型积体化;中型积体电路 | | | |
2484 | medium scale integration/small scale integration | 中/小规模积体电路 | | | |
2485 | medium scale program | 中规模程式 | | | |
2486 | medium scale software development | 中规模软体开发 | | | |
2487 | medium size network | 中型网路 | | | |
2488 | medium small batch system | 中小型批次处理系统 | | | |
2489 | medium speed | 中速 | | | |
2490 | medium technology robot | 中级技术机器人 | | | |
2491 | medium term | 中程 | | | |
2492 | medium term planning | 中程规划 | | | |
2493 | medium term scheduling | 中程排程 | | | |
2494 | medium voltage | 中等电压 | | | |
2495 | medium weight typewriter | 中等重量打字机 | | | |
2496 | medium-scale computer | | 中型计算机 | | |
2497 | medium-term scheduling | | 中期调度 | | |
2498 | MEDLINE | MEDLINE医疗资讯软体 | | | |
2499 | meet | (逻辑)与 | | | |
2500 | mega | 百万 | 百万, *兆 | | |
2501 | mega electron volt | 百万电子伏特 | | | |
2502 | mega floating point operations per second | | 百万次浮点运算每秒 | | |
2503 | megabit | | 百万位, *兆位 | | |
2504 | megabit chip | 百万位元晶片 | | | |
2505 | megabit per second | 每秒百万位元 | | | |
2506 | megabits per second | | 兆位每秒 | | |
2507 | megabyte | | 百万字节, *兆字节 | | |
2508 | megabyte per second | 每秒百万位元组;百万拜/秒;百万字元/秒 | | | |
2509 | megabytes per second | | 兆字节每秒 | | |
2510 | megacell | 巨型格子 | | | |
2511 | megacycle | 百万周 | 兆周期 | | |
2512 | megacycles per second | 每秒百万周 | | | |
2513 | MEGADOC system | MEGADOC系统 | | | |
2514 | megaflop | 百万次浮点运算 | 百万次浮点运算每秒 | | |
2515 | megahertz | 百万赫 | | | |
2516 | megamega | 万亿;兆 | | | |
2517 | megastream | 百万流 | | | |
2518 | megavolt | 百万伏 | | | |
2519 | megaword | 百万字 | | | |
2520 | megohm | 百万欧 | | | |
2521 | Melbourne university dual-package analog computer | 墨尔本大学双重封装类比计算机 | | | |
2522 | member | 成员;构件 | 成员 | | |
2523 | member | 元素(在集合中) | | | |
2524 | member condition | 成员条件 | | | |
2525 | member file | 成员档案 | | | |
2526 | member name | 成员名称 | | | |
2527 | member number | 成员号码 | | | |
2528 | member of a set | 集合的成员 | | | |
2529 | member pointer | 成员指标 | | | |
2530 | member record | 成员记录 | | | |
2531 | membership | 隶属;资格 | | | |
2532 | membership class | 隶属类别;资格类别 | | | |
2533 | membership function | 隶属函数;资格函数 | | | |
2534 | membership operator | 隶属运算子 | | | |
2535 | membership problem | 隶属问题;资格问题 | 成员问题 | | |
2536 | membrane | 膜(片);薄膜;隔膜 | | | |
2537 | membrane eigenvalue | 膜特徵值 | | | |
2538 | membrane keyboard | 薄膜键盘 | 薄膜键盘 | | |
2539 | membrane switch | 膜片开关 | | | |
2540 | memo | 备忘录;便笺 | | | |
2541 | memo due | 到期凭单 | | | |
2542 | memomotion | 控时(慢速)摄影 | | | |
2543 | memorable | 可储存的 | | | |
2544 | memorandum | 备忘录 | | | |
2545 | memory | 记忆体;记忆 | 存储器 | | |
2546 | memory access | 记忆体存取 | | | |
2547 | memory access controller | 记忆体存取控制器 | | | |
2548 | memory access director | 记忆体存取导引器 | | | |
2549 | memory access logic | 记忆体存取逻辑 | | | |
2550 | memory access port | 记忆体存取埠 | | | |
2551 | memory access time | 记忆体存取时间 | | | |
2552 | memory accumulator | 记忆体累加器 | | | |
2553 | memory across access | | 存储器交叉存取 | | |
2554 | memory address bus | 记忆体位址汇流排 | | | |
2555 | memory address counter | 记忆体位址计数器 | | | |
2556 | memory address extension | 记忆体位址延伸 | | | |
2557 | memory address register storage | 记忆位址暂存器储存 | | | |
2558 | memory address register | 记忆体位址暂存器 | | | |
2559 | memory address select register | 记忆体位址选择暂存器 | | | |
2560 | memory address space | 记忆体位址空间 | | | |
2561 | memory address test | 记忆体位址测试 | | | |
2562 | memory address translation | 记忆体位址变换 | | | |
2563 | memory address | 记忆体位址 | | | |
2564 | memory addressing | 记忆体定址 | | | |
2565 | memory addressing mode | 记忆体定址模式 | | | |
2566 | memory allocation | 记忆体分配 | | | |
2567 | memory allocation and protection | 记忆体分配和保护 | | | |
2568 | memory allocation chain | 记忆体配置 接 | | | |
2569 | memory allocation file | 记忆体分配档案 | | | |
2570 | memory allocation in the assembler | 组合程式的记忆体分配 | | | |
2571 | memory allocation in the loader | 载入器的记忆体分配 | | | |
2572 | memory allocation manager | 记忆体分配管理器 | | | |
2573 | memory allocation overlay | | 内存分配覆盖 | | |
2574 | memory allocation table | 记忆体分配表 | | | |
2575 | memory allocator | 记忆体分配器 | | | |
2576 | memory and input/output address | 记忆体和输入输出位址 | | | |
2577 | memory and resource deallocation | 记忆体和资源的解除配置 | | | |
2578 | memory answer bus | 记忆体回答汇流排 | | | |
2579 | memory area | 记忆区 | | | |
2580 | memory arrangement | 记忆体安排 | | | |
2581 | memory array | 记忆体阵列 | 存储阵列 | | |
2582 | memory assisted cognition | 记忆体辅助认知 | | | |
2583 | memory attribute | 记忆属性 | | | |
2584 | memory attribute list | 记忆属性表 | | | |
2585 | memory bandwidth | | 存储带宽 | | |
2586 | memory bank | 记忆库 | 存储体 | | |
2587 | memory bank interface | 记忆库介面 | | | |
2588 | memory base register | 记忆体基址暂存器;储存器变址暂存器 | | | |
2589 | memory block | 记忆块 | | | |
2590 | memory board | 记忆板 | 存储板 | | |
2591 | memory bound | 记忆体界限 | | | |
2592 | memory bounds registers | 记忆体界限暂存器 | | | |
2593 | memory buffer address register | 记忆体缓冲区位址暂存器 | | | |
2594 | memory buffer register | 记忆体缓冲区暂存器 | | | |
2595 | memory buffer unit | 记忆体缓冲区装置 | | | |
2596 | memory buffer | 记忆体缓冲区 | | | |
2597 | memory bus controller | 记忆体汇流排控制器 | | | |
2598 | memory bus width | 记忆体汇流排宽度 | | | |
2599 | memory bus | 记忆体汇流排 | | | |
2600 | memory byte location | 记忆体位元组位置 | | | |
2601 | memory cache | 高速缓冲记忆体 | | | |
2602 | memory capacitor | 记忆电容 | | | |
2603 | memory capacity | 记忆容量;记忆体容量 | 存储容量 | | |
2604 | memory card | 记忆卡 | | | |
2605 | memory cell | 记忆格;储存单元 | 存储单元 | | |
2606 | memory cell array | 记忆胞阵列 | | | |
2607 | memory cell diagram | 记忆胞图 | | | |
2608 | memory centered processing | 记忆中心处理(系统) | | | |
2609 | memory centered processor | 记忆中心处理机 | | | |
2610 | memory change | 记忆变更 | | | |
2611 | memory channel | 记忆体通道 | | | |
2612 | memory character format | 记忆体字元格式 | | | |
2613 | memory check program | 记忆体检查程式 | | | |
2614 | memory chip | 记忆体晶片 | 存储芯片 | | |
2615 | memory clear | 记忆体清除 | | | |
2616 | memory clear key | 记忆体清除键 | | | |
2617 | memory clear subroutine | 记忆体清除次常式 | | | |
2618 | memory clock driver | 记忆体时钟驱动器 | | | |
2619 | memory configuration | 记忆体组态 | | | |
2620 | memory conflict | 记忆体冲突 | 存储器冲突 | | |
2621 | memory conflict-free access | | 存储器无冲突存取 | | |
2622 | memory consistency | | 存储器一致性 | | |
2623 | memory contention | 记忆体竞争 | | | |
2624 | memory contents | 记忆体内容 | | | |
2625 | memory control and logging | 记忆体控制和登录 | | | |
2626 | memory control module | 记忆体控制模组 | | | |
2627 | memory control register | 记忆体控制暂存器 | | | |
2628 | memory control table | 记忆体控制表 | | | |
2629 | memory control unit special register | 记忆体控制装置专门暂存器 | | | |
2630 | memory control unit | 记忆体控制元;记忆体控制单元 | | | |
2631 | memory control | 记忆体控制 | | | |
2632 | memory controller | 记忆体控制器 | | | |
2633 | memory core | 记忆体磁心 | | | |
2634 | memory cycle | 记忆体周期 | 存储周期 | | |
2635 | memory cycle overlap | 记忆体周期重叠 | | | |
2636 | memory cycle steal | 记忆体周期挪用 | | | |
2637 | memory cycle stealing | 记忆体周期窃用 | | | |
2638 | memory cycle time | 记忆体周期时间 | | | |
2639 | memory data bus | 记忆体资料汇流排 | | | |
2640 | memory data register | | 存储器数据寄存器 | | |
2641 | memory database | 记忆体资料库 | | | |
2642 | memory decrement | 记忆体减量 | | | |
2643 | memory density | 记忆密度 | 存储密度 | | |
2644 | memory descriptor | 记忆体描述符 | | | |
2645 | memory design | 记忆体设计 | | | |
2646 | memory device | 记忆装置;储存设备 | | | |
2647 | memory diagnostic | 记忆体诊断 | | | |
2648 | memory disc controller | 记忆体磁碟控制器 | | | |
2649 | memory dump | 记忆体倾印 | | | |
2650 | memory dump routine | 记忆体倾印常式 | | | |
2651 | memory economy | 记忆体经济性 | | | |
2652 | memory efficiency | 记忆效率 | | | |
2653 | memory element | | 存储元件 | | |
2654 | memory ending address inspection | 记忆体检验结束位址 | | | |
2655 | memory error | 记忆体错误 | | | |
2656 | memory exchange | 记忆交换;储存交换 | | | |
2657 | memory expansion and protection unit | 记忆体扩充和保护装置 | | | |
2658 | memory expansion board | 记忆体扩充板 | | | |
2659 | memory expansion motherboard | 记忆体扩充母板 | | | |
2660 | memory expansion option | 记忆体选项 | | | |
2661 | memory fill | 记忆体填充(一种程序除错辅助手段) | | | |
2662 | memory fragmentation | | 内存碎片 | | |
2663 | memory gate generator | 记忆体闸产生器 | | | |
2664 | memory guard | 记忆体防护 | | | |
2665 | memory hardware | 记忆体硬体 | | | |
2666 | memory hierarchy | 记忆体阶层 | 存储器层次 | | |
2667 | memory I/O channel | 记忆体输入输出通道 | | | |
2668 | memory image | 记忆体影像 | | | |
2669 | memory image builder | 记忆体影像建立器 | | | |
2670 | memory image descriptor list | 记忆体影像描述符表 | | | |
2671 | memory image file | 记忆体影像档案 | | | |
2672 | memory in key | 记忆体入键 | | | |
2673 | memory increment technique | 记忆递增技术 | | | |
2674 | memory indication | 记忆指示 | | | |
2675 | memory information register | 记忆体资讯暂存器 | | | |
2676 | memory input bus | 记忆体输入汇流排 | | | |
2677 | memory input register | 记忆体输入暂存器 | | | |
2678 | memory inspection ending address | 记忆体检验结束位址 | | | |
2679 | memory instruction data | 记忆体指令资料 | | | |
2680 | memory intensive | 储存体需求密集 | | | |
2681 | memory interconnect | 记忆体互连 | | | |
2682 | memory interface | 记忆体介面 | | | |
2683 | memory interleaving | 记忆体交插存取 | | | |
2684 | memory interlock | 记忆体互锁 | | | |
2685 | memory key | (计算器)记忆键 | | | |
2686 | memory latency time | 记忆体潜伏时间 | | | |
2687 | memory light | 记忆体指示灯 | | | |
2688 | memory limit register | 记忆体极限暂存器 | | | |
2689 | memory load key | (计算器)记忆载入键 | | | |
2690 | memory loading unit | 记忆体载入装置 | | | |
2691 | memory location register | 记忆体位置暂存器 | | | |
2692 | memory location | 记忆体位置 | | | |
2693 | memory lock write | 记忆体锁写 | | | |
2694 | memory lockout | 记忆体封锁 | | | |
2695 | memory lockout register | 记忆体封锁暂存器 | | | |
2696 | memory logic unit | 记忆体逻辑单元 | | | |
2697 | memory logic | 记忆体逻辑 | | | |
2698 | memory management | 记忆体管理 | 存储管理 | | |
2699 | memory management algorithm | 记忆体管理演算法 | | | |
2700 | memory management and protection unit | 记忆体管理和保护单元 | | | |
2701 | memory management exception | 记忆体管理异常 | | | |
2702 | memory management interface | 记忆体管理介面 | | | |
2703 | memory management module | 记忆体管理模组 | | | |
2704 | memory management program | 记忆体管理程式 | | | |
2705 | memory management register | 记忆体管理暂存器 | | | |
2706 | memory management strategy | 记忆体管理策略 | | | |
2707 | memory management system | 记忆体管理系统 | | | |
2708 | memory management unit | | 存储管理部件 | | |
2709 | memory manager | 记忆体管理器 | | | |
2710 | memory map | 记忆体映像 | | | |
2711 | memory mapped display | 记忆映射显示器 | | | |
2712 | memory mapped graphics | 记忆体对映图形 | | | |
2713 | memory mapped I/O | 记忆体对映输入输出 | | | |
2714 | memory mapped video | 记忆体对映视频 | | | |
2715 | memory mapping | 记忆体映像 | | | |
2716 | memory mapping device | 记忆体映像装置 | | | |
2717 | memory mapping enable | 记忆体映像赋能 | | | |
2718 | memory mapping technique | 记忆体映像技术 | | | |
2719 | memory mapping unit | 记忆体映像单位 | | | |
2720 | memory margin | 记忆体容限 | | | |
2721 | memory matrix | | 存储矩阵 | | |
2722 | memory minus key | 记忆体减键 | | | |
2723 | memory module | | 存储模块 | | |
2724 | memory module error | 记忆体模组错误 | | | |
2725 | memory multiplexer | 记忆体多工器 | | | |
2726 | memory net structure | 记忆体网结构 | | | |
2727 | memory operation | 记忆操作 | | | |
2728 | memory organization packet | 记忆体组织封包 | 记忆组织包 | | |
2729 | memory oriented system | 记忆体导向系统 | | | |
2730 | memory output bus | 记忆体输出汇流排 | | | |
2731 | memory output register | 记忆体输出暂存器 | | | |
2732 | memory overlay | 记忆体覆盖 | | | |
2733 | memory package interface | 记忆体组件介面 | | | |
2734 | memory page | 记忆体页 | | | |
2735 | memory parity | 记忆体奇偶 | | | |
2736 | memory parity error | 记忆体同位误差 | | | |
2737 | memory parity interrupt | 记忆体同位中断 | | | |
2738 | memory partition access attribute | 记忆体分区存取属性 | | | |
2739 | memory partitioning | 记忆体分区;记忆分割 | | | |
2740 | memory performance | 记忆体效能 | | | |
2741 | memory plane | 记忆映射 | | | |
2742 | memory plus key | 记忆体加键 | | | |
2743 | memory point | 记忆点 | | | |
2744 | memory pointer register | 记忆体指标暂存器 | | | |
2745 | memory pointer | 记忆体指标 | | | |
2746 | memory pool structure | 记忆体集用场结构 | | | |
2747 | memory power | 记忆体功率 | | | |
2748 | memory print | 记忆体列印 | | | |
2749 | memory printout | 记忆体印出 | | | |
2750 | memory processing time | 记忆体处理时间 | | | |
2751 | memory program | 记忆体程式 | | | |
2752 | memory protect override | 超越记忆体保护功能;废弃记忆体保护功能 | | | |
2753 | memory protection | | 内存保护 | | |
2754 | memory protection | | 存储保护 | | |
2755 | memory protection feature | 记忆体保护功能 | | | |
2756 | memory protection register | 记忆体保护暂存器 | | | |
2757 | memory protection unit | 记忆体保护装置;记忆体保护设备 | | | |
2758 | memory protection | 记忆体保护 | | | |
2759 | memory read enable | 记忆体读出赋能 | | | |
2760 | memory read | 记忆体读出 | | | |
2761 | memory read/write | 记忆体读写 | | | |
2762 | memory ready | 记忆体就绪 | | | |
2763 | memory reference instruction | 记忆体引用指令;记忆参考指令 | | | |
2764 | memory register clear | 记忆体暂存器清除 | | | |
2765 | memory register storage device | 记忆体暂存器储存装置 | | | |
2766 | memory register | 记忆体暂存器 | | | |
2767 | memory relocation | 记忆体再定位 | | | |
2768 | memory representation | | 记忆表示 | | |
2769 | memory request | 记忆体请求 | | | |
2770 | memory request controller | 记忆体请求控制器 | | | |
2771 | memory requirement | 记忆体需求 | | | |
2772 | memory resident | 常驻记忆体的 | | | |
2773 | memory resident overlay | 常驻记忆体重叠 | | | |
2774 | memory resident overlay segment | 常驻记忆体重叠段 | | | |
2775 | memory resident program | 记忆体常驻程式 | | | |
2776 | memory scan | 记忆体扫瞄 | | | |
2777 | memory scheduling | 记忆体排程 | | | |
2778 | memory search routine | 记忆体搜寻常式 | | | |
2779 | memory section | 记忆体区段 | | | |
2780 | memory segment | 记忆体段 | | | |
2781 | memory segmentation | 记忆体分段 | | | |
2782 | memory segmentation control | 记忆体分段控制 | | | |
2783 | memory select | 记忆体选择 | | | |
2784 | memory selection criteria | 记忆体选择准则 | | | |
2785 | memory share system | 记忆体分享系统 | | | |
2786 | memory sharing | 记忆体分享 | | | |
2787 | memory size | 记忆体大小 | | | |
2788 | memory space | 记忆体空间 | | | |
2789 | memory stack | 记忆堆叠 | | | |
2790 | memory stall | | 存储器停顿 | | |
2791 | memory status indicator | 记忆体状态指示器 | | | |
2792 | memory storage module | 记忆体储存模组 | | | |
2793 | memory storage unit | 记忆体储存单位 | | | |
2794 | memory structural units | 记忆体结构单元 | | | |
2795 | memory support capability | 记忆体支援能力 | | | |
2796 | memory swapping | 记忆体调换 | | | |
2797 | memory system | | 存储系统 | | |
2798 | memory system tester | 记忆体系统测试器 | | | |
2799 | memory test computer | 记忆体测试电脑 | | | |
2800 | memory time | 记忆体时间 | | | |
2801 | memory timing chain | 记忆体计时 | | | |
2802 | memory transfer | 记忆体转移 | | | |
2803 | memory transfer unit | 记忆体传送单元 | | | |
2804 | memory transparency | 记忆体透明性 | | | |
2805 | memory tube | 记忆管 | | | |
2806 | memory unit | 记忆体单位 | | | |
2807 | memory update | 记忆体更新 | | | |
2808 | memory window | 记忆体视窗 | | | |
2809 | memory word | 记忆体字 | | | |
2810 | memory workspace | 记忆体工作区 | | | |
2811 | memory write operation | 记忆体写入操作 | | | |
2812 | memory write signal | 记忆体写入信号 | | | |
2813 | memory write | 记忆体写入 | | | |
2814 | memoryless channel | 无记忆性通道 | | | |
2815 | memoryless subsystem | 无记忆子系统 | | | |
2816 | Menger's theorem | 明格尔定理 | | | |
2817 | mental ability | | 心智能力 | | |
2818 | mental calculation | 心理计算 | | | |
2819 | mental image | | 心智图像 | | |
2820 | mental information transfer | | 心智信息传送 | | |
2821 | mental mechanism | | 心智机理 | | |
2822 | mental model | 心理模型 | | | |
2823 | mental operation | 心理作业 | | | |
2824 | mental psychology | | 心智心理学 | | |
2825 | mental state | | 心智状态 | | |
2826 | menu | 菜单;功能表;选项单 | 选单, *菜单 | | |
2827 | menu area | 选项区 | | | |
2828 | menu bar | 选项带 | | | |
2829 | menu builder | 选项单建立器 | | | |
2830 | menu database | 选项单资料库 | | | |
2831 | menu display | 选项单显示 | | | |
2832 | menu driven | 选单驱动 | | | |
2833 | menu driven program | 选项单驱动程式 | | | |
2834 | menu driven system | 选项单驱动系统 | | | |
2835 | menu input | 选项单输入 | | | |
2836 | menu item | 选项单项目 | | | |
2837 | menu option | 选项任选 | | | |
2838 | menu parameter | 选项单参数 | | | |
2839 | menu path | 选项单路径 | | | |
2840 | menu security | 选项单安全性 | | | |
2841 | menu selection | 选项单选择 | | | |
2842 | menu selector | 选项单选择器 | | | |
2843 | menu sheet | 选项单表单 | | | |
2844 | menu utility | 选项单公用程式 | | | |
2845 | mercury delay line | 汞延迟线 | | | |
2846 | mercury memory | 汞记忆体;水银记忆体 | | | |
2847 | mercury storage | 汞储存 | | | |
2848 | mercury tank | 水银储槽;汞槽 | | | |
2849 | mercury wetted relay | 汞浸继电器 | | | |
2850 | merge | 合并;并入;归并;合并程序;拼接 | 归并 | | |
2851 | merge algorithm | 合并演算法 | | | |
2852 | merge error recovery procedure | 合并错误恢复程序 | | | |
2853 | merge exchange sort | 合并交换排序 | | | |
2854 | merge file | 合并档案 | | | |
2855 | merge input file | 合并输入档案 | | | |
2856 | merge insertion | 合并插入 | 归并插入 | | |
2857 | merge node | 合并节点 | | | |
2858 | merge order | 合并次序 | | | |
2859 | merge output coding | 合并输出编码 | | | |
2860 | merge pass | 合并遍;合并趟 | | | |
2861 | merge sort | 合并排序 | 归并排序 | | |
2862 | merged global symbol table | 合并总体符号表 | | | |
2863 | merged scanning method | | 归并扫描法, *合并扫描法 | | |
2864 | merged transistor logic circuit | 合并电晶体逻辑电路 | | | |
2865 | merge-joint | 分合 | | | |
2866 | merge-match | 归并匹配 | | | |
2867 | merger | 合并程式 | | | |
2868 | merging | 合并 | | | |
2869 | merging phase | 合并阶段 | | | |
2870 | merging sorted lists | 合并已排序表 | | | |
2871 | meridional ray | 子午射线 | | | |
2872 | merit | 优点;指标;考绩 | | | |
2873 | MERIT Network | MERIT网路 | | | |
2874 | mesa | 台面;凸形 | | | |
2875 | mesa diffusion | 台面扩散 | | | |
2876 | mesh | 啮合;网;网目 | 网格 | | |
2877 | mesh configuration | 网目组态 | | | |
2878 | mesh current | 网目电流 | | | |
2879 | mesh generation | | 网格生成 | | |
2880 | mesh network | 网目网路;网状网路;啮合网路 | 网状网 | | |
2881 | mesh of trees | | 树网[格] | | |
2882 | mesh parameter | 网目参数 | | | |
2883 | mesh surface | | 网格曲面 | | |
2884 | mesh topology | 网目拓扑学 | | | |
2885 | meshed ring structure | 网目环状结构 | | | |
2886 | meshing | | 网格化 | | |
2887 | meson field | 介子场 | | | |
2888 | mesoscale model | 中间比例模型 | | | |
2889 | message | 讯息;信息 | 消息, *报文 | | |
2890 | message acceptance pulse | 讯息接受脉冲 | | | |
2891 | message access method | 讯息存取法 | | | |
2892 | message accuracy | 讯息准确度 | | | |
2893 | message acknowledgement | 讯息应答 | | | |
2894 | message alignment | 讯息对齐 | | | |
2895 | message area | 讯息区 | | | |
2896 | message assembler | 讯息组译器 | | | |
2897 | message audit | 讯息审计 | | | |
2898 | message authentication | 讯息 别 | 报文鉴别 | | |
2899 | message authentication code | | 报文鉴别码 | | |
2900 | message based language | 讯息为基语言 | | | |
2901 | message bit | 讯息位元 | | | |
2902 | message block | 讯息块 | | | |
2903 | message blocking | 讯息编块 | | | |
2904 | message box | 讯息盒 | | | |
2905 | message buffer | 讯息缓冲区 | | | |
2906 | message buffering | 讯息缓冲(技术) | | | |
2907 | message buffering facility | 讯息缓冲设施 | | | |
2908 | message buffering synchronization facility | 讯息缓冲同步设施 | | | |
2909 | message builder | 讯息建立器 | | | |
2910 | message center | 讯息中心 | | | |
2911 | message channel | 讯息通道 | | | |
2912 | message character | 讯息字元 | | | |
2913 | message circuit | 讯息电路 | | | |
2914 | message class | 讯息类别 | | | |
2915 | message code | 讯息码 | | | |
2916 | message composition | 讯息编制 | | | |
2917 | message concentrator | 讯息集中器 | | | |
2918 | message control | 讯息控制 | | | |
2919 | message control flag | 讯息控制旗标 | | | |
2920 | message control language | 讯息控制语言 | | | |
2921 | message control program | 讯息控制程式 | | | |
2922 | message control subsystem | 讯息控制子系统 | | | |
2923 | message control supervisor | 讯息控制监督器 | | | |
2924 | message control system | 讯息控制系统 | | | |
2925 | message control task | 讯息控制任务 | | | |
2926 | message count | 讯息计数 | | | |
2927 | message data set | 讯息资料集 | | | |
2928 | message data type | 讯息资料型 | | | |
2929 | message data | 讯息数据 | | | |
2930 | message decoder unit | 讯息解码器单元 | | | |
2931 | message delay | 讯息延迟 | | | |
2932 | message delete option | 讯息删除选项 | | | |
2933 | message description | 讯息描述 | | | |
2934 | message digest | | 报文摘译 | | |
2935 | message display | 讯息显示 | | | |
2936 | message display console | 讯息显示控制台 | | | |
2937 | message distribution system | 讯息分配系统 | | | |
2938 | message drain | 讯息 流 | | | |
2939 | message driven program | 讯息驱动程式 | | | |
2940 | message editing | 讯息编辑 | | | |
2941 | message editor | 讯息编辑器 | | | |
2942 | message electronic switching computer | 讯息电子交换计算机 | | | |
2943 | message element | 讯息元件 | | | |
2944 | message encoder unit | 讯息编码器单元 | | | |
2945 | message entry system | 讯息登录系统 | | | |
2946 | message error record | 讯息错误记录 | | | |
2947 | message exchange | 讯息交换 | | | |
2948 | message exhaustion | 讯息穷举 | | | |
2949 | message feedback | 讯息回馈 | | | |
2950 | message field | 讯息栏 | | | |
2951 | message file | 讯息档案 | | | |
2952 | message file segment | 讯息档案片段 | | | |
2953 | message flag | 讯息旗标 | | | |
2954 | message flow | 讯息流 | | | |
2955 | message flow graph | 讯息流程图 | | | |
2956 | message format | 讯息格式 | | | |
2957 | message format service | 讯息格式服务 | | | |
2958 | message forwarding queue | 讯息转接伫列 | | | |
2959 | message frame | 讯息框 | | | |
2960 | message group | 讯息组 | | | |
2961 | message handle | 讯息处置 | | | |
2962 | message handler | 讯息处置器 | | | |
2963 | message handling | 讯息处置 | 消息处理 | | |
2964 | message handling processor | 讯息处置处理机 | | | |
2965 | message handling program | 讯息处置程式 | | | |
2966 | message handling service | 讯息处置服务 | | | |
2967 | message handling system | | 消息处理系统 | | |
2968 | message header | 讯息标头 | | | |
2969 | message header/heading | 讯息标头 | | | |
2970 | message heading | 讯息标头 | | | |
2971 | message identification | 讯息识别 | | | |
2972 | message identifier | 讯息识别符 | | | |
2973 | message indicator | 讯息指示符 | | | |
2974 | message input descriptor | 讯息输入描述符 | | | |
2975 | message input processing | 讯息输入处理 | | | |
2976 | message instruction | 讯息指令 | | | |
2977 | message intercept processing | 讯息截取处理 | | | |
2978 | message intercept table | 讯息截取表 | | | |
2979 | message journaling function | 讯息日志登载功能 | | | |
2980 | message line | 讯息行 | | | |
2981 | message lock mode | 讯息锁模式 | | | |
2982 | message log | 讯息日志 | | | |
2983 | message logging | | 消息日志 | | |
2984 | message management feature | 讯息管理功能 | | | |
2985 | message management layer | 讯息管理层 | | | |
2986 | message member | 讯息成员 | | | |
2987 | message memory | 讯息记忆体 | | | |
2988 | message mode | 讯息模式 | 消息方式 | | |
2989 | message mode communications adapter | 讯息方式通信转接器;讯息通信转接器 | | | |
2990 | message multiplexer operating system | 讯息多工器作业系统 | | | |
2991 | message network | 讯息网路 | | | |
2992 | message number | 讯息号码 | | | |
2993 | message numbering | 讯息编号 | | | |
2994 | message numbering generator | 讯息编号产生器 | | | |
2995 | message oriented kernel | 讯息导向核心(程序);面向报文的核心(程序) | | | |
2996 | message originating and terminating station | 讯息起源及终止站 | | | |
2997 | message output description | 讯息输出描述 | | | |
2998 | message output descriptor | 讯息输出描述符 | | | |
2999 | message packet | 讯息小包 | | | |
3000 | message panel | 讯息面板 | | | |
3001 | message part | 讯息部分 | | | |
3002 | message partition | 讯息分区 | | | |
3003 | message passing | 讯息传递 | 消息传递 | | |
3004 | message passing control | 讯息传递控制 | | | |
3005 | message passing interface | | 消息传递接口[标准] | | |
3006 | message passing library | | 消息传递库 | | |
3007 | message passwording | | 报文加密 | | |
3008 | message pending | 讯息搁置 | | | |
3009 | message port | 讯息埠 | | | |
3010 | message preamble | 讯息前文 | | | |
3011 | message precedence | 讯息在先 | | | |
3012 | message preparation time | 讯息准备时间 | | | |
3013 | message priority | 讯息优先 | | | |
3014 | message procedure | 讯息程序 | | | |
3015 | message processing and distribution system | 讯息处理与分配系统;报文处理与分配系统 | | | |
3016 | message processing facility table | 讯息处理设施表 | | | |
3017 | message processing facility | 讯息处理设施 | | | |
3018 | message processing interrupt count | 讯息处理中断计数 | | | |
3019 | message processing language | 讯息处理语言 | | | |
3020 | message processing module | 讯息处理模组 | | | |
3021 | message processing program | 讯息处理程式 | | | |
3022 | message processing region | 讯息处理区域 | | | |
3023 | message processing system | 讯息处理系统 | | | |
3024 | message processing time | 讯息处理时间 | | | |
3025 | message processor | 讯息处理机 | | | |
3026 | message protection | 讯息保护 | | | |
3027 | message queue | 讯息伫列 | | | |
3028 | message queue data set | 讯息伫列资料集 | | | |
3029 | message queue element | 讯息伫列元素 | | | |
3030 | message queue handler | 讯息伫列处置器 | | | |
3031 | message queue size attribute | 讯息伫列大小属性 | | | |
3032 | message queueing | | 消息排队 | | |
3033 | message queuing | 讯息伫列 | | | |
3034 | message rate | 讯息率 | | | |
3035 | message ready | 讯息就绪 | | | |
3036 | message reception services | 讯息接收服务 | | | |
3037 | message record log data set | 信息记录联机资料集 | | | |
3038 | message recovery point | 讯息恢复点 | | | |
3039 | message reference block | 讯息参考段 | | | |
3040 | message region | 讯息区域 | | | |
3041 | message register terminal | 讯息暂存器终端 | | | |
3042 | message register | 讯息暂存器 | | | |
3043 | message release time | 讯息释放时间 | | | |
3044 | message response time | 讯息回应时间 | | | |
3045 | message resynchronization | 讯息再同步程序 | | | |
3046 | message retention area | 讯息保留区 | | | |
3047 | message retransmission unit | 讯息再传输单元 | | | |
3048 | message retrieval | 讯息检索 | | | |
3049 | message router | 讯息选路器 | | | |
3050 | message routing | 讯息选路 | | | |
3051 | message routing code | 讯息选路码 | | | |
3052 | message sample | 讯息样本 | | | |
3053 | message segment | 讯息段 | | | |
3054 | message service | 讯息服务 | | | |
3055 | message signaling unit | 讯息发信单元 | | | |
3056 | message sink | 讯息槽 | | | |
3057 | message slot | 讯息槽 | | | |
3058 | message source | 讯息源 | | | |
3059 | message storage | | 消息存储[单元] | | |
3060 | message store | 讯息储存 | | | |
3061 | message stream mode | 讯息流模式 | | | |
3062 | message switch | 讯息交换 | | | |
3063 | message switching | 讯息交换 | 报文交换 | | |
3064 | message switching applications | 讯息交换应用 | | | |
3065 | message switching center | 讯息交换中心 | | | |
3066 | message switching computer | 讯息交换电脑 | | | |
3067 | message switching concentration | 讯息交换集中 | | | |
3068 | message switching data service | 讯息交换资料服务 | | | |
3069 | message switching facility | 讯息交换设施 | | | |
3070 | message switching multiplexer | 讯息交换多工器 | | | |
3071 | message switching multiplexing | 讯息交换多工 | | | |
3072 | message switching network | 讯息交换网路 | | | |
3073 | message switching procedures | 讯息交换程序 | | | |
3074 | message switching system | 讯息交换系统 | | | |
3075 | message switching system components | 讯息交换系统组件 | | | |
3076 | message switching unit | 讯息交换单位 | | | |
3077 | message system architecture | 讯息系统架构 | | | |
3078 | message telecommunication service | 讯息电信服务 | | | |
3079 | message telephone service | 电报电话服务(美国电话电报公司) | | | |
3080 | message text | 讯息正文 | | | |
3081 | message time clause | 讯息时间子句 | | | |
3082 | message transfer | 讯息传送 | | | |
3083 | message transfer agent | 讯息传送代理 | | | |
3084 | message transfer agent | | 消息传送代理 | | |
3085 | message transfer layer service | 讯息传送服务 | | | |
3086 | message transfer layer | 讯息传送层 | | | |
3087 | message transfer part | 讯息传送部分 | | | |
3088 | message transfer service | 讯息转移服务 | | | |
3089 | message transfer state | 讯息传送状态 | | | |
3090 | message transfer system | | 消息传送系统 | | |
3091 | message transfer time | 讯息传送时间 | | | |
3092 | message transliteration | 讯息音译 | | | |
3093 | message transmission controller | 讯息传输控制器 | | | |
3094 | message transmitting procedure | 讯息传输程序 | | | |
3095 | message type | 讯息型式 | | | |
3096 | message type code | 讯息型式码 | | | |
3097 | message typewriter | 讯息打字机 | | | |
3098 | message unit | 讯息单元 | | | |
3099 | message waiting | 讯息等待 | | | |
3100 | message waiting indicator | 信息等待(处理)指示器 | | | |
3101 | message waiting queue | 讯息等待伫列 | | | |
3102 | message word buffer | 讯息字缓冲器 | | | |
3103 | message-oriented text interchange system | | 面向消息的正文交换系统 | | |
3104 | messager cable | 通信员用电缆 | | | |
3105 | messages and their communication | 讯息及其通讯 | | | |
3106 | messaging | 通信话;通信报 | | | |
3107 | messaging service | | 消息[处理]型业务 | | |
3108 | messmotor | 成堆电动机;积分马达;积分电动机 | | | |
3109 | META 5 | META 5语言 | | | |
3110 | meta assembler | 元组译器;元组合程式 | | | |
3111 | meta assembly language | 元组合语言 | | | |
3112 | meta computer science | 元计算机科学 | | | |
3113 | meta database | 元资料库 | | | |
3114 | Meta Language | | ML语言 | | |
3115 | metabit | 元位元 | | | |
3116 | metacharacter | 元字符 | | | |
3117 | metacode | 元代码 | | | |
3118 | metacognition | 元认知 | | | |
3119 | metacompilation | 元编译 | | | |
3120 | metacompiler | 元编译器 | 元编译程序 | | |
3121 | metadata | 解释用资料;元数据;元资料 | 元数据 | | |
3122 | metadatabase | | 元数据库 | | |
3123 | metafile | 元档案 | 元文件 | | |
3124 | metafont | 元字形 | | | |
3125 | meta-heuristics | 元启发式教学法 | | | |
3126 | meta-implementation | 元实现过程 | | | |
3127 | metainference mechanism | 元推理机构 | | | |
3128 | metaknowledge | | 元知识 | | |
3129 | metal card memory | 金属卡记忆体 | | | |
3130 | metal card puncher | 金属打孔机 | | | |
3131 | metal ceramic | 金属陶瓷 | | | |
3132 | metal film resistron | 金属膜光阻摄像管 | | | |
3133 | metal oxide semiconductor random access memory module | 金属氧半导体随机存取记忆体 | | | |
3134 | metal semiconductor field effect transistor | 金属半导体场效电晶体 | | | |
3135 | metal semiconductor | 金属半导体 | | | |
3136 | metal-alumina-dielectric-oxide-semiconductor | 金属铝电介质氧化物半导体 | | | |
3137 | metal-alumina-oxide-semiconductor memory | 金属铝氧半导体记忆体 | | | |
3138 | metal-alumina-oxide-silicon | 金属铝氧化矽(结构) | | | |
3139 | metal-alumina-semiconductor memory | 金属铝半导体记忆体;金属氧化铝半导体记忆体 | | | |
3140 | metal-alumina-semiconductor | 金属铝半导体 | | | |
3141 | metal-alumina-silicon | 金属-铝-矽(结构) | | | |
3142 | metalanguage | 元语言 | 元语言 | | |
3143 | metalanguage processor | 元语言处理机 | | | |
3144 | metalevel reasoning | 元级推理 | | | |
3145 | metal-in-gap head | | 隙含金属磁头 | | |
3146 | metalinguistic bracket | 元语言括号 | | | |
3147 | metalinguistic connective | 元语言连接词 | | | |
3148 | metalinguistic formula | 元语言公式 | | | |
3149 | metalinguistic variable | 元语言变数 | | | |
3150 | metal-insulator-semiconductor integrated circuit | 金属绝缘半导体积体电路;金绝积体电路 | | | |
3151 | metal-insulator-semiconductor | 金属绝缘半导体 | | | |
3152 | metalization | 金属导体化 | | | |
3153 | metallic bond | 金属焊接;金属接合;金属连接 | | | |
3154 | metallic circuit | 金属电路 | | | |
3155 | metallic film resistor | 金属膜电阻器 | | | |
3156 | metallic magnetic tape | 金属磁带 | | | |
3157 | metallic media | 金属介质 | | | |
3158 | metallic tape | 金属带 | | | |
3159 | metallic tape core | 金属带磁心 | | | |
3160 | metallized ceramic module | | 金属[化]陶瓷模块 | | |
3161 | metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit | 金属氮氧半导体积体电路 | | | |
3162 | metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor memory | 金属氮氧半导体记忆体;金属氮化物氧化物半导体记忆体 | | | |
3163 | metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor | 金属氮氧半导体 | | | |
3164 | metal-nitride-oxide-silicon | 金属氮氧矽 | | | |
3165 | metal-oxide | 金属氧化物 | | | |
3166 | metal-oxide resistor | 金属氧电阻器 | | | |
3167 | metal-oxide-semiconductor array | 金属氧半导体阵列 | | | |
3168 | metal-oxide-semiconductor character generator | 金属氧半导体字元产生器 | | | |
3169 | metal-oxide-semiconductor dynamic memory | 金属氧半导体动态记忆体 | | | |
3170 | metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor | 金属氧半导体场效应电晶体 | | | |
3171 | metal-oxide-semiconductor for large scale integrated | 金属氧化物半导体大规模积体电路;金属氧半导体大型积体 | | | |
3172 | metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit | 金属氧半导体积体电路 | | | |
3173 | metal-oxide-semiconductor memory | 金属氧半导体记忆体 | 金属氧化物半导体存储器, *MOS存储器 | | |
3174 | metal-oxide-semiconductor random access memory | 金属氧半导体随机存取记忆体 | | | |
3175 | metal-oxide-semiconductor static memory | 金属氧半导体静态记忆体 | | | |
3176 | metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor logic | 金属氧半导体电晶体逻辑 | | | |
3177 | metal-oxide-semiconductor type field effect transistor | 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 | | | |
3178 | metal-oxide-semiconductor | 金属氧半导体 | | | |
3179 | metal-oxide-silicon | 金属氧化矽 | | | |
3180 | metal-oxide-silicon integrated circuit | 金属氧化物矽积体电路;金氧矽积体电路 | | | |
3181 | metameta language | 元元语言 | | | |
3182 | metaplanning | | 元规划 | | |
3183 | metaproduction | 元生产 | | | |
3184 | metaproduction rule | 元生产规则 | | | |
3185 | metaprogram | 元程式 | | | |
3186 | metaprogram state | 元程式状态 | | | |
3187 | metaprogramming system | 元程式设计系统 | | | |
3188 | metareasoning | | 元推理 | | |
3189 | metarule | 元规则 | 元规则 | | |
3190 | metascience | 元科学 | | | |
3191 | meta-signaling | | 元信令 | | |
3192 | metastable state | 介稳状态 | | | |
3193 | metasymbol | 元符号 | | | |
3194 | metasynthesis | | 元综合 | | |
3195 | metasystem | 元系统 | | | |
3196 | metavariable | 元变数 | | | |
3197 | METEO | METEO气象报告翻译系统 | | | |
3198 | meteor scatter communication | 流星散射通信 | | | |
3199 | meteor trail communication system | 流星馀迹通信系统 | | | |
3200 | meteorological airborne data system | 机载气象资料系统 | | | |
3201 | meter | 仪表;米 | | | |
3202 | metering | 计量 | | | |
3203 | metering pulses | 计量脉冲 | | | |
3204 | method | 方法 | 方法 | | |
3205 | method analysis | 方法分析 | | | |
3206 | method base | | 方法库 | | |
3207 | method improvement program | 方法改进程式 | | | |
3208 | method of assumed states | 假设状态法 | | | |
3209 | method of bisection | 对分法 | | | |
3210 | method of bit analysis | 位元分析法 | | | |
3211 | method of calling | 呼叫方法 | | | |
3212 | method of clustering center | 聚类中心法 | | | |
3213 | method of deduction | 演绎法;推论法 | | | |
3214 | method of exhaustion | 穷举法 | | | |
3215 | method of fractional steps | 分数步进法 | | | |
3216 | method of induction | 归纳法 | | | |
3217 | method of inversion | 反转法 | | | |
3218 | method of iteration | 叠代法 | | | |
3219 | method of leading decisions | 提前决策法 | | | |
3220 | method of maximum likelihood | 最大似然法 | | | |
3221 | method of moving average | 移动平均法 | | | |
3222 | method of relaxation | 松驰法 | | | |
3223 | method of residue | 残馀法 | | | |
3224 | method of reversal | 反转法 | | | |
3225 | method of steepest descent | 最陡下降法 | | | |
3226 | method of successive approximation | 逐步近似法 | | | |
3227 | method study | 方法研究 | | | |
3228 | methodology | 方法;方法学;方法论 | | | |
3229 | methods of extracting text automatically programming language | METAPLAN语言(自然语言)的自动抽词程式设计 | | | |
3230 | metre | 尺 | | | |
3231 | metric | 度量;尺度 | | | |
3232 | metric attribute | | 品质属性 | | |
3233 | metric system | 公制系统 | | | |
3234 | metrical information | 计量资讯 | | | |
3235 | metron | 密特隆计量讯息的单位 | | | |
3236 | metropolitan area network | | 城域网 | | |
3237 | MF subcommand | 修正栏位次命令 | | | |
3238 | MFM | | 改进调频[制] | | |
3239 | MFT with subtasking | 具有子任务处理功能的固定任务多道程式设计 | | | |
3240 | MGA | | 单色图形适配器 | | |
3241 | MH | | 消息处理 | | |
3242 | MHS | | 消息处理系统 | | |
3243 | MIC | | 媒体接口连接器 | | |
3244 | mica | 云母 | | | |
3245 | mice | 滑鼠 | | | |
3246 | Michigan algorithm decoder | 密西根算法解码器 | | | |
3247 | Michigan state university digital computer | 密西根州立大学数位计算机 | | | |
3248 | Michigan terminal system | 密西根终端系统 | | | |
3249 | MICR document processing system | 磁墨字元辨识文件处理系统 | | | |
3250 | MICRAL disc system | MICRAL磁碟系统 | | | |
3251 | MICRAL sequence programmable automation language | MICRAL顺序可程式自动化语言 | | | |
3252 | micro | 微;百万分之一 | | | |
3253 | micro address register | 微位址暂存器 | | | |
3254 | micro alloy diffused base transistor | 微合金扩散基极电晶体 | | | |
3255 | micro alloy diffused electrode | 微合金扩散电极 | | | |
3256 | micro alloy transistor | 微合金电晶体 | | | |
3257 | micro architecture | 微型架构 | | | |
3258 | micro copy | 缩微复制品 | | | |
3259 | micro CPU chip | 微中央处理机晶片 | | | |
3260 | micro floppy cartridge | 微型软碟匣 | | | |
3261 | micro floppy disk drive | 微型软碟驱动机 | | | |
3262 | micro floppy disk | 微型软碟 | | | |
3263 | micro implementation language | 微实施语言 | | | |
3264 | micro information system inc. | 微资讯系统公司 | | | |
3265 | micro information system | 微资讯系统 | | | |
3266 | micro network primer | 微算机网路入门 | | | |
3267 | micro networking and communication | 微网路连结及通信 | | | |
3268 | micro NOVA board computer | 微型NOVA板式计算机 | | | |
3269 | micro operating system | 微作业系统 | | | |
3270 | micro operation | 微操作 | | | |
3271 | micro processor unit | 微处理机单元 | | | |
3272 | micro software memory | 微软体记忆体 | | | |
3273 | micro strip | | 微带线 | | |
3274 | micro to mainframe | 个人电脑与主机连结 | | | |
3275 | micro to mainframe communication | 微机至主机通信 | | | |
3276 | microampere | 微安(培) | | | |
3277 | micro-assembler | 微组译器 | | | |
3278 | micro-assembly | 微电子装配电路;微组合 | | | |
3279 | micro-assembly language | 微组合语言 | | | |
3280 | micro-based imaging system | 微型的成像系统 | | | |
3281 | micro-based mini | 微型的迷你型计算机 | | | |
3282 | microbend loss | 微弯曲损耗 | | | |
3283 | microbranch trace | 微指令转移追踪 | | | |
3284 | microbus | 微汇流排 | | | |
3285 | microcache | 微程序缓冲储存器;微程序高速缓存 | | | |
3286 | microcard | 缩微卡(片) | | | |
3287 | microcassette | 微盒式磁带(机) | | | |
3288 | microchannel architecture | 微通道架构 | | | |
3289 | microchip | 微晶片 | 微型芯片 | | |
3290 | microchip computer | 微晶片计算机 | | | |
3291 | microcircuit | 微电路 | | | |
3292 | microcircuit isolation | 微电路隔离 | | | |
3293 | microcircuit module | 微电路模组 | | | |
3294 | microcode | 微代码;微指令;微码 | 微码 | | |
3295 | microcode compilation | 微码编译 | | | |
3296 | microcode compiler | 微码编译器 | | | |
3297 | microcode failure index | 微码故障索引 | | | |
3298 | microcode fix | 微码固定 | | | |
3299 | microcode instruction | 微码指令 | | | |
3300 | microcode memory | 微码记忆体 | | | |
3301 | microcode program check | 微码程式检查 | | | |
3302 | microcode simulation | 微码模拟 | | | |
3303 | microcode status word | 微码状态字 | | | |
3304 | microcode system input/output controller | 微码系统输入输出控制器 | | | |
3305 | microcode system | 微码系统 | | | |
3306 | microcode verification system | 微码验证系统 | | | |
3307 | microcoded communications line adapter | 微编码通讯线路配接器 | | | |
3308 | microcoded instruction | 微编码指令 | | | |
3309 | microcoded read-only memory | 微编码唯读记忆体 | | | |
3310 | microcoded ROM | 微编码唯读记忆体 | | | |
3311 | microcoding | 微编码;微程式设计 | | | |
3312 | microcommand | 微命令 | 微命令 | | |
3313 | microcommand language | 微命令语言 | | | |
3314 | microcomponent | 微组件 | | | |
3315 | microcomputer | 微电脑;微算机;微(型)计算机 | 微型计算机, *微机 | | |
3316 | microcomputer addressing modes | 微电脑定址模式 | | | |
3317 | microcomputer analyzer | 微电脑分析程式 | | | |
3318 | microcomputer application | 微电脑应用 | | | |
3319 | microcomputer architecture | 微电脑架构 | | | |
3320 | microcomputer auxiliary equipment | 微电脑辅助设备 | | | |
3321 | microcomputer backplane | 微电脑底板 | | | |
3322 | microcomputer based instrument | 微型电脑化仪器 | | | |
3323 | microcomputer board | 微电脑插板 | | | |
3324 | microcomputer bus | 微电脑汇流排 | | | |
3325 | microcomputer bus system | 微电脑汇流排系统 | | | |
3326 | microcomputer bus type | 微电脑汇流排型式 | | | |
3327 | microcomputer card | 微电脑插卡 | | | |
3328 | microcomputer chip | 微电脑晶片 | | | |
3329 | microcomputer components | 微电脑组件 | | | |
3330 | microcomputer control and display panel | 微电脑控制和显示面板 | | | |
3331 | microcomputer control panel | 微电脑控制面板 | | | |
3332 | microcomputer control unit | 微计算机控制装置 | | | |
3333 | microcomputer development | 微电脑开发 | | | |
3334 | microcomputer development center | 微电脑开发中心 | | | |
3335 | microcomputer development facility | 微电脑开发设施 | | | |
3336 | microcomputer development kit | 微电脑开发套件 | | | |
3337 | microcomputer development system | 微电脑开发系统 | | | |
3338 | microcomputer disk development system | 微电脑磁碟开发系统 | | | |
3339 | microcomputer disk operating system | 微计算机磁碟作业系统 | | | |
3340 | microcomputer execution cycle | 微电脑执行周期 | | | |
3341 | microcomputer function organization | 微电脑功能组织 | | | |
3342 | microcomputer functions | 微电脑功能 | | | |
3343 | microcomputer I/O architecture | 微电脑输入输出架构 | | | |
3344 | microcomputer index | 微电脑索引 | | | |
3345 | microcomputer industry trade association | 微电脑工业贸易协会 | | | |
3346 | microcomputer instrument | 微电脑仪表 | | | |
3347 | microcomputer interfacing kit | 微电脑介面套件 | | | |
3348 | microcomputer interrupt | 微电脑中断 | | | |
3349 | microcomputer kit | 微电脑套件 | | | |
3350 | microcomputer kit assembler | 微电脑套件组合程式 | | | |
3351 | microcomputer kit components | 微电脑套件成分 | | | |
3352 | microcomputer kit system software | 微电脑套件系统软体 | | | |
3353 | microcomputer language assembler | 微电脑语言组合程式 | | | |
3354 | microcomputer like instruction set | 类微电脑指令集 | | | |
3355 | microcomputer loader | 微电脑载入器 | | | |
3356 | microcomputer master/slave operating | 微电脑主从操作 | | | |
3357 | microcomputer on a chip | 单晶片微电脑 | | | |
3358 | microcomputer operating system | 微电脑作业系统 | | | |
3359 | microcomputer package | 微电脑套装软体 | | | |
3360 | microcomputer POS | 微电脑销售点系统 | | | |
3361 | microcomputer prototyping system | 微电脑原型设计系统 | | | |
3362 | microcomputer S-100 bus | 微电脑S100汇流排 | | | |
3363 | microcomputer support | 微电脑支援 | | | |
3364 | microcomputer system design | 微电脑系统设计 | | | |
3365 | microcomputer system tester | 微电脑系统测试器;微电脑系统测试程式 | | | |
3366 | microcomputer system | 微电脑系统 | | | |
3367 | microcomputer unit | 微计算机单元 | | | |
3368 | microcomputer word processing | 微电脑文字处理 | | | |
3369 | microconsole | 微控制台 | | | |
3370 | microcontrol microprogramming | 微控制微程式设计 | | | |
3371 | microcontrol sequencing system | 微控定序系统 | | | |
3372 | microcontrolled programmable digital logic | 微控可程式数位逻辑 | | | |
3373 | microcontroller | 微控器 | | | |
3374 | microcontroller characteristics | 微控器特性 | | | |
3375 | microcontroller external input signals | 微控器外部输入信号 | | | |
3376 | microcontroller functional components | 微控器功能组件 | | | |
3377 | microcontroller I/O system | 微控器输入输出系统 | | | |
3378 | microcontroller simulator | 微控器模拟器 | | | |
3379 | microcontroller working registers | 微控器工作暂存器 | | | |
3380 | microcycle | 微周;微周期 | | | |
3381 | microdesigner system | 微设计系统 | | | |
3382 | microdiagnosis | 微诊断 | 微诊断 | | |
3383 | microdiagnostic | 微诊断 | | | |
3384 | microdiagnostic loader | 微诊断载入器 | 微诊断装入器, *微诊断装入程序 | | |
3385 | microdiagnostic microprogram | 微诊断微程式 | 微诊断微程序 | | |
3386 | microdiagnostic program | 微诊断程式 | | | |
3387 | microdiagnostic utility | 微诊断公用程式 | | | |
3388 | microdiagnostics | 微诊断程式;微诊断法 | | | |
3389 | microdictionary | 微型字典 | | | |
3390 | microdiskette | 微型磁片 | | | |
3391 | microdisplay processor | 微显示处理机 | | | |
3392 | microdrawing | 微型制图 | | | |
3393 | microeconomic model | | 微观经济模型 | | |
3394 | microelectronic | 微电子 | | | |
3395 | microelectronic circuit | 微电子电路;微电子学电路 | | | |
3396 | microelectronic device | 微电子装置 | | | |
3397 | microelectronic integrated circuit | 微电子积体电路 | | | |
3398 | microelectronic integrated test equipment | 微电子整合测试设备 | | | |
3399 | microelectronic modular assembly | 微电子学模组组件 | | | |
3400 | microelectronic packaging | 微电子封装 | | | |
3401 | microelectronic system | 微电子系统 | | | |
3402 | microelectronic technology | 微电子技术 | | | |
3403 | microelectrostatic copying | 微静电复制 | | | |
3404 | microelement | 微元件 | | | |
3405 | microenvironment | 微环境 | | | |
3406 | microetch | 微蚀刻 | | | |
3407 | microfabrication | 微加工;微型装配 | | | |
3408 | microfarad | 微法 | | | |
3409 | microfiche | | 缩微平片, *缩微胶片 | | |
3410 | microfiche enlarger printer | 微缩胶片放大列印机 | | | |
3411 | microfiche management system | 微缩胶片管理系统 | | | |
3412 | microfiche reader/printer | 微缩胶片阅读机印刷机 | | | |
3413 | microfiche viewer | 微缩胶片观察器 | | | |
3414 | microfile | 微缩档案 | | | |
3415 | microfilm | | 缩微胶卷 | | |
3416 | microfilm aperture card automated retrieval system | 微缩胶卷打孔卡片自动检索系统 | | | |
3417 | microfilm cartridge | 微缩胶卷匣 | | | |
3418 | microfilm computer output | 微缩胶卷计算机输出 | | | |
3419 | microfilm counter | 微缩胶卷计数器 | | | |
3420 | microfilm duplex | 微缩胶卷双工 | | | |
3421 | microfilm flow camera | 微缩胶卷流式摄影机 | | | |
3422 | microfilm frame | 微缩胶卷框 | | | |
3423 | microfilm I/O device | 微缩胶卷输入输出装置 | | | |
3424 | microfilm image | 微缩胶卷影像 | | | |
3425 | microfilm information retrieval access code | 微缩胶卷资讯检索存取码 | | | |
3426 | microfilm jacket | 微缩胶卷外套 | | | |
3427 | microfilm leader | 微缩胶卷引导 | | | |
3428 | microfilm management system | 微缩胶卷管理系统 | | | |
3429 | microfilm output | 微缩胶卷输出 | | | |
3430 | microfilm output computer | 微缩胶卷输出计算机;微缩胶卷输出电脑 | | | |
3431 | microfilm output device | 微缩胶卷输出装置 | | | |
3432 | microfilm reader | 微缩胶卷阅读机 | | | |
3433 | microfilm reader recorder | 微缩胶卷阅读记录器 | | | |
3434 | microfilm | 微缩胶片;微缩胶卷 | | | |
3435 | microfilmer | 微缩胶卷机 | | | |
3436 | microfloppies | 微软碟 | | | |
3437 | microfloppy | 微型磁碟 | | | |
3438 | microflowchart | 微流程图 | | | |
3439 | microfont | 微字型;微型铅字;微型活字 | | | |
3440 | microform | 微缩印刷品 | | | |
3441 | microform in colour | 彩色微缩印刷品 | | | |
3442 | microform reader | 微缩印刷品阅读机 | | | |
3443 | microform reader-copier | 微缩印刷品阅读复制机 | | | |
3444 | microform reader-printer | 微缩印刷品阅读印刷机 | | | |
3445 | microformat | 微格式 | | | |
3446 | micrographics | 微图形;微缩图形学;缩微照相术 | | | |
3447 | micrography | 微缩摄影术 | | | |
3448 | microimage | 微影像;微缩图像 | | | |
3449 | microimage system | 微影像系统 | | | |
3450 | microinstruction | | 微指令 | | |
3451 | microinstruction address | 微指令位址 | | | |
3452 | microinstruction compiler assembler | 微指令编译组合程式 | | | |
3453 | microinstruction debug | 微指令除错 | | | |
3454 | microinstruction description | 微指令描述 | | | |
3455 | microinstruction field | 微指令栏 | | | |
3456 | microinstruction read-only memory | 微指令唯读记忆体 | | | |
3457 | microinstruction register | 微指令暂存器 | | | |
3458 | microinstruction sequence | 微指令序列 | | | |
3459 | microinstruction sequencing | 微指令定序 | | | |
3460 | microinstruction simulation | 微指令模拟 | | | |
3461 | microinstruction simulator | 微指令模拟器 | | | |
3462 | microinstruction storage | 微指令储存器 | | | |
3463 | microinstruction technique | 微指令技术 | | | |
3464 | microinstruction word | 微指令字 | | | |
3465 | microinstruction | 微指令 | | | |
3466 | microinterrupt | 微中断 | 微中断 | | |
3467 | microjump subroutine | 微跳越次常式 | | | |
3468 | microkernel OS | | 微内核操作系统 | | |
3469 | microkit | 微电脑 | | | |
3470 | microlanguage | 微语言 | | | |
3471 | microlevel interrupt | 微级中断 | | | |
3472 | micrologic | 微逻辑 | 微逻辑 | | |
3473 | micrologic adder | 微逻辑加法器 | | | |
3474 | micrologic card | 微逻辑插卡 | | | |
3475 | microm | 微程式唯读记忆体 | 微程序只读存储器 | | |
3476 | micromainframe | 微型主机 | | | |
3477 | micromation output software translator | 微型输出软体翻译器 | | | |
3478 | micromation recorder | 微型记录器 | | | |
3479 | micro-matrix approach | 微矩阵方式 | | | |
3480 | micromemory | 微记忆体 | | | |
3481 | micrometer | 微米(百万分之一米);测微计;千分尺 | | | |
3482 | micro-microcomputer | 微微型计算机 | | | |
3483 | micromicrofarad | 微微法拉 | | | |
3484 | microminiature discrete modules | 微化离散模组 | | | |
3485 | microminiaturization | 微型化;超小型化 | | | |
3486 | micro-minicomputer | 微迷你型计算机 | | | |
3487 | micromodule | 微模组 | 微模块 | | |
3488 | micromodule package | 微模组包 | | | |
3489 | micromonitor operating system | 微型监视器作业系统 | | | |
3490 | micron | 微米(百万分之一米) | | | |
3491 | micronet | 微型网路 | | | |
3492 | microopaque | 不透明缩微品 | | | |
3493 | microorder | 微命令 | | | |
3494 | micropackage | | 微组装 | | |
3495 | microperipheral interface | 微周边介面 | | | |
3496 | microphone | 麦克风;话筒;微音器 | 传声器 | | |
3497 | microphone pick up pattern | 微音器拾音型样 | | | |
3498 | microphonics | 微音扩大学;微音效应 | | | |
3499 | microphotography | 微缩照相术 | | | |
3500 | microposition | 微调 | | | |
3501 | microprint | 微型列印 | | | |
3502 | microprocessing system | 微处理系统 | | | |
3503 | microprocessing unit addressing mode | 微处理装置定址模式 | | | |
3504 | microprocessing unit interface | 微处理装置介面 | | | |
3505 | microprocessing unit support chip | 微处理装置支援晶片 | | | |
3506 | microprocessing unit | 微处理装置 | | | |
3507 | microprocessor address path | 微处理机位址路径 | | | |
3508 | microprocessor addressing capacity | 微处理机定址容量 | | | |
3509 | microprocessor addressing concept | 微处理机定址概念 | | | |
3510 | microprocessor addressing modes | 微处理机定址模式 | | | |
3511 | microprocessor alarm system | 微处理机警报系统 | | | |
3512 | microprocessor analyzer | 微处理机分析器 | | | |
3513 | microprocessor application | 微处理机应用 | | | |
3514 | microprocessor application project | 微处理机应用方案 | | | |
3515 | microprocessor architecture | 微处理机架构 | | | |
3516 | microprocessor assembly language | 微处理机组合语言 | | | |
3517 | microprocessor based computer system | 基於微处理机的电脑系统 | | | |
3518 | microprocessor based data acquisition system | 基於微处理机的资料获取系统 | | | |
3519 | microprocessor based information system | 基於微处理机的资讯系统 | | | |
3520 | microprocessor based interface | 基於微处理机的介面 | | | |
3521 | microprocessor based multiprocessor system | 基於微处理机的多处理机系统 | | | |
3522 | microprocessor based programmer | 基於微处理机的程式设计师 | | | |
3523 | microprocessor board | 微处理机底板 | | | |
3524 | microprocessor building control system | 微处理机构建控制系统 | | | |
3525 | microprocessor bus | 微处理机汇流排 | | | |
3526 | microprocessor bus standard | 微处理机汇流排标准 | | | |
3527 | microprocessor cache memory | 微处理机快取记忆体 | | | |
3528 | microprocessor card | 微处理机插卡 | | | |
3529 | microprocessor chip | 微处理机晶片 | | | |
3530 | microprocessor chip characteristics | 微处理机晶片特性 | | | |
3531 | microprocessor classification | 微处理机分类 | | | |
3532 | microprocessor code assembler | 微处理机代码组合程式 | | | |
3533 | microprocessor compatibility | 微处理机相容性 | | | |
3534 | microprocessor compiler | 微处理机编译程式 | | | |
3535 | microprocessor compiler language | 微处理机编译程式语言 | | | |
3536 | microprocessor control | 微处理机控制 | | | |
3537 | microprocessor control circuit | 微处理机控制电路 | | | |
3538 | microprocessor control unit | 微处理机控制元;微处理机控制单元 | | | |
3539 | microprocessor controller | 微处理机控制器 | | | |
3540 | microprocessor cross assembler | 微处理机交叉组合程式 | | | |
3541 | microprocessor debugging program | 微处理机除错程式 | | | |
3542 | microprocessor design | 微处理机设计 | | | |
3543 | microprocessor development laboratory | 微处理机开发实验室 | | | |
3544 | microprocessor development support system | 微处理机开发支援系统 | | | |
3545 | microprocessor development system | 微处理机开发系统 | | | |
3546 | microprocessor encoder interface | 微处理机编码器介面 | | | |
3547 | microprocessor host loader | 微处理机主载入器 | | | |
3548 | microprocessor I/O categories | 微处理机输入输出种类 | | | |
3549 | microprocessor industrial terminal | 微处理机工业终端 | | | |
3550 | microprocessor instruction | 微处理机指令 | | | |
3551 | microprocessor instruction path | 微处理机指令路径 | | | |
3552 | microprocessor instruction set | 微处理机指令集 | | | |
3553 | microprocessor interface | 微处理机介面 | | | |
3554 | microprocessor intertie and communication system | 微处理机互联通信系统 | | | |
3555 | microprocessor language assembler | 微处理机语言组合程式 | | | |
3556 | microprocessor language editor | 微处理机语言编辑器 | | | |
3557 | microprocessor life cycle | 微处理机生命周期 | | | |
3558 | microprocessor line set | 微处理机线集 | | | |
3559 | microprocessor maintenance console | 微处理机维护控制台 | | | |
3560 | microprocessor master/master operation | 微处理机主对主作业 | | | |
3561 | microprocessor master/slave operation | 微处理机主从作业 | | | |
3562 | microprocessor master/slave system | 微处理机主从系统 | | | |
3563 | microprocessor memory controller | 微处理机记忆体控制器 | | | |
3564 | microprocessor monitor | 微处理机监视器 | | | |
3565 | microprocessor network | 微处理机网路 | | | |
3566 | microprocessor on a chip | 单晶片微处理机 | | | |
3567 | microprocessor organization | 微处理机组织 | | | |
3568 | microprocessor programming language | 微处理机程式设计语言 | | | |
3569 | microprocessor read-only programmer | 微处理机唯读程式员 | | | |
3570 | microprocessor semantics | 微处理机语意学 | | | |
3571 | microprocessor series software tools | 微处理机序列软体工具 | | | |
3572 | microprocessor series | 微处理机序列 | | | |
3573 | microprocessor software | 微处理机软体 | | | |
3574 | microprocessor system | 微处理机系统 | | | |
3575 | microprocessor system analyzer | 微处理机系统分析器 | | | |
3576 | microprocessor system interface module | 微处理机系统介面模组 | | | |
3577 | microprocessor system software tool | 微处理机系统软体工具 | | | |
3578 | microprocessor tape duplicator | 微处理机磁带复制机 | | | |
3579 | microprocessor terminal | 微处理机终端 | | | |
3580 | microprocessor testing system | 微处理机测试系统 | | | |
3581 | microprocessor training aid | 微处理机训练辅助 | | | |
3582 | microprocessor | 微处理机;微处理机 | 微处理器 | | |
3583 | microprocessor-assisted database management | 微处理机辅助资料库管理 | | | |
3584 | microprogammed data processor | 微程式数据处理机 | | | |
3585 | microprogram | 微程式 | 微程序 | | |
3586 | microprogram address | 微程式位址 | | | |
3587 | microprogram address register | 微程式位址暂存器 | | | |
3588 | microprogram addressing | 微程式定址 | | | |
3589 | microprogram assembly language | 微程式组合语言 | | | |
3590 | microprogram automation system | 微程式自动化系统 | | | |
3591 | microprogram branching | 微程式分支 | | | |
3592 | microprogram certification system | 微程式认证系统 | | | |
3593 | microprogram computer | 微程式电脑 | | | |
3594 | microprogram control functions | 微程式控制功能 | | | |
3595 | microprogram control logic | 微程式控制逻辑 | | | |
3596 | microprogram control memory | 微程式控制记忆体 | | | |
3597 | microprogram control store | 微程式控制储存 | | | |
3598 | microprogram control unit | 微程式控制器 | | | |
3599 | microprogram control | 微程式控制 | | | |
3600 | microprogram controller | 微程式控制器 | | | |
3601 | microprogram count register | 微程式计数暂存器 | | | |
3602 | microprogram counter | 微程式计数器 | | | |
3603 | microprogram data register | 微程式资料暂存器 | | | |
3604 | microprogram debugging | 微程式除错 | | | |
3605 | microprogram description | 微程式描述 | | | |
3606 | microprogram design | 微程式设计 | | | |
3607 | microprogram design and description language | 微程式设计和描述语言 | | | |
3608 | microprogram design system | 微程式设计系统 | | | |
3609 | microprogram development | 微程式开发 | | | |
3610 | microprogram efficiency | 微程式效率 | | | |
3611 | microprogram emulation | 微程式仿真 | | | |
3612 | microprogram fields | 微程式栏位 | | | |
3613 | microprogram generating system | 微程式产生系统 | | | |
3614 | microprogram index register | 微程式索引暂存器 | | | |
3615 | microprogram instruction set | 微程式指令集 | | | |
3616 | microprogram language | 微程式语言 | | | |
3617 | microprogram level | 微程式层次 | | | |
3618 | microprogram load | 微程式载入 | | | |
3619 | microprogram looping | 微程式循环 | | | |
3620 | microprogram machine instructions | 微程式机器指令 | | | |
3621 | microprogram mapping | 微程式对映 | | | |
3622 | microprogram memory control unit | 微程式记忆体控制单元 | | | |
3623 | microprogram memory | 微程式记忆体 | | | |
3624 | microprogram microassembler | 微程式微组译器 | | | |
3625 | microprogram microcode | 微程式微码 | | | |
3626 | microprogram operating system | 微程式作业系统 | | | |
3627 | microprogram optimization | 微程式最佳化 | | | |
3628 | microprogram parameterization | 微程式参数化 | | | |
3629 | microprogram read only memory | 微程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
3630 | microprogram register | 微程式暂存器 | | | |
3631 | microprogram sequencer | 微程式定序器 | | | |
3632 | microprogram storage | 微程式储存器 | | | |
3633 | microprogram support software | 微程式支援软体 | | | |
3634 | microprogrammability | 可微程式性 | | | |
3635 | microprogrammable | 可微程式 | | | |
3636 | microprogrammable arithmetic processor system | 可微程式运算处理机系统 | | | |
3637 | microprogrammable bit-slice machine | 可微程式位元截割机 | | | |
3638 | microprogrammable block input/output | 可微程式块输入输出 | | | |
3639 | microprogrammable character generator | 可微程式字元产生器 | | | |
3640 | microprogrammable communications controller | 可微程式通信控制器;可微程式通讯控制器 | | | |
3641 | microprogrammable computer | 可微程式电脑 | | | |
3642 | microprogrammable computer operating system | 可微程式电脑作业系统 | | | |
3643 | microprogrammable instruction | 可微程式指令 | | | |
3644 | microprogrammable machine | 可微程式机 | | | |
3645 | microprogrammable multiprocessor architecture | 可微程式多处理机架构 | | | |
3646 | microprogrammable multiprocessor | 可微程式多处理机 | | | |
3647 | microprogrammable processor port | 可微程式处理机埠 | | | |
3648 | microprogrammable processor | 可微程式处理机 | | | |
3649 | microprogrammable read-only memory | 可微程式唯读记忆体 | | | |
3650 | microprogrammed | 微程式 | | | |
3651 | microprogrammed array processor | 微程式阵列处理机 | | | |
3652 | microprogrammed compiler | 微程式化编译器 | | | |
3653 | microprogrammed computer | 微程式电脑 | | | |
3654 | microprogrammed control | 微程式控制 | 微程序控制 | | |
3655 | microprogrammed control processor | 微程式控制处理机 | | | |
3656 | microprogrammed control unit | 微程式控制单元 | | | |
3657 | microprogrammed controller | 微程式控制器 | | | |
3658 | microprogrammed CPU | 微程式化的中央处理器 | | | |
3659 | microprogrammed data processor | 微程式资料处理机 | | | |
3660 | microprogrammed gate control | 微程式闸控制 | | | |
3661 | microprogrammed I/O control unit | 微程式输入输出控制装置 | | | |
3662 | microprogrammed interface | 微程式介面 | | | |
3663 | microprogrammed microprocessor | 微程式化的微处理机 | | | |
3664 | microprogrammed picoprocessor | 微程式化的微微处理机 | | | |
3665 | microprogrammed stack operations | 微程式堆叠作业 | | | |
3666 | microprogrammed subroutines | 微程式次常式 | | | |
3667 | microprogrammer | 微程式设计员;微程式器 | | | |
3668 | microprogramming | 微程式设计;微程式规划 | 微程序设计 | | |
3669 | microprogramming application | 微程式设计应用 | | | |
3670 | microprogramming approach | 微程式设计方式 | | | |
3671 | microprogramming architecture | 微程式设计架构 | | | |
3672 | microprogramming language | | 微编程语言 | | |
3673 | microprogramming level | 微程式设计位准 | | | |
3674 | microprogramming multiprocessor architecture | 微程式设计多处理机架构 | | | |
3675 | microprogramming software | 微程式设计软体 | | | |
3676 | microprogramming support | 微程式设计支援 | | | |
3677 | microprogramming technique | 微程式设计技术 | | | |
3678 | microprogramming unit | 微程式设计单位 | | | |
3679 | microprogramming/fixed instruction | 微程式设计与固定指令 | | | |
3680 | microprojector | 显微放映机;显微投影机 | | | |
3681 | micropublishing | 微缩出版 | | | |
3682 | micropush-down stack | 微推下堆叠 | | | |
3683 | microrecording | 微缩记录 | | | |
3684 | microribbon connector | 微带型连接器 | | | |
3685 | microrobot | 微机器人 | | | |
3686 | microroutine | 微常式 | | | |
3687 | micros | | 微指令 | | |
3688 | microscheduler | 微(型)排程程度;微(型)排程器 | | | |
3689 | microscope | 显微镜 | | | |
3690 | microsecond | 微秒(百万分之一) | | | |
3691 | microsignal processor | 微信号处理机 | | | |
3692 | Microsoft corporation - disk operating system | 微软公司磁碟作业系统 | | | |
3693 | Microsoft expanded memory manager | 微软公司扩充记忆体管理器 | | | |
3694 | Microsoft Windows | 微软视窗 | | | |
3695 | microsoftware | 微软体 | | | |
3696 | microstack | 微(储存)堆叠 | | | |
3697 | microstatement | 微叙述 | | | |
3698 | microstep | 微步 | | | |
3699 | microstepping motor | 微型步进马达 | | | |
3700 | microstorage | 微储存器 | | | |
3701 | microstore | 微储存 | | | |
3702 | microstreamer | 微型流式磁带机 | | | |
3703 | microstrip | 微带 | | | |
3704 | microstrip line | 微带线 | | | |
3705 | microstructure | 微结构 | 微结构 | | |
3706 | microsubroutine | 微次常式 | | | |
3707 | microsubroutine stack | 微次常式堆叠 | | | |
3708 | microswitch | 微开关 | | | |
3709 | microsyn | 精密自动同步机 | | | |
3710 | microtasking | | 微任务化 | | |
3711 | microterminal | 微终端 | | | |
3712 | micro-theory | | 微理论 | | |
3713 | microtronics | 微电子学 | | | |
3714 | microtutor | 微型教学机 | | | |
3715 | microwave | 微波 | | | |
3716 | microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation | 迈射;受激幅射式微波放大器;微波激射(器) | | | |
3717 | microwave channel | 微波通道 | | | |
3718 | microwave circuit analysis program | 微波电路分析程式 | | | |
3719 | microwave delay line | 微波延迟线 | | | |
3720 | microwave dish | 微波反射器 | | | |
3721 | microwave hologram techniques | 微波全像技术 | | | |
3722 | microwave interference | 微波干扰 | | | |
3723 | microwave link | 微波链路 | | | |
3724 | microwave relay | 微波继电器 | | | |
3725 | microwave relay station | 微波电驿站 | | | |
3726 | microwave transmission | 微波传输 | | | |
3727 | microwave tube | 微波管 | | | |
3728 | micro-Winchester disk | 微型温彻斯特磁碟 | | | |
3729 | micro-Winchester disk drive | 微型温彻斯特磁碟驱动机 | | | |
3730 | microword | 微字 | | | |
3731 | microwriter | 微写入器;微写入程式 | | | |
3732 | mid-batch recovery | 批次中间恢复 | | | |
3733 | midcomputer | 中型电脑 | | | |
3734 | middle element | 中间元件 | | | |
3735 | middle in chain | 链中 | | | |
3736 | middle letter row | 中间字母列 | | | |
3737 | middle of chain | 链中间 | | | |
3738 | middle punch | 中间打孔 | | | |
3739 | middle RU of chain | 中间RU | | | |
3740 | middle square method | 平方取中法 | | | |
3741 | middle storage | 中型储存器 | | | |
3742 | middleware | 中间软体 | 中间件 | | |
3743 | middlewave | 中波 | | | |
3744 | mid-grain parallel processing | 中粒平行处理 | | | |
3745 | MIDI | | 乐器数字接口 | | |
3746 | midland | 中部;内地 | | | |
3747 | midpoint | 中点(坐标) | | | |
3748 | midpoint subdivision | 中点细分 | | | |
3749 | mid-square generator | 中平方产生器 | | | |
3750 | midsquare method | 中平方法 | | | |
3751 | MIG head | | 隙含金属磁头 | | |
3752 | migrate | 迁移;转移 | | | |
3753 | migrating to a distributed system | 移转至分散系统 | | | |
3754 | migration | 迁移 | | | |
3755 | migration control data set | 迁移控制资料集 | | | |
3756 | migration imaging | 迁移成像 | | | |
3757 | migration overhead | | 迁移开销 | | |
3758 | migration path | 迁移路径 | | | |
3759 | migratory permutation | 迁移排列 | | | |
3760 | migratory volume | 迁移卷 | | | |
3761 | mil | 毫英寸;密耳(千分之一英寸) | | | |
3762 | mile | 英里 | | | |
3763 | milestone | 里程碑 | 里程碑 | | |
3764 | milestone state | 里程碑状态 | | | |
3765 | military call sign | 军用呼叫记号 | | | |
3766 | military computer based system | 军用电脑基底系统 | | | |
3767 | military computer family | 军用电脑族系 | | | |
3768 | military computer | 军用电脑 | | | |
3769 | military environment microprocessor | 军用环境微处理机 | | | |
3770 | military exchange | 军用交换机 | | | |
3771 | military fixed communication network | 军用固定通信网路 | | | |
3772 | military hybrids | 军用并合电路 | | | |
3773 | military rest time computer | 军用利剩馀时间计算机 | | | |
3774 | military specification | 军用规格 | | | |
3775 | milk | 窃取通信线路上消息 | | | |
3776 | mill | 碾磨机;研磨机 | | | |
3777 | Mill timer | Mill计时器(多道程序运行中各程序使用中央处理机时间) | | | |
3778 | Miller circuit | 密勒电路 | | | |
3779 | Miller code | 密勒码 | | | |
3780 | Miller effect | 密勒效应 | | | |
3781 | milli | 毫 | | | |
3782 | milliampere | 毫安 | | | |
3783 | milliampere per volt | 每伏毫安数;毫安/伏 | | | |
3784 | milliampere second | 毫安秒 | | | |
3785 | milliampere-hour | 毫安小时 | | | |
3786 | milliliter | 毫升 | | | |
3787 | millimeter | 毫米 | | | |
3788 | millimicro | 毫微 | | | |
3789 | millimicrosecond | 毫微秒 | | | |
3790 | million floating operations per second | 每秒百万浮作业 | | | |
3791 | million floationg point oprations per second | | 百万次浮点运算每秒 | | |
3792 | million instructions per second | | 百万条指令每秒 | | |
3793 | million logical inferences per second | | 百万次逻辑推理每秒 | | |
3794 | million operations per second | | 百万次运算每秒 | | |
3795 | million transaction per second | | 百万次事务处理每秒 | | |
3796 | million words | 百万字 | | | |
3797 | millisecond | 毫秒;千分之一秒 | | | |
3798 | millivolt | 毫伏 | | | |
3799 | millivolt analog-digital instrumentation system | 毫伏类比数位仪表系统 | | | |
3800 | milliwatt | 毫瓦 | | | |
3801 | milliwatt logic | 毫瓦逻辑电路 | | | |
3802 | mil-spec integrated circuit | 军用规格积体电路 | | | |
3803 | MIMD | | 多指令[流]多数据流 | | |
3804 | MIMD architecture | 多指令多资料架构 | | | |
3805 | MIME | | 多用途因特网邮件扩充 | | |
3806 | mimeograph | 油印机;油印 | | | |
3807 | mimicking | 仿效 | | | |
3808 | min-cut placement method | 最小切割布局法 | | | |
3809 | mini supercomputer | 迷你超级电脑 | | | |
3810 | mini-assembler program | 迷你组译器的程式 | | | |
3811 | miniature data acquisition system | 小型资料获取系统;小型数据撷取系统 | | | |
3812 | miniature diskette drive | 小型磁片驱动机 | | | |
3813 | miniature IC computer | 小型积体电路电脑 | | | |
3814 | miniature information storage and retrieval system | 小型资讯储存与检索系统 | | | |
3815 | miniature information storage and retrieval | 小型资讯储存与检索 | | | |
3816 | miniature interface general purpose economy terminal | 廉价小型介面通用终端 | | | |
3817 | miniature power unit | 小型电源单元;小型电源装置 | | | |
3818 | miniature real-time operating system | 小型即时作业系统 | | | |
3819 | miniature rectangular connector | 小型矩形连接器 | | | |
3820 | miniaturization | 小型化 | | | |
3821 | miniaturized data assimilation computer | 小型化资料同化电脑 | | | |
3822 | miniaturized system | 小型化系统 | | | |
3823 | minicartridge | 小型磁带匣 | | | |
3824 | minicassette | 小型卡式磁带 | | | |
3825 | minicomposite head | 小型组合磁头 | | | |
3826 | minicomputer | 迷你电脑 | 小型计算机 | | |
3827 | minicomputer and terminals operation | 迷你电脑与终端作业 | | | |
3828 | minicomputer cross compilation | 迷你电脑交叉编译 | | | |
3829 | minicomputer device controller | 迷你电脑装置控制器 | | | |
3830 | minicomputer I/O | 迷你电脑输入输出 | | | |
3831 | minicomputer library system | 迷你电脑图书馆系统 | | | |
3832 | minicomputer network | 迷你电脑网路 | | | |
3833 | minicomputer software | 迷你电脑软体 | | | |
3834 | minidiagnostic routine | 迷你诊断常式 | | | |
3835 | minidisc | 小型磁碟 | | | |
3836 | minidisk | 小型磁碟 | | | |
3837 | minidisk directory | 小型磁碟目录 | | | |
3838 | minidiskette | 小型软磁片 | | | |
3839 | mini-emulator | 小型仿真程式 | | | |
3840 | minified display | 缩小显示 | | | |
3841 | miniflexible disc | 迷你软磁碟 | | | |
3842 | minifloppy | 小型软碟 | | | |
3843 | minifloppy disk | 迷你软磁碟 | | | |
3844 | minifloppy disk drive | 小型软磁碟驱动 | | | |
3845 | minikeyboard | 迷你键盘 | | | |
3846 | minikeypad | 小型键板 | | | |
3847 | minimal access coding | 最少存取编码 | | | |
3848 | minimal access programming | 最少存取程式设计 | | | |
3849 | minimal access routine | 最少存取常式 | | | |
3850 | minimal Ada programming support environment | 最小Ada程式设计支援环境 | | | |
3851 | minimal automatic computer | 最小的自动计算机 | | | |
3852 | minimal automaton | 最小自动机 | | | |
3853 | minimal BASIC | 最小BASIC语言;最小培基语言 | | | |
3854 | minimal computer load | 计算机最小负载 | | | |
3855 | minimal cost path | 最小成本路径 | | | |
3856 | minimal cover | 最小覆盖;最少覆盖 | | | |
3857 | minimal discriminant descriptions | 最小判别描述 | | | |
3858 | minimal function | 最小函数 | | | |
3859 | minimal graph | 最小图 | | | |
3860 | minimal latency | 最小潜伏;最短潜时 | | | |
3861 | minimal latency coding | 最短潜时编码 | | | |
3862 | minimal latency program | 最短潜时程式 | | | |
3863 | minimal latency programming | 最短潜时规划;最短潜时程式设计 | | | |
3864 | minimal latency routine | 最短潜时常式 | | | |
3865 | minimal latency subroutine | 最短潜时次常式 | | | |
3866 | minimal machine | 最小机器 | | | |
3867 | minimal network | 最小网路 | | | |
3868 | minimal path | 最短路径 | | | |
3869 | minimal path problem | 最短路径问题 | | | |
3870 | minimal product-of-sums | 最小和之积 | | | |
3871 | minimal protection | | 最低保护 | | |
3872 | minimal row flow table | 最少列流程表 | | | |
3873 | minimal segment | 最小段 | | | |
3874 | minimal spanning tree | | 最小生成树 | | |
3875 | minimal spanning tree | 最短跨树;最小生成树 | | | |
3876 | minimal storage | 最小储存器 | | | |
3877 | minimal sum-of-products | 最小积之和 | | | |
3878 | minimal total processing time | 最短总处理时间 | | | |
3879 | minimal tour | | 最小回路 | | |
3880 | minimal tree | 最小树 | | | |
3881 | minimality | 极小性 | | | |
3882 | minimax | 最小极大 | | | |
3883 | minimax approximation | 最小极大近似 | | | |
3884 | minimax criterion | 最小极大准则 | | | |
3885 | minimax method | 最小极大法 | | | |
3886 | minimax principle | 最小极大原理 | | | |
3887 | minimax search | 最小极大搜寻 | | | |
3888 | minimax strategy | 最小极大策略 | | | |
3889 | minimax system | 最小极大系统 | | | |
3890 | minimax test | | 最大最小测试 | | |
3891 | mini-micro designer | 迷你微型设计师 | | | |
3892 | mini-micro software | 迷你微型软体 | | | |
3893 | minimization | 最小化 | | | |
3894 | minimization of automaton | 最小化自动机 | | | |
3895 | minimization of finite automaton | | 有穷自动机最小化 | | |
3896 | minimization of interprocessor communication | 处理机间通信最小化 | | | |
3897 | minimodem | 迷你数据机 | | | |
3898 | minimodule drive | 迷你模组驱动(器) | | | |
3899 | minimum | 最小值 | | | |
3900 | minimum access code | 最小存取码 | | | |
3901 | minimum access coding | 最小存取编码;最快存取编码 | | | |
3902 | minimum access programming | 最小存取程式设计;最快存取规划 | | | |
3903 | minimum access retrieval system | 最小存取检索系统 | | | |
3904 | minimum access routine | 最小存取常式 | | | |
3905 | minimum automatic computer | 最小自动计算机 | | | |
3906 | minimum automatic machine | 最小自动机 | | | |
3907 | minimum automatic machine for interpolation and extrapolation | 内插法及外推法用微型自动机 | | | |
3908 | minimum balance | 最小结馀 | | | |
3909 | minimum breakdown voltage | 最小击穿电压 | | | |
3910 | minimum channel code | 最小通道码 | | | |
3911 | minimum channel select setup time | 最小通道选择设置时间 | | | |
3912 | minimum cost deadlock recovery | 最小成本死锁恢复 | | | |
3913 | minimum cover | 最小盖 | | | |
3914 | minimum cover of set of dependencies | | 依赖集的最小覆盖 | | |
3915 | minimum CW count | 最小的通道控制字计数 | | | |
3916 | minimum data set | 最小资料集 | | | |
3917 | minimum delay code | 最小延迟码 | | | |
3918 | minimum delay coding | 最小延迟编码 | | | |
3919 | minimum delay programming | 最小延迟程式设计 | | | |
3920 | minimum detectable signal | 最小可检测信号 | | | |
3921 | minimum discernible signal | 最小可辨别信号 | | | |
3922 | minimum discriminable signal | 最小可识别信号 | | | |
3923 | minimum distance classification | 最小距离分类 | | | |
3924 | minimum distance classifier | 最小距离分类器 | | | |
3925 | minimum distance code | 最小距离码 | | | |
3926 | minimum distance error correcting parser | 最小距离错误更正剖析器 | | | |
3927 | minimum distance rectangular path | 最小距离矩形路径 | | | |
3928 | minimum energy requirement | 最小能量需求 | | | |
3929 | minimum function | 最小函数 | | | |
3930 | minimum high-threshold input-voltage | | 最小高阈值输入电压 | | |
3931 | minimum integration | 最小整合 | | | |
3932 | minimum latency | 最小潜伏 | | | |
3933 | minimum latency code | 最小潜伏码 | | | |
3934 | minimum latency program | 最小潜伏程式 | | | |
3935 | minimum latency routine | 最小潜伏常式 | | | |
3936 | minimum monthly maintenance charge | 最低月维修费用 | | | |
3937 | minimum operation | 最小运算 | | | |
3938 | minimum path cover | 最小路径覆盖 | | | |
3939 | minimum phase shift keying | 最小相移键控 | | | |
3940 | minimum phase shift network | 最小相移网路 | | | |
3941 | minimum privilege | | 最小特权 | | |
3942 | minimum processing time per operation | 每次操作的最小处理时间 | | | |
3943 | minimum processor and computer | 最小处理机及电脑 | | | |
3944 | minimum quantity | 最小量 | | | |
3945 | minimum redundance | 最小冗馀 | | | |
3946 | minimum shift keying | 最小移位按键 | | | |
3947 | minimum signal recognition time | 最小信号识别时间 | | | |
3948 | minimum size executive routines | 最小执行常式 | | | |
3949 | minimum spanning tree | 最小生成树 | | | |
3950 | minimum state finite automaton | 极小状态有限自动机 | | | |
3951 | minimum station | 最小网路站 | | | |
3952 | minimum storage | 最小储存 | | | |
3953 | minimum support tree | 最小支援树 | | | |
3954 | minimum teleprocessing communications system | 最小电传处理通信系统;最小电传处理通讯系统 | | | |
3955 | minimum tour problem | 最小旅行问题 | | | |
3956 | minimum truncation | 最小截断 | | | |
3957 | minimum vertex cover problem | 最小顶点涵盖问题 | | | |
3958 | minimum virtual memory | 最小虚拟记忆体 | | | |
3959 | minimum weight routing | 最小加权选路 | | | |
3960 | minimum zone | | 最小范围 | | |
3961 | minirelational database | 迷你关连式资料库 | | | |
3962 | miniremote control unit | 迷你远程控制装置 | | | |
3963 | ministry of communications | 通信部 | | | |
3964 | ministry of international trade and industry | 日本通产省(=经济部) | | | |
3965 | ministry of posts telephone and telegraph | 日本邮政省(=交通部) | | | |
3966 | minisuper | 迷你超级电脑 | | | |
3967 | mini-supercomputer | | 小巨型计算机 | | |
3968 | minitape | 小型磁带 | | | |
3969 | minitape cartridge | 小型磁带匣 | | | |
3970 | miniterm | 小项 | | | |
3971 | minitype | 小型;迷你型 | | | |
3972 | mini-Winchester disk drive | 迷你温彻斯特磁碟驱动机 | | | |
3973 | min-max multiple | 最小-最大多重 | | | |
3974 | min-max search | 极小-极大搜寻 | | | |
3975 | Minnesota Mining manufacturer(3M)data cartridge | 3M资料匣 | | | |
3976 | Minnesota Mining manufacturer(3M)library system | 3M馆存系统 | | | |
3977 | minor class field | 次级栏 | | | |
3978 | minor control change | 次控制变更 | | | |
3979 | minor control data | 次要控制数据;局部控制数据 | | | |
3980 | minor control field | 次控制栏 | | | |
3981 | minor cycle | 次循环 | | | |
3982 | minor cycle counter | 小循环计数器 | | | |
3983 | minor determinant | 次行列式 | | | |
3984 | minor failure | 小故障 | | | |
3985 | minor key | 次键 | | | |
3986 | minor loop | 小回路 | | | |
3987 | minor node | 次节点 | | | |
3988 | minor structure | 次结构 | | | |
3989 | minor switch | 次要开关 | | | |
3990 | minor synchronization point | 次同步点 | | | |
3991 | minor tick marks | 次刻点标示 | | | |
3992 | minor time slice | 小时间片 | | | |
3993 | minor total | 小计;次总计 | | | |
3994 | minority carrier | 少数载子 | | | |
3995 | minority language | | 小语种 | | |
3996 | Minos pattern recognition machine | 米诺斯图型识别机 | | | |
3997 | minuend | 被减数 | | | |
3998 | minus balance | 负结馀 | | | |
3999 | minus flag | 负旗标 | | | |
4000 | minus punch | 负数打孔 | | | |
4001 | minus zero | 负零 | | | |
4002 | minus zone | 负区域 | | | |
4003 | mirror | 镜 | 镜像 | | |
4004 | mirror image | 镜影像 | | | |
4005 | mirror language | 镜语言 | | | |
4006 | mirror transaction | 镜异动 | | | |
4007 | mirroring | 镜像;反映;映射同步;反射 | | | |
4008 | MIS | | 管理信息系统 | | |
4009 | MIS transistor | 金属绝缘电晶体 | | | |
4010 | misaddress | 错误位址 | | | |
4011 | miscellaneous | 杂项 | | | |
4012 | miscellaneous charge | 杂项费用 | | | |
4013 | miscellaneous charge detail number | 杂项费用明细号码 | | | |
4014 | miscellaneous charge form | 杂项费用表格 | | | |
4015 | miscellaneous charge list | 杂项计费列表 | | | |
4016 | miscellaneous charge number | 杂项费用号码 | | | |
4017 | miscellaneous common carrier | 杂项公用载波 | | | |
4018 | miscellaneous cost | 杂项成本 | | | |
4019 | miscellaneous data | 杂项数据 | | | |
4020 | miscellaneous data record | 杂项资料记录 | | | |
4021 | miscellaneous description | 杂项描述 | | | |
4022 | miscellaneous detail | 杂项明细 | | | |
4023 | miscellaneous detail form | 杂项明细表格 | | | |
4024 | miscellaneous detail number | 杂项明细号码 | | | |
4025 | miscellaneous detail status code | 杂项明细状态码 | | | |
4026 | miscellaneous detail unload | 杂项明细卸载 | | | |
4027 | miscellaneous equipment specification | 杂项设备规格 | | | |
4028 | miscellaneous form | 杂项表格 | | | |
4029 | miscellaneous function | 杂项功能 | | | |
4030 | miscellaneous intercept | 杂项截取 | | | |
4031 | miscellaneous issues | 杂项发料 | | | |
4032 | miscellaneous issues transaction | 杂项发料异动 | | | |
4033 | miscellaneous number | 杂项号码 | | | |
4034 | miscellaneous receipt transaction | 杂项接收异动 | | | |
4035 | miscellaneous records | 杂项记录 | | | |
4036 | miscellaneous simulation generator | 杂项模拟产生器 | | | |
4037 | miscellaneous standard fixed cost | 杂项标准固定成本 | | | |
4038 | miscellaneous standard fixed quantity | 杂项标准固定数量 | | | |
4039 | miscellaneous standard unit cost | 杂项标准单位成本 | | | |
4040 | miscellaneous standard unit quantity | 杂项标准单位数量 | | | |
4041 | miscellaneous time | 杂项时间 | | | |
4042 | miscellaneous unidentified transmission | 杂项未识别传输 | | | |
4043 | misclassification | 错分类;误分类 | 误分类 | | |
4044 | misconnect | | 错接 | | |
4045 | MISD | | 多指令[流]单数据流 | | |
4046 | MISD computer | 多指令单数据流计算机 | | | |
4047 | misdelivery probability | 误送机率 | | | |
4048 | misfeed | 误馈;误传送 | | | |
4049 | misidentification | 错误识别 | | | |
4050 | mismark | 错标示 | | | |
4051 | mismatch | 失配;不匹配;不符合 | 失配 | | |
4052 | mismatch indicator | 失配指示器 | | | |
4053 | misoperation | 误操作 | | | |
4054 | misprint | 误打孔 | | | |
4055 | misrecognition | 错误识别 | | | |
4056 | misregistration | 偏移 | | | |
4057 | miss penalty | | 缺失损失 | | |
4058 | miss rate | | 缺失率 | | |
4059 | missed synchronization | 漏同步 | | | |
4060 | missend | 误发 | | | |
4061 | missile borne computer | 飞弹载装计算机 | | | |
4062 | missile ground equipment | 飞弹地面设备 | | | |
4063 | missile guidance computer | 飞弹导引计算机 | | | |
4064 | missile intercept data acquisition system | 飞弹截取数据获取系统 | | | |
4065 | missile system checkout program | 飞弹系统检测程式 | | | |
4066 | missile system checkout programmer | 飞弹系统检测程式设计师 | | | |
4067 | missile trajectory data system | 飞弹弹道资料系统 | | | |
4068 | missile trajectory measurement system | 飞弹弹道测量系统 | | | |
4069 | missing | 遗漏 | | | |
4070 | missing address marker | 遗漏位址标志 | | | |
4071 | missing clock | 遗漏计时 | | | |
4072 | missing code | 遗漏码 | | | |
4073 | missing dots | 遗漏点 | | | |
4074 | missing error | 遗漏错误 | | | |
4075 | missing factor | 遗漏因子 | | | |
4076 | missing field | 遗漏栏 | | | |
4077 | missing file control block | 遗漏档案控制块 | | | |
4078 | missing interrupt check | 遗漏中断检查 | | | |
4079 | missing interrupt handler | | 丢失中断处理程序 | | |
4080 | missing interruption checker | 遗漏中断核对器 | | | |
4081 | missing interruption handler | 遗漏中断处置器 | | | |
4082 | missing message | | 迷失消息 | | |
4083 | missing page fault | 缺页错失 | | | |
4084 | missing page interrupt | 缺页中断 | 缺页中断 | | |
4085 | missing parameter | 遗漏参数 | | | |
4086 | missing pulse | 遗漏脉波 | 漏脉冲 | | |
4087 | missing rule | 遗漏规则 | | | |
4088 | missing segment interrupt | 缺段中断 | | | |
4089 | missing value | 遗漏值;漏测值 | | | |
4090 | missing variable | 遗漏变数 | | | |
4091 | missing-interrupt handler | 丢失中断处理器;丢失中断处理器 | | | |
4092 | mission analysis computer program | 任务分析电脑程式 | | | |
4093 | mission category | | 任务范畴 | | |
4094 | mission control center | 任务控制中心 | | | |
4095 | mission data reduction | 任务资料缩减 | | | |
4096 | mission dependent interface | 任务相关介面 | | | |
4097 | mission factor | 任务因子;派遗因子;比率 | | | |
4098 | mission operation computer | 任务操作计算机 | | | |
4099 | mission sequence | 任务序列 | | | |
4100 | mis-sort | 错分类 | | | |
4101 | mist printer | 喷雾列印机 | | | |
4102 | mistake | 差错;错误 | | | |
4103 | mistranslation | 误译 | | | |
4104 | misunderstanding | 误解 | | | |
4105 | misuse failure | 误用故障 | | | |
4106 | Mitchell error correcting code | 米契尔错误校正码 | | | |
4107 | mix | 混合 | | | |
4108 | mix and match | 混合匹配 | | | |
4109 | mix gate | 混合闸;或闸 | | | |
4110 | mix instruction | 混合指令 | | | |
4111 | mixed | 混合 | | | |
4112 | mixed alphabetic and numeric key | 混合字母数字键 | | | |
4113 | mixed amplifier | 混合放大器 | | | |
4114 | mixed AND/OR node | 混合与或节点 | | | |
4115 | mixed base notation | 混合基底记法;混合式底数记法 | | | |
4116 | mixed base number | 混合基数号码 | | | |
4117 | mixed base numeration system | 混合基数命数系统 | | | |
4118 | mixed base system | 混合基底系统 | | | |
4119 | mixed based numeration system | 混合基底命数系统 | | | |
4120 | mixed chart | 混合图 | | | |
4121 | mixed chart options | 混合图选项 | | | |
4122 | mixed chart type | 混合图型式 | | | |
4123 | mixed code | 混合码 | | | |
4124 | mixed code approach | 混合编码法 | | | |
4125 | mixed congruential method | 混合同馀法 | | | |
4126 | mixed data set | 混合资料集 | | | |
4127 | mixed data structure | 混合资料结构 | | | |
4128 | mixed density tape | 混合密度磁带 | | | |
4129 | mixed environment | 混合环境 | | | |
4130 | mixed file | 混合档案 | | | |
4131 | mixed format print data set | 混合格式列印资料集 | | | |
4132 | mixed hardware | 混合硬体 | | | |
4133 | mixed initiative interaction | 混合交互作用 | | | |
4134 | mixed integer programming | 混合整数规划 | | | |
4135 | mixed language programming | 混合语言程式设计 | | | |
4136 | mixed language system | 混合语言系统 | | | |
4137 | mixed linear programming | 混合线性规划 | | | |
4138 | mixed list | 混合串列 | | | |
4139 | mixed mode | 混合模式 | | | |
4140 | mixed mode document | 混合模式文件 | | | |
4141 | mixed mode expression | 混合模表式 | | | |
4142 | mixed mode tape | 混合模带 | | | |
4143 | mixed mode teletex | 混合模式电传文讯 | | | |
4144 | mixed processing on-line access | 混合处理线上存取 | | | |
4145 | mixed radix | 混合数基;混合基数 | | | |
4146 | mixed radix notation | 混合数基记法;混合式数基记法 | | | |
4147 | mixed radix notation system | 混合基数记数系统 | | | |
4148 | mixed radix number | 混合基数号码 | | | |
4149 | mixed radix numeration system | 混合基记数制;混合式数基数字系 | | | |
4150 | mixed radix system | 混合数基系统 | | | |
4151 | mixed storage | 混合储存器 | | | |
4152 | mixed strategy precedence grammar | 混合策略居先文法 | | | |
4153 | mixed strategy precedence parser | 混合策略居先剖析器 | | | |
4154 | mixed type | 混合型 | | | |
4155 | mixed-type expression | 混合型陈式 | | | |
4156 | mixer | 混合器 | | | |
4157 | mixing | 混合 | | | |
4158 | mixing network | 混合网路 | | | |
4159 | ML | | ML语言 | | |
4160 | mm | 毫米 | | | |
4161 | MMDB | | 主存数据库 | | |
4162 | MMDDYY | 月月日日年年;六字符日期标志 | | | |
4163 | MMU | | 存储管理部件 | | |
4164 | Mn-Bi film | 锰铋膜 | | | |
4165 | mnemonic | 助忆 | | | |
4166 | mnemonic abbreviation | 助忆缩写 | | | |
4167 | mnemonic address | 助忆位址 | | | |
4168 | mnemonic address code | 助忆位址码 | | | |
4169 | mnemonic assembly language translator | 助忆组合语言翻译器 | | | |
4170 | mnemonic automatic programming | 助忆自动程式设计 | | | |
4171 | mnemonic code | 助忆码;助记码 | | | |
4172 | mnemonic coding | 助忆编码 | | | |
4173 | mnemonic field | 助忆栏 | | | |
4174 | mnemonic instruction | 助忆指令 | | | |
4175 | mnemonic instruction code | 助忆指令码 | | | |
4176 | mnemonic language | 助忆语言;助记语言 | | | |
4177 | mnemonic name | 助忆名 | | | |
4178 | mnemonic operation code | 助忆作业码;助记操作码 | | | |
4179 | mnemonic programming language | 助忆程式设计语言 | | | |
4180 | mnemonic symbol | 助忆符号;助记符号 | 助忆符号 | | |
4181 | mnemonic table | 助忆表 | | | |
4182 | mnemonic type | 助忆型式 | | | |
4183 | mnemonics | 助忆符 | | | |
4184 | mnemotechnics | 助忆术 | | | |
4185 | MNOS memory | 金属氮氧化物半导体记忆体 | | | |
4186 | mobile agent | | 移动代理 | | |
4187 | mobile agent | | 移动主体 | | |
4188 | mobile automatic data experiment | 移动式自动资料实验 | | | |
4189 | mobile automatic programmed checkout equipment | 移动式自动程控检测设备 | | | |
4190 | mobile computer | | 移动计算机 | | |
4191 | mobile computing | | 移动计算 | | |
4192 | mobile data acquisition system | 移动式资料获取系统;移动式资料撷取系统 | | | |
4193 | mobile digital computer | 移动式数位计算机 | | | |
4194 | mobile digital data link | 移动式数位资料链接 | | | |
4195 | mobile network | 移动式网路 | | | |
4196 | mobile network integration | 移动网路整合 | | | |
4197 | mobile radio channel | 移动式无线电通道 | | | |
4198 | mobile remote handler | 移动式远程处置器 | | | |
4199 | mobile robot | 移动式机器人 | 移动机器人 | | |
4200 | mobile scatter communication equipment | 移动式散射通信设备 | | | |
4201 | mobile service satellite communication | 移动式服务卫星通信 | | | |
4202 | mobile system | 移动系统 | | | |
4203 | mobile tactical computer | 移动式战术计算机 | | | |
4204 | mobile telephone | 行动电话 | | | |
4205 | mobile telephone services | 行动电话服务 | | | |
4206 | mobile telephone switching office | 行动电话交换局 | | | |
4207 | mobile-to-satellite return channel | 移动点至卫星转回通道 | | | |
4208 | mock-up | 模型 | | | |
4209 | MOCS | | 多八位编码字符集 | | |
4210 | MOD | 模数;修改 | | | |
4211 | MOD n check | 模n检查 | | | |
4212 | MOD operator | 模数运算子 | | | |
4213 | modal analysis program | 模态分析程式 | | | |
4214 | modal data acquisition and processing system | 模态资料撷取与处理系统;模态数据获取与处理系统 | | | |
4215 | modal length | 模态长度 | | | |
4216 | modal logic | 模态逻辑 | 模态逻辑 | | |
4217 | modality | | 模态 | | |
4218 | mode | 模态;模;模式 | | | |
4219 | mode address | 模式位址 | | | |
4220 | mode bit | 模位元 | | | |
4221 | mode bit vector | 模位元向量 | | | |
4222 | mode change character | 模式变更字元 | | | |
4223 | mode condition | 模式条件 | | | |
4224 | mode control panel | 模控制面板 | | | |
4225 | mode controller | 模式控制器 | | | |
4226 | mode convert | 模式转换 | | | |
4227 | mode counter | 模计数器 | | | |
4228 | mode declaration | 模式宣告 | | | |
4229 | mode field | 模式栏 | | | |
4230 | mode identifier | 模式识别符 | | | |
4231 | mode indication | 模式指示 | | | |
4232 | mode indicator | 模式指示器 | | | |
4233 | mode instruction format | 模式指令格式 | | | |
4234 | mode name | 模式名 | | | |
4235 | mode of Chinese speech understanding system | 中国话理解系统模式 | | | |
4236 | mode of operation | 运算模式;操作模式;作业模式 | | | |
4237 | mode of transducer | 转换器模式 | | | |
4238 | mode operation | 模作业;模式操作 | | | |
4239 | mode request register | 模请求暂存器 | | | |
4240 | mode select | 模式选择 | | | |
4241 | mode selection | 模式选择 | | | |
4242 | mode set | 模集 | | | |
4243 | mode setting command | 模式设定命令 | | | |
4244 | mode shift key | 模态移位键 | | | |
4245 | mode specifier | 模式说明符 | | | |
4246 | mode status register | 模式状态暂存器 | | | |
4247 | mode switching | 模式切换 | | | |
4248 | mode table | 模式表 | | | |
4249 | mode transducer | 模式转换器 | | | |
4250 | model | 模型;型号 | 模型 | | |
4251 | model adjustment technique | 模型调整技术 | | | |
4252 | model and program | 模型及程式 | | | |
4253 | model base | 模型库 | 模型库 | | |
4254 | model base management system | | 模型库管理系统 | | |
4255 | model base management system | 模型库管理系统 | | | |
4256 | model based analysis | 模型基底分析 | | | |
4257 | model based vision | 模型基底视域 | | | |
4258 | model block | 模块 | | | |
4259 | model building blocks | 模型构建块 | | | |
4260 | model building language | 模型构建语言 | | | |
4261 | model controlled system | 模型控制系统 | | | |
4262 | model decomposition | 模型分解(大系统的) | | | |
4263 | model dependent logout | 模型相关注销 | | | |
4264 | model directed search | 模型导引搜寻 | | | |
4265 | model drive | | 模型驱动 | | |
4266 | model driven | 模型驱动 | | | |
4267 | model generator | | 模型生成器 | | |
4268 | model language file | 模型语言档案 | | | |
4269 | model library | 模型程式馆 | | | |
4270 | model line | 模型列 | | | |
4271 | model loop | 模型回路 | | | |
4272 | model machine | 模型机器 | | | |
4273 | model management system | 模型管理系统 | | | |
4274 | model method | 模型法 | | | |
4275 | model of child language | | 儿童语言模型 | | |
4276 | model of endorsement | | 认可模型 | | |
4277 | model of recursive definition | 递回定义模型 | | | |
4278 | model parameter | 模型参数 | | | |
4279 | model parts | 模型零件 | | | |
4280 | model qualitative reasoning | | 模型定性推理 | | |
4281 | model query translator | 模型查询翻译器 | | | |
4282 | model recognition | | 模型识别 | | |
4283 | model reference adaptive | | 模型参考自适应 | | |
4284 | model reference control | 模型参考控制 | | | |
4285 | model reference system | 参考模型系统 | | | |
4286 | model representation | | 模型表示 | | |
4287 | model simplification | | 模型简化 | | |
4288 | model space | 模型空间 | | | |
4289 | model statement | 模型叙述 | | | |
4290 | model structure | 模型结构 | | | |
4291 | model theory | 模型理论 | 模型论 | | |
4292 | model transferring | | 模型变换 | | |
4293 | MODEL204 | MODEL204数据库管理软体包(计算与自动化中心) | | | |
4294 | model-directed control | 模型导向控制 | | | |
4295 | model-directed inference | | 模型引导推理 | | |
4296 | model-driven method | | 模型驱动方法 | | |
4297 | modeled database | 模型化资料库 | | | |
4298 | modeling | 成型;模型建立;模型化 | 建模, *造形 | | |
4299 | modeling distributed database system | 模型化分散式资料库系统 | | | |
4300 | modeling event | 模型化事件 | | | |
4301 | modeling language | 模型建立语言;模型化语言 | | | |
4302 | modeling of data processing | 资料处理模型化 | | | |
4303 | modeling of software fault tolerance strategy | 软体容错策略模型化 | | | |
4304 | modeling production management system | 模型化生产管理系统 | | | |
4305 | modeling programmer | 模型建立程式设计师 | | | |
4306 | modeling technique | 成型技术;模型化法;模型化技术 | | | |
4307 | modeling tools | 模型化工具 | | | |
4308 | modeling transformation | 模型化转换 | 造型变换 | | |
4309 | model-theoretic semantics | | 模型论语义 | | |
4310 | modem | 数据机 | 调制解调器 | | |
4311 | modem adapter level 0 | 零级数据机转接器 | | | |
4312 | modem audio loopback control | 数据机声频回路控制 | | | |
4313 | modem check control | 数据机检查控制 | | | |
4314 | modem chip | 数据机晶片 | | | |
4315 | modem clocked modem adapter | 带时钟的数据机转接器 | | | |
4316 | modem control register | 数据机控制暂存器 | | | |
4317 | modem conversion function | 数据机转换功能 | | | |
4318 | modem data clamp control | 数据机数据箝位控制 | | | |
4319 | modem digital loopback control | 数据机数位回路控制 | | | |
4320 | modem evaluation board | 数据机评估板 | | | |
4321 | modem interface unit | 数据机介面单元;数据机介面装置 | | | |
4322 | modem pool | 数据机集用场 | | | |
4323 | modem pooling | 数据机集用区 | | | |
4324 | modem receive-only control | 数据机唯收控制 | | | |
4325 | modem status register | 数据机状态暂存器 | | | |
4326 | modem transfer unit | 数据机传送装置 | | | |
4327 | modem transmission rate | 数据机传输率 | | | |
4328 | modem-less connection | 无数据机连接 | | | |
4329 | modem-sharing device | 数据机共用装置 | | | |
4330 | moder | 脉冲编码装置 | | | |
4331 | moderated newsgroup | | 有仲裁的新闻组 | | |
4332 | moderately advanced data management | 中度先进的资料管理 | | | |
4333 | moderately-coupled system | 适度耦合系统 | | | |
4334 | moderator | | 仲裁员 | | |
4335 | modern software technology | 现代软体技术 | | | |
4336 | modern-day digital computer | 现代数位电脑 | | | |
4337 | modern-encryption devices | 现代加密装置 | | | |
4338 | modes and operations | 模及运算 | | | |
4339 | modest capacity | 容量适度 | | | |
4340 | modest capacity memory | 容量适度的记忆体 | | | |
4341 | modest capacity storage | 容量适度的储存器 | | | |
4342 | modest-size program | 中小型程式(小於5000可执行叙述的程序) | | | |
4343 | modifiability | 可修改性 | 可修改性, *易修改性 | | |
4344 | modifiable alternate program communication block | 可修改的替用程式通讯块 | | | |
4345 | modifiable parameter | 可修改参数 | | | |
4346 | modification | 修改;修正 | | | |
4347 | modification address | 修改位址 | | | |
4348 | modification by program-self | 程式自修改 | | | |
4349 | modification detection | | 修改检测 | | |
4350 | modification detection code | | 修改检测码 | | |
4351 | modification field | 修改栏 | | | |
4352 | modification level | 修正层次;修改等级 | | | |
4353 | modification loop | 修改回路 | | | |
4354 | modification program | 修改程式 | | | |
4355 | modification review board | 修改查核板 | | | |
4356 | modification transmitted memorandum | 修改传输备忘录 | | | |
4357 | modified Bessel function | 修改的贝塞尔函数 | | | |
4358 | modified binary code | 修改的二进制码 | | | |
4359 | modified binary coded decimal | 修改的二进制编码的十进制数 | | | |
4360 | modified biquinary code | 修改的二五进制码;改进的二五进制代码 | | | |
4361 | modified bit | 修改位元 | | | |
4362 | modified central computer display set | 修改的中央计算机显示设定 | | | |
4363 | modified complement | 修改补码 | | | |
4364 | modified data | 修改资料 | | | |
4365 | modified data tag | 修改资料标签 | | | |
4366 | modified decimal number system | 修改的十进制数系统 | | | |
4367 | modified di-bit encoding | 修改的两位编码 | | | |
4368 | modified documenter library | 修改的文件程式馆 | | | |
4369 | modified du binary system | 修改的双二进制 | | | |
4370 | modified frequency modulation | | 改进调频[制] | | |
4371 | modified frequency modulation recoding | 修改的调频重编码 | | | |
4372 | modified frequency modulation recording | 修改的调频记录 | 改进型调频记录法;MFM记录法 | | |
4373 | modified frequency modulation system | 修改的调频系统 | | | |
4374 | modified frequency modulation | 修改的频率调变 | | | |
4375 | modified integration digital analog system | 修改的数位类比系统 | | | |
4376 | modified integration digital analogue simulation | 修改的整合数位类比模拟 | | | |
4377 | modified internal return rate | 修改的内部转回率 | | | |
4378 | modified IRR | 修正内部利润率 | | | |
4379 | modified Miller code | 修改的密勒码 | | | |
4380 | modified modified frequency modulation | 二度修改的调频 | | | |
4381 | modified nonreturn-to-zero 1 | 修改的逢1不归零制 | | | |
4382 | modified page zero addressing | 修改的页零定址 | | | |
4383 | modified read | 修改读出 | | | |
4384 | modified residue code | 修改残馀码 | | | |
4385 | modified sandwich testing | 修改的夹心测试 | | | |
4386 | modified sub-file record | 修改的子档记录 | | | |
4387 | modified top-down testing | 修改的自上而下测试 | | | |
4388 | modified user name | 修改的用户名 | | | |
4389 | modified value | 修改值 | | | |
4390 | modifier | 修饰符;修饰器 | | | |
4391 | modifier area | 修饰符区 | | | |
4392 | modifier bit | 修饰符位元 | | | |
4393 | modifier command | 修饰符命令 | | | |
4394 | modifier data tag | 修饰符资料标签 | | | |
4395 | modifier function bit | 修饰符功能位元 | | | |
4396 | modifier register | 修饰符暂存器 | 变址寄存器 | | |
4397 | modify | 修改;修饰 | 修改 | | |
4398 | modify access type | 修改存取型式 | | | |
4399 | modify address | 修改位址 | | | |
4400 | modify field subcommand | 修改栏次命令 | | | |
4401 | modify field | 修改栏 | | | |
4402 | modify instruction | 修改指令 | | | |
4403 | modify page zero | 修改零页面 | | | |
4404 | modify register | 修改暂存器 | | | |
4405 | modify sub-channel | 修改次通道 | | | |
4406 | modify ticket | 修改票 | | | |
4407 | Modula | Modula语言 | | | |
4408 | Modula 2 | | Modula 2 语言 | | |
4409 | MODULA ⒑ | | Modula 2 语言 | | |
4410 | Modula-2 | Modula-2程式语言 | | | |
4411 | modular | 模组式;模组 | | | |
4412 | modular accounting system | 模组式会计系统 | | | |
4413 | modular analog computer | 模组式类比计算机 | | | |
4414 | modular analysis processor | 模组分析处理机 | | | |
4415 | modular application customizing system | 模组式应用定制系统 | | | |
4416 | modular application executive | 模组式应用执行程式 | | | |
4417 | modular application system training | 模组式应用系统训练 | | | |
4418 | modular application system | 模组式应用系统 | | | |
4419 | modular approach | 模组化途径 | | | |
4420 | modular approach to software construction operation | 软体结构操作模组方式 | | | |
4421 | modular architecture | 模组架构 | | | |
4422 | modular arithmetic | 模组式算术 | | | |
4423 | modular automatic test equipment system | 模组式自动测试设备系统 | | | |
4424 | modular character | 模组式字元 | | | |
4425 | modular circuit | 模组电路 | | | |
4426 | modular computer breadboard | 模组式计算机试验电路板 | | | |
4427 | modular computer sharing | 模组式计算机分享 | | | |
4428 | modular computer system | 模组电脑系统 | | | |
4429 | modular computer | 模组式电脑 | | | |
4430 | modular concurrent program | 模组同作程式 | | | |
4431 | modular connector | 模组连接器 | | | |
4432 | modular construction | 模组构造 | | | |
4433 | modular control | 模组控制 | | | |
4434 | modular converter | 模组化转换器 | | | |
4435 | modular data acquisition and control subsystem | 模组化资料撷取与控制子系统 | | | |
4436 | modular data system | 模组资料系统 | | | |
4437 | modular data transaction system | 模组式资料异动系统 | | | |
4438 | modular data transfer system | 模组资料传送系统 | | | |
4439 | modular decomposition | | 模块分解 | | |
4440 | modular design | 模组化设计;积木式设计 | | | |
4441 | modular design solution | 模组化设计解法 | | | |
4442 | modular equipment storage assembly | 模组设备储存组合 | | | |
4443 | modular industrial terminal | 模组工业终端机 | | | |
4444 | modular information processing equipment | 模组资讯处理设备 | | | |
4445 | modular information processor | 模组资讯处理机 | | | |
4446 | modular input/output system | 模组输入输出系统 | | | |
4447 | modular intelligent terminal | 模组化智慧终端 | | | |
4448 | modular inventory control system | 模组库存控制系统 | | | |
4449 | modular inventory management simulator | 模组库存管理模拟器 | | | |
4450 | modular laboratory computer | 模组化实验室计算机 | | | |
4451 | modular language | 模组语言 | | | |
4452 | MODUlar LAnguage ⒑ | | Modula 2 语言 | | |
4453 | modular method | 模组法 | 模块化方法 | | |
4454 | modular microcomputer | 模组微电脑 | | | |
4455 | modular microcomputer component | 模组微电脑组件 | | | |
4456 | modular microprogram machine | 模组微程式机器 | | | |
4457 | modular microprogramming | 模组微程式设计 | | | |
4458 | modular multimicroprocessor architecture | 模组多微处理机架构 | | | |
4459 | modular office system terminal | 模组化办公室系统终端 | | | |
4460 | modular one dynamic user system | 模组式单动态用户系统 | | | |
4461 | modular operating procedure | 模组操作程序 | | | |
4462 | modular operating system | 模组作业系统 | | | |
4463 | modular optical digital interface | 模组化光学数位介面 | | | |
4464 | modular organization | 模组组织 | | | |
4465 | modular peripheral converter | 模组化周边设备转换器 | | | |
4466 | modular peripheral interface | 模组式周边介面 | | | |
4467 | modular PL/1 program | 模组式PL/1程式 | | | |
4468 | modular program | 模组化程式 | | | |
4469 | modular programming | 模组程式设计 | 模块化程序设计 | | |
4470 | modular programming system | 模组程式设计系统 | | | |
4471 | modular redundancy | 模组冗馀 | | | |
4472 | modular self-synchronizing | 模组自同步 | | | |
4473 | modular store control unit | 模组储存控制单元 | | | |
4474 | modular structure microcomputer | 模组结构微电脑 | | | |
4475 | modular supercomputer architecture | 模组超级电脑架构 | | | |
4476 | modular system | 模组系统 | | | |
4477 | modular system program | 模组系统程式 | | | |
4478 | modular system programs for the system 7 | 系统/7的模组系统程式 | | | |
4479 | modular terminal processor | 模组化终端处理机 | | | |
4480 | modular terminal support software package | 模组式终端支援软体包 | | | |
4481 | modular timing terminal unit | 模组化计时终端装置 | | | |
4482 | modular tree representation | 模组化树形表示法 | | | |
4483 | modular unit | 模组单元 | | | |
4484 | modular universal terminal | 模组化通用终端 | | | |
4485 | modular utilities for systems-education | 系统教育用模组公用程式 | | | |
4486 | modularity | 模组性;积木性;模组化 | 模块性 | | |
4487 | modularization | 模组化;积木化 | 模块化 | | |
4488 | modularization structure | 模组化结构 | | | |
4489 | modularized circuit | 模组化电路 | | | |
4490 | modularized hardware | 模组化硬体 | | | |
4491 | modularized program | 模组化程式 | | | |
4492 | modulate | 调变;调制 | | | |
4493 | modulated amplifier | 调变放大器 | | | |
4494 | modulated carrier | 调变载波 | | | |
4495 | modulated continuous wave | 调变连续波 | | | |
4496 | modulated signal | 调变信号 | | | |
4497 | modulating and demodulating unit | 调制解调器 | | | |
4498 | modulating frequency | 调变频率 | | | |
4499 | modulating signal | 调变信号;调制信号 | | | |
4500 | modulating wave | 调变波 | | | |
4501 | modulation | 调变;调制 | | | |
4502 | modulation code | 调变码;调制码 | | | |
4503 | modulation duration time | 调变历时 | | | |
4504 | modulation envelope | 调变包络 | | | |
4505 | modulation factor | 调变因数 | | | |
4506 | modulation frequency | 调变频率 | | | |
4507 | modulation index | 调变指数 | | | |
4508 | modulation mode | 调变模式 | | | |
4509 | modulation monitor | 调变监视器 | | | |
4510 | modulation noise | 调变杂讯 | | | |
4511 | modulation rate | 调变率;调制率 | | | |
4512 | modulation ratio | 调变比 | | | |
4513 | modulation transfer function | | 调制传递函数 | | |
4514 | modulation type multiplier | 调变型乘法器 | | | |
4515 | modulation with a fixed reference | 固定参考调变 | | | |
4516 | modulation-demodulation | 调变-解调 | | | |
4517 | modulation-demodulation method | 调变解调法 | | | |
4518 | modulator | 调变器;调制器 | | | |
4519 | modulator crystal | 调变器晶体 | | | |
4520 | modulator/demodulator | 调变解调器 | | | |
4521 | modulator/demodulator | 调变解调器;数据机 | | | |
4522 | modulator/oscillator | 调变器与振 器 | | | |
4523 | module | 模组;程序块 | 模块 | | |
4524 | module | 模组(程式设计) | | | |
4525 | module attribute | 模组属性 | | | |
4526 | module board | 模组板 | | | |
4527 | module body | 模组体 | | | |
4528 | module check | 模组检查 | | | |
4529 | module checking routine | 模组检查常式 | | | |
4530 | module complex library | 模组复合程式馆 | | | |
4531 | module connective language | 模组连接语言 | | | |
4532 | module control unit | 模组控制单元 | | | |
4533 | module coupling | 模组连结 | | | |
4534 | module declaration | 模组宣告 | | | |
4535 | module design | 模组设计 | | | |
4536 | module entry point | 模组入口点 | | | |
4537 | module external design | 模组外部设计 | | | |
4538 | module file | 模组档案 | | | |
4539 | module frame | 模组框 | | | |
4540 | module independence | 模组独立 | | | |
4541 | module information | 模组资讯 | | | |
4542 | module interconnection language | 模组互连语言 | | | |
4543 | module interface | 模组介面 | | | |
4544 | module key | 模组关键字 | | | |
4545 | module library | 模组程式馆 | | | |
4546 | module loading order | 模组载入命令 | | | |
4547 | module logical design | 模组逻辑设计 | | | |
4548 | module management language | 模组管理语言 | | | |
4549 | module name | 模组名 | | | |
4550 | module name table | 模组名表 | | | |
4551 | module origin | 模组原点 | | | |
4552 | module specification | 模组规格说明 | | | |
4553 | module strength | | 模块强度 | | |
4554 | module structure | 模组结构 | | | |
4555 | module test | 模组测试 | | | |
4556 | module testing | | 模块测试 | | |
4557 | module-level object | 模组级目标 | | | |
4558 | module-n residue | 满n馀数 | | | |
4559 | moduling transform | 模组化变换 | | | |
4560 | modulization | 模组化 | | | |
4561 | modulo | 模数 | | | |
4562 | modulo 2 addition | 模2加法 | | | |
4563 | modulo arithmetic | 模运算 | | | |
4564 | modulo check | 模数核对 | | | |
4565 | modulo counter | 模数计数器 | | | |
4566 | modulo symbol | 模数符号 | | | |
4567 | modulo-11 technique | 模数11技术 | | | |
4568 | modulo-N | N模数 | | | |
4569 | modulo-N adder | N模数加法器 | | | |
4570 | modulo-N addition | N模数加法 | | | |
4571 | modulo-N check | N模校验;同馀式校验 | | | |
4572 | modulo-N count | N模数计数 | | | |
4573 | modulo-N counter | N模计数器;N模数计数器 | 模n计数器 | | |
4574 | modulo-N residue | N模的馀数 | | | |
4575 | modulo-N sum | N模数和 | | | |
4576 | modulo-nine's checking | 模9检查 | | | |
4577 | modulo-three counter | 模3计数器 | | | |
4578 | modulo-two adder | 二模数加法器 | | | |
4579 | modulo-two sum | 二模数和 | | | |
4580 | modulo-two sum gate | 二模数和闸 | | | |
4581 | modulus | 模数;模;系数;模量 | | | |
4582 | modulus 10 checking/modulus 11 checking | 模10与模11检查 | | | |
4583 | modulus operator | 模收运算子 | | | |
4584 | modulus selection | 模数选择 | | | |
4585 | Mogill university system for interactive computing | 麦吉尔大学交谈计算系统 | | | |
4586 | Mohawk data language | 莫霍克数据语言 | | | |
4587 | Mohawk data sciences corp. | 莫霍克数据科学公司 | | | |
4588 | Mohawk synchronous communications | 莫霍克同步通信 | | | |
4589 | Mohawk's business oriented language | 莫霍克商用语言 | | | |
4590 | moisture | 湿气;温度;潮湿 | | | |
4591 | moisture-proof | 防潮 | | | |
4592 | molecular beam epitaxy | 分子束外延 | | | |
4593 | molecular bonding | 分子焊接 | | | |
4594 | molecular circuit | 分子电路 | | | |
4595 | molecular distillation | 分子蒸馏 | | | |
4596 | molecular electronics | 分子电子学 | | | |
4597 | molecular integrated circuit | 分子积体电路 | | | |
4598 | molecular object | 分子物件 | | | |
4599 | molecularized digital computer | 分子化数位电脑 | | | |
4600 | molecule model program | 分子模型程式 | | | |
4601 | mole-electronics | 分子电子学 | | | |
4602 | molybdenum | 钼 | | | |
4603 | molybdenum permalloy | 钼坡莫合金 | | | |
4604 | moment | 矩;力矩;磁矩 | | | |
4605 | moment descriptor | | 矩描述子 | | |
4606 | moment method | 力矩法 | | | |
4607 | moment of inertia | 惯性矩;转动惯量 | 惯性矩 | | |
4608 | moment problem | 力矩问题 | | | |
4609 | momentary connection | 瞬时连接 | | | |
4610 | momentary contact | 瞬时接触 | | | |
4611 | momentary position | 瞬时位置 | | | |
4612 | momentary pushbutton switch | 瞬时按钮开关 | | | |
4613 | momentum | 动量 | | | |
4614 | monad | 一元 | | | |
4615 | monadic | 一元的 | | | |
4616 | monadic Boolean operation | 一元布林运算 | | | |
4617 | monadic Boolean operator | 一元布林运算子符 | | | |
4618 | monadic indicant | 一元指示符 | | | |
4619 | monadic indication | 一元指示 | | | |
4620 | monadic instruction | 一元指令 | | | |
4621 | monadic operand | 一元运算元 | | | |
4622 | monadic operation | 一元运算;单项运算 | | | |
4623 | monadic operator | 一元运算子;单项运算符 | | | |
4624 | money | 货币;钱 | | | |
4625 | money transfer system | 货币汇兑系统 | | | |
4626 | MONGEN | MONGEN程式 | | | |
4627 | MONGEN time | MONGEN时间 | | | |
4628 | Mongolian | | 蒙古文 | | |
4629 | moniputer | 萤幕与电脑合一电脑 | | | |
4630 | monitor | 监视器;监视程式;监督 | 监控程序 | | |
4631 | monitor address | 监视器位址 | | | |
4632 | monitor algorithm | 监视器演算法 | | | |
4633 | monitor and control protocol | 监控协定 | | | |
4634 | monitor and control sublayer | 监控子层 | | | |
4635 | monitor and control | 监控 | | | |
4636 | monitor bit | 监视器位元 | | | |
4637 | monitor call instruction | 监视器呼叫指令 | | | |
4638 | monitor call intercept facility | 监视器呼叫截取设施 | | | |
4639 | monitor call | 监视器呼叫 | | | |
4640 | monitor command | 监视器命令 | | | |
4641 | monitor command description | 监视器命令描述 | | | |
4642 | monitor command mode | 监视命令模式 | | | |
4643 | monitor console | 监视器控制台 | | | |
4644 | monitor console routine dispactcher | 监控台例行程式分配器 | | | |
4645 | monitor console routine dispatcher | 监视器控制台例行调度器 | | | |
4646 | monitor console routine | 监视器控制台常式 | | | |
4647 | monitor control | 监视器控制 | | | |
4648 | monitor control dump | 监视器控制倾印 | | | |
4649 | monitor control language | 监视器控制语言 | | | |
4650 | monitor control panel | 监视器控制面板 | | | |
4651 | monitor controller | 监视器控制器 | | | |
4652 | monitor data equipment | 监视器资料设备 | | | |
4653 | monitor database | 监视器资料库 | | | |
4654 | monitor desk | 监视台 | | | |
4655 | monitor display | 监视器显示 | | | |
4656 | monitor display support | 监视器显示支援 | | | |
4657 | monitor error message | 监视器错误讯息 | | | |
4658 | monitor event simulation system | 监视器事件模拟系统 | | | |
4659 | monitor fixed-offset area | 监督程序固定偏移区 | | | |
4660 | MONITOR function control | 监视器功能控制 | | | |
4661 | monitor generator | 监视器产生器 | | | |
4662 | monitor group | 监视器群 | | | |
4663 | monitor I/O queue | 监督输入输出伫列 | | | |
4664 | monitor incoming job | 监视器进入工件 | | | |
4665 | monitor instruction | 监视器指令 | | | |
4666 | monitor interrupt | 监视器中断 | | | |
4667 | monitor location | 监视器位置 | | | |
4668 | monitor message | 监视器讯息 | | | |
4669 | monitor mode | 监视器模 | 监控方式 | | |
4670 | monitor operating system | 监视器作业系统 | | | |
4671 | monitor operation | 监视器操作 | | | |
4672 | monitor out | 监控输出 | | | |
4673 | monitor out of service | 非服务监视器 | | | |
4674 | monitor output | 监视器输出 | | | |
4675 | monitor overlay | 监视器覆盖 | | | |
4676 | monitor printer | 监视器列印机 | | | |
4677 | monitor procedure | 监视器程序 | | | |
4678 | monitor program | 监视器程式 | 监控程序 | | |
4679 | monitor routine | 监视器常式 | | | |
4680 | monitor scheduler | 监视器排程器 | | | |
4681 | monitor signal | 监视器信号 | | | |
4682 | monitor stack area | 监视器堆叠区 | | | |
4683 | monitor state | 监视器状态 | | | |
4684 | monitor station reports | 监视器站报表 | | | |
4685 | monitor swapping characteristic | 监视器调换特性 | | | |
4686 | monitor system | 监视器系统 | | | |
4687 | monitor table | 监视器表 | | | |
4688 | monitor task | 监视器任务 | 监控任务 | | |
4689 | monitor terminal | 监视器终端 | | | |
4690 | monitor unit | 监视器单位 | | | |
4691 | monitor working area | 监视器工作区 | | | |
4692 | monitored automatic control system | 监视自动控制系统 | | | |
4693 | monitored command code | 监视命令码 | | | |
4694 | monitored control system | 监控系统 | | | |
4695 | monitored instruction | 监视指令 | | | |
4696 | monitored local job | 监视本地工件 | | | |
4697 | monitored mode | 监视模式 | | | |
4698 | monitored state | | 监视状态 | | |
4699 | monitoring | 监视;监控;监督 | 监控 | | |
4700 | monitoring and control station | 监控站 | | | |
4701 | monitoring cell | | 监视信元 | | |
4702 | monitoring command | 监视命令 | | | |
4703 | monitoring data | 监视资料 | | | |
4704 | monitoring device | 监视装置 | | | |
4705 | monitoring dynamic process | 监视动态处理 | | | |
4706 | monitoring environment | 监视环境 | | | |
4707 | monitoring facilities | 监视设施 | | | |
4708 | monitoring identification and correlation | 监视识别及相关 | | | |
4709 | monitoring information | 监视资讯 | | | |
4710 | monitoring key | 监视键;监听键 | | | |
4711 | monitoring process | 监视处理 | | | |
4712 | monitoring program | 监视程式;监督程式 | | | |
4713 | monitoring system microprocessor | 监视系统微处理机 | | | |
4714 | monkey-and-bananas problem | 猴子与香蕉问题 | | | |
4715 | monoalphabetic cipher | 单字符密码 | | | |
4716 | mono-articulate chain manipulator | 单关节 接调处器 | | | |
4717 | monoboard computer | 单板计算机 | | | |
4718 | monobrids | 单石混合 | | | |
4719 | monobrids construction | 单石混合构造 | | | |
4720 | monochromatic signal | 单色信号 | | | |
4721 | monochrome | 单色 | | | |
4722 | monochrome console | 单色控制台 | | | |
4723 | monochrome display | 单色显示;单色显示器 | 单色显示 | | |
4724 | monochrome display adapter | | 单色显示适配器 | | |
4725 | monochrome graphics | 单色图形 | | | |
4726 | monochrome graphics adapter | | 单色图形适配器 | | |
4727 | monochrome image | 单色影像 | | | |
4728 | monochrome monitor | 单色监视器 | | | |
4729 | monocode | 单代码 | | | |
4730 | monocrystalline silicon | 单晶矽 | | | |
4731 | monocular vision | | 单目视觉 | | |
4732 | monofile monovolume | 单档案单卷 | | | |
4733 | monofile multivolume | 单档案多卷 | | | |
4734 | monographics adapter | 单色配接器 | | | |
4735 | monoid | 独异点 | | | |
4736 | monolithic | 单石;单块的;单片的 | | | |
4737 | monolithic A/D converter | 单石类比/数位转换器 | | | |
4738 | monolithic array computer | 单片阵列电脑 | | | |
4739 | monolithic array logic | 单石阵列逻辑 | | | |
4740 | monolithic chip | 单石晶片 | | | |
4741 | monolithic circuit structure | 单石电路结构 | | | |
4742 | monolithic computing system | 单石计算系统 | | | |
4743 | monolithic D/A converter | 单石数位/类比转换器 | | | |
4744 | monolithic D/A interface | 单石数位/类比介面 | | | |
4745 | monolithic design automation | 单石设计自动化 | | | |
4746 | monolithic element | 单石元件 | | | |
4747 | monolithic extending hybrids | 单石延伸并合电路 | | | |
4748 | monolithic head | 单石头 | | | |
4749 | monolithic head technology | 单石磁头技术 | | | |
4750 | monolithic hybrid circuit | 单石并合电路 | | | |
4751 | monolithic IC | 单石积体电路 | | | |
4752 | monolithic integrated circuit | 单石积体电路;单片式积体电路 | | | |
4753 | monolithic magnetic head | | 整体磁头 | | |
4754 | monolithic main memory | 单石主记忆体 | | | |
4755 | monolithic memory | 单石记忆体 | 单片存储器 | | |
4756 | monolithic microcomputer | 单石微电脑 | | | |
4757 | monolithic microwave integrated circuits | 单石微波积体电路 | | | |
4758 | monolithic module | 单石模组 | | | |
4759 | monolithic processor | 单石处理机 | | | |
4760 | monolithic storage | 单石储存 | | | |
4761 | monolithic substrate | 单石基体 | | | |
4762 | monolithic system technology | 单石系统技术 | | | |
4763 | monolithic technology | 单石技术 | | | |
4764 | monomonitor | 单色监视器 | | | |
4765 | monophase microinstruction | 单相微指令 | | | |
4766 | monoprocessor | 单处理机 | | | |
4767 | monoprocessor configuration | 单处理机组态;单处理机配置 | | | |
4768 | monoprogrammed | 单程式 | | | |
4769 | monosemantic | 单义的 | | | |
4770 | monosemy | | 单义 | | |
4771 | monospace | 单一空间 | | | |
4772 | monospace characters | 单空格字元 | | | |
4773 | monospaced font | 单距字型 | | | |
4774 | monospacing | 单空格 | | | |
4775 | monostability | 单稳态性 | | | |
4776 | monostable | 单稳 | | | |
4777 | monostable circuit | 单稳态电路;单定态电路;单稳电路 | | | |
4778 | monostable flipflop | 单稳正反器 | | | |
4779 | monostable multivibrator | 单稳复振器 | | | |
4780 | monostable trigger | 单稳触发器 | | | |
4781 | monostable trigger circuit | 单稳触发器电路 | 单稳触发电路 | | |
4782 | monotone | 单调 | | | |
4783 | monotone context sensitive syntax | 单调上下文有关语法 | | | |
4784 | monotone curvature spiral | | 单调曲率螺线 | | |
4785 | monotone data flow problem | 单调资料流问题 | | | |
4786 | monotone data flow system | 单调资料流系统 | | | |
4787 | monotone restriction | 单调限制 | | | |
4788 | monotonic Boolean function | 单调布林函数 | | | |
4789 | monotonic function | 单调函数 | | | |
4790 | monotonic functional | 单调函数 | | | |
4791 | monotonic logic | 单调逻辑 | | | |
4792 | monotonic operation | 单调运算 | | | |
4793 | monotonic reasoning | 单调推理 | 单调推理 | | |
4794 | Monrobot automatic internal diagnosis | 门罗伯特自动内部诊断程序 | | | |
4795 | Montague grammar | | 蒙塔古语法 | | |
4796 | Monte Carlo method | 蒙特卡罗法;随机试验法 | | | |
4797 | Monte Carlo simulation | 蒙地卡罗模拟法 | | | |
4798 | month to date | 本月至今日;当月;本月 | | | |
4799 | month-end inventory stock status | 月末库存存量状态 | | | |
4800 | monthly activity file | 月活动档 | | | |
4801 | monthly close | 月结 | | | |
4802 | monthly maintenance charge | 月维护费 | | | |
4803 | monthly rental charge | 月租赁费 | | | |
4804 | monthly statement | 月报 | | | |
4805 | monthly tax report | 月税务报表 | | | |
4806 | moon rocks program | 月(亮)岩(石)程序 | | | |
4807 | Moore code | 莫尔码 | | | |
4808 | Moore constant ratio code | 莫尔定比码 | | | |
4809 | Moore law | | 摩尔定律 | | |
4810 | Moore machine | 莫尔机 | 摩尔机[器] | | |
4811 | Moore school automatic computer | 莫尔学院自动计算机 | | | |
4812 | MOP | | 记忆组织包 | | |
4813 | more data mark | | 待续数据标记 | | |
4814 | MORE screen status | MORE萤幕状态 | | | |
4815 | morpheme | 语素 | | | |
4816 | morpheme analysis | | 词法分析 | | |
4817 | morphemic generation | | 语素生成 | | |
4818 | morphic function | 形态函数 | | | |
4819 | morphing | | 变形 | | |
4820 | morphing | | 渐变 | | |
4821 | morphism | 同型 | | | |
4822 | morphological analysis | 构词分析 | | | |
4823 | morphological decomposition | | 语素分解 | | |
4824 | morphology | 语源学 | 词法 | | |
4825 | Morse automatic decoder | 摩斯自动解码器 | | | |
4826 | Morse code | 莫士码 | | | |
4827 | Morse duplex | 莫士双工机 | | | |
4828 | Morse key | 莫士键 | | | |
4829 | Morse operation | 莫士操作 | | | |
4830 | Morse printer | 莫士列印机 | | | |
4831 | Morse recorder | 莫士记录器 | | | |
4832 | Morse simplex | 莫士单工机 | | | |
4833 | MOS dynamic random access memory | 金氧半导体动态随机存取记忆体 | | | |
4834 | MOS memory | | 金属氧化物半导体存储器, *MOS存储器 | | |
4835 | MOS transistor | 金氧半导体电晶体 | | | |
4836 | mosaic | 镶嵌;马赛克;拼图式 | | | |
4837 | mosaic character set | 镶嵌字元集 | | | |
4838 | mosaic mapping | 镶嵌映像 | | | |
4839 | mosaic printer | 镶嵌列印机 | | | |
4840 | mosaic printing | 镶嵌列印 | | | |
4841 | mosaic set | 镶嵌集 | | | |
4842 | mosaic structure | 镶嵌结构 | | | |
4843 | MOSFET shift register cell | 金氧半导体场效应晶体管移位暂存器单元 | | | |
4844 | most digit significant | 最高有效数位 | | | |
4845 | most general unifier | | 最广合一子 | | |
4846 | most possibility criterion | 最可能发生准则 | | | |
4847 | most probable distribution | 最大可能分布 | | | |
4848 | most significant bit | 最有效位元 | | | |
4849 | most significant character | 最高有效字符;最高有效字元 | | | |
4850 | most significant digit | 最高有效数位 | | | |
4851 | most significant package | 最大有效程序包 | | | |
4852 | most significant | 最高有效;最高有效(位) | | | |
4853 | most-closely-nested rule | 最近巢套规则 | | | |
4854 | most-frequently-used index | 最常使用索引 | | | |
4855 | MOTEL bus | MOTEL汇流排 | | | |
4856 | mother block | 母块 | | | |
4857 | mother unit | 主部件;主单元 | | | |
4858 | motherboard | 母板 | 母板, *主板 | | |
4859 | motherboard hybrids | 母板式并合电路 | | | |
4860 | motion | | 运动 | | |
4861 | motion analysis | | 运动分析 | | |
4862 | motion compensation | | 运动补偿 | | |
4863 | motion control | 运转控制;传动控制 | 运动控制 | | |
4864 | motion control system | 运动控制系统 | | | |
4865 | motion detection | | 运动检测 | | |
4866 | motion estimation | | 运动估计 | | |
4867 | motion image | | 运动图像 | | |
4868 | motion picture | 动画 | | | |
4869 | Motion Picture Experts Group | | MPEG[运动图像压缩]标准 | | |
4870 | motion prediction | | 运动预测 | | |
4871 | motion register | 运转暂存器 | | | |
4872 | motion vector | | 运动向量 | | |
4873 | MOTIS | | 面向消息的正文交换系统 | | |
4874 | motor advance | 马达正转 | | | |
4875 | motor check | 马达检查 | | | |
4876 | motor check light | 马达检查指示灯 | | | |
4877 | motor connector | 马达连接器 | | | |
4878 | motor drive | 马达驱动 | | | |
4879 | motor generator | 电动发动机 | | | |
4880 | motor on/off switch | 马达断续开关 | | | |
4881 | motor | 电动机;马达 | | | |
4882 | Motorola active interface diagnosis | 莫托罗拉有效介面诊断程序 | | | |
4883 | Motorola automatic sequential computer operated test | 莫托罗拉(公司)自动顺序计算机操作测试 | | | |
4884 | Motorola disc operating system | 莫托罗拉磁碟操作系统 | | | |
4885 | Motorola kit expansion products | 莫托罗拉(微型机)成套件扩展产品(系统) | | | |
4886 | Motorola memory system | 莫托罗拉记忆体系统 | | | |
4887 | Motorola processing unit | 莫托罗拉处理单元 | | | |
4888 | motor-on signal | 马达启动信号 | | | |
4889 | mould design | | 模具设计 | | |
4890 | mount | 装上;装置;座 | 安装 | | |
4891 | mount a device | 装上装置 | | | |
4892 | mount a volume | 装上磁卷 | | | |
4893 | mount attribute | 装置属性 | | | |
4894 | mount count | 装置计数 | | | |
4895 | mount message | 装置讯息 | | | |
4896 | mount/dismount | 架设/卸除 | | | |
4897 | mountain system digital automatic computer | 高山系统自动数位计算机 | | | |
4898 | mounted media | 装载媒体 | | | |
4899 | mounted volume table address | 已装磁卷表位址 | | | |
4900 | mounting a file structure | 装上一档案结构 | | | |
4901 | mounting technique | | 安装技术 | | |
4902 | mounting thread | 装载引线 | | | |
4903 | mouse | 滑鼠;游标控制器;鼠标器 | 鼠标[器] | | |
4904 | mouse tablet | 滑鼠输入板 | | | |
4905 | mouse technology | 滑鼠定位技术 | | | |
4906 | mouth | 口 | | | |
4907 | m-out-of-n code | n中取m码 | | | |
4908 | movable computer | 可动计算机 | | | |
4909 | movable control | 可动控制 | | | |
4910 | movable head disc | 可动头磁碟 | | | |
4911 | movable head disk | 可动头磁碟 | | | |
4912 | movable heads | 可动头 | | | |
4913 | movable random access memory | 可动式随机存取记忆体 | | | |
4914 | movable target image processor | 可动目标影像处理机 | | | |
4915 | movable termination | 可移动终端 | | | |
4916 | move | 移动 | 传送 | | |
4917 | move after | 後移 | | | |
4918 | move before | 前移 | | | |
4919 | move character substring | 移动字元子串 | | | |
4920 | move character to primary | 移动字元到主位 | | | |
4921 | move character to secondary | 移动字元到次位 | | | |
4922 | move command | 移动命令 | | | |
4923 | move immediate memory | 立即移动记忆 | | | |
4924 | move immediate | 立即移动 | | | |
4925 | move instruction | 移动指令;数据传送指令;传送指令 | | | |
4926 | move inverse | 逆移动(指令) | | | |
4927 | move lines command | 移动字行命令 | | | |
4928 | move long instruction | 长移动指令 | | | |
4929 | move long | 移动长 | | | |
4930 | move mode | 移动模 | | | |
4931 | move parameter | 移动参数 | | | |
4932 | move place | 移动地点 | | | |
4933 | MOVE statement | MOVE叙述 | | | |
4934 | move time | 移动时间 | | | |
4935 | move time in days | 搬运日数 | | | |
4936 | move to operation/location from | 搬运至作业/位置表格 | | | |
4937 | move transaction | 移动交易 | | | |
4938 | move transaction form | 移动交易表格 | | | |
4939 | movement | 移动;传送 | | | |
4940 | movement command | 移动命令 | | | |
4941 | movement controller | 移动控制器 | | | |
4942 | moving arm | 移动臂 | | | |
4943 | moving arm disk | 移动臂式磁碟;移动头式磁碟 | | | |
4944 | moving average | 移动平均 | | | |
4945 | moving average filter | 移动平均滤波器 | | | |
4946 | moving cursor | 移动游标 | | | |
4947 | moving domain memory | 活动域记忆体 | | | |
4948 | moving head | 移动头 | | | |
4949 | moving head disk | 移动头式磁碟 | | | |
4950 | moving map display | 移动图形显示器 | | | |
4951 | moving seasonal ratio | 移动季节性比率 | | | |
4952 | moving type box printer | 活动字盒式列印机 | | | |
4953 | MPC | | 多媒体个人计算机 | | |
4954 | MPC | | 大规模并行计算机 | | |
4955 | MPEG | | MPEG[运动图像压缩]标准 | | |
4956 | MPI | | 消息传递接口[标准] | | |
4957 | MPL | | 消息传递库 | | |
4958 | MPOA | | ATM上的多协议 | | |
4959 | MPP | | 大规模并行处理 | | |
4960 | m-processor-bound system | 限於m个处理机的系统 | | | |
4961 | MPS extended methods improvement program | 数学规划系统延伸方法改进程式 | | | |
4962 | MPXable device | 可按多工操作装置 | | | |
4963 | MPX-controlled device | 多工操作控制装置 | | | |
4964 | MQ register | MQ暂存器 | | | |
4965 | MRA | | 多分辨率分析 | | |
4966 | MRI System 2000 | MRI系统2000 | | | |
4967 | MRP | | 物资需求规划 | | |
4968 | MRP assistance menu | MRP辅助画面 | | | |
4969 | MRP planning exception code | MRP规划异常码 | | | |
4970 | MRP-⒑ | | 制造资源规划 | | |
4971 | MS-DOS | 微软磁碟作业系统 | | | |
4972 | MS-DOS operating system | MS-DOS作业系统 | | | |
4973 | MSIA | | 多点静止图像及注释 | | |
4974 | MT | | 机器翻译 | | |
4975 | MT summit | | 机译最高研讨会 | | |
4976 | MT supporting system | 机器翻译支援系统 | | | |
4977 | MTA | | 消息传送代理 | | |
4978 | MTBF | | 平均失效间隔时间 | | |
4979 | m-to-n relationship | m对n关系 | | | |
4980 | MTS | | 消息传送系统 | | |
4981 | MTTC | | 平均未崩溃时间 | | |
4982 | MTTF | | 平均无故障时间 | | |
4983 | MTTR | | 平均修复时间 | | |
4984 | m-type automatic voltage regulator | m型自动稳压器 | | | |
4985 | m-type controller | m型控制器 | | | |
4986 | Muirhead facsimile copier equipment | 米尔黑德传真复制设备 | | | |
4987 | mulitimedia system | | 多媒体系统 | | |
4988 | Muller model | 马勒模型 | | | |
4989 | multi-access | 多存取 | | | |
4990 | multi-access airline agent reservation system | 多存取航线代理预订系统 | | | |
4991 | multi-access associative memory | 多存取相联记忆体 | | | |
4992 | multi-access channel | 多存取通道 | | | |
4993 | multi-access computer switching | 多存取电脑交换 | | | |
4994 | multi-access computer | 多存取电脑 | | | |
4995 | multi-access computing | 多存取计算 | | | |
4996 | multi-access computing background job | 多存取计算後台工件 | | | |
4997 | multi-access computing mode | 多存取计算模 | | | |
4998 | multi-access computing subsystem | 多存取计算子系统 | | | |
4999 | multi-access data service | 多存取资料服务 | | | |
5000 | multiaccess memory | | 多重存取存储器 | | |
5001 | multi-access method | 多存取方法 | | | |
5002 | multi-access on-line programming | 多存取连线程式设计 | | | |
5003 | multi-access operating system | 多存取作业系统 | | | |
5004 | multi-access protocol | 多存取协定 | | | |
5005 | multi-access real-time operating system | 多存取即时作业系统 | | | |
5006 | multi-access retrieval system | 多存取检索系统 | | | |
5007 | multi-access spool | 多存取排存 | | | |
5008 | multi-access system | 多存取系统 | | | |
5009 | multi-access systems control terminal | 多存取系统控制终端 | | | |
5010 | multi-accumulator computer | 多累加器计算机 | | | |
5011 | multi-action computer | 多作用计算机 | | | |
5012 | multi-actor system | 多演员系统 | | | |
5013 | multi-address | 多址 | | | |
5014 | multi-address calling | 多址呼叫 | | | |
5015 | multi-address calling facility | 多址呼叫设施 | | | |
5016 | multi-address communication | 多址通信 | | | |
5017 | multiaddress computer | | 多地址计算机 | | |
5018 | multi-address computer | 多址电脑 | | | |
5019 | multi-address instruction | 多址指令;多重位址指令 | | | |
5020 | multi-address instruction code | 多址指令码 | | | |
5021 | multi-address message | 多址讯息;多位址信息;多位址报文 | | | |
5022 | multi-address order code | 多位址命令码 | | | |
5023 | multiagent | | 多主体 | | |
5024 | multiagent processing environment | | 多主体处理环境 | | |
5025 | multiagent reasoning | | 多主体推理 | | |
5026 | multiagent system | | 多主体系统 | | |
5027 | multi-alternative stage | 多重交替阶段 | | | |
5028 | multi-analysis | 多重分析 | | | |
5029 | multi-aperture core | 多孔磁心 | | | |
5030 | multi-aperture logic element | 多孔逻辑元件 | | | |
5031 | multi-application computer | 多用途计算机 | | | |
5032 | multi-application monitor | 多用监视器;多用监督程序;多用途监视器;多用途监督程序 | | | |
5033 | multi-architecture computer | 多架构计算机 | | | |
5034 | multi-architecture machine | 多架构机 | | | |
5035 | multi-area file | 多重区域档案 | | | |
5036 | multi-array surveillance processing | 多阵列监视处理 | | | |
5037 | multi-aspect | 多方面 | | | |
5038 | multi-aspect indexing | 多方面索引 | | | |
5039 | multi-aspect relevance linkage information system | 多方面关联链接资讯系统 | | | |
5040 | multiassociative processor | | 多关联处理机 | | |
5041 | multi-associative processor | 多关联处理机 | | | |
5042 | multi-attribute | 多属性 | | | |
5043 | multi-attribute data | 多属性数据 | | | |
5044 | multiattribute decision system | | 多属性决策系统 | | |
5045 | multiband camera | 多频带摄影机 | | | |
5046 | multibank parallel memory | 多排平行记忆体 | | | |
5047 | multibanking system | 多排(储存体)系统 | | | |
5048 | multibatch processing | 多批次处理 | | | |
5049 | multibit latching | 多位元闩锁 | | | |
5050 | multibit shift | 多位元移位 | | | |
5051 | multiblock count | 多块计数 | | | |
5052 | multiblock write | 多块写 | | | |
5053 | multibranch | 多分支;多路转移;多支局 | | | |
5054 | multibus | 多汇流排 | 多总线 | | |
5055 | multibus compatible | 多汇流排相容 | | | |
5056 | multibus compatible colour graphic system | 多汇流排相容色图形系统 | | | |
5057 | multibus control | 多汇流排控制 | | | |
5058 | multibus module | 多汇流排模组 | | | |
5059 | multibus multiprocessor | 多汇流排多处理机 | | | |
5060 | multibus network | 多汇流排网路 | | | |
5061 | multibus processor | 多汇流排处理机 | | | |
5062 | multibyte | 多位元组 | | | |
5063 | multibyte graphic character set | | 多字节图形字符集 | | |
5064 | multibyte subtraction | 多位元组减法 | | | |
5065 | multicast | 多播 | 多播 | | |
5066 | multicast addressing | 多播定址 | | | |
5067 | multicast backbone | | 多播主干网 | | |
5068 | multicast group address | 多播组位址 | | | |
5069 | multicategory system | 多 畴系统 | | | |
5070 | multichannel | 多通道 | 多通道 | | |
5071 | multichannel access | 多通道存取 | | | |
5072 | multichannel adapter | 多通道转接器 | | | |
5073 | multichannel analog to digital data encoder | 多通道类比至数位数据编码器 | | | |
5074 | multichannel analysis | 多通道分析 | | | |
5075 | multichannel carrier | 多通道载波 | | | |
5076 | multichannel coincidence system | 多通道重合系统 | | | |
5077 | multichannel communication | 多通道通信 | | | |
5078 | multichannel communication center | 多通道通信中心 | | | |
5079 | multichannel communication program | 多通道通信程式 | | | |
5080 | multichannel communication support | 多通道通信支援 | | | |
5081 | multichannel communication system | 多通道通信系统 | | | |
5082 | multichannel communications controller | 多通道通讯控制器 | | | |
5083 | multichannel cycle stealing | 多通道周期窃用 | | | |
5084 | multichannel data recorder | 多通道资料记录器 | | | |
5085 | multichannel data register | 多通道资料暂存器 | | | |
5086 | multichannel disk | 多通道磁碟 | | | |
5087 | multichannel error correction | 多通道错误校正 | | | |
5088 | multichannel interface controller | 多通道介面控制器 | | | |
5089 | multichannel magnetic tape | 多通道磁带 | | | |
5090 | multichannel memory system | 多通道记忆体系统 | | | |
5091 | multichannel multiplexing | 多通道多工 | | | |
5092 | multichannel multiplier | 多通道乘法器 | | | |
5093 | multichannel receiver | 多通道接收器 | | | |
5094 | multichannel recorder | 多通道记录器 | | | |
5095 | multichannel recording head | 多通道记录头 | | | |
5096 | multichannel source system | 多通道源系统 | | | |
5097 | multichannel transmission | | 多通道传输 | | |
5098 | multichip | 多晶片 | | | |
5099 | multichip and advanced packaging services | 多晶片及高级封装服务 | | | |
5100 | multichip circuit | 多晶片电路 | | | |
5101 | multichip integrated circuit | 多晶片积体电路 | | | |
5102 | multichip large scale integrated microcomputer | 多晶片大规模积体微电脑 | | | |
5103 | multichip module | | 多芯片模块 | | |
5104 | multi-chip module | 多晶片模组 | | | |
5105 | multiclass | 多类;多级 | | | |
5106 | multiclass discrimination classification | 多级判别分类 | | | |
5107 | multiclass network | 多级网路 | | | |
5108 | multicode | 多码 | | | |
5109 | multicolor graphics array | | 彩色图形阵列[适配器] | | |
5110 | multicolored symbol | 多色符号 | | | |
5111 | multicolumn printing | 多行列印 | | | |
5112 | multicomponent | 多组件 | | | |
5113 | multicomponent architecture | 多组件架构 | | | |
5114 | multicomponent circuit | 多组件电路 | | | |
5115 | multicomputer | 多计算机;多重计算机 | 多计算机 | | |
5116 | multicomputer communication system | 多计算机通信系统 | | | |
5117 | multicomputer environment | 多计算机环境 | | | |
5118 | multicomputer management | 多计算机管理 | | | |
5119 | multicomputer system | 多计算机系统 | 多计算机系统 | | |
5120 | multicomputer version | 多计算机版本 | | | |
5121 | multicomputing unit | 多重计算装置 | | | |
5122 | multiconductor cable | | 多芯电缆 | | |
5123 | multiconverter vector | 多路转换器向量 | | | |
5124 | multicopy time-sharing capability | 多路复制分时能力 | | | |
5125 | multicopy time-sharing system facility | 多路复制分时系统设施 | | | |
5126 | multicriteria access | 多准则存取 | | | |
5127 | multicriteria basis | 多准则基础 | | | |
5128 | multicriterion | 多准则 | | | |
5129 | multicycle data entry | 多循环资料登录 | | | |
5130 | multicycle decimal and character operation | 多循环十进及字元操作 | | | |
5131 | multicycle feeding | 多循环馈送 | | | |
5132 | multicycle implementation | | 多周期实现 | | |
5133 | multicycle sort | 多循环排序 | | | |
5134 | multidata base | 多资料库 | | | |
5135 | multidata entry system | 多资料登录系统 | | | |
5136 | multidecision game | 多决策竞赛 | | | |
5137 | multideclared label | 多宣告标号 | | | |
5138 | multidefined case label | 多定义案例标号 | | | |
5139 | multidefined label | 多定义标号 | | | |
5140 | multidestination protocol | 多目的地协定 | | | |
5141 | multidestination teleprinter system | 多目的地电传列印机系统 | | | |
5142 | multidevice input | 多装置输入 | | | |
5143 | multidigit | 多数位 | | | |
5144 | multidigit shifting | 多数位移位 | | | |
5145 | multidimension network | 多维网路 | | | |
5146 | multidimension Turing machine | 多维杜林机 | | | |
5147 | multidimensional | 多维 | | | |
5148 | multidimensional access | | 多维存取 | | |
5149 | multidimensional access memory | 多维存取记忆体 | | | |
5150 | multidimensional analysis | | 多维分析 | | |
5151 | multidimensional architecture | 多维架构 | | | |
5152 | multidimensional array access | 多维阵列存取 | | | |
5153 | multidimensional array element name | 多维阵列元素名 | | | |
5154 | multidimensional array | 多维阵列 | | | |
5155 | multidimensional binary search tree | 多维二进制搜寻树 | | | |
5156 | multidimensional data structure | 多维资料结构 | 多维数据结构 | | |
5157 | multidimensional formal language | 多维形式语言 | | | |
5158 | multidimensional language | 多维语言 | | | |
5159 | multi-dimensional scaling | 多维定标 | | | |
5160 | multidimensional subscript | 多维下标 | | | |
5161 | multidimensional support | 多维支援 | | | |
5162 | multidimensional system | 多维系统 | | | |
5163 | multidimensional tasking | 多维任务分配 | | | |
5164 | multidimensional tree | 多维树 | | | |
5165 | multidimensional Turing machine | | 多维图灵机 | | |
5166 | multidimensioned array | 多维阵列 | | | |
5167 | multidimensions operating system | 多维操作系统 | | | |
5168 | multidisplay control unit | 多显示控制装置;多重显示控制器 | | | |
5169 | multidisplay terminal | 多显示终端 | | | |
5170 | multidomain | 多领域 | | | |
5171 | multidomain adaptive parameter | 多领域适应参数 | | | |
5172 | multidomain network | 多领域网路 | | | |
5173 | multidomain structure | 多领域结构 | | | |
5174 | multidrop | 多分支;多点 | | | |
5175 | multidrop | 多点(网路);多分支 | | | |
5176 | multidrop circuit | 多点电路 | | | |
5177 | multidrop communication network | 多点通信网路 | | | |
5178 | multidrop connection | 多点连接 | | | |
5179 | multidrop line | 多分支线路;多点线路;分歧式线路 | | | |
5180 | multidrop loop controller | 多点回路控制器 | | | |
5181 | multi-element control system | 多元件控制系统 | | | |
5182 | multi-element radiometer system | 多元件辐射计系统 | | | |
5183 | multiend point connection | 多端点式连接 | | | |
5184 | multientry | 多入口 | | | |
5185 | multienvironment real-time operating system | 多环境即时作业系统 | | | |
5186 | multi-environment system | 多环境系统 | | | |
5187 | multi-event | 多个事件 | | | |
5188 | multi-exit loop | 多出口回路 | | | |
5189 | multi-expert architecture | 多专家架构 | | | |
5190 | multi-expert system | 多专家系统 | | | |
5191 | multiextent file | 多 围档案 | | | |
5192 | multifailsafe timer | 多重保安计时器 | | | |
5193 | multifield index | 多栏位索引 | | | |
5194 | multifile | 多档案 | | | |
5195 | multifile database | 多档案资料库 | | | |
5196 | multifile reel | 多档案卷盘 | | | |
5197 | multifile search | 多档案搜寻 | | | |
5198 | multifile sorting | 多档案排序 | | | |
5199 | multifile system standard format tape | 多档案系统标准格式带 | | | |
5200 | multifile volume | 多档案卷 | | | |
5201 | multifilm output device | 多胶片输出装置;多胶卷输出装置 | | | |
5202 | multifont | 多字型 | | | |
5203 | multifont optical reader | 多字型光学阅读机 | | | |
5204 | multifont page reader | 多字型页阅读机 | | | |
5205 | multifont reader | 多字型阅读机 | | | |
5206 | multiform | 多表格 | | | |
5207 | multiform printer | 多表格列印机 | | | |
5208 | multiframe | 多框 | | | |
5209 | multiframe alignment signal | 多框调正信号 | | | |
5210 | multiframe structure | 多框结构 | | | |
5211 | multifrequency code signaling | 多频发码 | | | |
5212 | multifrequency pushbutton | 多频按钮 | | | |
5213 | multifrequency receiver | 多频接收机 | | | |
5214 | multifrequency sender | 多频发送器 | | | |
5215 | multifrequency terminal | 多频终端 | | | |
5216 | multifrequency tone | 多频音调 | | | |
5217 | multifunction | 多功能 | | | |
5218 | multifunction board | 多功能板 | | | |
5219 | multifunction card machine | 多功能卡片机 | | | |
5220 | multifunction communications adapter | 多功能通信转接器 | | | |
5221 | multifunction communications base | 多功能通讯基底 | | | |
5222 | multifunction converter | 多功能转换器 | | | |
5223 | multifunction equipment | 多功能设备 | | | |
5224 | multifunction executive | 多功能执行程序 | | | |
5225 | multifunction fading | 多功能衰落 | | | |
5226 | multifunction module | 多功能模组 | | | |
5227 | multifunction processing register | 多功能移自处理暂存器 | | | |
5228 | multifunction processor | 多功能处理机 | | | |
5229 | multifunction protocol converter | 多功能协定转换器 | | | |
5230 | multifunction system | 多功能系统 | | | |
5231 | multifunction tape unit | 多功能磁带机 | | | |
5232 | multifunctional Chinese language information process | 多功能中文资讯处理 | | | |
5233 | multifunctional integrated circuit | 多功能积体电路 | | | |
5234 | multifunctional office | 多功能办公室 | | | |
5235 | multifunctional operating system | 多功能作业系统 | | | |
5236 | multifunctional pipeline | 多功能管线 | | | |
5237 | multifunctional time-sharing system | 多功能分时系统 | | | |
5238 | multifunctional work station | 多功能工作站 | | | |
5239 | multigap head | 多隙磁头 | | | |
5240 | multigraph | 多图形 | | | |
5241 | multihead | 多磁头 | | | |
5242 | multihead Turing machine | 多头杜林机 | 多头图灵机 | | |
5243 | multihost concept | 多主机概念 | | | |
5244 | multihost configuration | 多主机组态 | | | |
5245 | multihost mode | 多主机模式 | | | |
5246 | multihost network | 多主机网路 | | | |
5247 | multi-I/O card | 多输入输出介面卡 | | | |
5248 | multi-image | 多影像 | | | |
5249 | multi-image file | 多影像档案 | | | |
5250 | multi-input public address system | 多输入公用位址系统 | | | |
5251 | multi-input system | 多输入系统 | | | |
5252 | multiinput-multioutput system | 多输入-多输出系统 | | | |
5253 | multiinstruction issue | | 多指令发射 | | |
5254 | multi-instruction signal data stream system | 多指令信号资料流系统 | | | |
5255 | multi-interpreter system | 多解译器系统 | | | |
5256 | multijob | 多工件 | 多作业 | | |
5257 | multijob operation | 多工件作业 | | | |
5258 | multijob scheduling | 多工件排程 | | | |
5259 | multikey index file | 多键索引档案 | | | |
5260 | multikey retrieval | 多键检索 | | | |
5261 | multilaminate | 多层的 | | | |
5262 | multilanguage operating system | 多语言操作系统 | | | |
5263 | multilanguage processor | 多语言处理机 | 多语种处理机 | | |
5264 | multilanguage system | 多语言系统 | | | |
5265 | multilayer | 多层 | | | |
5266 | multilayer board | 多层印制板 | | | |
5267 | multilayer interconnection | 多层互连 | | | |
5268 | multilayer logic | 多层逻辑电路 | | | |
5269 | multilayer metallization | 多层金属化 | | | |
5270 | multilayer microfiche | 多层微缩胶片 | | | |
5271 | multilayer motherboard | 多层母板 | | | |
5272 | multilayer printed board | 多层印刷板 | | | |
5273 | multilayer printed circuit board | | 多层印制板 | | |
5274 | multilayer printed circuit | 多层印刷电路 | | | |
5275 | multilayer printed working board | 多层印刷工作板 | | | |
5276 | multilayer process control | 多层次过程控制;多层次进程控制 | | | |
5277 | multilayer technology | 多层技术 | | | |
5278 | multilayer testing | 多层测试 | | | |
5279 | multilayered drawings | 多层图 | | | |
5280 | multilayered photoetched circuit board | 多层光蚀电路板 | | | |
5281 | multilayered schema | | 多层模式 | | |
5282 | multilayered stochastic language | 多层随机语言 | | | |
5283 | multilayer-metalization | 多层金属化 | | | |
5284 | multilead | 多接线 | | | |
5285 | multileaving | 多点传送;多输出;多路输出 | | | |
5286 | multileaving remote job entry work station | 多点传送远程工件入口工作站 | | | |
5287 | multileaving remote job entry | 多点传送远程工件登录 | | | |
5288 | multileaving remote terminal processor | 多点传送远程终端处理机 | | | |
5289 | multileaving support | 多点传送支援 | | | |
5290 | multileaving telecommunications access method | 多点传送电信存取方法 | | | |
5291 | multilength arithmetic | 多倍长度运算 | | | |
5292 | multilength number | 多倍长数 | | | |
5293 | multilength working | 多倍长工作;多倍长工作单元 | | | |
5294 | multilevel | 多级 | | | |
5295 | multilevel address | 多级位址;多阶位址 | | | |
5296 | multilevel addressing | 多级定址 | | | |
5297 | multilevel algorithm | 多级算法 | | | |
5298 | multilevel cache | | 多级高速缓存 | | |
5299 | multilevel coding | 多级编码 | | | |
5300 | multilevel control system | 多级控制系统 | | | |
5301 | multilevel device | | 多级设备 | | |
5302 | multilevel feedback queue | | 多级反馈队列 | | |
5303 | multilevel hierarchical approach | 多级阶层式方法 | | | |
5304 | multilevel hierarchy | 多级阶层 | | | |
5305 | multilevel index | 多级索引 | | | |
5306 | multilevel indirect addressing | 多级间接定址 | | | |
5307 | multilevel interrupt | 多级中断 | 多级中断 | | |
5308 | multilevel logical circuit | 多级逻辑电路 | | | |
5309 | multilevel logical structure | 多级逻辑结构 | | | |
5310 | multilevel machine | 多级机 | | | |
5311 | multilevel mixed mode | 多级混合模 | | | |
5312 | multilevel modeling structure | (交互图形设计的)多级模型化结构 | | | |
5313 | multilevel modulation | 多级调变 | | | |
5314 | multilevel multi-access | 多级多存取 | | | |
5315 | multilevel NAND circuit | 多级与非电路 | | | |
5316 | multilevel NOR circuit | 多级或非电路 | | | |
5317 | multilevel paging hierarchy | 多级分页阶层 | | | |
5318 | multilevel pipelining | 多级管线 | | | |
5319 | multilevel plexus structure | 多级丛结构 | | | |
5320 | multilevel priority interrupt | | 多级优先级中断 | | |
5321 | multilevel priority interrupts | 多级优先权中断 | | | |
5322 | multilevel procedure | 多级程序 | | | |
5323 | multilevel processing | 多级处理 | | | |
5324 | multilevel random access memory | 多级随机存取记忆体 | | | |
5325 | multilevel report | 多级报表 | | | |
5326 | multilevel schema | 多级纲目 | | | |
5327 | multilevel security | 多级安全 | 多级安全 | | |
5328 | multilevel security classification | 多级安全分类 | | | |
5329 | multilevel security proof | 多级安全证明 | | | |
5330 | multilevel signal element | 多级信号元件 | | | |
5331 | multilevel simulation | | 多级模拟 | | |
5332 | multilevel storage | 多级储存器 | | | |
5333 | multilevel storage hierarchy | 多级储存阶层 | | | |
5334 | multilevel storage machine | 多级储存器 | | | |
5335 | multilevel subroutine | 多级次常式 | | | |
5336 | multilevel vectored interrupt logic | 多级向量中断逻辑 | | | |
5337 | multiline automatic calling system | 多线路自动呼叫系统 | | | |
5338 | multiline automatic network diagnostic and transmission | 多线路自动网路诊断与传输 | | | |
5339 | multiline communications adapter/attachment | 多线路通信转接器与附件 | | | |
5340 | multiline communications processor | 多线路通信处理机 | | | |
5341 | multiline control | 多线路控制(器) | | | |
5342 | multiline controller | 多线路控制器 | | | |
5343 | multiline inference | | 多路推理 | | |
5344 | multiline message | 多线路讯息 | | | |
5345 | multilinear system | 复合线性系统 | | | |
5346 | multilingual | 多语 | | | |
5347 | multilingual function | 多语言功能 | | | |
5348 | multilingual information processing | 多语言资讯处理 | 多文种信息处理 | | |
5349 | multilingual information processing system | 多语言资讯处理系统 | 多语种信息处理系统 | | |
5350 | multilingual MT system | 多语文机器翻译系统 | | | |
5351 | multilingual operating system | 多语言操作系统 | 多文种操作系统 | | |
5352 | multilingual processing | 多语言处理 | | | |
5353 | multilingual processor | 多语言处理机 | | | |
5354 | multilingual translation | 多语言翻译 | 多语种翻译 | | |
5355 | multilingual word processor | 多语言文字处理机 | | | |
5356 | MULTILINK | MULTILINK汇流排(适应大容量通信的增强型数据汇流排) | 多链路 | | |
5357 | multilink | 多链路;多重连接 | 多链路 | | |
5358 | multilink channel interface | 多链路通道介面 | | | |
5359 | multilinked list | 多链接串列 | | | |
5360 | multilinked structure | 多链接结构 | | | |
5361 | multilist | 多串列 | | | |
5362 | multilist chain | 多串列 | | | |
5363 | multilist file | 多串列档案 | | | |
5364 | multilist options | 多串列任选 | | | |
5365 | multilist organization | 多串列组织 | | | |
5366 | multilist processor | 多串列处理机 | | | |
5367 | multilist software | 多串列软体 | | | |
5368 | multiloading operating system | 多负载作业系统 | | | |
5369 | multilobe printer | 多瓣型列印机 | | | |
5370 | multilogic data store | 多逻辑数据储存器 | | | |
5371 | multiloop communication network | 多回路通信网路 | | | |
5372 | multiloop control | | 多回路控制 | | |
5373 | multiloop network system | 多回网路系统 | | | |
5374 | multiloop regulation | | 多回路调节 | | |
5375 | multimachine | 多机 | | | |
5376 | multimachine computer center | 多机电脑中心 | | | |
5377 | multimachine library | 多机程式馆 | | | |
5378 | multi-man-machine system | 多人机系统 | | | |
5379 | multimaster system bus | 多主系统汇流排 | | | |
5380 | multimedia | 多媒体 | 多媒体 | | |
5381 | multimedia cataloging database | | 多媒体编目数据库 | | |
5382 | multimedia communication | 多媒体通讯 | 多媒体通信 | | |
5383 | multimedia computer | | 多媒体计算机 | | |
5384 | multimedia conferencing | | 多媒体会议 | | |
5385 | multimedia data model | | 多媒体数据模型 | | |
5386 | multimedia data retrieval | | 多媒体数据检索 | | |
5387 | multimedia data storage management | | 多媒体数据存储管理 | | |
5388 | multimedia data type | | 多媒体数据类型 | | |
5389 | multimedia data version management | | 多媒体数据版本管理 | | |
5390 | multimedia database | 多媒体资料库 | 多媒体数据库 | | |
5391 | multimedia database management system | | 多媒体数据库管理系统 | | |
5392 | multimedia extension | | 多媒体扩展 | | |
5393 | multimedia extension | 多媒体延伸(架构) | | | |
5394 | multimedia information system | | 多媒体信息系统 | | |
5395 | multimedia PC | | 多媒体个人计算机 | | |
5396 | multimedia service | | 多媒体业务 | | |
5397 | multimedia technology | | 多媒体技术 | | |
5398 | multimegabit communication speed | 数百万位元通信速率 | | | |
5399 | multimessage interface | 多报文介面;多讯息介面 | | | |
5400 | multimetering | 多重测量;多重计量;多重读数 | | | |
5401 | multi-microprocessor computer system | 多微处理机计算机系统 | | | |
5402 | multi-microprocessor operating system | 多微处理机操作系统 | | | |
5403 | multi-microprocessor | 多微处理机 | | | |
5404 | multimicroprogrammable | 多微程式设计的;多微程式控制的 | | | |
5405 | multi-microprogrammed processor | 多微程式处理机 | | | |
5406 | multimini computer compiler | 多迷你电脑编译器 | | | |
5407 | multimini computer structure | 多迷你电脑结构 | | | |
5408 | multi-minicomputer | 多迷你计算机 | | | |
5409 | multi-miniprocessor | 多迷你处理机 | | | |
5410 | multi-miniprocessor network | 多迷你处理机网路 | | | |
5411 | multimodal interface | | 多模式接口 | | |
5412 | multimode | 多模态 | | | |
5413 | multimode direct-view storage tube | 多模储存管 | | | |
5414 | multimode error analysis | 多模误差分析 | | | |
5415 | multimode information distribution system | 多模资讯分配系统 | | | |
5416 | multimode international data acquisition service | 多模国际资料获取服务 | | | |
5417 | multimode latch buffer | 多模闩缓冲 | | | |
5418 | multimode operation | 多模作业 | | | |
5419 | multimodel virtual environment | | 多模型虚拟环境 | | |
5420 | multimodular storage | 多模组储存器 | | | |
5421 | multimodule access unit | 多模组存取单元;多模组访问单元 | | | |
5422 | multimonitor system | 多监视器系统 | | | |
5423 | multi-multipoint configuration | 复式多点组态;复式多点配置 | | | |
5424 | multinational character set | 多国字元集 | | | |
5425 | multinest | 多重嵌套 | | | |
5426 | multinode computer | 多节点计算机 | | | |
5427 | multinode file entry | 多节点档案登录 | | | |
5428 | multioctet coded character set | | 多八位编码字符集 | | |
5429 | multi-operand | 多运算元 | | | |
5430 | multi-operand adder | 多运算元加法器 | | | |
5431 | multi-operation | 多作业 | | | |
5432 | multi-operation capability | 多作业能力 | | | |
5433 | multi-operation distribution | 多作业分配 | | | |
5434 | multi-operation processor | 多作业处理机 | | | |
5435 | multiorder | 多重订单 | | | |
5436 | multiorder reference | 多重订单参考 | | | |
5437 | multiorder reference code | 多重订单参考码 | | | |
5438 | multi-outlet assembler | 多出口组合程式 | | | |
5439 | multipacket message | 多包讯息 | | | |
5440 | multiparameter regulation | 多参数调整 | | | |
5441 | multipart subscriber's line | 多埠用线路 | | | |
5442 | multipartition | 多分区 | | | |
5443 | multipartitioned blackboard | | 多区黑板 | | |
5444 | multiparts | 多阶零件 | | | |
5445 | multiparty call | 多方呼叫 | | | |
5446 | multiparty subscriber's line | 多方用户线 | | | |
5447 | multipass | 多遍;多路 | | | |
5448 | multipass algorithm | 多遍(扫瞄)算法 | | | |
5449 | multipass automaton | 多遍自动机 | | | |
5450 | multipass compiler | 多遍编译器 | | | |
5451 | multipass compiler generator | 多遍编译程式产生器 | | | |
5452 | multipass debugging | 多遍除错 | | | |
5453 | multipass sort | 多遍分类 | 多遍排序 | | |
5454 | multipass translation | (程序的)多遍翻译 | | | |
5455 | multipath | 多路(径) | | | |
5456 | multipath algorithm | 多路径演算法 | | | |
5457 | multipath branch | 多路分支 | | | |
5458 | multipath channel | 多路径通道 | | | |
5459 | multipath delay | 多路延迟 | | | |
5460 | multipath distortion | 多路失真 | | | |
5461 | multipath interference | 多路干扰;多路径干扰 | | | |
5462 | multipath search coding | 多路径搜寻编码 | | | |
5463 | multipath signal | 多路信号 | | | |
5464 | multipath translation | 多路翻译 | | | |
5465 | multipath transmission | 多路传输 | | | |
5466 | multiphase charge coupled device | 多相电荷耦合装置 | | | |
5467 | multiphase clock | 多相时钟 | | | |
5468 | multiphase clock system | 多相时钟系统;多相同步脉冲系统 | | | |
5469 | multiphase compiler | 多阶段编译程式 | | | |
5470 | multiphase program | 多阶段程式 | | | |
5471 | multiphase shift keying | 多相移位按键 | | | |
5472 | multi-platform | 多重平台 | | | |
5473 | multiple | 多重;多道;多路;倍数 | | | |
5474 | multiple access channel | 多路存取通道 | | | |
5475 | multiple access computer system | 多路存取计算机系统 | | | |
5476 | multiple access computer | 多路存取计算机;多存取计算机 | | | |
5477 | multiple access data system | 多路存取资料系统 | | | |
5478 | multiple access device | 多存取装置 | | | |
5479 | multiple access digital system | 多路存取数位系统 | | | |
5480 | multiple access discrete address | 多存取离散位址 | | | |
5481 | multiple access forward link | 多存取正向链接 | | | |
5482 | multiple access interface | 多路存取介面 | | | |
5483 | multiple access level | 多存取等级 | | | |
5484 | multiple access pass | 多路存取通路 | | | |
5485 | multiple access path | 多路存取路径 | | | |
5486 | multiple access plan | 多存取计画 | | | |
5487 | multiple access protocol | 多存取协定 | | | |
5488 | multiple access remote computer | 多存取远程电脑 | | | |
5489 | multiple access retrieval system | 多存取检索系统 | | | |
5490 | multiple access return link user | 多存取转回链接用户 | | | |
5491 | multiple access rights terminal | 多存取权终端机 | | | |
5492 | multiple access sequential selection | 多存取顺序选择 | | | |
5493 | multiple access shared time executive routines | 多存取分时执行常式 | | | |
5494 | multiple access switching system | 多存取交换系统 | | | |
5495 | multiple access system | 多路存取系统 | | | |
5496 | multiple access test | 多存取测试 | | | |
5497 | multiple access time | 多存取时间 | | | |
5498 | multiple access time-sharing | 多路存取分时;多路分时存取 | | | |
5499 | multiple access unit | 多路存取装置;多路存取部件 | | | |
5500 | multiple access virtual machine | 多存取虚拟机 | | | |
5501 | multiple access | 多存取;多路存取 | | | |
5502 | multiple accumulating register | 多累积暂存器 | | | |
5503 | multiple activity | 多重活动 | | | |
5504 | multiple adapter | 多路转接器 | | | |
5505 | multiple address | 多位址 | | | |
5506 | multiple address code | 多位址码;多址码 | | | |
5507 | multiple address computer | 多位址计算机 | | | |
5508 | multiple address instruction | 多重位址指令;多位址指令 | | | |
5509 | multiple address message | 多位址讯息 | | | |
5510 | multiple address processing system | 多位址处理系统 | | | |
5511 | multiple address processing unit | 多位址处理单元 | | | |
5512 | multiple address space | 多址空间 | | | |
5513 | multiple address space partition | 多址空间分区 | | | |
5514 | multiple address traffic | 多位址流量 | | | |
5515 | multiple allocation procedure | 多重分配程序;多重位址分配程序 | | | |
5516 | multiple alternative decision | 多替代决策 | | | |
5517 | multiple alternative decision structure | 多替代决策结构 | | | |
5518 | multiple amplitude shift keying | 多振幅移位键法 | | | |
5519 | multiple aperture core | 多孔磁心 | | | |
5520 | multiple apertured reluctance switch | 多孔磁阻开关 | | | |
5521 | multiple application function | 多种应用功能 | | | |
5522 | multiple argument routine | 多引数常式 | | | |
5523 | multiple arithmetic | 多运算 | | | |
5524 | multiple array processor | 多阵列处理机 | | | |
5525 | multiple aspect indexing | 多面索引 | | | |
5526 | multiple aspect searching | 多方面搜寻 | | | |
5527 | multiple assignment | 多指定 | | | |
5528 | multiple assignment statement | 多指定叙述 | | | |
5529 | multiple association control function | 多重结合控制功能 | | | |
5530 | multiple associative memory match | 多关联记忆体匹配 | | | |
5531 | multiple attachment support | 多连接支援 | | | |
5532 | multiple attribute retrieval | 多属性检索 | | | |
5533 | multiple attribute tree database organization | 多属性树型资料库组织 | | | |
5534 | multiple basic channel | 多路基本通道 | | | |
5535 | multiple batch mode user | 多批次模使用者 | | | |
5536 | multiple bit latches | 多位元锁存器 | | | |
5537 | multiple blank suppression | 多空白抑制 | | | |
5538 | multiple block boundary | 多块边界 | | | |
5539 | multiple boot | 多重开机 | | | |
5540 | multiple branch | 多分支 | | | |
5541 | multiple branching | 多分支 | | | |
5542 | multiple branching construction | 多分支构造 | | | |
5543 | multiple buffer | 多缓冲器 | | | |
5544 | multiple bus | 多汇流排 | | | |
5545 | multiple bus architecture | 多汇流排架构 | | | |
5546 | multiple bus multiprocessor system | 多汇流排多处理机系统 | | | |
5547 | multiple business system | 多商用系统 | | | |
5548 | multiple byte graphic repertoire | 多位元图形目录 | | | |
5549 | multiple call processing unit | 多呼叫处理装置 | | | |
5550 | multiple central processing unit | 多中央处理装置 | | | |
5551 | multiple central processor | 多中央处理机 | | | |
5552 | multiple chained construction | 多 接构造 | | | |
5553 | multiple channel analysis program | 多通道分析程式 | | | |
5554 | multiple channel control unit | 多通道控制装置 | | | |
5555 | multiple channel multiple choice | 多通道与多选择 | | | |
5556 | multiple channel processing unit | 多通道处理装置 | | | |
5557 | multiple character request | 多字元请求 | | | |
5558 | multiple check | 多检查 | | | |
5559 | multiple child pointer | 多子指标 | | | |
5560 | multiple chip hybrid circuit | 多晶片并合电路 | | | |
5561 | multiple chip package | 多晶片组件 | | | |
5562 | multiple clock driven sweeps SYN | 多时序钟驱动拂掠SYN | | | |
5563 | multiple cluster control | 多群集控制 | | | |
5564 | multiple coincidence | 多符合 | | | |
5565 | multiple coincidence system | 多符合系统 | | | |
5566 | multiple communication control unit | 多通信控制装置 | | | |
5567 | multiple computer complex | 多计算机复合系统 | | | |
5568 | multiple computer operation | 多计算机操作 | | | |
5569 | multiple computer support | 多计算机支援 | | | |
5570 | multiple computer system | 多计算机系统 | | | |
5571 | multiple concept learning | 多概念学习 | | | |
5572 | multiple connector | 多连接器 | | | |
5573 | multiple console | 多控制台 | | | |
5574 | multiple console support | 多控制台支援 | | | |
5575 | multiple console time-sharing system | 多控制台分时系统 | | | |
5576 | multiple contact | 多接头 | | | |
5577 | multiple control unit computer | 多控制装置计算机 | | | |
5578 | multiple copy | 多份拷贝 | | | |
5579 | multiple copy averaging | 多拷贝平均法 | | | |
5580 | multiple copy screen | 多拷贝屏幕 | | | |
5581 | multiple correlation analysis | 多重相关分析 | | | |
5582 | multiple correlation coefficient | 多重相关系数 | | | |
5583 | multiple data call | 多资料呼叫 | | | |
5584 | multiple data channel | 多资料通道 | | | |
5585 | multiple data format | 多资料格式 | | | |
5586 | multiple data link controller | 多资料链接控制器 | | | |
5587 | multiple data stream computer | 多资料流计算机 | | | |
5588 | multiple data terminal | 多资料终端 | | | |
5589 | multiple decade counter | 多十进计数器 | | | |
5590 | multiple decision | 多决策 | | | |
5591 | multiple declaration | 多宣告 | | | |
5592 | multiple dedicated bus | 多专属汇流排 | | | |
5593 | multiple defined symbol | 多定义符号 | | | |
5594 | multiple definition global symbol | 多定义总体符号 | | | |
5595 | multiple definition library | 多定义程式馆 | | | |
5596 | multiple device controller | 多装置控制器 | | | |
5597 | multiple device file | 多装置档案 | | | |
5598 | multiple digit adder | 多数位加法器 | | | |
5599 | multiple digital recording | 多数位记录 | | | |
5600 | multiple dimensional tape Turing machine | 多维带杜林机 | | | |
5601 | multiple directory | 多目录 | | | |
5602 | multiple display indicator | 多显示指示器 | | | |
5603 | multiple document indexing | 多文件索引 | | | |
5604 | multiple dump processing | 多倾印处理 | | | |
5605 | multiple eigenvalue | 多特徵值 | | | |
5606 | multiple entrance | (子程序的)多入口 | | | |
5607 | multiple entry | 多入口 | | | |
5608 | multiple entry FUNCTION subprogram | 多入口函数次程式 | | | |
5609 | multiple entry multiple exit | 多进多出;多输入多输出;多入口多出口 | | | |
5610 | multiple entry point | 多入口点 | | | |
5611 | multiple error | 多错误 | | | |
5612 | multiple error stochastic model | 多错误随机模型 | | | |
5613 | multiple evaluation | 多评估 | | | |
5614 | multiple exchange | 多交换 | | | |
5615 | multiple execution | 多执行 | | | |
5616 | multiple execution environment | 多执行环境 | | | |
5617 | multiple execution state | 多执行状态 | | | |
5618 | multiple exit | (子程序的)多出口 | | | |
5619 | multiple experts | 多重专家 | | | |
5620 | multiple explicit routes | 多外显路线 | | | |
5621 | multiple external line control unit | 多外线控制装置 | | | |
5622 | multiple fault | | 多故障 | | |
5623 | multiple fault test set | 多故障测试装置 | | | |
5624 | multiple fault testable system | 多故障可测系统 | | | |
5625 | multiple fault testing | 多故障测试 | | | |
5626 | multiple faults | 多故障 | | | |
5627 | multiple field editing | 多栏编辑 | | | |
5628 | multiple field multiplication | 多栏乘法 | | | |
5629 | multiple file | 多档案 | | | |
5630 | multiple file clause | 多档案子句 | | | |
5631 | multiple files print | 多档案列印 | | | |
5632 | multiple frame buffering | 多框缓冲 | | | |
5633 | multiple frame operation | 多框作业 | | | |
5634 | multiple frequency shift keying | 多频移位键发 | | | |
5635 | multiple functional unit processor | 多功能装置处理机 | | | |
5636 | multiple general purpose register | 多通用目的暂存器 | | | |
5637 | multiple goal programming | 多目标程式设计 | | | |
5638 | multiple graphs | 多图形 | | | |
5639 | multiple head disc | 多头磁碟 | | | |
5640 | multiple high speed data channel | 多高速率资料通道 | | | |
5641 | multiple host support | 多主机支援 | | | |
5642 | multiple I/O channel | 多路输入输出通道 | | | |
5643 | multiple image | 多影像 | | | |
5644 | multiple index data access system | 多索引资料存取系统 | | | |
5645 | multiple indexing addressing | 多索引定址 | | | |
5646 | multiple indexing and console retrieval options | 多重索引与控制台检索选择 | | | |
5647 | multiple indirect addressing | 多间接定址 | | | |
5648 | multiple indirect file | 多间接档案 | | | |
5649 | multiple information retrieval by parallel selection | 平行选择的多资讯检索 | | | |
5650 | multiple input data acquisition system | 多输入资料获取系统 | | | |
5651 | multiple input process | 多输入处理 | | | |
5652 | multiple input terminal equipment | 多输入终端设备 | | | |
5653 | multiple input/output | 多重输入输出;多输入输出;多路输入输出 | | | |
5654 | multiple instruction | 多指令 | | | |
5655 | multiple instruction flow | 多指令流 | | | |
5656 | multiple instruction flow computer | 多指令流计算机 | | | |
5657 | multiple instruction signal data stream | 多指令信号资料流 | | | |
5658 | multiple instruction single data stream system | 多指令流单资料流系统 | | | |
5659 | multiple instruction single data | 多指令流单资料流 | | | |
5660 | multiple instruction stream | 多指令流 | | | |
5661 | multiple instruction stream multiple data stream | 多指令流多资料流 | | | |
5662 | multiple instruction stream pipelined processor | 多指令流管线处理机 | | | |
5663 | multiple instruction stream single data stream | 多指令流单资料流 | | | |
5664 | multiple instruction-multiple data stream computer | 多指令多资料流计算机 | | | |
5665 | multiple instruction-multiple data stream processor | 多指令多资料流处理机 | | | |
5666 | multiple instruction-multiple data | 多指令多资料 | | | |
5667 | multiple interaction negotiation | 多重互动 | | | |
5668 | multiple interfacing processor | 多介面处理机 | | | |
5669 | multiple internal communication system | 多内部通信系统 | | | |
5670 | multiple interpolation | 多内插 | | | |
5671 | multiple interrupt | 多中断 | | | |
5672 | multiple job processing | 多作业处理 | | | |
5673 | multiple key database | 多键资料库 | | | |
5674 | multiple key file | 多键档案 | | | |
5675 | multiple key hashing | 多键散列 | | | |
5676 | multiple key organization | 多键组织 | | | |
5677 | multiple key retrieval | 多键检索 | | | |
5678 | multiple keyed record | 多键记录 | | | |
5679 | multiple label | 多标号 | | | |
5680 | multiple labeled tree | | 多标记树 | | |
5681 | multiple layer architecture | 多层架构 | | | |
5682 | multiple length | 多倍长度 | | | |
5683 | multiple length arithmetic | 多倍长算术 | | | |
5684 | multiple length number | 多倍长数 | | | |
5685 | multiple length numeral | 多倍长数字 | | | |
5686 | multiple length working | 多倍长工作 | | | |
5687 | multiple level | 多层次 | | | |
5688 | multiple level combinational network | 多层次组合网路 | | | |
5689 | multiple level exit structure | 多级出口结构 | | | |
5690 | multiple level programmer | 多阶程式员设计师 | | | |
5691 | multiple line adapter | 多线配接器 | | | |
5692 | multiple line controller | 多线路控制器 | | | |
5693 | multiple line format | 多行格式 | | | |
5694 | multiple line interrupt | 多线中断 | | | |
5695 | multiple line printing | 多行列印 | | | |
5696 | multiple line reading | 多行读出 | | | |
5697 | multiple line statement | 多行叙述 | | | |
5698 | multiple line terminal adapter | 多线终端配接器 | | | |
5699 | multiple linear regression | 多线性回归 | | | |
5700 | multiple list | 多串列 | | | |
5701 | multiple load module processing | 多载入模组处理 | | | |
5702 | multiple location-stock control | 多位置-库存控制 | | | |
5703 | multiple logical unit | 多逻辑装置 | | | |
5704 | multiple mapping | 多对映 | | | |
5705 | multiple match | 多匹配 | | | |
5706 | multiple match resolution | 多匹配解析 | | | |
5707 | multiple matched word | 多匹配字 | | | |
5708 | multiple memory adapter | 多记忆体配接器 | | | |
5709 | multiple merge program | 多合并程式 | | | |
5710 | multiple message format | 多讯息格式 | | | |
5711 | multiple message mode | 多讯息模式 | | | |
5712 | multiple microprocessor programming technique | 多微处理机程式设计技术 | | | |
5713 | multiple microprocessor system | 多微处理机系统 | | | |
5714 | multiple microprocessor system architecture | 多微处理机系统架构 | | | |
5715 | multiple microprocessor | 多微处理机;多微处理机(系统) | | | |
5716 | multiple mission sequential decoder | 多任务顺序解码器 | | | |
5717 | multiple mode operation | 多模式操作 | | | |
5718 | multiple modulation | 多调变 | | | |
5719 | multiple module access | 多模组存取;多重模组访问 | | | |
5720 | multiple node evaluation technique | 多节点求值技术 | | | |
5721 | multiple octet coded character set | 多八位元组编号字元集 | | | |
5722 | multiple on-line | 多连线 | | | |
5723 | multiple on-line debugging system | 多连线除错系统 | | | |
5724 | multiple on-line programming | 多连线程式设计 | | | |
5725 | multiple operand | 多运算元 | | | |
5726 | multiple operation | 多操作 | | | |
5727 | multiple operation computer | 多操作计算机 | | | |
5728 | multiple operation data acquisition program | 多操作资料获取程式 | | | |
5729 | multiple operation type | 多操作型式 | | | |
5730 | multiple order | 多重订单 | | | |
5731 | multiple output | 多输出 | | | |
5732 | multiple output combinational network | 多输出组合网路 | | | |
5733 | multiple output function | 多输出功能 | | | |
5734 | multiple output network | 多输出网路 | | | |
5735 | multiple output program | 多输出程式 | | | |
5736 | multiple output switching function | 多输出开关函数 | | | |
5737 | multiple parallel link | 多平行链接 | | | |
5738 | multiple partition support | 多分区支援 | | | |
5739 | multiple partitions allocation | 多分区配置 | | | |
5740 | multiple path | 多路径 | | | |
5741 | multiple path communication | 多路径通信 | | | |
5742 | multiple path structure | 多路径结构 | | | |
5743 | multiple pen plotter | 多笔绘图器 | | | |
5744 | multiple peripheral adapter | 多周边配接器 | | | |
5745 | multiple phase shift keying | 多阶段移位按键 | | | |
5746 | multiple pictures | 多图象 | | | |
5747 | multiple pointer | 多指标 | | | |
5748 | multiple pointer link | 多指标链接 | | | |
5749 | multiple pool processor and computer | 多重集用场处理机与计算机 | | | |
5750 | multiple port | 多埠 | | | |
5751 | multiple position shift | 多位移位 | | | |
5752 | multiple precision | 多精度;多重精确度 | | | |
5753 | multiple precision arithmetic | 多精度运算 | | | |
5754 | multiple precision capability | 多精度能力 | | | |
5755 | multiple precision number | 多精度数 | | | |
5756 | multiple priority level | 多优先等级 | | | |
5757 | multiple priority waiting line mode | 多优先等待模式 | | | |
5758 | multiple process chart | 多处理图 | | | |
5759 | multiple processing | 多处理 | | | |
5760 | multiple processor operating system | 多处理机操作系统 | | | |
5761 | multiple program loading | | 多重程序装入 | | |
5762 | multiple program multiple data | | 多程序[流]多数据[流] | | |
5763 | multiple program number | 多程式号码 | | | |
5764 | multiple programming | 多程式设计 | 多道程序设计 | | |
5765 | multiple protocol layer | 多协定层 | | | |
5766 | multiple punch | 多打孔 | | | |
5767 | multiple punching | 多打孔 | | | |
5768 | multiple purpose arithmetic building block | 多目的算术构建块;多用途运算积木式组件 | | | |
5769 | multiple purpose communication | 多目的通信 | | | |
5770 | multiple quantity | 多数量 | | | |
5771 | multiple quantum-well | 多量子井 | | | |
5772 | multiple quantum-well structures | 多量子井结构 | | | |
5773 | multiple read | 多读 | | | |
5774 | multiple record access streams | 多记录存取流 | | | |
5775 | multiple record feature | 多记录特徵 | | | |
5776 | multiple record format | 多记录格式 | | | |
5777 | multiple record processing | 多记录处理 | | | |
5778 | multiple record type | 多记录型式 | | | |
5779 | multiple recording medium word processing equipment | 多记录媒体文字处理设备 | | | |
5780 | multiple reel file control | 多磁带卷档案控制 | | | |
5781 | multiple register machine | 多暂存器机器 | | | |
5782 | multiple regression | 多回归分析 | | | |
5783 | multiple regression analysis | 多重回归分析 | | | |
5784 | multiple repeated reference | 多次重复引用 | | | |
5785 | multiple report creation system | 多报表建立系统 | | | |
5786 | multiple representation of knowledge | 知识多重表示法 | | | |
5787 | multiple request terminal procedure | 多请求终端程序 | | | |
5788 | multiple request terminal program | 多请求终端程式 | | | |
5789 | multiple request terminal | 多请求终端 | | | |
5790 | multiple requester terminal procedure | 多请求者终端程序 | | | |
5791 | multiple requester terminal program | 多请求者终端程式 | | | |
5792 | multiple requesting | 多请求 | | | |
5793 | multiple response | 多回应 | | | |
5794 | multiple response resolver | 多回应分解器 | | | |
5795 | multiple ring | 多环 | | | |
5796 | multiple rotation instruction | 多旋转指令 | | | |
5797 | multiple routine architecture | 多常式架构 | | | |
5798 | multiple routing | 多选路 | | | |
5799 | multiple segment | 多段 | | | |
5800 | multiple segment data | 多段资料 | | | |
5801 | multiple segment procedure | 多段程序 | | | |
5802 | multiple segment query | 多段查询 | | | |
5803 | multiple selection | 多选择 | | | |
5804 | multiple sequence operation | 多顺序操作 | | | |
5805 | multiple sequential access method | 多顺序存取方法 | | | |
5806 | multiple session | 多对话 | | | |
5807 | multiple session remote job entry | 多对话远程工件输入(系统) | | | |
5808 | multiple ship release dates | 多出货日期 | | | |
5809 | multiple sort program | 多排序程式 | | | |
5810 | multiple source statement | 多源叙述 | | | |
5811 | multiple spindle disk memory | 多轴磁碟记忆体 | | | |
5812 | multiple stack | 多堆叠 | | | |
5813 | multiple stack manipulation procedure | 多堆叠调处程序 | | | |
5814 | multiple stacks and queues | 多堆叠和伫列 | | | |
5815 | multiple statement line | 多叙述行 | | | |
5816 | multiple station interface unit | 多站介面装置 | | | |
5817 | multiple step task | 多步骤任务 | | | |
5818 | multiple string processing | 多串处理 | | | |
5819 | multiple subscriber number | 多用户号码 | | | |
5820 | multiple substitution enciphering system | 多替代加密系统 | | | |
5821 | multiple subsystem | 多子系统 | | | |
5822 | multiple subsystem simulator | 多子系统模拟器 | | | |
5823 | multiple sweeps | 多重拂掠 | | | |
5824 | multiple switch | 多开关 | | | |
5825 | multiple system | 多系统 | | | |
5826 | multiple system manager | 多系统管理器 | | | |
5827 | multiple system networking | 多系统网路连结 | | | |
5828 | multiple systems coupling feature | 多系统耦合特徵 | | | |
5829 | multiple systems coupling | 多系统耦合 | | | |
5830 | multiple systems integrity facility | 多系统完整性设施 | | | |
5831 | multiple tag | 多标签 | | | |
5832 | multiple task | 多任务 | | | |
5833 | multiple task management | 多任务管理 | | | |
5834 | multiple task management feature | 多任务管理功能 | | | |
5835 | multiple task operating system | 多任务操作系统 | | | |
5836 | multiple telecommunication | 多电信 | | | |
5837 | multiple terminal access | 多终端存取 | | | |
5838 | multiple terminal communications adapter | 多终端通信配接器 | | | |
5839 | multiple terminal emulator | 多终端仿真器 | | | |
5840 | multiple terminal manager | 多终端管理器 | | | |
5841 | multiple terminal monitor task | 多终端监视任务 | | | |
5842 | multiple terminal system | 多终端系统 | | | |
5843 | multiple terminals | 多终端 | | | |
5844 | multiple time series | 多时间序列 | | | |
5845 | multiple time-shared bus | 多分时汇流排 | | | |
5846 | multiple time-sharing system | 多分时系统 | | | |
5847 | multiple track | 多磁轨 | | | |
5848 | multiple track error | 多磁轨误差 | | | |
5849 | multiple track operation | 多磁轨操作 | | | |
5850 | multiple transaction system | 多异动系统 | | | |
5851 | multiple transfer | 多传送 | | | |
5852 | multiple transient system | 多暂态系统 | | | |
5853 | multiple transition time decomposition | 多变迁时间分解 | | | |
5854 | multiple transmission | 多传输 | | | |
5855 | multiple transmission line | 多传输线 | | | |
5856 | multiple trigger generator | 多触发产生器 | | | |
5857 | multiple unit | 多装置 | | | |
5858 | multiple use | 多用途 | | | |
5859 | multiple use card | 多用卡 | | | |
5860 | multiple use MARC system | 多用途机器可读目录系统 | | | |
5861 | multiple user | 多用户 | | | |
5862 | multiple user connection | 多用户连接 | | | |
5863 | multiple user control | 多用户控制 | 多用户控制 | | |
5864 | multiple user operating system | | 多用户操作系统 | | |
5865 | multiple user remote terminal supervisor | 多用户远程终端监督器 | | | |
5866 | multiple utility | 多公用程式 | | | |
5867 | multiple utility program | 多公用程式 | | | |
5868 | multiple value logic | 多值逻辑 | 多值逻辑 | | |
5869 | multiple value query structure | 多值查询结构 | | | |
5870 | multiple viewports | 多视埠 | | | |
5871 | multiple virtual space | 多虚拟空间 | | | |
5872 | multiple virtual storage | 多虚拟储存器 | | | |
5873 | multiple virtual storage/enterprise system architecture | 多虚拟储存企业系统架构 | | | |
5874 | multiple virtual storage/extended architecture | 多虚拟储存扩充架构 | | | |
5875 | multiple virtual storage/operating system | 多虚拟储存操作系统 | | | |
5876 | multiple virtual storage/system extension | 多虚拟储存系统扩充 | | | |
5877 | multiple virtual storage/system product | 多虚拟储存系统产品 | | | |
5878 | multiple virtual system | 多虚拟系统 | | | |
5879 | multiple volume file | 多磁卷档案 | | | |
5880 | multiple wait | 多等待 | | | |
5881 | multiple wire path | 多线路径 | | | |
5882 | multiple word instruction | 多字指令 | | | |
5883 | multiple word processing | 多字处理 | | | |
5884 | multiple-address computer | | 多地址计算机 | | |
5885 | multiple-data | 多资料 | | | |
5886 | multiple-error-correcting code | 多错校正码 | | | |
5887 | multiple-instruction [stream] multiple-data ream | | 多指令[流]多数据流 | | |
5888 | multiple-instruction [stream] single-data stream | | 多指令[流]单数据流 | | |
5889 | multiple-job processing | | 多作业处理 | | |
5890 | multiple-stable-state storage | 多稳态储存器 | | | |
5891 | multiplex adapter | 多工配接器 | | | |
5892 | multiplex automatic error correction | 多工自动错误校正 | | | |
5893 | multiplex bus | 多工汇流排 | | | |
5894 | multiplex channel | 多工通道 | | | |
5895 | multiplex communication | 多工通信 | | | |
5896 | multiplex data terminal | 多工资料终端机 | | | |
5897 | multiplex decoder | 多工解码器 | | | |
5898 | multiplex demodulator | 多工解调器 | | | |
5899 | multiplex driver | 多工驱动器 | | | |
5900 | multiplex equipment | 多工设备 | | | |
5901 | multiplex interface | 多工介面 | | | |
5902 | multiplex link | 多工链 | | | |
5903 | multiplex loop interface adapter | 多工回路介面配接器 | | | |
5904 | multiplex machine | 多工机 | | | |
5905 | multiplex message processor | 多工讯息处理机 | | | |
5906 | multiplex mode | 多工模式 | | | |
5907 | multiplex modulation system | 多工调变系统 | | | |
5908 | multiplex operation | 多工操作 | | | |
5909 | multiplex output terminal | 多工输出终端 | | | |
5910 | multiplex register | 多工暂存器 | | | |
5911 | multiplex sub-channel | 多工次通道 | | | |
5912 | multiplex switch | 多工开关 | | | |
5913 | multiplex terminal | 多工终端 | | | |
5914 | multiplex time division system | 多工时分系统 | | | |
5915 | multiplex unit | 多工装置 | | | |
5916 | multiplex | 多工;多工传输;多路传输(通信);多路通道;多路转换;多工操作 | | | |
5917 | multiplex/demultiplex subsystem | 多工与解多工子系统 | | | |
5918 | multiplexed communication | 多工通信 | | | |
5919 | multiplexed communication control unit | 多工通信控制装置 | | | |
5920 | multiplexed data accumulator | 多工资料累加器 | | | |
5921 | multiplexed information and computing service | 多工资讯及计算服务 | | | |
5922 | multiplexed information and computing system | 多工资讯及计算系统 | | | |
5923 | multiplexed line | 多工线路 | | | |
5924 | multiplexed message processor | 多工讯息处理机 | | | |
5925 | multiplexed microwave data communications | 多工微波资料通信 | | | |
5926 | multiplexed operation | 多工运算;多工作业 | | | |
5927 | multiplexed signal | 多工信号 | | | |
5928 | multiplexer | 多工器 | | | |
5929 | multiplexer and terminal unit | 多工器及终端装置 | | | |
5930 | multiplexer bus mode | 多工器汇流排模 | | | |
5931 | multiplexer channel | 多工器通道 | | | |
5932 | multiplexer circuit | 多工器电路 | | | |
5933 | multiplexer concentrator | 多工集讯器 | | | |
5934 | multiplexer mode | 多工器模式 | | | |
5935 | multiplexer or set | 多工器或集 | | | |
5936 | multiplexer or simulator | 多工器或模拟器 | | | |
5937 | multiplexer polling | 多工器轮询 | | | |
5938 | multiplexer regenerator address | 多工再生器位址 | | | |
5939 | multiplexer storage data register | 多工器储存资料暂存器 | | | |
5940 | multiplexer storage | 多工器储存 | | | |
5941 | multiplexer subchannel | 多工器次通道 | | | |
5942 | multiplexer time division modulation | 多工器时分调变 | | | |
5943 | multiplexer/demultiplexer | 多工器/解多工器 | | | |
5944 | multiplexer/selector | 多工器/选择器 | | | |
5945 | multiplexing | 多工;多工法;多工传输 | | | |
5946 | multiplexing algorithm | 多工演算法 | | | |
5947 | multiplexing and demultiplexing equipment | 多工与解多工解讯设备 | | | |
5948 | multiplexing channel adapter | 多工通道配接器 | | | |
5949 | multiplexing class | 多工级 | | | |
5950 | multiplexing equipment | 多工设备 | | | |
5951 | multiplexing/demultiplexing | 多工/解多工 | | | |
5952 | multiplexor | 多工器 | | | |
5953 | multiplexor channel | 多工器通道 | 多路转换通道 | | |
5954 | multiplexor simulator | 多工器模拟器 | | | |
5955 | multiplexor terminal unit | 多工器终端装置 | | | |
5956 | multiplicand | 被乘数 | | | |
5957 | multiplicand field | 被乘数栏 | | | |
5958 | multiplicand gate | 被乘数闸 | | | |
5959 | multiplicand length operand | 被乘数长度运算元 | | | |
5960 | multiplicand register | 被乘数暂存器 | | | |
5961 | multiplicand/divisor register | 被乘数/除数暂存器 | | | |
5962 | multiplicating | 乘法 | | | |
5963 | multiplication | 乘法;乘 | | | |
5964 | multiplication algorithm | 乘演算法 | | | |
5965 | multiplication congruent method | 乘法同馀法 | | | |
5966 | multiplication cross | 叉乘 | | | |
5967 | multiplication cycle time | 乘法周期时间 | | | |
5968 | multiplication factor | 乘法因子 | | | |
5969 | multiplication of series | 级数乘法 | | | |
5970 | multiplication operator | 乘法运算子 | | | |
5971 | multiplication routine | 乘法常式 | | | |
5972 | multiplication rule | 乘法规则 | | | |
5973 | multiplication shift | 乘法移位 | | | |
5974 | multiplication sign | 乘号 | | | |
5975 | multiplication table | 乘法表 | | | |
5976 | multiplication time | 乘法时间 | | | |
5977 | multiplication/division unit | 乘法/除法器 | | | |
5978 | multiplicative homomorphic system | 乘法同态系统 | | | |
5979 | multiplicative operator | 乘法运算子 | | | |
5980 | multiplicative smoothing | 乘法平滑 | | | |
5981 | multiplicator | 乘数;倍增器 | | | |
5982 | multiplier | 乘数;乘法器 | 乘法器 | | |
5983 | multiplier bit | 乘数位元 | | | |
5984 | multiplier circuit | 乘法器电路 | | | |
5985 | multiplier coefficient unit | 乘数系数单元 | | | |
5986 | multiplier factor | 乘数(因子);乘数 | | | |
5987 | multiplier field | 乘数栏 | | | |
5988 | multiplier quotient register | 乘数商数暂存器 | | | |
5989 | multiplier quotient | 乘数商数;乘数与商数 | | | |
5990 | multiplier register | 乘数暂存器 | | | |
5991 | multiplier register | 乘数暂存器 | | | |
5992 | multiplier unit | 乘法器 | | | |
5993 | multiplier word | 乘数字 | | | |
5994 | multiplier zero error | 乘法器零误差 | | | |
5995 | multiplier-quotient register | | 乘商寄存器 | | |
5996 | multiplier-shifter | 乘数移位器 | | | |
5997 | multiply | 乘;乘法 | | | |
5998 | multiply and add | 乘与加 | | | |
5999 | multiply and divide | 乘与除 | | | |
6000 | multiply and round | 舍入乘 | | | |
6001 | multiply byte instruction | 位元组乘指令 | | | |
6002 | multiply doubleword | 双字乘(指令) | | | |
6003 | multiply field | 乘法栏 | | | |
6004 | multiply instruction | 乘法指令 | | | |
6005 | multiply operation | 乘运算;乘法运算;乘法操作 | | | |
6006 | multiply register | 乘法暂存器 | | | |
6007 | multiply statement | 乘法叙述 | | | |
6008 | multiply time | 乘法时间 | | | |
6009 | multiply time chain | 乘时间 | | | |
6010 | multiply unit | 乘单位 | | | |
6011 | multiply-divide instruction | 乘除指令 | | | |
6012 | multiply-divide package | 乘除组件 | | | |
6013 | multiply-divide unit | 乘除装置 | | | |
6014 | multiplying instruction | 乘法指令 | | | |
6015 | multiplying operator | 乘运算子 | | | |
6016 | multiplying order | 乘次序 | | | |
6017 | multiplying punch | 乘法打孔 | | | |
6018 | multiplying signal | 相乘信号 | | | |
6019 | multipoint | 多点 | 多点 | | |
6020 | multipoint access | 多点存取 | | | |
6021 | multipoint binary file transfer | | 多点二进制文件传送 | | |
6022 | multipoint channel | 多点通道 | | | |
6023 | multipoint circuit | 多点电路 | | | |
6024 | multipoint communication | | 多点通信 | | |
6025 | multipoint communication service | | 多点通信服务 | | |
6026 | multipoint conference | | 多点会议 | | |
6027 | multipoint configuration | 多点组态 | | | |
6028 | multipoint connection | 多点连接;多点式连接 | 多点连接 | | |
6029 | multipoint control unit | | 多点控制器 | | |
6030 | multipoint data link | 多点资料链接 | | | |
6031 | multipoint data service | 多点资料服务 | | | |
6032 | multipoint digital line | 多点数位线路 | | | |
6033 | multipoint line | 多点线路;多点线 | | | |
6034 | multipoint link | 多点链接 | | | |
6035 | multipoint network | 多点网路 | | | |
6036 | multipoint network control system | 多点网路控制系统 | | | |
6037 | multipoint restriction | 多点限制 | | | |
6038 | multipoint routing information | | 多点路由[选择]信息 | | |
6039 | multipoint still image and annotation | | 多点静止图像及注释 | | |
6040 | multipoint system | 多点系统 | | | |
6041 | multipoint unit | 多点单元 | | | |
6042 | multiport memory | 多埠记忆体 | 多端口存储器 | | |
6043 | multiport memory bank | 多埠记忆库 | | | |
6044 | multiport memory controller | 多埠记忆体控制器 | | | |
6045 | multiport memory interface | 多埠记忆体介面 | | | |
6046 | multiport memory multiplexer | 多埠记忆体多工器 | | | |
6047 | multiport memory system | 多埠记忆体系统 | | | |
6048 | multiport moments | 多埠时刻 | | | |
6049 | multiport programmable communications interface | 多埠可程式通信介面 | | | |
6050 | multiport register file | 多埠暂存器档案 | | | |
6051 | multiport semiconductor memory | 多埠半导体记忆体 | | | |
6052 | multiported system | 多埠系统 | | | |
6053 | multiprecision arithmetic | 多精度运算 | | | |
6054 | multiprecision integer | 多精度整数 | | | |
6055 | multiprinter | 多用列印机 | | | |
6056 | multipriority | 多优先级 | 多优先级 | | |
6057 | multipriority queue | 多优先级伫列 | | | |
6058 | multipriority request | 多优先级请求 | | | |
6059 | multiprocess | 多处理 | | | |
6060 | multiprocess controller | 多处理控制器 | | | |
6061 | multiprocess environment | 多处理环境 | | | |
6062 | multiprocess executive | 多处理执行 | | | |
6063 | multiprocess organization | 多处理组织 | | | |
6064 | multiprocess solid modeling | | 多工序实体造型 | | |
6065 | multiprocessing | | 多重处理 | | |
6066 | multiprocessing control system | 多处理控制系统 | | | |
6067 | multiprocessing efficiency | 多处理效率 | | | |
6068 | multiprocessing facility | 多处理设施 | | | |
6069 | multiprocessing mass data | 多处理大量数据 | | | |
6070 | multiprocessing operating system | 多处理作业系统 | 多重处理操作系统 | | |
6071 | multiprocessing recovery | 多处理恢复 | | | |
6072 | multiprocessing system | 多处理系统 | | | |
6073 | multiprocessing with a fixed number of tasks | 固定任务数多重处理 | | | |
6074 | multiprocessing | 多处理;多元处理 | | | |
6075 | multiprocessor | | 多处理器 | | |
6076 | multiprocessor allocation | | 多处理器分配 | | |
6077 | multiprocessor analysis | 多处理机分析 | | | |
6078 | multiprocessor architecture | 多处理机架构 | | | |
6079 | multiprocessor array | 多处理机阵列 | | | |
6080 | multiprocessor communication adapter | 多处理机通信转接器 | | | |
6081 | multiprocessor communication link | 多处理机通信链路 | | | |
6082 | multiprocessor communications unit | 多处理机通信装置 | | | |
6083 | multiprocessor computer complex | 多处理机计算机复合系统;多处理器计算机复合系统 | | | |
6084 | multiprocessor computer organization | 多处理机计算机组织 | | | |
6085 | multiprocessor computer | 多处理机计算机;多处理器计算机;多处理机电脑 | | | |
6086 | multiprocessor configuration | 多处理机组态 | | | |
6087 | multiprocessor interleaving | 多处理机交插 | | | |
6088 | multiprocessor mode | 多处理机模式 | | | |
6089 | multiprocessor operating system | 多处理机作业系统 | 多处理机操作系统 | | |
6090 | multiprocessor operational mode | 多处理机运算模式 | | | |
6091 | multiprocessor organization | 多处理机组织 | | | |
6092 | multiprocessor parallel server architecture | 多处理机平行伺服器架构 | | | |
6093 | multiprocessor performance | 多处理机效能 | | | |
6094 | multiprocessor performance analysis | 多处理机效能分析 | | | |
6095 | multiprocessor performance predication | 多处理机效能预测 | | | |
6096 | multiprocessor run | 多处理机运行 | | | |
6097 | multiprocessor scheduling | 多处理机排程 | | | |
6098 | multiprocessor series | 多处理机系列 | | | |
6099 | multiprocessor software system | 多处理机软体系统 | | | |
6100 | multiprocessor system | 多处理机系统 | 多处理机系统 | | |
6101 | multiprocessor utility and monitoring system | 多处理机公用程式与监视系统 | | | |
6102 | multiprocessor | 多处理机 | 多处理机 | | |
6103 | multiprogram | 多程式 | 多道程序 | | |
6104 | multiprogram computer | 多程式计算机 | | | |
6105 | multiprogram control | 多程式控制 | | | |
6106 | multiprogram dispatching | | 多道程序分派 | | |
6107 | multiprogrammed | 多程式 | | | |
6108 | multiprogrammed computation | 多程式计算 | | | |
6109 | multiprogrammed computer | 多程式计算机 | | | |
6110 | multiprogrammed computer system | 多程式计算机系统 | | | |
6111 | multiprogrammed information retrieval | 多程式资讯检索 | | | |
6112 | multiprogrammed load controller | 多程式载入控制器 | | | |
6113 | multiprogrammed machine | 多程式机器 | | | |
6114 | multiprogrammed system | 多程式系统 | | | |
6115 | multiprogrammed time-sharing system | 多程式分时系统 | | | |
6116 | multiprogramming capability | 多程式能力 | | | |
6117 | multiprogramming dispatching | 多程式调度 | | | |
6118 | multiprogramming efficiency | 多程式效率 | | | |
6119 | multiprogramming environment | 多程式环境 | | | |
6120 | multiprogramming executive | 多程式执行 | | | |
6121 | multiprogramming executive control | 多程式执行控制 | | | |
6122 | multiprogramming executive control logic | 多程式执行控制逻辑 | | | |
6123 | multiprogramming executive system | 多程式执行系统 | | | |
6124 | multiprogramming facility | 多程式设施 | | | |
6125 | multiprogramming interrupt | 多程式中断 | | | |
6126 | multiprogramming level | 多程式位准 | | | |
6127 | multiprogramming memory protect | 多程式记忆体保护 | | | |
6128 | multiprogramming monitor control program | 多程式监视器控制程式 | | | |
6129 | multiprogramming monitor | 多程式监视器 | | | |
6130 | multiprogramming nucleus | 多程式核心 | | | |
6131 | multiprogramming operating system | 多程式作业系统 | | | |
6132 | multiprogramming priority | 多程式优先 | | | |
6133 | multiprogramming queue | 多程式伫列 | | | |
6134 | multiprogramming sequencing | 多程式定序 | | | |
6135 | multiprogramming support | 多程式支援 | | | |
6136 | multiprogramming system | 多程式系统 | | | |
6137 | multiprogramming time-sharing operating system | 多程式分时作业系统 | | | |
6138 | multiprogramming utility system interpretive language | 多程式公用程式系统解译语言 | | | |
6139 | multiprogramming utility system | 多程式公用程式系统 | | | |
6140 | multiprogramming with fixed tasks | 固定任务数多程式设计 | | | |
6141 | multiprogramming with variable tasks | 可变任务数多程式设计 | | | |
6142 | multiprogramming | 多程式;多重规划 | | | |
6143 | multiproject automated control system | 多元自控系统 | | | |
6144 | multiprotocol | | 多协议 | | |
6145 | multiprotocol adapter | 多协定配接器 | | | |
6146 | multiprotocol communications controller | 多协定通信控制器 | | | |
6147 | multiprotocol over ATM | | ATM上的多协议 | | |
6148 | multipulse linear predictive coding | 多脉冲线性预估编码 | | | |
6149 | multipurpose | 多用途的;万用的 | | | |
6150 | multipurpose acquisition and control system | 多用途撷取与控制系统 | | | |
6151 | multipurpose automatic data analysis center | 多用途自动资料分析中心 | | | |
6152 | multipurpose automatic data analysis machine | 多用途自动资料分析机 | | | |
6153 | multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic system | 多用途自动检查与诊断系统 | | | |
6154 | multipurpose automatic test system | 多用途自动测试系统 | | | |
6155 | multipurpose communications and signaling | 多用途通信与发信 | | | |
6156 | multipurpose computer aided design | 多目的电脑辅助设计 | | | |
6157 | multipurpose computer | 多用途计算机;多用途电脑;多目的计算机 | | | |
6158 | multipurpose information processor | 多目的资讯处理机 | | | |
6159 | multipurpose international securities trading information | 多用途国际安全贸易资讯 | | | |
6160 | multipurpose Internet mail extensions | | 多用途因特网邮件扩充 | | |
6161 | multipurpose internet mail extensions | 多用途网际网路邮件扩充(传输标准) | | | |
6162 | multipurpose key pack | 多目的键组 | | | |
6163 | multipurpose language | 多目的语言 | | | |
6164 | multipurpose programming language | 多用途程式设计语言 | | | |
6165 | multipurpose research system | 多目的研究系统 | | | |
6166 | multipurpose system simulator | 多目的系统模拟器 | | | |
6167 | multipurpose unit | 多目的单元 | | | |
6168 | multipurpose user oriented software technology | 多目的使用者导向软体技术 | | | |
6169 | multiqueue dispatching | 多伫列调度 | | | |
6170 | multiqueue system | 多伫列系统 | | | |
6171 | multiqueuing system | 多伫列系统 | | | |
6172 | multiradix computer | 多基数计算机 | | | |
6173 | multirange amplifier | 多量程放大器;多 围放大器 | | | |
6174 | multiread feeding | 多读馈送 | | | |
6175 | multiread head | 多读磁头 | | | |
6176 | multiread single write | 多读单写 | | | |
6177 | multireasonable check | 多重合理检查 | | | |
6178 | multirecord block | 多记录块 | | | |
6179 | multireel file | 多卷档案 | | | |
6180 | multireel labeled file | 多卷有标档案 | | | |
6181 | multireel sorting | 多卷分类 | | | |
6182 | multireel tape file | 多卷磁带档案 | | | |
6183 | multireel unlabeled file | 多卷无标号档案 | | | |
6184 | multiregion operation | 多区域作业;多区域操作 | | | |
6185 | multiregion system | 多区域系统 | | | |
6186 | multiregional input/output | 多区域输入输出 | | | |
6187 | multiregional processing center | 多域处理中心 | | | |
6188 | multiregister | 多暂存器(逻辑块) | | | |
6189 | multiregister | 多暂存器(逻辑块) | | | |
6190 | multiregister operation | 多暂存器运算 | | | |
6191 | multirelation | | 多重关系 | | |
6192 | multirequester | 多重请求者 | | | |
6193 | multiresidue code | 多残馀码 | | | |
6194 | multiresolution | | 多分辨率 | | |
6195 | multiresolution analysis | | 多分辨率分析 | | |
6196 | multiresolution curve | | 多分辨率曲线 | | |
6197 | multiresource | 多资源 | | | |
6198 | multirun study | 多运行研究 | | | |
6199 | multirunning | 多运行 | | | |
6200 | multisatellited link | 多卫星链路 | | | |
6201 | multiscale analysis | | 多尺度分析 | | |
6202 | multischedule private line | 多排程专用线 | | | |
6203 | multisegment | 多片 | | | |
6204 | multisegment environment | 多片环境 | | | |
6205 | multisegment index | 多片段索引 | | | |
6206 | multisegment mode | 多片模式 | | | |
6207 | multisegment program | 多片程式 | | | |
6208 | multisegment structure | 多片结构 | | | |
6209 | multisegment type | 多片型 | | | |
6210 | multisensor display | 多感测器显示 | | | |
6211 | multisensor display group | 多感测器显示群 | | | |
6212 | multisequencing | 多定序 | | | |
6213 | multisequential system | 多序列系统 | | | |
6214 | multiserver loss queuing model | 多伺服器损失伫列模型 | | | |
6215 | multiserver network | 多伺服器网路 | | | |
6216 | multisession | 多场次对话 | | | |
6217 | multiset | 多(重)集 | 多重集 | | |
6218 | multishare network architecture | 多重共享网路架构 | | | |
6219 | multishift operation | 多移位运算 | | | |
6220 | multisource | 多源 | | | |
6221 | multispecification source map | 多规格源图 | | | |
6222 | multispectral data analysis system | 多谱资料分析系统 | | | |
6223 | multispectral image | 多谱影像 | 多光谱图像 | | |
6224 | multispectral photography | 多谱照相术 | | | |
6225 | multispeed clock feature | 多速时钟特徵 | | | |
6226 | multispeed digital tape recorded | 多速数位磁带记录 | | | |
6227 | multispeed repeater | 多速转发器 | | | |
6228 | multistage | | 多级 | | |
6229 | multistage decision processes | 多阶段决策过程 | | | |
6230 | multistage interconnection | 多阶段互连 | | | |
6231 | multistage interconnection network | 多阶段互连网路 | | | |
6232 | multistage model | 多阶段模型 | | | |
6233 | multistage network | 多阶段网路 | 多级网络 | | |
6234 | multistage network parameter | 多阶段网路参数 | | | |
6235 | multistage operations | 多阶段操作 | | | |
6236 | multistage switching network | 多阶段交换网路 | | | |
6237 | multistar topology | 多星状拓扑学 | | | |
6238 | multistate information system | 多状态资讯系统 | | | |
6239 | multistatement | 多重叙述 | | | |
6240 | multistatement line | 多叙述行 | | | |
6241 | multistation | 多站 | | | |
6242 | multistation access unit | 多站存取单元 | | | |
6243 | multistation circuit | 多站电路 | | | |
6244 | multistation communication network | 多站通信网路 | | | |
6245 | multistation configuration | 多站组态 | | | |
6246 | multistation control unit | 多站控制单元 | | | |
6247 | multistation switching network | 多站交换网路 | | | |
6248 | multistep | 多步 | | | |
6249 | multistep control | 多步控制 | | | |
6250 | multistep decision | 多步决策 | | | |
6251 | multistep method | 多步法 | | | |
6252 | multistep task | 多步任务 | | | |
6253 | multistrategy negotiation | | 多策略协商 | | |
6254 | multistream batch processing | 多流批次处理 | | | |
6255 | multistream system | 多流系统 | | | |
6256 | multistreaming | 多流技术 | | | |
6257 | multistrike | 多重击打 | | | |
6258 | multistrip coupler | 多带耦合器 | | | |
6259 | multistroke character entry | 多击键字元登录 | 多击键字符录入 | | |
6260 | multistyli head | 多针头 | | | |
6261 | multistyli recorder | 多针记录器 | | | |
6262 | multistyli recording | 多针记录 | | | |
6263 | multisubscriber time-shared computer system | 多用户分时(计算机系统) | | | |
6264 | multisubscriber time-shared | 多用户分时(计算机系统) | | | |
6265 | multisubstitution cipher | 多次代换密码;多重置换密码 | | | |
6266 | multisubsystem adapter | 多子系统配接器 | | | |
6267 | multisync | 多同步;多频显示器 | | | |
6268 | multiSync | 多频 | | | |
6269 | multisync monitor | 多频监视器 | | | |
6270 | multisystem | 多系统 | | | |
6271 | multisystem automatic test equipment | 多系统自动测试设备 | | | |
6272 | multisystem communication unit | 多系统通信单元 | | | |
6273 | multisystem computer | 多系统计算机 | | | |
6274 | multisystem environment | 多系统环境 | | | |
6275 | multisystem mode | 多系统模式 | | | |
6276 | multisystem networking facility | 多系统网路连结设施 | | | |
6277 | multisystem operation | 多系统操作 | | | |
6278 | multisystem tape | 多系统磁带 | | | |
6279 | multitape | 多带 | | | |
6280 | multitape transmission | 多带传输 | | | |
6281 | multitape Turing machine | 多带杜林机 | 多带图灵机 | | |
6282 | multitask | 多任务 | 多任务 | | |
6283 | multitask disk system | 多任务磁碟系统 | | | |
6284 | multitask environment | 多任务环境 | | | |
6285 | multitask function | 多任务功能 | | | |
6286 | multitask link control | 多任务链接控制 | | | |
6287 | multitask management | | 多任务管理 | | |
6288 | multitask monitor | 多任务监视器 | | | |
6289 | multitask operation | 多任务作业 | | | |
6290 | multitask process | 多任务过程 | | | |
6291 | multitask terminal system | 多任务终端系统 | | | |
6292 | multitasking | | 多任务处理 | | |
6293 | multitasking control | 多任务控制 | | | |
6294 | multitasking efficiency | 多任务效率 | | | |
6295 | multitasking executive | 多任务执行 | | | |
6296 | multitasking operation system | 多任务作业系统 | | | |
6297 | multitasking programming | 多任务程式设计 | | | |
6298 | multitasking real-time I/O bound process | 多任务即时输入输出界限处理 | | | |
6299 | multitasking software | 多任务软体 | | | |
6300 | multitasking system program | 多任务系统程式 | | | |
6301 | multitasking with a fixed number of tasks | 固定任务数多任务 | | | |
6302 | multitasking | 多任务;多重任务 | | | |
6303 | multiterminal access and transfer equipment | 多终端存取与传送设备 | | | |
6304 | multiterminal executive | 多终端执行 | | | |
6305 | multiterminal interface | 多终端介面 | | | |
6306 | multiterminal monitor | | 多终端监控程序 | | |
6307 | multiterminal network | 多终端网路 | | | |
6308 | multiterminal service | 多终端服务 | | | |
6309 | multiterminal support | 多终端支援 | | | |
6310 | multiterminal time-sharing system | 多终端分时系统 | | | |
6311 | multiterminal | 多终端 | | | |
6312 | multithread | 多线 | 多线程 | | |
6313 | multithread application program | 多线应用程式 | | | |
6314 | multithread input | 多线输入 | | | |
6315 | multithread operation | 多线作业 | | | |
6316 | multithread processing | 多线处理 | 多线程处理 | | |
6317 | multithreading | 多线 | | | |
6318 | multithreading executive | 多线执行 | | | |
6319 | multithreshold | 多定限 | | | |
6320 | multitone circuit | 多音电路 | | | |
6321 | multitone transmission system | 多音传输系统 | | | |
6322 | multitrack | 多轨 | | | |
6323 | multitrack error | 多轨错误 | | | |
6324 | multitrack function | 多轨功能 | | | |
6325 | multitrack head | 多轨头 | | | |
6326 | multitrack operation | 多轨作业 | | | |
6327 | multitrack parallel recording | 多轨平行记录 | | | |
6328 | multitrack tape | 多轨带 | | | |
6329 | multitrack tape unit | 多轨磁带机 | | | |
6330 | multitrack unit | 多轨单元 | | | |
6331 | multitrack-Turing machine | 多轨杜林机 | | | |
6332 | multiturn film head | 多匝薄膜磁头 | | | |
6333 | multi-unit addressing | 多单元定址 | | | |
6334 | multi-unit call | 多单元呼叫 | | | |
6335 | multi-unit machine | 多单元机器 | | | |
6336 | multi-unit message | 多单元讯息 | | | |
6337 | multi-unit supervisory control | 多单元监督控制 | | | |
6338 | multi-use | 多用途 | | | |
6339 | multi-use chaining channel | 多用途 接通道 | | | |
6340 | multi-use mnemonics | 多用途助忆符 | | | |
6341 | multi-use register | 多用途暂存器 | | | |
6342 | multiuser | | 多用户 | | |
6343 | multi-user BASIC | 多用户BASIC语言;多用户培基语言 | | | |
6344 | multi-user data flow architecture | 多用户资料流架构 | | | |
6345 | multi-user database management system | 多用户数据库管理系统 | | | |
6346 | multi-user dimension | 多用户地牢 | | | |
6347 | multi-user dungeon | 多用户地牢 | | | |
6348 | multi-user environment | 多用户环境 | | | |
6349 | multi-user executive | 多用户执行 | | | |
6350 | multi-user monitor | 多用户监视器 | | | |
6351 | multi-user multitask | 多用户多任务 | | | |
6352 | multi-user operating system | 多用户操作系统 | | | |
6353 | multi-user operation | 多用户操作;多用户运行 | | | |
6354 | multi-user symbolic debugger | 多用户符号除错器 | | | |
6355 | multiuser system | | 多用户系统 | | |
6356 | multi-user system | 多用户系统 | | | |
6357 | multi-user terminal executive | 多用户终端执行 | | | |
6358 | multi-user terminal translator | 多用户终端翻译器 | | | |
6359 | multi-user | 多用户 | | | |
6360 | multivalue | 多值 | | | |
6361 | multivalue decision | 多值决策 | | | |
6362 | multivalue dependency | 多值相依 | | | |
6363 | multivalue logic | 多值逻辑 | | | |
6364 | multivalue logic device | 多值逻辑装置 | | | |
6365 | multivalue logic simulation | 多值逻辑模拟 | | | |
6366 | multivalue operand | 多值运算元 | | | |
6367 | multivalued dependence | | 多值依赖 | | |
6368 | multivariable | 多变数 | | | |
6369 | multivariable analysis | 多变数分析 | | | |
6370 | multivariable control | 多变数控制 | | | |
6371 | multivariable controller | | 多变量控制器 | | |
6372 | multivariable feedback system | 多变数回馈系统 | | | |
6373 | multivariable programming | 多变数程式设计 | | | |
6374 | multivariable statistic reasoning | | 多元统计推理 | | |
6375 | multivariable stochastic reasoning | | 多元随机推理 | | |
6376 | multivariant counter | 多变数计数器 | | | |
6377 | multivariate analysis | 多变数分析 | | | |
6378 | multivariate distribution | 多变数分布 | | | |
6379 | multivariate interpolation | 多变数内插 | | | |
6380 | multivariate normal distribution | 多变数常态分配 | | | |
6381 | multivector | 多向量 | | | |
6382 | multivector device | 多向量装置 | | | |
6383 | multivector device handler | 多向量装置处置器 | | | |
6384 | multivectored interrupt | 多向量中断 | | | |
6385 | multiversion software | 多版本软体 | | | |
6386 | multivibrator | 复振器 | | | |
6387 | multivirtual storage | 多虚拟储存 | | | |
6388 | multivirtual system | 多虚拟系统 | | | |
6389 | multivolume | 多卷 | | | |
6390 | multivolume disk file | 多卷磁碟档案 | | | |
6391 | multivolume file | 多卷档案 | | | |
6392 | multivolume multi-file | 多卷多档案 | | | |
6393 | multiway | 多路 | | | |
6394 | multiway branch | 多方向分支 | | | |
6395 | multiway classification | 多路分类 | | | |
6396 | multiway decision | 多路决策 | | | |
6397 | multiway direct access | 多路直接存取 | | | |
6398 | multiway host processing | 多路主机处理 | | | |
6399 | multiway message transmission | 多路讯息传输 | | | |
6400 | multiway search tree | 多路搜寻树 | | | |
6401 | multiway tree | 多路树 | | | |
6402 | multiwindow | 多窗 | | | |
6403 | multiwindow display | 多窗显示 | | | |
6404 | multiwindow menu | 多窗选项单 | | | |
6405 | multiwindow object oriented system | 多视窗物件导向系统 | | | |
6406 | multiwindowing | 多窗技术 | | | |
6407 | multiwire channel | 多线通道 | | | |
6408 | multiwire element | 多线元件 | | | |
6409 | multiwire PC board | 多线个人电脑板 | | | |
6410 | multiword | 多字 | | | |
6411 | multiword binary data | 多字二进制资料 | | | |
6412 | multiword instruction | 多字指令 | | | |
6413 | multiword operand | 多字运算元 | | | |
6414 | multiword record | 多字记录 | | | |
6415 | multiwork station | 多工作站 | | | |
6416 | MUMPS | | MUMPS语言 | | |
6417 | MUMPS utility package | MUMPS公用程式包 | | | |
6418 | Murray code | 莫瑞码 | | | |
6419 | music | | 音乐 | | |
6420 | music instrument digital interface | | 乐器数字接口 | | |
6421 | music virus | 音乐病毒 | | | |
6422 | musical instrument digital interface | 乐器数位介面 | | | |
6423 | must fill | 必须全填 | | | |
6424 | must-be-zero | 必须为零 | | | |
6425 | must-operate value | 必作值 | | | |
6426 | must-release value | 必释值 | | | |
6427 | mutation | 变种 | 变异 | | |
6428 | mutation testing | 变化测试 | | | |
6429 | mutex | 互斥 | | | |
6430 | mutex semaphore | 互斥旗号 | | | |
6431 | mutual consistency | 互相一致 | | | |
6432 | mutual dependency | 互相依 | | | |
6433 | mutual exclusion | 互斥 | | | |
6434 | mutual exclusive call | 互斥呼叫 | | | |
6435 | mutual induction | 互感 | | | |
6436 | mutual information | 相互资讯;共通资讯 | | | |
6437 | mutual protection | 互保护 | | | |
6438 | mutual repulsion | 相互排斥 | | | |
6439 | mutual suspicion | | 互相怀疑 | | |
6440 | mutual-information | | 互信息 | | |
6441 | mutually exclusive | 互斥 | | | |
6442 | mutually synchronized network | 互同步网路 | | | |
6443 | mutually synchronized system | 互同步系统 | | | |
6444 | my compact operating system | 自用简洁操作系统 | | | |
6445 | Mycin | Mycin专家系统 | | | |
6446 | mylar | 美拉;聚酯胶膜 | | | |
6447 | mylar ribbon | | 聚酯色带 | | |
6448 | mylar tape | 美拉带 | | | |
6449 | myriabit | 万位元 | | | |
6450 | myriabit memory | 万位元记忆体 | | | |
6451 | myriabit storage | 万位元储存器 | | | |
6452 | mystic | 密士提克写码系统 | | | |